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The Overlooked Principle

At the Heart of Jesus’ Ministry
That Can Change Lives
Transform Communities

C02 = Church of Two
Two are better than one
We all know that Jesus called twelve disciples. However, we have missed the key fact that He also combined them
together in pairs. (Matt 10:2-4, Acts 1:13, etc.) No doubt Jesus had in mind the principle that “two are better than
one” (Ecc. 4:9-12). For this reason, it seems likely that the first and most basic expression of church for Jesus was
between two people (Mt. 18:20). To say this another way, the Kingdom (the rule and reign of Jesus) is expressed first in a
“church of two” (CO2).

This eBook is not a book of theory. Rather, it is a book of practice. Learning by doing. That is, it is a field guide or
workbook designed to be used by two people who want to begin to experience “pair power”. The two people can be a
husband and wife, parent and child or simply two friends. So, your first step is to ask the Lord who you are to invite to
join you in a “church of two”. Send the “CO2 Flyer” and this eBook to your partner to look over. Invite them to ask the
Lord if they are to join you.

This eBook is designed to be used daily for 30 days. Each day will have a short article to read or video to watch that will
take you deeper into some aspect of the CO2. As you connect with your partner daily, talk over what you have read or
watched that day. You can connect in person or on the phone. On some days, your check in may be as short as 10
minutes. On other days, it may be much longer.

Ask questions and tell stories. There is a growing community of people around the world who have formed “churches of
two”. We would love to hear your stories about your CO2 and we would be glad to answer any questions you have.

*Send stories and questions here:

*Subscribe to the blog here:



A CO2 is amazingly simple. In fact, it can be described in this simple formula:


To help you understand what this means, we have a two page explanation called “The CO2 Flyer.” Read through this
today and talk it over with your partner.* (Feel free to make as many copies of this as you would like and give it to friends
who would be interested).

If you donʼt have a CO2 partner yet, ask the Lord who He would choose for you. It might be your spouse, one of your
children or a friend. You are asking them to join you in this 30 Day Experiment in spiritual growth. The idea is that you
would connect with each other, either in person or on the phone, as close to every day as possible and share these two

*Weʼll let you in on a little secret. Once you have read this article you already know all you need to know to begin doing a
CO2. Itʼs that simple. However, we think you will really enjoy the next 29 days. The stories of what others have learned
will deepen your understanding and help you see the power of this simple tool for both personal transformation and viral


Yesterday you looked at a written description of a church of two.

Connect with your partner today either in person or on the phone. Check in using SASHET. Then, share what you heard
the Lord saying to you.

What about the biblical basis for all of this? Today we have a video for you to watch. This is John and Kent explaining
the Scriptural foundations for the CO2 concept.

Confession: The video is more than 5 minutes. (Itʼs 15 minutes.) If you are pressed for time, just watch the first 5.
Come back and watch the rest later.
Virkler (1)

Here is the "church of two" concept in simplest terms...


The "Virkler" part of this equation is shorthand referring to a simple but

powerful tool for hearing God's voice. This tool is Mark Virkler's teaching
called "Four Keys for Hearing God's Voice".

We recommend this "tool" because it is easy to understand, easy to

apply and easy to pass on. (Every person in our church could explain
these Four Keys to you.) And, because it works!

Check out this short (6 minute) video where Kent Smith and I (John
White) talk about these Four Keys. (Scroll to the bottom and click on
"Hearing God's Voice”).

As I mentioned yesterday, "Virkler" refers to Mark Virkler and his "Four Keys to
Hearing God's Voice". Virkler's approach has helped me more than anything else
I've found in my 46 years as a Christian.

So, here's my request. Take a close look at what he teaches. Try it out. If it
doesn't work for you, try something else. The key is not Mark Virkler! They key is
finding an approach that helps you hear God's voice on a daily basis.

For Today: Read his two page brochure on the Four Keys. (Many people make
copies of this to hand out.)
Gods-Voice.htm Scroll down and click on "Get the printable PDF".

When you have time: Listen to his one hour story of how he learned to hear
God's voice (free).
Voice.htm Go to where it says "If you would like to download the MP3 file..." You
can right click or left click on "Right-click here".

