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Role 1: A Healthy Body (5)
Role 2: A Business Professional (14)
Role 3: A Worthy Legacy (21)
Role 4: A Prosperous Person (29)
Role 5: A Loved and Loving Person (38)
Role 6: A Good Friend (46)
Role 7: An Ever Growing Person (54)


Lets Begin!
Before you read any further and learn the specifics of these questions, I suggest
you take into account the following pieces of advice:
1. Isolate yourself from any outside stimulus
Take out a notebook, a pen or pencil, and go into a room where there are no
phones, televisions or any other items that may distract you from the task at hand.
This particular room should at least have a window.
Ask your family members to give you the necessary time and privacy so that you
may answer these questions. The manner in which you respond to these queries
will, indirectly, improve the quality of the relationship you have with your loved
2. Allow yourself at least 15 minutes to answer the 7 questions from each role
There are no right or wrong answers to these questions. Therefore, there is no
need to overexert your mind so that you can come up with all types of answers,
each more rational or eloquent than the first.
Just write whatever crosses your mind in that moment, after you read each
question, and avoid "censoring" your answers. Nobody else will read them or scold
you because you forgot to dot your is or cross your ts.
3. Answer these 7 questions as soon as you finish reading this text
Scroll down, right now, to the section of this email that contains the questions and
start answering them. I'm not joking... The paragraphs that come before the
questions themselves do not matter right now.
Therefore... start answering them right now!
And then you can come back and read the rest of this email.
You can write down the questions and your answers in a diary or a notebook or you
can print the PDF document - and answer each question in the area specifically
dedicated to your responses.
It is unlikely that you have the necessary time to give a complete and straight
answer to each of the 7 questions in only 2 minutes. Without a doubt, some of
these questions will persist in your subconscious. Thus, your mind will continue to
come up with new answers for them.
Therefore, I suggest you "leave the bun in the oven" until it is ready. Allow yourself
the required time for the questions and answers to sink in. For this to happen, you
have to revise what you wrote after a while.


ROLE No.1:
A Healthy Body
"Mens sana in corpore sano is a foolish saying. The sound body is a product of the
sound mind." (George Bernard Shaw)

1. What compromise regarding your health - that you have you

made in the past - would you like your own child to avoid? What
lesson have you learned from this experience?
Your answers:
Never to:
To always:
When in doubt, to:
Never to:
1. Skip meals because he "doesn't have time"
2. Ignore the symptoms of a disease, no matter how light they might be
3. Drink coffee, in excessive amounts, in order to stay awake because "he still has
work to do"
To always:

1. Listen to his body and pay attention to its needs

2. Make sure he gets enough rest
3. Be mindful of what he eats
When in doubt, to:
1. Take 5-10 minutes to examine the benefits and consequences of his actions
2. Listen to his instinct
3. Seek help from loved ones


2. Worldwide, the average life expectancy is between 65 and 70

years old. What could you do, for 15 minutes each day, so that
you may live 10 years longer than what the current statistics
Your answers:
I could allot 15 minutes each day to:
I could allot 15 minutes each day to:
1. Practice aerobic exercise so that I can strengthen my cardiovascular system
2. Meditate so that I may reduce the level of stress in my life
3. Practice Ho'oponopono to free myself of my negative emotions


3. What are the three main diseases you would like your
children to avoid for the rest of their lives? What can you do, for
yourself, to make sure that your children are never struck by
these diseases?
Your answers:
The diseases I do not wish my children to ever have are:
To make sure that my children avoid these diseases I can:
The diseases I do not wish my children to ever have are:
1. Diabetes
2. Lung cancer
3. Depression
To make sure that my children avoid these diseases I can:
1. Have healthy meals, with my kids, at least 2 times a day
2. Avoid smoking in front of my kids and protect them from passive smoking
3. Maintain a positive emotional state when I interact with my kids


4. What do you think your optimum weight should be right now?

How much should you lose or gain (depending on your
circumstances) each month to reach this weight in 12 months?
What are some activities that you avoid doing right now
because your weight holds you back?
For instance, when you reach your optimum weight:
How will your holidays look? How will your relationships - with your spouse or
children - change? How will this change in body weight impact your career and
business relationships?.
Who do you think could help you, by providing the easiest solution to reach your
optimum weight?
Your answers:
Right now my optimum weight should be: ...
I currently weigh ... lbs.
In 12 months, I could reach my optimum weight by losing/gaining ... lbs. a month.
At this moment, my weight is holding me back from:
Reaching an optimum weight would have the following effects:
- regarding my holiday, I could ...
- regarding my relationship with my spouse, I could ...
- regarding my relationship with my kids, I could ...
- regarding my career, I could ...
- regarding my business relationships, I could ...
The person who could help me, by providing the easiest solution for me to reach
my optimum weight is ...
Right now my optimum weight should be: 176 lbs.
I currently weigh 216 lbs.
In 12 months, I could reach my optimum weight by losing 3.5 lbs. each month.


At this moment, my weight is holding me back from:

1. Walking for more than 15 minutes without taking a break
2. Having emotional relationships
3. Playing with my own kids
Reaching an optimum weight would have the following effects:
- regarding my holiday, I could walk long enough to actually get to know the cities I
travel to... as opposed to staying in my hotel room all day long
- regarding my relationship with my spouse, I could enjoy watching a movie with
him while actually sitting on the same living room couch
- regarding my relationship with my kids, I could have enough energy to take them
to the swimming pool and teach them how to swim
- regarding my career, I could secure my promotion as a Manager, a position that
allows me to meet my clients in person
- regarding my business relationships, I could close a lot more deals with my
potential partners because my self-esteem would be there to back me up
The person who could help me, by providing the easiest solution for me to reach
my optimum weight is an MD who specializes in nutrition.


5. Consider the following scenario: you meet someone for the

very first time. If you did not tell that person your true age, how
old would he or she believe you to be? What do you believe to
be the most important element that affects other people's
perception regarding your age?
Your answers:
I believe that right now I look as if I'm ....... years old, even though I'm
actually ....... years old.
What contributes the most to the manner in which other people perceive my age
is ...
I believe that right now I look as if I'm 45 years old, even though I'm actually 32
years old.
What contributes the most to the manner in which other people perceive my age is
the difficulty I have when it comes to walking from one place to another in a
normal fashion because of the pain I have in my joints.


