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Table Of Contents

Character Creation

Combat Rules

Step By Step 5
Races 7
Character Classes 15
Attributes 19
Background & Social Class 21
Descriptor Classes 25
Language 34

Time 49
Distance in Combat 49
Order of Combat 49
Initiative Checks 49
Attack Rolls 50
Defense Rolls 50
Escalation 51
Combat Maneuvers 51
Zero Health Points 52
Combat Advantages 52
Combat Disadvantages 52
Combat Tactics 53
Other Rules 53-54


Starting Equipment 36
Starting Money 36
Currency 36
Encumbrance 36
Armor 37
Shields 37
Small Melee Weapons 38
One Handed Melee Weapons 39
Two Handed Melee Weapons 39
Pole Arms 40
Ranged Weapons 41
Range & Reload 41
Adventuring Equipment 42
Food & Lodging 42
Transport 43
Potions 43
Poisons & Herbs 44


Spellcasters 55
Minor Spells 56
Major Spells 59
Divination 62
Elemental 63
Heal 64
Holy 65
Illusions 66
Nature 67
Necromancy 68
Protection 69
Summoning 70
Unholy 71
Rituals & Miracles 72
Other Magics 74

Basic Rules

Skill Tests 46
Advantage/Disadvantage 47
Luck Points 48
Rest & Healing 48


Appendix I - III 76

Game Design, Text, & Layout by D.S.Myers
Cover Art by Jack Holliday
Interior Art by: Jack Holliday (p8, 35, 45), Gary Dupuis (p3, 20, 29, 31, 72, 73, 75),
Matt Morrow (p18, 26, 47, 50, 52, 56), Ryan Rhodes (p24), Jacob Blackmon (p27, 44,
58), Michael Scotta (p33), Carlos Torreblanca (p43), some images used with
permission from Abandoned Arts (p4), Publisher's Choice Quality Stock Art Rick
Hershey / Fat Goblin Games (p6, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 30, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 48, 54, 55)

A big thanks and love you to my wife, Darcy and the kids (Raven, Keegan, & Poet) for
playing tabletop games with me and listening to me talk about all of the useless
information I have stored in my head.
Also thanks to Jack Holliday for the awesome cover art, Bryan Sisk for listening to me as I
bounce ideas around my skull, my late 80s/early 90s gaming group (Russell Ward, Ryan
Sweet, Jason Mathes, & anyone else that sat at that old kitchen table upstairs at Mom and
Pop Ward's)... and to Gary Gygax who paved the way for me to escape to fantasy worlds
through my teen years.
Though not an OSR game, Havenshield RPG owes a debt to all of that community and the
games it has created for paving the way for simpler, streamlined systems.
As a player and GM of many tabletop RPG's over the years this game owes a debt to all of the
games that influenced it, but most importantly the world's oldest fantasy roleplaying game.

...and thank you for your interest in this little DIY project.
Upcoming releases include The Havenshield GMs Handbook
and The Havenshield Setting Guide.

table shows the standard abbreviations
for dice calculations and a brief
explanation, these abbreviations are
mostly used to show the amount of
Damage a character or monster can

What You Need To Play

6 Sided Dice. It's recommended that
most players have 3 like colored die and
for those playing Mages they have a 4th
o-colored die for a Magic Usage Die.

Dice Abbreviations

Pencils and Notebook Paper.

Character Sheets (can be scanned and
printed from the back of the book or are
available for free download at

The lowest of the two dice rolled

The highest of the two dice rolled

Both dice added together


The Maximum possible on the two

dice rolled (12)

Miniatures are not necessary but can be

Snacks, bring snacks... Yes you!

Basic Rules
The Basic Mechanic is Roll 2d6+
Attribute (+ sometimes additional
modifiers) to meet or beat a Diculty
Number, Skill Test or Saving Throw.
Advantage/Disadvantage: Roll 3d6 for
Advantage add the highest two die & for
Disadvantage add the lowest two die &
then add any modifiers (Attribute or
Dice: Havenshield uses only d6.
Dice Abbreviations: The following

Art by Gary Dupuis

AP armor points

Game Abbreviations
STR strength
DEX dexterity
STA stamina
PER perception
KNO knowledge
SOC social
COM combat
SKI skills
MAG magic
GM game master
PC player character
NPC non-player character

DEF defense
INI initiative
HD hit dice
HP health points
XP experience points
DN diculty number
ST Skill Test or Saving Throw
gp gold piece
sp silver piece
cp copper piece

Character Creation
Step By Step
To create a character do the following in
1. Choose a Race
2. Choose a Class
3. Roll Attributes
4. Roll Social Class & Backgrounds
5. Equip Your Character
6. For Mages see the chapter on
7. Calculate DEF, INI, AP, HP, HD,
name, etc

Beginning HP.
3- Roll Attributes (p19-20)
Roll all 6 of your General
Attributes (Remember to roll
with Advantage for Primary
Attributes). Write these down on
your note paper.
Calculate your Class Attribute (p.
20) or for 1st level characters just
write 1 in that box on your
character sheet.
Adjust all Attributes by your Race
and write these on your character
sheet. Check the upper right hand
corner box of that Attribute to
indicate a Primary Attribute.
4- Roll Social Class and Background
Write your Social Class,
Background, Parents, &
Hometown on your character
5- Equip Your Character (36-44)
On your chracter sheet write
down your Classes Starting
Equipment (p36).
Roll for your starting money
(p36). Buy any remaining
equipment you wish with your
starting funds and write it on
your character sheet.
Figure Encumbrance (p36-37).

1- Choose a Race (p7-14)

On you character sheet write
down your characters Race, Age,
Height & Weight, Size, Languages
(p.34 for languages) and any
benefits or hindrance (Darkvision
,Weapon Proficiencies, etc). On a
separate sheet of notebook paper
make a note of the Attribute
bonuses, Base Move #, and roll on
your races 2d6 table and note any
additional bonuses.
2- Choose a Class (p15-18)
On your character sheet write
your Class, Level, Class Attribute
(COM, SKI or MAG), HD by
Class, Damage and Unarmed
Damage, Weapons Allowed and
the Special for your Class.
Take notes of your Classes
Primary Attributes and choose
your 2nd & your Classes

6- For Mages (p55+)

Write down your Minor Spells,

Known Schools & Major Spells on
your Characters Magic Sheet &
Calculate your Magic Usage
Number (p60).
7- Calculate the Rest
-Roll your beginning Health
Points (adding STA for those
Classes that can). Write it in your
Max Health box.
-Write down each Melee Weapons
Attack, Damage, & Size based on
your Attributes (remember to add
Combat to a Warriors Attack
-Write down each Ranged
Weapons Attack, Damage, Size,
Range & Reload. Attack and
Damage are based on Attributes
(and adding Combat for
Warriors). Check Ammo boxes
for the number of bolts. arrows,
etc. For Mages a Magic Blast Spell
should also be listed in Ranged
-Write down your Initiative
(p49-50). Initiative is equal to
Characters Level.
-Write down your MOVE (p37).
Move is by Race plus your DEX
and modified by heavy armors.
-Write down your Defense.
Defense is your DEX plus any
shield bonuses (p50).
-Write your Armor Points in the
shield on your character sheet.
Armor Points are listed in the
armor table on p37.

-Write down your XP Needed for

next level in your XP box lower
left (pg23).
-Give yourself 1 Luck Point and
right it down in the Luck Point
box on your character sheet.
8- Now find the nearest dungeon, kill
an evil beast or two and loot it's body.

The Havenshield Players Handbook
includes 6 Fantasy races for Player
Characters to choose from. Two of the
Races include sub-races and also rules for
half-race characters. When choosing a
race the top section (bullet points) apply
to all characters of that race & then roll
on that Races Table for additional

happening to the Dwarven race.

Dwarven tales tell that they were created
in Allfather's first dream and therefore
never had the ability to dream
themselves. Their lack of dreaming is
believed to be tied to their inability to
use magic and their resistance to magic
itself. But some scholars believe their
inability to become Mages and resistance
to magic may be tied to their mining of


The Dwarves, in old texts referred to as

'The First People', are the most ancient of
the world's races. They generally live
under the mountain ranges, most living
the entirety of their lives in the deep
underground halls and cities of the
Dwarven Kingdoms. Not as fertile as
humans, they have few children & less
than a third of their people are women,
who are often guarded jealously within
their cavernous halls. A once prolific race
that spread beneath the earth with their
individual kingdoms tied together by the
subterranean Deep Roads, the years of
warfare with other creatures and races of
the Under Kingdoms have left them a
much smaller and more isolated

Stoneborn Dwarf
The Stoneborn consider themselves the
True Dwarven people and although
generally friendly to their surface kin,
they do not really consider them
Dwarves anymore. They look on them as
outcasts and 'unworthy'. Stoneborn are
often pale in complexion with an earthy
stone-like undertone to their skin. Their
beards are immaculately cared for and
can become white (but most often gray)
with advancing age. Wide of chest and
calloused of hands, the Stoneborn have
many traditions that would be foreign to
the outside world. Stoneborn women are
unbearded but rarely seen by anyone
other than other Stoneborn. Women are
highly prized amongst the people but
family lines are traced thru the male
lineage. The Stoneborn are generally
unafraid of magic itself but do not take
kindly to Mages.

The remaining subterranean

Dwarves ,'The Stoneborn', maintain trade
relationships with the other races and
perfunctory diplomatic ties with the
countries of man, but beyond that few
seem to know the realty of what is

mercenaries on the surface world.

Sun Dwarves are believed to be 100%
male and have become much more
common in the last few hundred years.

Add 1 to STA
size M
Move: 8+DEX
Magic Resistance
Stoneborn cannot be Mages
Stoneborn make all checks at
Disadvantage in sunlight or in any wide
open area on the surface of the world
(whether day or night)
Stoneborn are proficient in the use of
all axes and hammers regardless of
Character Class
Starting Languages: Dwarvish (speak/

It is beyond rare to see a female Dwarf at

all (in Stoneborn communities females
are more often than not relegated to the
deep levels of the cities where no one but
other Dwarves tread), but not a single
female Sun Dwarf has been seen. This
has led to many a Sun Dwarf settling
down and marrying their 'distant cousins'
the Gnomes and as time goes on quite a
few Half-Dwarf/Half-Gnome children
have been spotted in the playgrounds
around the known world. They most
often live solitary lives above ground but
in larger cities or towns they will form
small communities or will live alongside
Gnomes if they have a district. Sun
Dwarves are often seen by other people's
as dour and gru but by those who have
Dwarven friends they find they are a
likable, loyal, and friendly people.

Roll Once on This Table


Stoneborn Dwarf

1 +10 starting health points

2 extra +1 STA
3 additional language
4 minor magical item
5 +1 KNO

Add 1 to STA
size M
Move: 8+DEX
Sun Dwarves may not be Mages
Sun Dwarves are proficient in all
axes and hammers regardless of
Character Class
Starting Languages: Dwarvish (speak/
read/write) & the local regional human
language (speak)

6 +1 STR

Sun Dwarf
Most Dwarves encountered are Sun
Dwarves, physically identical to
Stoneborn Dwarves but often with a
deeper, more tan skin coloration, Sun
Dwarves are those who by choice (or
sometimes by exile) leave the Dwarven
clanholds to either make a living as
traders, smiths, or sometimes

Roll Once on this Table


Sun Dwarf

1 +10 starting health points

2 extra +1 STA
3 additional language
4 minor magical item
5 +1 KNO
6 +1 STR

Because of their non-magical nature

Dwarves cannot take the Mage class,
but they are resistant to magic based
attacks (taking half damage). For Sun
Dwarves this resistance slowly fades (1/2
damage for the first 5 years above
ground, 1/4 damage for the next 5-10
years, and no longer being resistant after
a decade).
Dwarves reach adulthood at 40 years of
age and live on average 200 years. Males
average 4'8 in height and around 185lbs
in weight. Females average 4'5 in height
and are less stocky weighing in at around

Adunaic Elves (City Elves)

The Adunaic, more commonly called City
Elves, Tower Elves (because of their ties
to the magical arts) or derisively referred
to as "Blood Elves" for their part in the
early days of foul magics. Often reaching
6 feet tall the Adunaic tend to have
lighter colored hair (often blonde) with
blue, green, or gray eyes. They live in the
remaining towered cities of their
ancestors. Slow to breed, often only
having one child, they have slowly been
disappearing from the world. Many
retreating to the hidden islands of
elvenkind. City Elves are known for


Once the rulers of the surface lands, the

Elven peoples have been on a steady
decline. Historically Elves were one
people but since the retreat to parts
unknown and the coming of man the
nation of elvenkind has been split into 2
distinct subraces.

their noble, sophisticated attitudes as

well as their penchant for powerful

still magically inclined are more likely to

be masters of the longbow than masters
of the magical arts. The Tawarwaith
dwell in the ancient forests, protecting
their ancestral homelands. A very
secretive people, and rarely seen far from
their homelands, The Elves of the Woods
are nevertheless considered a friend to
the other races of the world.

Add 1 to SOC
size M
Move: 12+DEX
Lowlight Vision
Adunaic Elves cannot be truly
Adunaic are proficient with all bows
and swords regardless of Character
Starting Languages: Elven (Speak,
Read, Write) & the local Human
regional tongue (Speak)

Add 1 to DEX
size M
Move: 12+DEX
Lowlight Vision
Tawarwaith Elves cannot be truly
Tawarwaith are proficient with all bows
and spears regardless of Character
Starting Languages: Elven (Speak,
Read, Write) & either the local Human
regional tongue (for those in more
human controlled areas) or Sylvan (for
those native to the heavily wooded
kingdoms of Elves). Languages p34.

