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5-in-l Weather Sensor

model 06004RM/VN 1TXC

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Weather Temperature Weather Kitchen Clocks

Stations & Humidity Alert Radio Thermometers
& Timers

It's More than Accurate, it's ACU RITE. Package Contents

1. 5in-1 Sensor
AcuRite offers an extensive assortment of precision instruments, 2. Mounting Hardware
designed to provide you with information you can depend on to 3. Sensor Mounting Bracket
Plan your day with confidence. 4. Instruction Manual PRODua REGISTRATION

Register online
to receive 1 year
warranty protection AJ n veo Products ~Register a Product

CChaney Instrumen1Co_ All righlS reserved, AcuRste;s a regislered tradomark of

Questions? Contact Customer Support at
tho Chaney Insuument Co.. Lake Geneva. WI 53147. AUoltler trademarks and copy- (877) 221-1252 or visit
Printed in Chino nghts are tho property 01their respective owners. AcuRIle uses patented technology.
060D4RMAI INn 091715 VISItwww.AcuRflo.comIpatenlSlor details
Features & Benefits Specifications
TEMPERATURE RANGE Outdoor: .40"F to 158F;.40"C to 70"C
7 HUMIDITY RANGE Outdoor: 1% to 99%
WIND SPEED o to 99 mph' 0 to 159 kph'; 0 to 86.03 knots
RAt N FALL Measured in inches (in) or millimeters (mm)'
WtRELESS RANGE 330 ft / 100 m depending on home construction materials
POWER 4 x AA alkoline or lithium baHeries
9 DATA REPORTING Wind Speed: 18 second updates; Direction: 30 second updotes
Outdoor temperature & humidity: 36 second updates
Refer to the manual for the companion
measurements included.
unit (display, software, etc.) to determine the types of