6. What are the 3 most important habits you have been trying to
implement in your life for a long time without having any sort of
success? What could you do, in just one minute each day, for 1
month, to nurture these habits?
Your answers:
The habits I would most like to implement in my life are:
To nurture my first habit, I could ... for 1 minute daily.
To nurture my second habit, I could ... for 1 minute daily.
To nurture my third habit, I could ... for 1 minute daily.
***These daily steps you take, although small, will be able to fly just below your
"excuses radar" behind which you have been hiding all this time without even
having the courage to attempt to nurture your habits. You'll see! At the end of the
month, these daily minutes will be more than enough to awaken within you the
motivation you need to keep going.
The habits I would most like to implement in my life are:
1. Waking up each day before 7 AM
2. Working only during my normal office hours
3. Spending at least an hour each day with my kids
To nurture my first habit, I could write down in my diary one benefit that I would
gain from implementing this change for 1 minute daily.
To nurture my second habit, I could plan my work-related activities for 1 minute
To nurture my third habit, I could ask my kids how they spent their time for 1
minute daily.


7. If you woke up tomorrow in the body you'll have 10 years

from now, how would you like to feel? How would you like to
look? What have you done, in those last 10 years, to look this
Your answers:
10 years from now, I would like my body to make me feel like this...
10 years from now, I would like to look...
To look and feel this good, I have done the following things in those last 10 years:
10 years from now, I would like my body to make me feel like this: I want to have
twice as much energy than I did before and I want to feel healthy without even
having a sore muscle.
10 years from now, I would like to look like I did when I was 25 years old! :)
To look and feel this good, I have done the following things in those last 10 years:
1. I went to regular medical checkups and I followed the doctor's advice
2. I was mindful of what I ate and I took vitamin and mineral supplements
3. I exercised daily, even if that meant a simple walk in the park


ROLE No.2:
A Business Professional
"Life responds to deserve, not need. The great law doesn't say, If you need you will
reap. It says, If you plant you will reap." (Jim Rohn)

1. If you lost your job tomorrow what would be the 3 main

benefits you could gain from this situation? Why can't you have
them right now? What could you do so that you might enjoy
these advantages without having to quit your job?
Your answers:
If I lost my job tomorrow, the 3 main benefits I would gain would be:
I could also enjoy these advantages in the present moment if I ...
If I lost my job tomorrow, the 3 main benefits I would gain would be:
1. The opportunity to spend more quality time with my family.
2. The possibility to start my own business.
3. The gift of having more time for myself so that I can rest.
I could also enjoy these advantages in the present moment if I would learn how to
organize my time better.


2. Who would you spend your entire day with to learn all you
can from him/her? What questions would you ask this person?
How else could you find out the answers to these questions?
Your answers:
The person I would choose to spend my entire day with to learn all that I need to
know regarding my professional life is ...
The questions I would ask this person would be the following:
I could also find out these answers in this manner: ...
The person I would choose to spend my entire day with to learn all that I need to
know regarding my professional life is Anthony Robbins.
The questions I would ask this person would be the following:
1. How did you succeed in overcoming your negative inner dialogue so that you may
become such an extraordinary Speaker?
2. What were the most significant resources that facilitated your process of
development as a Public Speaker?
3. What are the 3 most important techniques you resort to when you deliver a
speech in front of people?
4. How did you manage to develop your sense of humor to such a high level,
allowing you to naturally incorporate it in every speech you deliver?
5. How did you know Public Speaking was your calling?
I could also find out these answers in this manner: I could watch as many Anthony
Robbins videos as I possibly could and I could also read every interview he has ever


3. How many times have you arrived 10 minutes early for an

important meeting? How many times have you delivered a
project one day before its deadline? What benefits did you reap
from these 2 habits? What could you do to practice them more
often in your daily life?
Your answers:
I estimate I arrived 10 minutes earlier for an important meeting ... times this
I estimate I delivered a project one day before its deadline ... times this month.
These habits have had the following benefits in my career: ...
I can ensure that I practice these habits more often in this manner: ...
I estimate I arrived 10 minutes earlier for an important meeting 3 times this week.
I estimate I delivered a project one day before its deadline 2 times this month.
These habits have had the following benefits in my career: They have increased my
level of credibility in front of the people I work with.
I can ensure that I practice these habits more often in this manner: By learning how
to organize my time better.


4. What was the most unfortunate professional decision you

made in your life? Why did you to make this decision? How has
your life changed since that moment?
Your answers:
The most unfortunate professional decision I made was ...
The factors that motivated me to make this decision were the following:
Because of this decision, my life has changed in this manner: ...
The most unfortunate professional decision I made was staying at my former workplace much longer than was necessary and beneficial for me.
The factors that motivated me to make this decision were the following:
1. My need to have a steady income.
2. The hope that things would get better someday.
3. The close relationships I had with some of the people I worked with.
Because of this decision, my life has changed in this manner: I have learned to
cherish my personal and professional freedom and also to take my time before
making any decisions that could affect these freedoms long-term.


5. How much do you believe you deserve to be paid per hour?

On what arguments do you base this belief? What is that one
skill that, if you could have, it would double your income? What
steps could you take starting today to develop this skill?
Your answers:
I deserve to be paid the following amount of money per hour: ...
I rely on the following arguments to support this belief:
The skill that I believe could help me double my income - if I had it - is ...
I could take the following steps - starting today - to develop this skill: ...
I deserve to be paid the following amount of money per hour: $50.
I rely on the following arguments to support this belief:
1. At my workplace, I accomplish certain activities that, in the long run, help my
collaborators to gain a lot more money than I earn, by doing those tasks.
2. The quality of my results is greatly appreciated by those I work with.
3. I know that, by doing what I do, I provide true and perceivable value to the
people around me.
The skill that I believe could help me double my income - if I had it - is learning
how to become a business-networking professional so that I may expand my circle
of close partners.
I could take the following steps - starting today - to develop this skill: I could join
BNI (Business Network International) and take part in their weekly networking
group sessions.


