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Written version of ShivBaba’s murli audio cassette 116 Kampil

(the highest level))

Amended 2.07.2010
The text of the murli
Om shanti. In register 17, page 71, the avyakt vani of 20.03.87. Today the True Father, the True Teacher and
the True Guru has come to meet all his children who are powerful in the truth (satyata). It is the truth that has the
biggest power or authority. It was said that what has the greatest authority? The truth has the greatest authority. [The
word] ‘truth’ (satya) is used for two meanings. One is sat [truth, piety, virtue] meaning ‘true’ (satya). Another one is
sat meaning ‘imperishable’ (avināshi). The truth is the greatest power in both meanings. The Father is called ‘the True
Father’ (sat bāp). Fathers are numerous, but the True Father is only one. Only One is the True Teacher and the True
Guru. It is the truth that is called ‘the Supreme Soul’ (paramātmā). God is the truth. It means that the truth (sat) that is
[being] true (satya) is the Supreme Soul’s unique characteristic. You have the song, ‘Only the truth is benevolent
(shiva)’. The world also say, ‘Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram’ [the True One, the Benevolent One, the Beautiful One].
Along with this it is also said for the Father Supreme Soul that he is the embodiment of Sat Cit Anand [the one who is
true, living and blissful]. You souls are called sat cit anad. The word sat is very praised and famous. Always, when
someone in any work speaks with authority, he will say exactly this, ‘I am true [i.e. I am telling you the truth]; that is
why I speak with authority.’ There is the praise of the truth, ‘The boat of the truth will shake, but it won’t sink.’ The
Father is true, so the Father’s boat too, will shake, but it won’t sink. ‘Boat’ means what? The boat in the form of the
body. Which Father’s boat in the form of the body? There are two unlimited fathers. One is the Supreme Soul, the
father of the souls and another one is the father of the human souls, Prajapita. Whose is the boat? The Supreme Soul is
the boatman (khivaiya) of Father Prajapita’s boat. So, the boat of the truth will shake, but it won’t sink.
You also say, ‘The one who is true dances.’ The true one, meaning the one who has the power of the truth, will
keep dancing. He will never wilt. He won’t become confused. He won’t fear. And he won’t be weak either. The one
who has the power of the truth will always keep dancing in happiness. He will be powerful. He will have the power to
confront [falsehood]; that is why he won’t fear. It is said that the truth is like gold. ‘Gold’ means ‘truth’. It is said that
falsehood is like clay. In the path of devotion, those who are attached to the Supreme Soul are called sat sanghi, the
ones who are in the company of the truth. And what do [people] say at the end, when the soul leaves its body? What do
they say, when they take a dead body away? Sat nām sangh hai [Let the name of the truth be with us]. So, sat is the
imperishable truth. The power of the truth is a great power. What do most of people say at the present time, when they
see you? There is the truth in them; that is why they have been spreading for such a long time. The truth never shakes.
It is unshakable. The truth is a method to expand. The truth is created through the power of the truth. And what is
created through the power of falsehood? The land of falsehood. And [on the other side there is] the land of the truth. It
is said, ‘You become the true Narayan and the true Lakshmi.’
This is the true knowledge. This is the true Father’s knowledge; that is why it is detached from the world and
loving. So, today BapDada is checking all the children to what extent they have assimilated the true authority of the
true knowledge. The truth attracts every soul, even though today’s world is the land of falsehood, all are false, meaning
there is falsehood in all. What? There is falsehood in all; they have become adulterated (vyabhicari); they are false
(jhute). However, the ones who have the power of the truth are victorious. Happiness and fearlessness are the
attainments of the truth. The one who says the truth will always be fearless. He will never fear. The one who isn’t true
will definitely fear. So, all of you are elevated souls having the power of the truth. You have all attainments, of the true
knowledge, of the true Father, of the true accomplishment, of the true remembrance, of the true virtues, of the true
powers. Do you experience the elation of this authority? Authority doesn’t mean arrogance. The greater authority is
someone, the more spiritual authority is there in his attitude (vritti). There is love and humility in his words. This is the
indication of authority. For instance, you mention the example of the tree. When the tree come to ‘the authority’ of the
ripe fruit, it bows. It means, it does service being free from the desire of respect (nirmān). In the case of the children
who are an authority like this, the greater authorities are they, to the greater extent are they free from the desire of

