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Physical and Chemical Changes Webquest

Watch the Study Jams video on physical and chemical changes and answer these questions.

1. What is a physical change?

2. What is the example of a physical change the video gives?

3. What three things can cause a physical change?

4. What is a chemical change?

5. What is the example of a chemical change the video gives?

6. What are the three clues that a chemical change is occurring/has occurred?

Next, go to this website to learn a little bit more about physical and chemical changes

1. Give two examples of physical changes that the site discusses and how these changes occurred.

2. Fill in the blanks: While some experiments show obvious ___________________ changes, such
as a ___________ change, most ___________________ changes that happen between
molecules are ______ _________.

3. Give two examples of chemical changes that the site discusses and how these changes occurred.

4. True or False: Some chemical changes are very small and happen over a series of steps.

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