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1.550 e. F. PRUTTON AND R.L. SAVA4GE Vol.


The Solubility of Carbon Dioxide in Calcium Chloride-Water Solutions at 75, 100,

120' and High Pressures'

Introduction pheric pressure. Sanders used a static system to

The chemical reaction of hydrochloric acid on measure the solubility of carbon dioxide in water
calcium carbonate, which takes plact during the a t several temperatures and a t pressures up to 100
acid treatment of oil wells, results in the fornia- atm. The results are of only qualitative value
tion of carbon dioxide and calcium chloride solu- since two sets of values vary by as much as 10%.
tions. I n certain areas, as in California and the The results obtained by Wiebe and Gaddyginclude
Gulf Coast, where high bottom hole pressures are a pressure range up to 700 atm. for the solubility
encountered, the liberation of carbon dioxide gas of carbon dioxide in water a t 50, 75, and 100'.
bubbles by the reaction has been q ~ e s t i o n e d . ~The values for the solubility of carbon dioxide in
It has been claimed that the high pressures would water a t 100' were used to verify the results re-
prevent this reaction or, if the reaction did take ported by Wiebe and Gaddy, who used a flow
place, that the carbon dioxide would remain system.
completely dissolved in the calcium chloride solu- Apparatus
tion and, therefore, would be unavailable for
agitation and dispersal of drilling mud sheaths or A modification of the apparatus used by Frolich
other insoluble particles. and co-workers1 was used to determine the soh-'
Thermodynamic calculations reported by bility of carbon dioxide in calcium chloride solu-
Chamberlain and Boyer4 and by Stone and tions. The 300-ml. capacity copper-plated re-
Kefley6 indicate that a carbon dioxide pressure of action vessel, A (Fig. l),was supported in a heater
approximately lo3 atmospheres would be neces- which could be rocked through 60' to provide
sary to prevent the reaction of hydrochloric acid agitation of the equilibrium solution. High pres-
on calcium carbonate. If it is assumed that the sure tubing connected the top of the autoclave to
reaction will take place a t pressures of less than an exhaust valve, F, and to the two high pressure
lo8 atmospheres, then a measurement of the solu- gages. A high pressure needle valve, B, a t the
bility of carbon dioxide in calcium chloride solu- bottom of the autoclave controlled the flow of
tions under such pressures as may be encountered saturated solution into the glass trap where the
in oil wells would indicate whether or not the gas was evolved to be measured in a buret over
carbon dioxide gas would be evolved from the mercury, and the remaining solution was collected
spent acid solution. The results of the present to be weighed.
investigation indicate that the carbon dioxide Measurements of the actual temperatures of
gas would be evolved. the solutions were made with a portable type
Previous investigations of the solubility of potentiometer using a calibrated copper-con-
carbon dioxide in calcium chloride solutions have stantan thermocouple placed in the pyrometer
been carried out in this Laboratory but without well inside the vessel. The heating of the equi-
covering fully a range of concentrations, pressures librium vessel was controlled by a Leeds and
and temperatures.6 The solubilities of carbon Northrup recorder coupled with a Lindbergh con-
dioxide in water and water solutions of salts or troller. By maintaining a definite wall tempera-
other solutes have been reported but in only a few ture, it was possiblc to control the equilibrium
cases were these determined under pressure. conditions to within oiie degree above the desired
h.IacKcnzic7 determined the solubility of carbon value. Some samples were withdrawn when the
dioxide in solutions of calcium chloride a t ntmos- solution was two degrees above the equilibrium
temperature, but the error could be tolerated
( I ) This paper is part oi a thesis presented by K. I,. Savage i n since there is such a small cffect on solubility due
partial fulfillment of t h e reiiuiremenls f o r the degree of hiaster of
Science i n Cheniical I!ngincerinp; a t Case School of Applied Science. to temperature charige between 75 and 120".
Original manuscript received April 29, 1943. A 20,000-lb. per sq. inch Bourdon type gage, G,
(2) Present address. Bottelle Mcrnori:il institiite. Coliimbiis, itidicatc(1 tlic approxiinate pressure in the system
Ohio. while n Crosby dead-weight pressure balance, I,
(3) J . K. Kcnnelly, "I.imestoiic-l.a(len Clay Drilling \1iid as
Acidizing Acid," C d i j o r n i u Oii IVci?d, 36, K O ,1 7 , 9-11 ( I O Z L ' j . incasuretl the exact pressure wlicn a saniple of
(4) I,, C. Chamberlain, Jr., a n d K. F. Iioyer, I d . Eng. C h c n t . , 31, saturated solution was removed from the auto-
400-406 (1'339). clave. This Crosby pressure balance could be
( 5 ) J. B. Stone and I) C . Kcfley, The Oil W'ecbly, Tov. 11, p. 38
used to measure pressures up t o 25,000 Ib. per sq.
( 6 ) From thesis presented for the degree o f Bachclor of Chemical (81 \l'. Sander, 2 . Ohysiii. Chcnz., 78, 513-549 (1012).
Engineering, Case School of Applled Science, 1940 by B. N. Schrauf, (9) R . Wiebe and V . I,, Gaddy, 'Tlirs J O U R N A L , 61, 318-318
C. 17. Prutton a n d M. I.. Riehl, "Solubility of Carhou Dioxide i n ( 1 039).
C'nlrium Chloride Solutions" I'rogresn Report, unpiih;isheri, 1!1I1) (1111 Per I; I'rolich, E,J . 'I'aiicli, J J. Hog;m and A . S . Peer, r n d .
( 7 ) AlxcKenzic. . I i i i r P i l y r i b (Z! I,450 (1877) F w C C k r u . , 1 3 , 518 ( 1 9 3 1 ) .