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respect and loved by all. The ones who are temporary bodily authorities are arrogant, but the ones who are authorities
of the truth are free from ego (nirahankari). So, there should be authority, there should be elation, and there should be
no ego; this is called ‘the revealed embodiment of the true knowledge’. Just like in this land of falsehood you saw
Brahma and Father (Brāhma Bāp) as the revealed corporeal form of the authority of the truth. Whom did you see in the
world of falsehood as the revealed corporeal form of the authority of the truth? Brahma plus Father. Just like [people]
say in the outside world (laukik duniyā) ‘mother and father’ (mān bāp), in the same way you saw Brahma and Father as
the revealed corporeal form of the authority of the truth. Their words of authority will never be experienced as arrogant.
You listen to the murlis; they are the words full of such a great authority, but there is no arrogance [in them]. The
words of authority contain love too. There is no desire of respect, no ego [in them]; that is why the words of authority
are found being dear. No only [are they] dear; they also exert influence. Follow the father, won’t you? You have to
follow Brahma and Father in the service and actions, because they are the corporeal example in the corporeal world.
Who? Hm? Brahma and Father. Both of them. This is the corporeal world, so what kind of example is needed? An
example in a corporeal form is needed. A model is needed (samplei). So, as you saw Brahma and Father as the
embodiment of authority in action, in service, in [their] face, in [their] every movement while they move around, in the
same way love and authority, greatness and no desire of respectii all together should be visible in [you] following the
father. It should not be like that only love is visible and authority disappears or authority is visible, but love disappears.
The second page. Just like you saw Brahma and Father or even now there is a visible proof when you listen to
the murlis. They will say ‘children, children’, but they will also display authority. They will say with love ‘children’
and they will give teaching with authority. They will reveal the true knowledge, but also, saying ‘children, children,
they will clarify the entire new knowledge. This is called ‘balance of love and the authority of the truth’. So, at the
present time underline that balance in service.
50 years have passed since establishment till now for the preparation of earth. Till when? It was said till March
87’. Quite a lot of foreign earth has been prepared by now; however, 50 years haven’t passed for the foreign earth. How
many years have passed? Since 69’ till 87’. How many years have passed? 18-19 years. But you have come on ready
means; that is why 50 years of the beginning and present 5 years are equal. What? The ones who made efforts for 50
years at the beginning and the ones who come at the end made efforts for 5 years; it becomes equal in both cases. All
the double foreigners say ‘we are last, so [we are] fast and that’s why [we are] first’. They are fast in time, so they will
be first, won’t they? That’s why do have the authority of fearlessness! The new knowledge of the Father alone is the
true knowledge. The new world is established through the new knowledge. What? Let this authority and elation emerge
as an embodiment. For 50 years they have been merged. What? Intoxication and authority. However, it doesn’t mean
you should narrate new things straight away to those who come and confuse them. First, prepare their earth. Narrate the
basic knowledge to them. There shouldn’t be [in them] the feeling of confusion. Earth, pulse, time – narrating
knowledge after checking all this is an indication of being knowledgeable. What? It should not be that you narrate the
new knowledge to everyone who has come. Which new knowledge? Shouldn’t you narrate the basic knowledge to
everyone? You should narrate the basic knowledge to everyone, but regarding the new knowledge, you shouldn’t
narrate it to everyone. You should check earth. How much do they have the earth of intellect and what is it like? Will it
be able to assimilate [knowledge] or not? Then, you have also to check the time and you have to check their pulse.
Check the desire in the soul. Does it desire to receive the new knowledge? Prepare earth. If it doesn’t desire [to receive
the new knowledge], first prepare the earth of its intellect. But, there should be the authority of the fearlessness of the
truth in you; there should be power. Let there be no fear of what people will say. Become fearless and prepare the
power of earth. Many children think that this is a new knowledge [and] many people won’t be able to understand [it].
But, it is the one who doesn’t understand that you have to explain it to. Or do you explain [things] to the one who
understands? Certainly, you have to make a plan [outline] (rūp rekhā) depending on the person, but don’t come under
that person’s influence. [For example], Shankaracharya has come to understand [knowledge] and you hide the point
about omnipresence. A great pundit has come to understand [knowledge] and you hide the point about 8 400 000
species. The emergency time has been held, some great politician has come and you hide the clarification about the
government of the Kauravas. It means that we have been influenced. Don’t be influenced! You have to transform the

