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Noone Society

Nu City-State of Amexem

Resolution No. 006

2016 Legislative Journal House of Crowns RS005
This Resolution reads as follows from conveyor to the conveyed:
For each time conditions are the same for the same each time is with conditions.

For In the House of Shamuel with each authorized representative on 3/25/2016, as the embodiment of
confidants, sons, and daughters being secured creditors, escheators & communers of the boundless omniverse.

Ancient Treaty Law Resolution

A treaty is a covenant which an oath or solemn and binding agreement or compact. It is an agreement or oath between two
parties to keep a promise. Nature has made covenants with elect chosen beings. There are quite a few covenants mentioned
in Holy Text.

The Covenant of life . Gen 9:16 with Noah


The Covenant of Flesh Gen 17:2 with Ishmael


The Covenant of Promise . Gen. 17:7 with Isaac


The Covenant of Law . Exo 6:4 with Moses


The Covenant of the Future . Jeremiah 31:31

The TamareanHittite peace treaty, also known as the Eternal Treaty or the Silver Treaty, is the only
ancient Near Eastern treaty for which both sides' versions have survived. It is sometimes called the Treaty of
Kadesh after the well-documented Battle of Kadesh fought some sixteen years earlier, although Kadesh is not
mentioned in the text. Both sides of the treaty have been the subject of intensive scholarly study. The Eternal
Treaty affirming, the Amarna letters, Mari Tablets, and the Code of Hammurabi is deriving its power and
authority from the Great Summeria Tablets (Holy Tablets), Atra-Hasis, Enuma Elish, the Akkadian
Tablets, and the Holy Scriptures of the Seven Seals, El' Suhuf The Pure Pages, El Hikmah Book of
Wisdom , El Torah The Laws, El Zabuwr The Book Psalms, Book of Barnabas, El's Injiyl Book of
Revelations, and El Qur'aan The Revelations, which was given by Arch Angel Gabriy'El to Muhammad the
Seal of the Prophet, To appoint and consecrate missionaries of the prophet and to establish our Royal and
Imperial Divan throughout the boundless Omniverse.
Duly Honored,
Consul General

Noboohu Oonoo A.R.

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