Further Resources: Consider purchasing his 10 hour course on "How to Hear

God's Voice". (Our house church worked through this together and found it very
valuable.) Scroll
down to find various formats for this course (audio, video, etc.) Our house church
worked our way through this whole course and found it very valuable.
Listening by writing
The fourth of Mark Virkler's Four Keys for Hearing God's voice is "journaling". Virkler says, "I call the process "two-way
journaling," and I have found it to be a fabulous catalyst for clearly discerning Godʼs inner, spontaneous flow."

Consider that much of the book of Psalms is simply David's written dialogue with God.

Rose Starr in Denver, CO explains how the discipline of "listening by writing" is impacting her life...

"Spending time listening every day is a new thing for me. It has been challenging since it's a new skill and I don't feel
ʻgoodʼ at it yet. However since I've been writing as I listen, I'm amazed that in a few short days I am writing more and
more. I feel that God is indeed speaking to me and the thoughts that are flowing from my head/heart onto my paper are
from Him. It's been so encouraging. I mean, why wouldn't I want to hear from my Papa every day? Then as I gather
with my LTG, or Sunday group I have all sorts of things to share about what God is teaching me!
“Some days I donʼt hear anything”
Rose writes: "My struggles are simply that some days I don't feel like
I'm hearing much of anything."

John: "Rose, I totally understand. This was exactly my experience for

a long time. Mark Virkler's teaching about the Four Keys to Hearing
God's Voice is what changed that for me. Here's what I learned...

First, you need to see the picture. Jesus said: "Whoever believes in
me, streams of living water will flow from within him." (By this He
meant the Spirit...)" -John 7:38-39. So, Rose, the Spirit is always
flowing like a river from within us. We simply need to learn how to
recognize that flow.

This is where Virkler's Four Keys were so helpful. 1. Quiet yourself.

2. Fix your eyes on Jesus. 3. Listen for flow (spontaneous thoughts
from within). 4. Write. So, as you are seeing Jesus (in your
imagination), ask Him a question and begin to write whatever
spontaneous thoughts come into your head. This was the new
insight for me - don't evaluate what you are writing at this point.
("Hmm... I wonder if this is God?") If something isn't clear, ask Him
another question. Go back and forth -dialogue with Him.

When you finish (I write 2-3 pages almost every day), you can
evaluate what you wrote (compare with Scripture, submit to Godly
counsel, etc.).
Daily? Really?

There are two "daily" parts to a CO2.

First, my own listening (dialogue) time with the Lord. (The most important thing.)
Second, my time of connecting with my CO2 partner.

Let's be honest. Learning to make time for these things every day is difficult. It's
like developing a new habit. It requires a rethinking of how we order our days. This
makes it all the more important that we are clear about God's perspective on the
"daily" part. Consider Hebrews 3:7, "So, as the Holy Spirit says: "Today, if you
would hear His voice (probably the best translation), do not harden your hearts..."

The Message says: "Today, please listen..."

Then, the same thing is repeated in 3:15. "Today, please listen..."

Then, the same thing is repeated yet again in 4:7. "Today, please listen..."

As someone has said, "If the God of the Universe says the same thing three times,
it's probably a good idea to pay close attention." Apparently, there is something
important about "Today"!
Daily? Really? (2)
As I mentioned yesterday, there are two "daily" parts to a CO2. The most
important is that we are individually hearing God's voice each day. It's also
important that we are connecting with our CO2 partner as close to daily as

But, this can be a challenge in an already full schedule. One of our

members wrote: "I have a lot going on right now and am having a difficult
time "checking in" with my CO2's (I'm doing 2) every day."

Each of us will have to discuss with the Lord how this works in practice but
here's an exhortation from Scripture we need to take into account: "See to
it brothers, that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away
from the living God. (How do we do this?) But, encourage one another
daily (literally, "each day") as long as it is called Today, so that none of you
may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness." (Heb. 3:12-13)

With repeated practice, the CO2 becomes a life giving habit. Here's report
from two guys in Denver.

