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English 9 Syllabus
Welcome to English 9! My name is Cindy McCallister, this is my 6th year teaching at Man
High School.. In this document, you will find an outline of the material we will be covering in
this course, as well as, classroom expectations and policies. If you have any questions, please
feel free to ask.

C l a s s r o o m

E x p e c t a t i o n s

Students should be seated and ready to work when the tardy bell rings.

Pencils must be sharpened before class starts.

Students will be respectful of the teacher and fellow classmates. When someone is
speaking, please do not interrupt.

Please raise your hand and be acknowledged before speaking.

When you enter the classroom, you need to begin working on your bell ringer.

No food or drinks are to brought into the classroom.

Many of the assignments in this class are completed in groups. If you miss a group
assignment, you will be given an alternative assignment.

Please be respectful of my classroom and my things. If it doesnt belong to you,

then please do not touch it! The student work station will have all the supplies you
will need.

If you put your head down or sleep, your parents/guardians will be contacted.

You will receive two exit passes for each 9 week period. Your passes will not be
replaced if you lose them.

P a g e

M r s . Mc C a l l is t e r s
E n g l i s h 9 Sy l l a b u s
2 0 1 7

M a k e - u p

Mrs. McCallisters

must be absent, the makeup policy is listed below.

1 or 1 1/2 Inch binder

Loose leaf paper

Colored pencils

Pencils/ink pens

Pencil Pouch to fit inside

the binder

Tabbed dividers

1 Cheap pencil sharpener

If students miss one day, they will have two days to

turn in make-up work.

If students miss two days, they will four days to turn

in make-up work.

If students miss three or more days, they have one

week to turn in the make-up work.

Please make every effort to be in class everyday. I

cannot teach you if you are not here. In the event that

Classroom Supply

P o l i c y

If you are absent from school it YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to obtain YOUR MAKE-UP WORK. I will
place your make-up work in the bin on the student
work station.

for colored pencils

Grading Scale


C e l l p h o n e

I have you in class for a limited amount of time.

During that time, I need your undivided attention.

All cellphones must be turned off or on vibrate and

Contact Information
Cynthia McCallister
Man High School
English Teacher

placed in the basket on my desk at the beginning of class.

If you are caught using your cellphone, it will be confiscated and turned into the office.

You will receive the appropriate punishment, and your

parent/guardian will be notified. Punishments may

School Phone:

include a one day suspension, Thursday school, or lunch

(304) 583-6521


I have 3rd period planning.

P o l i c y

Mrs. Adams will not return your phone until the end of
the school day.

A c a d e m i c

D i s h o n e s t y
P o l i c y


P l a g i a r i s m

A students grade is a reflection of his or her skills, knowledge, and understanding of the

course content.
Therefore, any work that is not your own will not be accepted or assessed. Cheating or pla-

giarism of any kind will result in a 0% for the assignment. This includes homework, daily in
-class assignments, writing assignments, projects, quizzes, speeches, and tests.
This also includes whether the student himself copies or whether he or she allows someone

else to copy his work.

If a student receives a 0% for an assignment, there will not be a make-up assignment given.

If you are caught engaging in academic dishonesty, the administration and your parent/
guardian will be notified.
If you are ever in doubt about an assignment, please ask me.

Notebook Requirements

I expect you to bring your notebook to class each day.

Use only pencil, blue, or black ink pens.

The first sheet in your notebooks will be a coversheet that you will make. It should include
the following information: your name, English 9, and your class period. This can be hand-

made or computer generated.

Your table of contents that you will be given should be next.

Page numbers will be placed in the upper right hand corner of each assignment.

All work should be completed on loose leaf paper.

Please keep clean notebook paper in the back of your notebook.

Only papers that are in the correct order will be graded. I will not grade papers that are in
the pockets.

Some assignments I will collect and grade, while others will be just placed in the notebook.
Do not try copying an assignment and sticking it in your notebook if it was a graded assignment.

Any assignments that I allow you to copy must be copied by hand, not on a copier.


Reading a variety of genres and distinguishing the general forms and features.

Articulating personal reactions to texts through writing, reflection, and discussions.

Writing in a variety of genres for different purposes including persuasion, information, and expository writing.

Understanding the basic grammatical structures and how grammar may be used to affect voice and meaning.

Communicating orally to achieve an identified goal.

We will cover a wide variety of topics from Shakespeare to current events.

P a r e n t

a n d

S t u d e n t
C o n t a c t

S y l l a b u s A g r e e m e n t
I n f o r m a t i o n

a n d

To ensure that parents/guardians and students are aware of the guidelines and expectations for this
class, please sign, date and return the syllabus to the teacher by Friday January 13, 2017. Students
receive a homework grade for returning this sheet. I appreciate your time and cooperation.
Student Name :__________________________________________
Student Signature: ________________________________________________

Date: _______________________

Signature: _______________________________________________________
Date: ______________________
Please complete the following information:

Father / Guardian: _______________________________________________

Mother / Guardian: ______________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________
Zip: __________________________
Best number or email to reach you: _____________________________________
Do you have internet access at home? ___________________________________
Student Signature: ___________________________________Parent/Guardian: __________________________________
Is there anything you think I need to know about your child to make them successful in my class?

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