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Susan Herbert

1100 Seagate Avenue 101

Neptune Beach, FL 32266

Royal Astronomical Society, Burlington House

Piccadilly, London W1J 0BQ, United Kingdom

Dear Royal Astronomical Society,

I have bad news and I have good news. The science, energy can be measured or
is a matter of mass, is nonfiction not bad or good as in the numbers all add up,
it is actually provable, it is based on actual physical reality, it is a recognized
science and another person, sane not insane, independently confirmed it
(independent as in unbeknownst to me; we met after we both reasoned it and
after I myself proved it). It's also Constitutionally set: Any person at all any
where on Earth can prove it for themselves thus recognize it as who on Earth
legalizes the Climatologists or Al Gore upon faith alone? Despots, fascists and
Hollywood Buddhists that's who, or so I hypothesize. [An aside: Royal Society,
Al Gore never finishes what he starts; it's a pattern: He started but did not
finish law school, theology school, Gore V FL and now a marriage.]

I ripped this from Wikipedia: "The Royal Astronomical Society (RAS) is a

learned society that began as the Astronomical Society of London in 1820 to
support astronomical research (mainly carried on at the time by 'gentleman
astronomers' rather than professionals). It became the Royal Astronomical
Society in 1831 on receiving its Royal Charter from William IV. A Supplemental
Charter in 1915 opened up the fellowship to women."

Is this statement, some of which is fact and some of which is not, then correct?
If so see In Re Susan Supreme Court of the US 08-6622. Do you see with your
own eyes where the US failed to respond at all to I, Susan, a woman? Now go
look under "court appealed from" to see with your own eyes if this petition
entered any other court of law. Too bad then as I'm the standard bearer: pro
se, authority and original jurisdiction which entered directly - DIRECTLY - thus
as of November 05, 2010, I, Susan, own the institutions of the Royal
Astronomical Society but not the astronomers as it's allodial title not royal
charter now. Don't believe it? You'll never ever believe it? Yes you will as
gullible, far sighted, elitist astronomers believe in Bush V Gore, Obama,
Clinton, Bush Jr., Eric Holder, and Nelson, A Rockefeller. You see oil roiling out
into the Gulf, you see BRITISH PETROLEUM, you see the $20 billion dollar
extortion attempt, you see on their very own website that Standard Oil now BP
was incorporated in 1870 while the US Constitution was changed in 1871 and
yet you then don't believe the Supreme Court Docket? (C'mon, like I believe you
can't take either Holder or Obama in a fight? I highly doubt that as it's a lie so
$20 billion will never be anything but a joke not a belief). What I, Susan, can't
believe is that you people call yourselves "astronomers". The good news: I can
prove that energy is a matter of mass. I give you my evidence rising to proof:

The Hippopotamus, specifically the exact Hippopotamus at the National Zoo in

Washington DC that was in residence at or around the panda dying as the panda
died the day after I was there. The panda was 28 years old or so I was told. The
people just before us saw it and they ushered us in but me? I never saw a
panda appear in person so I did not see it with my own eyes but man oh man: I
felt the Hippopotamus thus I owned the knowledge: DENSE. Density, energy is
mass. I do not know his or her name as nobody believed me. The hippopotamus
not the panda.

Susan and the American National Hippopotamus V Newton, Einstein, Maxwell,

Faraday and The Royal Academy?

Suspend your disbelief: I, Susan, am; I act; I would never sit around waiting for
it to fall as ever since July 4th, 1776 it's been a case of: "Incredible odds I
disobey; astronomical odds I defy".

Please let me know if I must sue you to then prove the truth of energy and this
universe as I have three courts in mind but can and will attack them all: The
Vatican, The UN and SCOTUS once more as this means every single textbook in
the US is wrong and every person is being conditioned to believe what we now
know is not the truth: "There is no absolute measure of energy, because energy
is defined as the work that one system does (or can do) on another. Thus, only
the transition of a system from one state into another can be defined and thus
measured". Fully knowing energy is mass and fully knowing I discovered
something about nuclear chain reactions that no other person knows, I then
acted to prove it in a court of law, as this case became both a legal and a
scientific case. I had to prove it by myself in such a way no Royal Astronomical
Society or lone voter could ever deny it and that meant direct entry to SCOTUS
upon my own will and liberty as no case has directly entered since Marbury V
Madison in 1803 which does not necessarily count as Marbury created SCOTUS
as it exists today. Direct entry and no answer from the US means sovereignty,
or, I, Susan, became owner and operator of Earth.


