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Cell-Cell Channels, Viruses, and Evolution

Via Infection, Parasitism, and Symbiosis toward
Higher Levels of Biological Complexity
František Baluška
University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany

Between prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells there is dramatic difference in complex-
ity which represents a problem for the current version of the cell theory, as well as for
the current version of evolution theory. In the past few decades, the serial endosymbi-
otic theory of Lynn Margulis has been confirmed. This results in a radical departure
from our understanding of living systems: the eukaryotic cell represents de facto “cells-
within-cell.” Higher order “cells-within-cell” situations are obvious at the eukaryotic
cell level in the form of secondary and tertiary endosymbiosis, or in the male and fe-
male gametophytes of higher plants. The next challenge of the current version of the
cell theory is represented by the fact that the multicellular fungi and plants are, in fact,
supracellular assemblies as their cells are not physically separated from each other.
Moreover, there are also examples of alliances and mergings between multicellular
organisms. Infection, especially the viral one, but also bacterial and fungal infections,
followed by symbiosis, is proposed to act as the major force that drives the biological
evolution toward higher complexity.

Key words: cell theory; cell-cell channels; complexity; energides; evolution; infection;
invasion; symbiosis; viruses

Motto: Life is inherently infective and invasive. which are, in strict sense, not multicellular
but rather supracellular organisms.1–5 All these
Problems with the Current Version phenomena make the classical cell theory un-
of the Cell Theory and Evolution tenable and call for some subcellular unit of
Toward Higher Levels of Biological eukaryotic cells that would represent the eu-
Complexity karyotic superkingdom. Our previous papers1–5
expanded Daniel Mazia’s cells body6 and
The current version of the cell theory faces Julius Sachs’s energide7 concepts. Our adap-
several problems.1–4 First of all, eukaryotic tation of these forgotten ideas includes nucleus,
cells often fuse together partially, via cell- perinuclear microtubule-associated centers,
cell channels allowing transcellular transport microtubules, endoplasmic reticulum, and as-
of even such large organelles as mitochon- sociated endomembrane systems including or-
dria or nuclei. Moreover, developing cells also ganelles.1,2,5,8–11 As all these organelles are un-
fuse completely forming multinuclear coeno- der the control of the cell bodies–energides
cytes. Alternatively, mitotic cell divisions are (nucleus and microtubules), it is not surpris-
sometimes not followed by cytokinesis, result- ing that these subcellular units of eukaryotic
ing in syncytia. In fact, this feature is typ- life effectively control eukaryotic architecture.
ical for coenocytic algae, plants, and fungi Perinuclear microtubules are inherently dy-
namic showing exploratory dynamic instabil-
ities,12,13 allowing cell bodies–energides to be-
Address for correspondence: František Baluška, University of Bonn,
have as integrated structural units able to sense
IZMB, Kirschallee 1, 53115 Bonn, Germany. and explore intracellular space and to mount
Natural Genetic Engineering and Natural Genome Editing: Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1178: 106–119 (2009).
doi: 10.1111/j.1749-6632.2009.04995.x  c 2009 New York Academy of Sciences.