6. What do you believe to be the qualities of a "Top Performer"?

How many of these qualities do you honestly possess at this
moment and who or what helped you develop these traits?
What could you do - for yourself - to acquire those last qualities
on your list?
Your answers:
I believe that a "Top Performer" has the following qualities:
Out of these qualities, I believe I possess the following: ...
To develop these traits, I received help from ...
I could also manage to develop the other qualities on my list in this manner: ...
I believe that a "Top Performer" has the following qualities:
1. Punctuality
2. Expertise
3. Passion
4. Perseverance
5. Promptitude
Out of these qualities, I believe I possess the following: Perseverance and Passion.
To develop these traits, I received help from my parents especially, but also from
my mentors that made me realize how much value I could bring to the lives of
others by doing what I do professionally.
I could also manage to develop the other qualities on my list in this manner: I could
learn to organize my time better and also I could model the behavior and habits of
one of my mentors.


7. What is the last thought that crosses your mind when you go
to bed on Sunday night and what is your first thought that
comes to mind when you wake up on Monday morning - related
to your professional field? What do you believe hides behind
these thoughts? Do these thoughts help you become a "Top
Your answers:
The last thought that crosses my mind when I go to bed on Sunday night is ...
The first thought that comes to mind when I wake up on Monday morning is ...
The underlying thing that hides behind these thoughts is ...
These thoughts have the following effect on my desire to grow and develop my
professional expertise: ...
The last thought that crosses my mind when I go to bed on Sunday night is "Why
isn't tomorrow Saturday ?!?".
The first thought that comes to mind when I wake up on Monday morning is "I hope
I don't have to work overtime again today!".
The underlying thing that hides behind these thoughts is the fact that I don't have
enough time to get sufficient rest because I have too much work to do.
These thoughts have the following effect on my desire to grow and develop my
professional expertise: They have a negative effect because the enthusiasm I once
felt towards my work related activities has considerably diminished.


ROLE No.3:
A Worthy Legacy
"Children see the past in their parents. Parents see the future in their children."
(Anton S. Makarenko)

1. If you were kidnapped by a gang of criminals, what sacrifices

do you think your family would make to liberate you? Why do
you believe this to be true?
Your answers:
If I were kidnapped by a gang of criminals, the 3 main sacrifices my family would
make to liberate me would be:
The most important reason that lies behind my convictions is ...
If I were kidnapped by a gang of criminals, the 3 main sacrifices my family would
make to liberate me would be:
1. To give up their entire fortune and everything else that has material value.
2. To give up their own lives for my safety.
3. To give up food, sleep and any other activity so that they may save me.
The most important reason that lies behind my convictions is the fact that I know,
without a doubt, that my parents love me more than anything.


2. If you had the opportunity to choose your parents, before you

were born, how would you have liked them to be? Why? How
would your life look like today had you had these parents?
Your answers:
If I had the opportunity to choose my parents, before I was born, I would have liked
for them to have the following 5 behaviors:
Had I had these parents, then:
If I had the opportunity to choose my parents, before I was born, I would have liked
for them to have the following 5 behaviors:
1. To be much more patient with me.
2. To say "I love you!" more often.
3. To give me a hug when I had a problem.
4. To find other ways of "correcting" my unsuitable behaviors besides physical
5. To help me figure out what I truly wanted in life.
Had I had these parents, then:
1. I wouldn't have tried, by any means necessary, to make everyone else love me
and accept me no matter the cost.
2. I would have had so much more faith in myself and the decisions I took.
3. I would be able to offer those around me true love because I would know what
that feels like.


3. What is that one behaviour that bothers you the most about
yourself? The one that you don't take responsibility for and
blame it on your parents? What would your life look like if you
stopped placing the blame on them for your behaviour?
Your answers:
The behavior I don't take responsibility for is ...
If I would stop blaming my parents for this behavior, I could actually enjoy the
following 3 important benefits:
The behavior I don't take responsibility for is quite honestly, my failure to take
responsibility for any of my mistakes.
If I would stop blaming my parents for this behavior, I could actually enjoy the
following 3 important benefits:
1. I could realize that no one can make me feel anything without my consent.
2. I would have the courage to express my uniqueness in this world.
3. I would be disciplined enough to always finish what I start.


4. When you have a failure, who is that one family member you
would keep this a secret from? Why? What could you do to
overcome this fear?
Your answers:
When I have a failure, the family member I would keep this a secret from is ...
The reason I would not want for ... to find out about my failure is ...
What I can do to overcome this fear I have is ...
When I have a failure, the family member I would keep this a secret from is my
The reason I would not want for my mother to find out about my failure is the fear
that I would be harshly judged and criticised by her.What I can do to overcome this
fear I have is to talk with my mother and to explain to her why her reactions to my
temporary setbacks bother me and also to tell her how I would like her to react in
the future.


5. If you were to find out, at this very moment, that you only
have an hour left to live what would you say to your parents and
to your children? How would you spend this last hour? What's
keeping you from doing these things anyhow? What are you
willing to do today for your family, considering the fact that you
are not immortal?
Your answers:
If I only had one hour left to live, I would do the following things for my parents
and/or my children:
I would spend this last hour ...
What's keeping me from doing these things anyway is ...
Nevertheless, today, I am willing to do the following things for my loved ones:
If I only had one hour left to live, I would do the following things for my parents
and/or my children:
1. I would tell them how much I love them.
2. I would express my gratitude for everything they have done for me.
3. I would ask them for forgiveness and I would also forgive them myself.
4. I would hug them as many times as I could.
5. I would tell them never to forget the fact that they have, inside of them, all the
resources necessary to fulfill their dreams.
I would spend this last hour with my entire family and I would share with them
every piece of advice that could help them lead a happier life.


What's keeping me from doing these things anyway is the fear that my family will
not appreciate the true value of my actions.
Nevertheless, today, I am willing to do the following things for my loved ones:
1. To tell them "I love you!", from the bottom of my heart.
2. To thank them for all the help they have given me.
3. To spend one hour with them.


6. What would be that one piece of advice that you could give
your parents and, if they followed it, their life or your relationship
with them would improve? Do you take into account this advice
when it comes to your relationship with your own children? How
could you persuade your parents to follow this advice?
Your answers:
The advice I would give my parents would be the following: ...
When it comes to the relationship I have with my own children, I follow / do not
follow this advice because ...
I could persuade my parents to follow my advice if I accomplished the following 3
The advice I would give my parents would be the following: To take care of
themselves and to live their own lives, not mine.
When it comes to the relationship I have with my own children, I follow this advice
because I realized that, if I don't take care of myself, I will not have the necessary
amount of energy to maintain a great relationship with my kids.
I could persuade my parents to follow my advice if I accomplished the following 3
1. Helping them become more aware of the benefits provided by this advice.
2. Following this advice myself, in the relationship I have with my kids.
3. Introducing them to other parents who already follow this advice.


