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Chi Omega Alumnae Cleveland East Archives


We have good news regarding Pris Goodger's knee replacement. Her daughter, Karin, says that
yesterday, 3 weeks after the last surgery, she got permission to stand on her leg, go out of the
house, and begin therapy. We send best wishes for a complete recovery so she'll soon be back
on the dance floor!


Lois Swanson's husband, Ernie, is at home recovering from a one car accident. He sustained 7
broken ribs, spent 9 days in the hospital, 5days in rehab at the Greens. He got home on the
Saturday before Thanksgiving. Their son, Kermit, and his family came for Thanksgiving. Lois
and Ernie are doing well, but pacing themselves. Lois sends her regards for the holidays.


PHILANTHROPIA??? Landerhaven's charity event will be on Dec 10 this year. They

underwrite the cost so your donation of $75 goes to the charity you choose. Registration is at
11am, lunch and program at noon, entertainment by Singing Angels. We could attend and
donate to either our Chi O Clev. East scholarship fund or to Make-a Wish. For more info go to or call 440-449-0700. Anyone interested???


Pris Goodger is home recovering from what we all hope is the final knee surgery. Things look
good this time, but her recovery will be slow and long. She again has a Caring Bridge site.

The current CAPA Newsletter has a helpful article about using SOCIAL MEDIA such as
Facebook and Twitter. You can read it in the Activities container of this website.


Chi Omegas have a busy week ahead. Sunday our West side sisters are having their annual
auction. Tuesday CAPA (Panhel) meets at Burke Lakefront Airport and those interested will
check out some possible venues for 2014. Wednesday we meet at the S.Euclid Lyndhurst
Library. Saturday we'll shop at L'Oreal's factory store in Solon. See calendar for details. Join us
when you can!

Congratulations go to Brianna Rae Foraker, Lambda Delta! She is the 2013 President of
Panhellenic at Kent State U. You can learn about her by reading Lambda Delta's newsletter,
attached here Chi O Communique Fall 2012.pdf You'll also enjoy all the great photo's of new
members, House Corp (including our Kathy Farno Krehnovi) and the new stove in the


Jean, Joy, Ede, Marilyn, Lois, Betty and Nancy lunched at Sara's Place in Gates Mills on
Wednesday. After lunch we met outside on their patio for our Book Club discussion of "People
of the Book"and enjoyed the glorious weather. All agreed this was a fantastic book--exploring
religions,history, cultures and human interactions over 500 years. We recommend the author,
Geraldine Brooks, for another book. We'll meet again on January 10 at Burntwood in Solon
at 1pm. Next book: "State of Wonder" by Ann Patchett.



Sandi Russ has returned with a bronze medal from the Senior National Softball championship
in St. George, Utah where she played for the Canadian team, the Greys. Happy BD. You GO,

Wendy Mishne was mentioned in Rosemary Downing's article in the Chagrin Solon Sun paper
on 10/4/12. She thanked Wendy for giving her a pendant that had been her mother's and went on
to tell the tale of how she found the perfect necklace for it at Bead Q in Bainbridge.

Jane Freebairn Kirchner's daughter, Lisa Freebairn-Tarr, will be appearing at the Chagrin
Valley River Street Playhouse production of Veronica's Room Oct 26-Nov 10. Come prepared for
a dark, psycho-thriller written by Ira Levin who also wrote Rosemary's Baby.

Lori Izeman was spotted in "Currents" magazine 10/18/12, participating at a fund raiser for
Camp Ho Mita Koda, a camp for children with diabetes.
Chair Pilates with Carol Kelly at The
Gathering Place was great. We squeezed a lot of fun and information into our evening. Thanks
go out to Phyllis, Joyce and Peg for our refreshments. A special thank you to Carol for leading
us thru the Pilates movements. We'll all benefit from strengthening our powerhouses.

It's a Small World ! Just learned that Nancy Toth's daughter, Linda, worked on the design of the
gardens at The Gathering Place while working as an intern for MSI in Columbus.

The Chi O Kick Off Party scored "our goal". Everyone attending had
a ball! Special thanks go out to our hosts Carol and Rich and the Exec Bd. We wish a warm
welcome to new member Ashley H.
8/29/2012 Marilyn, Lorry, and Pam joined the "regulars" at book Club today at Flour. Great
salads and discussion of The Day We Left Home. Next meeting at Sara's in Gates Mills on 10/24
at 1pm. Next book: People of the Book, by Geraldine Brooks.(see Activities Box for book

On Monday,8/27, Lorry, Pam, Sandi, Carol, and Nancy met our Achievement Award winner,
Karis. She willbe returning to Penn St later this week. It was a pleasure to meet her and she did
not disappoint us! She's a great representative of all that's great in ChiO.(see Scholarship for
photo and more about Karis.)


Attention all sisters with school connections! Does anyone know of an opening in Middle
School Social Studies? Sister, Katy L is a recent Kent graduate seeking a teaching position.
Contact Nancy T. if you have a lead for her.


Convention in Phoenix was inspirational and informative. Cindy Chiang was keynote speaker,
model initiation was beautiful, workshops were informative, business meeting had parade of
chapter flags. Pris G says Hi!


18 Chi O's and guests enjoyed dinner and theater in Chagrin Falls last night. We welcomed new
alums Stephanie Taylor and Brittany Musa along with 4 West Side Chi O's and guests. Jo Neff
will plan another theater night for next year.


Congratulations to Pam! After 30 years of dedicated teaching, she is now retired. We wish her
many years to explore and enjoy her well deserved retirement.


Book Club plans to meet on June 21 at the newly renovated Washington Place Bistro (formerly
the Baricelli Inn). The book for discussion is "Girl with a Pearl Earring" by Tracey Chevalier.
Let me know you're planning to come! I'll send a Pingg invitation in the next few days.

Shopping at L'Oreal was again an annual event where we stocked up on beauty supplies and
visited with sisters not seen in some time. It was good to see Linda Parker and Jessica Fenell
Dragar. Pam, Jenny, Phyllis, Lorry and I made plans to go to the Panhel luncheon on Saturday.