Baluška: Evolution Toward Higher Levels of Biological Complexity 107

adaptive responses to exo- and endogenous ternalized by other eukaryotic cells and then
cues using molecular motors that control motil- transformed into endosymbiotic organelles by
ities and positions of endomembranes and or- their dramatic evolutionary reduction.2,25 Im-
ganelles.1,2,8–11 The actin cytoskeleton is pri- portantly, DNA is effectively transported into
marily associated with the plasma membrane the host nucleus whereas the guest nucleus pro-
and the cell periphery complex.1,2,10 Never- gressively loses DNA molecules.26–30 Both mi-
theless, the cell body–energide also gained tochondria and plastids are well characterized
control about this second major part of the in this respect.26 This intracellular gene trans-
eukaryotic cytoskeleton via nucleo-cytoplasmic fer obscures eukaryotic trees based on DNA
shuttling of G-actin, crucial actin-binding pro- sequences,28–30 similarly as it is the case with
teins, and nuclear myosins.14–17 the horizontal gene transfer between differ-
Endosymbiotic origin of eukaryotic cell or- ent organisms.30–32 Generally, intracellular par-
ganelles is fully accepted now. It is strange that asites and endosymbionts accomplish reduc-
this radical change of our understanding of eu- tive evolution, which is associated with loss
karyotic cell evolution was accomplished rather of DNA. There is at least one example when
quietly, within the last three to four decades. all DNA molecules were lost during evolution.
All this started with Lynn Margulis who revi- In the case of mitosomes, all DNA was lost,
talized the almost forgotten ideas of Constantin but these minute organelles still maintain their
Mereshkovsky18–20 in the sixties and seventies double-membranes,32–35 and mitosomes were
of the last century.21,22 At that time, despite demasked as highly reduced mitochondria.33,34
several evidences compiled by Lynn Margulis, Thus, peroxisomes might be the next potential
there was almost no intellectual support for this candidate for endosymbiotic organelles36,37 de-
rather controversial view of evolution.23 How- spite lacking a genome. In principle, other or-
ever, technological advances allowing sequenc- ganelles and vesicular compartments, includ-
ing of rRNA genes in plastids and mitochon- ing endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi Apparatus,
dria confirmed the bacterial ancestry of these diverse endosomes, and even vesicles, might
organelles.24 This means that the eukaryotic represent strongly reduced vestiges of previ-
cell is, in fact, a multicellular assembly having ously freely living organisms. The reductive
“cells within a cell.” Surprisingly in this respect, evolution—if taken a sufficiently long time—
Lynn Margulis is almost forgotten in the con- might completely obliterate all previous “or-
temporary symbiotic literature. For example, ganismal” features of these highly reduced en-
the recent issue of the Nature Reviews of Microbio- dosymbionts. Of course, all this will remain on a
logy (Volume 6, Number 10) fully devoted to speculative level for some time. Nevertheless, it
symbiosis and its impacts on biology, including is quite obvious that certain trends repeat them-
four “full review articles,” one “analysis arti- selves in biological evolution again and again.
cle,” and one “perspective essay” failed to refer Symbiosis, which is repeatedly accomplished
to Lynn Margulis even once from over 550 ref- at all levels of biological complexity, is a very
erences cited in these articles altogether. convincing example of this non-Darwinian, but
rather Margulisian evolution.4
Convincing examples of this “endosymbiotic
Endosymbiotic Origin of Eukaryotic drive” are secondary and tertiary endosymbi-
Organelles: Eukaryotic Cells as otic events when complete eukaryotic cells, to-
“Multicellular Organisms” gether with their plastids, are internalized.38–40
Although secondary symbiosis is mostly asso-
Eukaryotic cells are a large consortia of for- ciated with plastid-containing cells, resulting
merly indepedent cells that partially or fully lost in four membranes enclosing primary plastids,
their identities. Even eukaryotic cells can be in- there are also examples for nonplastid cells.41
108 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