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person through your authority of the true knowledge. Don’t forget this aim. What you have done by now is good. It had
to be done and it was necessary, because earth had to be prepared. However, how long will you prepare earth? How
much time do you need? When medicines are applied, a strong medicine is not applied at the beginning. A light
medicine is given first. So, you shouldn’t give a very powerful dose of knowledge at once. However, if you don’t apply
a powerful medicine at all, if you keep using a light medicine… Don’t do like this. It is also wrong to give a powerful
medicine to someone weak. That is why a power of discrimination is needed. However, you should definitely
assimilate the authority of the truth of the new knowledge. Your attitude of the subtle authority itself will change their
attitudes. It will prepare earth. And when you send them to Madhuban after doing special service, they should know at
least this much that on this earth their earth is created. On which earth? Hm? Their earth is created on the earth of
Madhuban. No matter how barren is [someone’s] earth, no matter to which religion they belong and no matter what is
their position, on this earth they soften. On which earth? On the earth of Madhuban. Because the earth becomes soft,
whatever seed will be sowed, its fruit will emerged easily. The only thing, don’t fear! Do become fearless! Narrate it
with a method. What? What should you narrate with a method? Narrate the new knowledge with a method. It shouldn’t
be like that they will reproach you, ‘I arrived in that earth, but I didn’t know what the knowledge of the Supreme Soul
is.’ After coming on the earth of the Supreme Soul, they should certainly take with them the message of the revelation
of the Supreme Soul. Which message? That the Supreme Soul has been already revealed.
There should be the aim of [being] an authority. Today, also from the perspective of the time, novelty is
important. Even if someone initiates a wrong fashion, people follow it anyway. Look at the old art; it was so great.
Today’s art will look like lines before [people]. But they like the ‘modern’ art. Humans like novelty in everything. And
novelty attracts toward itself naturally. That is why have the elation of novelty, truth, greatness. Look at the time and
person and then do service. Certainly have this aim that you do have to reveal the new knowledge of the new world.
Now, love and peace have been revealed. You have revealed the Father’s form of the ocean of love, the form of the
ocean of peace. But you have made few plans by now in what way you should narrate the knowledge on the soul as the
form of knowledge and the father as the ocean of knowledge. That time will also come when the voice will come out
from everyone’s mouth, ‘This is the new knowledge of the new world.’ Now it is not coming out of everyone’s mouth,
but that time will also come. At present they only say, ‘All right, all right.’ They don’t say that this is the new
knowledge. The subject of remembrance has been revealed well, but the subject of the new knowledge couldn’t be
revealed well. That is why earth has become good. And the first necessary work is to prepare earth. What has been done
is very good. And a lot has been done. You have done it engaging the body, mind and wealth.
The third page. ‘That is why you make an offer. Earlier when you were going abroad, you considered to be
very difficult to explain this picture of the Trimurti.’ They went to physical foreign countries, in the basic knowledge.
Even then, they considered it to be difficult to explain. And in the advanced knowledge too, when they explained the
picture of the Trimurti among the foreign souls according to the advanced knowledge, according to the new
knowledge, they found it difficult. Now [people] are attracted on the basis on the Trimurti picture itself. What? Earlier,
meaning in the basic knowledge, they were not attracted on the basis of the Trimurti picture. Why? Because they used
to introduce that the father is a subtle point. But what is its connection with the three mūrtiiii, why are there three
separate mūrti? Making it sit in the intellect seemed to be difficult. However, on the basis of the new knowledge, it
becomes clear, what is the connection of the Supreme Soul with three mūrti. That is why now [people] are more
attracted on the basis of the Trimurti picture. Because man pays more attention to something that is in the reality, that is
present. [a part of the recording is missing]
The next page of the avyakt vani, meaning the second line of page 76. Now, [people] are attracted on the basis
of the Trimurti picture itself. [a part of the recording is missing] And they should also surrender the intellect. There
should be an experience of novelty, but there shouldn’t be an experience of confusion. There should be love and the
authority of novelty. The result by now, the method of service, the expansion of [the number of] the Brahmins are very
good. It is because earlier the seed was hidden. Which seed was hidden? The seed that was hidden at the beginning too.
Which seed? The seed of the tree in the form of the creation (sķŃi), the seed of the human creation – Prajapita. That seed
was hidden. That was also necessary. The seed is kept hidden. It won’t give a fruit when it is kept outside. The seed has