Roll Once on this Table


Adunaic Elf

1 +1 DEX
2 extra +1 SOC
3 additional language
4 minor magical item
5 +1 PER
6 +1 KNO

Roll Once on this Table


Tawarwaith Elf

1 small animal companion

Tawarwaith Elves (Wood Elves)

2 extra +1 DEX

The Tawarwaith, literally "Forest People",

also called Sylvan or Wood Elves, are
considered the 'wild' cousins of the
Adunaic. Physically smaller than the
Adunaic and with longer ears, they tend
to also have darker hair and eyes. More
prolific than their City brethren, they are
also a bit shorter lived, and although

3 additional language
4 minor magical item
5 +1 PER
6 +1 STA


Although they live abnormally long

lives, Elves and Elven characters
cannot be truly resurrected from
death. They can however be revived
from near death.

Gnomes are often found in larger human

cities studying (or teaching) the magical
crafts at colleges dedicated to the arcane
arts. Or found amongst the tradespeople
of the town, crafting fine clockwork
items and innovative inventions.

Although Elves live very long lives, both

the Tawarwaith and Adunaic elves have a
tradition of letting their newly 'adult'
elves leave home for some 25-40 years to
travel and study the world. Though most
Elves do not take this 'Sabbatical', it is
assumed that those who currently live
among humankind or are adventurers are
currently on "Wanwa Tuulo' Eska" (Away
from Home).

Add 1 to KNO

size S
Move: 8+DEX
All Gnomes (regardless of Character
Class) can never have HD above 1d6 +
All Gnomes regardless of Character
Class or armor restrictions can cast the
following Minor Spells as a caster of
1/2 his level. Detect Magic, Disguise,
Hide, Magic Hand, Minor Illusions.
A Gnome may only cast a number of
spells per day equal to his level before
requiring a Long Rest.
Starting Languages: Sylvan (Speak,
Read, Write) and one additional spoken
language (p34).

Elves reach adulthood at 75 years of age.

It is believed that Adunaic Elves can live
up to 1000 years but Tawarwaith Elves
age more rapidly living only half as long
(500 years). Elves stand between 5 & 6
feet tall with City Elves being towards
the 6 foot mark and Sylvans towards the
5. Both are slight of build weighing less
than humans of the same heights.




1 choose between a clockwork companion

or a magical familiar

Tinkerers, Illusionists, Hidden. All

describe the forest and hill dwelling
Gnomes. Often living underground in
small towns and villages well
camouflaged into its surroundings, the
Gnomes of the land often trade with the
other kindly races. Bringing with them
the treasures of the Fey races into
Human and Elf Settlements in trade for
metal work, gems & other treasures.

2 extra +1 KNO
3 additional language
4 minor magical item
5 +1 DEX
6 +1 PER

Roll Once on this Table


Gnomes reach adulthood at 40 years of

age and live on average 200 years.
Gnomes are 3 to 4 feet in height (with no
real dierence between male to female
heights) and are lighter and less stocky
than their Dwarven cousins.

Roll Once on this Table



1 +1 KNO
2 extra +1 DEX
3 additional language
4 minor magical item


5 +1 SOC

Living alongside humans for the last 50

or so generations, the Halflings of the
world often farm and build small
communities in or very near to almost all
human cities, towns, and villages. With
an immense love of home, family, friends
& the comforts of food, a warm fire, and
a good book, mankind has welcomed
them into almost all aspects of their
lives. Treating them as friends and
cousins and often protecting them from
the horrors that lay in the wilderness
surrounding their civilized lands.

6 +1 PER

Halflings reach adulthood at 20 years of

age and live on average 150 years.
Halfling males average 3'0 in height and
around 45lbs in weight. Females average
2'9 in height and weighing in at around


The most prolific of the races,

humankind has adapted to most every
known climate in the world. With their
generally shorter lifespans and penchant
for conquering mankind has formed
many a great kingdom that has risen only
to fall.

Add 1 to DEX
size S
Move: 8+DEX
Halflings are proficient in using farm
tools and improvised weapons and take
no damage penalty for using them
(doing regular class damage instead).
All Halflings (regardless of Character
Class) gain Advantage on all Stealth or
Hiding based checks.
Halflings may never have higher HD
than 1d6+STA no matter the Character
Starting Language: Halflings have no
native tongue and Speak, Read, Write
the local language of Humans.

The Race of Man is split into many

distinct groups from barbaric northerners
to nomads living in the steppes of the
east to small woodland tribes living as
they have for thousands of years.
Humanity covers the world in one form
or another, sometimes brining prosperity
with it and sometimes pestilence and
death. Gifted in the magical arts the
Elves bestowed upon them and


no +2)
size M
Move: 10+DEX
Starting Languages: Humans can
generally speak the local human
regional language and depending on
Social Class, Background or Character
Class can Read & Write it. For every
two points of KNO add an additional
spoken language (p34).
Roll Once on this Table


1 +5 starting health points

2 +1 to any General Attribute
3 additional language
4 minor magical item
5 +1 SOC
6 +1 STR

mastering the metalwork the Dwarves

taught them in the early days, Mankind
used these tools to create war, more
often among themselves than with

Humans are the most diverse of all the

races, with skin and hair varying in color
from black to the lightest pale and
yellow. Their men may or may not wear
beards and their eyes can be of various
hues, tending towards shades of blue or

Now they find themselves a splintered

and fractured race of people, having no
shared language, custom, religion or
ideals, they march on. Good, evil,
civilized, barbaric, holy, tragic, hopeful,
social, reclusive... all can be found among
the worlds now dominant race.

Humans reach adulthood at 15-19 years

of age depending on the culture and live
on average 85-90 years. Human heights
and weights vary across a large spectrum
with some northern men generally being
both tall and heavily muscular (avg.
height 6'3 and weighing in at over 200
lbs) and some women of the foreign
lands being very small and dainty (avg.

Humans gain +1 bonus to any 2

General Attributes of their choosing
(cannot be used on single attribute, so


height 4'11 and weight of 105 lbs).


Orcs inhabit most of the lands in one

form or another, from small tribal
woodland bands to the vast nomadic
empires of tribes. Mostly known for their
barbaric ways and customs the Orc have
carved out a living in some of the most
hostile territories in the lands. The
Orcish race are at a crossroads between
becoming truly civilized or reverting to
their inhuman and vile nature.

Roll Once on this Table

It is not uncommon to see Orcs amongst

the peoples of a city or town in some
lands, these orcs tend to be much more
"civilized" than their tribal cousins.

Orcs reach adulthood at around 14 years

of age and live on average 50-60 years.
Orcs can range from 5 feet tall to a
massive 7 feet tall and weigh anywhere
from 180 to a hair over 300lbs.



1 +10 starting Health Points

2 +1 to SOC (negates the -1 penalty)
3 +5 to starting Health Points
4 minor magical weapon
5 +1 PER
6 +1 STA

add 2 to STR
subtract 1 from SOC
size M
Move: 10+DEX
Orcs are trained in the use of all
weapons regardless of Character Class
Starting Languages: Orcs Speak a
guttural and rough form of Elven (they
can communicate with Elves and vice
versa but do have their own slang words,
accent, etc) & those Orcs raised in or
near human settlements will often speak
the local Human
regional language

Half Races

To create a half race character choose any

of the 2 Character Races and do the
Choose one of the two races to be the
Main race and use that races attribute
bonuses and bullet point abilities.
Use the d6 table of the second race for
additional bonuses.
Starting Languages: Speak both parents
native or racial language & Speak, Read,
Write the local Human regional tongue,
this represents that most Half Race
characters would be raised in Human
settlements (and attended human
schools) as most 'pure' race kingdoms
have little tolerance for Halfbloods.


Character Classes
Havenshield has 3 beginning Character
Classes to choose from, each Class is
listed in the following format (with

games damage isn't calculated by the

weapon used but by the characters class,
representing a characters lethality and
training in weapon use). This Damage
will be written as the abbreviated code
and applies to all weapons damage the
character is proficient in using. It also
lists a characters damage done while
unarmed or using a makeshift or
improvised weapon in parentheses.

Primary Attributes: Each class has one

Primary Attribute and allows the player
to choose the 2nd. Primary Attributes
create Advantage in most situations
where that Attribute would be used (i.e.
A Warrior attempting to lift a heavy
portcullis would roll with a STR
Advantage on the Skill Test).

Class Damage

Class Attribute: The 'special' attribute

associated with each class, this attribute
is not rolled for but based on the PC's
Class Level. It is used as a bonus in
addition to General Attributes for certain
skills related to the characters Class (i.e.
a thief adds their SKI to their DEX in
pick pocketing attempts, a Warrior adds
their COM to their STR for a bonus to
hit, a Mage adds MAG to KNO for
spellcasting rolls)

The lowest of the two dice rolled

The highest of the two dice rolled

Both dice added together


The Maximum possible on the two

dice rolled (12)

Beginning HP: This is the Characters

beginning amount of Health Points.
Weapons & Armor: The characters
beginning armor and weapon
proficiencies are here (characters can use
armors or weapons they have no training
in but do suer penalties for doing so)

HD: Hit Die, the PCs Hit Die is the

amount of Health Points a character
gains when leveling up, amongst other
Damage: This is the amount of Damage
each Character Class does (unlike other

Class Special Abilities are listed here.


Primary Attributes: STR & Choose 2nd


Class Attribute: COM (Combat)

Fighter, Soldier,
Mercenary, Guard...
All encompass the
battle hardened

Beginning HP: 4d6+STA

HD: 2d6+STA
Damage: 2 (unarmed/improvised: H)
Weapons & Armor: Any & All
Health Surge: Once per encounter a
Warrior can heal 1d6+STA

"I saw him storm into

the field of battle,
swinging an axe the size
of a man. His armor,
once shining, now
covered in thick, black
blood and gore. For a
moment the man became
a monster, hacking at his
foes and screaming for
all to die. And then for
one moment he seemed
to glare at me alone...
and he smiled."

"I didn't see what

pierced me in the back
but I felt the blood. I
spun and turned to see
the man, head covered
in a hood. He showed
me my purse of gold
before he said 'thanks
mate'. Then he walked
into the shadows..."

Primary Attributes: DEX & Choose 2nd
Class Attribute: SKI (Skills)
Beginning HP: 3d6+STA
HD: 1d6+STA
Damage: H (unarmed/improvised: L)
Weapons & Armor: All swords, bows,
daggers, clubs; All leather armors and
light shield
Pinpoint Attack: If Rogues DEX is
higher than either the opponents DEX
(for NPCS) or HD (for monsters)
increase the damage done by one
Escalation step (H to 2, L to H, etc) for
melee attacks with any one handed
Language: All Rogues add Cant as an
additional language regardless of Race
or other factors.

Thief, Pickpocket,
Smuggler, Scoundrel...
those who live one
step ahead of the law.
This is the Rogue.

Primary Attributes:KNO & Choose 2nd


Class Attribute: MAG (Magic)

"At dawn we heard the

ground quake and from
the sky itself it rained
fire. Then we saw him
standing upon the
central tower covered in
blue light, his eyes
blazing from the chaos
he brought to town."

Beginning HP: 2d6+1 (no STA bonus)

HD: 1d6+ Class level (no STA bonus)
Damage: L (unarmed/ improvised: 1
point of damage)
Weapons & Armor: longsword, sta,
club, crossbows; no armor
Magic Use: Mages begin the game
with 1 Magic Usage Point and the
ability to cast spells (see the chapter on
Magic for more).
Wizard Types: For more traditional
wizards add Draconic as an
additional language (Draconic is
the language of Magic itself) and
for more religious based Mages
add Celestial as a bonus language
(as it is the language of solitary

Magician, Sorcerer,
Shaman, Priest...
those who harness
divine or arcane
magical arts, this is
the Mage.
Art by Matt Morrow

Havenshield uses 6 General Attributes
and 3 Class Attributes. The General
Attributes are Strength (STR), Dexterity
(DEX), Stamina (STA), Perception
(PER), Knowledge (KNO), Social
(SOC), and the Class Attributes are
Combat (COM), Skills (SKI) & Magic

Roll 2d6 for General Attributes (3d6

w/ Advantage for Primary Attributes)
and consult the following table

General Attributes Range from -1 to 6

and Class Attributes begin at 1 and
increase to 6 as a character levels.
At the beginning of the game roll each
General Attribute in order (remembering
to roll Primary Abilities with Advantage)
and then modify each Ability by Race.

2d6 Roll








Class Attributes
Class Attributes are additional
bonuses added to checks that are
associated with the Character's Class,
such as hitting someone with a sword for
Warriors, Casting Spells for Mages, or
picking someone's pocket for Rogue's.
Class Attributes are not rolled for and
increase as Characters Level up.

General Attributes
STR (Strength) is a measurement of the
physical power and might of a character.
DEX (Dexterity) is a measurement of the
speed and agility of a character.
STA (Stamina) is a measurement of the
physical fortitude and endurance of a
PER (Perception) is a measurement of
the alertness and awareness of a
KNO (Knowledge) is a measurement of
the mental intelligence and learning of a
SOC (Social) is a measurement of the
charm and personality of a character.