Thi, d.,,;co compr.., withpart 15of FCC..... ,. Operation Il wb,ed 10 the falowi.!gtwo (oncIeon~
ITh.. d ice mayNOTcau se harmfulintonerence,and
2 Thi)device mu~taccept any interference received, indvding inlerference thot may ceose undesired operotion.
WARNING.Chonge,or modification,to .hi, unono' upr."lyopproYOd by Ihe porlyre.pan.hl. forcompl;"ncecould"",d theu.,', authority10opera'.
the equipmenl.
NOTE:Thisequipmenthas b n 10.ledand foundt. c.mply wilh1 limihfora CIa.. S digilald"';ce, pursuanll. Pori t5 .f Ihe FCCrules. These limil'or.
dOijgnod 10 provide reo~onDble protedion ogoin).hormful interference in 0 fe.sidenfict installcmon_ Thi' equipment generate,. usts:end con ecdicte rodio
8 frcqutlney energy and, if not ins.taUedand used tn occordance with the instructions, may eeuse harmful in!l!!rfetenco to redia communications:. However,
6 thoro i,no guarantee thol interference ""fiUno! OCCUf in a pttoJlor .. ",oDation. If this,equipmenl doe1 eeuse harmful interference to eedie at televislcn
.e ce pli.n. whichcon be determinedby turning ,h. equrpmtnloR and .... th..... r is encouraged10tTy10correCllheinlerferenceby one or moroof the
fotlowing moawre,:
Roorient Of relecete the receiving antenna.
lna.a se lhe seporclianbetweenthe equipmentand lhe rearver.
10 C.nned tho equipmenlirJ. on ou!l.1 on a 0'_ ddfere11lfT_ thai 10 wbich the receiver is COMOded.
ConlUbtho dealer or an e"""ri.aced rodio{rV .. c:hnrcianlor help.
NOTEThe man.faclureris no! r.opamible foraery roc5oor TV lI1!..fermceaMed by unaWlorizedrnocf!;caIio", 10 Ih.. tqUtpment.50chmodi6coli.. u
couldvoid theuser avlhoriy 10cpercte the equipment
Thi. de.i camplie.with Industry Canedo Iic........ .,p. ass Jlandard[.)
0jerotion " IUbieClI.Ihe f.Dewingtwo candilian~
(1 This device may not couse in!erferen<e, cnd
(2) Th" dovlee musteccept any interference received, lnduding interferenee tnd may ceU50 unclowad operobOfl of th. de'lKe,
5-in-l SENSOR
1. Rainfall Collector Funnel 5. Temperature & Humidity Sensors
Limited One Year Warranty
At AcuRite, we proudly uphold our commilmontto and recr, been domogod (including by cete of nature). tempered,
(internal) quality lochnology. Chaney Instrument Co. warrants obused, improperly in,'allod, damaged in shipping. or repaired
2. Solar Cell Panel that all products it manufoctures to be of good material or altered by other, thon outhorilod reprEentoti'les of Chaney,
Converts sunlight into power to run 6. Mounting Point and workmanship, and to be free of defects when The obove-described worranty is expreuly in lieu of all other
proporly installed and operoted for a period of one warranties, expr. or implied, and all other wcrrcnties are
internal aspirating fan. 7. Wind Speed Anemometer year from the dote of purchose. hereby expressly d'sdoimed. induding without limitation the
Internal Aspirating Fan implied warranty of morchanlobility and Ih. implied worranty
We recommend that you visil us at of nln.... for 0 portio.rlar purpose. Chonoy ."Pr.uty disclaim,
(not shown) 8, Wind Diredion Vane for the fastest way to register your 011~obir.ty fO( 'peciol, consequonrioj or incidenlal domoge.,
Draws ambient air into product. However, product registration does not whelher arising in lorl or by contrcd Ircm any breach of Ihi.
9. Mounting Bracket eliminole the need to retain your original proof of wcnanty. Some $late_' "do not oUo .....the exclusion or limitotion
sensor to reduce solar radiation of incidenJal Of' consequential damages, 50 the above limitation
10. Mounting Hardware purchase in order to obtain warranty benefits. or ""clusion may nol apply 10 you. Chaney further di>doim. all
heating, resulting in more accurate
includes anchors & screws. Choney IMtrument Co. worronts thot all products it monufo<;ture., liability from personal injury relating to its products to the extent
temperature measurement. 10 be of goad male rial and wor~mon.hip, and 10b. fro. of permitted by law. By occoplanco of any of Choney's products,
Qty Diameter length dofach when properly instclled and cpercted ler a period 01 the purchoser ossumes all liability for the consequences arising
3. ABCSwitch 5 #4 3/4" ono yoar from the date of percbcse. Romedy for brooch of this from rheir use or misuse. No po non, firm or corporation is
warronty is limited to repair or replccement of the dof.ct1 .... authorized to assume for Choney ony other liability in connection
ID code that must match display's 1 #4 1/2" itemts). Any product which, under normal use and so(yice, ilo with the sale of its product" furthermore. no person, firm or
A-SC switch to ensure units 1 #6 1/2" provo" to brt!oc:h the worranty contained herein within ONE corporotion i..$ outhorilod '0
modify or waive the terms of this
YEAR from dolo 01 .ole will, upon e"ominafion by Chonoy, parograph, and the pre coding paragraph .. unles..s done in writing
synchronize. and 01 its ,"ole option, be repaired or replaced by Choney. and signed by 0 duly oulhariz.d ogonl 01 Chaney. Thi. warranly
11. Debris Filter Trons.porlotion costs and charges for returned good, ,hall gives you specific legol righu. and you may 01-5-0
hove other
4. Battery Compartment Pre-installed to prevent debris from bo poid for by Ih. purch"",r. Chaney hereby diKioim. aU rights which vary from Itote to stote.
responiibifity For sud. Ironsportorion cosb and charges. This
entering the rain gauge. warranty will nol be breached, and Chonoy will give no aedu For in-warranty claims: Choney lrulnrment Co.
965 Wells SI., loko Go"'''''. Wt 53t47
for produds it manufactures which have received normal wear