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to been hidden in earth. This is a law. What? Unless the seed is put in earth and mixed with it, it can’t give fruit, it can’t
start blooming. There is also the saying, ‘The seeds are mixed with dust and a garden of flowers is created.’ Dust means
earth, soil. But it shouldn’t only remain in earth; it should turn into a visible form of fruit outside. So, this is the future
stage. Did you understand? What did you understand? Without the revelation of Prajapita, the seed of the human
creation, the role of the Supreme Soul can’t be revealed in the world. That one also has to be revealed. Set the aim that
you have to do [something] new. You mustn’t do the same old [things]. For example, the devotees in the path of
devotion in 63 births did the same old things; they hid the seed father; they hid the Supreme Soul and revealed Krishna,
the creation. The same was done in the Confluence Aged world of the Brahmins. They hid Prajapita, the seed father and
revealed the first leaf in the form of Krishna, Brahma. What do you have to do now? Now you have to reveal the seed.
It is not that it will happen this year and the father will be revealed in 87’. However, the aim will reveal the seed outside.
It is not that you should go straight away to start giving a lecture. First, you will have to give lectures to enable an
experience of the power of the truth. ‘Finally that day has come.’ It should emerge from everyone’s mouth, ‘Finally
that day has come, today’. What day? ‘[The day] we have been waiting for to celebrate the meeting with the Supreme
Soul Father in the corporeal form.’ Just like you show in the drama that the followers of all religions meet and say, ‘We
are one and we belong to One.’ So, the entire world of the Brahmins, the world of the Confluence Age should meet at
the end and say, ‘We all are one; the progeny of One in practice.’ You show that drama. The followers of all religions
should meet on the stage in practice and say unanimously. What? What should they say? ‘We have only one Father, we
have one knowledge and we all have the same aim’. When will they say so in practice on the stage? When will the
children say ‘We have only one Father’ in practice, on the stage? They will say so, only when the father is in practice
[in a real form]. [People] have been saying it just like this on the path of devotion, ‘Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians
are mutually brothers.’ Did they become the children of One? Was that One present in practice? He wasn’t. But now
they will experience it. The people of the entire world will not experience it first. The ones who are seed-souls and
root-souls of the entire world, in the world of the Brahmins, will experience it first. What? The father of all of us has
come now in practice. ‘In practice’ means ‘in the corporeal body’. So, the followers of all religions should meet on the
scene in practice and say unanimously, ‘There is one Father, there is one knowledge, there is one aim and we have one
home.’ We have one home, one family; this is our family. This voice is needed now. When this scene reaches the
unlimited stage, the flag of revelation will wave. What scene? One family of one Father should be revealed on the
scene of the entire world. The flag of revelation will wave and under this flag all will sing this very song, the same word
will come out from everyone’s mouth, ‘Our Baba’. Under which flag? Under the flag of the Trimurti. The same word
will come out [of mouths], ‘Our Baba.’ And only then it will be said that Shivratri has been celebrated. Because when
it is Shivratri, Shiva is not revealed alone. He is revealed together with whom? He is revealed together with three mūrti.
So, the three mūrti are needed in practice, aren’t they? So, the entire world should see and know those three clothes in
the form of the body. The three-colour flag of Bharat is a memorial of those three clothes in the form of the body; under
that flag, without fear, ‘we shall show the victory over the world…’iv Will that flag [made] of a piece of cloth show
victory over the world? A flag of cloth neither has gained victory over the world ever nor will it gain victory. There are
three clothes in the form of the body. The Supreme Soul Shiva is revealed in the world through those clothes and he is
revealed especially in Bharat. So, everyone will say, ‘Our Baba’. All will say, ‘Shivratri has been celebrated in a
revealed form’. Darkness will be finished and the scenes of the golden morning will become visible. Shivratri has not
been celebrated in a revealed form yet. Shivratri is celebrated every year, but it is celebrated in an invisible form; not in
a revealed form with the revelation of the three mūrti. So, the scenes of the golden morning will become visible. It will
be called ‘the play of today and tomorrow’.
The fourth page. Today, there is darkness; tomorrow, there will be the golden morning. This is the last curtain.
‘The curtain is going to be raised, a show is going to take place; some will laugh, some will cry.’v Did you understand?
As for the rest, the plans that have been made are good. A plan for every place has to be made according to [the quality
of] earth. It doesn’t really matter if there have to be some differences, because of [the quality of] earth. Finally
everyone has to be prepared and stamped on the earth of Madhuban. What? It doesn’t matter if it is the earth of a Mini
Madhuban of the seed-souls or it is the earth of the Broad Madhuban of the 5 billions souls. Everyone will have a stamp

