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Preschool Music, Songs, Movement and Rhyme for

Your Theme Teaching

Music Spotlight
Children can express them self by music. Music should spontaneous and related to the
class activity. There are a lot of positive impacts for children.

Preschool music helps children to improve their listening skills and auditory awareness.

Through music children can improve their speech and language development.

Music encourages creativity.

Music develops children's large motor skills and small motor skills.

In music children learn about beat, melody, rhythm and tempo.

Music makes your children calm and relaxes.

Music stimulates children to interact and cooperate with others.

Through music you can teach your children the basic concepts such as numbers, colors or
part of your body.
There are some basic music concepts that you can introduce to your children such as
: listening skills, listening is paying attention to the sound, not just hearing. Ask children
to identify loud and soft sound or no sound at all. In music there are high sound and low
sound. Introduce to the children what instrument makes high sound and what instrument
makes low sound. Sing a song normal, then sing again fast and sing again in slow speed.
Explain to the children about beat by talking about the beat of your heart or clock.
Let's sing together
Encourage your children to sing. Choose music or song that fit to your theme. Teach them
new song or make up their own song. Bring prop to help to visualize the songs. You can
change the tune or words to any song to suit your class need and ability.
Play the music, move your body !
While you sing or listen to the music you can do movement. Through movement children
can express their feeling and their imagination.
I can play the instrument

Beside sing and listen to the music encourage children to the children to experiment and
explore with the instrument by themselves. Show to the children how sounds are made.
Provide musical instrument by purchase it or you make your own such as : put beans into a
plastic bottles as a shaker or cover a can with rubber balloon as a drum, or hit two wooden
sticks together.
Materials for music, songs, movement and rhyme :

Home made instrument

Tape recorder


Musical instrument





Music box

Musical toys



Song and Rhyme activities :

"Ten Little Apple"
(sing to the tune of "Ten Little Indians")
One little, two little, three little apples,
four little, five little, six little apples,
seven little, eight little, nine little apples,
all apples on the ground.
We Like Vegetable
(sing to the tune of Are You Sleeping?)
Do you like veggie? do you like veggie ?
Yes, we do ! Yes, we do !
Tomato and spinach,
Potato and carrot.
Yum, yum, yum, yum
Yum, yum, yum, yum
Old MacDonald Had a Farm
Old MacDonald had a farm, ee i ee i oh!
And on that farm he had some chickens, ee i ee i oh!
With a cluck-cluck here, and a cluck-cluck there.

Here a cluck, there a cluck, everywhere a cluck-cluck.

Old MacDonald had a farm, ee i ee i oh!
Old MacDonald had a farm, ee i ee i oh!
And on that farm he had some pigs, ee i ee i oh!
With a oink-oink here, and a oink-oink there.
Here a oink, there a oink, everywhere a oink-oink.
Old MacDonald had a farm, ee i ee i oh!
Old MacDonald had a farm, ee i ee i oh!
And on that farm he had some turkeys, ee i ee i oh!
With a gobble-gobble here, and a gobble-gobble there.
Here a gobble, there a gobble, everywhere a gobble-gobble.
Old MacDonald had a farm, ee i ee i oh!
Old MacDonald had a farm, ee i ee i oh!
And on that farm he had some cows, ee i ee i oh!
With a moo-moo here, and a moo-moo there.
Here a moo, there a moo, everywhere a moo-moo.
Old MacDonald had a farm, ee i ee i oh!
The Farmer in The Dell
The farmer in the dell, the farmer in the dell
Hi-ho, the derry-o, the farmer in the dell
And the farmer takes a wife, the farmer takes a wife
Hi-ho, the derry-o, the farmer takes a wife
And the wife takes the child, the wife takes the child
Hi-ho, the derry-o, the wife takes the child
And the child takes the nurse, the child takes the nurse
Hi-ho, the derry-o, the child takes the nurse
And the nurse takes the dog, the nurse takes the dog
Hi-ho, the derry-o, the nurse takes the dog
And the dog takes the cat, the dog takes the cat
Hi-ho, the derry-o, the dog takes the cat
And the cat takes the mouse, the cat takes the mouse
Hi-ho, the derry-o, the cat takes the mouse
And the mouse takes the cheese, the mouse takes the cheese
Hi-ho, the derry-o, the mouse takes the cheese
And the cheese stands alone, the cheese stands alone
Hi-ho, the derry-o, the cheese stands alone

Ten Little Pumpkin

(sing to the tune of Ten Little Indians)
One little, two little, three little pumpkin,
four little, five little, six little pumpkin,
seven little, eight little, nine little pumpkin,
all pumpkin ready for Halloween night.
My Popcorn
(sing to the tune of The Muffin Man)
Oh do you know my popcorn?
My popcorn, my popcorn
Oh do you know my popcorn?
It is all fat and white
Red Lantern
(sing to the tune of Mary Had a Little Lamb)
Im a lantern, red and round
Red and round, red and round
Im a lantern, red and round
Hanging on ceiling
Clean The House
(sing to the tune of The Mulbbery Bush)
This is the way we sweep the floor
Sweep the floor, sweep the floor
This is the way we sweep the floor
So early in the morning
This is the way we clean the house
Clean the house, clean the house
This is the way we clean the house
So early in the morning

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