There are even examples of tertiary endosym- and male germ units are represented by several
biosis, which can be identified by the number cells localized within one cell.58–60 Interestingly
of parallel membranes as these are more resis- in this respect, the “cell-in-cell” phenomenon is
tant to obliteration during reductive evolution also a characteristic feature for spore formation
typical for endosymbionts. in bacteria and fungi.61,62 A very conspicuous
Relatively recent endosymbiosis events42 example in this respect is provided by spores
suggest that differences between endosym- of mycorrhiza fungi when one spore (cell) con-
bionts and eukaryotic orgenelles gets slowly tains several hundreds of genetically different
blurred.43,44 Moreover, animals can develop ef- nuclei.52,63 Moreover, syncytia are typical for
fective symbiotic relationships with photosyn- plant endosperms nourishing plant embryos64
thetic endosymbionts.45–47 So there is no fun- and early embryos of some animals.65 “Cells-
damental difference between plants and ani- in-cell” situations are characteristic also for ani-
mals in this respect. This very strong evolution- mals and humans.66 Moreover, very prominent
ary drive for endosymbiosis gives us a unique examples of animal-human syncytia are mus-
opportunity to study evolution in its actual cles and placenta, as discussed below. At least
process. for placenta, the viral input is quite obvious and
These days, there are serious problems with accepted.67
corals, which lose their symbiotic organelles
due to increased temperatures and acidifying
of oceans.48–50 Without their symbionts, corals Intracellular Synapses of
deteriorate rapidly. This suggest that endosym- Eukaryotic Cells: Via Synaptic
biosis provides the host cells and organisms with Integration Toward
adaptive advantage, making it a real evolution- Individualization at Higher Levels
ary force. Another example, which we discuss in of Cellular Complexity
more detail below, where organismal merging
provides adaptive advantages, are well-studied How can the multiorganismal consortium,
endosymbioses of plant root cells with mycor- such as a eukaryotic cell, achieve its own iden-
rhiza fungi and Rhizobia bacteria.51,52 tity? One possibility would be that, in anal-
Obviously, symbioses are widespread, abun- ogy to the cell-cell communication of multicel-
dant, and evolutionarily persistent.53 Despite lular organisms across transcellular synapses,
the fact that symbiosis was already known in when immuno- and neurosynapses are
Charles Darwin’s time,54,55 this phenomenon responsible for the self, intracellular “cells” of
was not considered to be relevant for evolution eukaryotic cells would assemble and maintain
at that time. One weakness of Darwin’s prin- intracellular synapses. In accordance with this
ciples of evolution is that these are not strong synaptic perspective, eukaryotic cells are char-
in explaining evolution toward the higher com- acterized with numerous appositions of two
plexity.4,56,57 Obviously, both partial or com- membranes such as nuclear, mitochondrial,
plete fusion of cells, as well as merging of di- plastid envelopes, or Golgi Apparatus, and en-
verse organisms, are rather regular processes doplasmic reticulum membranes.
which increase the biological complexity rather Two closely apposed membranes commu-
radically. With respect of very long evolution- nicating extensively are typical for phago-
ary periods necessary for other innovations, en- cytosis in eukaryotic cells. Recently, this
dosymbiosis mediated an increase of biologi- phenomenon fostered the introduction of
cal complexity and was accomplished rather phagocytic synapse69,70 as another new mem-
quickly. ber of the synaptic family. Cell-cell adhe-
“Cells-in-cell” assemblies are common in the sion and signalling domains between host
sexual reproduction of plants as both female and pathogen cells, so-called phagocytic
Baluška: Evolution Toward Higher Levels of Biological Complexity 109

synapse,70,71 serve as communication devices and have essential roles for the excitability of
for phagocytosis. Signalling across the phago- synaptic activities of neurons.79–81
cytic synapse is complex69–71 and resembles sig- Moreover, there are intimate contacts
nalling across the immunological synapse. between endoplasmic reticulum and other
The phagocytic synapse concept is useful for organelles, such as mitochondria,82 peroxi-
plant cells too. Bacteria of genus Rhizobia en- somes,83 and lipid bodies.84 But other or-
ter plant roots of genus Fabaceae via a fungal- ganelles are also known to enter into similar
like infection thread, which is a transcellular synaptic interactions (for review see Ref. 85). A
tube generated via inverted tip growth induced recent study revealed interorganellar synapses
by bacteria enclosed via plant plasma mem- composed of the outer plastid membrane—
brane and cell wall.72 Bacteria are enclosed a plasma membrane interaction domain me-
by a fluidized cell wall72 and internalized into diated by G-protein GPA localized to the
root-derived nodule cells in the form of sym- plasma membrane and THYLAKOID FOR-
biosomes enclosed by a synaptic double mem- MATION1 protein localized to the outer mem-
brane.73 A much more dramatic example of the brane of plastids.86 Another striking example
endosymbiotic synapse in plants68 is the mem- of the plastid-plasma membrane intracellular
brane interface between host root cells and synapse is the eyespot apparatus of green al-
mycorrhiza fungal hyphae.51 In this case, large gae in which, beside the plasma membrane
areas of the plant–fungal synaptic double mem- and two plastid envelope membranes, the thy-
branes extend throughout the root inner cor- lakoid membranes are also closely apposed (see
tex, resembling tip growing infection threads Fig. 1B in Ref. 87). Proteomic analysis of the
of Rhizobia.68 Interestingly in this respect, there eyespot apparatus of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
are similar signalling aspects, using the same revealed, besides several signalling molecules
signalling molecules, in the bacteria–plant and such as protein kinases, phosphatases, calcium-
fungal–plant symbiotic interactions.51,52,74 Re- binding proteins, photoreceptors, also a synap-
cently we proposed68 that in order to build a tic MORN-motif repeat protein and adhesion
composite plant/fungal cell,51,74,75 the partners protein containing fascilin I domains.87 In-
need to reach compatibility via balanced synap- terestingly, excitation of this eyespot synapse
tic68 communication of both partners, similarly induces rapid electrical responses leading to
as it was in the case described above of en- changes in flagellar beating and phototaxis.88
dosymbiotic algae. Intracellular synapses give strong support for
Besides organellar synapses, one could en- the “conscious cell” concept proposed by Lynn
vision interorganellar synapses when the outer Margulis.89 This concept provides an expla-
membranes of organelles often show temporary nation for the complex behavior of eukaryotic
contacts with other organelles forming inter- cells in the face of a huge amount of infor-
organellar synapses. These temporary synapses mation that they continuously monitor, receive,
resemble immunological synapses in many as- store, and process for making adaptive decisions
pects.68 In plant cells, there are close con- about their further states and activities.89,90 For
nections between the plasma membrane (PM) instance, amoeba Physarum behaves as a smart
and the cortical endoplasmic reticulum (ER) organism capable of solving complex geomet-
in plants.76 Such ER-PM junctions are inher- rical puzzles, showing signs of memory, antici-
ent also for excitable animal cells.77–80 Junc- pation, learning, as well as several other aspects
tiophilins were discovered as a novel family of cognitive and intelligent behavior.91–96 The
of junctional membrane proteins which keep proposed algorithm behind this intelligent be-
closely apposed membranes of this synaptic havior of Physarum turned out to be simple and
ER-PM complex together.80 Importantly, these powerful.97 Moreover, integrative information
proteins contain the MORN-motif repeat too processing, memory storage, and computation
110 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