"Desi and I have been LK10:2b partners for a long time. It has morphed
into so much more and really become something of a CO2 before the term
was invented. At first it was just great to experience mutual
encouragement, but as time goes on I have realized how much I needed
the daily encouragement and to pray with a partner every day. We use to
wonder about believers meeting daily and daily encouraging each other
and now I wonder how did we live with out our "daily" need for each other.
“This most critical practice”

"His sheep follow him because they know his voice" John 10:4

And, yet, how many Christians have not been taught how to hear His voice? Could it be that this is why the church in
America is so weak?

Here's a very honest comment from Jeff about his experience with CO2...

"I feel so strange concerning where I am at regarding this reality of "hearing God's voice". That I have gone so long and
not confronted my faith and belief to receive His words so as to have a intimate daily relationship with Him. Letting my
unsureness keep Him at a distance, not finding a place to believe in, and engage in, an ongoing dialogue with Him. And
all these years then, doing things as from afar from Him, thinking this is what He wants, but not having the open
connection to quiet myself to ask and listen and hear. This most critical practice that I have let be undeveloped.

I am so glad that this CO2 practice is making me confront my difficulty, as you might have guessed I was uncomfortable
with this component of CO2 and almost quit it, but staying in and reading your testimonies is helping me over the
mountain. So thank you everyone and Lord."
John Eldredge on Listening for His Voice

John Eldredge has been a great help to me in learning to hear God's voice. Below is a quote from Wild at Heart. He goes into greater
depth on the subject in Walking with God.

Revelation: Listening for His Voice 12/17/2009

"I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all
truth." (John 16:12–13)

Thereʼs more that Jesus wants to say to you, much more, and now that his Spirit resides in your heart, the conversation can continue.
Many good people never hear God speak to them personally for the simple fact that theyʼve never been told that he does. But he
does—generously, intimately. “He who belongs to God hears what God says” (John 8:47).

The man who enters by the gate is the shepherd of his sheep. The watchman opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his
voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his
sheep follow him because they know his voice . . . I am the good shepherd. (John 10:2–4, 11)

You donʼt just leave sheep to find their way in the world. They are famous for getting lost, being attacked by wild animals, falling into
some pit, and that is why they must stay close to the shepherd, follow his voice. And no shepherd could be called good unless he
personally guided his flock through danger. But that is precisely what he promises to do. He wants to speak to you; he wants to lead
you to good pasture. Now, it doesnʼt happen in an instant. Walking with God is a way of life. Itʼs something to be learned; our ability to
hear Godʼs voice and discern his word to us grows over time. As Brother Lawrence said it, we “practice the presence of God.”
“We must hear His voice”

Brother Yun wrote The Heavenly Man which is the amazing story of

Godʼs work in China through house churches. Hereʼs his comment

about the importance of hearing Godʼs voice…

"Another important thing every follower of Jesus must learn is that God's
methods and strategies are never exactly the same in any two situations.
It is futile to use a strategy God gave a hundred years ago, or last year,
or even last week. He is not some kind of machine. He is a personal,
intimate God, and His mercies are new every morning! After the
Israelites crossed the Red Sea, they were led by a pillar of cloud by day
and a pillar of fire at night. The children of Israel had to follow the Lord
whenever the cloud or fire moved. If they were too slow, they would be
left behind. We must hear His voice and receive His guidance everyday.
When we do so, we will be amazed at the number of opportunities that
open for us to share His love with people." Brother Yun, Living Water (p.
His Masterʼs Voice
The painting, titled "His Master's Voice", is the famous RCA logo. I love the
expression on the dog's face! He is both surprised and delighted at what he is
hearing. I can relate to that dog. For many years, I was taught that "we speak
to God in prayer and He speaks to us through the Bible". Certainly He does
speak through the Biblical principles but I was "surprised and delighted" to find
that my Master also speaks to me in a more direct and personal manner.

John Eldredge puts it this way: "...our deepest and most pressing need is to
learn to walk with God. To hear his voice. To follow him intimately... Everything
else we long for can then flow forth from that union" from Walking with God.
That concept is at the heart of the CO2. Listening to the Master's voice daily.
Sharing with one other person daily what we are hearing.

This is what Sherri in Grand Rapids, MI is doing. "My friend Lori and I are CO2
partners together. I think it's a paradigm shift to recognize in this real tangible
two-way journaling that God wants to talk to me in a regular way. I've already
received a lot and I'm excited to see what the rest of the month brings.”
Teaching young children to hear Godʼs voice

Desi and Rose Starr have been teaching their four young children how to
hear God's voice. 