Our basket for the Panhel luncheon is jam packed. I managed to fit in several large items from
Alpha Omicron Pi along with our L'Oreal products (again donated by Nancy Cyr Paskevich).
This time I added a gift certificate for one full body Reiki treatment from me and 2 Dr. Oz
Books. Our them is "You're Worth It!" They expect close to 200 at the luncheon ! We'll have to
take notes for our planning in 2014. I'm thrilled to announce that Jean Mrasek, former National
President of Chi Omega and soon to be Chairman of the National Panhellenic Conference, has
accepted our invitation to be the speaker in May 2014.

I've heard from Pris. She's improving and hopes to go home from rehab this Saturday.

5/3/2012 Further complications for Pris

The surgery did not go as expected. Pris will have several more procedures and rehabs. Read
her story on Caring Bridge, a website dedicated to help family and friends keep in touch with a
loved one's serious illness. Go to


News from the Goodgers in Arizona:

"Priscilla had emergency surgery today (Friday) to debride the left knee replacement due to a
staph infection. Gratefully, only the plastic part of the knee cap had to be replaced. We are
looking at 4 days in the hospital followed by a week in Rehab, 6 weeks of IV antibiotics and a
year of oral antibiotics. ..Prayers welcomed." , Jack


Book Club met today at W Bar & Grill. We discussed Spring by David Szalay and set June 21st
as the next date to meet. We'll met at a new place next time, Washington Place Bistro (used to be
the Baricelli Inn). Our next book is Girl with the Pearl Earring, by Tracy Chevalier. Read more
about it in the Activities Box.


Our Eleusinian Brunch at JCU on Saturday 4/14/12 was a fabulous success. About 25 alumnae
and 65 actives enjoyed a lovely program lead by Lorry Szabo. RAD, Maggie Abramson came
from Chicago to be with us on our 117th birthday for Chi Omega. Nan Kermode, charter
member of Kent State's Lambda Delta chapter, kept all enthralled with her tales of the early days
of the chapter. The food was great and so were the centerpieces made by Carol Kelly. The
raffle added some fun and raised $118 for Make-A-Wish. Pictures from the event are in the
Photo Gallery: Eleusinia 2012.
3 /20/2012

Sister Yvonne Nelson has joined the Omega Chapter. There will be a memorial service at the
Methodist Church in Chagrin Falls on Saturday 3/24 at 11 am.


Johnny Mango's food is great. If you'd like to ride there with Nancy T on March 26th, call. We
plan to go for lunch.

Details /reservation form for the CAPA (Panhel) May luncheon can be found in the Activities

CAPA is assisting a local Girl Scout with her gold award project. She is collecting used or
unwanted BRAS! They will be completely recycled, some parts for the Red Carpet used at
Oscars. She also shares information about breast cancer as a part of her project. If you'd like to
donate any bras, get them to Nancy T before April 10th.


We had a cozy meeting at the South Euclid Lyndhurst Library on 3/6. Thanks go out to Joy and
Lorry for bringing treats. Group decision on the book, "Founding Mothers", by Cokie Roberts,
was that it had too many details crammed in it. Ok for a text for a history course, but not great as
a book club choice. If you're looking for a suggestion, we all loved our other books: "The
Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society" and "Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet".

We sent cards to Pris Goodger and Linda Parker, wishing them better days ahead.


Holly H Capron sends greetings. She's doing well, back into supporting baseball. She and
Scott will host an Akron player again this year. She gave me a contact, if anyone is interested
in hosting an Eastlake Captains baseball player this summer.

Nancy Cyr Paskevich will continue working at L'Oreal for the next year +. Then she will get
some quality time with her son just before he starts kindergarten. She hopes to work us into her
new schedule.


Amazing Race winner Cindy Chiang sent us a nice email. She has a previous engagement on
April 14th and regrets she will not be able to attend our Eleusinian. She said to send her
greetings to all.
Board meeting last nite included committee for Eleusinian. Watch for your winter newsletter in
email next week. Slate of officers for next term seeks a secretary. Other positions available.
What interests you? Let's share the work and lighten the load!

Our Happy Hour at Swirl's in Solon on 1/27/11 was fun girls' nite out. Nice atmosphere and
good food and beverages. Consensus was " Let's do this again!"


Past president, Carol Egan, had surgery on her writing hand in December. Her daughter, Lynn,
sent us a note with Carol's best wishes for the new year. She expects to regain the use of her
hand, with therapy. Carol's new address in Maryland is listed in our current directory.

On Saturday 1/21/12 there will be a memorial service for Pam Wurster's mother in law, Nancy
Willa Greer, at the Methodist Church in Chagrin Falls. Mrs. Wurster was 100 and lived a full and
exciting life including singing professionally with her sisters. Greer and Pam watched over her
as she lived for many years at Hamlet in Chagrin Falls.


The Book Club meeting was held on 12/13/2011. We had fun discussing " The Hotel on the
Corner of Bitter and Sweet". We picked " The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society "by
Mary Ann Shaffer and Anne Barrows for our next meeting on 2/16 again at Wellingtons at 1PM.
(Area parking too busy earlier for lunch crowd.)

If you can't make our daytime book club, plan to come to our March meeting 3/6 at 7 PM at the
S.Euclid -Lyndhurst Library. We'll discuss " Founding Mothers" by Cokie Roberts in an upstairs
meeting room with a kitchen. Enjoy some refreshments and a book swap too.


Christmas Brunch at Phyllis' home was a smashing success! 24 sisters enjoyed her beautifully
decorated home, a fabulous brunch, a fun gift exchange, and lots of catching up with sisters. It
was great to see so many dear friends again. Many thanks to all the committee: Phyllis, Jenny,
Ede, Kathy, Lorry, Wendy, and Carol.


Congratulations Chi Omega members of Upsilon Mu. Your chapter was installed 10 years ago.!
A reunion luncheon at the Atrium of the Dolan Science Center at JCU celebrated the chapter's
many successes. Collegiates and alumnae joined in the singing of " Shades". Tours of the Chi
O suite in Champion Hall were provided by actives.