2 7

Calibrate the Rain Gauge 5-in-l Sensor Setup

The rain gauge on the 5-in-l sensor can be calibrated to improve accuracy.
Items Needed: 5in-l sensor, companion unit, plastic cup, pin, screw driver
o Set the AI-( Switch
locate the A-B-Cswitch inside the The 5-in-l sensor requires lithium
1. First, ensure 5-in-l sensor is perfectly level using built-in bubble level. batteries in low temperature
battery compartment. Set the A-B-C
2. Use compatible companion unit or AcuRite software to monitor during calibration. switch to A, B or C. You must select conditions. Cold temperatures can
3. Make a pin hole in the bottom of a plastic cup. Hold the cup over the rain gauge the same letter choice for both the cause alkaline batteries to function
and fill it with exactly 1 cup (Soz) of water, allowing the water to drip into the rain sensor and the companion unit (not improperly. Use lithium batteries in
gauge. You should hear the internal buckets tip and see water drain through the rain included) in order for the units to the 5-in-l sensor for temperatures
gauge. synchronize. below _4F/ -20C.
4. A few seconds after each bucket tip, the companion unit displays rainfall in
approximately 0.01" or more increments.
5. The cup of water should take more than 20 minutes to empty; a quicker period will
o Install or Replace BaHeries
o Remove Rain Gauge Stabilizer
result in inaccurate calibration. Try to simulate a normal steady rainfall. When cup is Batteries MUST be installed for
locate and remove the rain gauge
empty of water, companion unit should register 1.06" this product to operate. AcuRite
stabilizer (plastic tab) taped into
recommends high quality alkaline
Tips the bottom of the sensor. The rain
or lithium batteries for the best
gauge will not function until this is
There should be nearly an equal number of water drops (about 25 water drops) product performance. Heavy duty
between bucket tips. If not, adjust the calibration screws on the bottom of the 5-in-l removed.
or rechargeable batteries are not
sensor until an equal number of water drops are tipping the buckets. recommended.
If the rain gauge doesn't register dose to 1.06", make an EQUAL adjustment to the two
calibration screws on the bottom of the 5inl sensor. Turning screws clockwise increases
rainfall; counter clockwise decreases rainfall.
To adjust the rainfall reading by 2% turn both screws 1/8 of a turn. BATTERIE:S

To adjust the rainfall reading by 4% turn both screws 1/4 of a turn. ALKALINE
To adjust the rainfall reading by 8% turn both screws 1/2 of a turn.

Watch the video at

Customer Support
AcuRite customer support is committed to providing you with best-in-
class service. For assistance, please have the model number of this
product available and contact us in any of the following ways:
o Install Batteri.s
4 AA Batteries
o Rain Gauge Stabilizer
Remove and discord
(() (877) 221-1252 ginfo@chaneY-inst,com


BAmRY SAFTY: Clean me boIttIYtonlods and also IhOlt of me devite prior 10 boIttIY instolloliOtl.Removebol1C1ie1from equipmlllllwhkh k "0110 be
UIfd fewan Ulended period 01 fioe_ Fob !be poIorily It/) diogrom in Ihe bontIY (omportment Prompllyremove dead boneries from ihe devite. Dispole of UIfd
II> Instruction Manuals II> Support User Forum bentriesPfopuly.Only baneries of 1he same ew~ type as recommended ore 10 be used. 00 HOTinC_Ole UIfd boneries. DOHOI dispole of boneries in lilt,
as benefits may upleCe 0( DONOT mix old oad aew benerits ewtypes of boneries lolko&ne/!londord) 00 HOI 1M rechargeable bonefi!:l. 00 HOI rechorge
II> Replacement Parts II> Submit Feedback & Ideas __ echcwgeoYe 1Io~ DOMOlM1tinuillbe IIJPf)Iy 1erninGk.

6 3
Placement for Maximum Accuracy 5-in-l Sensor Installation Guidelines
AcuRite sensors are sensitive to surrounding environmental conditions. Proper INSTALLATION HEIGHT Mount the sensor at least 5 feet (1.5 meters) off the
placement of the sensor is critical to the accuracy and performance of this ground in an open area. Higher is better for wind measurement- the National
product. Weather Service recommends 33 feet (10 meters) high!
$in-l Sensor Placement MOUNTING OPTIONS The included mounting bracket is designed to screw
The 5in-l sensor is designed to remain outdoors all year long. directly onto wooden posts or surfaces that are 2/1x 4/1 or larger. The sensor
Choose an open location with no obstructions above or around can also be mounted directly to 3/4/1 steel pipe (available at hardware stores
the sensor for the most accurate measurements. and home centers).