carbon dioxide was pumped as a liquid from an

inverted cylinder of.gas into the autoclave a t room
temperature. A coil of copper tubing immersed
in a n ice-water-bath served as a feed line froin
EXHAUST the inverted carbon dioxide cylinder to the high

THERMOCOUPLE7 pressure liquid proportioning pump, and high
CONTROLLER pressure tubing connected the pump to the
THERYWOUPLE "p!?H sampling valve, B, a t the bottom of the autoclave.
An initial pressure of 3900 to 5500 lb. per sq. inch
at room temperature yielded a pressure in excess
of 10,000 Ib. per sq. inch a t equilibrium tempera-
Before the first sample was withdrawn from the
equilibrium vessel, the system was held a t the
desired temperature for several hours, and a small
amount of solution was run out, in case equilib-
rium had not been established in the short section
of tubing between the autoclave and valve. This
HEAT assured the presence of the saturated solution a t
the valve seat; failure to do so resulted in erratic
HlQH PRE values for the solubility.

0.0250 1


Fig. 1 .-Diagram of gas solubility apparatus.
inch, pressure readings being duplicated to t l
lb. per sq. inch a t ten thousand. The manu-
facturer guaranteed for the gage a calibrated
accuracy of *0.25% but not better than * 1 lb.
The 20 and 30% calcium chloride stock solu-
tions were made from the required amount of
CaC12-2H20 (Bakers c. P.) and some of the 20%
solution was diluted to make a 10% stock solu-
tion. As determined on a Westphal balance,
the density of the solutions indicated that the
exact concentrations were 10.1, 20.2, and 30.2%
calcium chloride. The carbon dioxide was a 0 200 400 600
commercial gas for medicinal purposes (Ohio Total pressure in atmospheres.
Chemical Company) and the solid calcium carbon-
ate was small crystals of Iceland Spar (General Fig. 2.--Solubility of COSin calcium chloridewater solu-
Chemical Company). '.
tions at 75