Combat Attribute (COM)- Warriors

The COM attribute adds to a Warriors
Attack Roll with any weapon they are
proficient in. It also adds to any STR
tests that are combat related. Also any
kind of tests or skills related to battle,
warfare, leadership, etc.
Skills Attribute (SKI)- Rogues
The SKI attribute adds to any Rogue's
tests, skill checks, or saving throws


related to Thievery, Traps, Stealth,

Understanding Written Languages,
Hearing, etc.
Magic Attribute (MAG)- Mages
The MAG attribute adds to a Mages
spellcasting tests, saving throws against
spells, spell attacks & all tests related to
arcane knowledge, ancient lore,
demonology, religion & more.

i.e. Trick, the Halfling Rogue, isn't

paying much attention while walking
down a corridor and triggers a
pendulum-like trap. The GM asks the
player to roll a DEX check to see if
Trick can dodge the well constructed
and fast trap (a Diculty 15 test).
Because the Rogue has DEX as a
Primary Attribute he gets to make the
test at Advantage. The player then rolls
3d6 and rolls a 4, a 2 & a 6. Taking the
2 highest die (4 & 6) for a total of 10,
the player adds his DEX score of 4 for
14 (still failing). BUT because Trick is a
2nd Level Rogue the player also gets to
add the Rogue's Skill Attribute of 2 to
the roll (since Traps are included in the
Skill Attribute). For a total of 16,
dodging the pendulum's blade as it
swings from one side of the corridor to
the other.

Class Attributes start at 1 and increase to

6 over the ten Character Levels. Consult
the following table for Class Attributes.







Primary Attributes
Primary Attributes grant Advantage on all
Skill Tests that are associated with that
Attribute. All characters begin the game
with 2 Primary Abilities. One that is tied
to the Characters Class and a 2nd of the
player's choice. Once characters reach
5th level they gain a 3rd Primary
Attribute of their choice. You can
indicate which Attributes are Primary by
checking the box in the upper righthand
corner of the Attribute's box on the
Character Sheet.


Art By Gary Dupuis

Backgrounds &Social Class

Social Class

Lower Class/ Peasant

Start by rolling for Social Class. A PCs

Social Class will determine not only his
choice of Backgrounds but his starting
funds and Equipment.

1. bandit
2. barbarian
3. beggar
4. branded criminal
5. brothel worker
6. con-artist
7. defrocked priest
8. exile
9. farmer
10. fence
11. fisherman
12. fortune teller
13. fugitive
14. gambler
15. gardener
16. grave digger
17. grave robber
18. heretic
19. hermit
20. hunter
21. laborer
22. miner
23. mountain man
24. mugger
25. outlaw
26. pickpocket
27. poacher
28. pilgrim
29. pirate
30. quarry worker
31. ratcatcher
32. servant
33. shepherd
34.freed slave

To roll for Social Class roll 3d6 and

consult the following table.

Social Class


Lower Class/ Peasant


Middle Class/





See Equipment Section for more on

starting money and Equipment based on
Social Class.

Backgrounds By Social Class

Backgrounds create advantage on any
Skill Test roll that would fall into the
knowledge or skills gained thru having
the background (i.e. character with a
Painter background attempting to forge a
painting, etc). Players are not limited to
these backgrounds and can choose
almost any descriptive background they
can think of as long as it weaves into the


35. street preacher

36. street thug
37. street urchin
38. thief
39. toad hunter
40. wanderer
41. well digger

30. innkeeper
31. locksmith
32. mercenary
33. musician
34. navigator
35. painter
36. priest
37. rope maker
38. scout
39. sculptor
40. shipwright
41. singer
42. slave trader
43. soldier
44. spy
45. student
46. tailor
47. teacher
48. temple guard
49. tracker
50. vintner

Middle Class/ Freeman

1. apothecary

2. architect
3. armorer
4. artisan
5. baker
6. barber
7. blacksmith
8. bodyguard
9. bookbinder
10. brewer
11. butcher
12. caravan guide
13. carpenter
14. cartographer
15. cartwright
16. city guardsman
17. clerk
18. cooper
19. cultist
20. dentist
21. dock Master
22. engineer
23. explorer
24. farmer
25. fence
26. gamekeeper
27. glass blower
28. grocer
29. herbalist

1. brothel owner
2. cat burglar
3. courtier
4. diplomat
5. doctor
6. explorer
7. government ocial
8. historian
9. merchant
10. money lender
11. priest
12. slave trader
13. spice merchant
14. student collector




Fill in this section on your character

sheet. Are your parents still living? Did
you have a Hometown? Do you have any
brothers and sisters?

Misc. Character Creation

Initiative: Equal to Class Level
Defense: DEX modified by shield bonus
AP: Armor Points are listed with each
type of armor in the Equipment section.
Class/Race Benefits: Make a note of
racial and class benefits in this section,
such as Darkvision, the Rogues Pinpoint
Attack, etc.
Encumbrance: You can carry up to 20+
STR in items with a backpack without
encumbrance. 10+STR items without,
within reason (some large items may
take up more than one items worth of
carrying capacity). If you are carrying
more than your encumbrance you will
have Disadvantage on all tests.
Luck Points (LP): You begin the game
with 1 Luck Point. LP give bonuses to
certain die rolls (such as granting
advantage, rerolls, etc). Once a Luck
Point is spent it cannot be reused. You
can gain more by attending games (you
gain 1 at the beginning of each session)
or for roleplaying, defeating certain
enemies, and more (the GM gives away
LP based on certain things and will tell
you when you are awarded one).

XP Needed











Leveling Up
Roll HD and add that total to your
Health Points
Gain 1 LP (Luck Point)
On even numbered levels roll to check
for increases in your Primary Attributes
(see note on Raising Primary Attributes
next page).
On odd numbered levels choose only
one of your four non-Primary
Attributes and raise it by 1 (no check
At 3rd level choose a Descriptor
At 5th level choose a 3rd Attribute to
be a Primary Attribute.
At 9th level receive your Epic Power.
Once Character reaches 10th level
begin working towards Retirement
Goals (found in Havenshield GMs


Raising Primary
On even number levels a
check is required to see if
your Primary Attributes
raise. To do this roll 2d6
and if either die is equal
to or higher than your
current Attribute increase
it by 1. Do this for each of
your Primary Attributes.
Attributes can be raised to
a maximum of 6 (with 1
exception, Orcs, can raise
their STR to 7 at level 6 or
above by rolling a 6 on the
check if they already
possess a STR of 6).
ex. Boris the Warrior has a
Strength of 3 and a Constitution
of 5 at 5th Level. When Boris
reaches 6th Level he first rolls
2d6 for his STR and gets a 1 & a
5, since 5 is greater than his
current STR, his STR Attribute
increase by one point to 4. He
again rolls 2d6, this time for his
Constitution Attribute. He rolls a
2 and another 2. Since neither is
equal to or higher than his
current CON of 5 his Attribute
score does not increase at 6th
Level. But he will be able to try
again at 8th level.


Descriptor Classes
At 3rd level a player may choose a
Descriptor Class, but there may be times
when you may not meet the
Requirements for any of the available
Descriptor Classes (or may be
uninterested in the ones you do qualify
for) for your Character Class. In
that case you are allowed to continue
gaining levels and XP as normal and if
and when the character meets the
requirements of the Descriptor Class
they like they may take that Descriptor at
anytime the character levels up.


- A Barbarian can go into a berserk rage

a number of times per day equal to
half of the Barbarians level, this rage
lasts 1d6+STA combat rounds. While
enraged a Barbarian increases his
damage by one on the Escalation Table.
This requires a short rest after the
encounter before the Barbarian may
do anything strenuous again.
- Once per day a Barbarian may call
upon the ancient spirits of the world
to assist him in a given task. This
allows the Barbarian to automatically
succeed in one Skill Test or Attack
Roll, even when the odds would be
impossible (lifting a door to heavy to
lift, hitting a creature only hit by
magical items, etc).
- Epic Power: On a critical hit a
Barbarian can choose to deliver a
devastating blow instead of a Battle
Bonus. This hit does double the
max damage + STR bonus, ignores the
creatures AP and reduces the AP of the
target by 2.



Requirements: STR 3, STA 3

Requirements: STA 3, Must carry a


Warrior Descriptor

- A Barbarian who chooses not to wear

armor has natural Armor Points (AP)
equal to his COM Attribute. Wearing
armor negates this eect (use the
armors AP instead).

- A Guardian can give his Shield bonus

to any allies Defense Roll within 5 yds
for one Defense Roll per combat round.
This increases to 2 allies at level 6.


- A Guardian can sunder his shield from

any attack within 5 yards and can declare
it after the ally fails his Defense Roll
and the GM declares the monsters Dmg.
Sundering utterly destroys the Guardians
shield but negates ALL Damage done.
- A Guardian can cast the following
Minor Spells as a caster of 1/2 his
level. Armor, Disarm, Minor Heal,
Shield, Ward. He may only cast a
number of spells per day equal to his
level before requiring a Long Rest.
- Epic Power: Once per encounter a
Guardian can immediately deliver a
blow to any target within reach right
after it hits an ally. This hit does
double the damage that the target did
to the ally. This attack does not require
an Attack Roll nor does it take the place
of the characters normal actions
that round.

- Epic Power: Once per encounter a

Knight can immediately attack a
creature without rolling an Attack
Roll, this attack does double the max
damage + STR bonus. This attack
does not take the place of the
characters normal actions that round.

Requirements: STR 2 SOC 2, must
acquire Heavy Plate, Sword & a mount.
- Once per month a Knight can call
upon other members of his Knightly
Order to aid in quests. The number of
Knights that come to his aid is equal
to the Knights level.
- Once per encounter a Knight may
reroll any one failed Attack, Defense,
or Skill Test.
- At 4th Level a Knight retains the
services of a Squire (a 1st Level

Art by Matt Morrow




Requirements: DEX 3, KNO 2

Requirements: STR 2, KNO 2, SOC 3

- While unarmored a Monk gains a

number of Armor Points (AP) equal
to his COM attribute. This is
considered Natural Armor. If a Monk
chooses to wear armor it negates this
eect and the Armor Points of the armor
worn are used instead.
- A Monk ignores the Warriors
unarmed damage when attacking
with his fists or feet instead
doing a Warriors full weapons
damage (2). A Monk may
choose to split this into 2 attacks
against 2 foes, if so the first attack
does the High die (H) and the second
the Low die (L).
- A Monk can cast the following
Minor Spells as a caster of 1/2 his
level. Disarm, Hide, Minor Heal,
Resist. He may only cast a number
of spells per day equal to his level
before requiring a Long Rest.
- Epic Power: Once per encounter
a Monk can teleport to anywhere
within sight and immediately
make an attack roll to a nearby
target with surprise. This does
not take the place of the
characters normal actions.

- A Paladin may Rebuke a number of

Undead or Demons equal to his level
in HD plus 1d6 a number of times
per day equal to the Paladins
COM attribute.
- A Paladin may call upon his
God once per lunar cycle to
perform a Miracle
(Miracles are explained in
the Chapter on MagicRituals).
- A Paladin can cast
the following
Minor Spells as a
caster of 1/2 his
level. Light,
Minor Heal,
True Strike,
Word of
Faith. He
may only
cast a
number of
per day
equal to his
level before
requiring a Long
- Epic Power: Once per
encounter a Paladin can do a divine
strike. This powerful attack eects all
non-allies within 30 yards and does 2
(both die) +STR damage ignoring their




Requirements: DEX 2, PER 3

Requirements: DEX 3, PER 3, KNO 2

- A Ranger can track a creature or

person over long distances at full Move
speed. When Tracking a Ranger rolls at
Advantage no matter the circumstances
and adds both PER and KNO to his Skill
- At 4th level a Ranger gains an Animal
- While wearing no armor, Leather or
Heavy Leather armor a Ranger can
reload any Bow as a Free Action.
- Epic Power: Once per Encounter a
Ranger can fire a number of arrows
equal to the characters level with just
one Attack Roll. This attack does
1d6+PER damage for each arrow and
the arrows can be divided between any
targets the Ranger chooses (including
all in one target).

- An Assassin can make poisons equal to

an Alchemist of 1/2 his level. For more
on Poisons see Equipment.
- With a successful Sneak check an
Assassin can automatically succeed in
the first Attack Roll and do max damage
on a sleeping, prone, or unaware victim.
- An Assassin can cast the following
Minor Spells as a caster of 1/2 his
level. Detect Magic, Hide, Minor
Illusion, Whisper. An Assassin may
only cast a number of spells per day
equal to his level before requiring a
Long Rest.
- Epic Power: Once per encounter an
Assassin can choose any target within
sight and immediately strike it with a
poisonous dart without an attack roll.
The eects of the Assassin's poison
depend on the poisons the Assassin
has prepared (see Potions and Poisons
in the Equipment chapter). This attack
does not take the place of the Assassin's
normal turn.

