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The Spire


JANUARY 17, 2017


Hunter Grey Copeland

Son of Darden and Natalie Copeland
January 15, 2017

Coming soon!

Author of over 30 books, Rubel Shelly is a professor at Lipscomb

University and the former president of Rochester College. His
work has been largely influential in calling unity to the body of
Christ and is is widely cited by many pastors & scholars.
All Elders, Board Members, Deacons,
and spouses are asked to attend!
Members are also encouraged to
attend! Childcare is available.

The Gospelaires will be performing

Sunday, Jan. 29 in the 9:30 AM service


Stephen Ministry Update

A new Stephen Ministry training class is
underway! The 50 hours of training will
continue until May when they will be
commissioned as Stephen Ministers.
Stephen Ministers are trained to provide
one-on-one care to people experiencing a
difficult time in life, such as grief, divorce, job
loss, chronic or terminal illness, relocation, or
separation due to military deployment.
Woodmont Christian Church 615.297.8563 3601 Hillsboro Road Nashville, Tennessee 37215


Growing Disciples of Christ by Seeking God,
Sharing Love, and Serving Others.



Outstanding Worship
Different Traditions
Mission & Ministry
On The Move


Wed., Jan. 18

Wed., Jan. 25

This class will focus on spiritual

practices like Bible Study, prayer,
worship, stewardship, tithing,
meditation, service, and more. We
will also talk about how Christianity
is more than just showing up on
Sunday - it is a way of life and a way
of treating others. A spiritual gifts
inventory will also be a part of this

This class will focus on ministry and

mission. At Woodmont, we believe
that everybody should be involved in
a ministry on a regular basis. Ministry
is not just something that the pastoral
staff does. It is something that God
is calling all of us to do. We have all
been given spiritual gifts and we need to
identify them.


Dr. Clay Stauffer, Senior Minister

Dr. C. Roy Stauffer Minister of Adult Education & Church Life
Rev. Justin Gung Minister of Children & Congregational Care
Farrell Mason Minister of Family Life & Pastoral Care
Rev. Chris Cox Minister of Youth
Michael Graham Director of Music Ministry
Mary Clare Pyron Parish Nurse
Katie Sheridan Gossage Assistant Youth Ministry Director
Thom Schuyler Director of Young Adults, Missions & Outreach
Andra Moran Creative Director, The Bridge
Stephen Daniel King Worship Musician
Abby McLean Childrens Ministry Director
Anne-Marie Farmer Director of Small Groups & Connections


Chris Beck Business Administrator
Mandy Barton Brown Executive Assistant
Russell Davis Accompanist
Martha Duff Director of Preschool
MacKenzie Baldwin Administrative Assistant
Sam Marsh Property & Facilities Manager
Matt Diffenderfer Communications Director

Woodmonts 2017 Nominating Committee is now accepting

2017 Nominating Committee
nominations for the following leadership positions:
is now accepting
for the
Board Members at-large (3)
Elders (6)
following leadership
Deacons (30)

Treasurer /Secretary(1)

Board Members
(3) own understanding and practice of
Leaders must be active in the congregations
life and seek to
grow in their
(6)selection of persons for leadership positions:
a Christian life. The following shall be considered
in the

Deacons (30)

Does the nominee:

- continually
serve WoodmontVISIT
with faithful
- seek and share opportunities for spiritual growth with others,
pg 2
- give of his/her time, talent, and treasure,

For assistance, please call the church office at

615.297.8563 or email
Get the most up-to-date information at
Woodmont Christian Church
3601 Hillsboro Road
Nashville, Tennessee 37215