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[showing], which soul belongs to which group and in which religion, in which place does it play special roles. The
stamp has to be certainly applied [on them]. Various groups (varg) have to be prepared and stamped. What? They
create physical groups, a group of doctors, a group of masters, a group of lawyers. These are the groups in a limited
sense in this world in the final time. No one is allowed to go without a stamp in his passport either, are they? So, the
same in the case of the Supreme Abode, the House. They won’t be allowed to go unless what? Unless everyone is
stamped with that final stamp. This stamp will be applied here, in Madhuban.
All right, all these ones are surrendered. If there weren’t surrendered, how would they become instruments in
service? They are surrendered, that is why they have become instruments in service as Brahma Kumar/Kumari.
Whether in this country or abroad, no one does service as a Christian or Buddhist Kumari or is doing service as a Islam
Kumari. You do service as what kind of Kumari? Brahma Kumari, Brahmin Kumari. You do service as BK, don’t you?
So all are in the list of the surrendered Brahmins. What? A surrendered Islam Kumari or a Buddhist Kumari or a Sikh
Kumari…? It is not Islam; it was mentioned as an example. It should be understood. [A student is saying something.] A
Christian Kumari, a Buddhist Kumari. [A student: They will be more elated.] They will be more elated. Won’t the
others be elated? [A student is saying something.] The followers of Islam are the most elated, ‘We are very old. Our
kingdom lasts for a very long time.’ Now, you have to enable/encouragevi the others to become surrendered. You have
become dead alive; you have become Brahmins. The children say, ‘My Baba’, then Baba says, ‘He has become yours.’
So, they are surrendered, aren’t they? They are surrendered toward whom? They are surrendered toward Brahma and
Father, aren’t they? They are not surrendered toward some Buddha or Christ. Why was this question raised? Hm? [The
question] that you don’t do service as Christian Kumaris or Buddhist Kumaris. Why was this question raised?
Certainly some must have this strong feeling, ‘We belong to the Christian Religion and we belong to the Buddhist
Religion or to the Islam Releigion.’ But it is not like this. What are all? Brahma Kumar and Kumari. This body belongs
to other religions. Unless this husk is removed, this body consciousness is in you. When the body consciousness is
removed, the thoughts of difference, all these different thoughts will merge in the Father’s thoughts. The children say,
‘My Baba’, then Baba says, ‘He has become yours.’ So, they are surrendered. Whether you are in the household or in
the centre, but the Father has adopted the one who said from heart ‘My Baba’. This is a business of heart. This is not a
physical business of the mouth. This is a business of heart. ‘Surrendered’ means the one who remains within [the limits
of] shrimat. What? The ones who remain [within the limits of] what kind of shrimat? [xxxx unclear recording] Or the
one who remain within [the limits] of the shrimat of the mouth? The ones who remain within [the limits of] shrimat.
Mat means ‘intellect’. What will remain in the elevated intellect? The intellect itself will remain. So, the entire
gathering is surrendered, isn’t it? That is why a photo has been taken, hasn’t it? Now you are in the picture, so you can’t
change. It is not a minor thing to have a photo taken in the house of the Supreme Soul. This is not a physical photo. A
photo in the Father’s heart was made. What was said? Everyone’s photo was imprinted in the Father’s heart.
To the elevated souls who are the authorities of the entire truth, to the true serviceable children revealing the
entire novelty and greatness, to the elevated souls a who maintain balance between the highest love and authority,
entitled to receiving blessings through the Father at every step, to the ones who have the highest truth (sarv sat)
meaning to the imperishable jewels, to the ones who play the imperishable roles, to the children-masters of the
imperishable treasures, remembrance, love and namaste from the Creator of the World, the True Father, the True
Teacher and the True Guru.
A personal meeting with the group from UK. You completed the plan. Do you remain busy in making the
others complete? With whom was the meeting? The United Kingdom; the kingdom that is united. It is united, so there
must be purity [in it]. If there is purity, unity will certainly be visible. So, you have become instruments in the double
service of this world and the subtle world (laukik aur alaukik). Who? The ones from UK. BapDada describes the
children’s specialties. The children’s specialties transform the world to the greatest extent than the Father does. What
was said to be the double service? They do the service of this world and they do the service of the subtle world of the
Brahmins. And what did the Father do? How have the children exceeded the Father? The Father is only doing the
service of the subtle family of the Brahmins. He changes only the ones who have became Brahmins from Shudras into
what? He does the service of making them deities. But the children? You, the children from UK? You have become

