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Spectroscopic studies on binding of 1-phenyl-

3-(coumarin-6-yl)sulfonylurea to bovine
serum albumin

Article in Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B Biology June 2008

DOI: 10.1016/j.jphotobiol.2008.04.008 Source: PubMed


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5 authors, including:

Zhi-hong Xu Zheng-zhi Zeng

Xuchang University Lanzhou University


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Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 92 (2008) 98102

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Spectroscopic studies on binding of 1-phenyl-3-(coumarin-6-yl)sulfonylurea

to bovine serum albumin
Xiao-Hui Liu, Pin-Xian Xi, Feng-Juan Chen, Zhi-Hong Xu, Zheng-Zhi Zeng *
College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering and State Key Laboratory of Applied Organic Chemistry, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, PR China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The interaction of 1-phenyl-3-(coumarin-6-yl)sulfonylurea (SU22) with bovine serum albumin (BSA) has
Received 3 August 2007 been investigated by uorescence quenching spectroscopy combined with UV-absorption, circular
Received in revised form 29 January 2008 dichroism (CD), Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy techniques under simulative physiolog-
Accepted 29 April 2008
ical conditions for the rst time. Fluorescence data and UV-absorption spectra revealed that the quench-
Available online 8 May 2008
ing mechanism of uorescence of BSA by SU22 was a static quenching process and the number of binding
sites was about 0.8858; the thermodynamic parameters (DG = 29.23 kJ mol1, DH = 47.48 kJ mol1,
and DS = 61.24 J mol1 K1) explained that hydrogen bond and Van der Waals interaction were the
Bovine serum albumin
main binding force stabilizing the complex. The binding average distance between SU22 and BSA was
Fluorescence quenching obtained (3.20 nm) on the basis of the Frsters theory. In addition, The CD spectra and FT-IR spectra have
Circular dichroism proved that BSA secondary structure changed in the presence of SU22 in aqueous solution.
Fourier transform infrared Crown Copyright 2008 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction and herbicides [6,7]. Coumarin also has many noticeable bioactiv-
ities and pharmacological properties, for example, hypoglycemic
As the major soluble protein constituents of the circulatory sys- effect [8]. In the literature [9], a series of new coumarin-6-sulfonyl-
tem, serum albumin has many physiological functions and has ureas have been synthesized with convergent strategy and were
been one of the most extensively studied of all proteins. It contrib- evaluated for their anti-diabetic properties using rats. It is very sig-
utes to colloid osmotic blood pressure and is chiey responsible for nicant that whether the coumarin-6-sulfonylureas could be
the maintenance of blood pH [1]. The most remarkable property of transported in the blood while bound to albumin. In this paper,
albumin is that it serves as a depot and transport protein for the interactions of Bovine serum albumin (BSA) with 1-phenyl-3-
numerous endogenous and exogenous compounds. It can transport (coumarin-6-yl)sulfonylurea (SU22) have been studied by using
unesteried fatty acids, but is also capable of binding an extraordi- spectroscopy under simulative physiological conditions. The
narily diverse range of metabolites, drugs and organic compounds. quenching mechanism of uorescence of BSA by SU22 was ex-
The remarkable binding properties of albumin accounts for the plored by uorescence spectrum at different temperatures and
central role it can play in both the efcacy and rate of delivery of UVvis spectrum. The numbers of binding sites and main sorts of
drugs. Many drugs, including anti-coagulants, tranquilizers, and binding force in the medium of Tris/HCl buffer solution (pH 7.4)
general anaesthetics, are transported in the blood while bound to have been suggested. In addition, according to the mechanism of
albumin (often more than 90% of the drug is bound) [2]. This has Frster theory, the transfer efciency of energy and distance be-
stimulated scientists interest and became an important research tween the acceptor BSA and the donor SU22 were calculated.
eld in life sciences, chemistry and clinical medicine. The molecu- Moreover, the change of BSAs secondary structures induced by
lar interactions are often monitored by using optical techniques. SU22 binding was investigated by CD and FT-IR spectroscopy.
These methods are sensitive and relatively easy to use whereas
uorescence spectroscopy is a valuable technique for study of the 2. Materials and methods
binding of ligands to proteins. For serum albumin, different com-
pounds have been used as probes successfully such as dyes [3], 2.1. Materials
drugs [4], and metal complexes [5].
The sulfonylureas have a wide range use of in biology, and many All starting materials were of analytical grade and double dis-
of their ramications have been used as anti-diabetic medicines tilled water was used throughout the experiment. BSA, purchased
from Sinopharm Group Chemical Reagent Co. Ltd., was dissolved in
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 0931 8610877; fax: +86 0931 8912582. the pH 7.40 buffer solution, and BSA stock solution (1.0 mg mL1)
E-mail address: (Z.-Z. Zeng). was kept in the dark at 04 C. Tris/HCl buffer solution (pH 7.40)