Important Placement Guidelines LEVELINSTALLATION Use the bubble level NO OBSTRUCTIONS

on the top of the sensor to ensure level ABOVE OR AROUND
Sensor must be within 330 feet (100 m) of companion unit (not included). installation for accurate wind and rain
Place sensor away from large metallic items, thick walls, metal surfaces, or SOLAR CELLINSTALLATION Install the
other objects that may limit wireless communication. sensor with the solar cell facing SOUTH.
This ensures the cell receives as much sun
LOCATE AWAY FROM HEAT SOURCES as possible and orients wind direction.
Position sensor away from heaters, air conditioners, chimneys, exhaust vents,
asphalt and concrete (surfaces that radiate heat).


Avoid installing the sensor near pools, spas, or other bodies of water. Water
sources may impact humidity accuracy.
$in-l Sensor Installation
1. Fasten mounting base (included) to a post
or pole (not included) using the 4 longer
screws included in the hardware bag.
2. Insert the mounting base into the hole
tL at least
5 Feet
(1.5 meters)
on the bottom of the sensor. ~ ground
LOCATE AWAY FROM SPRINKLER HEADS 3. Make sure the arrows on the top of the
DO NOT install the sensor where it will be sprayed by a sprinkler system. This sensor are pointed in the proper direction
may force water inside the sensor. and the bubble level is centered. The
solar cell should be facing south to
LOCATE AWAY FROM WIND & RAIN OBSTRUalONS properly orient the wind direction.
DO NOT mount the sensor with obstructions around it.
Consider a location that is a wide open area, with few 4. Fasten the sensor into the mounting base
structures around to ensure accurate wind measurement. using the 2 shorter screws included in the hardware bag.
The 5-in-1 sensor is now ready to use.
learn more at: 1 View Video
Basic Setup is Complete
The 5-in-l sensor will now synchronize with the companion unit. It may take a
few minutes for synchronization to complete.

4 5
Display for 5-in-l Weather Sensor
ACU~RITE~ model 06006RM/l036RX

\' '1 : . I
., "I

Weather Temperature Weather Kitchen Clocks

Stations & Humidity Alert Radio Thermometers
& Timers

Package Contents
1. Display with tabletop stand
It's More than Accurate, it's ACURITE. 2.
Power adopter
USB coble
AcuRite offers an extensive assortment of precision instruments, 4. Instruction Manual
designed to provide you with information you can depend on to
This produd requires an AcuRite5-in-l Weather Sensor (sold separately) to be
Plan your day with confidence. operational.
Register online
to receive 1 year
3uppurt Forum
warranty protection Ar hlvfld Products ~Register a Product

Questions? Contact Customer Support at

CChaney Instrument Co. All nghls reserved. AcoRrte Is a rog.stMed ltademarlc of (844) 228-5465 or visit
the Chaney Instrument Co., Lake Geneva. WI 53147. All other ltademarks and copy.
Prinled in China rights are the property of their respective owners, AcoRoteuses patented technology
06006DIINST 090315 VISIt wwwAcuRlte,com/paterots 10<details.
Set the Time & Date Troubleshooting
The clock and calendar are utilized to time stamp history records and other Problem Possible Solution
data, so it is important to set the time and date soon after you power on the
display. Make sure both the display and 5-in-1 sensor are
Set the Time placed away from any heat sources or vents
ICI:OO AM 1. Press the" ... " or "."," buttons until
(see page 7).
Make sure both units are positioned away from
"SET CLOCK?" is displayed on the
temperature or moisture sources (see page 7).
SEt Selectable Category part of the display.
humidity Make sure 5-in-1 sensor is mounted at least 5 ft off of

CLOCK.. 7. 2. Press the "OX" button to set the clock.

3. Press the""''' or "."," buttons to adjust the
the ground.
Calibrate indoor and outdoor temperature and

... (5x ... hour. Note the "AM" and "PM" indicators .
4. Press the "OX" button to confirm hour
humidity (see page 17).

selection. Check to ensure the rain gouge stabilizer (plastic tab)

has been removed from the bottom of the sensor.
No rainfall
1C!:aa PM
5. Press the " ... " or "."," buttons to adjust
6. Press the "OX" button to confirm minute
Clear debris, such as leaves, out of the rain collector
funnel and debris screen.

