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Reoxidation of direct reduced iron in ambient air

S. S. AbdElmomen

To cite this article: S. S. AbdElmomen (2014) Reoxidation of direct reduced iron in ambient air,
Ironmaking & Steelmaking, 41:2, 107-111, DOI: 10.1179/1743281213Y.0000000105

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Published online: 06 Dec 2013.

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Reoxidation of direct reduced iron in ambient
S. S. AbdElmomen*
Fresh reduced direct reduced iron pellets produced in a commercial furnace were reoxidised in
ambient air for 150 days at an average temperature of 27uC. The degree of reoxidation was
determined by weight gain. The reoxidation process is controlled by an irreversible first order
reaction with respect to oxygen. A model based on reaction between gas and porous solid was
used to calculate the degree of reoxidation with time. The calculation results agree satisfactorily
with the experimental data. The apparent rate constant of reaction varies between 1?6561023
and 4?5561023 g/cm2/day, and is inversely proportional to the initial radius of the pellet. The
effect of reoxidation on degree of metallisation and relative metallisation loss was also
investigated. In all cases, two distinct groups of data resulted, reflecting the behaviour of the
two types of oxide pellets charged in the furnace.
Keywords: DRI pellets, Reoxidation, Ambient air, Metallisation loss

List of symbols demand for high quality steel and the increasing price
of steel scrap, the production of DRI grew from 7?14 Mt
b stoichiometric factor in 1980 to 73?32 Mt in 2011 and is expected to further
Femet metallic iron content of the DRI increase in the coming years. In the Middle East and
k apparent rate constant of the chemical North Africa, a region having abundant reserves of
reaction natural gas, the production of DRI increased from
r correlation coefficient 12?06 Mt in 2000 to 25?04 Mt in 2011.1
ro initial radius of DRI pellet, cm Because of the high porosity of DRI, it is also called
x1 equivalent amount of metallic iron converted sponge iron. The extremely high surface/volume ratio
to Fe2O3 makes DRI very reactive, increasing its susceptibility to
reoxidation and giving it its pyrophoric nature. The
a degree of reoxidation
reoxidation reaction in dry air is exothermic.2 The
m degree of metallisation
reaction heat leads to a rapid rise in the temperature
mi, mt initial degree of metallisation and metallisa-
when DRI is stockpiled in large heaps in air and during
tion at time t
its transportation. Because of its poor thermal con-
Dm, Dmr metallisation loss and relative loss in metalli-
ductivity, the heat dissipation into the surroundings is
limited and the heat accumulation in a pile may lead to
r density of metallic iron in the DRI pellet/
spontaneous ignition and cause catastrophic fire
g cm23
hazards. The severe climatic conditions in the Middle
SFe total iron content in the DRI
East enhance the tendency of DRI to reoxidation and
hence to catching fire.
Introduction The sensitivity of DRI to reoxidation is affected by
Steel production based on the route of direct reduced the reduction temperature at which it is produced from
iron (DRI) and electric arc furnaces (EAFs) is expand- iron oxide pellets.3 The lower the temperature, the larger
ing in countries which have large reserves of natural gas. the pore surface area and consequently the greater is the
Direct reduction normally depends on utilising high tendency for reoxidation.4 A high carbon content leads
quality iron oxide pellets and reformed natural gas. In to an increase in its stability against reoxidation,
the reforming process, the gas is converted into a especially when the carbon is combined with iron as
mixture of CO and H2, which reduce the oxide to DRI. cementite.5,6 Reoxidation behaviour is also affected by
The total world installed capacity of direct reduction the parent ore.7,8
and DRI production at the end of 2011 were 86?7 and Many studies and patents have been published, which
73?32 Mt respectively.1 As a result of the growing deal with the problem of DRI reoxidation and give
proposals for its resolution.914 A practical solution for
its passivation against reoxidation is achieved by its
Department of Metallurgy, Tabbin Institute for Metallurgical Studies, cooling in a controlled, slightly oxidising atmosphere.3
Tabbin, Egypt Reoxidation greatly influences the economics of steel
*Corresponding author, email making from DRI. The electric power consumption

2014 Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining

Published by Maney on behalf of the Institute
Received 24 September 2012; accepted 25 January 2013
DOI 10.1179/1743281213Y.0000000105 Ironmaking and Steelmaking 2014 VOL 41 NO 2 107
AbdElmomen Reoxidation of direct reduced iron in ambient air

