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Sandy Loucks

Assessment Taxonomy
Bloom categories/ Learning
Revised Taxonomy objective verbs

Knowledge /Remembering Identify After drawing and labeling the

bones of a human skeleton using
(recall, list, define, identify,
the handout, the student will
collect, label)
identify the bones on with 95%
(summarize, describe
interpret, predict, discuss)
Application/Applying demonstrate After learning about the major
muscle groups in the human body
(apply, demonstrate, illustrate,
and interviewing a fitness or yoga
classify, experiment, discover)
instructor, the student will
demonstrate one way to stretch at
least 5 of the major muscle groups
using an assigned type of
equipment or form (e.g. therapy
ball, free weights, yoga,
therapeutic band) using
following the demonstration rubric
(analyze, classify, connect,
explain, infer)
Evaluation/Evaluating convince Given several online resources,
students will convince teenagers
(assess, recommend,
why they should and how they
convince, compare, conclude,
could include strength-building
activities into their daily routine by
writing a persuasive essay and
posting it on a blog following the
guidelines of the persuasive
writing rubric.
Synthesis/Creating create After reading The Science of
Muscles and Bones: Nutrition,
(combine, integrate, plan,
students will create a video
create, design, formulate)
describing at least 5 foods to eat
to maintain bone and muscle
Sandy Loucks

health and what each food

provides to the body following the
guidelines of the video rubric.

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