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Strengthen every muscle while blasting fat with
targeted routines.
Phase 1: Weeks 14
Follow the meal plan outlined here, which also includes a Food Swaps guide (on page
3). In addition, try to consume at least one gallon (16 cups) of water a day. And a
limited amount of sodium helps regulate body fluids, so dont be afraid to use lowcalorie condiments like mustard and hot sauce.

4 egg whites
cup (uncooked) instant oatmeal
10 almonds
Totals: 240 calories, 20g protein, 22g carbs, 8g fat
Mid-morning Snack
4 oz skinless, boneless chicken breast
3 oz sweet potato, boiled or baked, without skin
oz English walnuts, shelled
Totals: 258 calories, 26g protein, 17g carbs, 11g fat
4 oz skinless, boneless chicken breast
cup long-grain brown rice
1 cup chopped broccoli, boiled or steamed
Totals: 263 calories, 29g protein, 34g carbs, 3g fat
Midday Snack
1 scoop whey protein isolate
large (8") banana
1 tbsp natural peanut butter
Totals: 271 calories, 29g protein, 19g carbs, 9g fat

5 oz cod
1 white corn tortilla
1 cup sliced zucchini, boiled
2 cups mixed greens
10 almonds, crushed
cup cherry tomatoes, quartered
cup red onion
2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
Totals: 328 calories, 32g protein, 32g carbs, 9g fat
Evening Smoothie
1 scoops whey protein isolate
Totals: 158 calories, 38g protein, 0g carbs, 1g fat
Daily totals: 1,518 calories, 174g protein, 124g carbs, 40g fat

Phase 2: Weeks 58
In this phase, youll trim calories slightly to help drop body fat, although protein
intake will stay steady to make sure your metabolism remains high and youre
not losing muscle tissue along with the fat. Feel free to keep referring to the
Food Swaps list on page 3 as desired. And keep up your fluid intake, drinking at
least one gallon of water per day.
3 egg whites
2 oz 99% fat-free ground turkey breast
cup (uncooked) instant oatmeal
Totals: 214 calories, 29g protein, 19g carbs, 3g fat

Mid-morning Snack
4 oz skinless, boneless chicken breast
cup long-grain brown rice
Totals: 172 calories, 25g protein, 15g carbs, 2g fat
4 oz skinless, boneless chicken breast
1 cup black-eyed peas, boiled
1 cup chopped broccoli, steamed
Totals: 355 calories, 40g protein, 47g carbs, 3g fat
Midday Snack
4 oz 99% fat-free ground turkey breast
2 white corn tortillas
1 oz avocado
Totals: 257 calories, 31g protein, 20g carbs, 6g fat
4 oz cod
1 oz avocado
tbsp extra-virgin olive oil
2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
2 cups mixed greens
cup tomato
cup onion
Totals: 290 calories, 23g protein, 17g carbs, 14g fat
Evening Smoothie
1 scoop whey protein isolate
1 tbsp organic flaxseeds
Totals: 160 calories, 27g protein, 3g carbs, 5g fat
Daily totals: 1,448 calories, 175g protein, 121g carbs, 33g fat
Phase 3: Weeks 912
Your carb and protein intake drop a bit more during this phase, reducing your
total calories and helping your body dig further into its fat stores. (Healthy fat
intake stays steady, though, to help you feel full and to fuel your muscles.) Keep

drinking plenty of water so you stay well hydrated. And dont forget to swap out
for your favorite foods! Note: For Week 12, see Diet Must-Dos HERE for specific
dietary instructions and guidelines.
5 egg whites
cup (uncooked) instant oatmeal
Totals: 188 calories, 22g protein, 20g carbs, 2g fat
Mid-morning Snack
4 oz skinless, boneless chicken breast
1 cup raw green beans
10 almonds
Totals: 200 calories, 27g protein, 10g carbs, 8g fat
4 oz skinless, boneless chicken breast
cup long-grain brown rice
2 cups mixed greens
cup tomato
cup onion
1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
Totals: 227 calories, 26g protein, 26g carbs, 2g fat
Midday Snack
4 oz skinless, boneless chicken breast
3 oz sweet potato, boiled or baked, without skin
oz English walnuts, shelled
Totals: 258 calories, 26g protein, 17g carbs, 11g fat
4 oz skinless, boneless turkey breast
1 oz avocado
10 almonds
2 cups mixed greens
cup cherry tomatoes, quartered