Rogue Descriptor


Treasure Hunter

Requirements: SOC 4, KNO 3

- While wearing no armor heavier than
Heavy Leather a bard can cast any
Minor Spell he knows as long as the Bard
is carrying a musical instrument and has
the ability to use his voice (sing). A
Bard casts spells as a caster of 1/2 his


level & may only cast a number of

spells per day equal to his level.
Bards can learn a number of Minor
Spells up to their KNO + Character
- Once per lunar cycle (month) a Bard
can influence and sway a number of
people equal to his level in d6 (i.e. a
4th level Bard influences 4d6 people).
This can influence the crowd to do
things that would normally be against
their better judgement (i.e. "Lets
overthrow the town guard").
- At 5th Level a Bard can choose one
Major Spell School, he casts spells
from that School as a Mage of 1/2 his
level as long as he is wearing armor no
heavier than Heavy Leather.
- Epic Power: Once per day the Bard
can target one creature or NPC that is
within earshot and by playing or
singing a song can charm that target
into doing any one thing (up to and
including committing suicide).


Art by Gary Dupuis

- While wearing no armor or Leather or

Heavy Leather armor a Scout can
reload any Bow as a Free Action.
- Epic Power: same as Ranger

Requirements: PER 3 STA 2

- A Scout can track any creature or
person across long distances & adds
DOUBLE his SKI Attribute to any
Tracking Rolls along with rolling at
- A Scout can Hide (as per the Minor
Spell) a number of times a day equal
to the Scouts level. He does so as a
caster of 1/2 his level.

Requirements: KNO 2, PER 3
- Once per day a Spy can reroll any
failed attempt at spying (PER Skill
- A spy can Disguise himself (as per the
Minor Spell) a number of times equal
to his level. He does so as a caster of


1/2 his level. To do so he must have

access to his Disguise Kit and doing so
takes 1d6 minutes.
- A Spy can gather information on any
known target. This takes 1d6 hours
and costs 1d6x10sp.
- Epic Power: Once per day a Spy can
completely change his appearance.
This form of disguise is indistinguishable
from reality. It disguises not only
appearance, but voice, scent and
all distinguishing features of the Spy.

Treasure Hunter
Requirements: SOC 2, KNO 3
- A Treasure Hunter can choose to not
roll for gained Treasure a number of
times per day equal to his level,
instead taking the maximum amount
of Treasure that was possible (i.e. instead
of rolling 3d6x10sp gaining the
maximum instead...180sp).
- A Treasure Hunter can gather
information on any known treasure
location. This takes up to 1d6 days and
costs 1d6x10gp per day.
- Treasure Hunters are masters at
disabling Traps. When rolling Skill
Tests to disarm a trap the Treasure
Hunter doubles his SKI Attribute as a
bonus to the roll.
- Epic Power: Once per day a Treasure
Hunter may Detect Treasure, this is a
spell like ability similar to Detect
Magic. It reaches up to 50 yds per
character level and gives the Treasure
Hunter a gut feeling of not only what
the treasure is but where it is. This
ability shows the most valuable object
within the area of eect whether
hidden by magic, secret doors, etc.

Requirements: DEX 3, PER 2
- A Thief can reroll one failed Skill Test,
Attack Roll, or Defense Roll per day.
- A Thief can choose to not roll for
gained Treasure a number of times per
day equal to his level, instead taking
the maximum amount of Treasure
that was possible (i.e. instead of rolling
3d6x10sp gaining the maximum
- Once per day a Thief can choose to
automatically evade any pursuers.
- Epic Power: Once per encounter a
Thief can do an Epic Pinpoint Attack,
this attack is similar to the Rogue's
Pinpoint Attack but does double the
normal damage and ignores all of the
targets AP.


Mage Descriptor

Requirements: KNO 4
- An Alchemist can make potions and
poisons, see Equipment chapter for
- Once per day an Alchemist can reroll
any failed Skill Test involving the
manufacture of poisons or potions.
- An Alchemist gains Advantage on any
Skill Test or Saving Throw when
dealing with the eects of any known
poison or potion.
- Epic Power: An Alchemist gains the
ability to create almost any known
potion or poison with almost any
available materials. MacGyver style.

- An Arcanist chooses one Major Spell
School as his favored School. When
casting spells of that School an
Arcanist does so as if he was a Mage of
2 levels higher (this cannot allow the
Mage to cast above level 10).
- When making Saving Throws or Skill
Tests to resist the eects of any Spell
or Spell Like ability within the chosen
School the Arcanist always does so at
- With time and study an Arcanist can
develop new spells in his chosen
School, discuss your ideas with the
GM on developing new spells. The cost
of such endeavors is 3d6x1000 sp and
takes 3d6 months. The development of
a new spell may require very rare

Art by Gary Dupuis


material components that must be

quested for.
- Epic Power: The Arcanist can cast any
spell of his chosen School (including
touch spells) to a center of anywhere
within his line of sight without any

Requirements: KNO 3, PER 3, Must
have Nature School and one of the
following 5, Divination, Elemental,
Heal, Holy & Protection.
- A Druid can wear leather armors
(regular or heavy) with no penalty to
casting rolls. He also gains proficiency
in any weapons solely constructed in
wood (stas, clubs) and does H
damage with such weapons.
- A Druid may only have or gain access
to the following Schools: Divination,
Elemental, Heal, Holy, Nature &
- A Druid can cast any Nature School
spell as a caster of 2 levels higher if the
Druid is in a woodland environment
(cannot be higher than level 10).
- Epic Power: Once per day a Druid can
change into an Elemental of his
choosing, this lasts for a number of
minutes equal to character level.

Requirements: STR 3, SOC 2, must be a
Religious Mage and have any two of the
following Schools: Heal, Holy,
- A Cleric can wear armor up to Heavy
Mail armor without a penalty to
Casting Rolls & gains proficiency in all
bludgeoning weapons and his Class
Damage increases to H (L unarmed/
- A Cleric can only have access to the
following Schools: Divination, Heal,
Holy, Protection
- A Cleric may Rebuke a number of
Undead or Demons equal to his level
in HD plus 1d6 a number of times per
day equal to the Clerics MAG
- Epic Power: Once per encounter a
Cleric can choose on a successful hit to
Smite his opponent. As long as the
Cleric is of greater HD than the target
the target is immediately dead. If the
target is of equal or greater HD this
attack does double max damage and
ignores AP.

Requirements: STA 3, KNO 3
- A Mystic can do damage while
unarmed of H.
- A Mystic has a number of Armor
Points (AP) equal to his MAG
Attribute as long as the Mystic is
unarmored. This is considered Natural
armor and any attempt to wear regular
armors negates its eect.
- Once per lunar cycle a Mystic may


petition the powers of the universe for

a Miracle (see Magic Section on
Rituals and Miracles).
- Epic Power: Once per encounter a
Mystic can teleport to anywhere within
his range of sight and immediately
make an attack or cast a spell. this
does not take the place of the Mystics
normal turn that round.

Rituals & Miracles.

- Epic Power: Once per day, as long as
the Priest is on Holy Ground he may
perform a mass healing. This divine
power fully cures the wounded and ill
within a radius of 100 yards per level
of the caster.

Requirements: KNO 3, SOC 3,
must have 2 of the following
Schools Divination, Healing, Holy &
- While on Holy Ground a Priest
never loses Magic Usage Points,
casts spells of Healing, Holy &
Protection Schools as a caster of 2
levels higher (cannot be above level
10), and automatically succeeds in
spellcasting attempts of the above 3
Arcana (no Spellcasting Roll
- A Priest may Rebuke a number of
Undead or Demons equal to his
level in HD plus 1d6 a number of
times per day equal to the Priests
MAG attribute. While on Holy
Ground this power increases to a
number of HD equal to the Priests
level x 2 +2d6.
- Once per lunar cycle (month) a
Priest may call upon his god to
perform a Miracle. Miracles are
explained in the chapter on Magic:


Auran- The language of air-based
Celestial- The language of the Heavens
and its servants. Used in solitary prayer
by the Priests and Clerics of faith.
Draconic- The language of dragons. It is
also the language of magic incantations
used by mages (and they gain it as a
bonus language in Havenshield
Aelthanir- The spoken and written
language of ancient humans.
Ignan- The language of fire-based
R'leyhian- The language of aberrations
and priests of dark, unnamable gods.
Sylvan- The language of fey creatures
including brownies, fairies, nymphs,
satyrs, and more. It is also the language
of Gnomes.
Terran- The language of earth-based

Human Languages
Havenshield does not assume a
worldwide human trade language
(Common, etc) but instead assumes all
humans local to an area will share a
language. If you wish to use a common
worldwide language feel free to do so, or
just use a local human regional language
for major countries and dierent human

Other Languages
Cant- The language of thieves,
smugglers and the savvier or urban poor.
Dwarvish- The language of all dwarves.
Elvish- Spoken by the Elves, Orcs, and
me human forest tribes.
Giant- Spoken by Giants, Ogres, and
Goblin- Spoken by Goblins and their ilk.
Vairndun (The Dark Tongue)- A
spoken language used by most dwellers
of the Underground Kingdoms.
Sylvan- The tongue of Gnomes, this
language is also the primary language of
all fey creatures.

Other Languages
Although the above is not a complete list
of languages in the known world, it is a
good base of starter languages. Your GM
may have other languages available based
on their campaign world.

Ancient Languages
Aquan- The language of waterbased
creatures including mermen.



Starting Equipment
Warrior: any 2 melee weapons and
either a shield or ranged weapon. Any
armor up to Heavy Mail. Backpack, week
of water and rations.
Rogue: any 1 melee weapon and one
ranged weapon. Light or Heavy Leather.
Thieves Tools, Backpack, week of water
and rations.
Mage: 1 weapon, Spell or Prayer book,
Holy Symbol or Arcane Device,
Backpack, week of water and rations.
Gentry/Noble: Those characters of the
Gentry or Noble Social Classes will start
o with either a weapon or armor of Fine
make along with a good riding horse, fine
clothing, and any small purchase items
(10sp or less) that they wish to carry.

Starting Money
Lower Class/Peasant: 1d6sp
Middle Class/Freeman: 1d6x10sp
Gentry/Noble: 3d6x10sp (anyone of
these Social Classes will receive a
monthly allowance of their initial money

Silver pieces (sp) are the basic coinage of
Havenshield. Silvers are worth 10
coppers and 10 silvers equals 1 gold.
Copper pieces (cp) are worth 1/10th of a
silver or 1/100th of a gold.
Gold pieces (gp) are worth 10 silvers or
100 coppers.
For every 500 coins a character carries
add one to their Encumbrance.

Encumbrance is the amount of weight, in
items a character can carry without
penalty. Havenshield uses a fairly simple
Encumbrance system, a character can
carry up to 20 items plus your STR if you
have a backpack or 10 plus your STR
without a backpack. If you are carrying
more than your Encumbrance you do all
physical Skill Tests, Attack Rolls &
Defense Rolls at Disadvantage.
Some large items may count as more
than one Encumbrance and some small
items may count as less, but as a general
rule every item on your person counts
against your maximum Encumbrance.


Pack animals, riding animals, carts and

wagons may also carry items for you but
you must list what items they are
carrying separately from your personal
Encumbrance. If the animal, wagon, etc
is nearby during an Encounter you may
retrieve an item from it by using a Fast
Action if it is within half of your MOVE
or in a Full Action if it is located further
than half of your MOVE.

Arms and Armor

When using weapons a character is not
proficient in they do so at Disadvantage.
When wearing armor a character is not
proficient in they do all checks, skill
tests, attacks, defenses, & spellcasting
rolls at Disadvantage.

Penalty: Reduces your characters MOVE

by the penalty number listed.
Cost: The amount of funds needed to
purchase the item.









Light Mail








Each Armor is listed including it's Armor
Points (AP), it's Penalty & it's cost.
AP: Armor Points are deducted from all
physical damage done to the armor's
i.e. Boris the Unwielding is wearing Light
Plate armor when he is ambushed by the
Goblin Chief Utaa. Utaa attacks Boris and
Boris fails his Defense Roll and is struck by
the Goblins scimitar for 5 points of
damage. Because of Boris's Light Plate
Armor (AP 5) his armor repels the blow
and he takes no damage.



Small Melee Weapons

Shield increase a characters DEF

(Defense). Shields are listed by their
DEF bonus, their Penalty & Cost.

Small Melee Weapons grant the attacker

Advantage on Initiative Checks but do
one step down on Class Damage (use the
Classes unarmed/improvised damage).

DEF bonus: this number is added to a

characters DEF score.
Penalty: Reduces MOVE by number
Cost: The amount of funds needed to
purchase the item.









Attk: The Attribute the weapon adds to

Attack Rolls.
Dmg: The Attribute added to a
characters Damage.
Cost: The amount of funds needed to
purchase the item.






















Hand Axe









One Handed Melee Weapons

Attk: The Attribute the weapon adds to
Attack Rolls.
Dmg: The Attribute added to a
characters Damage.
Cost: The amount of funds needed to
purchase the item.








Battle Axe




































Disadvantage on Initiative Checks. And

the user may not gain a shield bonus to
Defense until switching weapons.
Attk: The Attribute the weapon adds to
Attack Rolls.
Dmg: The Attribute added to a
characters Damage.
Cost: The amount of funds needed to
purchase the items.




























Two Handed Melee Weapons

- -Two Handed Weapons, such as
Claymore Swords and Two Handed Axes,
do an extra +2 Damage but have


Cost: The amount of funds needed to

purchase the item.

automatically go
first in Initiative for
the 1st Round of
Combat (roll
Initiative Check
anyway and starting
on the 2nd Combat Round
you will go in that order).
Attk: The Attribute the
weapon adds to Attack
Dmg: The Attribute added
to a characters Damage.






