Watch this short video for Desi's story of what they are doing and what
five year old Emma heard.
Digging Deeper into SASHET

"How are you?"

"I'm fine. How are you?"

"I'm fine."

How many times have you had that conversation with Christian friends at
church or in other settings? We want to go deeper but we're not always
sure how to do it. SASHET gives us a simple tool to do just that. To
begin to develop heart level relationships.

At first glance, this tool appears so simple that we are tempted to

dismiss it.

Take a look at this 3 minute video as Tod Brown takes us deeper into
Digging Deeper into SASHET

SASHET is not just sharing about our emotions.

It's also about listening well to others as they share. It's

about creating a safe place where people can talk about
what they are really feeling.

This means we have to learn not to give advice during


Tod Brown explains more about this in this short video.

Click the link and then scroll down to the "Digging Deeper
into SASHET - Part 3” video.
SASHET at Breakfast

This is from Ken, in California...

“Hey John,
I just wanted to tell you that my five year old reminds us to do SASHET
around the breakfast table every morning. It has been good for us as a

Clearly, SASHET is not just for adults. In fact, children seem instinctively
to want to talk about what is going on in their heart. And, they want to
know what is going on in our heart.

Remember - the marriage, and then the family, is the first and most
foundational expression of church.
Fiercely opposed
Weʼve learned that CO2s will be fiercely opposed.

Stephen Bailey expresses this well in this comment on the blog...

“Thanks for sharing Virkler's 4 Keys. That is helpful teaching for those of us
at the beginning of this road.

My wife and I have been struck by how difficult it is to be disciplined

enough to do this together everyday, and we live in the same house!
However, when we feel powerful resistance to a discipline, that usually
means it's an important discipline. Satan doesn't waste time combating the
unimportant ones. Thanks again for your daily posts."

John Eldredge confirms these observations in Waking the Dead: "Seriously

now - how often have you seen this sort of intimate community work? It is
rare. Because it is hard, and it is fiercely opposed. The Enemy hates this
sort of thing; he knows how powerful it can be for God and his kingdom.
For our hearts. It is devastating to him.” (p. 198)
Predigested truth can lead to sleep walking?
Hereʼs a response on the blog that Kent Smith in Abilene, TX wrote
in response to a comment made by Rose Starr in Denver, CO:

"A few days ago, Rose (Starr) said she thinks this (CO2) is
opposed. I agree--both from outside and inside ourselves.

We want--all too often, expect, really--for intimacy with God to come

to us hassle free, with little effort on our part. Pretty much the way
we'd like the rest of our life to go--convenient.

So rather than a real, daily conversation with the present God, we'll
opt for the occasional bit of predigested, mass dispensed universal

This can work like a religious place-holder, keeping us unaware that

we are spiritually asleep--that, far from engaging our own heart with
the heart of God and others, we are sleep-walking through life.

I love that many of us are finding in CO2s a bracing call to wake

up--again, today."
CO2 and marriage

Dr. Kent Smith talks about how doing a CO2 (ie,

embryonic church) with his wife Karen has significantly
deepened the intimacy in their marriage.

Whether you are married or single, you will find many

helpful insights from their story.

Check it out in this video.

Click the link and then scroll down until you see “Co2 in
the context of marriage.”
C02s and Marriage
What if the picture to the right is actually a picture of a church?
What if a marriage is potentially the ultimate CO2?

Check out this post from Kathy from Richland Hills, TX:
"My Co2 partner is my husband who has in the past couple of months has been
spending everyday with the Lord, as he has been unemployed... In a nut shell,
God has been moving mightily in his life during this down time and has changed
his heart in such ways that it's moved him to tears. He said this is what he's
been praying for and God's given it to him. Before now, I would not have been
able to have him as a Co2 partner. In fact, we missed our prayer time yesterday,
and he pointed it out to me. This is a MAJOR MAJOR change in my husband
and I really need some strong Co2ers in my area to hook up with... Thank you
for offering this October challenge & inviting me to join in....”