cup yellow onion

2 tbsp balsamic vinegar

The Training Plan

> Phase 1, Weeks 14: Complete all workouts as outlined in the base program
on page 2. Each week, swap one exercise per body part for a new one from
the Exercise Exchange List on page 3. Do cardio five days a week for 45
> Phase 2, Weeks 58: Continue using the base program and swapping out
one exercise per body part each week. Keep up with the cardio, five days a
week for 45 minutes. On leg day, perform five minutes of high-intensity intervals
on a stationary bike between each exercise. Do 60 seconds at 8090% max
heart rate (about an 89 on a scale of 110), followed by 60 seconds of slowerpaced active recovery. On chest day, do one set of close-grip pushups to failure
between each exercise. Keep hands slightly narrower than shoulder-width apart.
> Phase 3, Weeks 911: Continue the base plan, changing out one exercise
per body part from the Exercise Exchange Liston page 3. Continue with cardio
five days a week for 45 minutes. On leg day, do one minute of pop squats (jump
up and land with feet together, then jump feet out to sides as you squat, like a
jumping jack with a deep squat), lunge jumps, or alternating dynamic stepups
between each exercise. On chest day, do one set of incline pushups to failure
between each exercise, keeping hands slightly narrower than shoulder-width
> Week 12: See last page for your final training guidelines.
Strength Schedule
Day 1: Abs, Back
Day 2: Rest
Day 3: Legs
Day 4: Shoulders, Chest
Day 5: Yoga

Day 6: Arms, Abs, Back

Day 7: Rest
Cardio schedule*
Days 1, 2, 4, 5, 7: StepMill or treadmill set to 10% incline.
Days 3 and 6: Rest
*Performed for 45 minutes at a steady pace.

Exercise Exchange List

To keep your workout feeling fresh (and your muscles guessing what will
happen next), change up your routine by subbing in these exercises on strength
Weighted Crunch

Hanging Knee Raise

Kneeling Cable Crunch
Vertical-bench Leg Raise
Close-grip Pulldown
Seated Cable Rope Row
Dumbbell Row
Behind-the-neck Pulldown
Barbell Curl
Dumbbell Hammer Curl
Cable Preacher Curl
Barbell Bench Press
Flat-bench Dumbbell Press
Flat-bench Dumbbell Flye
Cable Crossover
Stationary Lunge
Hack Squat
Seated Hamstring Curl
Lying Hamstring Curl
Machine Lateral Raise
Bentover Dumbbell
Lateral Raise
Front Plate Raise
Smith Machine
Shoulder Press
Dumbbell Shoulder Press

Single-arm Overhead
Triceps Extension
Cable Overhead
Triceps Extension
Cable Pressdown
Exercise Descriptions
Weighted Hyperextension (Day 1)

Lie facedown on a hyperextension bench. Hook your heels under the footpads
and place your feet flat on the plate, toes forward.
Lean forward from your hips, upper body extended over the top edge of the
bench, and grasp a weight plate with both hands.
Raise your upper body, keeping the weight in front of your chest.
Pause briefly at the top, then slowly lower back to start.

Walking Barbell Lunge (Day 3 not shown)

Stand tall with a barbell resting across your upper back, with feet together and
toes pointed forward.
Lunge forward with your right foot; bend your left knee 90 degrees, lowering it
toward the floor.

Push of your right foot and step forward with your left, lowering your right
knee to the floor.

Stiff-leg Deadlift (Day 3 not shown)

Stand tall holding a barbell in front of your thighs with a shoulder-width, overhand grip, and your feet 68" apart.
Keeping your chest high, abs tight, and knees slightly bent, lean forward at
the hips, letting the bar naturally track away from your body.
Pause when you feel a good stretch along the back of your legs, then carefully
stand back up and reverse the motion by contracting your glutes and
hamstrings, allowing the bar to come closer to your body as you approach the
top position.
Squeeze your abs, back, and glutes at the top.
Repeat for reps.

Dumbbell Lateral Raise (Day 4 not shown)

Stand holding a pair of dumbbells at your sides with a neutral grip, palms
facing your body.
Bend your elbows slightly, keeping this bend throughout the exercise.
Raise the dumbbells out to your sides in a wide arc to about shoulder level.
Pause for a moment at the top, then return to the start position under control.
Repeat for reps.

Kettlebell Pullover (Day 6)

Rest your shoulders and upper back on a flat bench, your body perpendicular
to it.
Keep your feet firmly planted on the floor. Hold a kettlebell or dumbbell with
both hands above your face, arms extended, and elbows slightly bent.
Keeping a slight bend in your elbows, slowly lower the weight behind your
Pause at the bottom of the movement, then slowly lift the weight back over
your chest, keeping elbows slightly bent throughout.
Repeat for reps.