Whoo knew we were so crafty? With guidance from Sandi's friend, Michelle, we created 5
fabulous hand made holiday cards on 11/4. It was easy and lots of fun! If you weren't there, you
missed a great time. It was good to see busy mom, Jodi McCue, and new alum, Stephanie
Taylor. We held the drawing for the owl quilt. All 24 paid members were entered. Judy Delanis
was the lucky winner. When I delivered the quilt to her, she was surprised to win and said she
will enjoy curling up with it this winter. She had back surgery recently, so the quilt is especially

Membership directories were distributed. I decided to print them so we can all keep connected.
I'll bring them in December too for all paid members.

Kathy Krehnovi, as president of the Lambda Delta House Corp, is seeking members for a
committee to study the possibility of building a new chapter house. People with expertise in
related fields are sought. Call her if you wish to help.


Evites were sent for our Nov 4th meeting. Please RSVP by 10/30.

Our fundraiser is selling Entertainment Books, $30 each. Contact Pam Wurster or Nancy for
yours! You may order directly from the company website this year. They will deliver your
order to you with free shipping and we still get credit for the sale. Here's an idea, you can
order Entertainment Books for friends and family in other cities! If you order on line it will be
shipped to them for free and you have some of your Christmas shopping done. Another option is
to solicit your contacts to purchase books themselves. Again, we get credit for the sale if they
use the web link.

1. Have them go to and enter Group ID: 663144 OR

2. Send them emails from (you enter Group ID: 661344
when you register as a seller).


The potluck supper was fantastic. What good cooks we are! We enjoyed dinner, had our annual
business meeting and renewed the bonds of sisterhood in Carol's lovely home. Plans to increase
membership by reaching out to "latent" members were discussed. Bring a chio to our November
meeting and get an extra raffle ticket for the Owl Blanket.


Carol K, Jenny H, Pam W, and Nancy shared dinner at Longhorn Steakhouse and then met Ede S
at the theater for a showing of " The Help". What a great nite of sisterhood!

Great party on August 27th! Newsletter is out. Plan for a fun girls nite out on Tuesday Sept
13th. We'll meet for dinner at Longhorn Steakhouse on Aurora Rd at Enterprise in Solon, then
continue on to see "The Help" at the Solon Cinema at 7 p.m. Reply to your Evite or contact
Nancy at


We learned that former president, Carol Egan, was moving to the Baltimore area on 7/16.
Several sisters paid a call on Carol today. We presented her with an owl key chain for her new
home, toasted her with sparkling wine, and enjoyed a wonderful hour of remembrances, laughter
and hugs. Carol will be living in an apartment near her daughter. Best wishes, Carol, on your
new adventure. See photos of Carol with her son and daughter in Meetings 2011-12 of the
photo gallery.

Nancy T represented Chi Omega National at the national convention of Alpha Epsilon Phi. She
attended an evening Panhellenic reception at the Cleveland Renaissance Hotel. Delicious
desserts were followed by an outstanding speaker, MaryAnn Calais. Her topic was "LIving Our
Ritual". Without going into any sorority's details of ritual she illustrated how we all have
common values and the importance of these values in today's world.

Best Wishes to past president, Nancy Cyr! She and Mike Paskevich were married
yesterday(6/20/2010). She announced the happy news to me when I picked up our L'Oreal
donation basket. Nancy has provided this donation for our Panhel item for many years. She and
Mike are very happy and busy with their son, Wil who is in his 2's. Watch for future pictures of
the wedding in our photo gallery.

The exec board met at Nancy's. Programs and dates for the coming year were tentatively set in
place. Phyllis will be contacting sisters for home hostesses. Lorry will be setting up
committees. In addition to the meeting committees we need a nominating committee and a
committee for Eleusinian. When you are contacted please try to say yes. Or , better yet, call
Lorry and volunteer! Sandi will gladly accept any news and photos for the newsletter.

On Tuesday May 3 23 ChiOs enjoyed a special nite of sisterhood at Nan Kermode's gorgeous
apartment in S.Franklin Circle 4/18/2011. We honored 6 sisters with 50+ years in Chi Omega
and all past presidents. Joyce Schaefer, Nan Ewing, Jane Kirchner, JoNeff, Jean Seeley and Ede
Spencer were presented certificates and carnations. Joyce also received her 50 year pin. Lorry
read a biography of each honoree. We can certainly be proud of the lifetime accomplishments of
these sisters. Many thanks to the committee for providing the luscious desserts. Thanks also to
everyone for buying Panhel auction tickets. And of course thanks to Nan, Sandi, and Lorry.
An exec board meeting will be held early in June. Date to be announced.

Many bargains were purchased at L"Loreal on the Saturday before Easter. It was good to see
Holly H, our scholarship winner Rita Rochford and her mother, and JCU Active michelle
Spangler and her mother. A few of us got to know Michelle (West's scholarship winner) over
lunch at Panera in Solon. What a great girl ! Pam Wurster was her teacher!! Thanks to Nancy
Cyr for arranging our annual shopping event.

Nancy T continued renewing her ChiO connections at Spring Carnival/ 40th Reunion at
Carnegie-Mellon in Pittsburgh April 15-17. Although her chapter is no longer active, 4 pledge
sisters managed to find each other and met for breakfast. After 40years, they immediately picked
up as if it were days nots years since we were together.

Chi-O-Hio Day was held in Columbus on April 8-9. Friday nite the actives at Zeta Alpha served
40 alums a pasta dinner in their lovely dining room. An Omega Chapter ceremony was held and
the evening ended with the singing of Shades. On Saturday Lyn Harris, our National Archivist,
spoke on our Ohio and National history. We presented our scholarship winner, Rita
Rockford, with a certificate.
Rita received several other awards and will be presented a Cleveland Panhel scholarship on May

Our theater bunch enjoyed a nite out in Chagrin Falls on April 2nd. We dined at Gamekeepers
and then went to the Chagrin Valley Little Theater, where we thoroughly enjoyed "Dirty Rotten
Scoundrels". Thanks to Jo Neff for planning a great nite out.