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instruments in both, in the double service of this world and the service of the subtle world. That is why, whoever have
done whatever service, they have done everything well. And you will remain instruments of the best service in the
future. The Father puts the children before him.
The greatest method is to adopt the quality of tolerance. [The Father] is showing you a method to go ahead.
Which method? Which religion goes most ahead? The Ancient Deity Religion. Every religion has some special quality.
What is the special quality of the Ancient Deity Religion? Tolerance; the kings of all qualities. The ones who have
adopted the quality of tolerance will certainly go ahead. The more tolerant will you become and the more will there be
power of the truth, the easier will you be able to bring your kingdom, the Golden Age. All of you are the souls having
the authority of experience. The soul having the authority of experience exerts its influence very quickly. When
service is done without the authority of experience, it is very difficult to be successful. So, definitely you should have
the experience of tolerance in life. Then, having experience, go on the stage of service. So, you have received a great
method to go ahead in the spiritual efforts. The soul having the authority of experience exerts its influence very quickly.
You have received a very good title, ‘UK’ or ‘OK’. Now, what you write is like making a picture of the Father. ‘O’
meaning ‘father’. When you write the letter ‘o’, what does it become? The father, an egg. Just like a seed. The seed
contains everything. In the same way ‘o’, meaning ‘seed’; and ‘k’ meaning ‘kingdom’. There is the remembrance of
the Father and there is also the remembrance of the inheritance in saying OK. ‘O’ means the father who is the form of
the seed. The entire tree is contained in the seed. And ‘k’ means ‘kingdom’. Regarding the ones who are the seed-souls,
the seeds of the entire world, the seeds of every religion… In every religion the memorial of those seed-souls, the mala,
is certainly remembered. Followers of every religion remember the mala. What is there in the mala? There are round
beads. Those beads are the ones who receive the kingdom; they are the souls that are stable in the seed stage; they are
the souls remaining in the thoughtless stage. The ones who are OK neither will forget the Father nor will they forget the
kingdom. They will remember the Father who is the seed of the human world and along with him they will remember
that Father’s inheritance, the kingdom. Why? Because they are OK. So, whenever you say OK, [think] ‘We belong to
Baba and Baba to us’. Let it be remembered.
All right! You are the support of service. The mothers have been playing the special role in establishment
since the beginning. So, you are happy, aren’t you? Mothers went ahead at the beginning of the yagya. The mothers
recognised the Father first. It was not kanya, kumār or ādhar-kumārvii. And at the beginning of the advanced
knowledge, in 76’ in Delhi who went ahead? Mothers did. The mothers first played the special part of making a
sacrifice of themselves (cāval-capātī arpan karnā). So, you are happy, aren’t you? All right! The kumārī are stars of
the elevated fortune anyway. The star of fortune has shined on everyone’s forehead. ‘Kumārī’ meaning the ones who
have come having awakened their destiny. Why? Haven’t kumār come having awakened their destiny? Hm? Why is it
the kumārī who have come having awakened their destiny? What is the fruit of the previous births (prārabdh) on the
basis of which they took the body of virgin. Hm? [Students are saying something.] And kumār? The kumār are more
independent than the kumārī . If the kumārī go outside to the service field, they will have the bondage of [being with]
a mother. A mother should be with them. The kumār have no bondage at all. So, are the kumār or the kumārī more
independent? The kumār are more independent. From this point of view the kumār should have a more elevated destiny.
Why was it said for the kumārī ? [A student is saying something.] First of all, what is the most important in this yagya
is purity. The new world is created on the basis of purity. So, in Bharat, the kumārī are in great safety. Bharat is the
only country where the kumārī are protected in a special way. The greatest kings of Bharat sacrificed their great
kingdoms for this purity. Bharat is that country. The kumārī are the storehouses of purity. This is their greatest
property. Through the power of this property they become instrument in making the great sanyasis bow their heads.
Even today, great sanyasis bow their heads [before the kumārī ]. But now we will see in the Confluence Aged world of
the Brahmins, how small kanya become instruments in making great religious guru bow their heads. That is why it was
said in the murlis that the kanya will hit great religious gurus with arrows. This world has to be done through very small
kanya. What? So, the kumārī have come having awakened their destiny. They receive a special protection in the
Father’s [house]. He doesn’t surrender kumars. What was said in the murlis? He is not praise and ‘Bailpal Kanhaya’
[The Protector of the Bulls]. Who is he praised? Is he praised as ‘Bailpal’ or ‘Gaupal’? Gaupal [The Protector of the

