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Gaerlan, Jerard Matthew B.



Climate Change: Is it Real?

Climate change needs to be defined first, before stating if it is real or not. Climate change
is natural to earth because it is not a static object. It revolves around the sun and it rotates at an
axis. Because of this, the heat energy it gets from the sun is unequally distributed to its surface
leading to climate variations and cycles around the globe. These changes in climate follow an
apparent general pattern according to the stress the Earth acquires. I believe therefore, that yes,
climate change is real. It is just that human interaction with its environment has led to the
acceleration of the global warming phase the planet currently undergoes. There are evidences
that prove this statement:

Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere increased exponentially
starting with the onset of the Industrial Revolution.
Due to these gases, the surface temperature of the planet is increasing leading to changes
in the normal seasonal patterns across the world.
Human actions such as pollution, deforestation, use of fossil fuels to power machines like
automobiles have an effect with the climate.
Scientists have computer models with data that shows that these temperature shifts cannot
be caused by natural conditions alone.
Gaerlan, Jerard Matthew B. 4Bio2


Is Climate Change Reversible?

Climate change is irreversible because the planet is not static. It will not resist global
change because of this. But the effects of these changes can be somewhat mitigated. Throughout
history, people are shown to be resilient and maintain survivability. While we definitely do not
understand fully how climate works, we can use what we understand about it to bring about
positive changes to the climate. Our knowledge of how greenhouse gases increase the earths
surface temperature can convince us to mitigate their effects. Humans can plant more trees at
appropriate places to lessen the increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. We can reduce the
usage of fossil fuels by harnessing renewable sources of energy instead. Over the world, I believe
scientists are researching ways to combat the threat of a global crisis due to climate change. Just
by increasing awareness of climate change, the global community can decide to take action.

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