7. What would you want your children to tell your grandchildren

about yourself after you have left this Earth? What "legacy"
would you like to bequeath to your children, grandchildren and
great-grandchildren? What can you do, starting today, to make
sure that this "legacy" will truly exist?
Your answers:
I would like my grandchildren to know the following things about me:
The "legacy" I would like to bequeath after my passing is the following: ...
I can make sure that this "legacy" will truly exist, in this manner: ...
I would like my grandchildren to know the following things about me:
1. That I was an example of perseverance and passion.
2. That I lived my life with integrity towards myself and others.
3. That I faced my fears and I did not let them overwhelm me.
4. That I was a "fountain" of love, encouragement and support for others.
The "legacy" I would like to bequeath after my passing is the following: My three
most important personal values - freedom, contribution and courage.
I can make sure that this "legacy" will truly exist, in this manner: I can help my
children and grandchildren overcome the difficulties they face in life by
encouraging them to find their own solutions through which they can express their
freedom, contribution and courage.


ROLE No.4:
A Prosperous Person
"Prosperity is the best protector of principle." (Mark Twain)

1. Why do YOU want to be financially prosperous? What sets

you apart from the other millions of people that desire this same
What are you willing to offer, when it comes to value, in
exchange for your financial prosperity? What would radically
change in your current life if you were a prosperous person?
How could you make these changes come true for you, starting
today, even if you have not yet achieved your desired level of
Your answers:
The main 3 reasons I want to achieve financial prosperity are the following:
What separates me from all the others that have this same desire is ...
In exchange for financial prosperity, I would be willing to offer:
If I were a truly prosperous person right now, then ...
Even without reaching my desired prosperity level, I could still implement these
changes in my life, starting today, if ...
The main 3 reasons I want to achieve financial prosperity are the following:


1. I want my children to live a life during which they will want for nothing.
2. I want to take care of my parents the same way that they provided for me.
3. I would like to go on holiday, abroad, at least 4 times a year.
What separates me from all the others that have this same desire is the fact that,
when I will reach my desired level of financial prosperity, I will be able to
contribute even more to the happiness of those around me.
In exchange for financial prosperity, I would be willing to offer:
1. My professional expertise.
2. An important part of my time for the purpose of doing business networking.
3. A significant amount of money that I could invest in a charity project that
corresponds with one of my most important values, contribution.
If I were a truly prosperous person right now, then I wouldn't have to worry so much
about paying my taxes, the school fees for my children or the unpredictable health
expenses that I might have to cover in the future.
Even without reaching my desired prosperity level, I could still implement these
changes in my life, starting today, if I would save up at least $50 each week and
deposit this money in a separate bank account.


2. What do you think is the main reason you earn your current
monthly income? What were 3 decisions that allowed you to
reach this level? What are 3 challenges you would have to
overcome to double your current revenue? How could you
surpass them in the following 6-12 months?
Your answers:
The main reason I earn my current monthly income is ...
The 3 decisions that allowed me to reach this level were:
The 3 challenges I would have to overcome to double my revenue are:
I could surpass these obstacles in the next 6-12 months if ...
The main reason I earn my current monthly income is the fact that I presently hold
a management position in a company where I truly enjoy working.
The 3 decisions that allowed me to reach this level were:
1. The decision that I would do everything in my power to be promoted, in less
than a year, to the position of Top Manager inside this company.
2. The decision that I would never stop developing my professional skills so that I
could one day hold a management position.
3. The decision that I would become a role model for my children to whom I wish to
pass on the notion that "perseverance is a precursor for success".
The 3 challenges I would have to overcome to double my revenue are:
1. The fact that I cannot be promoted beyond my position because of company
2. The fear of leaving my current workplace and not finding another job that would
be as good or better than the last.
3. My lack of knowledge regarding the development of my own business.

I could surpass these obstacles in the next 6-12 months if I would ask my
entrepreneur friends for help, if I would start my own business right now and if I
would simultaneously manage my business and hold a full-time job until my
business reaches stability.


3. What does "financial independence" mean to you? How can

you be sure that your perception of this concept is the right
one? What have you been doing, up until now, to reach this
objective and what have you set out to accomplish by the end
of this year?
Your answers:
For me, "financial independence" means ...
I know that / I don't know if my perception of this concept is correct because ...
To reach this objective, I have accomplished the following, up until now: ...
By the end of the year, I have set out to accomplish the following:
For me, "financial independence" means to be able to earn an income that would
ensure a comfortable way of living for myself, without having to work.
I know that my perception of this concept is correct because every person I admire
for being "financially independent" earns their comfortable living conditions
through sufficient amounts of passive revenues.
To reach this objective, I have accomplished the following, up until now: I have
become a stockholder in a quite profitable company and this has allowed me to
receive significant monthly dividends.
By the end of the year, I have set out to accomplish the following:
1. To lease the apartment I received as an inheritance.
2. To publish the book I began writing so that I may receive the royalties.
3. To open up a savings account at the bank that has the highest interest rate.


4. On what do you spend a significant amount of money each

month although you know that, in the long run, this behavior will
not help you become financially independent? Why do you still
spend this money on those activities? What could you do to
stop wasting your money in this manner?
Your answers:
Although I realize that, in the long run, this behavior will not help me reach my
financial goals, each month I spend money on the following:
The reason I still spend money on these activities is ...
To stop wasting my money in such a manner I aim to:
Although I realize that, in the long run, this behavior will not help me reach my
financial goals, each month I spend money on the following:
1. Smokes.
2. Mobile phone bills.
3. Frequent restaurant meals.
The reason I still spend money on these activities is because I don't always think
about the long-term consequences of my actions but about satisfying a short-term
urge I have.
To stop wasting my money in such a manner I aim to:
1. Smoke 1 cigarette less each day until I really quit.
2. Terminate my mobile phone subscription and only use a prepaid card.
3. Have no more than 2 meals a week at a restaurant.


