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Nuclear Physics

1. Name two sources of natural background

radiation. (2 marks)
Caesium-137 is a by-product of nuclear fission within a nuclear reactor. The nuclear equation below describes the
production of Caesium-137. Complete the two boxes.

(2 marks)
The half-life of caesium-137 is 30 years. When the fuel rods are removed from a nuclear reactor core, the total activity
of the caesium-137 is 6.4 x1015 Bq.
Explain the phrase the activity of caesium-137 is 6.4 x 1015 Bq. (2 marks)
After how many half-lives will this activity have fallen to 2.5 x 1013 Bq?
Explain your working. (2 marks)
Comment on the problems of storage of the fuel rods over this time period and beyond. (2 marks)

(Total 10 marks)
2. In 1909 Geiger and Marsden carried out an important experiment to investigate
alpha particle scattering. Alpha particles were directed towards a thin gold sheet
and detectors were used to observe the distribution of scattered alpha particles.
The black dots in the diagram represent the nuclei of gold atoms. Copy out, and add
to the diagram to illustrate what happened in this experiment. (3 marks)
Explain why this experiment led to the conclusion that an atom was composed
mainly of space, with a very small positive nucleus. (3 marks)
Below are some order of magnitude values for lengths:
10-21 m, 10-18 m, 10-15 m, 10-12 m, 10-9 m, 10-6 m, 10-3m.
Choose from these an approximate value for
(i) the diameter of a gold atom
(ii) the diameter of a gold nucleus (2 marks)
(Total 8 marks)
3. . State the number of protons and the number of neutrons in 146C. [2]
The mass of one nucleus of 146C = 2.34 x 10-26 kg. The nucleus of carbon-14 has a radius of 2.70 x 10-15 m.
Show that the volume of a carbon-14 nucleus is about 8 x 10-44 m3. [2]
Determine the density of this nucleus. [2]
How does your value compare with the densities of everyday materials? [1]
Carbon-14 is a radioisotope with a half-life of 5700 years. What is meant by the term half-life? [2]
Calculate the decay constant of carbon-14 in s-1. [2]


Copy and complete the following table which compares alpha particle scattering and deep inelastic scattering

Nuclear Physics
experiments. [2]

Write a short paragraph describing the conclusion from

(a) the alpha particle scattering and
(b) the deep inelastic scattering experiment. [4]

Nuclear Physics
5. A student measured the background radiation
in a laboratory at 4. 0 Bq. State two sources of
background radiation. [2]
Sodium-22 decays by beta-plus radiation to neon.
Copy out and complete the nuclear equation below ensuring that each symbol has the appropriate nucleon and proton

Write down another possible isotope of sodium. [3]

Sodium-22 has a half-life of 2. 6 years.
Determine the decay constant of sodium-22 in s-1.
A sample of common salt (sodium chloride) is
contaminated with sodium-22. The activity of a
spoonful is found to be 2. 5 Bq. How many nuclei
of sodium-22 does the spoonful contain? [4]
Explain whether your answer suggests that the salt is
heavily contaminated. [1]
6. Protactinium, Pa, decays to uranium 23492U by
emitting a beta-minus particle. The uranium produced
is itself radioactive and decays by alpha emission to
thorium, Th.
Copy out the chart opposite. On your copy mark and
Label the position of the original uranium isotope. Draw
lines on the grid showing both the beta-minus and alpha
decays. Label your lines and . [4]
A radioactive source contains barium-140. The initial activity of the source is 6.4 x 108 Bq. Its decay constant
is 0.053 day-1. Calculate the half-life in days of barium-140.
Calculate the initial number of barium-140 nuclei present in the source. [4]
The graph below represents
radioactive decay.
Copy this graph and add a suitable
scale to each axis, so that the graph
correctly represents the decay of this
barium source.

A radium-226 source has the same

initial activity as the barium-140 source.
Its half-life is 1600 years. On the same
axes sketch a graph to show how the
activity of the radium source would
vary over the same period. [3]

8. State the composition of an alpha

particle. (1)
When an alpha particle passes through matter, it may ionise atoms. Explain what ionise means. (1)
An alpha particle from a certain radioactive source has a kinetic energy of 8.2 x 10-13 J.
Using the information below, estimate how long it would take this alpha particle to travel a distance equal to the
diameter of an atom. (3)
Mass of alpha particle = 6.6 x 1027 kg;
Diameter of atom = 1.0 x l0-10 m
A beta particle from a different radioactive source has the same kinetic energy as the alpha particle. Explain
qualitatively how the speed of this beta particle would compare with the speed of the alpha particle. (2)
Beta particles are many times less effective at ionising atoms than alpha particles. Suggest a reason for this. (1)

Nuclear Physics
A school physics department has a cobalt-60 gamma
ray source. Its half-life is several years. As a project, a
student decides to try to measure this half-life. She sets
up a GM tube close to the source and determines the
count produced by the source in a 10 minute period.
One year later she repeats the measurement.
Explain two precautions, other than safety precautions,
which the student should take in her measurements in
order to produce a reliable value for the half-life. (3)
The student then calculates the count she would expect
to get in a 10 minute period if she repeated her
measurement annually. Some of her results are
shown in the table opposite.
Calculate the ratio of the count after one year to the initial count. (1)
Calculate the count you would expect for year 3. (1)
Draw a graph of count against time and use your graph to determine a value for the half-life of cobalt-60. (4)
[Note: a 12cm x 8cm grid was printed on the original examination paper]
9. Opposite are the symbols for some nuclei of the
element tin.
What name is given to different nuclei of this type? (1)
50Sn decays by beta-plus emission into indium (In). Write a balanced nuclear equation for this decay. (2)
Which nucleus in the list is likely to produce the densest material? (1)

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