Our March meeting at the South Euclid / Lyndhurst Library was a rousing success. We held a
discussion of "The Help", shared suggested books, toured the unique library and enjoyed some
Mardi Gras refreshments provided by Sandi, Jeanne and Joyce. All present agreed we should
repeat this type of event next year.

Thanks to Ede for pointing out the article on past president Samantha Franck in the Fall 2010
Eleusis on page 18. Samantha dropped out of the business world to pursue musical theater in
NYC. For the full story read her blog:

Winter and Christmas season arrived with SNOW! We enjoyed visiting the Koehn Sculptors
Studio/Bavarian Tea House today. Our Lunch of teas, soups and pastries was worth waiting for.
(They were very busy,despite the weather.) We welcomed Rachel Javitch to her first meeting.
Rachel is a teacher at a Charter school in Cleveland. She went to school in Wisconsin, but
grewup in Nebraska.

View the photo of Pam Wurster's family in the Families folder. Pam, Greer,
daughter,grandchildren and Greer's mother make 5 generations attending the same church, the
Methodist Church in Chagrin. Congratulations!

We send Get Well Greetings to Nan Kermode! She's recovering from surgery on her hand.
We hope Julianne Smrdel GETS out of JAIL! Don't worry, it's a fund raiser for MDA. She

I'm proud to tell you that I'm being locked up to help the Muscular Dystrophy Association. I am
being arrested on November 3, 2010 and taken to jail at Red Maple Inn where I will serve hard
time at the Lock Up event!

To be released on good behavior I have to raise bail and I cannot do it without you! My goal is to
raise $1600, which sponsors two local kids to attend MDA Summer Camp at Camp Cheerful.
Your donation will help me achieve my goal and benefit local families living with a
neuromuscular disease (Yes, that means Chardon families - funds stay local).

Keep it simple...make your tax-deductible donation online. . If you don't want to donate online - I
accept "bail mail" or even better you can bail me out in person! Please let me know if you have
any questions!

On behalf of the families MDA serves, thank you!

Warmest Regards,

Julianne P.S. I'm counting on you; click on the jailbird to donate! please copy and paste the
address below into the address bar of your internet browser.

Lambda Delta Chapter, Kent State U., House Corporation Fundraiser Campaign Begins
Alums of LD are asked for support to cover expenses to install required fire saftey
equipment costing $70,000. Read the full message here Save a Sister Fundraising Campaign.pdf.

Many thanks to Sandi Russ and friend, Pam, who help us put together our own designs of
memory wire bracelets. Whoo new we were so crafty? Thanks also to Lorry Szabo and Nan
Ewing for the refreshments. Look for photos of us working on our creations.

Reply to your Evite ASAP! Our October 1st meeting is fast approaching. We have materials for
a limited number of bracelets. Come to Fairmount Center for a girls' nite out and make your own
creation! See details in the calendar on this site.

Save the date: Monday Oct 18th. I've scheduled a fundraiser for the Panhel scholarship fund at
Johnny Mango's in Ohio City. They will donate 20% of your bill if you bring their voucher.
Johnny's is a unique upbeat restaurant with a varied menu including vegetarian, carribean,
mexican and oriental foods and a juice bar. They are open 11 am to 11 pm.Take out is also
included. Visit their website to see the menu. Consider inviting some friends
to meet for lunch or dinner. Distribute the vouchers anywhere you can! This is a good way to get
contributions from people outside of our groups. You may download the voucher here:

Requests from actives: We have received 2 requests for support from active Chi O's who have
been selected to participate in a Service Immersion Trip to El Salvador with AFLV (Association
of Fraternal Leadership and Values). Only 24 were selected from around the US. They are
encouraged to raise $600 for the trip and $800 for airfare. You may donate online at Choose
service Immersion Trips and list girl's name in the dedication field.
1.Britt Barnes is from Kent St, Lambda Delta. She is current VP of Recruitment and Retention
for Panhellenic at Kent. She plans to enter grad school after graduation to pursue a degree
needed to lead Greek life on a college campus. You may also send checks to her directly at 434
Fleeter Ct. Kent, OH 44240.
2.Kathryn Burwell is from Ohio St, Zeta Alpha. She is a senior and a legacy. Her mother was
also Chi O, Lambda Delta. 440.840.2889

Our September 11th cocktail party at Wendy's was a really great party. We had such a good time
we forgot to take pictures! Believe me when I say that all who attended enjoyed the delicious
food and fabulous setting, not to mention the great people. Many thanks to our hosts Wendy and
Ernie Mishne, Chair Phyllis Martis, and committee: Jenny Hogan, Lorry Szabo, andEde Spencer.

Condolences to Jean Seeley on the passing of her brother, William Hogg.

Congrats to Sandi Russ for completing the "Pedal to the Point" biking event to and from
Sandusky this past Saturday and Sunday. Sandi and her friends raised $5000 for MS.

The Executive Board held a second meeting at Lorry's on August 12th. Details for upcoming
meetings were completed. Sandi will gladly accept news for the fall newsletter until September

We had a great turnout for our first Happy Hour/fundraiser on July 29 at CPK. Thanks to all
who ate at California Pizza Kitchen we raised $108.24 for Make-a-Wish! View photos in the

Jane Freebairin Kirchner's son and daughter are both doing well after successful kidney
transplant surgery. Her daughter, Lisa joined us at CPK on July 29.

Phyllis and Steve Martis' 1948 Chrylser Town & Country car received first place at the Concours
d'Elegance at Meadow Brook, MI. Congratulations!

Lorry Szabo and Sandi Russ joined our west side sisters for brunch at the 100th Bomber Group
on Sunday July 11.

The photo of Nancy and Letitia Fulkerson (National Chi Omega President) was from Revelry at
Convention in Orlando this June. There are more photos from convention in the gallery. Our
next convention will be in Phoenix, Arizona in 2012.

The Executive Board held a highly productive meeting on Sat. 6/12/10. A budget and tenative
schedule of meetings were completed. A summary of the membership survey was presented.
Plans to reach out to "newer" alumnae include a calling campaign to get current email addresses.
Contact Nancy T if you can make some calls this summer.

