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have issued this pamphlet for the
of enabling Agents to obtain

the maxi mum benefit from the Ford Agents'

Coil Unit and Magneto Test Stand.
In addition to the mcth<><l to be followed
ln testing coil units, magnetos, spark plu$S
and commutators, we show the manner m
which different troubles may l>e determined
and the course to pursue in overcoming
A thorough tmderstanding of the
contents of this pamphlet will materially
assist the Agent in locating and remedying
ignition trouble on the Ford Car.


The Spark Coil

The Ford Spark Coil is of the open core trans
former type. It is used to change the low tension

altc;;rnating current received from the magneto to

a high tension current of from 8,000 to 20,000

volts, sufficient to jump the gnp between the spark

plug points.
The spark coil unit consists of several parts as
( l) A vibrator, in the magneto or primary cur
rent circuit.

(2) The primary coil, which is also in the

mo1-_gncto or primar)' currc::nt circuit.
(3) The conden..,r, terminals of which are
connected across the vibrator terminals. As the
current is made and broken rapidly, the condet1ser

absorbs the spark which otherwise would form at

the points of the vibrator.
(4) The secondary coil, into which the high
tension Current, Rowing through the secondary cir
cuit, is induced. The spark plug is in this circuit.
The primary coil, condenser and secondary coil
are sealed inside of the coil unit box, which should
never be opened. The vibrator is on top of the box
and is the onl)' part that we will discuss. There
are four of these spark coil units> each with its
vibrator, on every Ford car. The four vibrators
should be uniformly adjusted, otherwise irregular
running of the motor will result, with consequent
racking of the crank shaft and bearings.
pointer at each of the sixteen points on the ring.
1 the hand on the meter does not register between
1.2 and 1.4, or if three or even four small sparks,

To test n spark coil unit, pl.nce it

in the r ceptacle,Pas sho wn mk he
tlhlstrauon on age 3, rna mg
sure that it is pushed snug!)' to the right so that
good contact will be made at the pr?P'" pomts.
See that the wires attached to the bmdmg posts
at point CIA" on the ontside itt the right of the
receptacle are not in contact with each other or
with anything else. Turn the crank at a mo eratc
speed (about 150 to 175 revol'!tions mmute}


and if the vibrator on the co1l umt 1s prO\)erly

arljusted and the unit in gootl condition the tand

on the meter will reg-istel' between 1.2 and 1.4.

Also one good spark will jump from the ring to the
(3 )

or possibl y nospark,appear at some of the Six teen

>Oints the vibrator is not properl y adj usted or the t'Oil unit
is broken down internally.

Adjusting the To adjust . coil un t, firt

Coil Units
that the vibrator bndge IS set,
by means of the thumb nut, so
that when the vibrator spring is pressed down the
gap between the vibrator points is. h". You
should be able to see light between the vibrator
bridge and the cushion spring which is fastened
to the under side of the vibrator bridge. Remove
the screw at the rear of the vibrator spring, and,
with a screw dri ver small enough to go through
the hole from which the screw has been
removed, without damaging the threads, tur n the
ad justing screw to the right or left until the
hand on the meter reglstcrs between l.2 and 1.4,
and one good spark jumps from the ri ng to rhe
pointer at each of the sixteen points.
When repl acing the units in the coil box be sure
that all of the contacts on the units are clean :tnd
that a ood contact is mnde with the contact
springs Ill the box.

The Magneto

\Vhen necessary new vibrator parts may be

installtd, bu tif the unit is found to be broken down
internally a com plete new unit should be used.
Under no circumstances should the coil unit box
be opened and attempts made to correct internal
NOTE-If the coil u nit is adjusted so that not
more two &parka jump from the rln'} to the
pointeat each of the .sixteen poinhl the unit wUI
work Utia(actorJiy. In fact, in cold wetuhcr, to
facilitate SUlrtint, It Is sometimea advisable to
the- unit so adjusted that two sparka will appear at

each of the sixteen points. However, ordinarily Jt

Is preJerable to concentrate aU of the energy toto
one good tJpark rather than divide it between
( 4)

The magneto of the J\lodel "T" motor is of

the alternating current type, using rotating
permanent magnets and stationary. ficlcoils for
gene_rating the current.
The destgn 1s
exrremely sunp1e, exceedingly strong and
practically trouble proof.
The magneto consists of sixteen magnets :md
sixteen coils and gives a constant current with a
frequency and voltage proportionate to the speed
of the engine.

To Test t he To test a t"'lagnf.?tO it is not neces

Mn tneto
s ry to remove r. from the car or
dtsconnect any- wmng. Start the
motor of the car and run it at any moderate speed
being sure (hat all four coil units are in good condi.
tion and properl y adjusted,hat the !ight .swi. tch is
turned oR and that t here IS no Col] un1t m the
r<>ceptacle of the Test Stand. Then take a double
cond uctor wlre, such as a piece of lamp cord,
attach one end of the double wire to the two bind
ing posts on the lower right hand side of the Test
Stand, as shown in the illustration on Page 3,
at point "A," :md attach the other end of this J;>air
o( wires to the car, one at the magneto cerman:tl
on the transmission cover or on the dash, and the
other to anr part of the motor casting. If the
hand on the meter registers .8 or more the magneto
is sufficient!)' strong. If the hand does not
register .8 the trouble is undoubtedly due to one
of tle following causes: ( J ) Dirty magneto contact
assembly; (2) Grounded coils; (3) Short circuited
coils; (4) Reversed magnets; (5) Weak magnets.
NOTE-At a g neral rule If the trouble devdopL-<1
aradually It Is due to n dirty magneto contact as
sembly or weak ma nets, whereas if it developed
tuddenly it i8 undoubtedly due to voundcd or
abort clrcul ted coils.
To determine if the trouble is i n the
Ma neto
magneto contact assembly, remove
Msembly it from the transmission cover and
dean thoroughly. Also clean t he
contact on the magneto coil assembly.

replace the contact asst.:rnbly and again test rhe

magneto. If the rrouble was in the contact
assembly the hnnd should now register .8 or more.
If it does not it will he necessary to m:1ke rests for
other causes.