Ranged Weapons

Range & Reload

Attk: The Attribute the weapon adds to

Attack Rolls.

Ranged weapons are again listed by

Range and Reload times.

Dmg: The Attribute added to a

characters Damage.

Range: Range is the maximum distance

a character can shoot or throw a ranged
weapon without penalty. Attacks at
further than the listed distance are
always done so at Disadvantage.

Cost: The amount of funds needed to

purchase the item.





nd Bow




















g Axe


g Knife



g Spear




Reload: Reload is the amount of time it

takes to reload a bolt, arrow, etc during
combat. When not in combat a character
is assumed to be able to load or reload a
weapon by simply stating the character
does so.





full action



full action



fast action

Short Bow


fast action


Long Bow


fast action



must retrieve


must retrieve



must retrieve



Adventuring Equipment
Listed by Name and Cost.



Quiver & Arrows for



Rations, Dry




Rope, Hemp




Rope, Silk




Sack, Large


Belt Pouch


Sack , Small


Bit and Bridle


Saddle, Pack


Bolts & Case for



Saddle, Riding






Tent, Large



Tent, Small
Glass Bottle



Thieves Tools
Glass Vial



Grappling Hook



Holy Symbol



Holy Water



Ink, per jar




Iron Spikes
Ladder, 10ft


Winter Blanket




Lantern Oil


Map case


Mirror, small


Oil, flask


Padlock, 2 keys




Pole, 10 ft




Food & Lodging




Ale (Pint)


Ale (Pitcher)


Lodging (week)


Lodging (night)


Meal at Inn


Wine, bottle









animal food


Healing, Minor







Healing, Major


Boar, Riding



Magic Usage


Dog, Riding


















Healing, Minor: Heals 1d6+STA HP

Healing: Heals 2d6+STA HP
Healing, Major: Heals 3d6+STA HP
Magic Usage: Mage regains one point of
Magic Usage, rare potion.

enc.- The number value in Encumbrance

the item or animal can carry along with a
rider, driver, etc.


bloodstream it causes a burning

sensation in all of a victim's extremities.
This is soon followed by paralysis.
In game terms a standard dose of
Assassin's Tongue requires a ST 13
(STA) roll or the victim becomes
paralyzed in 1d6 rounds. More powerful
versions can be found occasionally, but
the manufacturing of this poison is a
major criminal oense in most

Poisons And Herbs



Larathia Petal



400sp per dose

Assassin's Tongue

600sp per dose


100sp per bottle

Larathia Petal: The small yellowish,

bitter petals of the Larathia flower can
heal 3d6 HP (No STA bonus, unlike
potions) to anyone that consumes one.
Highly valued for their healing powers,
the secrets to growing them are closely
guarded by those few that maintain
gardens of the magical species.

Darkbrew: This highly potent, viscous,

black liquid is poisonous upon contact
with skin. Often times bottled in glass
containers and thrown at opponents. The
liquid begins burning thru flesh on
contact, causing green, scab-like
wounds. In game terms Darkbrew is a
ranged weapon that uses DEX for Attack
Rolls and PER for Damage bonus. Its
Damage is 2 (+PER) and ignores an
opponents AP (Armor Points). The
bottle has a range of 6 yds. Anyone
within 2 yards of the target will
also take L in splashing
damage (this also ignores
AP). No other known
versions of
exist but

Boneshiver: This feared, tasteless poison

is easily manufactured from a small
group of readily available poisonous
mushrooms and flowers. Depending on
its potency a single dose of Boneshiver
can cause violent shakes, uncontrollable
fevers and hallucinations for up to 6
days. In Game terms those who fail a ST
12 (STA) after imbibing Boneshiver
become violently ill for 1d6 days, this
illness requires bedrest and food/water.
When found in black markets the price
above is for the standard version of
Boneshiver described here. More
powerful and potent versions can be
Assassin's Tongue: Colorless and waxy,
Assassin's Tongue is often applied to
piercing weapons. Once it enters the



Basic Rules
Basic Skill Tests

Difficulty Numbers

Any time a Skill Test (ST)would be called

for (i.e. jumping over the head of an
incoming Troll, trying to steal the crown
o of a sleeping Kings head, Rolling a
barrel down a winding stairwell to hit an
NPC) the GM will determine the
Diculty Number (DN) of the action
being attempted and the Attribute used.
Then the player rolls 2d6 and adds the
chosen Attribute, if that number is the
same or higher than the chosen DN the
character is successful in his attempt.

Even though GMs determine Diculty

Numbers the following chart is the basis
of how a DN is determined.

i.e. The player wants his character, the

Blundering Orc Mage Seventooth, to
attempt to jump from one balcony to a
balcony across the alleyway, some 10 feet
away. Seventooth is very lightly
encumbered and has a decent chance of
success, so the GM determines the
Diculty of the jump is Average, a lowly 7
(DN 7). And because of the nature of the
jump requiring a characters agility and
athletic ability the GM determines the
Attribute to be tested is DEX. The player
notes his DEX is a lowly 1. Because the
character is a Mage his Class Attribute of
MAG would not apply to the test & he
wouldn't roll with Advantage since his
characters Primary Attributes are KNO and
PER. The player rolls and the dice come up
a 2 & a 4 (total 6), adding his DEX score of
1 the Blundering Orc Mage Seventooth
does not blunder today as he successfully
leaps from one balcony to another.


Difficulty Number





Very Hard


Near Impossible


More Advanced Skill Tests

Sometimes skill tests will involve one of
the following: a Primary Attribute, A
Class Attribute, or Advantage/
-Primary AttributeWhen testing against a Primary Attribute
always roll with Advantage.
-Class AttributeSome Skill Tests fall under the realms of
a characters Class Attribute. i.e. a Rogue
attempting to disable a trap. In those cases
the character rolls with Advantage if the
test is a Primary Attribute & adds his/
her Class Attribute to the test along with
the Attribute tested. In the example above
the Rogue would add his DEX & his SKI to his
die roll with Advantage.


-Advantage/DisadvantageIn certain cases either Advantage or

Disadvantage (p3) may apply
to the roll. Note that
Advantage does not stack
with other Advantages.

Art by Matt Morrow

i.e. the Rogue above gaining an

Advantage because the trap he
wishes to disable is old does not
stack with his Advantage for
disabling the trap being he has
DEX (the tested skill) as a Primary

Advantage and Disadvantage

can however cancel each
other out.
i.e. While trying to disable the trap
Bugbears enter the room and begin
attacking his compatriots, creating
a disadvantage to the Skill Test
because of the extra commotion,
bodies flying, and the Bugbears
rather unpleasant smell. In this
case the Disadvantage caused by
the Bugbears would cancel out the
Advantage created by the Primary
Attribute causing a regular roll.
But like the above if the 2nd
Advantage from the traps age was
available the player would still
have Advantage on his roll (Two
Advantages is more than the one

Saving Throws
Havenshield does not use traditional
'Saving Throws' instead a Skill Test
against the monster, magic, poison, trap,
etc is used in its place.


Luck Points

to HD back in HP (up to maximum) and

Mages regain 1 Magic Usage Point.

Luck Points (LP) are gained in the

following way.

Chase Rules
Chases in the game, whether the ones
being chased or the ones doing the
chasing, are determined by Skill Tests.
The GM determines the Diculty
Number (DN) of the opposing group
based on the creatures size and MOVE
(basically 7+MOVE added to a +/- based
on Size).

At the beginning of every session

players get 1 LP
When a PC goes up a level they gain 1
The GM can gift players with LP for
completing quests, good roleplaying
and more. See Havenshield GM's
Handbook for information.

When the chase begins either the fastest

or slowest player must make the roll.
Fastest for chasing, and slowest for being
chased. The players roll 2d6+MOVE and
if this number meets or exceeds the DN
the players move closer toward (while
chasing) or further away from (while
being chased) their opposition.

Spending Luck Points

Players can spend LP at anytime they
wish. LP can be used in the following
Reroll any die roll
Gain Advantage on any die roll
Do Maximum damage on any attack
Add 1 when rolling on the Out of
Action table
Gain needed information from an NPC
to further an adventure
Revive an ally from being Out of Action

Note that DN may change during a chase

based on outside circumstances and
sometimes sheer randomness. More on
Chases and how to run them is featured
in the Havenshield GM's Handbook.

Rest, Recovery & Healing

Short Rest: Gain 1d6+level HP, Mages
roll extra 1d6, if a 6 is rolled regain 1
Magic Usage Point (cannot go above
maximum). This Magic Usage boost can
only happen once per day, if successful.
Long Rest: Gain a number of d6 equal


Combat Rules
Time in Combat

Order of Combat

A whole combat is called an Encounter.

When an Encounter begins time becomes a
series of segments known as rounds. In a
round players can make one Full Action and
one Fast Action. Free Actions can be
completed at any time, whether its the
players turn or not and they do not count
against a players turn.

1. Players declare their actions for the

2. Roll Initiative Check
3. PCs with successful Initiative
Checks go in order of DEX and roll
Attack Rolls

Full Actions
Melee Attack
Ranged Attack
Cast 1 Minor Spell
Cast 1 Major Spell
Run up to your Move x2

4. GM determines which players are

being attacked, those players roll
Defense Rolls
5. PCs who failed their Initiative
Checks go in order of DEX and roll
Attack Rolls

Fast Actions
switch weapons
move to somewhere within half of your
take a potion
Health Surge (Warriors)

6. GM rolls Escalation
Repeat 1 and 3-6 until Combat is over

Free Actions
ready a potion

At the end of Combat players can gather

spent arrows and bolts, take a short rest,
tend to the wounded, search bodies, etc.

Distance in Combat

Initiative Check

Distance is based on Move. 1 Move is

one yard. So a character with a Move of
12 Full Action Run at 24 yards a round or
can make a Fast Action move of 6 yards
in a round and still make a Full Action.

PC's roll initiative by rolling 2d6 and

adding their characters level to the roll.
Creatures and NPC's have a set initiative
scores, if the PC rolls at or above the
initiative score his turn is before the
opponent, if he fails the initiative check
he goes after the opponent. For


multiple kinds/types of opponents a PC

can either go before, after, or in-between
depending on the monsters initiative
scores. For NPCs calculate their initiative
score by adding 7+the NPCs class level.
Remember certain weapons have
Advantage or Disadvantage associated
with their initiative rolls.

Defense Rolls
When being attacked PCs roll
2d6+Defense to defend themselves.
Their Defense bonus is calculated by
DEX and modified by things like Shield
Bonuses. The roll must meet or exceed
the Monster or NPCs Attack Number. If
successful the player takes no damage.
If the roll is unsuccessful, damage is
calculated by the GM based on the
Monsters Damage statistic. Sometimes
Defense Rolls can have Advantage or
Disadvantage based on circumstances.
On unsuccessful Defense Rolls of double
1's the GM can determine the Battle
Bonus the opponent takes against the

Attack Rolls
When PCs attack they roll 2d6+ their
attack modifier (based on STR ability for
most melee weapons and DEX for most
ranged weapons, Warriors also add their
COM attribute to this), Monsters have a
Defense Number, if the attack roll is at
the Defense Number or above the attack
is successful and damage is calculated
based on the PCs class damage + STR
for most melee weapons or + PER for
most smaller melee weapons and ranged
attacks. Sometimes Attacks can have
Advantage or Disadvantage based on
circumstances. Rolling double 6's on
attack rolls creates a Battle Bonus (see
p51 for more).

i.e. The player decides Boris the Brave will attack

the goblin with his brand new longsword. Boris is
level 2 & has a STR of 4 and a COM of 2. The
player rolls 2d6 and gets a 4 and a 5 (total 9),
then adds his STR and COM for a total of 15,
easily surpassing the Goblins Defense of 9.
Without touching the dice the player adds the two
dice (Warriors do both dice in damage on a hit), so
9, and because the sword is a melee weapon that
adds STR to Damage, Boris does a total of 13
points of damage to the Goblin in one swing of
his sword.

Art by Matt Morrow

himself up to the 1st spot in the

initiative order.

Escalation Rolls
At the end of every round the GM rolls
1d6 and if that number is at or below the
current round the combat steps up on
the Escalation Table. Round counts start
over at every Escalation. Escalation
represents not so much as combatants
dishing out more damage but battle
fatigue, changing conditions and the
brutality of longer combats.

-Second Attack- After calculating

damage for the 1st attack the player can
immediately attack either the original
opponent or a nearby enemy by rolling a
second attack roll (this roll cannot
generate any additional Combat
Maneuvers regardless of doubles).
-Lethal Attack- Does either double the
dices damage to the opponent (if the
opponent is either more powerful or a
'named' NPC foe) or outright kills the
opponent in a gruesome fashion if the
enemy is a minion or 'lesser' monster or

Escalation Table
previous damage

escalates to









double max

double max

fatal blows

-Bypass Armor- The attack completely

ignores the opponents Armor Points,
doing the full amount of rolled damage
with no reduction.
-Escalate/Deescalate- The player can
choose to either Escalate or Deescalate
the battle by one step up or down on the

L= lowest H= highest 2= both

-Damage Armor- this special move

allows the player to damage the
opponents armor (whether natural or
constructed) reducing the opponents
Armor Points by 1 (plus additional
points based on the attackers size) until
either the opponent can repair it or heal
it in the case of natural armor.