Everything Rises and Falls on Leadership

by Clay Stauffer

As many of you know, we are currently in the process of taking nominations for church leadership
positions. Nominations will be accepted through the end of this month, January 31st. We are
nominating one Treasurer, three At-Large Board Members, six Elders, and thirty Deacons. These
are all very important positions in the life of this church I am thankful to Dr. Mark Clymer for
chairing this years nominating committee it is a big job. You can nominate by going to this link:
I would like to share some honest thoughts with you about leadership because it is something that I think
about and reflect upon often. I take my role as a leader very seriously. Leadership is important, but leadership is not easy.
Leaders get both praised and criticized simultaneously. The criticism can hurt but its part of being in leadership. It is simply
impossible to make everybody happy when it comes to a large, dynamic organization. Tony Jarvis talks about the challenges
and even the no win predicament of leadership in his book With Love and Prayers: If a leader is strong, undeterred by
projection, blame, and calumny, he is then labeled as arrogant, as authoritative, as dictatorial. If he sets aside his initiatives,
goes with the way the wind is blowing, if he backs down at all, he is immediately labeled as weak and a waffler. Leadership
is not easy but is always necessary. In his book In the Name of Jesus: Reflections on Christian Leadership, Henri Nouwen says this:
In our world of loneliness and despair, there is an enormous need for men and women who know the heart of God, a heart
that forgives, cares, reaches out, and wants to heal. In that heart, there is no suspicion, no vindictiveness, no resentment,
and not a tinge of hatred. It is a heart that wants only to give love and receive love in response. It is a heart that suffers
immensely because it sees the magnitude of human pain and the great resistance to trusting the heart of God who wants to
offer consolation and hope.
Leadership expert John Maxwell says that Everything rises and falls on leadership. He has written numerous books over
the years but in one of those books titled The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader, he names the primary qualities that
need to be present. We should think about these as we nominate our leaders at Woodmont again this year. Here are a few:
CHARACTER What type of character does the person have? COMMITMENT Are they committed to Woodmont and its
mission? COMMUNICATION Do they communicate well with others and receive input and feedback? COURAGE Do they
live courageously in the face of fear? GENEROSITY Are they generous with their time, talent, and treasure? INITIATIVE
Do they take initiative or do they sit back and wait for somebody else to do it? LISTENING Do they listen to others even
if they disagree? PASSION Are they passionate about Woodmont and all that happens here? POSITIVE ATTITUDE - Do
they maintain a positive, hopeful spirit or do they criticize and bring others down? PROBLEM SOLVING Do they help solve
problems or help create them? RELATIONSHIPS Are they good at cultivating relationships with others inside and outside
of the church? RESPONSIBILITY Are they responsible and can they handle additional responsibility? SELF-DISCIPLINE
Do they manage themselves well and are they committed to growing spiritually? SERVANTHOOD Are they willing to lead
by serving? TEACHABILITY Are they willing to constantly learn and grow? VISION Will they help us set a vision for the
future? Obviously, not every leader has all of these qualities but these qualities are important as we choose those who will
lead at Woodmont.
Ultimately, the example we follow is that of Jesus who said, The Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give
his life as a ransom for many (Mark 10:45). He also said, If any want to become my followers, they must DENY THEMSEVLES,
take up their cross and follow me. (Matt 16:24) It is also important to ask if we are exhibiting the fruits of the spirit: Love, joy,
peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. (Gal 5:22) Many people in our world long to
be leaders but they are not willing to be servants. Many long for power and influence, but dont want the responsibility and
the accountability that comes along with it. You cant have it both ways. We are blessed at Woodmont with many talented
and gifted lay leaders. All of us are called to serve and put others before ourselves. As you think about nominees this year,
please ask the following questions:

1) Are they serious about their faith and spiritual life?

2) Do they have a servants heart and have they demonstrated leadership ability?

3) Are they committed to the overall well-being of Woodmont and our mission?

4) Are they present on a regular basis in worship and in other activities/ministries and do they support Woodmont

with their time, talent, and treasure?

5) Will they help move Woodmont forward in the years to come?

P.S. Join us this Saturday morning Jan. 21st at 9 a.m. in Drowota Hall for a leadership
breakfast with speaker Dr. Rubel Shelly. This is one way that we continue to learn and grow.
pg 3

Why Small Groups?