5. What is the average monthly income of the 5 people you

spend most of your time with? When it comes to "money", what
do these people talk about?
Do they talk about their debts or their investments? About how
much money they have spent or saved? What could you
change, regarding the relationships you have with these people,
so that the impact upon your finances would be a positive one?
What are the 3 first stages of this change?
Your answers:
The average monthly income of the 5 people I spend most of my time with is
When it comes to "money", these people talk about:
The change I wish to make regarding my relationships with them is ...
The first 3 stages of this change are:
Examples: The average monthly income of the 5 people I spend most of my time
with is $2000. When it comes to "money", these people talk about:
1. The fees and taxes they have to pay the State.
2. What they wish they could do if they had a high enough income.
3. How difficult it is to save up money in "these times they live in".
The change I wish to make regarding my relationships with them is to spend less
time together. The first 3 stages of this change are:
1. Telling these people that, when it comes to "money", they are not in the least
supportive of my goals.
2. Seeking out those people around me that talk about reaching financial prosperity
with optimism and drive.
3. Spending 1-2 hours a week with the people mentioned above so that I may have
the opportunity to ask them for some advice regarding my finances.


6. How would you classify the people that now enjoy financial
prosperity..., in other words, those who are "filthy rich"? What
category would you like to be a part of and why? How could you
become a member of that specific category?
Your answers:
I would classify the people that are "filthy rich" in just ... categories:
I would like to be a part of ... because ...
In order for me to become a member of this category, it is necessary to:
I would classify the people that are "filthy rich" in just 2 categories:
1. The people that reached this financial level by breaking certain rules that relate
to ethics, morality and legislation.
2. The people that reached this financial level by also breaking certain rules
without, however, causing prejudice to anybody.
I would like to be a part of the second category because these people, these risktakers, are the ones that help our society to evolve.
In order for me to become a member of this category, it is necessary to:
1. Set a very clear professional goal that can bring me financial prosperity.
2. Figure out what "rules of the game" - professionally speaking - I must conform to
and which of them only exist to hinder my development.
3. Take a calculated risk and break the rules I believe to be limiting me.


7. What would you say to someone who would come up to you

and say that, in this country, you don't have the necessary
conditions to become financially prosperous? How could you
persuade this person into realizing that what they believe is not
true? What would your arguments be?
Your answers:
If someone came up to me and said that, in this country, I don't have the necessary
conditions to become financially prosperous, I would reply ...
The 3 main arguments I would use to persuade this person into realizing that what
they believe is not true would be:
If someone came up to me and said that, in this country, I don't have the necessary
conditions to become financially prosperous, I would reply that, as long as they
have this limiting belief, they could even live on "The Island of Prosperity" and still
be poor and live a meaningless life.
The 3 main arguments I would use to persuade this person into realizing that what
they believe is not true would be:
1. Increasing their awareness, when it comes to successful entrepreneurs such as
Anthony Robbins, Richard Branson, Steve Jobs or Oprah Winfrey.
2. Revealing the reasons why their convictions regarding prosperity actually
prevent them from getting what they want.
3. Showing them, that in this country, not only are there successful entrepreneurs,
but also "Business Angels", people that are willing to invest significant amounts of
money in promising start-up companies.


ROLE No.5:
A Loved and Loving Person
"And when love speaks, the voice of all the gods makes Heaven drowsy with the
harmony." (William Shakespeare)

1. What are the 5 elements you believe to be the most

important in an emotional relationship? Why did you pick these
particular aspects? To what extent do you believe these 5
elements are a part of your current relationship?
Your answers:
I believe the most important 5 elements in an emotional relationship are:
The reason I chose these particular 5 elements is...
In my current relationship, I believe that I experience:
1. ... to the extent of ... %.
2. ... to the extent of ... %.
3. ... to the extent of ... %.
4. ... to the extent of ... %.
5. ... to the extent of ... %.
I believe the most important 5 elements in an emotional relationship are:
1. Mutual confidence
2. Common or at least compatible personal values
3. Mutual respect


4. True friendship
5. Unconditional love
The reason I chose these particular 5 elements is because each of them are equally
important to me and represent the "resistance pillars" of this type of relationship.
If even one of them is missing, the entire structure collapses.
In my current relationship, I believe that I experience:
1. Mutual confidence to the extent of 80%.
2. Common or at least compatible personal values to the extent of 60%.
3. Mutual respect to the extent of 50%.
4. True friendship to the extent of 50%.
5. Unconditional love to the extent of 40%.


2. What has been the most difficult moment you have had to
face in your current relationship? What was the underlying
cause for this crucial event? How did you overcome this
obstacle and what did you learn from this experience?
Your answers:
The most difficult moment in my current relationship happened when ...
The underlying cause that gave birth to this crucial event was ...
I managed to overcome this obstacle ...
As a result of this experience, I learned ...
The most difficult moment in my current relationship happened when my wife told
me, for the first and last time, that she wanted a divorce.
The underlying cause that gave birth to this crucial event was the fact that, for the
last 3 months, I had spent 14 hours a day at work and less than half an hour a week
with my family because I was too tired.
I managed to overcome this obstacle the very moment I heard the word "divorce"
and became aware of the fact that I was about to lose my family... for a 30%
increase in salary.
As a result of this experience, I learned that my good intention - of providing a
comfortable life for my family - DOES NOT replace my presence and my emotional
involvement in the lives of my loved ones.


3. How did your current emotional relationship change you, as a

person? To what extent do you believe these changes were
beneficial for you? What old habits would you have liked to
keep? Why? What's stopping you from keeping these old
Your answers:
My current emotional relationship has changed me in the following manner: ...
These changes have been beneficial for me to the extent of ... %.
I would have wanted to keep the following ... habits I had before:
The reason why I would have wanted to keep them is ...
Yet, what's stopping me from keeping my old habits is ...
My current emotional relationship has changed me in the following manner: It has
helped me become a more responsible and empathic person and it has also
increased my self-confidence level.
These changes have been beneficial for me to the extent of 70%.
I would have wanted to keep the following 3 habits I had before:
1. Having at least 1 hour a day just for myself.
2. Being able to save up money for my personal use only.
3. Allowing myself to have the same amount of time for my professional
The reason why I would have wanted to keep them is because these habits have
helped me realize what it truly means to put myself first.
Yet, what's stopping me from keeping my old habits is the fact that, right now, I am
allowing the relationship I have with my partner to be above my own personal wellbeing.


