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T7 1930
H U p n W iiOHTtHi __ _______

Boost Glenville At The

Lincoln Game

Vol. XI, No. 2

The Glenville Torch Glenville High School, Cleveland, Ohio, October 2, 1930
You Can Still Subscribe
For The Torch

Price Five Cents

Choral Club Hears Spanish Club Plans

Work For Semester
Calendar Events
Report CardsOctober 25 (ten-
Alumni Attain Honors New Semester Finds Pupils Answer
Grand Opera Star tative).
Through Art, Studies Decrease In Pupils
Hope To Issue Weekly Paper MeetingOctober 31, 1930.
North Eastern Ohio Teachers'
Office Registers New Students Torch's Plea For
In Thrilling Songs Entirely In Spanish Type
For Students Here
vember 27 and 28.
Christmas VacationDecember
Vacation N o - John E. Winchester, former Glen-
ville student, has been recently ap-
pointed editor of the Cauldron, a
From California, Illinois,
Many Other States New Subscriptions
19 to January 5, 1931.
semi-monthly publication of Fenn
Edith Fletcher, Soprano, In- Among the first affairs to be held! PromotionSemester ends Jan-
Glenville High School's total en-
by the Spanish Club is an open meet- j uary 30, 1931. College. Twenty-four Home Rooms
spires Music Appreciation ing for the new members Monday, rollment at the opening of the pres-
After h a v i n g Better 75%; Two Classes
With Recital Of Classics October 6. The meeting will consist successfully fulfil- ent semester amounts to 1620 stud-

Beautiful Voice Of Vocal Artist

of an entertainment by the club
members. Also, the assignment,) Numerous Duties Keep led his position as ents. Of this group, 781 pupils are
associate e d i t o r girls and the remaining 829 are
Hand In Full Records
which they hope to accomplish j
Excites Admiration Of Audience throughout the year, will be read.
The entertainment committee, head-
Council Members Busy last year, and be- boys. This is a decrease of approxi- Weekly Issues Continue To Be
ing one of the mately 100 students from the number
founders of t h e
Distributed Thursday Morning
entered last term.
Principal, Miss Alma G. Glea- ed by Sylvia Kramer, is planning a | c+,, j . Cn n c i 1 o Cauldron, he has
Spanish dance, drama and a vocal M ^ ?" Supervises been awarded this Eight students have transferred to Business Department Requests
son, Alumnus Are Visitors selection for the meeting. INeW Corridor Guide Sys- honor. Glenville from other schools. Their
At Musical Song Fest The membership will be opened a t | tems, Room Redecorating
Agents To Report Daily
The publication, former homes and schools range from
the meeting. All HB's advanced under Mr. W i n coast to coast. Temma Belinkoff
For Paper Envelopes
"This is probably the greatest students and 10B pupils having a | Members of the Student Council
a r e ke Chester's sponsor- comes from Roosevelt High School in
pleasure I have ever had," stated grade of 80 or above are eligible to P t busy taking care of the re- Of the 1600 pupils now enrolled in
J. E. Winchester shi P> i s offering Los Angeles, California. Margaret the building, over 1140 responded
Griffith J. Jones as he introduced join. decoration of the social room, cor-
prizes f o r the best college song.
the internationally famous soprano, One of the surprises planned by ridor g u i d e s y s t e m a n d t h e athletic Polcz and Herbert Cohen come from through their home room agents to
board of Glenville alumni who are now tak- Oswego, New York, and Jersey City, the Torch's call for subscriptions.
Miss Edith Fletcher, to the Choral the club is the publishing of a , s s D o r
o t h
Club, Friday, September 26. Spanish paper, differing in many y Taylor, who is in ing part in Dartmouth's activities New Jersey, respectively. Austin Over 24 of the 48 home rooms in
charge of
The principal, Miss Alma G. Glea- ways from their past publications. getting the social room are George Frankel, '27, who is the building came through with an
r e a d y for use is b e i n g High of Chicago, Illinois, was the
son and a member of Glenville's Chor- Miss Helen Humphreys, faculty ad- s o m e g i r l s f r o 'm h e r a r t assisted by stage manager of Dartmouth play- former school of Earl and Robert average of 75 per cent or better and
al Club in former years were visitors viser, who taught in Spain last year, classes, who ers; Franklin Marks, '28, piano play- two home rooms handed in complete
a r e also in t h e Council Plack.
at this extraordinary musical treat. has received many new ideas which - This room er in the Barbary Coast Orchestra, 100 per cent subscriptions. The 100
18 t o b e u s e d b y a 1 1 c l u b s f o r
As it turned out, not only was the club hopes will help to make special Instrumental Club and Eating Club; Glenville has but one new member per cent home rooms are the two
programs The clubs are bein
M iss Fletcher's personal introduc- the paper better than those usually ' S Bert Unobsky, '28, who is a candi-
from the state of Ohio. She is
extremes in the building, one con-
tion a great pleasure to the audience, published by student bodies. urged to plan unusual affairs suit- date for the boxing team; and Wil- sisting of senior girls and the other
Dorothy Deutch, of Brecksville. Pen- of freshman boys and girls. They
a b l e t o b e h e l d i n t h e n e w room 80
but her singing introduction was In order to make the entire paper > liam R. Winn, '29, who won numer-
even more delightful. The Choral original, the members have decided r ? e S t u d e n t
at lts real value m a y be
realized, als on the Freshman Tennis Team nsylvania sends Helen Markowitz, are Miss Dorothy Taylor's 12B girls
Club sang first, "Just As The Tide to hold a contest to find a suitable W O r k o f a s s iCouncil is taking on the and is now a candidate for the Var- who attended McKeesport High of Room 110, with Mildred Mac-
Was Flowing", which Miss Fletcher name for the publication. All stud- nin
S the social room sity Tennis Team. School. Sanden Paplanus, of Win- Ewen as agent; and Mrs. Willia
t0 the different cl Brownfield's 9A boys and girls with
proclaimed was very beautifully ents of Spanish in Glenville High will Club Members
Paul C. Zamecnik, '29, made Phi
chester, Tennessee, is enrolled among
sung. The famous soprano, accom- be permitted to participate in t h e ' Listed Matilda Zieve as their agent.
Beta Kappa grades during his term. the new students from the coming
panied at the piano by Mabel Cad- contest. The secretaries of all clubs have Boy and Girl Home Rooms Tie
well, then opened her part of the been asked to submit lists of the freshman year; Edward K. Eldridge There were 12 boy and 12 girl
program with a stirring rendition of members of their club. This must be is working at the "Green Door"; home rooms that had 75 per cent
"Yesterday and Today," by Sprauss.
Her interpretation of this song was
Speaker To Address done as soon as possible so that the Sidney Wisch, '30, may go out for
Student Council can check up on the boxing or fencing; and Richard Students Study Plays, or more of their enrollment sub-
scribe for the Torch. These home
activities of all of the students. If Benedict was president of his high
remarkably well done. Of course,
that is to be expected as Miss Flet- P.T.A.; Help Students one pupil has too many activities, school class.
he will be forced to drop some of Make W. R. Honor Roll
Playhouse Presents rooms are: Miss Elsie C. Davies'
9A boys of home room two, with
Morris Gross as agent; Miss Lucy
cher has had so much experience in
opera and concert work. his extra-curricular work. Margaret Appel, Evelyn Tron- Plays, studied in the English clas- Terrell's 11B girls of home room
Members of the Parent-TeacherV Book Sale Closes stein, Anne Lederman and Ruth ses or written by authors whose three, with Marie Cohn as agent;
Lulls Students With Song Association will hold their next The book store this semester hasn't Mandelker, mid-year alumni, also other works are studied in school, Mrs. G. Hartinger's 10A girls of
Her next number was "You In meeting Thursday, October 9, at I been' patronized as much as it has
A Gondola", by R. C. Clark. Sung 2:00 p. m. A speaker will address been in previous terms. The see- Evelyn Katz and Edith Lewin, June will be presented at the Play House home room 4, with Freida Michalo-
in Miss Fletcher's pure, liquid voice, the women and refreshments will be ond-hand book sale closed Friday, graduates, are now honor students this season. vitz as agent; Miss Lorena Smith's
the words lulled the students into a s e r v e d - at Reserve College for Women. Be- During this coming winter, at least 10A boys, with Sam Heller as agent;
September 26. I n e money was' ing an honor student gives the pupils
soft, dreamy spell. Her next was a 20 plays will be staged in either F. D. Aldrich's 10A boys of home
Because they wish to raise a fund handed over to the Student Scholar- special privileges on the campus.
song of a different mood, the merry for the needs of the band, orchestra ship Fund. The books which have theatre. The repertory covers a room 201 with Tim Tatar as agent;
"May Morning," by L. Denza. Her and Choral Club, the Parent-Teach- not been called f o r will become the Tillie Schenker, '27, won a musical wide range of plays: modern, clas- Mrs. Florence Reid Bush's 10A girls
articulation was a delight to her ers' Association of Glenville High property of the Council. These books scholarship f o r voice; Blanche Stein- sic, foreign, native; they are not like- of home room 12, with Agnes Leckie
listeners. are having felt pennants made, will be sold next semester. hauer, '27, received one for flute ly to be seen at any other theatre in as agent; Miss Anna Hasler's 11B
playing. Margaret Liebe, '29, took Cleveland. girls of home room 103, with Ruth
"The Lightning Bug," a very These will soon be distributed to Herbert Guttentag, of home room
short, clever song by John Barnes the members of the three musical 116, is in complete charge of the first place at Wooster for her Of the 22 plays that are listed in Bartelt as agent; T. E. Beman't
Wells, was next sung by Miss Flet- organizations, who, in turn, will sell corridor-guide system. These guides freshman year. She was graduated the tentative bill f o r this season, four 11B boys of home room 108, with
cher. Suiting action to the word, them to pupils of the school. are not there to demand permits, but from high school as an honor student. have been written by men known Albert Scoblow as aggnj^; Miss Gert-
rude Warner's 12B M i s of home
the principal, as soon as this song The money which is raised will go to help visitors, John H. Currier, a former Glen- for their modern works. They are: room 112, with Pearl Kojjn as agent.
was announced, switched on the toward helping these music students James Elroy Flecker, who wrote
Pupils having conferences with ville student, is giving piano and
lights. "Hassan;" Seau O' Casey, writer of Rooms Make 75 P^fc cent
when they need funds for a trip or teachers must give the study hall harmony lessons at the Associated
The thrilling words of Miss Flet- for new equipment. Music Studios, located a t 2029 East "The Silver Tassie;" Paul Green, Miss Alma Gleason's l i B boys of
teacher the conference card, which
who claims "The Field God;" and home room 115, with Marvin Sie-
cher's next song, "Bitterness of This was decided at the last meet- they will receive from their teacher, 102 street.
Love," by J. P. Dunn, were clearly ing of the club for parents and and they must not enter the study John Van Druten, author of "Diver- bart as agent; J. E. Bahner's 11B
understood as the result of her teachers. boys of home room 117, with Leon-
Mrs. G. E. Jones, who hall in the middle of the period be- G. C. Davies, fourth period 12B
flawless enunciation. In order to was recently elected president, was cause they disturb the people who ard Dallow as agent; Miss Marie
give the famous singer a rest after in charge. The other officers of the | are studying,
history class is the f i r s t to turn in Math Puzzle Rucker's 9A and 10B girls of home
singing five songs in succession, club are: Mrs. H. M. Marks, first the money for the library fund. The manager of a manufactur- room 120, with Estelle Gelf as,
the Choral Club sang two numbers, vice-president; Mrs. F. J. Dennis, ing concern receives as his sal- agent; R. M. Persing's 12B boys of
"Sing We and Chant It," by Morley, second vice-president; Mrs. R. P. ary, 10% of the net proceeds. home room 202, with Myer Fried-
and "Musical Trust," by Clokey, a Jordan, secretary; Mrs. S. O. Myers,
song new to the Choral Club this treasurer; Mrs. G. E. Wilhelmi, re-
[Beauty Shops, Barbers, Haberdashery His salary must be deducted from man as agent; H. Biddle's 10B girls
the receipts of the company be- of home room 204, with Gertrude
term. It is composed of 23 popular cording secretary; and Mrs. H. C. fore the company's income tax is Sandes as agent; H. C. Harnish's
(Continued On Page 4) Davidson, auditor.
Stores Recover From Financial Woes computed. 12A boys of home room 206, with
(Continued On Page 4)
The company's income tax must
"We would be glad if all students
be deducted from its receipts be-
told their parents about this organ-1 Face Lifting, Hair Waving, Blazing Neckwear Suddenly Be-
Collection Of Boohs lzation," said Mrs. Jones, "because 1
we would like to have more of them come