At the end of the day justice is nothing more or less than the truth; it matters
not who is correct or why as you want to know every fact and every theory and
then reason it your own self. The Royal Society can state unequivocally that
Einstein is correct, Newton is incorrect and that gravity bends light but millions
of human will yet refuse to consider it as then they must reason their world
over again starting at zero, not a number itself. Some religious people will
never believe gravity bends light until or that what we see with our eyeballs is
the lensing effect of the universe unless In Re Susan demonstrates how to bend
light at your kitchen table and quotes the very words they claim they live by:
“For now we see things in a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now my
knowledge is in part; then it will be complete, even as God's knowledge of me.
But now we still have faith, hope, love, these three; and the greatest of these
is love.” Corinthians, 13:12-13, a book actually written by Paul of Tsarses,
Basic Bible in English; “Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections
in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know
now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just
as God now knows me completely. Three things will last forever--faith, hope,
and love--and the greatest of these is love.” – New Living Translation or
Socrates remarks in Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, that is related to Plato's
Theory of Forms, wherein Plato asserts that "Forms" (or "Ideas"), and not the
material world of change known to us through sensation, possess the highest
and most fundamental kind of reality. Only knowledge of the Forms constitutes
real knowledge. Plato states that the philosopher is like a prisoner who is freed
from the cave and comes to understand that the shadows on the wall are not
constitutive of reality at all, as he can perceive the true form of reality rather
than the mere shadows seen by the prisoners. Socrates remarks that this
allegory can be taken with what was said before, the metaphor of the Sun, and
the divided line. In particular, he likens "the region revealed through sight" –
the ordinary objects we see around us – "to the prison home, and the light of
the fire in it to the power of the Sun. And in applying the going up and the
seeing of what's above to the soul's journey to the intelligible place, you not
mistake my expectation, since you desire to hear it. A god doubtless knows if it
happens to be true. At all events, this is the way the phenomena look to me: in
the region of the knowable the last thing to be seen, and that with
considerable effort, is the idea of good; but once seen, it must be concluded
that this is indeed the cause for all things of all that is right and beautiful – in
the visible realm it gives birth to light and its sovereign; in the intelligible
realm, itself sovereign, it provided truth and intelligence – and that the man
who is going to act prudently in private or in public must see it". After
"returning from divine contemplations to human evils", a man "is graceless and
looks quite ridiculous when – with his sight still dim and before he has gotten
sufficiently accustomed to the surrounding darkness – he is compelled in
courtrooms or elsewhere to contend about the shadows of justice or the
representations of which they are the shadows, and to dispute about the way
these things are understood by men who have never seen justice itself?"

Thus it may not be possible to secure liberty and justice for others in an actual
US court of law and my case (I, Susan) never intended to liberate only some
humans but all humans and so Ray and I cannot divulge some knowledge
specifically related to technology that gives The People the edge over lunatic
fringe governments and all of their fantastical, make believe threats of force,
nuclear or otherwise. China can never carry out its nuclear threat.


As I know your disbelief is so thick: Long before I bothered to look as I possess

my own proof but decided to see if any independent confirmation of what I
knew is available and so before I knew the Coral Castle existed (located in
Homestead, FL and on the National Historic Register) or that you did not know
as in you have never proved energy is mass, I imagined a simple machine that
would produce energy, free and possibly perpetually. I knew where to look to
discover if anyone had the same idea as I, Susan: The US Patent Office as a
concerted effort was mounted in this nation by the oil industry including
automobile manufacturers to negate electric trolleys and anything that
threatened oil thus the car as king…I found what I was looking for on a website
as the author had already raided the patent offices for me; he had an American
who’s work was criminally removed from the American patent offices but not
from the British Patent Offices so we have a photo: This machine matched the
one in my head. I am told it also matches a machine in the Coral Castle that is
not whole; a piece or pieces are missing so that it does not work. For $1.75 an
American went from a Radio Shack back to the Castle where he had been
previously as in that very day and proved this piece is missing. Remember: US
Patent laws like US taxes are not the same as most countries. I have one word
for you: Tesla.


It was intrinsically and relatively easy to steal the Declaration and Constitution
in broad daylight right out from under your noses and take the Earth and
everything on it with along with it. I know Hercules tricked Atlas - I know why
Atlas truly believed his lie - thus when Atlas shrugged this time as he was
confused by BVG's bad math, out whack order of operations with subtraction
first not last and its string theory-like legal basis? I thought "castling or rooking"
and merely put out my hand thus played catch:

CHECKMATE, derived from the Arabic for THE KING IS DEAD.

I said that hippo is my evidence rising to proof. My absolute proof is: I know
why and how the magnetic North Pole moves. It's not the Earth's crust rotating
independently from its core.

In Re Susan.
P.S. Extortion? Blackmail. "Blackmail is the crime of threatening to reveal
substantially true information about a person to the public, a family member,
or associates unless a demand made upon the victim is met. This information is
usually of an embarrassing, socially damaging, and/or incriminating nature. As
the information is substantially true, the act of revealing the information may
not be criminal in its own right nor amount to a civil law defamation; the crime
is making demands in exchange for withholding it. English Law creates a much
broader definition of blackmail, covering any unwarranted demands with
menaces, whether involving revealing information or not." Hell, I’ll reveal
absolutely true, actual, factual, historical and legal information all of it
pornographic as I reasoned that point of law as well. It's never criminal as it's
self-evident and as it's my enumerated, never protected but always existent
inalienable right. Trust me as some things you gotta except on faith: It's
pornography as I know pornography when I feel it: What could Obama threaten
BP with? This too is actual science and maybe astronomy.