Procedure Immediately before sampling, the valve was

The method for determining the solubility of again opened slightly, and the pressure in the sys-
carbon dioxide in a calcium chloride solution con- tem was restored by turning the capstan of the
sisted of allowing the carbon dioxide to come to pressure balance. With the glass trap, C, con-
equilibrium with the solution in the autoclave a t nected to the high pressure valve, B, the sample
the desired temperature, drawing off a sample of of solution was collected to be weighed after the
the solution, measuring the gas evolved a t atmos- gas expanded into the buret system, D, E. Dur-
pheric pressure, and weighing the sample of solu- ing the three to six minutes required to collect the
tion from which the gas had been evolved. sample, the pressure in the system was maintained
After the vessel was thoroughly rinsed, the cal- by turning the capstan. on the pressure balance to
cium chloride solution was drawn into the auto- force oil into the trap, H, to replace the volume
clave through the sampling valve, B, and the of solution removed. The final measurement of
aspirator suction on the exhaust valve, F, was the volume of carbon dioxide evolved was taken
continued to remove any gases which would leave thirty to forty-five minutes later a t the tempera-
the solution a t room temperature. In order to ture of the water jacket on the buret system.
build up the desired pressure in the system, the In order to obtain a series of solubility deter
ininations a t one equilibrium temperature, the vertetl the absorption coefficient to units con-
pressure in the system was lowered after a sample sistent to the iiieasureiiients used in this investi-
had been taketi, whereupon the solution \vas again gation. Psolu.and dSuiu.were the calculated vapor
agitated until it was in equilibrium with the gas pressure and the density of the calciuni chloride
plixse. Duplicate samples could be collected by solution a t the temperature of the buret system,
iorciiig iiiore oil into the trap to maintain the The calculation of the first value in Table I is
pressure. Assurance that equilibrium had been presented to show thc method. After the sainplc
attained was afforded by the concordant values was withdrawn from the equilibriuni vessel, the
from several samples collected when the system gas voluiiie in the buret was 90 nil. Tlic volume
had come to equilibrium from a lower prvssurc.. a t S.T.P., after correcting for the volume of liquid
it1 the sample, vapor pressureof the solution, baro-
iiictric jmssure and temperature of the buret,
was 7'6.3 nil. To this was added the volume of
gas wliicli was still tlissolvctl in the 3.17 g. of water
a t the temperature (Jf the buret. This voluirir
was calculated from the Bunsen coefficient to be
1.5 1111. Dividing the sum of these two voluiiies
by the molecular volume of carbon dioxide ( = 22,
264) gave the moles of carbon dioxide in solution
a t equilibrium, and dividing this by the total of
the moles of water plus carbon dioxide gave the
mole fraction of carbon dioxide in solution.
A similar calculation for the solubility in cal-
cium chloride solutions included the moles of cal-
cium chloride dissolved in the sample.
In order to verify the accuracy of the experi-
mental method, the solubility of carbon dioxide
in water was determined a t loo0, and the results
COinpar!d with those of Wiebe and G a d d ~who ,~
had used a flow system for the same measurement.
Their experimental method consisted of bubbling
II 200 410 l;llfl
carbon dioxide gas under pressure through the
Tirtal prcy.urc iii atnloajihcrci
water in an equilibrium vessel until the liquid was
1"ig. :J. -Solubility of CO? i n calciiiln cl11i~ri~lc
17-at1.r 51~111 saturated. The gas evolved from a sample of
t i o i i q a t 1WJ'.
saturated solution was measured in a buret sys-
For the measurement of the carbon dioxide tem where the volunie of liquid was also meas-
evolved a t atmospheric pressure, the volume of ured. By nieans of the Bunsen coeficient a cor-
the liquid collected was subtracted froin the gas rection was made for the gas remaining in the
buret reading. This resultant volume of carbon water a t room trmperature under the partial
dioxide, corrected for the vapor pressure of the pressure of the carlmn tliaxicie in the buret.
solution and reduced to standard conditions, was Experimental Data and Results
used to calculate the mole fraction of carbon di- In Table I are presented the solubility data for caibon
oxide in the solution. The temperature of the dioxide in water a t 100 and 180" and in calcium chlo-
sample tube, c', was assumed to be that of the ride solutions a t 7 5 , 100 and 120". Total pressure was
measured in lb pcr sq. inch and converted to atmospheres.
huret, and since there is an appreciable solubility T h e weight of solution was t a k w after the gas had becn
o f carbon dioxide in water at room temperature evolved a t atmospheric pressure and room temperature, t h e
atid atmospheric pressure, a correction was cal- volume of carbon dioxide evolved being measured ovcr mer-
culated from the Bunsen absorption coefficient cury and the volume remaining in the water a t atmospheric
pressure calculated from the Bunsen coefficient for the solu-
( = 0.759 a t 25')11 multiplied by the factor [(mm. bility of carbon dioxide in water a t the temperature of thv
Hg - P ~ , o ) / 7 6 0 d ~ , oP
] .H ~ and
O were the water as was outlined in the description of the experimental
vapor pressure and density of water at the procedure. This sum of the volumc of gas evolved and the
temperature of the buret and mm. Hg was the volume of gas dissolved a t atinospheric pressure was used
barometric reading. A similar correction for the to calculate the mole fraction of carbon dioxide in the solu-
tion at t h e equilibrium pressure.
calcium chloride solutions was calculated from
the values reported by MacKenzie7 for the solu- Discussion
bility of carbon dioxide in calcium chloride solu- Above 300 atm. total pressure the results were
tions at atmospheric pressure and room tempera- about 1% lower than those reported by Wiebe
ture. I t was necessary to extrapolate his data and Garldy!' for the solubility of carbon dioxide
t.o obtain a value for the solubility of carbon di- in water a t 100' and below this pressure, where
oxide in 30c/b calcium chloride solutions. T4e there was only one experimentally determined
same factor (rnm.Hg - P,,1,.)/760 tlSoin. ~ 0 x 1 - value, the deviation was somewhat greater. The
rll) <; <;cffckrn. Z h h v s t b ( ' h r w , 49, 2.51: 1100.11 iliffcrcncc. m:iy h a w hem due to experimental