Battle Bonus
When successful attack rolls are made
and the 2d6 are double 6's the attacker
can choose to do a Battle Bonus. Consult
the following list for options.
-Initiative Seize- The player can move


Reaching Zero Health Points

spend Luck Points to modify the roll

upwards by 1 point per LP spent).

When a PC reaches 0 Health Points he is

considered Out Of Action and not
necessarily dead.

1. The PC is dead, really dead.
Depending on the time that has passed
and the presence of a Healer the PC may
be able to benefit from a You're Not Dead
Yet Spell.

'Nameless' NPCs, low level monsters,

and minions will no longer attack an Out
Of Action character. Some more powerful
NPCs may attempt to make sure the PC
is dead (a 'coup de grace'). Moving the
body or defending it from further harm
may be in the remaining players interest
in those circumstances. After the
Encounter is over please roll on the
following table (note the player can

2. The PC has a missing or severely

damaged limb, barring magical healings,
this may be the characters time to cash
out and enjoy an early retirement. Lose 2
points permanently in STR and DEX
and 1 point in SOC.
3. The PC is alive but severely injured,
lose 1 points in STR, DEX, & SOC for
1d6 months.
4. The PC is alive but severely beaten,
take Disadvantage on all rolls for the
next 1d6 days.
5. Shaken, but alive, take Disadvantage
on all rolls for the next hour until you
get yourself together.
6+ You were just Knocked Out, gain
1HP and walk it o.

Art by Matt Morrow

Combat Advantages &

-Attacking while prone


-Attacking an invisible creature

Here's a couple of short lists of tactics,

scenarios, etc that would create an
attacker or defender to have Advantage
or Disadvantage on Attack or Defense

Combat Tactics
Defensive Fighting
Gain Advantage to Defense Rolls but
take Disadvantage on Attack Rolls that

-Combat Advantages-Attacking a standing target from

horseback (if the character has
horsemanship skills)

Full Attack
Gain Advantage on Attack Rolls that
round at the cost of a Disadvantage to

-Attacking from behind

-Attacking with Surprise

Other Combat Rules

-Attacking a character or creature that is


-Weapon Sizes-

-Attacking a creature of two or more

Sizes larger than you

-Small Weapons, such as daggers, grant

the attacker Advantage on Initiative
Checks (or in the case of monsters or
NPCS add 3 to their Defense Number),
but do one step down on Class Damage
(use the Classes unarmed/improvised

-Target is stunned
-Combat Disadvantages-Attacking while in deep fog/smoke/etc
-Attacking a creature more than two
Sizes smaller than you

-Two Handed Weapons, such as

Claymore Swords and Two Handed Axes,
do an extra +2 Damage but have
Disadvantage on Initiative Checks. And
the user may not gain a shield bonus to
Defense until switching weapons.

-Attacking a person on Horseback who is

moving (if the rider is a proficient
-Attacking a flying creature


-Fleeing or Retreating Combat-Players may make a successful

Defense Roll to retreat or take
damage on the way out. This may
lead to a Chase (p47). Monsters
who attempt to flee are subject to
one final attack from the players.

-Subduing an Opponent-A player can choose to subdue an

opponent instead of killing it with
a fatal blow when it reaches 0
HP. The creature is considered to
have 1 HP but will be
unconscious for the next 2d6
rounds and near death upon

-Two Weapon Fighting-A Warrior or Rogue may opt to

fight with one weapon in each
hand (as long as they are one
handed weapons). They do not
gain extra attacks and attack
normally but can decide which
weapon does the damage after a
successful attack.

-Grappling-Grappling is a simple Skill Test

of STR against a creature or NPCs
Defense. 3 successes and the
opponent is considered beaten. 3
failures and the opponent beats

More rules on Subdual, Grappling, Chases, etc are included

in the Havenshield GM's Handbook.


Magic in Havenshield is split into 3
distinct areas, Minor Spells, Major
Spells, and Rituals.

not only the Mages involved but the

world itself.

Differences Between Spellcasters

Minor Spells are slight magics, minor

illusions, cantrips, and the like. Gnomes
can use some Minor Spells along with

Arcane Spellcasters- Arcane

spellcasters spend years, sometimes
decades, learning the formulas that
unlock the magical powers from their
dreams. Arcane users carry spellbooks
with their personalized formulas written
in them (spells). They carry Arcane
Devices and sometimes belong to Arcane
Colleges or Organizations. They have
access to all Schools of Magic.

A Mage begins the game by knowing

Magic Blast and 5 additional Minor Spells
of their choosing & they gain 1 new
Minor Spell every level up.
Major Spells are split into varying
Schools of Magic, they represent the
most powerful versions of everyday
magic use. Major Spells are either
learned and recorded by wizardly Mages,
given as gifts from the Gods for priestly
Mages, or in the case of some Mages they
are earned thru pacts with Demons and
can be powered by blood and death.

Divine Spellcasters- Divine casters,

Priests, Clerics, Druids, Healers,
Shamans gain their magical gifts from
Gods or Earth Spirits, depending on the
divine being this may entail prayer or
sacrifice. Divine casters often carry Holy
Symbols and sometimes prayer books.

A Mage begins the game knowing all of

the spells of 2 Schools of Magic. A Mage
gains one additional School at levels 4
and one more at level 8.

Other Spellcasters: Blood Mages,

Runecasters, Sorcerers, Demon-Bound
Warlocks all exist in one form or another.
For more info on them see the chapter on
Other Magics (p74-75).

Rituals & Miracles are the most

powerful forms of magic, sometimes
involving multiple Mages to even
accomplish & other times involving
otherworldly patrons. Sometimes such
magics can be particularly dangerous to


Minor Spells
Magic Blast
Magic Hand
Minor Heal
Minor Illusion
Read Magic
True Strike

Casting Minor Spells

The casting of a Minor Spell requires no
material components, nor does it require
any gestures or movements, it's usually
just a simple phrase or word along with
the concentration required to move its
magic into the world. Their are no armor
restrictions for casting Minor Spells, and
they are available to any Class or Race
that has the ability to use them.

Spellcasting Rolls
Some Minor Spells require Spellcasting
Rolls. A Spellcasting Roll is 2d6 + KNO
( & + MAG for Mages). This number
must meet or exceed the Creature's
Magical Defense Number or NPCs
Defense Number.

Minor Spell List

Animal Friendship
Detect Magic


Art by Matt Morrow

Animal Friendship: The caster can

charm a number of non-monstrous
animals equal to the casters level. This
eect lasts 1 hour per caster level.

not present. This Gust can distract

opposing creatures or NPCs giving the
players Advantage on their Defense Rolls
for the remainder of the round after its

Armor: This grants the caster 1 Armor

Point and lasts until the end of the

Hide: Hide is a limited form of

invisibility, allowing the caster to Hide in
somewhat plain sight for a number of
rounds equal to caster level.

Detect Magic: The caster can detect the

presence of magical items, scrolls,
magical beings in a sphere up to a
number of yards equal to ten x the
casters level. This spell does not tell the
caster what the items are just that they
possess magical properties.

Light: Light creates a glowing light

similar to torchlight on any object, the
eect lasts for 30 minutes per caster
Magic Blast: Magic Blast is a casters
personal ranged attack spell. Its color,
size, shape, etc are personalized to the
caster. It's cast as a normal ranged attack
that uses MAG as its attack bonus and
PER as its damage bonus. The range is
12. It does H+PER in damage. Unlike
other spells the targets regular Defense
Number is used for Attack Rolls. This
spell on double 6's also creates a Battle
Bonus like a regular ranged attack.

Disarm: On a successful Spellcasting

Roll vs Defense the caster can disarm one
creature or NPC of the same Size or
smaller than the caster.
Disguise: The caster dons a magical
disguise. This disguise cannot change the
casters Size or abilities. It lasts up to 10
minutes per caster level.
Flame: This spell produces a small flame
from the casters hand. It can be used to
light things on fire or the caster can hurl
it at a creature or NPC with a successful
Spellcasting Roll. It does L+PER

Magic Hand: This spell creates an

spectral like hand that can do simple
tasks (open unlocked doors, pick up a
spoon, etc). It can lift no more than 5 lbs.
and must remain within 5 feet per caster
level of the spellcaster.

Guide: When lost this spell petitions a

local spirit to point the way.

Minor Heal: Caster can heal one person

or self by touch for 1d6 Health Points.

Gust: This spell creates a strong gust of

wind, even in areas where wind or air are


written codes).
Resist: This spell grants
Advantage to any ST roll
against the casters chosen
subject. (i.e. player casts
Resist and chooses Fire, any ST
made to resist the eects of Fire
is done so at Advantage). This
eect lasts until the end of
the encounter.
Shield: Grants a +1
Defense against melee and
ranged attacks until the end
of the encounter. Can be
cast on self or others.
Thunder: This spell creates
the sound of deafening
Thunder aimed at one
target. On a successful
Spellcasting Roll this spell
stuns the target for 1
Minor Illusion: Minor Illusions can not
force those seeing it into any action they
would not normally take, but they can be
used to distract creatures. The illusions
casts with this spell can only eect 1
sense (an illusions of a turkey leg on a
plate would be visible but have no smell,

True Strike: This spell grants the

recipient (self or other) Advantage on its
next attack roll.
Ward: Ward creates a magical spherical
shield around the caster and up to the
casters level in allies. This shield may be
used to protect those inside from one
specific source declared by the caster (i.e.
missile weapons, undead, fire, etc). It
lasts for a number of rounds equal to the
casters level.

Read Magic: This spell allows the caster

to read magical writings, scrolls, runes
and the like to discern either what they
do (in the case of scrolls and runes) or
what they say (in the case of magically


Major Spells
dierent color for the Usage Check. Whether
the casting is successful or not, rolling a 1 on
the Usage Check die reduces the Mages Magic
Usage by 1. Remember to leave the dice lay if
its a damage causing spell.

Casting Major Spells

Casting Major Spells is taxing on the
body, mind, and soul. It requires the
utmost dedication to the crafts of Magic.
The casting of Major Spells requires a
free range of movement and a complex
arrangement of vocalizations. Major
Spells cannot be cast while the Mage is
wearing armor or while unable to speak.
Certain spells also require odd material
components which are destroyed if the
spell casting is successful.

At 1st level Mages begin with the spells

of two Schools and gain access to
additional Schools as they increase in
level, gaining one additional School at
4th level and one more at 8th.
Each School has 4 spells included and
when learning a new School you gain the
ability to cast all of the spells in it.

The amount of Magic that a Mage can

cast without rest is indicated by Usage
Points. Usage Points indicate fluctuations
in the weave of Magic in the world (some
days are better than others).

Magic Damage & Healing

When a spellcaster casts a spell that
damages or heals a target the spells
damage or healing is based on the
spell casters MAG attribute. This
damage or healing is based on
whether the target or targets were a
single target or multiple targets (area

When casting a Major Spell a

Spellcasting roll is made (2d6+KNO
+MAG) against that particular spells
DN. If the total is at or over the DN the
spell casts normally and does whatever
the spell description indicates. If the
casting roll is under the DN the spell
fizzles out and fails (& you may lose a
Usage Point even in failure). A Critical
Fail can result in really unexpected
results, including damage to the Mage
and others around him.
When making a Spellcasting Roll its suggested
that the player rolls 3d6, two of one color for
the Spellcasting Roll and a third die of a



single target

area effect








until they fashion a new one. A Mage can

construct a new Arcane Device from
most anything they wish (cost is
determined by the materials used in it's
manufacture). Powering a new Arcane
Device takes from sunrise to sunrise or
moonrise to moonrise and automatically
expends 1 Magic Usage Point.

Magic Usage Points

A Mage begins the game with a number
of Magic Usage Points equal to their
MAG Attribute. This is the characters
maximum Magic Usage.
When rolling for Usage a 1 on the die
reduces the Mages Usage Points by 1.

Holy Symbols

Regaining Usage Points. A Mage can gain

one Usage Point during a short rest by
rolling a 6 on 1d6 (this can be successful
only once per day), otherwise a Mage
gains 1 Usage Point for a Long Rest.
Rests cannot raise a characters Magic
Usage above their maximum.

A Divine Spellcaster often carries a Holy

Symbol that acts as an Arcane Device.
Holy Symbols are required for certain
Descriptor Class abilities (such as a
Cleric's ability to Rebuke Undead). The
same rules apply to Divine Casters that
lose their Holy Symbol as they do to
Arcane Casters that lose their Arcane

Gaining Schools of Magic

Mages gain one additional school at
4th level and one more at 8th.

The Nature of Magic

Magic is the essence of the curtain that
lies beyond the world. The practice and
discipline required to harness magical
powers is balanced by the chaos of its
raw power.
It is known both by Divine and Arcane
Spellcasters that magic is fundamentally
tied to the ability to dream. For Arcane
Mages this dreamlike state is captured by
following strict formulas that are passed
down from Magic User to Magic User.
For Divine Mages this state is caused by
prayer or meditation. For other Mages
this dream ability maybe harnessed by

Arcane Devices
Arcane Devices such as staves & wands
are used by Arcane Spellcasters instead
of smaller and costless material
components (some spells and almost all
rituals do require materials of set cost
and those do have to be paid for or found
and are expended most times, check the
spell listing for those). An Arcane Device
can be most anything the player chooses
to use, if an Arcane Caster loses his
device or if it is destroyed they will make
all Spellcasting Rolls at disadvantage


other means, from gifts of nightmares

from demonic entities to nature spirits
who lull the caster into the dream world.
Like dreams, magic itself can be unstable
and many a tavern tale is told about the
Mage who accidentally caused havoc with
a mundane spell. Or the Priest who
prayed his way into meeting a horror
from the demon realms. Wondrous and
wicked, the Magic of this world ebbs and
flows, bringing a beautiful chaos to the

List of Major Spell Schools


How Major Spells Are Listed

DN: This is the Diculty Number of
casting the spell. To cast a spell the
player must make a Spellcasting Roll
(2d6+KNO+MAG), a successful casting
requires the caster to roll at or over the
DN of the spell.
Desc: The Description of the spell, its
eects, and how it increases in power
with the Mages Level.
Crit: When a Spellcasting Roll is a
Critical Fail, this is the consequences.
Remember, if a Spellcasting Roll would
of normally succeeded and double 1's are
rolled the spell still fails but it is not a
Critical Fail.


