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What is Artificial Intelligence:

AI is an area of computer science that underlines the creation of machines that would work, similarly to
humans. This is pretty much a brain that is given to a machine or intelligence, by being programmed into them.
This would allow them to perform some task that humans wouldnt have to do. For instance, speech
recognition, learning, planning, problem solving, physical work etc.

Some examples for this are, Virtual personal assistant, google now, Siri, Cortana. Intelligence would be
programmed into these virtual machines and this would allow them to help out someone with things, such as
searching something up on google, or calling someone by just saying it to your virtual personal assistant. This
is not perfect, but it's certainly worth working efficiently at some tasks.

Most unnoticed is video games. Games such as Far Cry, Call of Duty, GTA, and almost all the games use AI to
give characters and npc actions that would allow them to be good at survival, taking cover, team working,
flanking maneuvers, etc. This would make the game a lot more enjoyable and for sure is needed. To go further
deep in an example, if we look at GTA the npc would drive as civilians and act like real life pedestrian because
of AI.

Next is smart cars, this is typically cars such as Tesla, self-driving cars from google. These companies are
working towards AI that would allow these cars to have its own mind and determine paths, safely and efficiently
to take it person to the destination. They would use a lot of things such as scanners, GPS, cameras to perform
their task. We can already see this coming to life, as UBER is already putting them to use with its passengers.

Websites also put AI to use a lot, AI would predict things such as what you like. If you keep searching up
certain items it would eventually catch on to it and next time you sign in it would pop up for you somewhere, or
recommended place. Amazon, YouTube, news generation, etc. These are good examples for this.

AI all began with myth and stories, of artificial being controller by master craftsmen, crazy as it sounds. Then
later on philosophers attempted to describe human intelligence as mechanical symbols or formulas. This later
on went to create programmable digital computers in the 1940s. This was the spark to allow scientist to really
start thinking about artificial brains. In 1965, AI research was founded at the conference of Dartmouth College.
Millions of dollars were put into the research of getting AI to become true, and visionary. This kept going back
and forth and investors were doubting AI to become true because it sounded crazy back then. Then AI boomed
in the 21st century because machine learning was being successfully applied to many problems.

Levels of AI:
The first and weakening level is, artificial narrow intelligence. This intelligence specializes in area such as
games. The first ever creation of this was chess, in which it took years to keep building an AI that would
perform only in one task, which is to defeat the best player of chess or any other. They eventually reached this
goal, as the AI would perform flight paths or predict better ways to store data because that's all it would do. So
in other word, ANI is an intelligence to is best at performing few or only one task, which it is good or best at.
Next is artificial general intelligence. This is referred as strong AI or human level AI. This intelligence is to do
task that any human individual could. This involves solving problems, planning, thinking abstractly,
comprehend complex ideas, etc. This is very hard to create because it lacks common sense, yet we are still
quickly approaching this, such as robots.
Artificial Super intelligence is an intelligence that is a bit smarter than humans or a trillion times smarter. We
are nowhere close to this, in which we shouldnt be because words such as extermination are used. If we are
to create this type of intelligence humanity is most likely to be destroyed.

Replacing worker, Internet of things, Emotional understanding, Customer service, military are all trendy topics
of AI (further explain in presentation). Over 8.5 billion dollars have been poured on AI over an year.

Pros and Cons:

Precision and accuracy with some machines

Machines can travel to where humans cannot, such as deep mining, space exploration, underwater,
during fire and many more cases.

Personal assistant such as Siri, GPS and maps make life much easier

Can do Labour work non-stop

AI can do fraud detection

Digital assistant that can help with problems

Intelligent machines can perform dangerous task in military

AI makes video games a lot more enjoyable without always needing to play against online players

Robotic health system can be very helpful in the medical field, such as radiosurgery


Cost of maintenance and repair

Robots replacing humans

They would always lack of human touch, such as caring and understanding

Machines lack common sense

Humans may become too depending on machines becoming loose of themselves

If machines go into the wrong hand of someone things can go around very quickly

If we make robots to intelligent they could rule over us and do a better job creating themselves

Citation :
@albright. "10 Examples of Artificial Intelligence You Are Using in Daily Life." Beebom. N.p., 26 Sept. 2016. Web. 17
Dec. 2016. <>.

Andros. "Different Types of Artificial Intelligence." Alternative Mindsets. N.p., 05 Feb. 2015. Web. 17 Dec. 2016.

Sencer. "Are Artificially Intelligent Military Systems Worth the Risk?" KQED Learning. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Dec. 2016.

@Techopedia. "What Is Artificial Intelligence (AI)? - Definition from Techopedia." N.p., n.d. Web. 17
Dec. 2016. <>.

@TechRepublic. "7 Trends for Artificial Intelligence in 2016: 'Like 2015 on Steroids' - TechRepublic." TechRepublic.
N.p., 23 Dec. 2015. Web. 17 Dec. 2016. <>.

"Weighing in on the Pros and Cons of Artificial Intelligence." Buzzle., n.d. Web. 17 Dec. 2016.


School website:
Sullins, John P., III. "Artificial Intelligence." Encyclopedia of Science, Technology, and Ethics, edited by Carl Mitcham, vol.
1, Macmillan Reference USA, 2005, pp. 110-113. Global Issues in Context, Accessed 15 Jan. 2017.

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