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Lack of continuity is dissipation of energy. True Will includes

the quality of dogged, persistent, determined Application. This
may not constitute Genius but it is a very good substitute
for it, and accomplishes far more in the end. It may not be the
Artistic Temperament but it makes good. It is the quality
that one can count on, and figure down to the last fraction
of certainty. Beware of the Lack of Continuity. It is the rotten
speck on many a peach.
Lack of Perseverance. This is another mark of the negative
Will. To some it may seem synonymous with the quality of Lack
of Continuity, just considered. But it is far different. Lack of
continuity arises from the desire for change that is, the desire
to transfer the Will to some other thing, task, or object. Lack
of perseverance, on the contrary, consists of a desire to relax
and give up the interest gets tired and the Will is not exerted
to brace it up and hold it to the task until the end. It implies
a lack of determination and persistence, rather than a fickle,
changeable character. It denotes the lack of staying power. Lack
of continuity arises largely from temperament, while lack of
perseverance arises from lack of intelligent exercise of the Will.
Consequently while the cure of the former negative quality
necessitates a complete change of temperament, the cure of
the latter simply needs exercise, practice and patient work.
Fear. This is the most negative of all the mental qualities, and
is at the extreme negative pole of Will. Under the influence
of extreme Fear, the Will becomes as if paralyzed the
Will becomes non-will, if the term may be used. Fear in its
sense of aversion, is described as the negative pole of desire,
and in the same way fear, in its effect upon volition, may be
described as the negative pole of the will to Will. Fear is the
great restrainer of Will Action, and its presence in a developed
state in the mind of a person tends to inhibit many of his
expressions of Will. The majority of things that we fear have
no basis in fact or reason our fears are largely inheritances
and temperamental in character. This mental attitude may
The Will

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