1011-1344/$ - see front matter Crown Copyright 2008 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Author's personal copy

X.-H. Liu et al. / Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 92 (2008) 98102 99

and NaCl solution (0.5 mol L1) which was used to maintain the ion
strength were prepared. SU22 (shown in Fig. 1) was synthesized 800
according to the literature [10]. Its stock solution (1.00  103 a
mol L1) was prepared in absolute ethanol.

Fluorescence intensity
2.2. Apparatus and methods
Fluorescence spectrum scan was measured with a Hitachi F-
4500 uorophotometer, and uorometric titration experiments at
different temperatures were recorded on a LS-55 uorophotometer
equipped with a thermostat bath.
Fluorometric titration experiments: 2.0 mL operating solution
(BSA: 1.50  106 mol L1, NaCl: 0.10 mol L1, pH 7.40) was ti-
trated by successive additions of a 1.00  103 mol L1ethanol
stock solution of SU22. Titrations were done manually by using a 0
micro injector, and the uorescence intensity was measured (exci- 320 360 400 440
tation at 280 nm and 5 nm/5 nm slit widths). The experiments Wavelength(nm)
were measured at two temperatures (298 and 310 K). The temper-
ature of sample was kept by recycled water throughout the exper- Fig. 2. Fluorescence spectra of BSASU22 system. (a)(g) respectively, 1.50  106
iment. Fluorescence spectrum scan was recorded at room mol L1 BSA in the presence of 0.00, 2.00, 4.00, 6.00, 8.00, 10.0, 12.0  106 mol L1
SU22; (h) 1.00  105 mol L1 SU22 slits: 5 nm/5 nm; kex = 280 nm.
temperature and similar in methods to titration experiments.
A Varian Carry 100 UVvis spectrophotometer equipped with
1.0 cm quartz cells was used for scanning the UV spectrum on ment condition, the uorescence intensity of SU22 was very weak,
the range of wavelength from 190 to 500 nm. The Tris/HCl buffer so the effect of the maximum uorescence intensity could be ig-
solution was used as a reference solution. nored. As can be seen from Fig. 2, BSA has strong uorescence
Circular dichroism (CD) measurements were made on an Olis emission with a peak at 344 nm on excitation at 280 nm and
RSM 1000 CD spectrometer in cell of 1 mm path length at room SU22 causes a concentration-dependent quenching of the intrinsic
temperature. CD spectra (200300 nm) were taken at a BSA con- uorescence of BSA. These results indicated that there were strong
centration of 1.50  106 mol L1, and the results were taken as interactions and energy transfer between SU22 and BSA. Also, this
molar ellipticity ([h]) in deg cm2 dmol1; The a-helical content of graph indicated that addition of quencher did not change the max-
BSA was calculated from the [h] value at 222 nm using the equa- imum wavelength of BSA emission spectra, indicating that SU22
tion [11]: %helix = {([h]222  2340)/30300}  100. bound to BSA without altering the local dielectric environment.
FT-IR measurements were carried out at room temperature on a Fig. 3 shows the UV-absorption spectra of BSA in the absence
Nicolet Nexus 670 FT-IR spectrometer equipped with a Germanium and presence of SU22. As can be seen in Fig. 3, BSA has strong
attenuated total reection (ATR) accessory, a deuterated triglycine absorbance with a peak at 206 nm and the absorbance of BSA de-
sulphate (DTGS) detector and a KBr beam splitter. All spectra were creased with the addition of SU22. The absorption of BSA at about
taken via the attenuated total reection (ATR) method with a res- 210 nm represents the helix structure of BSA [13]. As we all known,
olution of 4 cm1 and 60 scans. Spectra processing procedures: the dynamic quenching only affected the excited state of uoro-
spectra of buffer solution were collected at the same condition. phore and did not change the absorption spectrum, but the forma-
Then, we subtracted the absorbance of buffer solution from the tion of non-uorescence ground state complex induced the change
spectra of sample solution to get the FT-IR spectra of proteins. of absorption spectrum of uorophore, so the possible quenching
The subtraction criterion was that the original spectrum of protein mechanism of BSA by SU22 was a static quenching process which
solution between 2200 and 1800 cm1 was featureless [12]. Fou- formed the BSASU22 complex.
rier self-deconvolution and secondary derivative were applied to
this range respectively to estimate the number, position and width
of component bands. Based on these parameters, curve-tting pro-
cess was carried out by Galactic Peak solve to get the best Gauss- 2.4
ian-shaped curves that t the original protein spectrum. After the a
identication of the individual bands, the representative structure
of BSA was calculated using the area of their respective component