4. What are those "tiny flaws" you have "forgiven" your partner
for having, for the sake of the relationship between you? Was it
worth doing such a thing? Why? What do you most appreciate
about your partner? When was the last time you told them that?
What could you do to increase the number of compliments you
offer your partner?
Your answers:
The "tiny flaws" I have "forgiven" my partner for having, for the sake of the
relationship between us are:
I believe it was/wasn't worth it because ...
What I most appreciate about my partner is ...
The last time I told him/her this thing was ...
To increase the number of compliments I offer my partner, I could ...
The "tiny flaws" I have "forgiven" my partner for having, for the sake of the
relationship between us are:
1. His lack of organization when it comes to household chores.
2. His impulsive behavior when he has to make an important decision.
3. His tendency to procrastinate when it comes to tasks that have a deadline.
4. The fact that he's very often late for the dates we set up.
I believe it was worth it because I know I also have my flaws and I can tell he's
trying really hard to fix his.
What I most appreciate about my partner is his sense of humor.
The last time I told him this was 2 weeks ago.
To increase the number of compliments I offer my partner, I could schedule them
into my phone, once every 2 days, until this activity becomes natural for me
without having to do it because my alarm beeps.


5. To what extent do you believe you have authentic behavior

when it comes to the relationship you have with your partner?
What have you not received from your partner up until now
though you wish you had? Why do you think he/she can't offer
you what you want?
In what situations do you feel the need to "put on a mask" and
play the part of a different person? What could you do to never
have to go through this kind of situation ever again? What
would happen if you achieved this goal?
Your answers:
I believe I have authentic behavior, in my relationship, to the extent of ... %.
I really wish my partner would ...
I think he/she can't offer me what I want because ...
I feel / I don't feel the need to "put on a mask" and play the part of a different
person when ...
So that I may never have to go through this kind of situation again, I could ...
If I achieved this goal ...
I believe I have authentic behavior, in my relationship, to the extent of 80%.
I really wish my partner would be more unpredictable when it comes to preparing
romantic surprises.
I think he can't offer me what I want because he's not used to doing this type of
thing and doesn't believe these gestures are that important in a relationship.
I feel the need to "put on a mask" and play the part of a different person when we
go and visit my in-laws.
So that I may never have to go through this kind of situation again, I could speak
openly with my partner and explain to him why I feel the need to act differently
when I'm around his parents.
If I achieved this goal, I fear my partner would tell me I'm overreacting and that I
don't really have to change my behavior because of his parents.


6. If you were to analyze your past and present emotional

relationships, would you notice any patterns you might have,
and if so, what is the relational pattern you see? What do you
believe to be the reasons for having this pattern? To what
extent has this pattern led you to have a beneficial relationship
with your current partner? What's different about your current
emotional relationship?
Your answers:
The relational pattern I can observe is ...
The reason I believe I have acquired this pattern is ...
This relational pattern has / has not led me towards having a beneficial
relationship with my current partner because ...
My current emotional relationship is different from all the others I had in the past
because ...
The relational pattern I can observe is that I quickly fall in love with
unapproachable people.
The reason I believe I have acquired this pattern is, probably because I experienced
rejection from my parents in my early childhood and I'm now trying to make up for
these lost feelings by trying to make other people accept me at any cost.
This relational pattern has led me towards having a beneficial relationship with my
current partner because I have learned, through this relationship, what it truly
means to accept yourself.
My current emotional relationship is different from all the others I had in the past
because now I don't feel the need to avoid proving my point for the fear of losing
my relationship and because my partner doesn't come first anymore in my life... I


7. Picture this scenario: you're celebrating your Silver Wedding

with your partner and, during the party, you start to look back on
every important aspect of your relationship.
What did you do differently - from other couples - so that your
relationship could last so long? What do you think you need to
do from now on so that you two can celebrate your Golden
Your answers:
The 3 most important habits that have allowed our relationship to last so long are
the following:
In order for our relationship to last even longer, so that we may be able to
celebrate our Golden Wedding, I think it's important to:
The 3 most important habits that have allowed our relationship to last so long are
the following:
1. We have always found the best way to communicate amongst ourselves.
2. We have found a way to spend some quality time together each day.
3. We avoided implementing changes into our personal lives without first
considering how these changes could affect our relationship.
In order for our relationship to last even longer, so that we may be able to
celebrate our Golden Wedding, I think it's important to:
1. To learn how to be more patient with one another.
2. To mutually respect each other.
3. To remember, as often as we can, what made us fall in love in the first place.


ROLE No.6:
A Good Friend
"Without friends no one would choose to live, though he had all other
goods." (Aristotle)

1. What are the most important characteristics a "true friend"

must possess, in your point of view? Considering these
qualities, how many true friends do you have, at the moment,
and how many people around you consider you to be their true
friend? What can you do to change this status quo?
Your answers:
In my opinion, the 5 most important qualities a "true friend" must possess are the
Considering these features, I now have ... "true friends" and I believe I am a "true
friend" for ...
To change this status quo, I intend to:
In my opinion, the 5 most important qualities a "true friend" must possess are the
1. Patience
2. Empathy
3. Honesty


4. Respect
5. Authenticity
Considering these features, I now have 3 "true friends" and I believe I am a "true
friend" for 1 person.
To change this status quo, I intend to:
1. Be more understanding and empathic with those around me.
2. Respect, to a greater extent, the beliefs and values of others.
3. Manifest a more outgoing and extroverted personality towards more people.


2. Who is that one friend whom you could call even at 3 AM to

ask for their help and this person would agree to do so? How
did you manage to build such a strong bond of friendship? What
could you do to have more friends like the one mentioned
Your answers:
The one friend I could call, even at 3 AM, to ask for help and this person would
agree to do so is ...
We have managed to build such a strong bond of friendship because:
To have more friends like ... I intend to:
The one friend I could call, even at 3 AM, to ask for help and this person would
agree to do so is Michael, someone I've known for 10 years now, since we were in
We have managed to build such a strong bond of friendship because:
1. We have spent a lot of quality time together.
2. We were always honest with each other.
3. We always found ways to help each other out if one of us had a problem.
4. We respected our mutual personal space.
5. We didn't hold a grudge against each other and we always forgave the mistakes
we made against one another, during all this time.
To have more friends like Michael, I intend to:
1. Allow myself to spend sufficient time with other people as well.
2. Be more patient and empathetic towards others.
3. Develop my capacity to forgive those who have done me wrong.