occurs at subcellular levels of neurons, whereas and animals in which viral infections not only
the single neuron represents the elementary manipulate existing cell-cell channels but also
unit for computation in the human brain.98 can induce de novo formation of new cell-cell
Similarly, as in unicellular protists,88 there channels (see below). Even bacteriophages need
are also intraneuronal action potentials linking to make a channel across bacterial cell walls
the synapse with the energide.99 Intracellular and membranes in order to deliver its ge-
synapses are likely to increase the computa- netic material into a bacterial host cell. Both
tional capabilities of the eukaryotic cell.100 One in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, infection
can consider the synaptic membranes for smart and sexual repreduction are based on cell-cell
scaffolds, which keep signalling complexes in channels, and on partial or complete cell-cell
optimal topological distances from each other fusions, in order to allow exchange of DNA
in order to optimize information perception, molecules. Could it be that the sexual repro-
processing, and storing. This feature is critical duction is heritage of ancient infections or
for computational and information-processing invasion events? Massive incorporation of in-
properties of synapses existing within any multi- vasive viral DNA into genomes, when for ex-
cellular organism as well as within all eukaryotic ample up to 40% of the current mammalian
cells. Intracellular synapses increase informa- genome is represented by repetitive endoge-
tion processing and computational properties nous retroviruses sequences,104 strongly sug-
of more complex cells which should have pro- gests that these viral parasites shape the evo-
found consequences for the cell theory and cel- lution of genomes.104,105 Interestingly, these
lular evolution. viral-derived sequences gained structural (epi-
genetic) control over spatial arrangement and
expression of the genome,105 indicating a sur-
Cellular Fusion: Developmental and prising conclusion that viruses (parasite) gained
Evolutionary Implications control over the genome (host) during genomic
Cells of multicellular organisms often accom-
plish partial or complete fusions. As discussed
above, almost all cells of higher plants are inter- Virus-Induced Cell-Cell Synapses
connected via plant-specific cell-cell channels and Cell-Cell Channels
known as plasmodesmata. Similarly, multicel-
lular fungi are also supracellular and recently In order to accomplish effective colonization
animal-specific cell-cell channels, so-called tun- of large multicellular organisms, viruses induce
neling nanotubules, have been discovered in the formation of specialized cell-cell adhesion
cell cultures.101–103 Although it is still not cer- domains, known as synapses, to spread from
tain if these tunneling nanotubules are relevant cell-to-cell. Similarly, viruses manipulate ani-
for animal organisms, one cannot rule out that mal cells to induce cell-cell channels for their
such cell-cell channels are also interconnect- own sake—to get access to as many cells as pos-
ing animal and human cells within intact tis- sible.106–108 Is it possible that cell-cell channels
sues. In addition, there are several common and cell-cell fusions in plants and animals are
features between syncytial tissues of animals, of ancient viral-induced origin? At least for the
such as muscles, and supracellular plants, in- placenta, the viral origin is obvious.67
cluding diffuse microtubule organizing centers If viral infections result in more effective
(MTOCs) as well as mobile trans-Golgi net- cell-cell communication, then one could spec-
works (TGNs).3,4 ulate that repetitive viral infections contributed
What is the evolutionary origin of cell-cell to the better coordination of individual cells
channels? Clues are provided both by plants of multicellular organisms. This speculative
Baluška: Evolution Toward Higher Levels of Biological Complexity 111

