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PT. Techno Indonesia is one of the companies engaged in Plastic Injection Mould
Maker and Secondary Process. PT. Techno Indonesia producing components -
automotive parts, motorcycle, electronics and more. Until now PT. Techno
Indonesia only uses a manual system in handling claims and complaints of
product quality plastic injection molding, and therefore contributes to customer
satisfaction. PT. Techno Indonesia requires the application system that aims to
optimize the delivery of transaction processing claims and complaints from
customers, information distribution claims and complaints to the relevant
departments, data management claims and complaints effectively and efficiently.
Based on the above issues authors to design and create Web-based system that
implements the waterfall model of development, the system is built using Adobe
Dreamweaver CS5, Xampp (Apache, MySql, phpmyadmin) as the database and
Fusion Chart to create a chart. This application system can be accessed by the
user in the transaction as well as the claims and complaint handling by computer,
laptop or mobile phone that has been connected to the Internet. Customer can
make claims and complaints, monitor the progress of treatment status or reply to
the complaint submitted. Staff Quality Assurance (QA) is able to manage data
optimally claims and complaints, claims and complaints of data displayed in the
form of statistical charts in the form of bar charts and pie charts. PIC
departments can view the report claims and complaints as well as filling the
corrective actions taken to subscriber complaints. This application is capable of
monitoring and as a basis for decision making in PT. Techno Indonesia for
improvement of product quality in order to achieve customer satisfaction.

Keywords: Applications, Claims and Complaints, Quality Products, Web, PHP,


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