2 Photomicrograph showing topochemical structure of

partially reoxidised DRI pellet (degree of reoxidation
1 Schematic representation of experimental arrangement a50?0587)

increases by about 12 kW h t21 of liquid steel, and the average analysis of the two types of DRI pellets and their
yield decreases by 0?4% for each decrease in 1% in the physical properties are given in Table 2. The relatively
degree of metallisation, when the metallic charge of a low apparent density of the pellets (2?93 g cm23) is due to
70 t EAF contains about 88%DRI.15 their high porosity (48?54%).The pellets were subjected to
The aim of the present work is to fill the gap caused by reoxidation for a total period of 50 days. The degree of
the scarcity in the investigations on outdoor reoxidation reoxidation was found by weighing the pellets using a
of commercially produced DRI pellets under the atmo- sensitive analytical balance, before treatment and after
spheric conditions in Egypt, which are similar to the the elapse of different time intervals ranging from 1 to
climatic conditions in other Middle East countries. 50 days. The average temperature and relative humidity
The main parameters to be studied include the of air during the investigation period were 27uC and 36%
following: respectively.
(i) kinetics of reoxidation of DRI pellets under the
climatic conditions in Egypt Results and discussion
(ii) effect of pellet size on the apparent rate of the
reoxidation reaction The reoxidation reaction is assumed to take place in a
(iii) effect of the degree of reoxidation of DRI on topochemical pattern in which an unreacted core is
the degree of metallisation and relative metalli- enveloped by an oxidised layer, which moves parallel to
sation loss the surface of the pellet towards the centre. This
(iv) influence of pellet type on the degree of assumption is confirmed by the photomicrograph of a
reoxidation of DRI. partially reoxidised DRI pellet as shown in Fig. 2. A
schematic illustration of the pellet is given in Fig. 3. The
heterogeneous reaction between O2 in the air and
Experimental metallic iron in the DRI pellet is assumed to be
Fresh reduced DRI single pellets were carefully weighed irreversible and of first order with respect to O2, and
and put in 19 separate baskets made from NiCr wire can be represented by the general reaction
having enough openings to permit free access of ambient
air to the pellet. The radii of the pellets were in the range A(g) zbB(s) ?E(s) (1)
from 0?57 to 0?85 cm. The baskets were attached to a where b is a stoichiometric factor.
stand and kept in an outdoor unprotected industrial area. At relatively low temperatures, the rate controlling
The experimental arrangement is shown in Fig. 1. The step of the reoxidation process is expected to be the
pellets were produced in a commercial Midrex direct chemical reaction.16,17 In this case, reaction rate is
reduction plant and kept in airtight desiccators immedi- proportional to the interfacial area of the unreacted
ately after being cold discharged from the reduction core. The rate equation for a spherical pellet of an initial
furnace. The furnace was charged with a mixture of two radius ro (cm) can be written as follows1621
types of iron oxide pellets imported from two different
sources and having the analysis given in Table 1. The k
1{1{a1=3 ~ t (2)
r ro
Table 1 Chemical analysis of iron oxide pellets/wt-%
where r is density of metallic iron in the DRI pellet
Fe2O3 Gangue P S (g cm23), ro is initial radius of the pellet (cm), k is the
apparent rate constant of the chemical reaction (g/cm2/
97.01 2.985 0.004 0.001 day), t is the time (day) and a is the degree of
97.05 2.907 0.003 0.04

Table 2 Average chemical analysis (wt-%) and physical properties of two types of DRI pellets

SFe Metallic Fe FeO Gangue Metallisation C True density/g cm23 Apparent density/g cm23 Porosity/%

92.34 88.51 4.93 4.71 95.85 1.85 5.6944 2.9303 48.54

108 Ironmaking and Steelmaking 2014 VOL 41 NO 2

AbdElmomen Reoxidation of direct reduced iron in ambient air

3 Schematic representation of partially reoxidised DRI


The degree of reoxidation a is defined as

weight of oxygen gained by the DRI during reoxidation
weight of oxygen required for conversion of metallic iron and residual FeO to Fe2 O3

In this definition, the residual oxygen in the DRI (as

FeO) may be taken into consideration or it may be
neglected.21 In the present investigation, it is taken into 5 Variation of degree of reoxidation with time: theoretical
account. Therefore curves calculated by using slopes of lines in Fig. 4 and
weight gain initial weight of the DRI pellet experimental data
a~ P P (4)
Fe|48=111:7{ Fe{Femet |16=55:85
where SFe and Femet are the total iron and metallic iron 12(12a)1/3 with the time for six pellets having close size
contents of the DRI. with an average initial radius of 0?69 cm according to
Using the analysis of the DRI as given in Table 2 and equation (2). It can be seen that the lines are more or less
substituting for SFe and Femet in the above equation, straight. Furthermore, they are grouped into two groups
then reflecting the two types of iron oxide pellets imported
from two different sources and fed to the reduction
weight gain=initial weight of the pellet
a~ (5) furnace. The origin of pelletised iron ore and the
0:3858 temperature of green pellet induration influence the
reoxidation behaviour of DRI produced from these
pellets.7,8 The following regression equations describe
Estimation of apparent rate constant lines 16 respectively
By plotting the left hand side of equation (2) against the
time, t, and assuming unchanging initial radius and 1{1{a1=3 ~2:493|10{3 t, r~0:9896 (6)
density of the pellets during reoxidation, a straight line
should be obtained, if the above mentioned assumptions 1{1{a1=3 ~1:984|10{3 t, r~0:9823 (7)
are valid and the reoxidation process is controlled by the
chemical reaction rate. Figure 4 presents the variation of
1{1{a1=3 ~9:27|10{3 t, r~0:9836 (8)

