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Legal,ethical and regulatory

The regulatory body for magazines and newspapers is ISPO which stands for Independent
Press Standards Organisation. This allows magazines and newspapers to use freedom of
expression. Both Heat Magazine and The Sun need this as this country is a democratic country
journalist are allowed to write their own opinions down and express them as long as they arent
being offensive. The individual rights allows journalists to write what they wish to within reason
as long as this information is fair and coincides with the editors code
Hypodermic needle is a form propaganda as its false representation of a story which could be
completely made up but the people that are reading it believe it. Heat magazine is a magazine
that feeds of celebrity gossip and many of their stories can be misleading as they can write
articles about celebrities and they can be from a story that may be true and parts have been
changed or twisted to make it more interesting for people to read. The Sun are known for using
propaganda and writing stories which arent true but make the readers believe everything that
they have written.
Chequebook journalism is not illegal but isnt seen as a professional method of journalism. Its
where journalist pay other people for their story instead of doing to research and finding the
story themselves. Heat magazine as they are a gossip magazine will often have to find the story
themselves however some stories that they feature will use this as they use a high amount of
gossip stories that arent from reliable sources. The Sun could use this as they are free to do so
and it would be easy for them to do it.
Copyright where you have the rights for your own stories and if anyone else copies you can
claim copyright. Journalist have to be aware of any stories written previously on the topic which
it concerns. Heat magazine and The Sun
Contempt of court is the legal procedures that concern journalists writing content about a court
case that is live. As the case is live journalists are not allowed to give out information about the
people involved in the case and can not report live from court. Heat magazine arent likely to
report on many cases with this content as they write about celebrity gossip however if it involved
celebrities the coverage on the case would be more in depth once the case had finished. The
Sun would include details that were released in court after the case had finished and can not
comment on people involved in the case as this can give the jury a bias opinion.

IPSO replaced PPC ( Press Complaints Commissions) which was closed on the 8th september
2014 following The Leveson Inquiry which was an enquiry into the British press following the
phone hacking scandal. IPSO changed the regulations to cover the phone hacking scandal to
stop this from happening in publishing. They did this by adding extra clauses to the editors code
and have made more specific laws to avoid any issues like this happening again.

The Editors Code of Practice sets out the rules that newspapers and magazines regulated by
IPSO have agreed to follow. There are 16 clauses that have to be covered. These are Accuracy,
Privacy, Harassment, Intrusion into grief, Reporting Suicide, Children being exposed to the
public eye, Children in sex cases, Hospitals, Reporting of crime,Clandestine devices and
subterfuge, Victims of sexual assault, Discrimination and financial journalism.
Accuracy must be used to ensure they don't publish misleading articles with false information as
this can be misleading for the readers. It also gives the papers a bad reputation and would be
labelled if it is revealed that the article contains false information. The Sun use this to make sure
their content is truthful whereas Heat magazine dont use reliable sources the majority of articles
written will contain where they received the information from and it's often a source close to the
the person the article is written about.
Privacy ensures that the people who are being featured in the article have an element of privacy
so the public dont have to see everything that they are doing and also can limit the amount of
bad publicity they receive as some of that may be untrue. The Sun follows this but some stories
written may be more reliable than others as the articles are produced by opinion and facts
whereas Heat magazine writes articles based on more interesting stories and the images used
are papped and can be taken of people unaware about the images which can be used against
them but as this is seen as an invasion of privacy Heat magazine will have to be aware of what
can happen if someone was to sue them due to these circumstances.
Intrusion into grief or shock limits the amount of coverage newspapers and magazines write
about grief stricken families that could be suffering from the loss of a family member or other
family issues that should not be covered into detail for the public to know as from the family
perspective they dont need to know. Heat magazine does intrude into celebrities lives but limits
what they write about this and The sun sometimes goes into detail about this but only if other
newspapers have done so as then they know that others are writing about it. This has happened
on varies occasions and one huge case of invasion of privacy was Princess Diana asking for
privacy once she was divorced from Prince Charles but the press still continues to hound her.
The press are still believed to have also had a huge impact on her death.
Reporting Suicide is limited as this is similar to intrusion into grief or shock as the result may be
similar and the families dont want this. Heat magazine doesnt really report article based around
this as the magazine is based on celebrity gossip but they would if it involves celebrities. The
Sun may often write about this and use it as a filler article and give some statistics but dont give
names as theyre not allowed because its giving out private information.
Children being exposed to the public eye have rights to control what articles they have written
about them and if they dont agree with what is being written about them they can easily form a
court case to prevent it from happening again. The Sun have experienced some issues
involving this and the people that the articles were aimed at have now got restrictions on the
amount of publicity the children are getting. Heat magazine has written articles about celebrities

and their children and will more than likely continue to do so but a high percentage of celebrities
have gone through procedures to prevent this happening.
Hospitals state that journalists have to name themselves and obtain permission from entering
any non-public areas and privacy must be given to the patients in the hospital. The Sun and
Heat Magazine would possibly send journalists if the hospital/patients were allowing them to
enter the building however if not they could possibly send them and they would have to wait
outside on the off chance that something might happen.
Clandestine devices and subterfuge is where the press must not obtain information by using
hidden cameras even though they shouldnt there has been cased filed for this. Tulisa was
filmed by a hidden camera about confirming a drug deal and has been written about in the press
on numerous occasions. The Sun and Heat magazine dont opening use this but would more
than likely get someone else to film the video and then use the information
Discrimination states that the press should not be prejudice to an individual race, gender, colour,
sexual orientation,religion, disability, mental health or disabilities. Both The Sun and Heat
Magazine abide by this clause as this subject is so vast they know people would be offended
and they have the right to so people wouldnt buy them and they would lose business
Financial journalism Even where the law does not prohibit it, journalists must not use for their
own profit financial information they receive in advance of its general publication. The Sun is
more than likely to write a story that could hold this information but doesnt do it in depth and
could try to slip in as they know the public will more than likely find out eventually whereas Heat
Magazine are less likely to write about this as it's irrelevant for their target market.

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