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Should the public sector be privatized?
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Arihant Jain said: (Thu, Mar 21, 2013 11:58:00 PM)

Hi friends, I do not agree with the view that public sector should be privatized. Private companies
just looks for the profit and once given the complete chance to rule over our country, things are
then going to change completely and only rich people will live life and the rest of the people are
going to suffer because private will change the scenario. I agree that private sector can provide
better services but they are going to charge extravagant money on all these services which even a
middle class person can't afford then what about the poor people. Where they will go.

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Gourav Singla said: (Mon, Mar 18, 2013 11:17:08 PM)

The question is why public sector became a so called 'Public Sector'. It is because of corruption and
unwillingness to do work quickly. Both above things come from lack of management and
administration over employees.

Unlike Private sector, public sector employee does not have fear of lose job, even of bad
performance, once he gets appointed. That makes him relax and lazy. Like private sector, if public
sector employee gets scared about losing of job due to lack of performance then he will start
performing in a better way.


1) In my view private sector services are much costlier than that of public sector and 80% of
Indian population cannot afford it.

2) Private sector does not guarantee in the transparency of job for all caste of population. Generally
poor population does not able to even apply for it.

3) Another aspect is low pay scale. As India has more unemployment percentage, it could be
possible that the Private sector start giving low wages to some of the employees and employee will
compel to work in drastic situation also.
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Sahil Singh said: (Fri, Feb 22, 2013 09:30:13 PM)

It may happen we feel that the privatization of the public sector in the prevailing scenario of cut
throat competition may lift the standard of Public sector, but the consequences may be different as
the globalization may lead to distract the righteous person to be in the same capacity. The
privatization empowers the potential of the work man but in parallel make the selfish in idea to
pertain him or herself till the success story is according to his her doing, the moment the
dissatisfaction arises the person quits without making a judicious decision about the firm serving
with bread and butter earlier. The values in the world of privatization are missing and in fact
degrading and deteriorating. Remember the world can only exist when the values are standing with
a sound status.

Rate this: +14 -4

Prateek Jain said: (Tue, Feb 5, 2013 05:26:33 AM)

Hi Every One, Privatization of the Public sector has the benefits and limitations too.

If we do the privatization of the public sector than this will create the burden on the common
people because the government has only one way of income which is tax to meet its needs. And
the private company does not guarantee us that they will not create the huge amount of tax on the
common people.

Now we come on the benefits, the privatization of public sector will also avoid corruption too.
Because in a private company all works are organised and done under the chief of that company
and he will not tolerate the mistake in any type of calculation for the company purpose.

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Bagavathi N said: (Wed, Jan 30, 2013 09:13:32 PM)

Friends in my mind think privatization of public sectors is good for all because its scheme make in
value all of them work in company and innovative can use this scheme to introduce the own idea to
progress and make job all graduate now a day in private much improved so one company to come
lot of company privation shows one man quality like anil ampany and vijay mallaya.

Rate this: +8 -20

Rubin Qureshi said: (Mon, Jan 21, 2013 10:07:06 PM)

Hi everybody.

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