3. To what extent do your friends tell you the truth, straight up,
when it's necessary? How does this behavior of theirs help
you? What would you like to be different, from this point of
view? How could you implement this change?
Your answers:
When it's necessary, my friends tell me the truth, straight up, in ... % of cases.
This behavior of theirs has / has not helped me because ...
What I would like to be different, from this point of view, is ...
To implement this change I intend to:
When it's necessary, my friends tell me the truth, straight up, in 70 % of cases.
This behavior of theirs has helped me because they have prevented me from
making certain hasty decisions and encouraged me to analyze the problems I faced
from multiple perspectives.
What I would like to be different, from this point of view, is the manner in which
my friends tell me the truth, because most of the time, they tend to be a little
rough around the edges when it comes to giving me feedback.
To implement this change, I intend to:
1. Tell my friends what is it that bothers me about their manner of conveying the
truth to my face.
2. Explain to them what would be a more appropriate way of transmitting this type
of feedback.
3. Thank them for the fact that they care enough about me to tell me some harsh
truths about my behavior.
4. Encourage them to keep telling me the truth, straight up, even if they won't
always carry out "this mission" in a pleasant manner.


4. What are the personal values you seek, consciously or

unconsciously, every time you become friends with somebody?
Why? How would you like to change this "selection filter" you
have when it comes to making friends?
Your answers:
The personal values I seek every time I become friends with somebody are:
The reason I look for these values in that other person is ...
I would like to change this "selection filter" in the following manner: ...
The personal values I seek every time I become friends with somebody are:
1. Empathy
2. Sense of humor
3. Intelligence
4. Honesty
5. Availability
The reason I look for these values in that other person is because I myself have and
express these values in a friendship.
I would like to change this "selection filter" in the following manner: I would like to
seek out and become friends with people that have certain personal values I wish
to have for myself, such as organization, discipline or perseverance.


5. What actions, done by one of your friends, would prompt you

to definitely break the bond of friendship you have with that
person? Why? What could you do to prevent your current
friends from making these mistakes against you?
Your answers:
I would definitely break the bond of friendship I have with someone if:
The reason for this decision is ...
To prevent my friends from making these mistakes against me, I intend to:
I would definitely break the bond of friendship I have with someone if:
1. That person would lie to me with the specific purpose of doing me harm, taking
advantage of me, my knowledge or my money.
2. That person would talk behind my back or tell others lies about me.
3. That person would betray my trust and share a secret of mine with others.
The reason for this decision is because, if one of my friends would betray my trust
knowing that this behavior would make me suffer, I could never look at that person
the same ever again.
To prevent my friends from making these mistakes against me, I intend to:
1. Think twice before sharing with them something extremely important.
2. Analyze the behavior they have towards me as well as towards the people they
come into contact with.
3. Become more and more aware of the fact that, unfortunately, you cannot fully
trust anyone and, if you start off with the contrary presumption, you will only end
up getting disappointed.


6. What is one quality you greatly appreciate in one of your

friends and which you also wish you had? Why? What could
you do to implement this quality your friend has into your own
On the other hand, what character flaw are you not willing to
accept in your friendships and that could be considered, from
where you stand, sufficient grounds for breaking the bond of
friendship you have with someone?
Your answers:
The quality I greatly appreciate in one of my friends and which I also wish I had
is ...
The reason I wish I also had this particular quality is ...
To implement this quality that my friend has into my own behavior, I could:
The character flaw I am not willing to accept in a friendship is ...
The quality I greatly appreciate in one of my friends and which I also wish I had is
The reason I wish I also had this particular quality is because it would make it a lot
easier for me to accomplish the goals I set up for myself.
To implement this quality that my friend has into my own behavior, I could:
1. Ask my friend what drives him to be so disciplined.
2. Ask him to explain what he does, specifically, to maintain his discipline.
3. Ask him why he believes I'm not a disciplined enough person.
The character flaw I am not willing to accept in a friendship is dishonesty with the
intent to do harm to someone.


7. If you were to die today, how many of your friends do you

believe would attend your funeral? On what do you base this
estimation? If you were looking down, upon your own funeral,
would you be content from this point of view? What motivates
you to answer in this manner?
Your answers:
If I were to die today, I believe ... would attend my funeral.
I base this estimation on ...
If I were looking down, upon my own funeral, I would / I would not be content from
this point of view because ...
If I were to die today, I believe at least 5 of my friends would attend my funeral.
I base this estimation on the relationships I have had with these people and on
those special moments we shared together.
If I were looking down, upon my own funeral, I would not be content from this
point of view because I would know that I had offered significant help to more
people, throughout my life, and I would have wished for most of them to be
present at my funeral.


ROLE No.7:
An Ever Growing Person
"In archery we have something like the way of the superior man. When the archer
misses the center of the target, he turns round and seeks for the cause of his
failure in himself." (Confucius)

1. What have you learned, in the last 5 years, from the

experiences you have had? To what extent have you shared the
lessons you've learned with others? If there was one life-lesson
you could have been born knowing, a lesson that was hard for
you to learn, what would this lesson be? What motivates you to
answer in this manner?
Your answers:
In the past 5 years, by virtue of the experiences I have had, I learned that:
I have shared these lessons with other people to the extent of ... %.
The lesson I would have wanted to be born knowing is ...
The reason I picked this particular lesson is ...
In the past 5 years, by virtue of the experiences I have had, I learned that:
1. The people around me don't change just because I want them to.
2. I can't control what happens to me, only how I react to these events.
3. You shouldn't be ashamed of asking your loved ones for help when you face a
difficult problem in life.
4. Assumption is the "mother" of all kinds of disappointments.
5. I am the most important person in my life.

I have shared these lessons with other people to the extent of 70%.
The lesson I would have wanted to be born knowing is to trust my inner voice
because this is the most authentic part of me and it will always tell me what I must
do in a certain situation.
The reason I picked this particular lesson is because I know that had I listened to
this voice at the right time, I would have been spared from a lot of suffering and


2. What is one context in your life, where you feel you still have
a lot to learn? What actions could you accomplish in the next 7
days to develop your expertise in this area, so that you may
reap the benefits that result from these actions, continuously, for
a period of at least 2 months?
Your answers:
One context of my life where I feel I still have a lot to learn is ...
For the next 7 days, I intend to do the following, to develop my expertise in this
One context of my life, where I feel I still have a lot to learn is the area of
professional development.
For the next 7 days, I intend to do the following, to develop my expertise in this
1. I will seek out, in my circle of friends and acquaintances, at least 3 people who
have reached the level of mastery in my specific professional area.
2. I will write down a list of questions to ask these people so that I can model the
thought and action process they used to be successful.
3. I will find the suitable time, context and manner for these people to answer my
questions in the most specific way they can.
4. I will analyze their answers and I will put into practice those pieces of advice
that led these people to success, that suit me the most.


