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Science/Social Studies - Fifth Grade Weekly Homework Sheet 2.6.

17 Created by Kathy Spruiell

Topic All 10 questions are due by Friday.
Social Studies How are Wounded Knee and Little Big Horn alike and different?

Social Studies Who was the inventor of the first successful flying machine?
A. Alexander graham Bell C. Wilbur Wright
B. Orville Wright D. Kathy Spruiell
Social Studies Where are the Slaton Sea and Mojave Desert located?

Social Studies Who was Margaret Mitchell and what is she famous for?

Social Studies What did immigrants do on Ellis Island?

Science How is an elephant like a goldfish?

Science How do antibiotics kill microorganisms?

Science What animal can be classified with a monkey?

A. Ant C. Whale
B. Snail D. Squid

Science Describe 4 destructive forces and their results.

Science Which is an example of a result of constructive forces?

A. Canyon C. Mesa
B. Volcano D. Sinkhole

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