ox The clock is now set.
What is wind reading being compared to? Pro
weather stations are typically mounted at 30 ft high
or more. Make sure to compare data using a sensor
Set the Date positioned at the some mounting height.
Note: The "?" stays in Inaccurate wind Check location of the sensor. Ensure it's mounted a
Selectable Categories, 1. Press the" ... " or "."," buttons until minimum of 5 ft in the air with no obstructions around
even after setup . "SET DATE?" is displayed on the Selectable it (within several feet).
Category part of the display. Ensure wind cups are spinning freely. If they hesitate
2. Press the "OX" button to set the date. or stop try lubricating with graphite powder or spray
ICI:3B PM 3. Press the""''' or "."," buttons to adjust the
Verify display is in USB mode 3 (see page 8).
4. Press the "OX" button to confirm month Unplug USB from display to computer for 20 seconds,
selection. and then plug bock in.
5. Press the""''' or ".",,, buttons to adjust the USBconnedivity Check that the batteries are installed correctly.
day. not working Batteries may need to be replaced.
Reset the display by pressing the reset button, located
6. Press the "OX" button to confirm day on the bock of the display. Dote and time will need to
selection. be entered after a reset.

7. Press the""''' or "."," buttons to adjust the Check that the batteries are installed correctly.

12/8 J year.
8. Press the "OX" button to confirm year
Display screen
not working
Batteries may need to be replaced.
Reset the display by pressing the reset button, located
on the bock of the display. Dote and time will need to

ox The dote is now set.

be entered after a reset.

6 15
Troubleshooting Select Measurement Units
Problem Possible Solution To select between standard units (mph, OF, etc.) or
metric units (kph, C, etc.):
Relocate the display and/or the 5in-l sensor.
1. Press the All or "..,," buttons until "SET UNITS?" is
The units must be within 330 ft (100 m) of each other. displayed on the Selectable Category part of the display.
2. Press the 1I0X" button to set the unit preference.
. .
Make sure both units are placed at least 3 feet
(.9 m) away Fromelectronics that may interfere with 3. Press the A" or "..,," buttons to select "STAND" for
the wireless communication (such as TVs,microwaves,
computers, etc). standard or" METRIC" for metric units.
Use standard alkaline batteries (or lithiumbatteries in 4. Press the "OX" button to confirm your selection.
No outdoor sensor sensor when temperature is below .,4F/-20C).Do not 5. Next, you will see "WIND MPH". Press the" A" or 1~3BPM
use heavy duty or rechargeable batteries. NOTE: It "..,," buttons to select MPH, KPH, or KNOTS for wind
reception may take up to 20 minutes for display and sensor to WltJ]
speed units.
Tull no bars synchronize after batteries are replaced.
Synchronize the units:
6. Press the "0'1:' button to confirm your selection. mPH
1. Bring both the sensor and display indoors and Units are now set. .... ox ...
remove power adapter/batteries from each. Set Language
2. Reinstall batteries in outdoor sensor.
To select between English (default) or French for the display language:
3. Reinstallpower adopter/batteries in display.
4. let the units sit within a couple feet of each other 1. Press the" A" or "..,," buttons until "SET LANG?" is displayed on the
for about 20 minutes to gain a strong connection. Selectable Category part of the display.
2. Press the "OX" button to set the language preference.
3. Press the" All or "..,," buttons to select the desired language.
Flashing of the outdoor temperature may be on
indication of wireless interference. 4. Press the" OX" button to confirm your selection.
temperature Make sure the ABCswitch in the battery Language is now set.
compartments of both the display and sensor are
is flashing or Note: Display reverts to English language when display runs out of power or is reset.
- showing dashes
switched to the some letter. You may choose A, B or
C; but both units must match to sync up. Sometimes
changing to a different channel can help. Placement for Maximum Accuracy
AcuRite sensors are sensitive to surrounding environmental conditions. Proper
placement of both the display and the sensor are critical to the accuracy and
Weather Ticker performance of this product.
Slow down the speed of the ticker (see page 11).
Hard to Read
Display Placement
Place the display in a dry area free of dirt and dust. To ensure
accurate temperature measurement, place out of direct sunlight and
Weather Forecast icon predicts conditions for the next away from heat sources or vents. Display stands upright for tabletop
12 to 24 hours, not current conditions.
use or is wall-mountable.
Has learning Mode icon disappeared from the
display? Learning Mode must complete before Important Placement Guidelines
Inaccurate forecast forecast and pressure will be accurate. Display and sensor must be within 330 feet (100 m) of each other.
Allow unit to run continuously for 33 days. Battery
removal or resetting the display will restart learning MAXIMIZE WIRElESS RANGE
Mode. After 14 days, forecast should be fairly Place units away from large metallic items, thick walls, metal surfaces or other
accurate, however Learning Mode calibrates for a objects that may limit wireless communication. '
total of 33 days.
Plcce both unitsot least 3 feet (.9 m) away from electronic devices (TV, computer
- microwave, radio, etc.). '
14 7
AcuRite Connect
AcuRite Connect works with Windows PC's to provide access to your Weather = Alarm On
Center data in the following ways:
Data File: Display logs lor stores) data so that you can download it to a (~))) = Alarm Off
PC in a data file ICSV, or commo-seporoted values file).
Web Brows.r or Smartphone: Monitor sensor data remotely using AcuRite's ~ = Adjust Mode
free AcuRite online software, or from a mobile device using the free AcuRite
app, available from the iOS App Store or Google Play Store. _x_ = low Value