Jane Freebairin Kirchner's son, Robbie will receive a kidney from his sister, Lisa on June 22 in
Seattle. This is his second kidney transplant. Please remember them in your prayers.

Senator Steven La Tourette presented Jo and Tom Neff Senior Service Awards from Hamlet in
Chagrin Falls. "The Neff's have supported the Chagrin Valley Little Theater and its youth theater
program since the 1980's...The Neffs co-chaired the 75th anniversery celebration of CVLT and
are chairing a major fundraising campaign for the theater as it celebrates its 80th anniversary."


Survey summary
25 members completed the survey
1.staying connected is important 23 yes 2 no
2. sad if EAst ChiO fails 23 yes 2 no
3. help w. meetings 21 yes 3 no 1 skip
4.dues $25 ok 24 yes 1 skip
5. day of week important 8 yes 15 no 2 skip
6. good days Sun 2 Mon 4 Tue 9 Wed 10 Thu 4 Fri 3 Sat 4
7. attend events
fall party 13 Reiki 8 hist. speaker 11 Eleusinian 10 Potluck dinner 12 Christmas brunch 13
dinner/theater 11 joint other sor 6 joint chio west 11joint JCU 8 Lakeview Cem 11 Book speaker
9 kids holiday 5 happy hour 11 lunch 7 supper 7 book 7
8. Do more? casual & crafts, at restaurant, w JCU, speakers,provide ride, service projects,
weekends, reach out to younger
9. Do less? shorten business,reduce printing costs

Job descriptions/responsibilities: Program chr will also be Ritual Officer. Corresponding

Secretary will keep the Social Service file for future SS chr. Fill college liaison, new alums.
Budget planning: Need to economize. Plan to send newsletter via email unless requested
mailed. Increase paid members. Reduction of award from scholarship fund forces us to draw
from reserves.
Plan to continue to save for Panhel Presidency in 2013.
Save the date
Saturday September 11, 2010 Fall Cocktail Party at Wendy Mishne's


Lorry, Sandi, Pam, Cindy, NanK, Marilyn, Jo & Tom, Nan & Bob, Ede & Ralph, Nancy & Ernie
were joined by west side chios: Linda, Doris, Hokie, and Gail. Dinner at the West End Bistro
was enjoyed by all in their "upper room". Then it was just a short walk around the corner to the
theater where we laughed and laughed at the great dialogue in the play presented by 5 talented
women. "The Dixie Swim Club " is not to be missed. GO SEE IT!


If you haven't already taken our survey please do so now. We are collecting information from
our members to better serve their needs and desires. The survey is short and easy to complete.
Just 10 questions on 2 pages! All you need to do is click on the link following this message.
When you do you will immediately go to our survey. Answer all 10 questions by clicking on the
"dot" or "box" with your reply. Many are yes/no questions, some are multiple answers. At the
end cllck on "DONE". You do not have to sign up for anything. Thanks for your input and for
taking the time to help.
Here's the link:


The annual luncheon and fund raiser for scholarship was held at Windows on the River. 7 of the
8 winners attended. This year's president, Delta Gamma was the host. Their speaker was Carin
Rockind from NEO. A table of ChiO's from east and west enjoyed the beautiful event and
delicious food. Nancy T and Annamarie C were on the raffle committee. The Chi O scholarship
winner, Kaylin Major joined us for lunch. Read more about her in the Scholarship Box. See
photos in Panhel gallery.


We were the guests of Nancy Kermode at the South Franklin Circle Community room in Chagrin
Falls. 50+Years members and past presidents were honored with the presentation of white
carnations. At the close of the business meeting, outgoing president Holly Capron was presented
a gift of appreciation from the board. Surveys were completed on directions for coming events.
With renewed bonds of sisterhood, social time and desserts were the fitting close of a lovely
evening. Photos in 2009-2010 meetings gallery.

Cleveland West Alumnae were hosts to over 100 Chi Omegas at the Eleusinian on Saturday. We
were joined by actives from John Carroll, UM, and Kent, LD. Highlights of the event included
announcements of scholarship winners, a chapter visitor from JCU, senior ceremony, founders
ceremony and a tour of the "Owl's Nest" (JCU's floor in Champion Hall). Congratulations to
Linda Meixner and her committee for a job well done! Photos in Eleusinian JCU gallery.

Our scholarship winner, Kristen Dobransky and her mother joined us for lunch. Kristen is from
Broadview Heights, attends University of Dayton, majors in Early Childhood Ed. Read more
about her in the scholarship section.

One of the girls from Kent, Kaylin Major, has won a Cleveland Panhellenic scholarship.

Twenty Chios and guests were treated to a special event at Talbot's in Legacy Village today. Vice
President Lorry Szabo was our hostess. In her honor a free will offering was collected for the
Cleveland Food Bank. Thanks Lorry!

Chi O sisters enjoyed some bargain shopping on the Saturday before Easter. These now
even more beautful ladies also enjoyed sisterhood and lunch at Panera. Thanks go out to sister
Nancy Cyr for providing this oppurtunity again.

Eleven Chi Os and 3 guests learned about Reiki and received treatment from 3 Reiki practioners/
masters. Marty, Nancy and Trish(Nancy's friend) explained and demonstrated Reiki. Each
attendee receive an individual "chair treatment" for about 15 minutes. Lorry provided
refreshments after the program, where expressions of surprise and pleasure were exchanged.
Several asked if we could repeat this on a regular basis. Before the program there was a brief
business meeting. Several key things were discussed: 1. slate of officers was voted in; 2. Kathy
reported that 12 scholarship applications had been received; 3. committee members would read
the apps and decide on our winner to be presented at the April Eleusina; 4. program dates and
details were confirmed (SEE DETAILS IN CALENDAR) ;5. acard was sent to Carol Munz on
the loss of her husband, Robert (also Camie Miller's father) and a donation was sent to the
Diabetes Foundation in his memory; 6. we now have 32 paid members.Phots in the 2009-2010
meetings gallery.