Popular With Senior Class Members
fore the manager's salary is com-
Club Members Debate
puted. In a certain year, the man-
ager's salary and the company's
Includes New Novels attend our meetings."
Beauty shops, barbers and haber have been going on since Monday,
income tax were to be deducted
from $1,000,000 receipts, of theOn Value Of Activities
12B House Representatives Idashery establishments are doing a September 22. Each day, groups of company. If the income tax was
With the advent of modern archi- rushing business these days. What?
tecture, new subjects have been in-
Plan Future Social Events You don't know why? Well, leave approximately sent to the studio.
12 students are being 1%, find the manager's salary.
"Resolved that extra-curricular ac-
troduced as themes for pamphlets [it to the Torch to solve this great Editor's Note: Give the solu- tivities be abolished" is to be the
Plans of an indefinite nature were I mystery. The pictures f o r the Annual are tion of this puzzle to Bob Abram-
and books. "The Cleveland Union subject of a debate, which will be pre-
made at the first meeting this sem- being taken at the Newman Studio. son, 221A. The answer to the
Station," a reference pamphlet just In these days of widespread f i sented here in a short time by mem-
ester of the 12 House of Repre-. Each student may have four dif- puzzle will be published in the bers of the Glenville Debate Club.
received in the library, discloses the na al
new and unusual turns in the build- sentatives, held Monday, September embarrassment, many stores ferent sittings. Therefore, if a next issue. Tryouts for teams were held in
ing of the large city depot here. 22 in room 220. which have as the reason for their lock of hair is misplaced or a neck- room 200, Thursday, the tenth period,
As a possible date for the first ? x i s t e n c e t h e b e a t i f y i n g adbrn- tie is improperly tied, the senior has sion." These plays should be of in- and the following team was chosen:
A story of romance that will be of mg of t h e h u m a n r a c e t h e lat
special interest to those studying social class a f f a i r of the year, O c - |e s t f a s h l o n s i n ^ " four chances in which to imprint his terest to the senior students because Bernard Rein and Isadore Meschan,
the poetry of Browning is "Miss tober 31 was selected. face-lifting,. hair venerable features upon a plate in of the authors' other works which affirmative; Al Scoblow and Melvin
a v i n g and blazin
Barrett's Elopement" by C. Lenan- Discussions of class dues were held, n * neckwear, are satisfactory manner. Everyone hav- are read in school. Levy, negative.
S1 g fr m bankruptcy
ton. Another book inspired by po- but the amount was not decided upon. " ? ' h i r i n g n e w ing his picture taken can buy one Foreign Drama Also Given A large group of students are ex-
etry is "Emily Dickinson." This is It is hoped that a definite figure c l e r k s a n d b e c o m i n wealthy! The dozen photographs, four inches by There are, also, productions which pected to attend, especially those
a biography and appreciation of the will be reached by the next meeting. s ? c r e t o f a 1 1 t h i s i s t h a t t h e s e n i o r six inches in a folder or in an easel, were written by foreign authors. who are doubtful about whether or
works of Miss Dickinson written by Some of the representatives thought c embers are having their pic- at $6 for the 12 portraits. In ad- Lingi Pirandello, who is a professor not to join one of the clubs about
her friend and neighbor. f i f t y cents sufficient to cover the t u r e s t a k e n f o r t h e A n n u a l ! dition to this, one complimentary a t an Italian college and a noted the school. All the advantages and
N o w philosopher, is one. His "Naked" disadvantages of school activities will
Although "The New World of expenses, while others deemed sev- do you wonder that there .
are 80 m a n will be an early production a t the be presented by the speakers.
Physical Discoveries" may sound enty-five cents a more suitable I y wealthy proprietors 0 PWtiire, enlarged to eight inches by
technical, it isn't. The author is amount. shops, which attend to the sartorial ' i s i v e n w i t h each order. Play House. Ferenc Molnar, a well- Tryouts To Be Held
Floyd Darrow, who also wrote It is hoped by the class represent- t a s t e s o f t h e public t At last, the A$2 i the time the
deposit must P i cbe
ture is
n, the
at a known Hungarian author, has written One week after the debate, try-
"Story of Chemistry". atives that there will be three social r e a s o n f o r t h e seniors' craning their studio. "Tale of the Wolf," which will also outs f o r new members will be held.
necks at be given.
Woodcuts, by Paul Honore, are affairs this semester, two dances and every available opportunity
Soon Comment,Will Be Heard
These tryouts will be in the form of
only a small part of the absorbing a tea. to gaze in windows and mirrors at "The Sea Gull," a production of three minute talks, the speakers hav-
their expectant faces is made clear Soon much comment will be heard the immediate present, was written
material in a book of famous, his- in the halls and rooms concerning by Anton Chekov, who is Russian. A ing their own choice of subject. Re-
torical highwaymen, "Highwayman," Latin Class Has Few Members I n c l u d e d in the anxious bo'dy of thtse pictures. "Isn't my picture few of his stories are familiar to the gardless of classification, everyone
by Charles J. Finger. simple terrible?" one will ask in the senior student. will be welcome to come out. This
students, who are due to have their
With the library funds contributed In order to conform with the reg- pictures taken, are l l A ' s , who expect hope of getting an answer in the is a great chance f o r students who
last year, "Builders of the Bay Col- ulations of the board of education, to be graduated with the present negative. "America's outstanding resident are interested in debating.
ony," by Morris, has been purchased. Which prohibit classes with too 12B class, and also those who will theatre" is the title which was given Most of the students may remem-
Thus will the talk run until the to the Play House in Cleveland by ber the competition in the two de-
This volume will be most useful to small a number of students, it was finish their high school careers in
subjects of this conversation will be Kenneth MacGowan, who is a New bates between South and Glenville
the 11A classes in studying Burke's necessary that the 12B and 12A August at the summer school com-
sent away to various relatives who York producer and critic. It is stated last year, each school winning one.
"Conciliation Speech," since it re- pupils take their Vergil in only one mencement. will put them away in a drawer with that these performances offer worth-
lates the background of the New class, under Miss Mary I. McHannanj Seniors Visit Photographer There are numerous other inter-
many other relics, where they will while plays and acting t h a t is dif-
England colonies in detailed fashion. in room 214, the f i f t h period. The visits to the photographer repose undisturbed. scholastic debates scheduled f o r this
f i c u l t to excel. year.