Weather Underground: This weather station is compatible for streaming data -x- = High Value
to the Weather Underground Personal Weather Station Network. Navigate lunON FUNCTIONS
to hHp:/ / Silence a Sounding Alarm
more information. Press to activate or
The alarm sounds initially for 0 few minutes, /'.. deactivate an alarm.
USB Mode then silences itself. The alarm then sounds (.. )) Press and hold to set
To set up AcuRite Connect, you must first select mode 3 on your display to every few minutes afterwards until one of the or adjust an alarm
gain access to all functionality. Modes 1, 2 and 4 are not used for the AcuRite following happens: value.
Connect software. 1. "SNOOZE" - Press any buHon. Alarm
1. Press the"." or "..," buHons until"SET USB MODE?" is displayed on the silences, but sounds again if the alarm condition reoccurs.
Selectable Category part of the display.
2. Turn alarm "OFF" - Deactivates alarm.
2. Press the "OX" button to set the mode preference.
3. Press the"." or "..," buHons to select USB mode #3.
4. Press the "OX" buHon to confirm your selection. AcuRite Connect USB Mode
is now set.
Download the Software
The AcuRite Connect software is available online as a free download. A
manual IPDF) is included with the software download.
Before seHing up the AcuRite Connect software,
verify that the display is ON with the
power adapter plugged in. Next,
connect the mini-USB Ismail end of
the cable) into the USB port on the
display, located inside the baHery

Download AcuRite Connect software to your computer by visiting:
Or, navigate to the link above using the following path: > Support> Downloads> AcuRite Connect

2 Click the .exe file that was downloaded

instructions to install the software.
in step 1, and follow the on-screen

8 13
Programmable Weather Alarms After AcuRite Connect is installed on the computer, the initial configuration will
Each Selectable Weather Category features an alarm option. When an alarm
3 begin automatically. When selecting where to save weather data downloaded
from the display, a folder named "AcuRite Weather Station" will be created
sounds, the display emits audible beeping and Aashes the affected category, its
on the computer.
alarm settings, and any other relevant data.
Some alarms can be customized to alert you when your programmed
reached. Alarms include:
value is
4 When prompted by the software to plug in the display,
connect the USB (larger end of the cable) into
a USB port on the computer. ~
"._ ......
... ...,'-'
OUTDOOR HUMIDITY lOW HIGH AcuRite Conned is iMtalled and ready for use.
Follow the instructions within the AcuRite Connect app to complete setup and
OUTDOOR TEMP lOW HIGH begin using the software.
WIND CHILL LOW Using the Professional Weather Center
Learning Mode
Self-Calibrating Forecasting use a unique algorithm to analyze changes in
RAIN HIGH pressure over a time period (called Learning Mode) to determine your altitude.
After 14 days, the Learning Mode icon disappears from the display screen. At
WIND SPEED HIGH this point, the self-calibrated pressure is tuned in to your location and the unit is
ready for superior weather prediction.
The rain alarm does not require a preset numerical value, but instead sounds
as soon as rain is recorded. Similarly, the storm alarm sounds when a large Weather Forecast
atmospheric pressure drop occurs, which usually indicates an oncoming storm.
AcuRite's patented Self-Calibrating Forecasting provides your personal forecast
Note: The storm alarm is NOT intended to be a safety device or warning system.
of weather conditions for the next 12 to 24 hours by collecting data from
Set a Weather Alarm the sensor in your backyard. It generates a forecast with pinpoint accuracy -
personalized for your exact location.
1. Choose the weather category for which you wish to set an alarm by
pressing the" Ji.." or "T" buttons until the category is displayed on the STORM puny RAIN SNOW CHANCE OF MIXED
Selectable Category part of the display. LIKElY CLOUDY CLOUDY LIKElY UK ElY RAIN & SNOW