by Anne-Marie Farmer

After fifteen years as a Spire reader, Im sitting down to write a column for the first time! Its
an incredible honor to take on a new role here, as Director of Small Groups and New Member
Connections. For those I havent had a chance to meet yet, heres a little introduction.
Im currently an elder at Woodmont, and my interests include education advocacy, reading,
gardening, and any way to be outdoors. Im a lawyer by training, having most recently taught at
Vanderbilt Law School. I lived in Mississippi and Arkansas before landing in Nashville at the age of ten.
My husband, Jonathan, and I have been very involved in this church for years, and in return, this church and all of you have
been a tremendous blessing in our lives. We have two sons, Henry (a 5th grader at JT Moore Middle School) and George (a
2nd grader at Glendale Elementary).
What is a small group? Why are small groups important, especially in a large church? For me, a small group can take many
forms a Sunday school class, a regular Bible study meeting, a dinner or lunch group, a walking group, a CWF circle, you name
it. In the small group setting, Christians come together to build community, form friendships, and learn from each other. It is
in relationship to other Christians that we grow and live into our faith, and small groups provide an ideal setting for doing so.
The bonds of friendship formed in a small group also create the relationships we lean on in difficult times, and we celebrate
with in good times.
Are you interested in leading a new small group? Is there an activity, a topic of study, or even an adventure youd like to
undertake with a group of fellow Christians? Could you use some additional support for an existing group? Are you looking
for a small group or other place to plug in and get involved, to strengthen your faith and your sense of belonging, and to build
meaningful relationships? Lets talk! You can reach me at or 615-297-5943. Im excited about
where 2017 will take us, and I cant wait to hear from you!

2nd quarter outreach

funding awarded
Woodmonts Grants Committee recently met
and announced 2nd quarter outreach funding
awarded to:
Against the Grain
Better Decisions
Disciples Divinity House
Eastwood CC Childrens Center
Hope Clinic For Women
Men of Valor
Nashville Diaper Connection
Nations Ministry Center
Oasis Center
Open Table Nashville, Inc
World Convention
Ministers Discretionary Fund
pg 4

The Bridge 9:45 AM WORSHIP

January 2017

Woodmont's 2017 Habitat build EXPANDS TO FOUR WEEKENDS!

Every spring, Woodmont sponsors a Habitat for Humanity build that changes the lives of families - our church
family and the family we build a home for. Church members and friends come out in droves to put a hammer to a
nail, a paintbrush to a wall, and to get to know one another while doing the work of God.
This year, Woodmont will be serving ALL FOUR WEEKENDS IN MARCH! In addition to framing and roofing the first
two weeks in March, we will be finishing off the interior of the home the final two weekends for the first time.
2017 Habitat build dates: March 4-5, 11-12, 18-19, and 25-26. Signup info is coming soon!
pg 5

Back to the Start

by Chris Cox

Its funny how songs can hit you at odd angles and then never let go. There was an episode of
one of my favorite TV shows, Sports Night, in which a character thought the Three Dog Night song
Elis Coming represented the impending arrival of something sinister. He later realized the song
was actually about a womanizer named Eli from whom women should hide their hearts (which
actually can be kind of sinister), but this television character heard that song and felt like something
terrible was about to happen.
The Scientist by the band Coldplay is technically just a typical song about love lost. I know that in my head. Yet ever since
I first heard the song in college, it has become a spiritual song to me. In the refrain, the singer yearns Oh, take me back to
the start, and I began to hear in that lyric Gods desire to put back together all of the things that humanity has broken; Gods
desire to go back to the good that was intended for creation.
In the final refrain, the singer resolutely declares, Im going back to the start, and I hear the incarnation. I hear the God who
loves us so much that God came to earth in the form of a vulnerable baby, lived among us, loved us, taught us how to live,
was crucified, and rose from the dead. I hear the God who would do whatever possible to bridge the divide between heaven
and earth. I know the song is not about that, but that is what I hear every time.
The idea of going back to the start is in the DNA of the Christian faith. There is Jesus telling Nicodemus that one must be born
again. There is the story of the prodigal son returning home. There is an admonishment to a church in Revelation that they
need to return to God, their first love. In a symbolic sense, humanitys brokenness started at one tree in Eden and then God
fully entered into that brokenness on another tree at Cavalry to rescue us. We are repeatedly implored to go back to the start,
to begin anew. That is part of why our theme for our youth groups winter retreat is Back to the Start.
We can sometimes forget what drew us to our faith in the first place. Life becomes busy and we go through the motions.
All of which is why it is so important for us to come back to the story of our faith and remember why we follow God. When
E.A. and I were in premarital counseling, our minister told us to never forget the story of how we fell in love and to revisit it
often. In other words, we were encouraged to go back to the start, and I think the same principle can be applied to our faith.
Throughout scripture, Israel is implored to remember what God has done for them.
So my encouragement at the beginning of this new year is to go back to the start. Retrace the steps of your faith journey. How
did you get here? What have you learned? Where have you seen Gods love evident around you? Revisit the stories of scripture
that lit up your imagination or challenged you. And never forget the story of the God who did and would do whatever
possible to take us back to the start.