Glenville Torch October 2, 1930

Page 2 ___

T h e Glenville Torch Letters To The Editor, Contributed By Student Body

Glenville High School
P a r k w o o d Drive, Corner E v e r t o n To The Editor of the Torch. ficient to urge a school of some Cheer leading is another difficult
C l e v e l a n d , Ohio There have been many times when 1600 students to do exceptional work. field that goes practically unnoticed.
I have wished for an opportunity to Club achievements are seldom rec- The leaders must attend every game,
P u b l i s h e d W e e k l y by the S t u d e n t of
Glenville H i g h Seliool express my opinions on some sub- ognized or rewarded. For example, must yell themselves hoarse in their
Office Room 114 T e l e p h o n e K D d y 0587 jects relating to our school system, endeavors to arouse the rooters, but
when our debate team scores a vic-
S u b s c r i p t i o n ltntex: E i g h t y - f i v e c e n t s per s e m e s t e r but I have never been sure that any- tory from another school, how many, what recognition is given them for Edited By
E n t e r e d a s s e c o n d - c l a s s m a t t e r - A p r i l 6, 1924, a t t n e one would pay any attention to me. it? Last semester I heard some Sam Hy
p o s t o f f i c e a t C l e v e l a n d , Ohio, u n d f r t h e Act of M a r c h
1879. Since the Torch has made such an complaints about the cheers both Ashes to ashes,
A c c e p t a n c e of m a i l i n g a t t h e s p e c i a l r a t e of p o s t a g e earnest appeal for suggestions, how- Any student in the building from students and from faculty Dust to dust,
p r o v i d e d f o r in S e c t i o n 1103 of t h e Act of O c t o b e r 8,
1917, a u t h o r i z e d A p r i l 16, 1924. ever, I have decided to place my having a complaint, personal griev- members. What is there to make it Read the Blow Torch
ideas before you. As a senior, I feel ience or criticism may write a worth while to the cheer leaders to
Executive And laugh till you bust.
Editor Isadore Meschan justified, after two years of obser- "Letter To The Editor" and have do better? *****
Associate Editor Morris Rabinowitz it published. There is only one Glenville Hy
News Editor Marjorie Buckholz vation, in my opinions. Nor are these the only examples I
Feature Editor Martha Baskin I have noticed that our school does necessity. Name and home room could cite. There are any number I'll Tell The World
Sports Editor - - - - - Ben Gulko
reward outstanding work to a certain of the writer must be stated in of fields in which students of high
Head Typist Ruth Zimmerman A Comedy in Two Hemispheres
Cartoonist degree. That is, we award honors to the letter. Strict privacy will be rank go unnoticed: individual achieve-
Business Manager Ted M i n k e Introduction: Johnie enlisted in the U. S. Navy to
seniors who have achieved high observed and no confidences will ment in the band, orchestra, or
Assistant Business Manager Barnett Frank see the world. He complains to the ensign because he
Advertising Manager Ray Rosenbeig
grades at the conclusion of their be disclosed. No letter will be Choral Club; art students; student is assigned to land duty.
Circulation Manager Evelyn Warwick
Collection Manager Leighton Rosenthal high school days, and to seniors who accepted without the above factor. councilors; Torch writers; etc. EnsignAS IA were. There's no use BALKAN or
Editorial Stall have been very active; we bestow If more awards were bestowed, if you'll get in DUTCH. You're never HUNGARY cause
Joe Friedman, George Margulis, Gwendolyn Sherman,
Sylvia Grossman, R u t h Jackel, Sara Golanty, Myrna letters, usually, upon those athletic outside of the club members and a there was greater compensation for we FI J I good. You don't get TURKEY but you get
Sachs, D o r o t h y H a r v e y , S a m H e l l e r , H y m a n S c h u l k i n , men who deserve it. This system is few individuals, are even aware of certain successes, there would prob- plenty of GREECE and PERUns. We don't SERVIA
L e a h G o l d m a n , R o s e M a s s i n g , I r w i n F r i e d m a n , Goldie
Dworken, Dorothy Amdur, Leonard Bergsman, Nathan fine and I have no fault to find its success? What reward is given ably be more achievements. on CHINA but that's no reason you should take
Katz, Irwin Lager, George Goldenberg, Jerome Brond- with it. But such recognition as is to the debators for their hours of Thank You FRENCH leave. Every sailor gets all he needs but he
field, M i n n i e T h a i , N a n c y Rose, E l e a n o r e S o m m e r s , J e a n
Efifland, D o r o t h y B l e i h a l l , S y l v i a B o g a r accorded, it seems to me, is not suf- preparation and practice? A Senior. WALES for more. You don't need to know the CUBA
Business Stall
Leo G a g e , S h e l d o n Levy, A r t h u r B e i g e r , R o b e r t Opitz,
anything NORWAY you are going to find a place to
F l o r a F i s h e r , Alvin A m s t e r , F r e d S h a f e r , C h a u n c e y H i n s -
Editor Craves Action Industrious Student sleep. EUR UP every day smoking TURKISH Trophies
dale, A l b e r t M e s h m a n
Adviser F r e d e r i c D. A l d r i c h
But Gets Surprise
Views and Shows Her Talent
and we have doctors to see that you don't get a GERM
ANY more.

Clever Writers Sacrifice Lives

Interviews SAMOA ambition and I'm goin' to RUSSIAway from
Gives Impressions Of Typical here. You can't tell me anything because you're only
Irene Bordoni A FRICA nature. ALASKA Lieutenant if I CON GO.
Yet They Deserved Fate And Prince of Wales-
Sophomore While Trying DEN MARK my word I won't work for a petty officer
Is General Opinion Sewing and Cooking Out For Torch Staff any more cause E GYPT my shirt last week. If you try to
A motto stop me you'll have a SALV ADORning your beak.
"Action," said the feature editor. So I suppose that the subject I'm (He grabs a civilian's PANAMA and exits doing a
That's what I need. Speedlife -By Jerome Schwartz taking is very orijinal but I'm just SPANISH fandango and whistling CHILI Bean).
Thursday, October 2, 1930 energypep! In other words, ac- a little sofimore, so I hope you'll Max Zak, Esq.
tion! From now on, I want your Irene Bordoni, the famous French like my story. * * * * *

