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PORTFOLIO PREPERATION: Summer Institute ~ Course Syllabus

Instructor: Molly Brennan ~ Grades 9-12

Day ONE: June 28th, 2010

Starting somewhere… Pre-instructional Drawing

During the first studio class, students will be able to apply drawing techniques to render a selected still life set
up from observation. This drawing will be kept in the student’s portfolio as a beginning reference point to gage
where the student is in terms of his/her skills. This is often referred to as a Drawing of Record. We will
discuss techniques, contemporary master artists, and media.

Day TWO: June 29, 2008

The Expressive Nature of Line, Gestures, and Markmaking

Students will be able to apply method to explore gesture, proportion, and composition through a series of short
and extended gestures studies on newsprints. Students will also be able to identify the correct proportions of
the human form as they will be working from a live model (clothed).

Day THREE: June 30, 2010

The Value of….Value: Creating the Illusion of Three Dimensions using Value and Tone

Students will be able to identify and apply subtractive drawing methods to explore ways of creating FORM and
structure through the use of VALUE and TONE only (no line!).

Day FOUR: July 1, 2010

“Color has taken possession of me…” Paul Klee: Light and Color Mixing

Students will be able to apply painting methods as they experiment with color mixing and learn how to make
personal associations/analogies when describing and interpreting color. The will use oil pastels and acrylic paint
to render a selected still life using acrylic paint. The class will focus on ways to match, mix, and create
observed color.

Day FIVE: July 2, 2010

To Be Continued… Continuing to explore color and painting techniques Exploring Ideas through Metaphors

Students will create a metaphoric still-life, which explores ways of composing, recording, and creating personal
meaning through narrative set-ups.

NO CLASS MONDAY July 5. 2010 Enjoy the long weekend!

Day SIX: July 6, 2008

Field Trip to the American Visionary Art

Students will explore AVAM’s permanent collection as well as view their recent show.
Leave Howard at 9am – Return at 12:45pm – Parents WELCOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!
American Visionary Art Museum, 800 Key Highway, Baltimore, MD

Day SEVEN: July 7, 2010

Mixing it up; Masking it up: Experimenting with Paint, Mixed Media,
Visual Metaphors, the Alter-Ego, and Personal Meaning in the
Students will be able to apply methods to create continue a more
expressive self portrait. Students will create a mask, headpiece,
headdress, or some sort of other head alteration/ modification using
mixed media. Students will sew, glue, fold, cut, staple, tape and
embellish the mask. Mixed media will be explored. Students will pose
with their mask, observing themselves as they paint what they see.

Day EIGHT: July 8, 2010

Mixing it up; Masking it up: Experimenting with Paint, Mixed Media, Visual
Metaphors, the Alter-Ego, and Personal Meaning in the Portrait…cont’d

Continue painting started yesterday. How does this mask/alteration change who you
appear to be?

Day NINE: July 9, 2010

Portfolio Review, Critique and Assessment
Students will rework and edit any artwork and participate in an exit critique with peers. They will also revisit
their pre-instructional drawing from DAY ONE to see the progress they’ve made in these 10 classes.
Students will set up their artwork as a group in the classroom for a mini-show.

Parents, Guardians, Friends! Please plan on coming by the art room at 11:30 for a Summer
Institute Art Show! Student work will be on display so you can see all the hard work they’ve
been putting in and the progress they’ve made. Hope to see you there!

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