TABLE 1 time, a lowering of the pressure during sampling

f h L U B I L I T Y OF CARBON DIOXIDEI N WATER AND CALCIUM could affect the results.
CliLORIDE SOLUTIONS The values for the solubility of carbon dioxide
Mole Mole Mole in water at 120' are higher than the values at
fraction fraction fraction
Pressure. COz in Pressuse, COz in Pressure, CO? in 100' at pressures in excess of 300 atm. and extend
atm. soh. atm. soh. atm. soh. the data of Wiebe and Gaddy, confirming their
L, oc.
I . I n Water
101 * 1.0
I n 10.1%CaCh

I, oc.
121 * 1.0
IV. I n 30.2% CaCh
I , "C. = 76 f 1.0
625 0.0069
observation that above 75', the solubility in this
pressure range increases with temperature. On
558 ,0278 703 0.0193 554 ,0070 this basis the results obtained by the two different
518 ,0266 62 I .OM1 525 ,0070 methods were considered to be in close enough
452 ,0251 585 ,0184 455 ,0066 agreement to permit the use of the static method
443 , 023:; 460 ,0167 431 ,0067 for the determination of the solubility of carbon
325 ,0231 437 ,0168 319 ,0061
320 .0233 300 .0148 314 ,0060
dioxide in calcium chloride-water solutions.
"0 ,0221 297 ,0148 163 .W5l A mean deviation of less than 3% was observed
283 ,0223 153 ,0111 161 ,0052 for the values obtained from the determination
212 ,0207 140 ,0113 74 .0037 of the solubility of carbon dioxide in calcium
210 .0205 77 ,0069 73 ,0036
109 ,0153 76 ,0061 15 .0009
chloride solutions and smooth curves resulted
107 .0150 21 ,0027 15 .0009 from plotting the solubility (mole fraction carbon
57 ,0108 21 ,0027 dioxide) as a function of the pressure.
oc. * 1.0 The change with pressure in the solubility of
= 120 f 1.0
.0299 600
111. 1 ~ 2 0 . 2 %CaClz
I, 'C. 1.0 f