"I'o determine if the m:tgncts are

reversed, r movc the transmission
cover and w1 th a small hand compass
test the polarity of each magnet as the fly wheel is
turned slowl y. .lllake sure that the north pole of

Grounded coils are usually caused by

failure to occasionally drain the 011
from the crank case, as ou t1incd in

the comp< ss points to one pair of poles of the

magnets and thar the next pair attract the south
pole. The pair immediately following should


Re ersed

Answer No. 99 of the Ford "-'ianual. The oil

becomes filled with mct: Jiic sediment which
sometimes lodges in the space between the coils
and the casting, thus grounding t he coil. Another
frequent cause is a small piece of metal or cotter
pin becoming lodged between the coi l nnd the
To tesr for a grounded coil, remove the coil
assembl y from the car. Then unsolder the end of
the ribbon winding on the first coil from the ground
connection.and connect to ;t battery. Connect the
other termina) of the battery to one of the termi
n:ds at "A" on the TeSt Srand, and connect the
other terminal of the Test Stand to the grou nd of
the metal of the coil asscm bl y. I f there is a
grounded coil the meter will show a reading.

Tn case of a magneto with a grounded coil it is

advisable to install a complete new* mngneto coil
assemb l y. The toils are carefully wound to speci
fications and should not be repaired, as tampering
with one coil will unba1ance the working of the
Short circuited coils usually result
from rubbing or other causes w hich
cut t h rough the insulation and allow
the''arious windings of the coils to
come in contact with each other. Tn almost every
instanc<." a cueful in5;pection will }ocate any trouhle
of this nature.


. sin the case of grounded coils, a complete new

magneto coil assembly should be installed rat.her
than attempt to rep:-tir rhe damaged one.


again attract the north pole of the compass, and

so on throughout the complete set.
In case one or more magnets are found reversed
it will he necessary to remove the reversed magnets
a nd find their proper location. This can he Lletcr..
mined by the punch mark in the center of the
magnet an<l the upset at the ends and bend of the
magnet. The punch mark < nd upset should he
on the side away from the Ry wheel. &>C that like
poles are together.
It is almost impossible for the magMagnets
nets to hecorne demagncti7;cd unless
acted upon by some outsule force,
such as connecting a storage battery to the mag
ncto terminal, or by defective wil'ing whereston,gc
batteries are used.
Rough handlinj:( of the
magnets, such as hammering or droppmg them,
will also tend to demagnetize them. However, if
the test shows that the trouble is not due to dirty
magneto contact assembly, grounded coils, slwrt
circuited coi1s, or reversed magnets, the magnets
have bccorne weak.
In case of weak magnets it is advis:1blc to install
a complete set of new magnets rather than attempt
to recharge the old ones.

The Spark Plug

To Test the

[n the illustmtion on Page 3, a

spark p!ug is show':' at t>Oi nt "R,"
Ill posltlon for teSting. To test a
spark plug for a cracked porcelain, place a good
clean coil unit, which you know to he properly
adjusted, in the receptacle of the Test Stand and
then place the spark pl ug on the receptacle so that

Spark Plugs


the thumb nut on the top of t he plug is held firmly

in the clif and the iron part of the plug rests on
the meta frame. (Care should be taken to see
that there is a '" gap between the spark plug
points). ext place a piece of mica or fibre about
the size of a postage stamp between the points of
the spark plug. Turn the crank at a moderate
speed and i (the spark plug is in good condition t
he spark will jump around t he mica or fibre and
the hand on the meter will register between 1.2
1.4. If there is a cracked porcelain the spark will
be forced through the crack.

Commutator and Commutator

To Test the
or Commu
tator Wiring

Start the engine and run it at a

moderate speed. Connect one of
the Test Stand terminals to the
1nagneto terminal on the dash or
on the transmission cover, and

touch the other terminal successively to each of

the commutator terminals. The meter should
read .4 or more at each terminal. ( n case the
reading is less than .4 it is an indication that the
commutator is worn and making poor contact.
Then touch the same terminal successively to each
of the commuraror termi nals on the dash and if the
same reacting is not shown there it would indicate
that the wire is hroken. While making this test it
would be well roslighdy pull the comntutator wire::;
ro assure the separation of any broken strands.
l n case of trouhle wit h either comnmtator or
wiring, replace such parts as are necessary.

Care of Test Stand

H. Test Stand should be oiled occasionally

and if it is used frequently the pointer, which
revolves inside of the ring, should be clc:mcd every

day or two with fi nesand-paper. This is necessary,

as the spark will cause oxidization of the pointer.
The pointer should be adjustod so that the clear
ance between it and the ring is a bou t"or


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