Adhyatmik Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya 6

H.Q. Delhi Vijay Vihar
Cows]. So, the Father is bound to sustain the kanya. The Father sings the song of praise for the kumārī, because each
kumārī is a servant. What? Even if someone doesn’t do any physical service, even if she can’t do any service through
speech, but the vibration of purity will certainly do service. Of which kumārī ? Of the kumārī who belong to the Father.
Every kumārī, meaning each of them is a servant. The world says that one kumārī uplifts 21 generations; and the Father
says that every kumārī is a world benefactor. They don’t uplift only 21 generation, but they uplift the world. So, they
are the contractors of the world service. Who become the contractors of the world service? The kumārī. This is such a
good job. What? The kumārī in the outside world strive so much, make every effort to get a job. And the job here is
received so easily. The souls of the entire world will give so many blessings. And there are the Father’s blessings, and
the blessings from the family. And along with it the souls of the world will give blessings. So, they have become
entitled to everyone’s blessings. All right, om shanti.

The word ‘sample’ can’t be used in English. It will have a different meaning.
The order of words has been change on purpose, for the clarity; otherwise saying ‘no desire of respect and greatness’ can be ambiguous.
Mūrti - literally: statue, idol; in the murlis it is used for Brahma, Shankar, Vishnu, who become ‘three divine media/persons’ through whom the
Supreme Soul Shiva plays the three roles of establishment, destruction and sustenance. The Trimurti Shiva – the Supreme Soul Shiva that manifests
or is revealed in the world through the three human instruments, Brahma, Vishnu, Shankar. Baba also says in the murli that murti means ‘body’.
The words of a popular song
The words of a popular saying.
But not ‘make’.
Virgin, bachelor, half-bachelor.

sat - truth piety virtue

satya - true, truth
satyata – truth, reality, accuracy


* words which Baba uses in English

[xxx] words that are added in the translation for a better understanding of the English sentences. (xxxx) – terms in Hindi

This text is only the draft of translation prepared for Baba’s approval

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H.Q. Delhi Vijay Vihar

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