Check out this from Our Father Abraham: Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith by
Marvin Wilson: "Foundational to all theory on the biblical concept of family is the
Jewish teaching that the home is more important than the synagogue. In Jewish
tradition, the center of religious life has always been the home." (p. 216)

The marriage, and then the family, is the first and most foundation expression of
church. If this one biblical concept was restored, I believe America would be
transformed as a nation.
CO2 as the Basic Building Block

A CO2 is tremendously beneficial to the two people who make it up. But,
it is also the basic building block for all larger forms of church. Jesus'
CO12 (church of twelve) was made up of six CO2s. See Mt. 10:1-4.

From Hobby Chapin in Brighton, CO...

"Our house church has 7 CO2s. This week we practiced in our Sunday
gathering the first step of compassion: listening and asking good
questions so that we can understand; we are learning to draw out the
story. I am currently reading the PAPA Prayer by Larry Crabb. I think
SASHET is much like the first step of Presenting Yourself to God. It is a
place of listening to your own heart and identifying where you are and
trying to be honest before God and before your partner about how you
are doing. Thank you for the daily encouragement. It is great."

Can you imagine what your weekly house church gathering would be like
if it were made up of multiple CO2s connecting on a daily basis?
What a versatile tool!
Chris Jefferies lives in St. Neots, Cambridgeshire, UK. Chris learned about the "church
of two" concept at the House2House Conference last fall (2009) in Dallas, TX. Here's
Chris' story. (BTW, file this under "Viral Multiplication".)

In early December I began CO2 with a house church friend, Sean. After the first week we were clear that we very much
wanted to continue, and after three weeks we both agree that our relationship with one another and our relationships
with the Lord are deepening noticeably.

Our experiences are similar to those reported by others commenting on 'Stories from the Revolution'. I had expected
CO2 to be good, but it was trying it out for myself over a period of days that really convinced me. It's sometimes been
difficult to keep going on a daily basis, but it is so worth the effort. My advice - don't give up, keep on keeping on and you
will benefit.

Even if you don't have a partner for CO2, I would recommend doing the VIRKLER and SASHET exercises on your own
each day. You will still see some useful benefit. But working in pairs or small groups will amplify the value greatly.

VIRKLER (particularly the hearing and journaling aspects) has deepened my awareness of the Lord's constant presence
in my life.

SASHET has brought us closer to one another in mutual understanding, respect and trust. As we pray with and for one
another in the light of hearing the Lord's direction to each of us, I'm fully convinced we'll be led into church life and
sharing the gospel in ways we could hardly have imagined at first.

CO2 is not an end in itself. It is, however, a really useful framework for hearing from the Lord and at the same time
developing broader and deeper relationships between individuals. In this way it stimulates spiritual growth and can act as
both a building block for church and a platform for sharing the gospel. What a versatile tool!
Co2 and Family
The motto of the Chinese housechurch movement is:

*Every home a church

*Every believer a church planter

*Every church building a training center.

Sean and Jessica Hyatt, in Aurora, CO used the CO2 concept to live this out in their home. Here's Sean's description...

My wife and I participated in the October experiment by CO2ʼing together that month. It was a wonderful experience. Since
then I have also enjoyed practicing the CO2 concept with a couple close brothers in my church family, and with other brothers
in various ways.

Well, last week I believe the Lord put on my heart the idea and burden to CO2 as a household, daily, with my wife and children.
So, we have been practicing this together for almost a week now. (When the video linked to below was done it had been two
months). Easier said than done – but it has also been incredibly rewarding and transformational for our family already!

What I felt on my heart was a concept about following Christ together, daily, with oneʼs entire household - those with whom we
share a roof over our heads, food, finances, and everyday life.

Already my wife and I (along with our 10 and 7 yr old boys, 1 yr old daughter, and little dog) have enjoyed some wonderful
times of worship and devotion together since the new year began. All checking in together, then spending some time praying
and listening, then sharing what we hear the Lord saying to us together, and trying to obey it, together. Following Him daily –

Every home a church. What a concept! Imagine if this became the norm for every Christian household in America (or your
country)! This simple idea alone would transform a nation.

Take a look at this video to watch Sean describing how his family practices Co2 as a family spiritual discipline.
Only in meetings?
More "church of two" insights from Chris Jefferies in Cambridgeshire,

I've had a further thought about CO2 based on my own experiences with it.
Just wanted to share in case it's useful to you in any way. If so feel free to
share it any way you wish.