3. If you had the possibility to offer each and every person in

the world one quality (whether it's a character trait or a skill)
what would this quality be? Why? To what extent do you have
and manifest this quality in your own life?
Your answers:
The quality I would like to offer each and every person in this world is ...
because ...
I believe I have this quality to the extent of ... % and that I manifest it when ... in
the following manner: ...
The quality I would like to offer each and every person in this world is the ability to
practice gratitude because I know, from personal experience, that it's very difficult
to be grateful and to feel any negative emotion at the same time.
I believe I have this quality to the extent of 40% and that I manifest it when I
realize my negative emotions have taken a hold of me in the following manner: I
close my eyes, I sit still and I start thinking and visualizing, in my mind, all the
reasons for which I am grateful.


4. If you were asked to give a speech in front of 10,000 people

and to talk about a significant experience from your life, what
experience would you choose? What motivates you to make
this choice? How will your story impact the people that listen to
Your answers:
The significant experience I would choose to share with those in the audience
would be ...
The reason I choose this experience is because ...
I think my story would have the following impact on those who listen to it: ...
The significant experience I would choose to share with those in the audience
would be the bankruptcy of the company I founded 5 years ago.
The reason I choose this experience is because I would like people to know that
success is not a very good teacher. When the international financial crisis hit this
country, my company, although it had doubled its profit in its last year, did not
have a risk management system in place that could help us overcome those tough
times. We thought we were too big to fail... until reality kicked in.
I think my story would have the following impact on those who listen to it: If I
managed to relate this story from a positive emotional state, I believe most of
them would find themselves, maybe not in the story per se, but in the lessons I
learned from it: that it's better to be safe than sorry and that you shouldn't rest on
your laurels.


5. If you could project yourself right now into the future, to the
last day of your life, and take your own interview, what would be
3 questions you would ask yourself? How would you answer
What do you wish to leave behind, as a legacy for those around
you, besides some material possessions? Why? How could you
reach this point where you would be able to accomplish this
spiritual goal?
Your answers:
The 3 questions I would ask myself in the last day of my life would be:
The answer to the first question would be: ...
The answer to the second question would be: ...
The answer to the third question would be: ...
The legacy I wish to leave behind for those around me, besides my material
possessions, is ... because ...
To accomplish this spiritual goal, it is necessary for me to:
The 3 questions I would ask myself in the last day of my life would be:
1. Have you helped enough people reach their goals?
2. Did you live your life with integrity and in an authentic manner?
3. Do you believe the legacy you're leaving behind is sufficiently valuable?
The answer to the first question would be: I believe I could have helped more
people throughout my life.
The answer to the second question would be: Unfortunately, I think I made too
many compromises during my life, because I wanted to please other people.


The answer to the third question would be: No, unfortunately my legacy is not as
valuable as I would have wanted it to be.
The legacy I wish to leave behind for those around me, besides my material
possessions, is my life experience because I hope the lessons I've learned through
overcoming bstacles will be priceless for those around me.
To accomplish this spiritual goal, it is necessary for me to:
1. Set goals that are outside my comfort zone.
2. Find the necessary solutions to overcome the obstacles I will face.
3. Identify the best possible way in which my life experience could serve as
valuable pieces of information for the people around me.


6. If you found out right now that you only had one day to live,
what inaction would you regret the most? Why? What can you
do to make sure that a year from now, if you ask yourself this
same question, your list of regrets will be much shorter?
Your answers:
If I found out right now I only had one day to live, I would regret:
The reason I would have these regrets is ...
To make sure that a year from now this list of regrets will be much shorter, I intend
If I found out right now I only had one day to live, I would regret:
1. Not taking more risks in my life.
2. Not following my intuition even if it contradicted what my mind was telling me.
3. Not "bothering" more people by telling them the truth.
4. Not saying "I love you!" more often to my parents and kids.
The reason I would have these regrets is because they are closely related to my
personal values: courage, contribution, freedom and family.
To make sure that a year from now this list of regrets will be much shorter, I intend
1. Take one risk each day for my personal and professional development despite
what my negative self dialogue is saying.
2. Listen to my intuition before making any decision.


3. Tell other people what I truly think, believe and feel without being afraid of the
fact that I might offend someone.
4. Schedule, into my phone, saying "I love you!", twice a day, to the most important
people in my life until this action becomes a natural reflex for me.


7. Fifteen years from now, CNN is doing an exclusive

documentary about your life. What would you want them to say
about you? What would you want the title of this documentary
to be? What are your 3 most valuable qualities that you would
like to see outlined throughout this documentary? What are the
3 most important achievements that you have had during these
15 years?
Your answers:
I would want the title of this documentary to be ...
My 3 most valuable qualities I would like them to outline throughout this
documentary are:
My 3 most important achievement in these past 15 years are:
I would want the title of this documentary to be "How to become a role model for 3
My 3 most valuable qualities I would like them to outline throughout this
documentary are:
1. My desire to contribute.
2. My perseverance when it came to my daily personal and professional
3. The courage I had to break certain rules with the intention of improving the lives
of those around me.
My 3 most important achievements in these past 15 years are:
1. The fact that I was able to raise sufficient funds to create the first alternative
education system besides the one the state provided.


2. The fact that I launched a program designed for teenagers and young adults,
between the ages of 14 and 25, that focuses on increasing their self-esteem and
also that this program was followed by 100,000 people.
3. The fact that I gave a valuable speech in front of 100,000 people.


And this is where the last suite of questions ends!

As a conclusion to these first 7 lessons, I would like to leave you with my favorite
quote, whose author is Jim Rohn, who once said:

"Watch your thoughts, for they become words.

Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny."
I hope you have many moments of A-HA even after the lessons have ended.

It is for this very reason that I invite you to revise your responses so that you may
have a complete and straight-forward picture regarding your current present and
your desired future.

I wish you a Crazy-Happy Life!

Dan :)


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