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Problem 2.

We can write Maxwells Equations in the following form, using just two field variables, E and H

0 E = q! ev
0 H = q! mv
H j 0 E = J!
E j0 H = J! m
and some generalized charges and currents. The generalized charges include free charges and
divergences of the polarizations, P and M, (which look like free charges). The generalized
currents include free currents and the time derivatives of polarizations (which look like free
q! ev = qev P
q! mv = qmv 0 M
J = J + j P

J! m = J m + j0 M
The subscripts m and e indicate magnetic and electric, respectively. The subscript v indicates the
volume density of charge. The generalized charges and currents obey continuity, as they must.

J! + j q! ev = 0
J! m + j q! mv = 0

We can derive wave equations for a linear, isotropic, homogenous medium with impressed
electric and magnetic currents, Ji and Jmi, as sources. The medium response functions for the
generalized currents are given by
J! ( E,H ) = J i + j ( ! 0 ) E
J! m ( E,H ) = J mi + j ( ! 0 ) H
where the material properties may include both polarization and conduction response

! ! +
and ! + m
(a) Find the medium response functions for the generalized charges from the continuity
equations above. Keep the impressed current terms.
(b) Substitute the generalized currents and charges into Maxwells Equations and simplify with
the all the field terms on the left and only impressed current terms on the right.
(c) Now find a wave equation for E and a wave equation for H. Simplify, with only the
Laplacian of the field variable, and a constant times the field variable on the left. On the
right you should have only terms involving the impressed currents.

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