stories to be full of it. Absolutely actress of stage and screen fame So my brother, he's a alumalum "MY FATHER SELLS WINDOW SHADES."
The Olympiad stuffed with it. Action, with a was in town! One is charmed by alumnie, he said I should get on "A BLIND MAN, H U H ? "
* * * * *
"Congratulations on the Olympiad! That is capitol "A." Remember that!" her presence, though you cannot des- the Tortch because it's nice to see
Patriotic Hymn: His nose was red, his shirt was
a perfectly beautiful book, and I think that it The three feature writers to whom cribe her exactly even if you were your name in print so I thot I'd try
reflects Glenville in a very white light!" The the lecture was being given shifted to get on the Tortch. So I went to white and he always had the blues.
to try. Perhaps, you would say she * * * *
above quotation is the opening sentence in a their gaze from the editor's face to a meeting and I found out all about
looks like a little French doll, an it so now I'm riting this for you Teacher: "It gives me great pleasure to give you
letter to Mr. H. H. Cully from Superintendent the walls. There was an embarras-
sing silence. exceedingly animated French doll, to get on the Tortch. Even if you a mark of 91."
R. G. Jones. Read that quotation again if you with bewildered black eyes, full of don't like this, pleeze pretend you
missed it! Glenville can be justly proud of its Finally one of the listeners evi- Stude: "Make it 100 and have a real good time."
deviltry. One might enumerate her do so then the editer will put me on
annual senior offeringthe Olympiad. dently of sterner stuff than the Philosophy Department
others, said meekly, "So you want qualities as chic, delicacy, refine- the Tortch. Thankes lodes.
Don't become discouraged if you have a cold in the
For many years a magazine edited by the our stuff to be full of action." ment, air of superiority and what So the first day I came to Glen- head. Even that's something.
seniors has been offered to all Glenville stud- "Do I! Does a 10B want to get is popularity known as "class," ville I tryed to act real suffisti- * * * * *
ents as a keep-sake of school life and thought. out at the end of the sixth! I'll thinking you have described her. cated so I remarked that everything ONE: "SAY, THAT SUIT OF YOURS LOOKS
This carefully compiled book is a product of say I want action, desire it, pray for She is just different, more beautiful was terrible boaring. (I think RUSTY."
student ability and an outlet for artistic, liter- it, and hope for it. The only thing
ary and social expression. The contents of the than any actress I have ever known that's what the seniors say). T'OTHER: "WELL, WHEN I BOUGHT IT THE
I don't do is get it. Now listen, So anyhow, I managed to find my SALESMAN SAID IT *WOULD
Annual are as varied and entertaining as the you great intellects. Wake up or
and can be centered into just one * * * * WEAR LIKE IRON."
activities, interest and personnel of each grad- word, which is "charm." way about so I actually got to clas-
there'll be some fresh and shining ses in time. Doorman at speakeasy: "Who's there?"
uating class make them. Each class tries to faces around this place! School of Experience
make some improvement on previous Olym- So the second day I had music, so Voice: "It is I."
At the end of the day, the fea- Miss Bordoni was born in Cor- 1 Doorman: "No school teachers allowed."
piadsthis spirit of development proves the sica, an island off the southern the teacher told mfe to stick a little
ture editor was highly gratified to 4c % * *
worth of such a publicationand the Olympiad coast of France, where Napoleon bit closer to the tone, so now, I don't
of 1930 was not merely a class record book, find three stories in her box. Young man at football game: "Bate will soon be
"There," she thought, "all you have Bonaparte, the hero of her mother- think I want to get in corel club be- our best man."
but a stage in the evolution of an even better land was born about two and a cause I was insulted.
Olympiad. to do is talk to them. Just a nice, She: "Oh this is so sudden!"
understanding lecture. Probably, it half centuries before. When still a So anyways, I like Glenville be- * * * * *

was my own personality that in- youngster, her family moved to cause the study hall is real long so Hint of the Week
Members of the class of '31: You have be-
spired them. And so prompt, too!" Paris, where she has lived all her the teacher can't see me when I A STITCH IN TIME
gun your last year at Glenville. Your achieve
life. She did not have much school- throw spit balls. * *SEWS
ments in that year will be forgotten if they are But a puzzling fact was, that, ex-
cepting the names of the writers on ing, as it was necessary for her to So I take biolojy and I learn't that A tear trickled down my face as Edward packed
not recorded in your Olympiad. You can make if you took me apart I'd only be his things and prepared to leave. A picture of all the
those clever incidents and uncommon events the pages, all three were exactly earn money when still very young.
scholarshipgeniuspersonality, live in the alike. "But," says Miss Bordoni, "I have worth ninty-eight cents so now I good times that we had had here together passed in a
making-of a good record book, a real Olym- A greater surprise awaited her learned much from the school of ex- don't think so much of myself. quick panorama across my mind. I would miss his
perience by extensive travel and by So then I went to geomitry and cheerful smile and perpetual chatter. I noticed that he
pian product. One of the first and most es- when she started to read the manu-
just because I didn't no some rules was downcast and that his hands trembled a little, too.
sential factors, in the production of your mag- scripts. The contents were, to say much reading."
my teecher thought I was dum but I was sorry for him.
azine, is the backing of subscriptions and the least, of a nature to surprise Only Fifty Cents A Day!
down payments on them. You know that a even a surprise-proof editor who gets At the mere age of 13, a deter- I'm not dum because I passed in But confound the fool anyway! Didn't he know
country can't progress unless it has the proper all sorts of odd surprises every day. mined young individual seeking a spelling. So now I don't like geom- any better than to yell out loud in the auditorium dur-
economic backing. The Olympiad that you The contents: job passed by a theater. Set on itry. ing a study hall period. And just because I had poked
wish to leave to posterity needs the same back- finding work, she went in, asked for So I thought I'd be real patriotic him .a little. Well it would mean a seat at the other
"Death spoke from the muzzle of
ing. Remember this when you are asked to that gun. Two more Indians bit a position, and secured it. Her pay so I went to the football game and end of the aud and several mornings. I was sorry for
subscribe. the dust. Stepping carefully over was two francs a day, which was saw everybody fall on each other. So him!
their bodies, Diamond Dick walked to about fifty cents in American money. I had lots of fun getting horse so I Sam Heller
Underclassmen of Glenville: From this meager start, Miss Bor- had a good time. So I think we
the stake where his friend was tied.
Do you want to know how all this discussion In but a few minutes, the white doni developed into the world fa- lost the game because the other
of senior prowess, senior cooperation and man would have met a horrible mous musical comedy and screen star side was yelling louder.
that she is today. She is the star So my English teecher sed I didn't
senior Olympiads affects you? You should be death by burning. Just as Dick was
no how to spell and my grammer
concerned for two reasons: first, the informa- about to release him, another Indian of the French theater and is as
well known in London as in Paris was atroshus so she's going to teech
tion that you want about school organizations, appeared. Our hero calmly shot him
me some lessons and I'll have to Stations' L-I-B and M-A-R-G broadcasting over the
the interesting record of the lattercontain- through the heart! Reference: and America.
stop riting now and get something Torch Network.
ing picures, sketches and personal notes, are "Diamond Dick, Out West," and un- Ah! The Prince in my head like my teecher says so We take pleasure in announcing Wonders of the
to be found in the Olympiad; second, the sup- derneath, "Ain't that action?" At one time, she was called upon I gotta stop now. Goodby. World.
porting of a school record in which many of It was. Three feature writers to impersonate the Prince of Wales. Yola Jackobson * * * * *
your friends participate is of great value and were borne to their eternal rest to He, being in the audience, thought We wonder:
importance for friendship's sake. We ask you it very amusing and came to her

Book Review
the tune of Mendelssohn's "Funeral 1. What the attraction is that keeps Gil O., Eddie
to show a real interest in your school by sub- March". But then, they should have dressing room after the performance P. and Irv S. at Glenville so long.
scribing to the Olympiad of '31. known better, than to make jokes at in order that she might be able to 2. Why Dorothy K.'s Friday nites are reserved for
the expense of a hard-worked feature study his mannerisms and char- a certain Glenville alumnusHarold E.
As a final recommendation for the Olympiad acteristics, also * that she might get
comes this opinion from Mr. H. H. Cully. editor who had just had four soul- Farthing Hall By 3. If Billy W. is preparing to be an actor since he
searing tests. a close study of his appearance so Hugh Walpole and J. B. Priestley is so faithfully practicing "Cradle Snatching."
"I am much pleased with the artistic and lit- that her make-up would be a per- The story gathered by reading the 4. Why Sally G. enjoys school so much.
erary set-up of the annual. It is equal to any fect reproduction of his features. correspondence of two English * * * * *

college publication." ipcnpjr - "My hobbies," she said, with a gentlemen, one in love, trying
twinkle in her black eyes, "are sew- win his sweetheart, the other mar- HOT SKETCH.

Good artistry in bolh literature and the arts is the

CCKNIEK ing and cooking." ried, trying to win back his sweet-
heart, is truly a "Comedy of Er-
* * * * *
No Fast Place
portrayal of the extreme unusual tinted with the ex- Lovers rors". Ole: Ay vant to take das book.
"No," she answered emphatically
treme usual. Shy and timid, the sky Mark French finds himself on a Librarian: This one, Ben Hur?
to one of the questions asked,
Hides beneath a veil of cloud.
"Stage life is not the fast and fur- train bound for northern England, Ole: Yas, dot ban her.
Sometimes the wind
ious place it is depicted to be. On when he writes the first of his
* * * * *

Tears the veil from her face amusing letters. Why? For the Jean S. appears to be interested in R., not
the contrary, it is a most serious
"Be A Snob?" To kiss her.
business. When one has to be fit simple reason that he was following railroad but!
to work all day on his feet under the attractive young woman whom
* * * * * * *
There is always more to be said for those Impression he had seen at the theatre the night ESTYRE V. HAS AN AUTO-HORN BOY FRIEND.
who study than against them. Nevertheless, intense nervous pressure and be at
there are some pupils who hold grievances There is a white crack in the all times able to give a 100% per- before. Rather a foolish idea, trail- SURE IT'S B. B.
formance, there is no time for a fast ing some one who probably didn't
* * * * *
deep blue of the sky
against decidedly scholarly students. They Tonight, know you existedbut when you're Nancy R. got a "rise" out of some one now in Co-
say that this class of students is composed of and furious pace. The wild life
And through it, thought to exist among people of in love with this certain person. lumbus, but everything fell down.
very boring, snobbish people who keep their Her name? He didn't know * * * * *
noses in their books, and are oblivious to all The moonarrogantly the theater is no faster than
Is sticking her snipe nose. that. Married? He hoped not! Fe! Fi! Fo! Fale!
that goes on about them. can be found in any walk of life.
D. S. A. Only people of the theatre are always Pretty? Yes! That was French's We smell food cooked by Gail.
Recently a college professor advised his * * * total knowledge regarding the un- For domestics, she seems to yearn.
Fear in the public eye, so you hear more
students to "be a snob." Perhaps he is right, about it. suspecting object of his admiration. We wonder at *this * * sudden
** turn.
but as we see it, the snobs are not the popular I cover my face Meanwhile Bob Newlands tries to
peoplethose people who become class of- From the mirror of truth Played In Pictures satisfy his wife by tolerating her RUSTY: WHAT CAUSES THE FLIGHT OF
ficers and hold other enviable positions. Join Because Miss Bordoni has played in the bizarre guests. But he's not very TIME?
a club; get out among peopleand don't be a I dare not face it photoplay, "Show of Shows" and also successful. Hence, come his diffi- DUSTY: BECAUSE IT IS URGED ON BY THE
snob! D. S. A. (Continued On Page 4) culties. SPUR OF THE MOMENT.
October 2, 1930 Glenville Torch Page 3