Close-grip Pushup (Phase 2, day 4)

Get into a pushup position, hands slightly narrower than shoulder width,
fingers pointed forward.
Keeping your body in a straight line and your core engaged, lower yourself to
the floor and press all the way back up.
Repeat for reps.

Standing Dumbbell Curl (Day 6)

Stand holding a dumbbell in each hand, arms at your sides. Keep your abs
tight, chest up, and head straight.
Contract your biceps and simultaneously curl both dumbbells up, keeping your
elbows tight at your sides.
Hold and squeeze at the top, then slowly reverse the movement, bringing the
dumbbells back to the start position.
Repeat for reps.

Lying Knee Lift (Day 1)

Lie faceup on the floor with your knees bent, calves parallel to floor.
Place your hands under your glutes, palms down.
Keeping your knees bent, lift hips toward the ceiling.
Hold the contraction at the top, then slowly lower your legs back to the start
position, squeezing your abs throughout the range of motion.

Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extension (Day 6)

Stand holding a dumbbell in each hand directly overhead, elbows extended

and palms facing inward.
Keeping your elbows in, slowly lower the dumbbells down behind your head
until you feel a stretch in your triceps.
Press the dumbbells back up to the start position.

Incline Dumbbell Flye (day 4)

Lie faceup on an incline bench set to about 45 degrees, with your feet flat on
the floor.
Hold dumbbells above your chest with your palms facing in front of you,
elbows slightly bent.
Keeping your elbows slightly bent, lower the weights until your arms are just
short of parallel to the floor.
Pause, then slowly return to the start position; repeat for reps.
Show Week
Achieve peak conditioning with these essential last-minute tips.
Seven Days to Showtime!
The last week of your plan is when all your nutrition and training come together.
To look your absolute best for your moment in the spotlight, follow these final
instructions in the days leading up to the competition.
Diet Must-Dos:
> During the first four days of this week (Sunday through Wednesday), follow
the diet as outlined in Phase 3, but cut the portion size of carb-heavy foods
like rice or sweet potatoesin half.

> On Thursday, resume eating the regular amount of carbs outlined in Phase 3.
Eliminate all added sodium.
> From Monday through Friday, increase your fluid intake from 1 gallon (16
cups) to 1.5 gallons (24 cups) a day.
> On Friday morning, cut your water intake to roughly two cups until noon. From
that point until the day of the show, dont consume any water. Also on Friday
morning, have about 50% more carbs at each meal (so, a portion and a half of
the carb-rich foods).
>On show day, cut the serving size of carb-rich foods at each meal.
Week 12: Workout Plan
Train on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday only.
Monday: Back/Bis
Perform all back exercises outlined in Day 1 of the program, plus two biceps
exercises from the Exercise Exchange List. Do these in circuit fashion.
Tuesday: Chest/Tris
Perform all chest exercises outlined in Day 4 of the program, plus two triceps
exercises from the Exchange List. Do these in circuit fashion.
Wednesday: Shoulders
Perform all shoulder exercises outlined in Day 4 of the program. Do these in
circuit fashion.
All 3 days: Abs
Choose two or three abs exercises each day, and do 3 sets of 2530 repetitions
All 3 days: Cardio
Each day do 30 minutes of high-intensity intervals (including a five-minute
warmup and cooldown) on the StepMill, or walk briskly on a treadmill set to 10%
incline. Do two minutes at 8090% maximum heart rate (89 on a scale of 1
10), followed by 60 seconds of slower-paced active rest.
Thursday & Friday: Rest.
Relax, take it easy, and get ready to focus on the show!


Absolutely everything you need to know about sculpting the sleekest, sexiest, and
strongest midsection of your life.


Small diet changes can make a big diference. To keep your metabolism (and
taste buds) humming, youll introduce a variety of new foods into your diet every
two weeks. Each phase includes two new recipes. These healthy, easy meals
will help you resist cravings and keep your diet on track.
Rock-Solid Protein
Protein will remain steady throughout the eight-week program to ensure youre
not sacrificing muscle.
Slow and Steady Calorie Reduction
Youll reduce calories slightly each phase. But reducing your calorie intake
doesnt have to be painful. To ensure youre still getting enough fuel for good
workouts, youll maintain a moderate intake of healthy fats throughout all
Serious Hydration
Aim to consume roughly 16 cups (1 gallon) of water over the course of the day.
Consuming large amounts of water over a short period of time can make you
feel physically full and interfere with your eating plan; be sure to spread out your
water and write it down in a food diary so you can stay on top of your intake.
PHASE 1 (Weeks 1-2)
4 egg whites
1 whole egg
3 oz chicken breast
cup green pepper
1 medium apple