Long, long ago (about 1975/6) I was involved in the so-called Charismatic
Renewal in the UK. When we met at home across the denominational
divides it was normal to experience prophecy, visions, interpreted tongues,
and to receive words direct from the Lord. In other words, the flow that Mark
Virkler pointed out as available to all of us was well known at that time and
expected eagerly - but only in meetings! (At least, that was my experience.)

We expected the free flow of the Spirit during our meetings, but it didn't occur
to me that this was also available personally and at any time. I think I was
under the impression it was only possible because we were meeting - as if
the Spirit fell on the meeting, not on the individuals gathered there.

So the flow component of Virkler in CO2 comes very naturally to me and

leaves me wondering, 'Why have I not been doing this for years and years?'
How silly! But better late than never, and CO2 has played an important part
in achieving it.
CO2 and Disciplemaking (1)

Roger Bullard is involved with planting churches and making disciples in eastern
Europe. We were recently emailing about CO2s and I shared with him why a
"church of two" is the best context I've ever found for making disciples.

Here's the first reason... a CO2 is daily (or as close to daily as possible).

This may seem insignificant but it's actually extremely important and generally
overlooked today. Most approaches to making disciples focus on meeting together
weekly. However, there is a depth that develops when you walk together on a daily
basis. You get below the surface to the deep places where God wants to work in our

Here's what we learn from Scripture about the daily nature of making disciples...
1. It's the way Jesus did it. Jesus was with his disciples every day for three years. If
we are going to do it the way the Master did it, we have to think "daily".
2. It's the way the early church did it. "Every day they continued to meet together in
the temple courts and they broke bread in their homes..." Acts 2:46.
3. It's what we are commanded to do. "Encourage one another daily..." Heb. 3:13.
CO2 and disciple making (2)
Over the years, I've been in (and led) dozens of classes on
disciplemaking. Almost all were designed to teach people to know
about God.
• Here's your Discipleship Notebook...
• Read these passages of Scripture
• Memorize these verses
• Fill in the blanks
• Complete these assignments
• Pray this prayer

A "church of two" is different.

It's designed to teach people to know God. To have an intimate,

conversational relationship with Him. It's very simple really. Day in
and day out it goes like this... "Here's what the Lord is saying to me
today. What's He saying to you?" Disciples of Jesus learn to listen
by listening (and obeying) ... day after day. Everything else flows
from that... study... worship... family... mission... everything.

As disciples, this (listening) is what we do. And, when we disciple

someone else, this is what we teach them to do.

Jesus: "My sheep are continually listening (present tense) to my

voice; I know them, and they follow me." -John 10:27
CO2 and making Disciples (3)
I can still remember my 11th grade Sunday School teacher, Paul Kokulis (pictured). It was 45
years ago and I was an awkward, shy teenager. But, Paul (we called him "the Golden Greek")
treated me as though I was important. I don't remember any of our Sunday School lessons but I
sure remember the godly, caring life that he modeled.

This is one of the most powerful ways that God shapes us as disciples - through those godly men
and women that he puts in our lives to show us what it looks like to walk with God. Those
examples. Those models.

A "church of two" creates an ideal environment where this kind of modeling can naturally take
• When I share my SASHET with my partner, he gets to see me when I am happy-excited- tender
but also when I am sad-angry-scared. He gets to see a Christian who doesn't have it all
together and who is on the journey.
• When my partner shares his SASHET with me, I get to rejoice with him when he is rejoicing
and weep with him when he is weeping. We learn to be honest and transparent together
before the Lord.
• When I share what I've heard from the Lord (VIRKLER) and what I'm writing in my journal with
my partner, he gets to hear what God sounds like to me. I ask him to help me weigh what
I'm hearing and to be gently curious about what I've written.
• When my partner shares what he is hearing from the Lord (VIRKLER), I get to join him at the
growing edges of his life, the places where God is speaking to him.
So, CO2s are a powerful context for making disciples because they are daily and because they
focus on knowing God (not just knowing about Him). They are also powerful because they create
an environment where disciples get to see a first hand model of what it means to walk with Jesus
in an honest, transparent way.

