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Adrianna Fernandez
Mrs. Womack
Intro to Business and Technology
October 20, 2016
Career Research Paper
There are many new advances revolving around the world of science and is expected to
keep growing as technology expands. An occupation in the expanding science field is a
biochemist. Biochemists study the properties and principles of living things. Biochemists are
associated with cell growth and development, disease, and heredity. Biochemists are credited
with new discoveries in science.
Since biochemistry is a wide field with numerous opportunities, they do many things.
The goal for any biochemist is to expand human knowledge. Biochemist study and analyze
DNA, fats, and other molecules. They also research the effects of drugs, hormones, and other
substances on tissue. They study cells, more specifically how cells feed, divide, and grow. Other
biochemist may study plant and animal evolution and how traits are passed down through
generations. Biochemists are expected to be current with new developments in the science field.
They use modern technology such as lasers and microscopes to help aid their scientific
experiments. X-rays may also be needed as well as computer software to help conceive a better
understanding of molecules. Biochemists try to research and develop ways to ameliorate peoples


lives. Biochemists who choose to specialize in medicine help develop new drugs and test to
alleviate certain diseases and disorders. In agriculture, biochemists research way to make plants
immune to drought, insects, and diseases.
A biochemist usually works in a laboratory or office to conduct experiments. Most small
pharmaceutical companies do more biological research than larger pharmaceutical for the sake of
risks and cost. Certain scientists work with unstable substances in which they will need
protective equipment. Many biochemists work in teams. These teams are composed of people
with different education backgrounds. These informants are called bioinformaticians who use
their knowledge of math, statistics, computer science, and other helpful information to aid the
research. Some companies need researchers to help explain and promote their products. Most
biochemists work full time and may work overtime to fulfill a deadline.
Biochemists need a Ph.D. to work independently; however, individuals with a bachelors
or Masters degree can gain an internship with pharmaceutical and medicine manufactures. Most
biochemists with a Ph.D. have a bachelors degree in a related field such as physical science or
math. Courses in mathematics and computer science are crucial because biochemists must be
able to perform complex data analysis. Laboratory experience is also an advantage for they are
able to gain valuable experience. Ph.D. programs include normally encompass advanced
coursework such as toxicology, genetics, et cetera. Ph.D. holders initially do postdoctoral work.
They work with superlatives to broaden their comprehension of the area of work. When doing
postdoctoral work, aspiring biochemists have opportunities to be published. Therefore, making


their name known and increasing the chances of working for a private university. Biochemist in
the basic research field should expect competition for university or permanent position. Many
individuals go through multiple postdoctoral appointments before receiving a permanent position
in the desired field. One who gains laboratory experience have a higher chance of employment
for they are more prepared than one who has not.
A massive quantity of funds is originated from the National Institutes of Health and/ or
the National Science Foundation. Therefore, the budget limits the amount of research that can be
There are numerous important characteristics for a biochemist to possess. Analytical
skills are essential as the occupation entails scientific experiments with precision. Criticalthinking skills and problem-solving skills are used to provide just decisions. Communication and
interpersonal skills are obligatory since biochemists work in teams. Biochemists work with
complex equations and formulas regularly so math skills are incumbent. Perseverance and
determination are imperative for scientific experiments involve numerous trial and error. Time
management is indispensable since deadlines have to be met when conducting an experiment.
Some positions demand additional hours.
The average salary for a biochemist is $82,150 of May 2015 per the Bureau of Labor
Statistics. The lowest ten percent of occupants earned $44,640. The upper ten percent
accumulated $153, 810. Biochemist who specialize in molecular biology have the highest salary.
This is because molecular biology covers most areas of research. The median pay for a


biochemist varies depending on the area of work. Researchers who work in management,
science, and technical consulting services make the foremost pay of $105, 430. Occupants who
specialize in research and development in engineering and physical and life science produce
$87,650. Biochemists that practice pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing generate
Employment of biochemists is expected to grow eight percent between 2014 to 2024
according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. the number of biochemists employed in 2014 is
34,200. The occupation is expected to grow to 36,900 therefore increasing 2,800 or 8%.
Biochemists will be needed to do basic research to aid in improving the lives of citizens. With
new diseases arising every day, biochemists will be essential to develop new drugs to treat or
relieve symptoms. For example, the zika virus is an urgent problem presently as is cancer.
Researchers are needed to do in depth genetic investigation to eliminate the epidemic. Other
areas of research and development excluding medicine are projected to grow as well. Since
pollution is another plight this world is facing, the demand for clean energy will increase as well
as alternative fuel. Rising food prices will stimulate an immense amount of genetically modified
organisms (GMO) which will require less resources. Results to discover new ways to preserve
plant life and animal life.
Biochemistry is a broad field were many things can be achieved. Biochemists work is
used to promote the welfare of the human race the environment around it. Occupants have the
ability to form methods and drugs to cure, alleviate, and ease diseases and disorders. Other


related occupations in a bioinformaticians. Bioinformaticians are people who work with the
scientific teams and contribute information. There are also medical scientists who conduct
research pertaining to medicine. Another related occupation is a microbiologist study small life
forms and microorganisms.


Work Cited
"Summary." U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, n.d. Web. 21 Oct.

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