Coconut-Lime Chicken Bites with Baked Zucchini Fries Get the recipe here!
4 oz turkey breast, boneless, skinless
cup brown cooked rice
1 cup broccoli, steamed
large grapefruit
cup cottage cheese
cup blueberries
10 almonds, chopped
Spicy Citrus Shrimp with Quinoa Get the recipe here!
20g whey protein isolate
tbsp peanut butter, natural
Daily Totals: 1,480 calories, 169g protein, 119g carbs, 40g fat
PHASE 2 (Weeks 3-4)
3 oz chicken breast, boneless, skinless
3 egg whites
1 whole egg
cup green pepper
6 almonds (as a side)
Purple Sweet Potato Parfait
4 oz turkey breast, boneless, skinless

cup brown cooked rice

1 cup broccoli, steamed
large grapefruit
cup cottage cheese
cup blueberries
10 almonds, chopped
Chicken Kabobs with Mediterranean Brown Rice Get the recipe here!
20g whey protein isolate
tbsp peanut butter, natural
Daily Totals: 1,437 calories, 164g protein, 124g carbs, 34g fat
PHASE 3 (Weeks 5-6)
cup oatmeal, uncooked
20g chocolate whey protein
tbsp coconut oil
cup egg whites
3 oz chicken breast, boneless, skinless
cup green peppers, chopped
large grapefruit
1 cup broccoli
cup cooked brown rice
4 oz turkey breast, boneless, skinless
Baked Sole with Grapefruit Avocado Salsa and cup brown rice Get the
recipe here!

Sweet Chili-Lime Barbecue Chicken with Cucumber Salad Get the recipe
6 egg whites
1 cup baby spinach
Daily Totals: 1,311 calories, 152g protein, 122g carbs, 24g fat
PHASE 4 (Weeks 7-8)
cup oatmeal, uncooked
20g vanilla whey protein
1 tbsp flaxseed
Dash of cinnamon
cup egg whites
3 oz chicken breast, boneless, skinless
2 oz avocado
large grapefruit
1 cup broccoli
4 oz cooked sweet potato
4 oz turkey breast, boneless, skinless
Beef Lettuce Wraps
Barbecue Tilapia with Mango Salsa and 1 cup asparagus Get the recipe
6 egg whites
1 cup baby spinach

Why is this abs workout diferent from any other? Simple: This eight-week
program has been carefully selected to work your entire midsection, hitting your
abs from every angle, three times a week. The abs, while actually one muscle,
really function as three diferent sections (upper, lower, and obliques). Theres
also an area that lies beneath the upper and lower abs, normally referred to as
the core. Paired with our belly-flattening menu, this is a surefire plan that will
help you blast through that unwanted tummy flab and boast abs that are leaner,
sharper, and more defined than you ever thought possible.
Dial in Your Training
Youll continue with your regular weight-training routine and use the workouts
detailed below to zero in on your abs three times a week, resting at least two
days between sessions.
Angle Your Attack
Each two-week phase includes abs workouts consisting of four diferent
exercises, all of which challenge four diferent areas of your midsection (one
upper, lower, oblique, and core movement) to get your abs popping from every
Carve with Cardio
Weeks 14, youll perform 30 minutes of cardio 45 days a week, working at
6070% of your max heart rate (MHR). Then, Weeks 58, youll increase your
cardio to 45 minutes for 56 days a week, working at 7075% of your MHR. Do
cardio workouts after your abs routine.

Dumbbell Crunch
Works: Upper Abs

Lie faceup on the floor with your knees bent, and your feet and lower
back on the floor.

Grasp the ends of a dumbbell in both hands with your arms extended
toward the ceiling.

Crunch up contracting your abs to lift your shoulder blades of the floor
while keeping your arms straight.

Pause, momentarily holding the contraction at the top of the movement

before lowering back to start.

Reverse Oblique Crunch

Works: Lower Abs, Obliques

Lie faceup on the floor with your hands by your sides, feet up and
together, thighs perpendicular to the floor.

Contract your lower abs to roll your pelvis upward and raise your hips of
the floor.

As you pull your legs in, twist your torso and angle both knees toward
your right shoulder.

Slowly return to start, then repeat, twisting legs to the left side.

Exercise Ball Side Crunch

Works: Obliques

Lie with your upper back on an exercise ball, feet shoulder-width apart.
Keep your knees bent 90 degrees and lightly place your left hand behind
the left side of your head.

Slowly crunch your upper body toward your right hip, squeezing at the
top for one count before returning to the start position.