I , o c . = 101
carbon dioxide in water approximately followed
Henry's law up to pressures of about 100 atm.,
570 ,0290 402 .0063
562 ,0288
572 ,0117
389 ,0064
but a wide deviation occurred between 100 and
460 ,0108 300 atm. Much greater deviations were ob-
360 ,0250 4 54 ,0107 388 .0064
353 ,0248 290 .0098
261 ,0058 served for the solubility of carbon dioxide in the
187 .0200 282 ,0097 238 ,0052 calcium chloride solutions in which there was a
186 ,0193 234 0054
166 ,0086
154 .0049
definite salting out effect. SanderS called atten-
69 ,0105 165 ,0088
68 .0100 151 .0047 tion to the fact that the compressibility maxima
73 .0060
23 .0040 73 .0058 76 ,0033 for carbon dioxide at temperatures from 50 to
23 ,0038 23 ,0022
74 ,0031 100' lie between 100 and 200 atm., and that
11. In 10.1% CaClz 22 ,0022
I, oc. = 121 * 1.0
beyond this point the gas phase assumes the
I,OC. = 75.5 * 1.0 property of a liquid, being only slightly com-
I. o c . = 101 * 10 665 0.0074
620 0.0192
648 0.0123 510 ,0069 pressible. Wiebe and Gaddyg confirmed Sander's
585 ,0184 opinion that the mutual solubility of liquid in
574 ,0118 494 .0065
446 .0168
.n.. 566 ,0116 468 .0061 liquid is affected by pressure to only a slight extent.
,0158 iii .0099 450 .OOG3 Solid calcium carbonate in contact with the
...- ^.- . ,0097 302 ,0058
SIU .u154
,0083 296 .0058 equilibrium solution resulted in a small increase
163 ,0133 170 of the concentration of carbon dioxide dissolved
,0084 150 ,0045
162 .013:3
63 ,0083 142
,0074 148 .004 5 in a 10% calcium chloride solution. Figure 4
.^ .0081
. uuz
'i; ,0074
.003 1
indicates that below 100 atm. pressure the solu-
bility of carbon dioxide in the solution having cal-
16 ,0026
i: .0059
cium carbonate present was equal, within the
1, OC.
- 101 * 1.0
V. I n 10.1% CaCh
Solution with Solid
CaCOi Present
limits of experimental error, to the solubility in
the solution without the solid carbonate, and that
575 ,0185 I, oc. w 121 * 1.0 I , o c . = 120 * 1.0
between 100 and 700 atm. pressure the solubility
500 ,0174 650 0.0115 874 0,0212
394 ,0168 636 ,0115 830 .0220
increased by less than 4%.
380 ,0165 602 .0117 655 ,0198 The mole fraction of calcium chloride in the
352 ,0159 506 ,0113 643 ,0195 original stock solutions was about 0.018 in the
347 ,0162 491 ,0110 492 ,0184 10% solution, 0.039 in the 20% solution and
286 ,0152 464 ,0110 480 ,0179
286 ,0147 282 .0094 318 ,0159
0.065 in the 30% solution. A tabulation of the
213 .0140 280 .0094 309 ,0153 ratio of the moles of carbon dioxide in solution
213 ,0185 150 ,0073 150 ,0124 per mole of calcium chloride in the stock solution
120 ,0113 150 ,0073 155 ,0116 (Table 11) shows that, even for the solutions coii-
120 ,0112 63 ,0039 74 ,0082
56 ,0081 63 .oou9 73 ,0071 taining only 10% calcium chloride, a pressure of
17 ,0022 25 ,0019 28 ,0030 over 600 atm. was needed in order to approach a
17 ,0021 25 ,0017 28 .0030 mole to mole ratio of carbon dioxide to calcium
error, or it may have been due to possible differ- chloride in solution which is the ratio in which
ences in experimental procedure which may have they are formed during the reaction. At the
occurred in the method used to maintain the higher consantrations of calcium chloride, the
pressure in the system while the sample was being ratio of carbon dioxide to calcium chloride is much
withdrawn. Since the equilibrium was attained, less than one to one. Generally, tlie acid used
and also disturbed, over a period of a few minutes' for the treatment of oil wells is about 1 5yphydro-

