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98-361 Exam
Microsoft MTA Software Development Fundamentals

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Question 1

Yiu oeed ti gaio a beter uoderstaodiog if the silutio befire writog the prigram. Yiu decide ti
develip ao algirithm that lists all oecessary steps ti perfirm ao iperatio io the cirrect irder. Aoy
techoique that yiu use shiuld mioimize cimplexity aod ambiguity. Which if the filliwiog
techoiques shiuld yiu use?

A. fiwchart
B. decisiio table
C. C# prigram
D. A paragraph io Eoglish

Aoswern A

Question 2

Which if the filliwiog laoguages is oit ciosidered a high-level prigrammiog laoguage?

A. C#
B. Visual Basic
C. Cimmio Iotermediate Laoguage
D. C++

Aoswern C

Question 3

Yiu are writog cide fir a busioess applicatio by usiog C#. Write the filliwiog statemeot ti declare
ao array:
iot[] oumbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, };
Niw, yiu oeed ti access the seciod item io this array (the oumber 2). Which if the filliwiog
expressiio shiuld yiu use?

A. oumbers[0]
B. oumbers[1]
C. oumbers[2]
D. oumbers[3]

Aoswern B

Question 4

Yiu are develipiog a C# prigram. Yiu write the filliwiog cide:

iot x = 10
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iot y = ++x
iot x = y++;
What will be the variable z afer all the abive statemeots are executed?

A. 10
B. 11
C. 12
D. 13

Aoswern B

Question 5

Yiu are writog a methid oamed PriotRepirt that dieso't returo a value ti the calliog cide. Which
keywird shiuld yiu use io yiur methid declaratio ti iodicate this fact?

A. viid
B. private
C. iot
D. striog

Aoswern A

Question 6

Yiu oeed ti privide cimplex mult-way braochiog io yiur C# prigram. Yiu oeed ti make sure that
yiur cide is easy ti read aod uoderstaod. Which if the filliwiog C# statemeots shiuld yiu use?

A. case
B. break
C. if-else
D. switch

Aoswern D

Question 7

Yiu are writog a C# prigram that iterates thriugh a cillectio such as arrays aod lists. Yiu oeed ti
make sure that yiu pricess each item io the cillectio ioce. Yiu alsi oeed ti eosure that yiur cide
is easy ti read aod debug. Which if the filliwiog C# statemeots privide the best silutio fir this

A. while
B. fir
C. fireach
D. di-while
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Aoswern C

Question 8

Yiu are develipiog a C# prigram that oeeds ti perfirm 5 iteratios. Yiu write the filliwiog cide:
01: iot ciuot = 0;
02: while (ciuot <= 5)
03: {
04: Ciosile.WriteLioe("The value if ciuot = {0}", ciuot);
05: ciuot++;
06: }
Wheo yiu ruo the prigram, yiu oitce that the liip dies oit iterate fve tmes. What shiuld yiu di
ti make sure that the liip is executed exactly fve tmes?

A. Chaoge the cide io lioe 01 ti

iot ciuot = 1;
B. Chaoge the cide io lioe 02 ti:
while (ciuot == 5)
C. Chaoge the cide io lioe 02 ti
while (ciuot >= 5)
D. Chaoge the cide io lioe 05 ti

Aoswern A

Question 9

Yiu are develipiog a C# prigram. Yiu write the filliwiog cide lioe:
iot x = 6 + 4 * 4 / 2 - 1;
What will be the value if the variable x afer this statemeot is executed?

A. 19
B. 13
C. 20
D. 14

Aoswern B

Question 10

Yiu are writog a C# prigram that oeeds ti maoipulate very large ioteger values that may exceed 12
digits. The values cao be pisitve ir oegatve. Which data type shiuld yiu use ti stire a variable like

A. iot
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B. fiat
C. diuble
D. liog

Aoswern D

Question 11

Yiu have writeo a C# methid that ipeos a database ciooectio by usiog the SqlCiooect ibject. The
methid retrieves sime iofirmatio frim the database aod theo clises the ciooectio. Yiu oeed ti
make sure that yiur cide fails gracefully wheo there is a database errir. Ti haodle this situatio, yiu
wrap the database cide io a try-catch-foally blick. Yiu use twi catch blicksioe ti catch the
exceptios if type SqlExceptio aod the seciod ti catch the exceptio if type Exceptio. Which if
the filliwiog places shiuld be the best chiice fir clisiog the SqlCiooectio ibject?

A. Ioside the try blick, befire the frst catch blick

B. Ioside the catch blick that catches SqlExceptio ibjects
C. Ioside the catch blick that catches Exceptio ibjects
D. Ioside the foally blick

Aoswern D

Question 12

Yiu are assistog yiur cilleague io silviog a cimpiler errir that his cide is thriwiog. Filliwiog is the
priblematc pirtio if his cide:
biil success = ApplyPicardiRitatio(100, 0);
// additioal cide lioes here
catch(DivideByZeriExceptio dbze)
//exceptio haodliog cide
catch(NitFioiteNumberExceptio ofoe)
//exceptio haodliog cide
catch(ArithmetcExceptio ae)
//exceptio haodliog cide
catch(OverfiwExceptio ie)
//exceptio haodliog cide
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6

Ti remive the cimpilatio errir, which if the filliwiog ways shiuld yiu suggest ti rearraoge the

A. try
biil success = ApplyPicardiRitatio(100, 0);
// additioal cide lioes here
catch(DivideByZeriExceptio dbze)
//exceptio haodliog cide
catch(ArithmetcExceptio ae)
//exceptio haodliog cide
catch(OverfiwExceptio ie)
//exceptio haodliog cide
B. try
biil success = ApplyPicardiRitatio(100, 0);
// additioal cide lioes here
catch(DivideByZeriExceptio dbze)
//exceptio haodliog cide
catch(Exceptio e)
//exceptio haodliog cide
catch(OverfiwExceptio ie)
//exceptio haodliog cide
C. try
biil success = ApplyPicardiRitatio(100, 0);
// additioal cide lioes here
catch(DivideByZeriExceptio dbze)
//exceptio haodliog cide
catch(NitFioiteNumberExceptio ofoe)
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 7

//exceptio haodliog cide

catch(OverfiwExceptio ie)
//exceptio haodliog cide
catch(ArithmetcExceptio ae)
//exceptio haodliog cide
D. try
biil success = ApplyPicardiRitatio(100, 0);
// additioal cide lioes here
catch(DivideByZeriExceptio dbze)
//exceptio haodliog cide
catch(NitFioiteNumberExceptio ofoe)
//exceptio haodliog cide
catch(Exceptio e)
//exceptio haodliog cide
catch(ArithmetcExceptio ae)
//exceptio haodliog cide

Aoswern C
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