Three members of the board met at Nancy's home. The remaining meetings programs details
were confirmed for distribution in the newsletter. Phyllis reported that none of the prospects for
office accepted. So our slate of officers for 2010-2012 will have Recording Secretary and Ritual
Officer open. Sandi reported that she would mail out the newsletter to all paid dues members in
the next week. President Holly was excused from the meeting. She has been dealing with some
health issues. The current board will gladly cover for her as needed. Reminders of upcoming
events will be sent via email with links to this website.

Sister Julianne Smrdel now owns and operates an Olympia Candy Store in Chardon. It is located
in the Cherry Plaza at 301 Center Street, Chardon OH 44024. Stop in and buy some delicious
candy like Jenny and Nancy did. See photo in gallery folder of 2009-2010. Juli's phone # is
440-279-0122. The store's website is email:

Membership directories were mailed to dues paid members on 12/31/2009.

Be sure to pass on the information about our scholarship to any Chio you know. We also have
other scholarships available locally. See details in our SCHOLARSHIP SECTION.

Take a few minutes and view a powerpoint presentation of owls in beautiful natural settings.
Just click on this link. Hooters.pps
We would like to share some of your interests and hobbies in the upcoming newsletter. Send it to
Sandi R. ASAP.
Here are some corrections for the newly distributed directory:
Shirley Coffin 9851 Country Scene Lane, Mentor OH 44060 440-579-5033
Kathy Krehnovi 1223 Briardale Court, Twinsburg OH 44087

Our December meeting at Pam's lovely home in Chagrin Falls was a great success. We enjoyed
sisterhood and food, had a efficient business meeting, and a cookie exchange. Nan K won the
paid dues door prize. Membership directories were distributed to all paid members. Exec board
meets in February. Next regular meeting is March 5th with Reiki by Marty A. and Nancy T.
Send news of your hobbies or volunteer activities to Sandi Russ for our newsletter.

After many years of a slow decline in health, June passed away peacefully on 11/19/2009 in
Aurora. Her remains were buried with her husband in Mentor on Monday 11/23. Nancy was
with her at the end and is grateful for the comfort and support of her family, friends and ChiO
sisters. (Obit in Sunday PD 11/22/2009, online obit)



Here is a link to Cleveland Alumnae Panhellenic Association's newsletter:News_1109.doc

$2000 Scholarships offered by College Club West to women 25yrs or older working on either a
bachelors degree or graduate work, living in western Cuyahoga County,Lorain or Medina. To
apply go to

Joy Polk did not have knee surgery. She has been diagnosed with melonoma.

A dozen Chios plus some guests enjoyed an exuberant session of laughter yoga following our
business meeting on 10/5/2009. The budget was approved and donations collected for the
Womens Shelter of Cleveland. Lorry reminded all to reserve a spot at the brunch at Talbot's on
11/15. Reply to your evite or call Lorry or Nancy. Directories will be printed in November.
Please forward any changes in your contact information to Nancy ASAP.

We were saddened to learn that Ronda Deer's husband passed away recently. A card has been

Your webmaster's problem with the site has been solved! I can again upload photos to our
gallery. Please send me any photos you'd like to share.

The current newsletter, Fall2009, has been added to the Newsletter Archive on this site. You
may view it in color online anytime.

CAPA(Cleveland Alumnae Panhellenic Assoc.) meets on the first Tuesday of the month at Burke
Lakefront Airport. Delta Gamma's Leslie Cooke is the president this year. Plans are underway
for the spring luncheon on May 15th at Windows on the River. The sale of Macy's Shop for a
Cause coupons is again a ways & means project. Nancy Toth is chair of this fundraiser.
Coupons are good at any Macy's on Oct 17th , cost $5 and give you 20% off most items, 25% off
ONE item, entry in a raffle for $500 gift card, and can be used on line. CAPA gets the $5 for
scholarships. If we sell enough coupons by Oct 8, we will be allowed to sell coupons at the door
on the sale day and keep that money too. Contact Nancy now for your coupons!

CAPA will again donate 'transition bags' to the Women's Shelter of Cleveland. These bags
include: a set of towels, detergent, bath soap, t.p., kleenex, all purpose cleaner, and other
essential items. This year they have also requested gently used sheets and towels, dishes and
pots &pans, glasses & silverware. Nancy will accept any donations of items or CASH at the
October meeting or at her home before Nov 3rd.

Our October meeting is going to be one not to miss. Laughter Yoga will be presented and
participated in by all. (Don't worry it's easy, not like real yoga.) Laughter has been proven to
have positive health benefits. So, come laugh with us!

We do not charge for regular meetings, but your dues help cover our expenses (newsletter,
directory, programs, etc). Please send your dues to Sandi Russ. PAID MEMBERS WILL
of address, email , etc to Nancy by the end of October.

What a great day for an afternoon, outside party! We enjoyed Carol's beautiful garden setting for
our startup party. The wine and food were fabulous. Attending exec board outdid themselves on
the food.
It was great to see some seldom seen sisters and spouses again. A great time was had by all. You
don't want to miss this event next year. We took a group ('class') picture. Photos are in the
gallery soon.

Read the notice from Chi OmegaNational regarding the closing of this chapter. See NATIONAL

The wedding on 8/14/09 took place at the Mahoning County Scrappers ballgame. It was a
beautiful summer nite, the bride wore white and a blue Cubs jersey and carried red & yellow
flowers. The groom wore Indians attire. The guests enjoyed a picnic supper and the game,
followed by fireworks. Photos are in our gallery.

Our exec board met at Jenny's to brainstorm for the coming year. Meetings will be on the 5th of
each month. September 5th will be a "Wine Party" at Carol McWilliams'. October 5th we'll try
Laughter Yoga. Watch for your newsletter with all the details about these events and more.
Check back here for future updates or changes on the schedule.

Best Wishes go out to our President, Holly Hinzman and Scott. They will be married on August
14 on the base ball field of their beloved Scrappers. This will be a true Grand Slam!

We have pictures of past president, Nancy Cyr and her new son, Wil in the Chi O Kids photo
gallery. A picture of Kyle Bizjak and daughter, Elliot is also in the Kids gallery.

