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Isaia Pardo

& Josilyn Minor

Section 10

Survey Responses Part 1 & 2:

Part 1:
1.) Hypothesis- Men and women find the same qualities in the opposite
gender interesting, but women are more interested in these specific qualities than
2.) Reasoning- We chose the topic being surveyed because we found it quite
interesting to see if men and women find the same things interesting in the
opposite gender.
3.) Sample- The target population is men and women of all ages and ethnicity
willing to take our survey. We would like to get men and women of all ages
because we think that the maturity, that at times comes with age, might change
what a person finds interesting. 25 people would be a minimum number because
the more responses we have, the more accurate our results will be. Biased and
tainted results could be avoided by having a disclaimer that tells the surveyor that
their names or information will not be revealed, it is an anonymous survey.
4.) Questionnaire- See attached survey sheet
5.) Planning5.1) We would conduct our survey by posting it on google classroom so other
psychology students could take it. The survey could be taken in a classroom (with a
teacher's permission to use cell phones), at lunch time or even in between breaks. The
survey will be accessible to people at home by being on google classroom,,
and various forms of social media. The survey will be open and available 24/7 up until
the day before so we can calculate the results that we have.
5.2) The potential problems we see with conducting the survey is making sure the
questions are phrased the proper way so we will not upset anyone so they can be more
honest with their answers. We also want to word the questions the right way so people
taking the survey are understanding what we are asking them. If we are not clear with
the questions, people may not answer them fully and we may not be able to answer our
hypothesis properly.
Part 2:
1.) Survey results- From analyzing and pulling apart our data we discovered
that most women were in the middle, meaning they picked a three for the

question. A one or two would mean the first option and a four or five meant the
second option. The other option that came close in womens results were positive
aspects of a person, friendly, outgoing, takes initiative, and volunteers. Men
mostly picked a three as well, but some of the differences is that they preferred
someone who spends time outside, is laid back, doesnt volunteer, and are
shorter. As for the overall total of each other categorizes, we found that most
people were in the middle of each of the two options. Taller vs shorter, Athletic vs
Academic, volunteering vs doesn't volunteer, laid back vs takes initiative are just
some of the examples that we found had the total in the middle of each of the two
options given to the surveyor. The totals that picked a side were someone's
personality over their looks, outgoing rather than reserved and someone friendly
over distant.
2.) Survey Reflection- No, my hypothesis was found to be wrong because of
the results of the survey. For example 55/100 of women prefers that a guy
volunteers than 67/100 of guys prefers that a woman doesnt volunteer or they
dont care if they do or dont. Women had more feelings toward certain qualities
in men and men generally didnt care about these qualities as much as women
cared. Basically the reason why my hypothesis was wrong is because of how
different each gender cared about these qualities. Females tend to prefer a guy
that takes initiative(65/100) compared to guys that prefer women who are laid
back(53/100). Another thing is that females prefer guys that spend time inside
rather than inside(68/100) and guys prefer women who spend time outside rather
than outside(58/100). I conclude that these results proves that my hypothesis
was wrong.

3.) Josilyns Survey Reflection- No my hypothesis was incorrect due to our

data results. Most women were in the middle of the spectrum rather than leaning
towards one option or the other. Women tended to lean towards more successful
traits than men like, friendly (45/100), takes initiative(65/100) and volunteers
(55/100) for example . Men were in the middle of the spectrum as well but mainly
picked qualities/ traits that were not so positive like doesn't volunteer(67/100) and
is more laid back(53/100) which can imply procrastination. But in defense to men,
our results showed that more women take the survey instead of men. I believe
that our hypothesis was too general and could have been more specific, for
example, predicted a trait/ quality that women and/or men would have leaned
more towards. I also think that we should have taken into consideration the fact
that we had to use a one through five number scale as answers instead of a one

or the other and a doesn't matter option. Overall I believe that our survey was a
very interesting insight to how we see the other gender and the stereotypes that
go along with the gender as to what they prefer in a lover.

Survey Results:
Taller vs Shorter:
Females- 32/75= 43
43/100 women prefer someone taller or is in the middle (picked a 3)
Males- 29/45= 64
64/100 males prefer shorter people
Total- 61/120= 51
51/100 people are in the middle (picked a 3)
Athletic vs Academic:
Females- 50/75= 67
67/100 women prefer someone academic or is in the middle (picked a 3)
Males- 29/45= 64
64/100 men prefer academic or is in the middle (picked a 3)
Total- 79/120= 66
66/100 people are in the middle (picked a 3)
Volunteer vs doesnt volunteer:
Females- 41/75=55
55/100 women prefer someone who volunteers or is in the middle (picked a 3)
Males- 30/45= 67
67/100 men prefer someone who doesn't volunteer or is in the middle (picked a 3)
Total- 71/120= 59
59/100 people are in the middle (picked a 3)
Laid back vs Takes initiative :
Females- 49/75=65
65/100 women prefer someone who takes initiative or is in the middle (picked a 3)
Males- 24/45=53
53/100 men refer someone who is laid back or is in the middle (picked a 3)
Total- 73/120=61
61/100 people are in the middle (picked a 3)
Time outside vs Time inside:
Females- 51/75=68
68/100 women prefer someone who spends time inside or is in the middle (picked a 3)

58/100 men prefer someone who spends time outside or is in the middle (piced a 3)
64/100 people are in the middle (picked a 3)
Looks vs Personality:
Females- 59/75=79
79/100 women prefer someone's personality
28/100 men prefer someone's personality
73/100 people prefer someone's personality
Outgoing vs Reserved:
Females- 40/75=53
53/100 women prefer someone outgoing or is in the middle (picked a 3)
Males- 26/45=58
58/100 ,em prefer someone outgoing or is in the middle (piced a 3)
55/100 people prefer someone outgoing or is in the middle( picked a 3)
Friendly vs Distant:
45/100 women prefer someone friendly
Males- 19/45=42
42/100 men prefer someone friendly
Total- 53/120=44
44/100 people prefer someone friendly

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