Pressure, 10% C a C h 20% CaCl? 30% CaCla
f -- - - - atm. solution solutiou solution
700 1.10 0.32 0.110
400 0.91 .27 ,100
5 o.omo - - - - - 2 - -
300 .a .25 ,092
v1 200 ,76 .23 ,083
.,* 150 .70 .21 ,077
0 -*- . - __ 100 .59 .17 ,065
75 .50 .15 ,055
50 .37 .ll .040
2<5 .21 .06 021
w 0.0100
M Summary
3 The solubility of carbon dioxide in 10, 20, and
3Oy0 calcium chloridewater solutions has been
determined in a static system for temperatures of
0.0000 75, 100, and 120, and pressures up to 700 atm.
0 200 400 600 There was a wide deviation from Henrys law
Total pressure in atmospheres. above 100 atm., and this deviation increased with
salt concentration.
Fig. 4.--Solubility of COz in calcium chloride-water solu- The low solubility of the carbon dioxide in
tions at 120. calcium chloridewater solutions even a t high
chloric acid and its action on calcium carbonate pressures indicates that the action of hydrochloric
would result in the formation of a solution con- acid on calcium carbonate formations during the
taining about 25% calcium chloride. The ex- acid treatment of oil wells results in carbon dioxide
cess carbon dioxide from such a reaction solution being evolved during the reaction to provide some
would appear as gas bubbles to loosen drilling mechanical agitation for the dispersion of acid
mud sheaths, and the reaction should go sub- insoluble materials.
stantially to completion. C L E V E L A N D ,OHIO RECEIVED hIAY 17, 1945



The Determination of Small Surface Areas by Krypton Adsorption at Low

Extensive use has been made of the method of relative method which does not require the use
Brunauer, Emmett and Teller (B.E.T.) for the of an estimated value of UN,.
determination of surface areas of solids. This Because of these developments it is possible to
method consists in determining the volume (v,) estimate with considerable confidence the areas of
of a gas, usually nitrogen a t liquid nitrogen tem- solids of moderately high specific surface area,
perature, necessary to complete an adsorbed let us say greater than one sq. m./g. of solid.
monolayer. Making use of vm and of UX,, the However, in the case less porous or more
estimated area occupied by each nitrogen mole- coarsely crystalline solids of lower adsorptive
cule in the monolayer, it is possible to calculate the capacity, none of the above methods using nitrogen
area of the solid under investigation. as adsorbate is sufficiently sensitive. An impor-
The recent publications of Harkins and Jura2 tant factor limiting the usefulness of the B.E.T.
present a different approach to the problem. method and the Harkins and Jura relative
These authors have determined the area of a method, both of which make use of the nitrogen
sample of crystalline, non-porous anatase (Ti021 adsorption isotherins up to fairly high relative
powder by a n absolute calorimetric method, pressures, is the large correction for unadsorbed
the results of which confirm the validity of the nitrogen gas. This results from its high saturation
B.E.T. technique. They have also developed a pressure, which is approximately one atmosphere
(1) Brunauer and Emmett, TEIS JOURNAL, IS, 2682 (1937);
a t liquid nitrogen temperature. This correction
Rrunauer, Emmett and Teller, ibid., 60, 309 (1938). can be greatly reduced by carrying out the ad-
(2) Harkins and Jura, i b i d . , . 66, 1362 (1944); 66, 1366 (1944). sorption a t temperatures well below the boiling

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