1{1{a1=3 ~2:251|10{3 t, r~0:982 (9)

1{1{a1=3 ~1:066|10{3 t, r~0:9791 (10)

1{1{a1=3 ~8:83|10{4 t, r~9791 (11)

The high values of the correlation coefficient r in
equations (6)(11) indicate satisfactory linearisation of
the relationship between 12(12a)1/3 and the time. This
shows the applicability of the chemical model and
the validity of the above mentioned assumptions to the
problem at hand. The corresponding values of the
apparent chemical rate constant are 1?9461023,
1?7761023, 1?6561023, 3?0961023, 3?2161023 and
4?5661023 g/cm22/day respectively.
The remaining samples followed the same trend of the
six representative pellets they were grouped into the
above mentioned two groups, and their deviation was
only due to their size.
4 Variation of 12(12a)1/3 with reoxidation time, regres- The slopes of the straight lines in Fig. 4 have been
sion lines and experimental data used to calculate the variation of the degree of

Ironmaking and Steelmaking 2014 VOL 41 NO 2 109

AbdElmomen Reoxidation of direct reduced iron in ambient air

6 Variation of rate constant of chemical reaction with

reciprocal of pellet radius

7 Effect of reoxidation time on degree of metallisation

reoxidation a with the time for the same samples this time to find the equivalent amount of metallic iron
according to equation (2). Figure 5 shows the calculated converted to Fe2O3, xt, as follows
lines together with the experimental points. It can be
weight gain
seen that the experimental data are in reasonable xt ~ |111:7=48 (16)
agreement with the calculated values, which again initial weight of the pellet
supports the validity of the selected model. The degree of metallisation is then
Another equation of the type21,22
mt ~0:8851{x1 =0:9234 (17)
{ln1{a~kt (12)
The results of these calculations are summarised for the
was used to estimate the apparent reaction rate constant above mentioned six pellets in Fig. 7, which shows the
and to check the result obtained by using equation (2). decrease in metallisation with time. Here, also, the two
In both cases, the results were in good agreement. groups of curves reflect the behaviour of the two types of
Furthermore, a trial to describe the experimental iron oxide pellets imported from two different suppliers
data by using an exponential relationship was carried and used as the furnace feed.
out. This, however, did not improve the correlation
coefficient. Effect of reoxidation on relative metallisation loss
Effect of pellet radius on apparent rate constant The metallisation loss Dm is
In order to ensure that the process is controlled by phase Dm~mi {mt (18)
boundary reaction at the interface between reoxidised
zone and unreacted core, the values of k were calculated The relative metallisation loss Dmr was calculated as
for four DRI pellets of different sizes. The radii of these follows
pellets were 0?58, 0?61, 0?73 and 0?80 cm. The correspond-
Dmt ~Dm=Dmi |100% (19)
ing values of the apparent rate constant are 3?0861023,
3?2161023, 1?9461023 and 1?7761023 g/cm2/day. The where mi and mt are the initial and the degree of
pellets were subjected to reoxidation for 50 days. The metallisation at time t respectively.
values of k were plotted against reciprocal of the pellet The result for the six samples is presented in Fig. 8. It
radius as illustrated in Fig. 6, where it can be seen that is clear that the relative metallisation loss increases with
k is inversely proportional to the radius of the pellet, time as a result of reoxidation. The two groups of curves
which also emphasises that the reaction is chemically
controlled.14 According to Fig. 6, the relationship
between k and 1/ro can be described by the formula
k~3:0|10{3 |1=ro {2:0|10{3 (13)

Effect of reoxidation on degree of metallisation

The degree of metallisation m is defined as
m~ P (14)
The initial degree of metallisation mi was calculated
using the DRI analysis given in Table 2 as follows
mi ~0:8851=0:9234~0:9585 (15)
At a given reoxidation time, the value of the degree of
metallisation can be calculated using the weight gain at 8 Effect of reoxidation time on relative loss in metallisation

110 Ironmaking and Steelmaking 2014 VOL 41 NO 2

AbdElmomen Reoxidation of direct reduced iron in ambient air

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Ironmaking and Steelmaking 2014 VOL 41 NO 2 111

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