2. To program a value (only applies to alarms that require a value), press

AND HOLD the ,,(<,,)i)" button underneath the alarm you wish to set until the
"~" indicator appears and the alarm setting Aashes. ~
~ ~ ~
~.. .. .... D./././.,
3. Adjust the alarm value by pressing the" Ji.." or "T" buttons.
4. Press the ,,<,,)i)" button to confirm a value. View the complete list of icons at
5. Next, press the ,,(,,)i)" button to activate the alarm (the X indicator
disappears when alarm is activated).
Alarm is now programmed and turned on.

12 9
Weather Select
Features weather data groups
o~+ = Heat Index Additional Messages Include:
shown at right. To change ~~ = Dew Point WEATHER ALARM MESSAGES
"Weather Select" category, NEW LOW TEMPERATURE RECORD
press the selection arrow ~ f = Wind Chill NEW WIND SPEED RECORD TODAY SENSOR BAnERIES LOW
button just to the left of the
weather select display area. m = Indoor Conditions CURRENT RAINFALL RATE SENSOR SIGNAL LOST
110 = Rainfall Rate (in./hour) CURRENT RAIN MNT STARTED

Rainfall Event Adiust the Weather Ticker Speed

The rainfall feature tracks rain accumulation over ali-time, the current month, 1. Press the" A" or "T" buttons until "TICKER SPEED" is displayed on the
and current rainfall event. Current event clears when no rain registers For 8 Selectable Category part of the display.
hours OR no rain registers For 1 hour and pressure rises by .03inhg or more. 2. Press the" OX" button to set the speed preference.
3. Press the" A" or "T" buttons to select a speed: SLOW, NORMAL, or FAST.
Barometric Pressure
Subtle variations in barometric pressure greatly affect the weather. This 4. Press the" OX" button to confirm your selection.
weather center displays the current pressure with an arrow icon to indicate the Weather Ticker speed is now set.
direction the pressure is trending (FALLING, STEADY, or RISING).

Weather Ticker Customize Weather Ticker Messages

The Weather Ticker automatically streams your real-time weather inFormation Customize which messages you want to scroll across the WEATHER TICKER:
and alerts as scrolling text in the lower part of the display screen. 1. Press the "0" button to manually cycle through each message available.
You can manually cycle through all the available messages by pressing" 0 ", 2. During the MANUAL REVIEW: PRESS the "c-:" button to activate the
Default WEATHER TICKERmessages are pre-loaded as follows: current scrolling message. The corresponding 'v "appears on screen
to the left of the message to indicate the message is now active in the ticker
cycle. PRESS the" X " button to deactivate the current scrolling message.
FORECAST 12 to 24 hour future weather forecast The corresponding" X " appears on screen to the left of the message to
indicate the message is now deactivated from the ticker cycle.
MOON PHASE Current moon phose
Please note: Messages can only be added and removed to the ticker cycle
INDOOR COMFORT Dry, OK or humid comfort level during manual review. The "c-:" and" X" buttons do not add or remove
messages during the automatic cycle.
Calculates what temperature it feels like outdoors
- OUTSIDE (based on temperature, humidity and wind speed)
OUTDOOR TEMP THIS Highest temperature recorded this calendar week activated V" FORECAST: STORMS LIKELY
WEEK HIGH Message - .......-x
Lowest temperature recorded this calendar week
Highest temperature recorded this calendar month
Remove Manual cycle Add
OUTDOOR TEMP THIS message through message
Lowest temperature recorded this calendar month
MONTH LOW from cycle messages to cycle

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