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The basic materials of Buddha teachings

The Heart Sutra of




The Heart Sutra of Prajnaparamita

When Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara was practicing the

profound Prajna- Paramita, he illuminated/ lighted upthe Five
Aggregates which are called form/ color / material, feelings,
perception / thought , volitional action / formation ,
consciousness/ recognition. He had seen that all of them are all
empty, and they are always changed according to the causes and
conditions. He has crossed beyond all sufferings and difficulties.

Prajnaparamita: Bodhisattva: Avalokitesvara:

profound: illuminate: Five Aggregates: form:
feelings: perception: volitional action:
consciousness: suffering: difficulty:



SariputtaForm/ color / materialdoes not differ

from emptiness. Emptiness does not differ from form. Form itself
is emptiness. Emptiness itself is form. So too are feeling,
perception/ thought, volitional action/ formation, and
consciousness/cognition / acknowledgement / understanding.

Sariputta: cognition: formation:


SariputtaAll kinds of Dharma/ laware empty of

characteristics/ features. They are neither produced/ born,
nor destroyed/ disappeared / being vanished, nor do they
defiled/ dirty, or pure/ clean. And they neither increase nor
diminish/ decrease / make small. Therefore, in emptiness there
is no form, feeling, cognition, formation, or consciousness.

characteristic: defile: diminish:


are neither eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, mind;
nor sights, sounds, smells, tastes, objects of touch, or Dharma.
There are neither the field of the eyes up to and including nor
the field of mind consciousness.

And there is neither ignorance nor the ending of
ignorance, up to and including nor old age and death, or the
ending of old age and death.

1:ignoranceunenlightenment 2
:actionactivityconception 3:consciousness 4:name and
form 5 :the six sense organs 6 :contact touch 7
:sensationfeeling 8:thirstdesirecraving 9:grasping
laying hold of 10:beingexisting 11:birth 12:old age
and death.




There is no suffering, no accumulating, no extinction,

and no Way.

accumulate: extinction:

And there is no understanding/ wisdomand no


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It is because there is not anything to attain.

Bodhisattva through reliance/ dependenceon Prajna-

Paramita is no hindrance/ impedimenta / obstacle / barrier /
obstructionin his mind.
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Because there is no impediment ahead, he has no fear/ is
not afraid ofanything, and he leaves upside down/ being
reversed / being inverted / distortionand dream-thinking far
behind. He has got the Ultimately Nirvana

reliance: impedimenta: reversed: inverted:

distortion: Ultimately Nirvana:

All bodies of Buddha of the three periods of times

have attained Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi through reliance on/
depending uponPrajna-Paramita.

reliance on:

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Therefore we know that Prajnaparamita is a Great

Spiritual Mantra, a Great Bright Mantra, a Supreme Mantra, an
Unequalled Mantra. It can remove all sufferings; it is genuine and
not false.

Spiritual Mantra: Supreme: Unequalled: genuine:

That is the reason why the Mantra of Prajnaparamita

was spoken as this. Recite the Mantra like this : Gate,Gate,
Paragate, Parasamgate, Bodhi SvahaIts meaning is called that,
gone, gone, gone beyond, gone to the other shoreThen all of
us can get happiness forever.

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2015/11/21 2016/01/24

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Three Refuges

Since I take refuge in the Buddha, may all sentient beings and I
have understood the Great Way profoundly,
and brought forth the superior Bodhi mind.

Since I take refuge in the Dharma, may all sentient beings and I
have deeply entered the sutra treasury, and got wisdom
as vast as the ocean.

Since I take refuge in the Sangha, may all sentient beings and I
have formed together a great assembly, one and all in harmony.

Four Great Vows

Countless are sentient beings, do I vow to liberate;
endless are afflictions, do I vow to eradicate;

Measureless are the Dharmas, do I vow to master;
supreme is the Buddha Way, do I vow to attain.


All the past harms that I have ever done, all from time
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were caused by greed, anger, and ignorance,

And all of those sins produced through my body, speech, and will,
now these sins I confess and amend all.

Reaction and repayment of Merits

May the merits of our deeds
have reached every part of the world;

I and other sentient beings large and small
all have attained enlightenment.


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