Please remember to send news and photos to share to your editor, Nancy T.

HIGH TEA AT JAY SZABO'S (Yes that's us in the opening picture!)
It was our pleasure to hold a Tea at the Hisotric Schweinfurth Mansion. Our host, Jay, the son of
ChiO Lorry Szabo, graciously gave us a tour and shared the some of it's history. A sumptious
feast , otherwise called High Tea, was presented by Lorry and son, Jay, Phyllis, Jane, Juli, Cindy,
Nancy, and Carol. This was a special event! More pictures appear in the photo gallery.

We held a short business meeting where the concensus was that we should try our new meeting
date again. (Pick one date , it was the 6th last year, for each month.) Suggestions were given for
programs next year. Greetings were sent to Carol Egan, Ede Spencer and Joy Polk. Ede and Joy
are recovering from knee surgeries. A donation will be sent to our Scholarship Fund in memory
of member Ro Eugene, who died last month. There was an article about Ro in the Cleveland
Plain Dealer on 6/10/09 written by Regina Brett It's too bad we were just getting to know her.

We honored 50yr member Carol McWilliams and all past presidents at a fun owl centered
meeting. Decorations and gift bags were all in owl motif. See photos in our gallery. Thanks to
our hostess , Wendy, and the committee: Kathy K, Jessica F, and Holly.

Lorry Szabo attended the events in Dayton. As our representative she presented our scholarship
winner with a check for $300 of the $1000 award. The remainder will be paid from our
scholarship fund. Sandy Carson, President of the Ohio Chi Omega Alumnae presided at the
dinner Friday and luncheon on Saturday. SNV Joellyn Sullivan, was the speaker and honored
guest. Visit our photos gallery to see pictures honorees and our scholarship winner.

Plan to attend the Cleveland Panhellenic Alumnae Luncheon on May 16 th at the Terrace Club in
Progressive Field. We have a Chi O scholarship winner! Larissa Spreng from Miami University
was the Chi Omega scholarship winner. Wilma Smith is the speaker! Gift baskets will be
auctioned off. Tickets are $35 and include free parking. Reservations due May10. Tickets for
the baskets can be purchased from Nancy at our May 6th meeting.

We will honor all past presidents at the May meeting, held at Wendy Mishne's home. Holly has
some surprises planned. Respond to your evite or call Holly.

Thanks to Nancy Cyr we replenished our beauty supplies at the factory store. Catching up with
long lost sisters, lunch at Panara, and bargain shopping made for a fun outing. Holly, Jeanne,
Jenny, Jessica, Joy, Linda, Lorry, Nancy, and Sandi were on the scene.
Our gathering at the Freeway Lanes in Solon on Friday 3/6 was a fun nite for all. Whoo knew
that Jenny and Jo were such good bowlers? Kathy, Sandi and Nancy did ok too! We even had
our own cheerleaders Holly and Pam. Photos in the gallery.

Chi-O-Hio Days 4/17,18 Dayton Alumnae dinner Friday, luncheon/awards Saturday Download
the registration letter and form
here.registrationletteralums09_2.doc Registrationformalums09.doc
Cleveland Alumnae Panhellenic Spring luncheon at Progressive Field May 16

Just a reminder! Our $1000 scholarship will be awarded to one Cleveland area Chi Omega at
the Chi-O-Hio Day celebration on April 18 in Dayton. Download an application from the
scholarship section of this website. You can also get information about other available
scholarships, including the ChiO West and the Cleveland Panhellenic scholarships.

We'll meet at Jenny's home on Snyder Road in Bainbridge at 7:30P.M. on February 6.

Good news! Our President's dad has improved to the point of being relaeased from the hospital
and sent to a rehab center for some therapy. Holly is grateful for the prayers and cards he

On Wednesday 12/31/2008 Holly Hinzman's Dad, Denny, had an abdominal aneurysm. As of
midnight, he had surgery and was in the ICU. This was unexpected and very serious. Denny is
in critical condition today. Keep him and all Holly's family in your prayers. Holly setup a site on
caringbridge. Go to to read about his
condition and or write a note to Holly.

Ed Hogan passed from death to eternal life on 12/24/2008 shortly after he was removed from life
support in the afternoon. Jenny was there with her children, Kim and Ed (Carrie). Kim held a
prayer service and a nurse led them in singing "Gloria". Kim said that everyone felt that Ed
would have been pleased that they were all there for him at the end. A funeral mass was held on
Tuesday 12/30/08 in Kent with lunch at Timmons School following intermment. Holly
presented Jenny with 5 white carnations on Monday. Lorry, Nancy T, Pam,Phyllis L and Phyllis
M attended the funeral. We are in deepest sympathy with Jenny and her family. You may visit where there is a journal and photos.

Nancy Toth is sad to report that her mother-in-law, Ruth, died on 12/22/2008. Services will be at
The Church of the Western Reserve , Fairmount Circle, on Monday 12/29 at 1 P.M. with
visitation following. The family will go to Lakeview Cemetary directly from the church. Ruth's
husband (Ernie Sr.) passed away just this September. They were both 85, but are now at peace.

While visiting old friends in Boston for Christmas, Ed Hogan suffered a massive heart attack.
He is on life support in a local hospital. Jenny reacted with what she thought was stress, but was
a min stroke. She was hospitalized until today. Their children have flown to Boston and are with
them. They have a site on caringbridge where you can get the latest update and send a message.
Go to

Our 2008 scholarship letter with application is uploaded in the Scholarship Container of this
webpage. There is also information about other scholarships available to Cleveland area Chios.

Our first ever brunch meeting was a huge success. Hostess Linda Parker supported by Joy Polk
and the committee of Jeanne Reddick and Jenny Hogan presented a lovely meal. There was
plenty of time to visit with sisters not seen in a while, including Juli Smrdel , Marty
Artzberger,and Peg Sebas. We were also thrilled to welcome Juli's children. A short meeting was
followed by the cookie exchange. Everyone went home with some new cookies!