3. Results and discussion
3.1. The quenching mechanism of uorescence of BSA by SU22
200 204 208 212

To investigate whether SU22 binds to BSA, uorescence mea- Wavelength(nm)

surements were carried out. Fig. 2 shows the emission spectra of

BSA in the absence and presence of SU22. Under the same experi-

O O 0.0
200 220 240 260 280 300

Fig. 3. UVvis absorbance spectra. (a)(d) respectively, 1.50  106 mol L1 BSA in
Fig. 1. The structure of 1-phenyl-3-(coumarin-6-yl)sulfonylurea (SU22). the presence of 0, 1.6, 4.8, 8.0  106 mol L1 SU22; (e) 1.5  106 mol L1 SU22.
Author's personal copy

100 X.-H. Liu et al. / Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 92 (2008) 98102

The uorescence quenching mechanism can be understood by The thermodynamic parameters, enthalpy (DH) and entropy
SternVolmer equation [14], (DS) of reaction are important for conrming the acting force.
The values of DG, DH and DS were calculated according to the data
F 0 =F 1 K q s0 Q  1 K sv Q  1
of association constant b at 298 and 310 K and Eqs. (3)(5).
where F0 and F are the uorescence intensity in the absence and
DG RT ln b 3
presence of the quencher, [Q] is the concentration of the quencher,
s0 is the uorescence lifetime in the absence of quencher, and Kq is lnb2 =b1 1=T 1  1=T 2 DH=R 4
the bimolecular quenching rate constant which is expected to be DG DH  T DS 5
proportional to the diffusion coefcients and so to be proportional
The values of thermodynamic parameters were DG = 29.23 kJ mol1,
to the solvent temperature. Ksv is the SternVolmer quenching
DH = 47.48 kJ mol1, and DS = 61.24 J mol1 K1(in Table 1).
They indicated that the main binding force between SU22 and
Fluorescence intensity data were analyzed according to plotting
BSA was hydrogen bond and Van der Waals interaction.
F0/F versus [Q] at 298 and 310 K (Fig. 4), and Ksv of the two systems
was calculated (Table 1). The value of Kq was also obtained (the
3.3. The number of binding sites n
uorescence lifetime of the biopolymer is 108 s [15]).
Because the maximum scatter collision quenching constant of
For the static quenching interaction, the relationship between
various quenchers with the biopolymer is usually 2.0  1010 L
the uorescence intensity and the quenching medium can be de-
mol1 s1, the values of Kq at 298 and 310 K are far greater than
duced from the formula [19]
it [16]. Furthermore, the values of Ksv were lowered with increas-
ing solvent temperature. As was indicated again, the quenching F 0  F
lg lg K 0 n lgQ  6
mechanism of the reaction between BSA and SU22 was not dy- F
namic quenching but static quenching due to the formation of a
where F0, F and [Q] is the same as Eq. (1), K0 is equilibrium constant,
non-uorescence ground state complex.
and n is the number of binding sites. According to the formula, we
could obtain that the number of binding sites n is about 0.8858. Fur-
3.2. Main binding force between SU22 and BSA
thermore, the molar ratio of BSA to SU22 was studied by Jobs curve
of ultraviolet photometric titration (Fig. 5). The result n  0.8640
