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ASHRAE Journal Natural Ventilation

Natural Ventilation and

Collaborative Design
By Jim Jones, Ph.D., and Aaron W. West for refuge from the heat was the Queens
Member ASHRAE Student Member ASHRAE Building.1

Finally, the World Trade Center in
Amsterdam, Netherlands, is an example
he application of natural ventilation has become fairly common in
of an office and convention center project
Europe and interest seems to be growing in the United States. The with a large naturally ventilated atrium.
potential benefits of natural ventilation include lower energy costs, The waveform roof has outlets along a
central spine and inlet openings located
improved indoor environmental quality and greater occupant satisfaction. above the doors. Wind tunnel analyses
While these benefits may be achievable, the implementation of natural ven- demonstrated that the design of the roof
and placement of the openings induce
tilation strategies also presents certain challenges. adequate airflow at wind speeds of only
a few miles per hour. The functional vari-
These challenges include an increased domestic buildings with natural ventila- ety of all of these projects suggests that
need for a high-level of systems integra- tion can be found. These buildings rep- natural ventilation is appropriate for many
tion, new evaluation techniques and resent a variety of functions. For example, non-residential building types.
greater cooperation between the architect the RWE AG building in Essen, Germany Natural ventilation has at least two
and mechanical engineer. A misconcep- is a large multistory office with a cylindri- potential benefits. First, energy consump-
tion about naturally ventilated buildings cal building form and circular plan derived tion can be reduced. Chandra shows in
is that a mechanical engineer is not specifically to allow for natural ventila- Figure 2 that as much as a 25% reduc-
needed. In fact, for non-residential build- tion. tion in cooling energy is possible for light-
ings a mechanical engineer who is highly The Bluewater Shopping Center in weight residential structures.3 Similarly,
skilled and willing to take on the chal- Dartford, England, is an example of a large- Lechner divided the U.S. climate into 17
lenges of a non-conventional ventilation scale shopping mall designed with large regions and found that 12 of these could
approach should be included in the de- wind scoops to provide natural ventila- benefit from natural ventilation.4 Further-
sign team. This article introduces some tion. The building is designed to elimi- more, according to a 1993 survey the en-
issues associated with the application of nate the standard air-conditioned mall ergy cost of air-conditioned buildings are
natural ventilation to U.S. buildings. solution and develop a natural ventila- 40% more than for non-air-conditioned
In the United States, the reliance on tion system that will introduce a fresh buildings. Together, these studies sug-
mechanical ventilation is reinforced by natural breeze along the concourse. This gest that the direct savings from natural
standards such as ANSI/ASHRAE Stan- not only provides cost and environmen- ventilation could be significant.
dard 62-1989, Ventilation for Acceptable tal advantages, but it is also physiologi- In addition to direct energy savings,
Indoor Air Quality. This standard is on cally beneficial, avoiding the sense of thermally massive buildings may benefit
continuous maintenance. However, the enclosure of a sealed, environmentally from indirect savings. For example, night-
language in the commonly used 1989 ver- air-conditioned box.1 time ventilation is an operating strategy
sion is biased toward mechanical ventila- The Queens Building at De Montfort that flushes a building with cool night air,
tion and the prescriptive specification of University in Leicester, United Kingdom,
minimum outdoor air ventilation rates per is a naturally vented laboratory building. About the Authors
person. While natural ventilation strate- This facility uses cross ventilation and Jim Jones, Ph.D., is assistant pro-
gies might be developed and implemented wind towers to allow for functional com- fessor at the College of Architecture
using the indoor air quality procedure of partmentalization with unrestricted airflow and Urban Studies, Virginia Tech,
this standard, few system designers are (Figure 1). The building is so well-de- Blacksburg, Va. He is a member of
willing to take on this challenge or risk. signed that during the very hot summer ASHRAE Technical Committee 4.12,
Partly as a consequence, few U.S. build- of 1995, of all of the De Montforts 250,000 Integrated Building Design.
ings are designed for natural ventilation. m2 (2.6 million ft2) of building stock, the Aaron W. West is a graduate research
Recently constructed large-scale, non- chief engineer stated that his first choice assistant at Virginia Tech.
46 ASHRAE Journal w w w. a s h r a e j o u r n a l . o r g November 2001
Natural Ventilation

