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Selenium With C# Course Outline :

Day 1:
Morning session:
Introduction to .net framework
C# basics
Namespace, Assemblies
Loops-For,while,if else stmts
Working with Config files
Introducing TFS
Working with work items
TFS basics
3 PM:
Introduction to Automation testing
Introduction to Selenium Web Driver
Page object Model
Working with IWebelement
Working with TDD-

Day 2:
Working with work flows
Cultures-Working with multi country applications
Test Data: XML and CSV
Test Driven Development
Working with Test Settings
Working with Test Methods
Execution with Traits/Mapping of Test cases/work items
Working with Findsby/Difference

Day 3:
Taking Screenshot
Working with Logging reports
Execution with multiple browsers
Working with File objects
Working with Traits
Single webdriver
Assembly init

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