Jodi and Matt McCue received a special Christmas delivery on 12/5 at 7:27pm, weighing 8# 8oz,
measuring 19.75 inches. Big brother, Cade, and big sister, Emma were on hand to welcome her
to the family. See pictures in our photo gallery "Chi O Kids" folder.
Our September hostess, Phyllis Martis, has had some health issues. She fractured an arm playing
golf. Then on 11/22 went to the ER to learn she had a burst appendix! She was released for
Thanksgiving. Steve and Jon prepared a real Thanksgiving dinner. Phyllis is feeling better and
hopes to come to the December meeting.

Kyle and Eric Bizjak welcomed Elle into their family at 1:53 P.M. measuring 7 pounds and 18
inches. Big brother Cameron and grandmom Sandi Russ are thrilled. Pictures to follow soon.

Our meeting at Nan Kermode's began with hors d'oeuvres(recipes provided) and sisterhood. It
was great to visit with so many sisters! Holly conducted a very efficient business meeting, where
the budget and By-Laws changes were approved. We 'passed the hat' for contributions toward a
gift bag for the Cleveland Women's Shelter, sponsored by Cleveland Panhellenic. Your generous
donations allowed for 2 gift bags. Take a look at them in the photo gallery. (See Panhel folder)
Wendy Mishne was the lucky winner of the raffle for paid members. It was a pink OWL tote bag.
After the business meeting Linda Parker presented a talk on " Do you know who you are?". She
discussed how your personal fashion style reflects (or should reflect) your personality. All of this
was done by 9PM!

Long time member Pris Goodger and husband Jack celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary in
high style in Surprise Arizona with 100+ of their closest friends and family. Nancy & Ernie Toth
were among the partiers. See the pictures of 7 Chi O sisters in attendance, Jack and Pris dancing,
and their family photo. View all the pictures in our Photo section.

We held a pot-luck dinner for the residents. They were thrilled to have 'real' food, not tacos or
pizza! When they were finished we enjoyed a meal together and a short business meeting. A
proposed budget and suggested changes to our By-Laws were presented.

20 Chio's and guests enjoyed the evening at the lovely home of Phyllis Martis. Go to our photo
gallery to see some of the fun.
Pam has the new edition of Entertainment Books. You may contact her for your books or pick
them up at Ronald Mc Donald House on October 6. This is our only ways & means project, so
consider buying 2 books---one for you and one for a gift. Thanks.

Cindy Schinagle's husband, Allan, passed away on 8/15/2008. They were married 53 years .
Their children are Cheryl Cameron, Holly Anne, Penny Sue, and Allan Jr. There will be a
memorial service on Friday 8/29 at the Federated Church, 76 Bell St., Chagrin Falls at 4pm.

Cleveland Panhellenic is participating in this fund raiser. $5 tickets are a donation to CAP. You
get 20%off most purchases and entered in a drawing for a $500 gift card. Contact Nancy Toth
for your tickets.

Our treasurer / newsletter editor, Sandi Russ, is pedaling her way from Cleveland to Sandusky
and back this weekend. She is again participating in this 150 mile (round trip)event for MS.
Good luck Sandi!

President, Holly Hinzman, is providing a 'home away from home' for another AAA Indians
player for the Scrappers.

Plans for the coming year's programs were finalized, a proposed budget was established,
revisions to the Constitution and By-Laws were reviewed, and plans for a September party were
discussed. The fall newsletter will be mailed by 8/15. Watch for it and your invitation to the
September 6th party.

Corresponding secretary, Jenny Hogan, has moved from Aurora back to Bainbridge. She's
excited that she will be able to walk to school!

Newly elected President, Holly Hinzman, attended our National Convention in 7/11-7/14 . As
our official delegate she participated in workshops, and business meetings. Nancy Toth
attended several alumnae meetings about the new website and connecting with local alumnae.

Wendy Davis's daughter to sing at Hamlet
Former president, Wendy Davis's daughter, Bridget, will perform with the Buzz Cronquist Jazz
Trio at the Hamlet Atrium on Tuesday July 22, 2008 3pm to 4:30pm. For more info call 440-247-

MAW Zoo Walk__ Team Chi Omega
Saturday 6/28 we participated in the Cleveland Zoo Walk for Make-A-Wish. Chi O's Kathy K,
Jessica F, Sandi R, Nan E, Nancy T, and Jodi M enjoyed a beautful day at the zoo with 'our kids'
Cameron, Cade, and Emma.

Linda Parker recovering from surgery
Linda had surgery for lung cancer on 6/26. She is doing very well and expects to be 'sent home'
soon. You can send her messages and read 'her story'on the website:

Exciting Eleusinian held on April 5 2008
We hosted 69 sisters at the Cleveland joint Eleusinian at the Cleveland Chop House & Brewery.
Actives from JCU and Kent joined East and West Alumnae for a lovely luncheon. Ceremonies
for founders day and for the seniors were held. A silent auction/raffle raised funds for MAW.
Several scholarship were presented to actives and past presidents of alumnae were honored. A
big thank you goes to Kathy and Jessica for such a great day.

Supportive Sister
Just a quick note of thanks to Nancy Cyr, who has provided gifts baskets for our donation to
Panhellenic for many years. This year she also provided a basket for the Eleusinian auction.
Thanks again Nancy and L'Oreal.

Continuing Philanthropy Project
Ronald McDonald House sent us a letter of appreciation for our donation of pop can pull tabs
last year. Funds raised from this program go to their Family Fund, which provides special extras
for families. Last year the Fund earned $4500. This year they hope to double that with a new
agreement with Ferrous Process & Trading Co. They get $0.70 per pound.

Let's see how many pounds we can collect! Save your pull tabs from soda pop cans and bring
them to any meeting. If you can save them from a pop machine at work, let me know. I can
provide you with the offical label to put on a container.

Winter_Newsletter08_2.pdf here

A motion to increase our Achievement Award from $750 to $1000 was passed at the October
meeting held at JCU. It is hoped that increased donations to our scholarship fund will support
this effort. We have set a goal of $20,000 in total contributions by 2012. The current total is
approximately $13,000.

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