scenario gets support from recent advances in induce partial or complete cell-cell fusions and
our understanding of how viruses spread from this may result in important novelties, such as
cell-to-cell. They induce viral synapses, special- the supracellular nature of plants or the above
ized cell-cell domains which are effective in al- mentioned placenta of animals.67
lowing cell-cell spread of viruses.109–112 Sim-
ilarly, as in plant cells, these viruses induce
cell-cell channels to achieve free passage from Organismal Merging: The Next
cell-to-cell.106 Interestingly in this respect, plant Source of Evolutionary Complexity
viruses, such as the Rice Dwarf Virus, are able
to generate actin-based filopodia-like protru- Lichens represent one of the best exam-
sions which grow into adjacent cells, not just ples of two multicellular organisms, fungi
in plants but also in animal/insect vector tis- and algae, merging together to form a
sues.113,114 Besides endosomes,103 endosymbi- fully integrated mycobiont-photobiont organ-
otic mitochondria can also use these cell-cell ism.55,127–129 Lichens have unique survival and
channels for their transcellular spread.115 It is tolerance properties, which one would not ex-
obvious that we still do not understand the true pect knowing both partners separately. This
complexity and integrated supracellular nature unrivaled ability to survive the harshest envi-
of multicellular organisms. ronmental condition,130,131 when lichens are
able to survive even outer space conditions132
might be relevant during the first waves of land
Virus-Induced Membrane and colonization by multicellular organisms. In the
Organelle Manipulations future, if our civilization decides to spread life
outside of the Earth, lichens will be the prime
Viruses manipulate membranes of eukary- candidate. Interestingly in this respect, about
otic cells at the plasma membrane as well as one fifth of all known fungal species are derived
at all membraneous organelles.116 It can be from lichen symbiotic ancestors.133
proposed that not only the nucleus117–121 but Although higher plants are generally con-
almost all eukaryotic features of membrane sidered to represent advanced algae, there are
events including endocytosis, vesicle formation numerous indications that, during their in-
at diverse intracellular compartments and or- vasion of land, algea fused completely with
ganelles, as well as exocytosis might be consid- fungi to generate chimeric plants akin recent
ered for vestiges of ancient virus-induced ma- lichens,127,128 which allowed successful colo-
nipulations of eukaryotic membranes.116,122–126 nization of land. This breakthrough event pre-
Virus-induced manipulations of cells and pared suitable conditions for the subsequent
their membranes have impacts on evolution. sea-land move for animals. This fungal view
Viral infections are causing problems at the of higher plants134–137 is not popular among
organismal level, when infected organisms are botanists, but there are several features of
forced to fight back and often use the viral- higher plants not present in any algae.136 We
induced structures and processes for their ad- can briefly mention invasive pollen tubes and
vantage and benefit. Besides endocytosis, exo- root hairs of autotrophic plants and invasive
cytosis, vesicle trafficking, cell-cell fusions, and haustoria of heterotrophic parasitic plants, as
many other processes emerge to have origins in well as several fungal-like cells, including inva-
ancient viral infections. For example, in order to sive laticifers, xylem, and phloem cells. Not only
allow entry into cells, diverse endocytosis path- do pollen tubes grow via fungal-like tip growth
ways are manipulated.126 For efficient intra- but, in cycads, Pinus, and Ginkgo they are also
cellular replication, viruses manipulate intra- branched and absorb, in a parasitic fashion, nu-
cellular membranes.115,122,124,125 Viruses also trients from host megasporangium. Similarly,
112 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