The interaction force between drugs and proteins pertains to
was approximatively consistent with uorescence quenching
weak interaction, including hydrogen bond, hydrophobic force,
electrostatic force, and Van der Waals interaction. If DH  0,
DS > 0, the main force is hydrophobic interaction; if DH < 0,
DS > 0, the main force is electrostatic effect; if DH < 0, DS < 0, Van 3.4. Interaction distance (r) between BSA and SU22
der Waals and hydrogen bond interactions play major role in the
reaction [17]. When the change of temperature is not obvious, According to Frster type dipoledipole nonradiative energy
DH can be considered a constant. transfer theory [20,21], the efciency of energy transfer, E, the crit-
In order to obtain the values of association constant b, uores- ical distance for 50% energy transfer, R0, and the actual distance of
cence intensity data were also analyzed according to static quench- separation, r, were calculated by the following Eqs. (7)(9)
ing formula [18]. E 1 r=R0 6 1 1  F=F 0 7
1=F 0  F 1=F 0 1=F 0 bQ  2 R60 8:78  1025 j2 /Trp n4 J 8
The result was shown in Table 1 and it indicated that there was a where j2 is the orientation factor, uTrp is the quantum yield of the
kind of strong binding force between SU22 and BSA, and the BSA donor tryptophan in the absence of acceptor, and n is the refractive
SU22 complex was steady. The decreasing trend of b with increas- index of the medium intervening between the donor and acceptor. J
ing temperature was in accordance with Ksvs dependence on is the spectral overlap integral dened by Eq. (9),
temperature as mentioned above. X X
J Fmemm4 Dm= FmDm 9

where F(v) is the uorescence intensity of the donor, e(v) is the mo-
0.8 lar extinction coefcient of the acceptor in units of M1 cm1, and v
is the frequency in cm1.
The uorescence emission spectrum of BSA and the UVvis
absorption spectrum of SU22 were shown in Fig. 6 which revealed
0.6 a
that they had some overlapping. The value of J was
2.8541  1015 cm3 L mol1. The orientation factor, j2, was taken
as 2/3 and the refractive index, n, was taken as 1.36 [20]. The quan-
b tum yield, uTrp, was determined in the study as 0.15. With use of

the values of J, j2, n and uTrp, R0 value was calculated as 2.04 nm.
The efciency of energy transfer E was 0.06313. The actual dis-
tance, r, between the binding site of SU22 molecule binding in
0.2 BSA molecule and Trp212 in BSA polypeptide chain was 3.20 nm.

3.5. Changes of BSAs secondary structures induced by SU22 binding

0.0 Further experiments were carried out with CD technique to ver-

0 2 4 6 8 10
ify the binding of SU22 to BSA. As Fig. 7 showed, CD spectra of BSA
[Q] ( 10-6molL-1)
exhibited two negative bands in the ultraviolet region at 208 and
Fig. 4. The SternVolmer curve of BSASU22 system (a) 298 K; (b) 310 K. 222 nm, characteristic of a-helical structure of protein [11]. The
Author's personal copy

X.-H. Liu et al. / Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 92 (2008) 98102 101

