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se [YANZ—PrAAMAZ ae eee Japan's culture; they travelled extensively es cae eee pres Se ies HERR AICAE & ‘Boal ee eet Bonus Skills All ofthe following are Bonus Skills for ta Bugel: Jojusu Juju Kamajussu—Karumijutsu Shinobi-utsuShurikenjutsu Sumat Tanrojutsa Fine Arts: Acting Japanese Classics Court Dance Popular Dance Composition All Instrument Skills Painting Poetry Rhetoric Ki Powers Ki available to the Entertainers are as follows: Please Audience: A Focussed Power, ‘The Entertainer can increase the On and. amount of coinage gained for a performance by his effect number, The Cutrent Ki score is reduced by the Effect, Number used. Imposed’ are equal to. half the Effect Niner of the’ focunobg rll i tsed against. Player Characters, or the full ‘limber Effece Namber against Nor-Player Characters. In. combat the target saves st Distractions in the usual manner current Ki is reduced by the Effect ‘Number used Memory: The Entertainer’s Ki is used sa. HCS 0 remember 4 very impresie line of poetry, apt quotation, stunni Sint, ct. The GM sould csire that se jower does contribute to the game {in areal fashion and the furtherance of the character's ends. Tor emmple’ sulle quotation may be enough 10 sway the Daimyo from an execution ordered in a ‘moment of anger Performances esfornmmces cin be of 79 kinds igi ngrongi econ, BEI given bythe nats oc panne pees rehearsed dramas performed in a theatre es: These gain on and copp er plese 1 the ‘cfiec Theatre performances: These are performances of pieces that have to first be learnt. The Gamemaster must assign 2 Task Point value to specific works. These Task Points can be accumulated daily by the emerainer, with the oper skill oF Seeraing of skills For exam iece of Jramna might have 100 its 10 fe accomulaed wsing Acting and Court Dance averaged. The Bia part of the same drama will probably have 50 Task Points to be accumulated with the Biwa Individual dramas, and various parts in them, must be learned separately. ‘These performances once leaned can be performed at any time They will cara ‘the entertainer(s) moncy and On as follows: “(loa Tsk Pots required 00) * Tol Effect Numbers of Performers) Level of Leader of Troupe in copper pieces “They do, however cost money 1 sage ‘This equal dhe Tol of Performer’ eves inc ‘he Gamcmater may aso. wish to Impose an atbltery amount forthe hising of the theatse, between I and 5 Silver pleces is normal Sleight of Hand: Entertainers can palm small objects, ete with 2 Deftness Saving Throw. The effect number, positive oF ‘negative, is subtracted from the viewer's WIT ST. ‘The viewers only get a ST if they are watching the entertainer closely t0 try and see how it is being done. Budo For Entertainers Budo is earned from combat as usual, a5 ‘well as from performances. Roadside performances carn Budo equal to 1x the Level of the Entertainer, ‘Theatre performances earn Budo ‘equal t0 .5 x'the Level of the Entertainer Sleight of Hand earns Budo equal to the Level of the Entertainer if used to advance him significantly in the campaign, axherwise I eens 1 xis Level in Buc Professional Summary Table (Addition) Entertainer Initial Skills Acting; Choice of two from: Court Dance, Popular Dance, Japanese Classics, Composition, Biwa, Fue, Hichiriki, Kot, Samisen, San-Ko, Painting, and Rhetoric; Choice of one Practical Art, Choice of two Bugei Initial Goods: ‘A weapon for each Buge! Notes: Buke choosing this Profession lose half their Initial On Attribute Modifiers STR +5 DET +10 SPD +10 HLA +0 WT +10 WL +0 Hit Point Die 1D6 ACRITEAOOIIA 25

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