as it is the case in lichens, when autotrophic tant for higher plants. Higher plants emerge as
algal cells/tissues are interspersed between a fully integrated lichen-like fungus – algae al-
heterotrophic fungal cells,127,128 also in higher liance which allowed land colonization.134–137
plants we have green autotrophic cells/tissues If such a scenario is confirmed in the future,
which are enclosed by nongreen heterotrophic then plants would represent the most recent full
cells/tissues. Even in photosynthetic leaves, merging between two multicellular organisms.
only portions of cells have green photosynthetic Fungi are extremely invasive and plague al-
plastids (parenchymatic cells below epidermis) most all multicellular organisms. Recently, mi-
whereas most other cells are heterotrophic, sim- crosporidia, which are obligate intracellular
ilarly as it is the case with all root cells. Interest- parasites of animal and human cells and have
ingly in this respect, recent mycorrhiza fungi in- accomplished dramatic reductive evolution,145
vade only cortical root cells, which corresponds have been demasked to represent highly re-
to those leaf cells active in photosynthesis, but duced fungi related to zygomycetes.145–147 In
not epidermis cells and stele cells.74,75,137,138 this invasive feature, fungi closely resemble
Higher plants not only have the upper (shoot) – viruses and bacteria, which are also highly
lower (root) polarity but also the outer (cortex) infectious agents. As mentioned above, some
– inner (stele) polarity.139 Photosynthetic cells plant cells, and even whole (parasitic) plants,
of higher plants are present only in the cortex are very relevant with respect to plant-fungi
cells of above-ground organs, especially leaves, similarities. In addition, pollen tubes, as well as
which is the smaller part of all plant body cells. infectious threads assembled by plant cells to
All other plant cells are heterotrophic and seem bring into roots symbiotic bacteria, as well as
to be of fungal origin. This pattern of distribu- haustoria of parasitic plants, all are performing
tion of autotrophic and heterotrophic cells of invasive growth. What is clearly emerging from
higher plant organs closely resembles the dis- all of the above studies is that infection is an in-
tribution pattern of algal and fungal cells in herent property of life which shapes and drives
lichens.127,128 evolution toward higher complexity.
Organismal fusions are relatively well stud-
ied in two rather dramatic examples in plants.
Roots of most plants make consortia with my- “No Infection – No Evolution”:
corrhiza fungi which improve plant nutrition “Principle of Cruelty” Drives
and stress tolerance.51,52,54,75,137,138 This merg- Evolution Toward Higher
ing of mycorrhiza fungi and plant roots dates Complexity via “Principle of Love”
back to the ancient move of plants from the
sea to land.137,140 More recent merging be- Gejza Vámoš proposed that viral and bacte-
tween roots and bacteria of the genus Rhizo- rial infections represent the “principle of cru-
bium is evolutionarily younger and limited to elty” and that this negative principle induces
only a few plants.138 However, both the sig- the positive principle—“principle of love.” 148
nalling molecules and cascades important to Vámoš was not discussing evolution of eukary-
recruit Rhizobium endobacteria are very sim- otic cells, and he was also not aware of the
ilar to those involved in root establishment— endosymbiotic origins of eukaryotic organelles.
mycorrhiza symbiosis.52,141 In both cases, it But if added to the classical Darwinian prin-
seems that plant roots and their cells actively ciples of evolution, his two simple but power-
lure both mycorrhiza and bacterial cells into ful principles allow understanding of the cel-
root apices and their cells.142–144 These in- lular evolution toward increased complexity.
terorganismal symbiotic “cells-in-cell” as well Repeated infection – symbiosis cycles are eas-
as “multicellular organisms within multicellular ily explainable by interactions between the
organisms” phenomena are obviously impor- “principle of cruelty” (infection, predation) and
Baluška: Evolution Toward Higher Levels of Biological Complexity 113