Table 1
Binding parameters and thermodynamic parameters of BSASU22

T (K) Kq  1012 L mol1 s1 Ksv  104 L mol1 b  105 L mol1 DG kJ mol1 DH kJ mol1 DS J mol1 K1
298 7.078 7.078 1.319 29.23 47.48 61.24
310 6.309 6.309 0.6286

binding of SU22 to BSA caused a decrease in band intensity at the were obtained in order to monitor the intensity variations of these
far-UV CD, clearly indicating the decrease of the a-helical content vibrations. From Fig. 8, we concluded that the secondary structure
in protein. From the above results, it is apparent that the binding of of BSA is changed because the peak position of amide I band
SU22 to BSA may induce some conformational changes. The calcu- (1647 cm1) and amide II band (1543 cm1) in the BSA infrared
lating results exhibited a reduction of a-helix structures from spectrum has evident shifts and their peak shapes are also chan-
55.3% to 51.6% at molar ratio BSA/SU22 of 1:1. ged. Fig. 9 showed a quantitative analysis of the protein secondary
Additional evidence regarding the changes of BSAs secondary structure of BSA before and after the interaction with SU22 in Tris
structures induced by SU22 binding comes from FT-IR spectros- buffer. Based on the literature [23] in which the component bands
copy results. Since infrared spectra of proteins exhibit a number of amide I were attributed according to the well-established
of amide bands, which represent different vibrations of the peptide assignment criterion, the data obtained from Fig. 9 suggested that
moiety. Of all the amide modes of the peptide group, the single upon SU22BSA complexes, the a-helix structures were reduced
most widely used one in studies of protein secondary structure is from 41.7% to 37.1%, b-sheet decreased from 27.2% to 21.0%, and
amide I. This vibration mode originates from the C@O stretching b-turn structures increased slightly from 31.1% to 32.5%, and ran-
vibration of the amide group (coupled to the in-phase bending of dom coil structures increased from an inconspicuous percentage
the NH bond and the stretching of the CN bond) and gives rise to 9.40%. The reduction of a-helices and b-sheet in favor b-turn
to infrared bands in the region between approximately 1600 and
1700 cm1 [22]. In Fig. 8, the FT-IR spectra of the SU22-free and
SU22 bound form of BSA with its difference absorption spectrum

2.21 -5000
[ ] (deg cm dmol )




2.17 200 210 220 230 240 250 260

Fig. 7. CD spectra of the BSASU22 system. (a) 1.50  106 mol L1BSA; (b) 1.50 -
0.0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.8 106 mol L1 BSA + 1.50  106 mol L1 SU22.
Fig. 5. Jobs curve of ultraviolet photometric titration. 1647

900 0.03

600 0.02



300 0.01
b 1541

0 0.00 1500 1600 1700 1800

300 350 400 450

Wavelength(nm) Wavenumbers(cm-1)

Fig. 6. Overlap of uorescence spectrum of BSA and absorption spectrum of SU22; Fig. 8. FT-IR spectra and difference spectra [(BSA solution + SU22 solution)-(SU22
(a) Fluorescence spectrum of BSA (1.50  106 mol L1); (b)Absorption spectrum of solution)] of free BSA (a) and BSASU22 complexes (b) in buffer solution in the
SU22 (1.50  106 mol L1). region of 18001500 cm1 (1.50  106 mol L1 BSA; 1.50  106 mol L1 SU22).
Author's personal copy

102 X.-H. Liu et al. / Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 92 (2008) 98102

and FT-IR spectroscopy techniques under simulative physiological

conditions. This study showed that the intrinsic uorescence of
BSA was quenched through static quenching mechanism and
SU22 bound to BSA with high afnity which is predominantly ow-
ing to hydrogen bond and Van der Waals interaction. SU22 can be
deposited and transported by albumin. Experimental results also
showed that the binding of SU22 to BSA induced a conformational
change of BSA, which was further proved by the quantitative anal-
ysis data of CD and FT-IR spectrum.
From this paper, accurate measurements of SU22s albumin
binding properties is also expected to open the door to new ave-
nues in the screening and design of appropriate sulfonylurea-based
drugs that will be of important in modern medical research.


Authors wish to thank the National Natural Science Foundation

of China (No. 20171019) for nancial support of this work.


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