Lincoln Gridders Afford Opportunity For First Senate Victory

Champions Of Intramural Basketball
Tar-Blood Footballers Oppose Lincoln Sport Spasms Tournament To Receive Loving Cup
In Opening League Combat Of Season We thought football players are supposed to be dumb, but
George Goldenberg, Glenville gridder, is cutting a wisdom tooth. Home Rooms 100, 119 Victors In Initial Games; Independ-
West Side Presidents Hope To Make Up For Poor Showing Fancy! ent Tourney For Organization Scheduled
Of Last Season ;Silverstein Returns * # * #
There is plenty of excitement in our gym these
There's one team in this year's Senate football Big Games on October 18: days since the intramural cagers have started
race that's out to take over everything in its Ohio State-Michigan. their annual play.
path or die in the attempt. That school is none Notre Dame-Wisconsin. The opening day, Thursday, September 25, was
other than last year's cellar champs, Lincoln Yale-Georgia Tech. featured by two close contests in which home
High School. The west-siders begin their Sen- Glenville-East Tech. room 100 defeated home room 10 by a score of
ate come-back drive by facing our own Red and # # # # *
eight to six and room 119 downed room 300, 11
to eight.
Black crowd at Thomas Edison field, Friday, According to R. G. Johnson, who is in charge
October 3. Our old friend Jake Shulduvak says, "Ain't it a crime the
way they call Cathedral Latin the 'fighting Irish.' Look't the of the tournament, the champion of the 24 teams
Last year, Coach Atkinson's squad was trampled on by line-up: Pozelnik, Chojnowski, Petroni." entered will be presented with a silver loving cup,
every opponent they faced but the boys promise to have a dif- * # * * *
which will remain in its possession until the next
ferent type of story on hand for this year's opponents. To season. The players of the winning team will be
back up their claim, they point to the enthusiastic way in Six girls faintedteachers screamedhoarse shouts came given individual Red and Black banners.
which their small but active group has responded in their prac- from the boys. Mr. Towne came runningA football player had In addition to the intramural
tice sessions thus far. Like the Glenville boys, they are hamp- gone to the end of the lunch line! tournament, there will also be a
ered by the lack of a good field upon
which to practice, but the boys have # * # # # Girls Explore Routes tourney for independent teams rep-
resenting various organizations: such
not complained and are going about
their chores as if they meant busi-
East Tech Gridmen It seems as though the "Bergs" have it in Glenville's line-
upGrossberg, Goldenberg, Rosenberg, Greenberg. Everything In Reservation Glade as boys' squad leaders, clubs and
the Torch. The victor of this league
but an Iceberg. will be given a banner to be kept
ness, according to Coach Atkinson.
Wiese Heads Backfield Defeat St. Ignatius Hikers Follow Nature Trails
until the next season.
It is planned that, in the future, the
Two stalwarts, Wiese and Hoff-
man, from last year's backfield have East High Gains First Win Of
Coach Johnson Desirous Of Building Of Metropolitan Park In two home room champions and the
returned for another season with the two teams representing the inde-
North Chagrin
Scranton Road team. No doubt the
offensive attack of the west side
Season, Routing Shaw 13 Powerful Tennis Squad Next Season pendent clubs may play off their
games on the same afternoon in the
To O ; Adams Loses Trees, plants and minerals were
school will center about these two gymnasium. It is definitely under-
Matches R u n Off At Gordon and Kravitz, who is under the wing among the marks of nature observed stood that a game between the two
men. Hoffman, a basketball man,
In spite of the loss of fullback of Julie Kravitz, former Glenville by the Glenville Girls' Hikers Club, champions, to decide the winner will
is big and fast and will bear watch-
La Riche, the East Tech eleven Courts; Milkoff, Kravitz, tennis star, should develop into fine
ing while Wiese is equally dangerous Sunday, September 21, at Metro- not be played.
opened its 1930 grid season in fine Boch Appear Good material.
once he gets loose. politan Park. Lettermen Ineligible
fashion by trouncing St. Ignatius Some of the other winners who
In the line the main threat of the 33-13 in a night game at the Luna Coach Johnson, tennis mentor, is The North Chagrin Reservation of Some of the rules of the tourna-
showed promise were Ray Brettbart ment are as follows: last year's
Lincolnites is Vetterling, a huge Park Stadium, Saturday, September highly pleased with the manner in the Metropolitan Park system is one
who took over Arthur Burback, 7-5; basketball lettermen and the mem-
tackle with two years' experience. 27. which the first round of his tennis of the four spots which are made
6-2; in a slow match, and Irwin bers of this years football squad
Besides being strong on defense and tournament has been run off. Six- public by the Cleveland Museum of
The Carpenters, aided by long pas- Lager who trimmed Leo Madow are excluded from this intramural
offense, this boy comes out of the teen matches were held Thursday, Natural History.
ses and Ignatius fumbles, completely program; the date of each game will
line to do the punting for his team, Friday and Saturday, September 18, After having satisfied their hun-
overwhelmed the Catholic team, which
and he sure can boot the pigskin. also took to the air in the second
19, and 20 at the Gordon Park courts Alumni Gridmen ger, the party set out to explore two be posted at least three days before
Possess Experienced Men and among the 16 victors there is trails; one the "nature trail," the the game is due; teams wishing to
Besides these few, the Lincoln ar-
half. McKenna, Patch, Karlovec and
Liptak were the main factors in
plenty of promising material. With Reserve other the "sylvan trail." The dis- postpone games must do so at least
Courtney Boch showed promise in When Western Reserve takes tance covered on the former route 48 hours before the scheduled
ray includes a goodly number who Tech's attacks while Sammon, Sulli-
taking over Albert Scablow 6-0, 6-1. the field in its first football clash was a little more than a mile. game.
saw action during the past season. van and McGinty figured in the
scoring for the Saints. Not until Scablow is a fair player but Boch there will be four former Glen- A wild, gnarled grapevine, twisted All protests must be sent to the
Together with the others, this group
the third and final quarter did East easily overwhelmed him with his ville gridmen wearing the Red like a giant serpent, was one of the gym office 24 hours before the
will, no doubt, be on hand to give
Tech allow Ignatius to score their fast volleying and fine net playing. and White. objects of interest observed. An- game. The question of eligibility
Glenville a merry afternoon. This is Boch's third attempt for the
two touchdowns. Herb White, who played an other vine was noticed entwined of opposing players must be cleared
The Parkwood team will, no doubt, team. end with the locals five years
Playing much better football than around a huge oak tree, which tow- up before game time. A list of
be strengthened by the return of Marvin Milcoff, playing a steady ago, is slated to start at that
last week enabled East High to win ered up into the sky. players will be opsted on the bul-
Benny Silverstein, veteran tackle, to game, trimmed Joel Goldberg easily position with Reserve.
its first football game of the season One could pause in the middle of letin board in the gym. There will
the line. "Schantz" was out of the 6-1, 6-1. If Milcoff continues play-
in defeating Shaw High, one of its Morrie Berkowitz, another for- the trail and look across to a pic- be two games played each day, the
opener against Cathedral Latin be- ing the steady strong game that he
close rivals, 13-0, at the Shaw sta- mer Tar-Blood warrior is a back- turesque hill outlined against the first at 3:30 p. m. and the second at
cause of a bad foot injured during showed in his match with Goldberg,
dium. Both of the Blue and Gold's field sub, while Bob Moss, a clear, blue sky. This hill is Guild- 4:10 p. m.
the opening week of practice. That he should be a sure fixture for a
touchdowns were scored late in the charging lineman with Glenville a ersleene, which existed as an island Definite Plans Made
injury has fully healed however and position on the team.
game when Tomb threw an 18-yard few years ago, will be in there centuries ago, while the trail upon The teams entered are divided in-