Paul (not Kokulis): "Whatever you have... seen in me - put it into practice." Phil. 4:9
CO2 and making disciples (4)
The fourth reason that a CO2 is an excellent tool for making
disciples is that it is so simple. In this way, it's like baseball.

Baseball is both simple and profound. It is simple enough

that five year olds can enjoy playing T-ball on their first day.
Yet, it is so profound that grown men (and women) can
devote their entire lives to mastering its subtleties.

A CO2 is very simple and easy to explain.

CO2 = 2 people + SASHET + VIRKLER + DAILY.

You don't need a workbook or a conference or a twelve

week course to get started. Just start. In ten minutes, a
person can understand it well enough to begin to practice it
successfully. On the other hand, a CO2 can be the starting
point for deep and profound transformation.

And, as Neil Cole has said, only that which is simple can
multiply rapidly. Think of CO2 as a benevolent Kingdom
virus that could spread throughout your whole city.

Who will you "infect" today?

Mission Flows from Listening

There are lots of conversation these days about becoming "missional Christians." But, how does this actually happen.
Where does the motivation and direction come from?

Hobby Chapin, a church planter in Brighton, CO (north of Denver) has discovered that teaching people to listen to God's
voice is more effective than exhorting them to be missional. Most of the people in his house churches are involved with
daily "churches of two.” As they learn to listen, mission (church planting, evangelism, etc.) occurs spontaneously.

CO2's naturally result in "missional Christians."

Watch Hobby Chapin comment on this at this link.

Little churches are growing all around us

I think of CO2s as being like wild flowers. Each one is small

and simple and uniquely beautiful. And, they multiply rapidly.
Given the right environment, they can cover a field as far as
the eye can see.

CO2s have been spreading in Albuquerque, NM longer than

anywhere else (since last June 2009). Here's a report from
Peg Batcheller who is sort of a "Johnny Appleseed" there. (I
realize that I'm mixing plant metaphors but isn't that really
what an apostle is?)

"I specifically am a CO3 with Linda and Dee, and we have

grown so much in our walk with the Lord and each other. I
have a few other CO2s around the area, as well as an online
CO2. What I'm finding is it is not only encouraging in our own
hearts for fellowship and depth in relationship, but several of
us are finding we can do this with others, and little "churches"
are growing all around us! ... Albuquerque is just busting out
with CO2s everywhere! I look forward to see more growth and
depth this fall as we enter into a new season...I'm excited to
see this 'virus' spreading everywhere. And thanks to everyone
for their posts. I think that's what's going to make this 'a
success.' "
Unity flows from Listening
The last few days I've been talking about this principle: mission flows from

My new friend here in Denver, Phil Koneman, sent me the following email
that articulates a related principle: unity also flows from listening to God's
voice. And, this unity, according to Jesus, is key to reaching the lost. It's in
our CO2s that we first get to practice this principle.

Phil wrote...

"(Here's) a quote that applies to CO2 and seeking a corporate unity in

hearing Godʼs voice so that we may reach the nations:

“The loss of intimacy with God invariably leads to the loss of unity among
believers. Unity rests on the foundation of hearing Godʼs voice and
following His present priorities for our lives. Jesus prayed for the unity of
believers so that the world would know that the Father sent Jesus and
loves the church (John 17:23). Without unity the church will never have
credibility in the world or have power to fulfill its ministry.” Jack Deere,
Surprised by the Power of the Holy Spirit, p. 152.

What strikes me about this quote is the necessity of hearing Godʼs voice
and following His leading to the unity of the church – CO2 is the most
fundamental expression of unity!"
CO2 as a Structure for Simple Churches
When we (John) first began doing house church about 12 years ago, we
were reacting against the structure of traditional church. Now, we weren't
going to have any structure! What we discovered was that no structure
actually made church very complicated.

In time, we have come to a simple structure that moves us toward our

two values - connecting with each other and with God. We use the same
two practices when we gather as we do in our CO2s. This gives us a
"track to run on".

After lunch, we go around the circle using SASHET and check in with
each other. This usually takes about an hour. Then, we take 20 minutes
or so to individually listen listen to the Lord using VIRKLER. We ask this
question: "Lord, what do you want to say to your church today?" We
come back and share what we heard and "church" emerges out of that.
(teaching, singing, praying for one another, etc.)