the “principle of love” (symbiosis, coopera- If the classical principles of Charles Dar-
tion). Repetitive cycles of these two simple, but win are combined with the dynamic interac-
powerful, principles allow us to understand, tions of two simple principles, as envisioned by
and even to predict, evolution not only to- Gejza Vámoš in his PhD study,148 the “prin-
ward multicellularity but also toward higher ciple of cruelty” and the “principle of love,”
order mergings between multicellular organ- provide proper answers. Under the pressure
isms. For example, consider fungi and algae in of biological infections (“principle of cruelty”),
lichens,127,128 or mycorrhiza fungi and plant all living systems, even if well-adapted to their
roots.51,52,75,138,149,150 In addition, these two physico-chemical environment, are pushed to-
principles seem to have general validity for so- ward higher spheres of the biological complex-
ciology, including very complex human affairs, ity via cooperation, aggregation, and merging
such as family ties, wars, states, and civiliza- (“principle of love”) responses of infected bi-
tions; and potentially even for general physics ological units. It can be proposed that it is
and chemistry. Indeed, dynamic interactions the inherent invasive property of living systems
and repeated cycles of these principles might that causes their strong drive to invade new
tell us more on the emergence of life from the niches and to further expand their newly “con-
anorganic systems and its subsequent spread quered” space to the nearest possible.56,57 This
into adjacent possible.56,57 Life is inherently in- “nearest possible” also includes intraorganis-
fective and invasive. mal niches, such as the cytoplasmic space of
The recent dicovery of horizontal gene trans- contemporary eukaryotic cells or tissues/cells
fer of algal nuclear genes to animal host cells of multicellular organisms. This breaks the
in the photosynthetic sea slug Elysia chlorot- previous organismal boundaries leading to
ica is a very nice example that endosymbio- complex consortia-like assemblies consisting of
sis generates “green animals.”27 This process “cells within cells”1,2,4,5,21,22 and to “multi-
implicates, as predicted by Lynn Margulis,151 cellular organisms within multicellular organ-
the production of new lineages and speciation isms.”51,52,75,138,149,150 Under continuing viral,
via endosymbiotic acquisition of genes, whole bacterial, and fungal infection attacks, these
genomes, and metabolic novelties. These au- then further increase their complexities until
thors,27 in contrast to many others, paid the they eventually achieve the breakthrough of the
tribute to Lynn Margulis and her evolutionary next evolutionary boundary of biological com-
ideas on evolution.21,22,151 plexity. Higher plants emerge to represent a
unique example of the full merging of two pre-
viously separate multicellular organisms.134–137
Conclusions Lichens are dual organisms55,127,128 and the
same is true for mycorrhiza fungi and plant root
Our understanding of biological evolution, assemblies.51,52,75,138 Importantly, multicellu-
if based solely on the Darwinian principles, is larity was “invented” several times,156,157 and
weak in explaining why it should proceed to- multicellular organisms are integrated into the
ward higher biological complexity.4,56,57 When self-based individual via transcellular synapses.
viruses and bacteria were in ancient times, and Neuronal and immune synapses, via continu-
still are, so well adapted to the environment ous transcellular communication, generate the
present on the Earth; why should higher or- self, which represents a fully integrated individ-
der complexity biosystems emerge and further ual at a higher level of biological complexity.
increase their biological complexity? In fact, For example, we as humans feel as though we
despite their very long evolutionary history, are individuals, despite the fact that our bodies
viruses and bacteria currently belong to the include a myriad of bacterial and viral organ-
most abundant organisms on this planet.152–155 isms, as well as protozoa.158–161 Contribution
114 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

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is very plausible. Moreover, repetitive cycles of den und Zellen. Flora 75: 57–62.
duplication – aggregation/merging, which are 8. Baluška, F., D. Volkmann & P.W. Barlow. 1997.
Nuclear components with microtubule organizing
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so-called Beklemishev’s cycles,156,162,163 are and evolutionary considerations. Int. Rev. Cytol. 175:
driving the increase in biological complexity 91–135.
during metazoan evolution too. All this is an 9. Baluška, F., I. K. Lichtscheidl, D. Volkmann et al.
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