there is no doubt but that Silverstein Kravitz Wins In Hard Struggle
pass to Englander and when Artale fighting to hold the Reserve for- which the girls stood was submerged to groups of three, and each group
will see plenty of action against the The fastest and most exciting
plunged through from the one-yard ward wall intact. under 400 feet of water. will play in the following manner:
Presidents in the opening senate en- match of the tournament was the
line after a parade down the field. "Bull" Ratner, who starred the first team will play the second;
counter. The game will be held at Adolph Kravitz, Sanford Lieberman "Sylvan Route" Visited
East scored 13 first downs to Shaw's here in '28, is a probable starter the second team the third; and then
Thomas Edison field tomorrow and battle. Kravitz showing a strong The sylvan route, three-fourths of
two with Rose playing a stellar role at one of the tackles. "Bull" is the first team will play the third;
the first kick-off is slated for 3:30 offensive in the first set won 6-4; a mile in length, offered various
at right half. considered a real "find" at Uni- the winner in each group entering
p. m . but Lieberman played inspired tennis types of trees as points of interest.
versity Circle school. the semi-finals. In this way, all the
With only three minutes to go in in the second set and came back to One could note the difference in
the last quarter, Goodall of Akron win this one, 6-4. In the third and barks, tell the age of a tree by teams are allowed to play two
Heights High Downs Garfield plunged over for the win- deciding set, Kravitz reeled off the
easily, 6-1,6-0. Paul Shirer won
easily from Isadore Bower, 6-1,7-5,
counting the rings and see the liv- games.
ning touchdown after a march down first three games, but Lieberman ing part of a tree. The first two games will have six
Collinwood, 26 To 0 the field from the 80-yard line to steadying tied it up at four all. The
while Daniel Wertheimer dropped
Sanford Kay in a slow match. Some of the hikers resumed the minute quarters, the semi-finals will
beat South High. Orlikowski, full- set went to 9-7 before Kravitz finally jaunt from the park to the city have seven minutes and the finals
back, was the mainstay of the South won. Both of the boys looked good, Summary eight.
Ippolitto, Gordon, Mehring eleven scoring its only touchdown in Courtney Boch defeated Albert
limits. Five stamps were given to
those who walked back.
And Curfman Star As Team the third period. Scablow, 6-0,6-0.
Josephine White, hiking manager
Laces Railroaders In the only Friday game, West
Tech opened its season by defeating Racquet-Wielders Hold Paul Shirer defeated Isadore Bow-
er, 6-1, 7-5. for last year, has been appointed to
serve this semester also. She has
John Marshall, the 1929 Conference Ray Brettbart defeated Arthur
With Vic Ippolitto dashing
through huge gaps in the Collinwood
champions, 19 to six.
John Adams, another contender for
Winter Training Drills Burback, 7-5, 6-2.
Irwin Lager defeated Leo Madow,
announced a hike to Rocky River for
this Sunday. Girls interested should
6-1, 6-0. sign the sheet posted on the gym
line and skirting the ends for large the Senate toga, lost its first game
to Sandusky, 12. to 0. Cathedral Squad Members Play Practice Marvin Milcoff defeated Joel Gold- bulletin.
gains, the Heights grid team defeated
the Collinwood varsity, Saturday, Latin was defeated by Struthers Tournaments With Other berg, 6-1,6-1.
nine to 0 while Lakewood gave High School Teams
September 27, at the former eleven's Patronize Our Advertisers
football field by a score of 26 to 0.
Akron North a 19 to 0 drubbing in
the week-end game. Every Wednesday afternoon, from
New Football Uniforms Are A new low
Secured For Grid Season
Harry Gordon, acting captain and
left tackle of the winning suburban
four until six o'clock, the Glenville
tennis team consisting of 12 racquet- Wheeler School of Dancing price for
Faculty Bowlers Open New When the Glenville gridders trot-
Classes In All Types Of Stage
squad, was the defensive star. Mehr- wielders practice indoor at Miles
ing, Orange and Black fullback, who Season At Downtown Alleys Standish School. The purpose of
ted out onto the football field at
Latin Stadium, Saturday, September
Dancing. Also Limbering.
Private Lessons in Latest Ball-
scored half of his team's points and the winter training is to keep the
Curfman, who ran an intercepted Glenville's faculty bowling squad, squad in shape for the tennis league
20, to open the annual fall classic
with Cathedral Latin's eleven, their
room Dancing
Moderate Tuition SCHAFFNER
which opens its season Monday at schedule season next spring. 10014 Euclid GAr. 7861J
pass 3i5 yards down the sidelines be- new Red and Black suits caught the
fore he was tackled, also starred for the Euclid avenue Thirteenth recre- Coach R. G. Johnson, tennis men- eye of many an ardent Tar-Blood & MARX
ation rooms shows promise of being tor, helps the team at the practice fan.
Heights. Halfback Iafelice played A Classical Foundation with a
best for the Yostmen.
one of the strong teams of the
teachers' bowling league this winter.
sessions, pointing out their weak-
nesses and improving their strokes.
The black numerals against the
Modern Twang. TWO
bright red background on both the
The Heights gridders got away to The members of the squad put on
a good start when they scored half
The team, which includes J. C.
Chapin, J. E. Bahner, R. G. Johnson, their own tournaments during the
back and front of the uniforms en-
Howard Moran TROUSER
abled the fans to see who it was
of their markers in the first quarter. indoor training season to strengthen
The initial touchdown was made
E. W. Oliver and W. A. Gray, is
practically the same as that of last their weaknesses. The tennis as-
that made the thrilling end run. The
jerseys, as a whole, look snappier
Violin HIGH
when a pass, a run and a line plunge pirants seeking positions as regulars
gained 58 yards after the opening
Last season, the squad finished
on the varsity are given tryouts at
than the old shirts because of the
large black numbers on front and John H. Currier SCHOOL
kickoff. A pass for the extra point the weekly drills, but the majority back.
was grounded. A short pass by ninth in the league, which contains
23 members. This was a fairly good
of the squad is chosen from the
Fifteen new pairs of pants were
Piano and Harmony MEN'S
quarterback Ryan to Ippolitto, who winners in the Glenville tennis
showing, considering that Mr. Oliver procured, a few of which are the
ran 25 yards, scored the second
touchdown. This time a line plunge and Mr. Johnson had never bowled
tournaments. These contests are
latest backfield style made. The Sam Pattie SUITS
usually held at the beginning and
through center by Mehring made the previously. Mr. Chapin, captain- close of each tennis season in order helmets are specially constructed
extra point.
In the second and fourth quarters,
manager and high point man last
season expects the local pin-topplers
to develop new material for the
next year's squad.
against shock and afford the play-
ers some real protection. The
the remaining points were scored.
to finish high as Coaches Oliver and
Johnson have improved greatly. Two indoor courts at Miles Stand-
backfield helmets are especially well
equipped against shock.
Harold Copelin Available in
After a march down the field from ish School are being put into use BanjoGuitar
the 50-yard line at the start of the At the close of the schedule, all throughout the winter months. These
second period, the Ubermen scored the league members will be banquet- courts were secured by the principal
Patronize Our Advertisers Cleveland only
another touchdown on a p l u n g e ed, while the winning teams will be
awarded cash prizes. This is taken
and the board of education, as has Ted Larson at
through tackle by Ippolitto. The
care of by the entry fees.
been the custom in former years.
Acme Railway Instrument Service
extra point was gained when Tru- The practice continues until the
Moderate Fees
man went around end on a fake
kick. At the beginning of the last John H. Currier, a former Glen-
last of April, when the team starts
the outdoor practice. The regular
Supply Co.
quarter, a recovered fumble and a ville student, has just been made Senate matches start about the mid- Steel Furniture Associated Music Studios 830 EUCLID at NINTH
line plunge gave Heights its last head of the piano department of the dle of May. This makes winter MAin 2336 1213 W. 3rd St. 2029 E. 102nd St. GAr. 3955
touchdown. Associated Music Studios. training a valuable asset.
Page 2 ___ Glenville Torch October 2, 1930