Complete all reps for one side, then switch sides.

Elbow Plank
Works: Core

Lie facedown on the floor. Bend your elbows 90 degrees and curl your
toes under you, resting your weight on your forearms and toes. Your body
should form a straight line from the top of your head to your heels.

As you keep your back straight and pull your abs in tight, hold plank for
30 seconds.

Relax, rest for 30 seconds, and repeat.

Exercise Ball Lying Cable Crunch

Works: Upper Abs

Sit on an exercise ball facing away from a low-pulley cable with a rope
attached to it. Walk your feet forward, then lean back until youre lying on
the ball.

Grasp the rope with both hands. Place the insides of your wrists on the
sides of your head. Allow weight to hyperextend your lower back against
the ball.

Keeping your hips stationary, slowly crunch your body upward so elbows
travel toward thighs.

Pause briefly at the top, then slowly return to start.

Exercise Ball Knee-In

Works: Lower Abs

Get into a pushup position, hands on the floor, legs extended behind you,
and feet on the ball.

Without rounding your lower back, contract your abs and bend your
knees, using your feet to pull the ball toward your chest.

45-Degree Side Bend

Works: Obliques

Lie sideways with your right hip flush against a 45-degree back extension
bench. Hold a dumbbell in your right hand, with your arm hanging straight

Slowly bend torso toward floor, then rise up, flexing laterally at your waist.

BOSU Ball Mountain Climber

Works: Core

Place your forearms on a Bosu ball and extend your legs behind you,
with the balls of your feet on the floor.

Brace your abs and pull your right knee toward your chest. The ball of
your left foot should be resting on the floor.

Keeping your core tight, quickly switch feet so that your right leg is now
extended and your left leg is drawn into your chest.

Continue alternating legs for up to 60 seconds.

Hanging Leg Raise

Works: Lower Abs

Grasp a pullup bar with an overhand, shoulder-width grip, arms fully

extended and legs hanging straight down toward the floor.

Keeping your legs straight, bring them up in front of you until your legs
are just above parallel to the floor.

Pause at the top of the movement for a moment, then reverse the motion,
slowly lowering your legs back to start.

Medicine Ball Stand-Up

Works: Upper & Lower Abs

Lie faceup with your knees bent and your feet and lower back flat on the

Hold a medicine ball with arms extended toward the ceiling.

Contract your abs to curl up explosively, bringing your shoulders and

upper back of the floor. Push through your heels to stand up fully.

Slowly lower back to start.

Medicine Ball Windshield Wiper

Works: Obliques

Lie faceup with feet and lower back on the floor. Place a medicine ball
between your feet. Extend your arms out to the sides in a T position. Lift
both legs perpendicular to the floor.

In a slow and controlled manner, rotate your hips so that your legs move
from left to right, in a windshield wiper motion.

Rotating Superwoman
Works: Core

Lie faceup on the floor, arms extended toward the wall behind you and
your legs straight.

Engage your core and raise your shoulders and legs about six inches of
the floor.

Hold for 30 seconds, then keeping your arms and legs raised of the floor,
roll over onto your stomach.

Hold for 30 seconds.

Cable Crunch
Works: Upper Abs

Hook a rope attachment to a high-pulley cable and grasp the handles,

holding them near the sides of your head.

Get on your knees and tilt forward at your hips 3045 degrees, keeping
your thighs perpendicular to the floor.

With your head neutral and upper body rigid, contract your abs, bringing
your face toward the floor.

Stop just short of the floor, squeeze abs momentarily, then slowly return
to start.

Exercise Ball Pike

Works: Lower Abs

Get into a pushup position, hands shoulder-width apart on floor, legs

extended behind you with feet on ball.

Keeping your legs straight, bend your hips and try to pull your feet toward
your chest, rolling ball forward.

Pause, then slowly return to start position.

Exercise Ball Plank Hold

Works: Core

Place your forearms on an exercise ball and extend your legs behind you,
with your balls of your feet on floor.

Keep your abs contracted and your back straight, with your body forming
a straight line from head to toe.

Hold position for 30 seconds, rest, and repeat.

Twisting Medicine Ball Toss

Works: Upper Abs, Obliques

Sit on the floor with your left side a few feet from a wall, holding a
medicine ball with both hands in front of your chest, knees bent, and feet
on the floor.

Turn your torso to the left and throw the ball against the wall. Catch it in
both hands and twist your body to the right, slowly lowering your torso
toward the floor as you go.

Allow the ball to touch the floor briefly, then toss ball across your body
toward the wall again.

Repeat for reps, then switch sides.

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