pg 6

Birthdays January 16-31:

Januarys Memory Verse:

Everyone who hears these words of mine and puts

them into practice is like a wise builder who built his
house on bedrock. The rain fell, the floods came, and
the wind9:30
and beat against the house,9:45
it didnt
Informal Worship
Service, Sanctuary
The on
Worship, Drowota Hall
fall because
it was firmly set
Sunday School Classes
- Matthew 7:24-25

Sunday Services

Sunday School Classes

Next Weeks Calendar

Sunday, Jan. 22
8:15 a.m.
Seekers Bible Study, Room 105
11:10 a.m.
Harris Child Dedication, Sanctuary

Monday, Jan. 23
3:00 p.m.
Geezers Mens Group, Boardroom
Tuesday, Jan. 24
9:00 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.

1/18 Oscar Bell

1/19 Iris Castellanos
1/23 Hudson Duvall
1/28 Rye Steele
1/29 Tessa Williams
1/30 Sophie11:00
Service, Sanctuary
1/30 Lee Queener

Womens Prayer Group, Campbell-Stone

GEMS Luncheon, Room 105
Handbell Practice, Choir Room

Wednesday, Jan. 25
6:15 a.m.
7:00 a.m.
7:00 a.m.
5:30 p.m.
5:45 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
6:30 p.m.

Mens Small Group, Room 100

Original Mens Bible Study, Room 105
Younger Mens Bible Study, Boardroom
Grace Notes Practice, Kids Commons
Wednesday Fellowship Dinner, Drowota
Choir Practice, Choir Room
Holy Yoga, Room 105
Discipleship Class Week 3, Boardroom
Early History of the Christian Church, Rm. 100

Thursday, Jan. 26
6:00 p.m.

Youth Basketball Practice, Drowota Hall

Upcoming Special Events

TUESDAY, JAN. 17, The WCC Book Club will begin the new year by reading The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot.
Anita Demster will be the discussion leader at 10:30 AM in Room 107. Everyone is invited to attend.
WEDNESDAY, JAN. 18, Socialize & relax with your church family during our Wednesday Fellowship Dinner at 5:45 PM! MENU:
Chicken Pot Pie, Black Eye Peas, Mixed Green Salad, & Apple Cake with Ice Cream. RSVP:
WEDNESDAY, JAN. 18, DISCIPLESHIP CLASS WEEK 2: SHARING - Led by Clay Stauffer, this class will help you identify your spiritual
gifts and strengths with discussion on practices like Bible Study, prayer, worship, stewardship, tithing, meditation, service, and more.
WEDNESDAY, JAN. 18, EARLY HISTORY OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH WEEK 2: Growth and Controversy 1830-1865. Led by Sara Harwell, 100.
SATURDAY, JAN. 21, Leadership Breakfast 9 AM with Dr. Rubel Shelly speaking on The Future of the Church. All Elders, Board Members,
Deacons, and spouses are asked to attend. Members are encouraged to attend. RSVP:
SUNDAY, JAN. 22, The Challenge Class begins a new 4 - 6 week study led by Woodmonts new intern Alexis James Waggoner on Free
Will and Gods Providence in Room 200 at 9:30 AM.
SUNDAY, JAN. 22, Seekers continues new study on the gospel of Mark at 8:30 AM. The text is available in the bookstore and Amazon.
TUESDAY, JAN. 24, GEMS (Greet, Eat, Meet, & Socialize) January luncheon at noon in 105. RSVP:
WEDNESDAY, JAN. 25, DISCIPLESHIP CLASS WEEK 3: SERVING - We believe everybody should be involved in ministry on a regular
basis. In this class, Woodmonts mission & ministry leaders will be sharing what they do and how you can get involved.
WEDNESDAY, JAN. 25, EARLY HISTORY OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH WEEK 3: Outreach and Division 1865-1906. Led by Sara Harwell, 100.
SUNDAY, JAN. 29, The Gospelaires will be performing in the 9:30 AM service.
SUNDAY, FEB. 5, 2017 Guatemala Trip Informational Meeting with Emmie Thomas and Thom Schuyler at noon in the Boardroom.
Woodmont will be making a return trip to visit our friends in Guatemala November 4-11, 2017. This will be an adult trip - the
high school youth will return in summer 2018. If you are interested in learning details and expectations about this life-changing
opportunity, please make plans to attend this important meeting!
TUESDAY, FEB. 7, In Februarys CWF meeting, learn about Restore Small Groups led by Scott Reall, a former Senior Wellness Director
at the Green Hills YMCA, who in 1994 started offering 12-Step groups for people who are searching for opportunities to make
changes to issues causing dissatisfaction in their lives. Board meeting 10 AM, General Meeting 11 AM, luncheon to follow at noon.
RSVP for luncheon:
SUNDAY, FEB. 12, Father-Daughter Dance at 4 PM in Drowota Hall! All fathers, stepfathers, grandfathers, uncles, and special father
figures are invited to join daughters of all ages. RSVP by Feb. 3 at
pg 7