Teachers Voyage Pupils Answer Plea Teacher Displays Native Embroidery Choral Club Hears
With Subscriptions Sophomores Attend
Grand Opera Star
To Europe While From Czecho-Slovakia In Show Case
Twenty-Four Home Rooms Assembly To Hear
Better 75 % ; Two Classes Instructor Visits Poland And
Edith Fletcher, Soprano, In-
On Summer Tours Hand In Full Records
Speeches By 12B's
Austria On Her Voyage
To Slavic Countries
The people from the farming dis-
tricts' where wheat is the main pro-
duct are quite prosperous, and lit-
spires M'usic Appreciation
With Recital Of Classics
(Continued From Page 1) erally "let themselves go" in color.
Faculty Members Find Sights Irving Sandergor as agent; L. M. Sundays and festive days find the (Continued From Page 1)
Thomas's 12A girls of home room Embroidery from Czecho-Slovakia New Students Receive Pam-
Both Thrilling, Beautiful, and hand work of Moravian peasants
women dressed in holiday ensemble. tunes.
In Far Countries 208, with Margaret Bandler as Black accordian-pleated skirts of ap- Sings "Madame Butterfly"
phlets Giving Information
agent; Miss Helen F. Winship's 12A are being displayed in the show case
palca form the background for bro- Miss Fletcher closed the program About Activities, Studies
girls of home room 213, with Esther in the front hall this month, by Mrs.
Glenville teachers were among the caded silk skirts. Their jackets are with a group of two songs, "Hills of
Florence Bush, art teacher, who has
many thousands of European visitors, Coltenson as agent; Miss Mary recently returned from abroad. also brocaded, but with the addition
Home," by O. J. Fox, and an ex- Information about activities at
from the United States, in the past McHannan's 11B girls of home room Mrs. Bush's tour of the Slavic
of brilliant ribbons and brightly col-
cerpt from "Madame Butterfly", by Glenville High School was received
summer. Miss Mary P. McHannan, 214, with Sylvia Schanker as agent; countries was for the purpose of ored laces. "They look like a large
Puccini. If one had looked at the by 10B students during an assembly
Miss Anna L. Mclntyre and Miss Mrs. Matie Merrill Parker's 11B studying the influence of peasant garden of many hued flowers!" ex-
expressions registered on the stud- held Monday, September 29, the
Alma G. Gleason were the fortunate boys of home room 216, with Leo art in Europe and comparing the claimed Mrs. Bush.
ents' faces, he would have seen first
Malek as agent; Miss Maud C. Baer's home room period. Speeches, cover-
vacationers. When at work they wear calicos, amazement, then wonderment and
12B boys of home room 217, with native art of Austria to that of the ing the various types of extra-cur-
Miss McHannan and Miss Mcln- always clean and attractive. The finally open-mouthed admiration at
Julius Garson as agent; Miss Anna Slovakian districts and that of Po- ricular activities, were prepared and
tyre "did" Europe together. They skirts, jackets and kerchiefs vary in Miss Fletcher's sterling singing.
L. Mclntyre's 11A girls of home land. Vienna, which has made sev- given by senior sponsors.
traveled via the northern route, color. Though the ladies shovel the
room 219, with Marjorie Farber as eral contributions to the artistic To be visited by a soprano who Five talks were heard. They were:
sailing from Montreal, June 26, and concrete and crush the stones when
agent; Miss Lavinia Carlton's 10A world, was the starting point of the has sung in many cities in this "Girls' Athletics," discussed by Dora
landing at Cherbourg, France, July a home is being built, they still re
boys of home room 222, with Harold instructor's trip.
3. Their route then took them south- Paper-cutting and toys were out- main neat and clean. "There is no country and in the British Isles, Chizek; "Boys' Athletics," by Daniel
Abram as agent; W. H. Ellsworth's
east through France, then north into need for dieting, because they work where she appeared for the nobility Wertheimer; "Music," by Myrtle
10A boys of home room 223, with standing examples of the peasant art
Germany and finally south to Italy, so hard they stay slender," said Mrs. of India, is certainly a great honor Wright; "Science Clubs," by Dan
Isadore Gordon as agent; H. J. Lens- of Poland. Being in a mountainous for Glenville. Eisler; and "School Newspapers and
returning to America from Naples Bush.
ner's 12B girls of home room 224, district, the natives utilize their Language Clubs," by Isadore Mes-
via the Mediterranean Sea and the wood to the fullest extent by carv- The houses are painted every hue
with Flora Fisher as agent. chan.
Atlantic on the southern route, Aug-
ust 7.
Miss McHannan was very en-
Agents To Report Mornings
The Torch business department is
ing it.
Czecho-Slovakian peasants excel in
with bright bands of color around the
bottom. Patterns illuminate Possess The Powers
These speeches supplemented in-
formation contained in a pamphlet,
hand embroideries, although machine- doorways in the villages, where gaity
thusiastic when talking of the trip. requesting that all home room agents made materials tend to make their
When asked for the one part of her report for their envelopes every day
tastes seem exaggerated.
and brilliancy is the keynote. To Charm The Masses which was distributed among the
10B home rooms, Thursday, Sep-
tour which she most enjoyed, she re- at 8 a. m. until their subscriptions Wear Handkerchiefs On Head
tember 25. The home room teachers
plied, "We have many wonderful have been paid in full. New sub- Bank Begins Seventh Year Do you want to rise above the read through the pamphlet with the
scriptions can still be taken and While the women's dress varies
memories, but the day that stands only in color throughout the prov- Of Serving Glenville Pupils masses and become an individual, or students to familiarize them with
out, perhaps, more than any other more blanks can be obtained any ince, their head kerchiefs are tied are you still one of the crowd? Be- its contents. At the meetings of
was the one on which we saw the morning. the sophomore sponsor groups, the
With the purpose of making it come self-possessed, and self-confi- material will be discussed in greater
Passion Play at Oberammergau, Ba- Except for the first two issues differently in every village. Boots dent. Achieve the grace of correct
convenient for the pupils to form
varia." which have come out on Friday on are worn in some villages, although detail.
high-laced shoes are still the style in the habit of saving money, the entrance and the power of thunder- The pamphlet was compiled by a
Among other thrilling episodes of account of the holidays, the Torch others. The entire costume of the Glenville High Savings Society open- ing oration. Amaze the world, en- committee of sponsors, consisting of
the trip were the ascent to the crater 1 will be delivered every Thursday. men is different in each village. ed its seventh year of service, trance the multitudes and sway the
of Mount Vesuvius, the descent to On Thanksgiving, however, the paper Thursday, September 18. public with your voice. Don't let Sophie Cooper, Abner Markell, Syl-
the catacombs at Rome, and the will come out on Wednesday as there them snicker when you start to via Bogar, Adele Ginsberg, Dorothy
The periods and places where the speak, make them laugh! Learn the Sabad and Edward Schultz. They
visit to the ruins of the ancient city will be no school the rest of the Scholarship Offered To Boys pupils' money may be taken and art of make-up and even your best were advised by Miss Maud C.
of Pompeii. The teachers also great- week. credited are outside the auditorium, friend won't know you. Become a Bear and Miss Gertrude Warner. A
ly admired the works of art in Flor- Scholarships worth $5,000 apiece the fourth, f i f t h and sixth periods
ence. Another impressive exper- had the time of our lives," Miss to any of the leading technical uni- on Tuesday and Thursday. On Mon- foreword was written by the prin-
ience of their tour was having an Gleason said. "However," she add- cipal.
audience with the Pope. It was Miss ed, "we regretted one thing, the fact versities and colleges are being of- day, Wednesday and Friday, deposits Have You Any News? Sophomore Home Rooms Intact
fered by the Fisher Body Corpora-1 can be made from eight o'clock until
Mclntyre's seventh crossing; it was that none of our friends could see tion, News! Club hews! Homeroom This year, a new plan has been
us!' the beginning of the home room adopted for the sophomore sponsor
the second for Miss McHannan. Boys between the ages of period at the main entrances of the news! Any kind of news! Has
Miss Gleason Is With Sister On the auto trip, they saw magnif-
twelve and twenty can enroll f r e e of building. your class done anything differ- groups. Instead of having one
icent cathedrals and more beautiful sponsor take charge of a small
Miss Gleason traveled with her
They then re- charge in the Fisher Body Crafts- As soon as $1.00 has been de- ent? Is your club planning some- group by himself, as was formerly
sister and two friends. They left rugged scenery. men Guild by calling on any General posited, a bank account is started at thing novel? Tell the Torch first.
New York, June 24, on the S. S. Re- turned to London and journeyed to Motors dealer. The aim of this non- the Pasadena Branch of the Union Let your school paper spread the the case, the sophomore home rooms
public. Their trip was planned to in- Canterbury, the background of news. Drop a note in the Torch are now kept intact and a few spon-
clude the British Isles and Paris. Chaucer's "Canterbury Tales." In commercial organization is to pro- Trust Company. Four per cent in- box in the hall and we'll be glad sors are assigned to each room, there
mote better workmanship. terest is given.
Miss Gleason's party landed at Cobhi, this town was the most inspiring The guild will give a membership to give you all the publicity you being one sponsor to every nine or
The officers of the school bank
Ireland. Spending a week in Ireland, cathedral that Miss Gleason had yet
certificate and an official bronze are: Sanford Schwimmer and Eugene want. But remember, news ten sophomores.
seen. A plan has been devised whereby
she visited Dublin, Belfast and
They Travel To Paris emblem besides full plans for build- Soloway, business managers; Howard means something new. the senior sponsors aid the study
Grant's Causeway. The Lake of
Kilarney was one of the most impres- The next step was the channel ing an exact likeness of the famous Abe, auditor; Nathan Siegel, hall teachers in checking attendance
coach. A f t e r a while these replicas cashier; and Dorothy Levine, book- Bernhardt, a Duse, a Barrymore, a and maintaining discipline among
sively beautiful sights ever seen by crossing from Dover to Calais. From will be entered in a national contest keeper. Fazenda or even a Turpin. Cultivate the lOB's. It has not yet had a
Miss Gleason, she stated. there, they traveled to Paris, where
For boys under fifteen there is one your vocal chords and sharpen your sufficiently long trial to prove its
From Ireland, she traveled to Scot- they resided for two weeks. The
set of prizes and for older boys an- Evelyn Warwick, circulation man- memory. Broaden your circle of worth, but the teachers and students
land, where the four visited Glascow, travelers received their quota of other. ager of the Torch, has resigned her friends. Appeal to the discriminat- concerned are hopeful of its suc-
the Trossachs and Edinburgh. A thrills from visiting the theaters, Students interested in technical position for that of circulation man- ing thinker. Become youth's idol cess.
place of historical interest which they operas and beautiful gardens. Their work are urged to take advantage ager of the Annual. Flora Fisher and age's envy. Make them walk a
also saw was the home of Robert main mode of transportation consis- of this opportunity. has been selected to fill the vacancy. mile to hear you. Napoleon had it,
ted of merely taxicabs, which had
Burns, the great Scottish poet. Roosevelt had it, Clara Bow has it Irene Bordoni Interviewed
very inexpensive rates. The fact
The next stopping place was Eng-
that the four were fluent enough in
you have it! Be nonchalant and be- By Torch Representative
land. Here the lake district, partic-
ularly Lake Windermere and Lake
their French to make themselves un- Sixteen Students Attend First Credit come the pause that refreshes. Stand
the public gaze comfortably and be (Continued From Page 2)
derstood in places where the know-
Grassmere, was another highlight of good to the last word. Don't let in "Paris," which is the screen ver-
the tour. "The most enjoyable part
ledge was essential, as in restaurants
and taxis, made them derive even
Photography Class Organized Here people say you're a success when sion of her stage play of the same
of this journey through the British they mean you're a failure. Sit on nafe, which ran for two years on
more pleasure out of their stay.
Isles was the very beautiful scenery top of the world and watch the Broadway. She is, at present, in a
witnessed in so many places," said After visiting Versailles and Font- Picture-Taking Group Will Make Collections, Lantern Slides crowds pass by. series of short subjects for Para-
Miss Gleason. enblau, Miss Gleason and the others Of Churches, Gas Stations, Parks, Barbecues Join the tryouts in the dramatic mount in the new Long Island
She, her sister and her friends al- returned to Paris and left for Cher- room and see for yourself! Studios.
so visited Shapespeare's birthplace, bourg to take the boat which was to This semester, 16 students started taking of micro-photographs, the "Girls should stay away from
Stratford-on-Avon, a f t e r which they carry them back to New York. They a course in photography, under the use of the orthochromatic and pan- Hollywood," Miss Bordoni said. "It
Open Elementary Night School is full of pretty girls and not unless
came to Oxford, where they explored departed from Europe, August 14, and supervision of K. M. Persing, teacher chromatic plates and films, color
the famous college. They next went arrived in the United States on the of chemistry. For the first time, filters and special lenses, are includ- she has an outstanding personality,
to London and remained a week en- 28th of the same month. While in the school is- offering one credit for ed in the course of study planned for "One hundred f i f t y persons at should she waste her time and fu-
joying the sights. New York, to cap off her European this course. the semester. tended the first session of the new ture.
voyage, Miss Gleason took in the lat- The scope of picture taking, which "How to Make Pictures," published elementary night school at Glenville, A Message
The third outstanding feature of
est shows as, she said, "Anyone who will be done by the students, in- by the Eastman Kodak Company, and more are expected to report in "High school students," she con-
the tour was the five day auto trip
knows me would know that I would." cludes work done indoors with arti- supplemented by "The Amateur Pho- the course of several weeks," said cluded, "follow my motto! Set your
in England. "We rode in a lux-
urious European car, a Daimler, and Other European vacations taken ficial lighting by a flashlight along tographer's Handbook," by Collins, Principal H. H. Cully. goal, then work hard, and you'll
by Glenville teachers will be des- with the general outdoor photog- is the text for the course. The night school meets every Mon- reach it. Aim at something definite,
cribed in future issues of the Torch. raphy. day and Wednesday from 7:30 p. m. not at a generality."
To Help Annual
SONNHALTER'S Each student will prepare a spec- The organization of the present
ial exhibit of pictures based on his photography course is a by-product
to 9:00 p. m. There are six classes,
ranging from the first to the sixth
For Your Halloween Party Patronize Our Advertisers
Restaurant remember personal selection. These studies will of the former Kodak-Klub, which was
grade. The fees for the tuition are
10610 St. Clair Ave. be pictures of groups, landscapes, in existence five years ago. Last $3.00 f o r 15 weeks.
St. Clair Market
My-T-Fine clouds and architectural types, such year, a group of six students were
as churches, schools, gas stations or given instruction in this work. They Glenville College of Music
barbecues. The class will reproduce assisted in taking club pictures for EDdy 6321 We Deliver Classical and Popular Music In-
Fried Cake Co. any art or other school work any- the Annual. This year's group will We specialize in general repairs structions on all Instruments. Pro-

