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Assignment Submitted by Vijay Kumar Singh (FPM17017)

Paper Selected : Making Knowledge the basis of a dynamic theory of the firm
Journal : Strategic Management Journal , Vol 17(Winter Special
Issue),45-62 (1996)
Author : J.C Spender,School of Management ,Newyork Institute of
Technology ,New York USA
Category of journal : A*

The above mentioned research paper is conceptual paper wherein no fresh

empirical data has been collected. In this paper a comprehensive study has been
carried out about concept of knowledge/Theory of firm and multitype epistemology by
doing literature review . The work of major contributors in this field has been illustrated
from Polanyi(1962), Nelson and Winter(1982) to Nonaka and Takeuchi(1995).
The structure of paper is as below ( The headings given used to illustrate concept) :
1. Abstract
2. Introduction
3. Problems
4. Knowledge
5. Different Type of Knowledge
6. Knowing Entities
7. Questioning the concept of Individual
8. Organization as activity system
9. Some Possible Managerial Heuristics
10. An activity systems approach to knowledge based theory
11. Conclusion
12. Acknowledgements
13. References
Style of Abstract :
Abstract has been written in one paragraph with summarizing the discussion with name
of major contributors and their work in knowledge with gap of research and problem
summary. The approach of addressing the problem has also been mentioned with result
as last statement of abstract .Abstract is in a lucid language and create interest to read
further by posing the problem and research gap in effective manner. Key word has been
mentioned is from simple Knowledge management; Theory of the firm to more
complicated and academic like pluralistic epistemology.
Highlights of writing style :
The concept has been elaborated after and during literature review through various
headings . Figure has been used for assisted learning. Work of major contributors with
research gap has been elaborated. Many domain specific technical terms has been
used like epistemology etc. Further few words like Noesis(Platonic Truth),
pistis,eikasia,phronesis etc has been used for originality of the concept of Greek
epistemology. The whole paper has been divided into various headings as mentioned
already. Use of latin/greek word in paper is for originality however this made the paper
tough to comprehend.There is no specific heading of literature review as per
conventional style , however literature review and related discussion has been done and
elaborated in the paper in different heading.
Rationale behind the problem :
The problem has been defined in most simple way and can be understood even by
common man . It poses some question and later on says that Knowledge based theory
of the firm should address all these questions in a testable way, and no such theory has
yet the concept of knowledge may be made a basis for theory of the
The field of knowledge management has been explored and the gap has been
highlighted in the problem . There are lot to be done in this field as it is comparatively
new and few contributors exist in this field.So the existing people has contributed in
particular specific area of knowledge management but none has contributed in
comprehensibly to include all aspects as questions posed in the problem.
Learning : In the conceptual paper like this we can change the structure as per
suitability of the topic . The literature review is more elaborated in different heading and
it may be the need of such paper. Figure, comparison of work , simple language of
problem , academic language for rest of the paper , using original words of greek and
latin are some of the learning from the paper.
Introduction part also important in terms of theory building , purpose , research problem
and its significance for firm , approach and process adopted in the paper and creating
interest in the reader. Although style of writing is academic in this part but a little bit easy
comparison to rest of the section.
Theory building or theorizing has been carried out in subsequent section with
identification of premises from existing literature review and use of logical reasoning to
suggest conjectures. All related concept like tacit knowledge/explicit knowledge ,
Organization as activity system etc has been elaborated in theory building . There is a
logical flow in the whole paper which create a natural interest in the mind of readers.
The conclusion part also summarize the whole thing once again along with result and
discussion . this also make it interesting and remind the whole thing already discussed
in the paper. The last paragraph of acknowledgement is there to acknowledge any
external help in completion of the conceptual paper.

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