P.P.S. "Learned": not a fact but your personal opinion: "Jesus saith to him:
Because thou hast seen me, Thomas, thou hast believed: blessed are they that
have not seen, and have believed" for how can you believe what you do not see
but then not believe your sister Susan, a constitutional physicist, lying in the
street wounded? To not believe or deny Susan exists and that her original
intellectual property correct or incorrect exists is scientifically irrational. I
predict as I own the knowledge: There is no Higgs particle; you will not find
what he describes; Higgs is mistaken or in error not wrong.

P.P.P.S. YES, I am in love with the P.S. as a literary device and as a linguistic
form to convey an afterthought not necessarily connected to the body of a
letter or the knowledge within it; it's the ex post facto of people: I, Susan,
snuck into your house and robbed you blind unbeknownst to you, exactly like a
thief in the night...I sprung a trap; another theft made this possible and I was
stunned to discover no other person has employed it yet so I hereby copyright
it: you are a victim of "THE MEMORY THIEVES". A memory thief stole your soul
but lucky for you, astronomers, I am written in the stars for I am a master spy
in the house of Philadelphia; my sign is the cross in the form of the letter X:
Forever Pro Se, a constitutional pirate for it is as John Paul Jones said: I'm
deliberate. Trust me as you have no choice when it comes to actual reality:
people precess like stars thus I would be conceived in St. Augustine but born in
Troy, murdered in Philadelphia and then on the attack - offensively - in New
Orleans, Bismarck and Chicago, IL the windy city as "Boy! Do politicians lie in
their overly long speeches", Lincoln never meant to free any slaves and it’s
above and outside the Mason-Dixon line: “As such, the line approximates a
segment of a small circle upon the surface of the (also approximately)
spherical Earth. An observer standing on such a line and viewing its path
toward an unobstructed horizon would perceive it to bend away from his line of
sight, an effect of the inequality between the amount of curvature to his left
and right. Among parallels of latitude, only the Equator is a great circle and
would not exhibit this effect”…Mason - Dixon found that there were larger than
expected systematic errors ie consistently in one direction. Lord Cavendish
realised that this was due to the graviational pull of the Appalachian mountains
deflecting the theodolite plumbobs and spirit levels, and this led him to use
this idea to measure the weight of a Scottish mountain the Schiehallion
experiment (funded by the other Royal Society) measuring its pull on a torsion
balance, and then to infer the weight of the Earth…“but this momentous
question, like a fire bell in the night, awakened and filled me with terror. I
considered it at once as the knell of the Union; it is hushed indeed for the
moment but this is a reprieve only, not a final sentence. A geographical line,
coinciding with a marked principle, moral and political, once conceived and
held up to the angry passions of men, will never be obliterated; and every new
irritation will mark it deeper and deeper”, Jefferson…cross the Ohio River and
actually get into Ohio? I stood inside a Polaris in Ohio. It's a short trip up into
Canada and Oak Island then back again WITH the treasure as the Acadians were
expelled from Nova Scotia, new Scotland and here I am, in Ocean Oaks, on
Neptune Beach. Acadians of French origin walk around the planet today having
no idea they are Acadians as they have English surnames and adopted but false
English/Canadian/American histories, exactly as humans walk around having no
idea they are genetically related to Jesus via common matrilineal X DNA. Right
or wrong the Pope infallibly stated that Jesus had a human mother not a human
father. The idea that all humans are genetically related to Jesus is not even a
thought in their head. I blame the number one and later the symbol zero,
mentioned above. Don't get me started on verb tenses. As judicial review is the
myth of fingerprints the single most dangerous kind of criminal you will ever
encounter is a memory thief but they operate among us openly and you forever
fail to recognize them. My proof: YOU; Hitler is wallpapering the Oval Office
with criminal "executive orders" and Congress with bad "declarations of war"
devoid of any basis in legal or scientific reality other than they are printed in
ink and on actual pieces of paper and you unquestionably believe they are all
legal and binding. I once thought I'd title my autobiography "forever pro se" the
joke turned on its head being I wouldn't write it and then thought I'd title an
encyclopedic like set of books detailing how to defeat any Goliath "surviving
the injury known as America" the joke being the only volume you need is I, the
letter i, as in I am and INSTITUTIONS ARE YOUR PROBLEM IN LIFE but now I
believe I will caption this scientific-legal-historically accurate dramatic thriller
"The Memory Thieves".

quicquid nitet notandum

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