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Form 4 Science

Operational definitions
Chapte Pag Item Operational definition
r e
4 55 Molecular A molecular substance is a substance that melts
substance when heated
56 Atomic An atomic substance is a substance that causes
substance a deflection in the ammeter pointer in all states
56 Ionic An ionic substance is a substance that causes a
substance deflection in the ammeter pointer in the liquid
57 Metal A metal is a substance that can conduct
electricity/ causes the bulb to light up
58 Non-metal A non-metal is a substance that causes the drop
of the thumbtack in a longer time
62 Distilled Distilled water is a substance that boils at 100C
62 Impurity Impurity is a substance that increases the
boiling point of the distilled water
5 75 Exothermi An exothermic reaction is a reaction that causes
c reaction an increase of temperature
75 Endother An endothermic reaction is a reaction that
mic causes a decrease of temperature
80 Acid An acid is a substance which releases gas when
it reacts with a metal
7 115 Real A real image is an image that can be formed on
image the screen
115 Virtual A virtual image is an image that cannot be
image formed on the screen
119 Focal The focal length is the distance between the
length lens and the image on the screen
134 Primary Primary colours are colours that cannot be
colours obtained from a mixture/addition of other
134 Secondary Secondary colours are the colours produced by
colours the addition of primary colour
134 Addition Addition of light is a process of producing
of light secondary colours on the screen
136 Subtractio Subtraction of light is a process of absorption of
n of light coloured lights by coloured filter
8 154 Alloy An alloy is a substance on which a smaller dent
is produced
156 Alloy An alloy is a substance which does not rust

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