Figure 2: Percentage of cooling energy reduction in low-

Figure 1: Queens Building De Montfort University section mass residential buildings with natural ventilation, as com-
showing compartmental natural ventilation.2 pared to unvented buildings.3

thus removing heat and lowering the mass temperature. Pre- For this, two important effects occur. The Bernoulli effect is
cooling non-residential buildings in this way can lower both similar to the aerodynamic lift of an airplane wing. As a result of
total and peak electric demand. Research by Ruud et al., found this airflow pattern, zones of decelerated and accelerated air-
through experimental investigation of the 37-story Indepen- flow develop, thus inducing positive pressure below, and nega-
dent Life Insurance building in Jacksonville, Fla., that an 18% tive pressure above, the wing. A common example of the impact
reduction in cooling energy was achieved by pre-cooling the of the Bernoulli effect on buildings is the large suction (lift) that
building mass.5 Together, the direct and indirect energy-cost develops on the windward side of a sloped roof. Anticipating
savings may make natural ventilation cost beneficial. this can lead to proper placement of openings.
A second important benefit from natural ventilation is im- The second important wind-induced pressure effect is the
proved indoor environmental quality and occupant satisfac- venturi effect. The venturi effect causes acceleration when lami-
tion. William Bordass, et al., in the paper, User and Occupant nar airflow is smoothly constricted to pass through an open-
Controls in Office Buildings, reported that occupants in natu- ing. As a result of this flow pattern, a negative pressure zone
rally ventilated buildings had a higher level of perceived con- develops at the point of constriction. The venturi effect is most
trol over the environment when compared to occupants in useful for the design of wind towers as exhaust outlets, as the
buildings with only mechanical ventilation.6 A recent study of restricted air induces negative pressurization relative to the
480 offices by the chartered surveyors Richard Ellis found that surroundings, thus drawing air out of the building. Through
89% of occupants preferred buildings that were not air-condi- the proper design of a convex disc on the top of a vertical
tioned, the most important factors being the provision of good central shaft in the RWE AG building, negative pressure is cre-
daylight and ventilation via operable windows.1 When it is ated by a venturi that draws stale air from the buildings occu-
considered that the average cost of worker wages and salaries pied zones.
is more than $140 per square foot ($1500/m2) while energy costs In addition to wind-induced pressurization, the stack effect
are about $2 per square foot ($43/m2), the benefits to employers is an important mechanism. The stack effect results when air in
are potentially large. the building warms, becomes more buoyant than outside air
In their October 2000 ASHRAE Journal article, A Standard and rises to escape out of openings. Airflow due to the stack
for Natural Ventilation, Gail Schiller Brager and Richard de effect depends on the area of the inlet and outlet openings, the
Dear suggest that occupants of naturally ventilated buildings difference in height between the inlets and outlets, and the
appear tolerant ofand, in fact, prefera wider range of tem- temperature difference between the incoming and exhaust air.
peratures, when compared to occupants in mechanically con- Pressurization due to the stack effect typically results in airflow
ditioned buildings. 7 The temperature range for naturally into the building at lower levels and outward flow from upper
ventilated buildings may extend well beyond the comfort zones levels (Figure 3). Neutral zone height or neutral pressure level
published in ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 55-1992, and may more is the height above grade at which internal and external pres-
closely reflect the local patterns of outdoor climate change. sures are equal. Understanding these pressure conditions is
This may suggest that the application of natural ventilation to important to maintain good indoor air quality throughout the
U.S. climate zones may be more feasible than perceived. building.
Using natural ventilation requires an appropriate understand- For example, in multistory buildings with a ventilated central
ing of principles of building pressurization. Two pressure-driv- atrium or ventilation shaft, due to the stack effect, air will flow
ing mechanisms must be understood if the natural ventilation is into the shaft or atrium at lower levels and out of the shaft at
to perform properly. First, there is wind-induced pressurization. upper floors. This could result in stale air being transferred
November 2001 ASHRAE Journal 47
ASHRAE Journal

