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Chapter 2


The review of related literature for this study focuses on Dengue Fever. The review
focuses on ways of preventing dengue, causes of dengue, the symptoms of dengue, etcetera. This
chapter begins by a definition of Dengue fever, followed by ways of preventing dengue, then the
symptoms of dengue, and 12 quick facts about dengue-carrying mosquitoes.
Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne disease that occurs in tropical and subtropical areas of
the world. Dengue fever is a very serious illness that you get if a mosquito infected with a
particular virus bites you.
Ways of preventing Dengue fever:

Know the enemy: Aedes mosquitoes, the main type of mosquito that spreads
dengue. Mosquito breeding sites include artificial water containers such as
discarded tires, uncovered water storage barrels, buckets, flower vases or pots,

cans, and cisterns.

Know the time dengue mosquitos bite: The dengue mosquito has two peak
periods of biting activity: in the morning for several hours after daybreak and in
the late afternoon for several hours before dark. Nevertheless, the mosquito may
feed at any time during the day, especially indoors, in shady areas, or when it is

Avoid getting mosquito bites:
- Use insect repellent on uncovered skin surfaces when outdoors, especially
the day. When using sunscreen, apply it before insect repellent.
- Repellents containing 30% to 50% DEET (N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide) are
recommended for adults and children over 2 months of age and effective for

several hours. Repellents with lower amounts of DEET offer shorter-term

protection and must be applied more often.
- Repellents containing up to 15% picaridin, which must be applied often, are
available in the US. Repellents with higher concentrations of picaridin may be
available in some regions outside the US.
- Protect infants less than 2 months of age by using a carrier draped with mosquito
netting with an elastic edge for a tight fit.
- Wear loose, long-sleeved shirts and long pants when outdoors.
- Clothing may also be sprayed with repellent containing permethrin or another
EPA-registered repellent for greater protection. (Remember: don't use permethrin
on skin.)
- If traveling in dengue infested areas, stay in hotels or resorts that are well
screened or air conditioned and take measures to reduce the mosquito population.
Some symptoms of dengue fever:

Fever. Commonly lasts for 1-7 days. It soon recurs with secondary rashes which is

usually not as severe as before.

Headache. headache in front portion of head or behind the eyes.
Muscular (Myalgia) or bone pain. The pain may last for several weeks even after

the fever has subsided.

Nausea and vomiting.
Loss of appetite.
Increased sensation to touch
Increased taste sensation.

12 quick facts about Dengue-carrying mosquitoes:

Only the female aedes mosquito is capable of carrying dengue virus. They can also carry
other diseases as well. They can be carriers of malaria, yellow fever, encephalitis, etc.

No one is exempted from mosquito bites. Human, apes and other mammals can be

sources of blood. Generally, the one who bites are female mosquitoes.
Mosquitoes locate blood hosts by scent, sight and heat. From 100 feet away (30 meters)
mosquitoes can smell your scent, especially the carbon dioxide (CO2) you exhale. They

are most attracted to smelly scents.

Female aedes aegypti mosquito, the specie that carries dengue infection, hunts blood
from sunrise to sunset. This is the reason why dengue virus is not transmitted after six

oclock because Aedes mosquito bites only at daytime.

Female mosquito thrives on blood. She needs at least three victims in order to complete

her blood meal to develop her eggs.

Every time an infected mosquito bites, virus transmission happens.
Female mosquito lays her eggs when blood meal is satisfied or completed.
Mosquitoes prefer to lay their eggs in dark area with stagnant, clean or clear water and

rough surface.
Female mosquito can lay 100 to 300 eggs at a time and may average 1,000 to 3,000
offsprings during her life span. About 80% of the hatched mosquitoes are female, which

repeat the insects life cycle

The average life span of a female mosquito is 3 to 100 days. The male lives 10 to 20

It takes only a few hours for the mosquito eggs to hatch, and almost a week for the larva

to become adult mosquito.

Most mosquitoes remain within a 1 mile radius of their breeding site because they dont
like to travel. That is why most dengue cases are located near its breeding grounds.

There are many things you should know in the case of dengue fever. The ways and facts
written above are just some of the many thing you should know regarding Dengue fever.
However, this can be a big help for the residents who do not know much about dengue

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