One result of this simple structure is that every member of our church is
fully equipped to be the facilitator at any time. And, every member is
fully equipped to start a new church.
Thirteen year old leads church!

Imagine a way of doing church that is so simple that a 13 year old can do it

Tod Brown (Midland, TX) has a CO2 with his 13 year old son. Recently, his
son was on vacation with Tod's parents who asked the teenager to lead
church on a Sunday morning. You've got to hear Tod's description of what
happened! Go to this link to watch a one minute video where Tod tells the

So, what are the implications of a 13 year old confidently and successfully
leading a house church? (And, what do you think Tod's face is saying in the
“Viral” multiplication
This video shows the airplane traffic flow around the world in a 24-hour period. This is a good visual
demonstration of how a virus, or breaking news or even the Gospel might spread virally and organically
through relationships around the world.

“Only that which is simple can multiply rapidly.” -Neil Cole.

CO2s are simple.

CO2 and a church planting movement

"The way God designed our bodies is a model for understanding our lives together as a church..." (1 Cor. 12:25, The

Is a CO2 (church of two) fully church? Perhaps it is best to think of it as an embryonic church. (My definition of a church
is "two or more people called together by Jesus, living life under His leadership".)

Q: So, how do you get a lot of "grown up" people?

A: By starting with a lot of embryos.
Q: How do you get a lot of "grown up" churches? (ie, a church planting movement)
A: By starting with a lot of embryonic churches (ie, CO2s).
The CO2 virus spreads to Australia

Weʼve received many stories of the CO2 “virus” spreading spontaneously. Hereʼs

I (Tim) recently received a very encouraging email from a woman in Australia named
Maree. In the email, she she shared some of her own journey with practicing C02 and
how impactful this experience has been for her and her new friend, Sharon. I asked
Maree if I could share her email with all of you and she gave me permission.

Hi Tim,
I'm responding to your blog post from April 5th about telling stories. I've been watching the emergence of C02 with
interest, reading the blogs and checking out the LK10, House2House and simple church websites since about July of last
year when I decided (and was led) to leave my traditional Sunday Church.

Since then I've had a pretty incredible awakening and many, many stories to tell of God's great love and kindness to me
during this "detox "phase. I kept praying "What should I be doing??? Should I start something??? To which the reply came
"I am building my church." OK Lord, but I must have to do something???? "I am building my church."

So I relaxed and started C02 by myself, I'm pretty good at having conversations with myself ! I earnestly wanted to hear
Gods voice. One day after a rave from me about wanting to hear his voice, "How can I be sure?" "How will I know it's you,
etc. etc.,I heard very clearly, "YOU HEAR WELL ....JUST BELIEVE."

Well how AMAZING is that! It completely shifted my mindset and belief. Heaps of stuff has happened and I feel so
empowered, motivated, humble and privileged to be on this new trajectory and journey with my Lord.

*Continued on the next page....

The CO2 virus spreads to Australia, Continued

Interestingly, every time I've gone onto the LK10 site a little voice has told me "You're not a church planter, what are you
doing signing up here, this is not for people like you, what do you know about church planting." Recently I heard another
voice tell me, "You Daughter will be a church planter, 2 by 2."

Any way it's several months down the track, I recently met Sharon, we were camped next to each other at a Easter
Music Festival. I was telling her and her husband Jim about C02 and before I could finish she jumped out of her camp
chair grabbed my hand, shook it, and said "I'll do it with you!"

So for the past 3 weeks we have been C02'ing even though we are about 1,000 km's apart. We have both been
incredibly blessed and excited about what God is doing. Sharon and Jim have had a church at home for a couple of

We want to start a blog and we would like permission to use the C02 videos, etc. We would like to put it in an Aussie
context and generate some "local" interest. I have yet to sign up for LK10, I will do it soon but in the meantime I thought I
would share a bit of my story. Sharon has some great stories too, and together we are very thankful to you guys and our
Lord for this amazing, simple idea that is so fresh and uplifting .

We look forward to the days ahead, hearing God's voice and seeing his Kingdom Come!

P.S I am going to attend the annual conference in Dallas, a side trip for me from a holiday with my 3 sisters. I'm very

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