Figure 4: Neutral zone height upward shift due to Venturi

Figure 3: Schematic neutral zone height.2 effect in RWE AG building.8

from lower occupied zones to upper zones. Manipulation of the where,

neutral pressure level can help control this undesirable situa- cpou = pressure coefficient outside
tion. The previously mentioned disc on the top of the central cpi = pressure coefficient inside
ventilating shaft in the RWE AG building induces a Venturi poi = air density inside (neutral zone)
effect that creates a negative pressure zone that raises the neu- zo = height of neutral zone above ground
tral pressure level above the upper occupied level, thus insur- z = height of observation point above grade
ing inward flow of air into the shaft over the full height of the g = acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/s2 [314 ft/s2])
building (Figure 4). Proper ventilation requires understanding T = temperature (exterior/interior) in K
of both wind and stack-driven pressurization. Again, understanding of these pressure relationships is es-
The ventilation efficiency of naturally ventilated buildings is sential for achieving effective natural ventilation and good in-
dependent on: door air quality.
Wind direction, The application of natural ventilation has several important
Building geometry, issues. These include:
Interior obstructions and flow paths, Site and climate opportunities and restrictions,
Inner and outer temperature (buoyancy), and Building form and design parameters,
Type and degree of envelope permeability. Building enclosure system, and
The pressure coefficient (wind-induced pressure) Cp can be HVAC layout and operation.
used to approximate the ventilation efficiency. The pressure Site opportunities exist when the site is open, or nearby land-
coefficient is derived as follows: forms, vegetation or buildings funnel breezes to properly pres-
p p ref surize the building. Climate opportunities exist when average
C pi =
p outdoor conditions (temperature, relative humidity, diurnal tem-
wref 2
2 perature variation, wind speed and direction) fall in, or near, the
where, thermal comfort zone for a large number of hours throughout
Cpi = local pressure coefficient the cooling season. Software tools can quickly provide this
p = local static pressure information to assess the applicability of natural ventilation.
wref = reference wind velocity Restrictions to natural ventilation occur when site conditions
pref = reference air pressure (e.g., barometric air pressure) reduce wind speeds or divert breezes in such a way as to lower
Air movement either into or out of the building depends on their usefulness for pressurization.
the difference in local inner pressure and outside pressure. As Natural ventilation requires a highly cooperative effort from
previously suggested, wind and buoyancy effects create the the architect and indoor environmental engineer. When trying
pressure differential. The pressure differential with regard to to use natural ventilation, the building form is an important
infiltration or exfiltration, assuming a constant inner tempera- consideration. For example, according to CIBSE, single-sided
ture can be calculated by: ventilation can be effective to a room depth of about two to
( )
d pi = c pou c pi wref 2 poi g (z z o ) i 1
p two-and-a-half times the height of the space. Cross ventilation
2 Te is effective to a depth of about five times the height of the
space, suggesting the need for a spatial arrangement and build-
48 ASHRAE Journal w w w. a s h r a e j o u r n a l . o r g November 2001
ASHRAE Journal

Advertisement in the print edition formerly in this space.

Figure 5: Alternative mixed-mode ventilation strategies.1

ing plan depth consistent with these dimensions.

For larger, deeper plan buildings, formal elements such as a
central shaft or an atrium and/or wind towers might be used to
allow air to flow through the building unobstructed. Further-
more, design parameters such as spatial decompart-
mentalization and open flow partitions should be used to
minimize resistance to airflow.
The cooperative relationship between the architect and me-
chanical engineer is also important for the design of the build-
ing enclosure systems. The need for openings as inlets and
outlets suggest the need for proper design, sizing and place-
ment of operable windows or roof openings. Operable windows,
however, raise concerns for building security and noise as well
as daylight use and glare. In Europe, the current trend toward
the use of double-glass ventilated walls results in maximum use
of daylight while permitting natural ventilation. The carefully
designed openings in the walls are small, thus avoiding secu-
rity problems and noise transmission.
Finally, the layout and operation of the HVAC system is im-
portant for natural ventilation. The layout should allow for natu-
rally vented zones to be conditioned separately from internal
zones or spaces with functions requiring tight thermal control
and mechanical ventilation. This design requirement suggests
a spatial layout designed for natural ventilation while consider-
ing the use and function of the space.
Natural ventilation can be either completely natural or mixed-
mode operation. Mixed-mode ventilation combines passive in-
lets or outlets with active pressurization or suction from fans
(Figure 5). If natural ventilation alone cannot ensure that an
acceptable level of comfort is maintained then the mixed-mode
approach may be necessary. In either case, proper layout and
operation are required.
The operation of the HVAC system is also important when
49 ASHRAE Journal November 2001
Natural Ventilation