Crit: For the remainder of the

Encounter the hands of fate take no part
in the characters doings. He cannot cast
any further spells as his mind is jumbled
with images of things long past... or
things of the future.

Know Thy Omens and Heed Them
DN: 9
Desc: Casting this spell allows the caster
to see slightly into the future. During
combat the caster , as long as he can
speak, can forewarn his allies of their
oppositions next move. This results in
the casters allies (& self) receiving both
Attack Roll and Defense Roll bonuses
for a number of rounds equal to the
casters level. The amount of the bonus is
equal to the casters MAG Attribute.
Crit: Because sometimes the fickle finger
of fate likes to play overly cruel tricks a
critical misfiring of this spell results in a
double of the opposite. The player and
his allies take a penalty to their Attack
and Defense Rolls equal to the casters
MAG Attribute... & this lasts for the
entire Encounter. If the players escape
they can however take a Short Rest to
negate the eects of the spell.

The Eye Sees All

DN: 8
Desc: This spell creates an invisible
spectral eye that can move thru space
instantaneously. Once cast the spellcaster
can view (& hear) within any location
not blocked by more powerful magics.
The reach of this magic extends up to a
number of yards equal to the casters level
X 50.
Crit: Sometimes the eye looks back on
you... If this spell critically fails
something vile and unspeakable from the
netherworlds looks upon you and knows
your plans.
Mind Bond
DN: targets DEF
Desc: The caster reaches inside the mind
of the victim when cast successfully. The
caster may use this opportunity to learn
of the enemies plans or he may use it to
cause physical damage (single target) by
causing the recipient of the spell to harm
Crit: The casters mind becomes lost in
the ether and he is considered Out of
Action. If the body is kept safe the
casters mind will return in 1d6 days but
if a ST 9 (PER) roll is failed the mind
now in the body will not be the correct

Damn Your Luck

DN: 10
Desc: Once cast the caster can force a
change in the dice. If one of the casters
allies or himself fails a Defense Roll the
caster can immediately call for a reroll
and take the better of the two. This spell
can only be successfully cast a number of
times a day equal to the caster's level.
The caster can hold onto this spells
power once cast until he uses it or it
fades at the end of the encounter.


2d6 Damage to the caster immediately

and cause a horrid appearance to his
flesh for 1d6 days (causing a -4 to his
SOC Attribute until healed).

When choosing this School the mage
must specify which of the 4 elements
(Earth, Air, Fire, Water). A Mage can
take additional Elemental Schools when
gaining access to new Schools (4th and
8th level).

Elemental Blast
DN: targets DEF
Desc: This attack hits a single target
with elemental damage (ignores Armor
Points) on a successful Spellcasting
attack roll (2d6+KNO+MAG must be
over targets DEF).
Crit: The blast hits a randomly chosen
ally for the same damage. If this attack
kills the ally and he cannot be revived
from death there is a 2 in 6 chance the
ally will return as a vengeful spirit within
1d6 nights.

Summon Element
DN: 10
Desc: Summons an Elemental (of the
Mages chosen element) of HD equal to
the casters level. This Elemental will
assist the caster until the end of the
encounter (for combats) or 2d6 hours in
non-combat duties.
Crit: Summons a Greater Elemental of a
dierent element than the casters chosen
element. This Greater Elemental will be
immediately hostile to the Mage and his

Elemental Storm
DN: targets DEF
Desc: This attack causes area eect
damage to a number of creatures equal to
the casters level (caster chooses targets).
i.e a 3rd level Mage (MAG 2) can attack 3
creatures for damage.
Crit: The storm centers on the caster and
radiates out to anyone Near causing the
maximum damage to all in the area
including the caster. The caster will fall
unconscious for a number of rounds
equal to the damage caused to him.

Elemental Armor
DN: 8
Desc: When cast upon self the Mage
gains a number of Armor Points equal
to his MAG Attribute. These AP last
until the end of the encounter. This
armor is made from the casters chosen
element but does no damage to the
caster or other objects, creatures or
things (i.e. Fire armor will not burn down a
tent etc).
Crit: The caster takes Disadvantage on
all rolls for the remainder of the
Encounter as the armor grows beneath
instead of over his skin. This will cause




You're Not Dead Yet

DN: 12
Desc: The caster attempts to bring a
lifeless ally or target back from the dead
(if the target is unwilling or an enemy he
gets a saving throw). The target cannot
have been dead any longer than 2
minutes per caster level. To cast the spell
the Mage must be able to kneel next to
the body and whisper in its ear.
Crit: On a critical fail Spellcasting Check
there is a chance the target will return as
an Undead within the next 24 hours. The
undead will be of equal power to the HD
of the spells recipient.

Heal (touch)
DN: 8
Desc: The Mage heals self or one target
Single Target+MAG in HP by touching
the target. The location of the touch will
have a minor blue glow in the shape of
the casters hand for a number or minutes
equal to the level of caster.
Crit: When cast on self, the Mage still
receives the healing but a random ally
within 10 yards loses the same amount
of HP. When cast on another the target of
the spell will heal normally (2d6+MAG
per caster level) but will be temporarily
blind for a number of hours equal to the
casters level.

DN: Varies
Desc: The caster attempts to cure a
disease, poison, malady, psychosis, etc. in
the target of the spell. The DN is
determined by the GM based on the
targets aiction. In some cases the
recipient of the spell may need to make a
STA Skill Test (ST), and in failure may
Crit: The recipient of the spell dies.
There is a 1 in 6 chance the dead will
return in the form of a ghost within 1-3
days. Whether it is vengeful or not will
depend on the circumstances of it's

Mass Heal
DN: 9
Desc: The Mage picks a number of allies
(can include self) up to his caster level
anywhere within 5 yards per caster level
and heals them Area Eect+Level. This
spell does create a glowing light in the
area of eect when cast (a soft blue light
radiating in a circle on the ground from
the caster out to the maximum area of
Crit: Instead of the soft blue glow a
reddish bright hue will envelop all of
those within the maximum area of eect
centered on the caster. All within that
range (caster included) will be damaged
Area Eect+Level and the smell of
sulfur will remain in the targets noses for
a number of hours equal to the damage


Weapon of Faith
DN: 8
Desc: Once cast this spell creates a
divine weapon of the characters
choosing. This weapon does the casters
single target damage (+KNO) to any
creature or NPC it hits (up one on the
table if the creature is undead). This
weapon lasts until the end of the
encounter unless dispelled by the caster.
Crit: The spell works as it normally
would but the caster must make a ST 10
(STA) roll every round until the end of
the encounter or suer from apocalyptic
visions that result in the character
becoming maniacally insane for 1d6 days.
The character cannot dispel the weapon
until the end of the encounter.

10 times the casters level. Even after the

shield is destroyed the ground within a 2
yd radius per caster level is considered
Holy Ground. This shield will push back
enemies when cast and attacks may not
enter or leave it until the Armor Points
are destroyed.
Crit: Creates a Blight (as the
Necromancy Spell) eecting the caster
and his allies.
The Wrath of Gods
DN: 10
Desc: This spell creates area eect
damage to a number of creatures up to
the casters level in penetrating damage.
Crit: The caster and his allies are
randomly transported to within 1d10
miles away.

Blessings Bestowed
DN: 9
Desc: The caster and his allies receive a
bonus on Attack and Defense Rolls for
a number of rounds equal to the casters
level. This bonus is equal to the casters
MAG Attribute. This spell is often
accompanied by the sound of trumpets
from the heavens themselves.
Crit: A Demon takes notice of you. Fear.
Holy Shield
DN: 10
Desc: This spell creates a dome like
shield around the caster and a number of
allies up to the casters level. This shield
has a number of Armor Points equal to


Advantage on Defense Rolls while in this

form as he uses the illusion versions of
himself to distract his enemies.
Crit: There are two of you now, are you
the real one or the doppelgnger? Good
question... good luck figuring it out.

True Illusion
DN: 10
Desc: The caster weaves magics into
major illusions, the strength of this
illusion is based on the casters level. This
illusion is indistinguishable from reality
and lasts thru an entire encounter in
combat or until it is dispelled. More
permanent Illusions may be cast outside
of combat by performing a ritual casting
(1 hour and 100sp per caster level).
Crit: The illusion becomes for all intents
and purposes real and possibly hostile.

DN: 8
Desc: An apparition is a large scale
illusion of harm, it can take the form of
whatever the caster wishes (acid rain,
dragon, etc). The spell eects a number
of chosen creatures up to the casters
level and causes area eect penetrating
damage to those eected.
Crit: On a critically failed roll the casters
chosen illusion manifests in a much
dierent form. It is hostile to the caster
and his allies. It is also real.

Force Vision
DN: targets DEF
Desc: The caster forces horrific visions
into the opponents head. These visions
cause real damage (single target+KNO)
to the recipient of the spell. The caster
can determine the specifics of the vision.
Crit: The caster and the recipients
minds become switched until a Miracle
or major Cure can be found.

When playing Mages, use your

imagination. As long as the eects or
mechanics of the spell do not change
feel free to change the descriptions of
the spell to reflect your personal
magic style or ideas.

DN: 10
Desc: The caster gains the ability to
remain invisible or visible at will for up
to a number of rounds equal to the
casters level. This spell can also be used
to create multiple illusions of oneself in
an area close to the caster. A number of
these equal to the casters level can be
created and lasts the same amount of
time as the invisibility. A caster gains

Want a giant Blue Fireball that is

filled with the ghostly image of
skulls? Use any area eect spell and
describe how it looks when cast, its
damage, amount of creatures
eected, duration, DN, etc are still
the same, just the visual of the spell
is now personalized to your caster.
Just have fun and bend the spells to
your will.


Awaken Tree
DN: 11
Desc: This spell causes a chosen nearby
tree to Awaken. An Awakened Tree can
communicate with the caster sharing
information on its local area, including
things like who has recently passed by,
etc. An Awakened Tree can also assist in
combat and will do so as long as the
opposition is not a natural forest
dwelling animal. For statistics on
Awakened Trees have your GM get the
information from Monsters & Creatures
in the Havenshield GMs Handbook.
Crit: The tree is awake... It's a Demonic
Awakened Tree. Even the GM feels you
may wish to run.

Call Animals
DN: 8
Desc: Summons a number of natural
local animals of up to HD equal to the
casters level. The kind and type of animal
is up to the caster. These animals will
assist the caster until the end of the
encounter or for 2d6 hours in noncombat situations. The caster may form
small telepathic like links with the
creatures to gain visual and audible
information (i.e. using a hawk to get a
visual of the nearby area from the sky,
Crit: The chosen animals still arrive.
They just happen to be being pursued by
something worse... much worse.

Ensnaring Roots
DN: 10 (or targets DEF)
Desc: This area eect spell can either
trap a number of creatures up to the
casters level (compare your Spellcasting
Roll to the monsters Defense, if met or
exceeded the opponents are considered
trapped for 2d6 rounds) or it can cause
damage to the same number of creatures.
The damage caused is area eect and
ignores Armor Points.
Crit: An area equal to 5 yds per caster
level begins to split, centered on the
caster. These splits begin leaking a
poisonous gas. Any in its area take area
eect damage and must make a DN 12
ST (STA) roll to avoid unconsciousness.
This unconsciousness lasts for 2d6

Animal Form
DN: 9
Desc: The caster takes the form of a
natural animal of his choosing up to the
same HD as the casters level. While in
animal form the caster gains the attacks
of the animal chosen and any other
abilities (flight, etc). This lasts thru an
encounter or up to 1 hour per caster level
in non-combat situations unless
dispelled by the caster.
Crit: The casting works as normal but
the eects last much longer, up to 1d6
months. The eects can be dispelled with
a DN 14 Cure Spell cast by another Mage
or healed by Miracle.



Dead Speech
DN: 9
Desc: This spell allows the caster to fill
one targets head with the language of the
dead. Hearing the dead speak causes
temporary insanity within moments as
the swirl of dead fills the conscious mind
of the target. Targets are allowed a DN 7
(+ casters KNO and MAG) ST (PER) to
withstand the eects. Failure indicates
the target will go into an insane rage for
a number of rounds equal to the casters
level and fall unconscious afterward for
1d6 hours.
Crit: A specific and powerful being from
the land of the dead possesses the caster
and finishes whatever it had left
unfinished in it's life. When the being
has completed it's task the caster must
make a ST 11 (STA) check or fall dead.

