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You have correctly selected 1.

The correct answer is:

Rules: Delivery of paychecks, loitering around, plant, security, smoking,

Major Policies: Lines of Business, cod of Conduct,

Secondary Policies: Selecting of geographical area, major customers,

Functional Policies: Marketing, Production, Research, Finance,

Procedures: Handing income orders, servicing customers, complaints, shipping,


Minor Policies: Merchandise display, Plant layout, maintenance, absenteeism

Why it is necessarily to motivate the employees, and what would be the benefits of
motivating them?

Motivating employees in the business setting or any form of organization brings interest
or approval among them. I think employees are happy getting hired because they have
the goal or ambition to work hard and earn for a living. Motivating them would let them
stay in the organization, making them feel secured as the management is doing ways to
check on their performance and inspire them to work harder. This methodology would
also benefit the company as it increases the capacity or proficiency to maintain and
keep people. If employees are motivated, the Company needs not much of supervision
on them as they are focused on doing what is right for the achievement of their goals.
The boss has more time to contemplate on what things to be done to grow the business.
When employees are motivated, they would always do what is good for the business. It
is because they lessen complacency and always aim for perfection in their functions.
Motivating each employee also creates organization, coordination, participation and fun
in the workplace.

What are the 9 characteristics of policy?

The correct answer is:

1. Destiny 2. Top Management Approval and Commitment 3. Intellectual Input 4.
Acceptability 5. Communicated to Staff 6. Genuine Intention and Application 7.
Balanced Interpretation 8. Alignment with Objective 9. Consistency and Long-term
in Nature

Define the Tools for putting Strategy

Match the appropriate definition for major sources of policies

Externally-imposed Source To a large extent, policies are externally-imposed by

such agencies as the government, trade unions, professional associations and others
like trade association.,
Appealed Source In practice, in most cases, policies stem from appeal through the
hierarchical level of management authority.,

Originated Source The most acclaimed source of policies is the one from top
management which originates for the express purpose of guiding the companys

Implied Source Useful policies are developed from the actions which employees see
about them and believe to constitute them.

What are the Objectives of Business Policy?

What is controlling?

What is the objective of basic management function for Planning?

Define the Business Policy on your own definition.

Business Policy is where we analyze and impose the roles and functions of the
executives or the top management, the significant and important factors affecting the
organization and its functions and decision which affects the firm in the long run.

In your own definition, what are the benefits of having a business policies?

It narrates the expectations of the the company on how the employees should perform
or do their job. It illustrates or narrates work divisions, general principles of the
business. It creates balance in the organization, defines functional and job descriptions
and sets rules for consequences should violations be incurred

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