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Even malefics can do good……

Dr. Shanker Adawal (Jyotishaacharya, PHD, MBA)

All the Vedic stages have unanimously declared that the houses 6, 8, and 12 counted
from lagna or from any Bhava are detrimental to lagna or that Bhava. So 6, 8, or 12
are said to be unlucky houses and indeed evil.

Not only the lords of the houses become adverse, but also the planets posited in
these houses are still worse. Occupants are deemed to be stronger than the owners.
Therefore the planets occupying 6, 8, and 12 must be worse than the lords of the

When the lords of the houses and also the planets deposited in those houses are
considered to be undesirable, then normally one will expect that the lords of these
houses and planets occupying the above said houses must be causing untold
miseries. But actually in practice it was found that under certain circumstances these
planets owing these evil houses and also occupying such houses cause very
favourable results, which are unexpected and it is a ‘Vipareeta, to normal
expectations. Actually when we enjoy Raja Yoga, it is Vipareeta and so it is termed
as ‘Vipareeta Raja Yoga’ 6th house indicates disease, debt, difficulty and dispute; 8th
houses denotes distress, difficulty danger, drowning etc., and 12th house shows loss,
swindling, secret inimical activity, depression etc. Therefore nobody would like to
have any of the matter signified by these three houses.

Kalidas has mentioned in his book ‘Uttar Kalamrita’ – (Kanda 4 Sloka 22) the
disposition of planets which cause Vjipareeta Raja Yoga.

“If the lords of the houses 6,8 and 12 occupy either jointly or individually the houses
6, 8 and 12 or if they are in any manner connected with the houses 6 or 8 or 12,
then the person’ will be a king and he will command much wealth. He will establish a
good name and enjoy his life.”

Loss to the opponent

One may ask ‘How can the lords of houses 6 and 8 in mutual exchange cause
vipareeta Raja Yoga?
If lagna represents the person, then the 7th house stands for the opponent. The 6th
house is 12th to the 7th, ie. ‘Vraya’ house and the 8th house will be the second the
7th. It is a well known fact that an interchange between the lords of the houses 2
and 12 brings loss of wealth loss of members in the family, loss of eye sight and
defective speech etc. Therefore, when the opponents loses, the native gains. That is
why the interchange between the lords of 6 and 8 bring about beneficial results as
success in competition and litigation winning in elections etc.

Case Study

In my friend’s horoscope, the lords of houses 6 and 8 were in mutual exchange and
he had been running the conjoined period of these two planets. My friend did not
work hard for a victory in the election. But he had an opponent, who spent most
extravagantly. His friends were much benefited monetarily, but they were not true to
him. Actually they voted for my friend opponents and my friend had a thumping win.
Thus if the lords of 6 and 8 are mutually exchanged due to the secret inimical
activity, the opponent will ose and the native will gain.

Vipareeta Raja Yoga is caused by any one of the following planetary


Lord of the 8th occupying the 12 the or 6th;

Lord of the 6th being placed in the 8th or 12th;

Lord of the 12th being posited in the 8th or 6th;

Lords of 6,8 and 12 being associated win any way by mutual exchange of
places mutual aspect or conjunction and these lords are at the same time
free from such relation with other planets.

Mutual exchange of natural benefits owning the houses 6 and 8 brings

abourt a transaction wherin the native is benefited; whereas he, with whom
he transacted, does not gain equally. Vipareeta Raja Yoga is really enjoyed,
only when the lords of 6 and 8 happen to be malefics by nature.

Mature exchanges

This rule will not apply to Capricorn lagna borns, as the lord of the 6th is Mercury
and the lord of the 8th is Sun. Mercury and Sun can never occupy Gemini and Leo,
causing mutual exchange i.e, Parivartana Yoga. Mutual exchange between the star-
lords of the 6th lord and the 8th lord also cause Parivartana yoga. Even in such
Yogas natural benefits mutually exchanged beween the houses 6 and 8 are not as
harmful to the opponent as natural malefics 2 owning the houses 6 and 8
interchange. No doubt benefits in 6,7 and 8 cause Lagnadhiyoga to the native and
mutual exchange of natural benefics owning the houses 6 and 8 brings about a
transaction wherein the native is benefited; whereas he. With whom he transacted,
does not gain equally.

Period of the lords of 6 and 8:

Supposing a person purchases a property during Jupiter Dasa, Venus Bhukti (lords 6
and 8 for vrishaba Lgnas) ; then this person purchases it at a cost lower than the
market rate; whereas the seller loses to some extent. Anyhow he is capable of
disposing evin an unsalayle property during that period. Also it may be noticed in a
few business men’s charts that the husband transfers certain share and also gives
gift to his wife, when the wife runs a period (dasas and bhukti) conjointly ruled by
the lords of 6 and 8. It is also likely that those who run the joint period of the lords
of 6 and 8, borrow money without any proper record and the person who lent the
money suddenly passes away therby the native who runs the period of lord 6 and 8
is not honest temporarily and he appropriates the amont.

Exchange of Natural Benefics.

The mutual exchange between the lord of 12 with either the lord of 8 or 6 will be
advantageous to the mnative, only when they happen to be natural malefics. Mutual
exchange between natural benefics cannot do harm to the opponent and also much
good to the native. Because , if the 6th lord is a benefic and if it occupies the second
house or if the 3rd lord occupies the 6th house, the natives financial position will
improve by borrowing or service. Therefore , benefics owning the houses 8 and 12
indicate that they own the houses 2 and 6 to the opponent. Therefore benefics
cannot bring either loss or throw any obstacles to the opponent . hence the native
cannot gain much.

This Vipareeta Raja Yoga is really enjoyed , only when the lords of 6 and 8 happen to
be malefics by nature. Indeed the period may cause an injury to the person and he
may suffer from disease, yet monetarily it will do good to him or in any competitive
examination or election, he will come out successful. This is purely applicable to
those who are born in Mithuna Lagna and Vrischika Lagna.
Mutual exchange between the lords of 6 and 12 will be advantageous to younger
brother mother and father. Interchange between the lords of 8 and 12 will be
advantageous to younger brother, mother and father. Interchange between the lords
of 8 and 12 will be advantageous to mother, wife and elder brother. Interchange
between lords of 6 and 8 will be advantageous to children.

Notes: 1. Natural Benefics: Jupiter, Venus, Waxing Moon, Unafflicated Mercury.

2. Natural Malefics: Saturn, Mars, Sun, Waning Moon, Afflicted Mercury, Rahu, Ketu.

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