They Are Risen

DN: 11
Desc: The caster reanimates a number
corpses equal to the casters level in
HD. These undead will serve the caster
until slain or dispelled from the casters
service. This spell can also be used to
control undead (up to casters level in
HD) who have no master.
Crit: Celestial forces interrupt the
casting, this can include a number of
angelic beings up to twice the HD of the
casters level. They are hostile and want
nothing more than to rid the world of the
DN: 10
Desc: This spell causes Decay in an area
of 5yds per caster level. This decay will
destroy all plant and natural material.
The caster can choose a number of
targets within the area of eect to take
necrotic damage. This damage is area
eect and ignore Armor Points. This
spell leaves a death like stench in its
casting area up to 1d6 hours. This smell
may draw those undead who eat flesh if
any are nearby.
Crit: The spell is powered by demonic
forces beyond the casters control. The
blight reaches a number of miles equal to
the casters level and damages all within
the area. Those who die in the area eect
will rise from death within 1d6 hours...
and be hungry.

Corpses Hand
DN: targets DEF
Desc: The touch of cold death. On a
successful Spellcasting Roll against the
targets DEF the necromancer touches the
flesh of the target. This attack does
single target damage and ignores the
targets Armor Points.
Crit: The hand of the caster is
permanently imbued with the power of
death. This power cannot be blocked by
gloves or gauntlets. Those touched must
make a ST (STA) with a DN equal to
7+ the casters level or perish. The hand
retains this power even after the casters
death and can only be cured by Miracle.


the casters area eect damage. The caster

himself being so close will take the brunt
of the damage, double the area eect and
be stunned for 1d6 rounds.

DN: 10
Desc: This spell created an invisible wall
anywhere within 30 yards of the caster.
This wall can be either flat, box shaped,
or domed. The wall will have a number
of HP equal to 10 times the casters level.
Once the HP reach 0 the wall is
destroyed. While in or behind a wall no
creature, person, melee or ranged
weapon, spell, fire, etc can pass thru it in
either direction. While the wall is up the
caster must concentrate on its presence,
doing no more than minor movement or
Crit: The energy expended by the spell
coalesces into a spinning ball that throws
spheres of raw magic at two random
targets per round(determined by the
GM) for 1d6 rounds. These spheres do
the casters single target damage and
ignore Armor Points.

Force Barrier
DN: 10
Desc: This spell forces a number of
chosen targets up to the casters level
backwards by 5 yards. This blast of
power does area eect damage. This spell
cannot work on any creature of 2 size
classes over the casters.
Crit: The energy created by this spell
implodes upon itself, creating a small
temporary worm hole to another
dimension. You can go thru it. Things
from the other side can also go thru it. It
lasts 1d6 minutes before it explodes
doing area eect damage to everyone
within 10 yards.
Safe Passage
DN: 9
Desc: This spell allows the caster and
allies to safely pass thru any areas
undetected for a number of minutes up
to the casters level. This spell cannot be
used in overly crowded areas but can get
them past guard towers and the like.
Crit: The caster becomes the most
visible person in any situation for a
number of minutes equal to the casters
level. Any hostile creatures will zero in
their attacks on the caster.

Be Still Child
DN: targets DEF
Desc: This spell temporarily paralyzes
any creature of a HD equal to or less
than the casters level. On a successful
Spellcasting Roll vs the targets
Defense the caster touches the creature.
It will freeze in its current position for a
number of rounds equal to the casters
MAG Attribute.
Crit: The creature shatters, instantly
dying, sending shards flying in all
directions. Anyone within 10 yards takes


the caster attacks his opponent with a

summoned blade, axe, claws... whatever
the caster wishes. This causes single
target + PER in damage.
Crit: The caster must make a ST 12
(STA) roll or a large version of the
summoned object will impale the caster.
This impalement immobilizes the caster
and causes the casters single target
damage per round until the caster is

Bring Forth
DN: 8
Desc: The Spellcaster summons most
any tool, weapon, or minor equipment.
The item is real and will last until the
end of an encounter unless dismissed or
for a number of minutes equal to the
casters level.
Crit: The item requested shows up...
But it's in the hands of something
that's going to be a bit pissed.

Come Forth Friend

DN: 10
The caster can
summon a
monster, celestial,
animal or demon
of HD up to the
casters level.
This summoned
being will remain
for the encounter.
It may or may not
obey commands
depending on the
caster and the being
Crit: You've
summoned something
amorphous and
nameless and beyond all
reckoning as to what it
actually is. ST 14 (PER)
rolls for the caster and
everyone who views this
thing from beyond space and
time. Fail and you go thoroughly
insane. Permanently.

Bearing Vile Weapons

DN: 9
Desc: This spell causes area
eect + MAG damage to a
number of chosen targets up to
the casters level. The cause of
the damage is a swirling
whirlwind of any nonanimate object the caster
desires. Daggers being a
popular choice.
Crit: The swirl of objects
is centered in the casters
stomach. Roll on the
Out of Action table
after the encounter
ends because you are
at 0 HP.
Harm Comes In
Many Forms
DN: targets DEF
Desc: With a successful
Spellcasting Roll vs. the targets Defense


flaming ball of sulphur & hellfire at the

chosen target (range 12 yds). This attack
causes single target damage and ignores
Armor Points.
Crit: The casters hand catches fire as the
flame starts in the wrist and melts away
the hand from the inside. The hand is
beyond saving barring Miracles.

Demon Warrior
DN: 8
Desc: The caster grows hooves, fangs,
horns, claws, a tail or whatever he
envisioned. This causes the Escalation of
an encounter to immediately raise by 1.
The caster can use the chosen demonic
trait as a weapon. This weapon does
single target damage and uses DEX for
Attack bonus and PER for Damage
Crit: A celestial being has heard your call
to unholy powers. I'm sure it'll pay you a
visit soon.

DN: 10
Desc: The caster curses another living
creature. This curse leaves a mark on the
target that only aberrations, devils,
demons and the like can see. The mark
will draw the attention of any nearby
demonic entity. The curse is permanent
unless dispelled by a more powerful
Mage. If a creature or person dies with
this curse still intact the being goes to
the Abyss.
Crit: A plague of locusts will follow the
caster until the next new moon.

DN: 9
Desc: This spell creates an area of
unholy power. The caster creates an area
of unrelenting damage that extends from
5yd per level of the caster in radius.
Anyone within the area takes area eect
damage for every round they are in its
wake. This spell lasts until the end of the
Crit: The caster must make a ST 13
(STA) roll or his breath becomes hellfire
for the next 1d6 rounds. This does 15
damage per round to the caster as his
throat and mouth burn away leaving just
a skulls grin.
DN: targets DEF
Desc: On a successful Spellcasting roll
vs. the targets Defense the caster hurls a


Rituals & Miracles

during the casting as the demon and
Mage negotiate the terms of the plague.
Crit: A critical fail while casting a Plague
Ritual results in the caster failing his
negotiations with the demon. This
results in the caster being enslaved by
the demon. Possibly using the caster to
further his aims in the world or just
imprisoning the caster in hell.

Casting Rituals
Ritual casting can be a deadly aair, not
only to the caster but those around him
and in some cases the world as a whole.
Rituals often involve huge expenses in
not only magics but rare materials, gems,
relics and the like. Many more
Rituals are found in the world
and can be discovered through
Each Ritual and how it is cast is
detailed in its listing.
List of Rituals
Plague Ritual
This destructive ritual can be
cast by a sole Mage of 8th level
or above. The casting takes 1d6
days and involves the death
sacrifice of 20 HD worth of
'sentient dream-capable beings'.
At the end of the casting the
Mage must make a successful
DN 13 Spellcasting Roll. Once
cast a demon of plague sweeps
across the land. The nature of
this plague is established


Art by Gary Dupuis

Resurrection Ritual
This ritual may only be performed by 5
mages of 8th level or above. The material
cost for the spell is 10,000sp (very rare
herbs and a single dragon scale). The
person being brought back to life cannot
have been dead longer than 28 days.
All five participating mages must make a
DN 16 spellcasting roll and the creature
being brought back must make a ST 10
(STA). If any of the above fails the dead
character cannot be brought back to life.
Crit: If only 1 mage critically fails his
spellcasting roll the soul and conscience
of the dead becomes trapped inside the
body, yet cannot control or move it. This
soul will continue to grow angry as time
passes, eventually being able to
reanimate the corpse with its hatred
(1d6 years). On the rare occasion all 5
casters critically fail their casting rolls, a
Greater Demon will inhabit the corpse of
the creature, it will immediately rise and
try to kill the Mages involved in the
ritual, and after doing just that will
ravage the countryside until destroyed.
Monsters are listed in the following
format with explanations.

there is no chance of critical failure when

asking for a Miracle, but there is a chance
it will not be answered.
The exact circumstances of how these
things come to pass is determined by the
GM and more information on Miracles
and Rituals is included in the
Havenshield GMs Handbook.

Miracles are wondrous gifts from the
gods and spirits of the world that can be
petitioned for by the pious. Miracles can
cover quite a bit of ground from 'tear
down this tower' to 'help Danicus regrow
his missing arm'. Unlike most magics
Art by Gary Dupuis


Other Magics
wish to increase their power by any
means. For every 10 Health Points taken
from "a being with a soul that possesses
the ability to dream" in a ritualistic
fashion the Spellcaster increases their
spellcasting rolls by 1 for the remainder
of a 24 hour period. For every death
caused by these rituals the Spellcaster
increases their Magic Usage Points by 1
for the next 24 hours.

Alchemy is the practice of making
potions. These potions can store the
eects of spells (such as an Alchemist
creating an Animal Form potion).
When creating potions an Alchemist
must spend 10sp per caster level and
spend 10 minutes per caster level
creating the potion. A DN roll against
the Spells DN is then required. If the
spellcasting is successful the potion is
imbued with the spells eects. When
someone imbibes the potion it's eects
are based on not only the spell cast into
the potion but the casters level that made
the potion.

When spells are cast that are fueled by

Blood Magic they cannot critically fail,
but in return the caster takes on an ever
increasing likelihood that powerful
demonic forces will take notice of the
caster. Which could be a great boon for
those casters that would willingly accept
pacts with demons and devils, but for the
average Spellcaster this kind of notice
could easily be fatal.

An Alchemist can create Potions from

the Equipment section for 1/4 the price
and take 10 min per 10sp.

The Havenshield GMs Handbook has

more information on Blood Magic, its
practitioners and its eects on the world.

Blood Magic
Practitioners call it "The Blighting Art"
but to most other Mages and those who
know it exists in the world they just call
it Blood Magic. Blood Magic is the art of
fueling spells and rituals with some life
force or another. Often times this can be
the sacrifice of ones enemies or even
taking life from the land itself.

Rune Magic
Rune Magic is the ancient tradition of
imbuing symbols with mystical energies.
These minor and major spell like eects
can be released from touching these
symbols or can be released from small
"Rune Stones" by a caster.

In game terms Blood Magic is used by

those evil sorcerers and warlocks who


In game terms a Runecaster imparts

spells from his Schools of magic into
symbols which can be triggered by
certain things (I.e. "If anyone passes
through this door tigger an Elemental
Storm" or "When someone touches this
standing stone Heal them").

Runecasting is very, very rare but most, if

not all Mages, will know a good deal
about it as it was the precursor to
modern magics and the first type of 'real
magic' that humanity used.

Art by Gary Dupuis


Appendix I- Tables List

General Tables

Dice Abbreviations 3
Class Damage 15
Attributes 19
Social Class 21
XP Table 23
Diculty Numbers 46
Escalation Table 51
Out Of Action 52
Magic Damage & Healing 59

Equipment Tables

Armor 37
Shields 38
Small Melee Weapons 38
One Handed Melee 39
Two Handed Melee 39
Polearm 40
Ranged Weapon 41
Range & Reload 41
Adventuring Equipment 42
Food & Lodging 42
Transport 43
Potions 43
Poisons & Herbs 44

Race Tables

Stoneborn Dwarf 8
Surface Dwarf 8
Adunaic Elf 10
Tawarwaith Elf 10
Gnome 11
Halflings 12
Human 13
Orc 14

Coming Soon...
The Havenshield RPG GMs Handbook
Featuring rules on extended Chases,
more Rituals and Miracles, how to run a
'mostly diceless' game, a complete
bestiary of monsters both classic and
unique to the Havenshield RPG, along
with encounter tables, rules for handling
character death, cures and healings, and
retiring characters at 10th level. Magical
items, more poisons, potions, and herbs.
How to handle traveling by land, air, and
sea along with equipment lists for
seafaring vehicles. NPC creation rules,
awarding XP and more...
estimated release date Oct. 2016
The Havenshield Setting Guide
A complete setting book for the
Havenshield RPG. Featuring the
Kingdom of Havvengarde. It's religions,
population, Elven and Dwarven
Kingdoms, languages, trade, all major
cities and towns, magic organizations,
enemies, monstrous factions, ruins,
dungeons, calendar, seasons, the solar
system, and much, much more
estimated release date Dec. 2016


Appendix II- Tables

Class Damage-1

Magic Dmg & Healing


single target

area effect








The lowest of the two dice rolled

The highest of the two dice rolled

Both dice added together


The Maximum possible on the two

dice rolled (12)

Out of Action
d6 Roll

Escalation Table-1



Missing Limb

previous damage

escalates to

Severely Injured

Severely Beaten




Knocked Out








double max


double max

fatal blows




Experience Needed for next Level


Difficulty Numbers

XP Needed


Difficulty Number









Very Hard




Near Impossible



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