with Alexis James Waggoner

The Challenge Class begins a new 4 - 6 week study led by Woodmonts new intern,
Alexis James Waggoner, on Free Will and Gods Providence in Room 200 at 9:30 AM.


Sympathy to Randy Smith, Beth Patillo
and their children (Sam and Meg) on the
passing of Randys mother, Mary Lou Smith.
She passed away Friday, January 13th.
Funeral service was on Tuesday, Jan. 17.




Donnie Creighton Norman

The Childrens Programs.

Barbara Lynch, daughter of Bob &

Peggy Bruce, Tallahassee, FL

The Young Adult Program.

Al & Pam Richardson

The ministerial staff as they lead the

congregation this new year.

George Shreeve, Woodcrest

Ed Kelly
Lee Ann Hawkins

Vicki Phillips

The new President as he takes office.

Lynn Bowers
Beverly Small

Anne Stauffer

Gus Stranch, son of Gerard & Patty Stranch

The Cooper Family lost their home to a

fire on December 21st. An online recovery
fund has been set up for those who feel
led to help:

Carol Parsons

Joyce Stanley, Jan Andersons sister

Clay Perry, son of Diane & Tim Perry,
grandson of Betty & Bill Johnson, Seattle

By Our Presence and Our Gifts

Ben Cherry

January 22, 2017 Elders and Deacons Serving

Deacons Serving

Sun. School Total Atd.
December 25
January 1
January 8
January 15


Worship Services January 22, 2017

9:30, 9:45, & 11:00 A.M. WORSHIP
Foundations: Things That Matter Week 3
Clay Stauffer
John 14: 25-27 & Galatians 5:16-26

Communion Prep: Joel Hysmith

Service Coordinator: 9:30 - Jonathan Farmer
9: 45 - Jerry Johnson 11:00 - Linda Webb
Video Camera: 9:30 - Don Rollins
11:00 - Christine Reed
9:30 a.m.
9:45. a.m.
11:00 a.m.
John Weldon
Kristen Newman DEACON NEEDED
Bob Faricy
Andrew Chelton Jeremiah Pyron
Randy Drinnon Stephanie Chelton Aaron Durbin
Sonny Berry Bette Christofersen
Don Hart
Laura Stephan
Mike Wright
Lindi Jobe
Laurie Hester
Steve LaForge
Jim Hester
William Liles

Elders Serving
9:30 a.m.
Martha Galyon
Fran Stewart
9:45 a.m.
Pam Richardson
11:00 a.m.
Faye Tevebaugh
Jade Forlidas
Hospital -

Pam Richardson

Coffee & Conversation - Monday, Feb. 13

As we enter 2017, America remains politically polarized. How do we as a Christian

community grapple with this? What can we do to help our nation heal?
Join Clay Stauffer and the Christian Church Regional Staff for coffee and discussion
around Clays book Preaching Politics in the Boardroom from 1 PM to 3 PM.

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