trying to conserve energy with natural potential benefits from natural ventilation
ventilation. During periods when outdoor suggest we should move forward in this
air is allowed to flow through the building, effort to reduce our reliance on mechani-
the HVAC system should switch to an al- cal ventilation.
ternative-operating mode. For example, if
70F (21C) outdoor air is introduced while
1. Battle McCarthy Consulting Engineers.
the thermostat is set for heating below say 1999. Wind Towers Detail in Building Acad-
72F (22C), the HVAC system will operate emy Editions. New York: John Wiley and Sons
by trying to add heat to the space until the Ltd.
setpoint is achieved. This defeats the sav- 2. CIBSE. 1997. Natural Ventilation in Non-
ings from the natural ventilation. New sys- Domestic Buildings Applications Manual
tem design and control approaches are AM10:1997. The Chartered Institution of
needed to take full advantage of the natu- Building Services Engineers, London. Avail-
ral ventilation strategy. able through ASHRAE.
The proper design of natural ventila- 3. Chandra, S., P.W. Fairey III and M. Hous-
ton. 1986. Cooling with Ventilation. A design
tion requires careful analysis. The two
handbook published by the Solar Energy Re-
most common analysis methods are scale search Institute for the U.S. Department of
models in wind tunnel and computational Energy and distributed by the Superintendent
fluid dynamics (CFD). Use of wind tun- of Documents SERI/SP-273-2966,
nels requires significant space and cost DE86010701, December. P. 28.
investment, which are prohibitive for most 4. Lechner, N. 1992. Heating, Cooling,
architectural/engineering firms. This is- Lighting: Design Methods for Architects. New
sue might suggest a new cooperative re- York: John Wiley & Sons.
lationship between practitioners 5. Ruud, M.D., J.W. Mitchell and S.A. Klein.
1990. Use of building thermal mass to offset Advertisement in the print
designing for natural ventilation and labo-
ratories or universities that currently have cooling loads. ASHRAE Transactions 96(2). edition formerly in this space.
6. Bordass, W.T., A.K.R. Bromley and A.J.
these facilities. CFD can be more economi-
Leaman. 1993. User and occupant controls
cal than wind tunnel testing but its accu- in office buildings. ASHRAE Conference Pro-
racy is uncertain and the technique ceedings Building Design, Technology, and
requires validation. Occupant Well-Being in Temperate Climate.
Also, at least three competing math- Brussels, Belgium, Feb. 1719. pp. 1217.
ematical modeling approaches used for 7. Brager, G.S. and R. de Dear. 2000. A
CFD exist. These include Reynolds Aver- standard for natural ventilation. ASHRAE
aged Navier Stokes equations, large eddy Journal 42(10):2128.
simulations (LES) and direct numerical 8. Daniels, K. 1997. The Technology of Eco-
simulations (DNS). Further investigation logical Building. Boston: Birkhauser Verlag
is needed to determine which modeling
technique is most appropriate for natural Bibliography
ventilation and validate the selected ap- Compagno, A. 1996. Intelligent Glass Fa-
proach. cades. Boston: Birkhauser Verlag Publishing.
In conclusion, natural ventilation is an Deardorff, J.W. 1970. A three-dimensional
operating strategy that deserves consid- numerical study of turbulent channel flow at
eration in non-residential buildings. Natu- large Reynolds numbers. Journal of Fluid
Mechanics 41, 453.
ral ventilation offers potential energy
Launder, B.E. and D.B. Spalding. 1974.
savings and improved indoor environ- The numerical computation of turbulent
mental quality with relatively little invest- flows. Computer Method in Applied Mechan-
ment. However, the design of natural ics and Energy, 3, 269289.
ventilation systems requires a high level Launder, B.E. 1989. Second-moment clo-
of systems integration and cooperation sure: presentand future? International Jour-
by the architect and mechanical engineer. nal of Heat and Fluid Flow 10(4):282300.
Before natural ventilation can be widely Moore, F. 1993. Environmental Control
adopted, proper design and analysis ap- Systems Heating Cooling, Lighting. New
proaches are needed and the analysis York: McGraw Hill.
Murakami, S. 1993. Comparison of vari-
tools validated.
ous turbulence models applied to a bluff
Much work needs to be done before
body. Journal of Wind Engineering and In-
natural ventilation becomes common- dustrial Aerodynamics 4647, 2136.
place in the United States. However, the
November 2001 ASHRAE Journal 50

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