of all kinds. Good plumbers can gressive Series of Piano lessons
11432 Superior 12305 Superior one may wish to have photographed. also help with the Annual pictures. be furnished with quick service, taught. EDdy 7704
To Visit Business Studios This phase of the work will give catering to small repairs as well 10403 St. Clair .. 11938 Lorain
Phone CEdar 3407 So that commercial finishing meth- them experience in grouping, posing as large.
Two Stores
ods may be studied, these amateur and lighting. Also expert electricians are al-
10305 Superior 10615 Euclid Ave. Everything in do-nuts and the ways on hand. Call us for good
photographers will visit business Phone CEdar 1145
F u r s Exclusively best of sweet cider studios. The relation between the The students taking the subject quick service.
are Euth Bartelt, Martha Baskin, For Good Hardware Call For Appointment
photograph print and the half tone,
Marjorie Buckholz, Hildred Dorsey,
from which the printing is done, will A. Htpgatt, (. I .
Private or Class
be studied by a visit through one of
All Branches. Students Prepared f o r the large commercial engraving es- Daniel Eisler, Hyman
Gertrude Dubin, Mathew Adelsteiu,
Fineberg, Abrams Hardware Co. OPTOMETRIST
Classical or Popular, Teaching, Concert, Symphony, Theater, Edith Garber, Robert Kabb, Fannie 1027 E. 105th St.
Dance, Radio. 10014 Euclid Ave. CEdar tablishments. For the study of art, Klein, Gertrude Krakofsky, Edward 11010 Superior Avenue
393 Opposite Bailey's
Bailey's East
East End Store. the students will go to the Cleveland Preisler, Wilhelmine Schlund and
End Store.

School Founded 1912 f l - Opposite
Art Museum. Rose Schreibman. In order to join
uCHOOL OF MUSIC An intensive study of the camera the class one must be an 11A or
For Estimates Call GArfield 8495
ll* ll> > will be made. The relation of lens above in classification, and a student
to light and color values, the develop- of chemistry, physics or art.
ment of the negative, the making of
a print and enlargement, the making
Patronize The Torch Advertisers
s. & s.
The Newman Studio of silhouettes and lantern slides, the
Furniture Co.
Re-upholstering and Refinishing
Photographers Correct Dry Cleaning Company Highest Grade of Living Room
Special Price To Students Men's Suits Cleaned and Pressed Correctly For $1.00 Suites Made to Order
804 East 105th S t r e e t EDdy 6236 11412 Superior Avenue
Telephone: MAin 2333 1706 Euclid Avenue "We Clean Garments To Perfection"
OCT 1 laJU

Scholarship Aspirants,
Take Notice ! !

Vol. XI, No. 3

The Glenville Torch Glenville High School, Cleveland, Ohio, October 9, 1930
Remember The Night
Game At Luna

Price Five Cents

Drama Classes To English Club Plans

Various Programs
Math Puzzle Solution
Let x equal income tax; y equal
Chemistry Department Alumnus Wins Prize Early Returns From
In Latin Competition
Present "Bishop's salary.
.1(1000000 minus x) equals y.
Offers Essay Contest Former Class Officers Receive Athletic Board Elec-
Members To Give Presenta- .01(1000000 minus y) equals x.
tion, Entitled "The Ex- 100000 minus .lx equals y. Six Scholarships To Recog- Scholarships For Case And
Candlesticks" Soon change," Next Meeting 10000 minus .01 equals x.
x minus 10000 equals .01y. nized Colleges, Money, In-
Other Colleges
tion Show Near lie
Various plans are being made for
100000 minus .1 (10000 minus cluded In National Awards As a reward for the best trans-
Students To See Presentation, .01y) equals y. lation of passages from Virgil, stu-
entertainments to be given by the Juniors And Seniors Undecid-
Directed By E. C. Davis, English Club this semester. At the 100000 minus 10000 plus .001y Information about this year's Sci- dents of Greater Cleveland's sec-
equals y. ondary schools, will receive medals ed; Soph Holds Only As-
Tomorrow Morning next meeting, to be held October 14, ence contest has been posted on the
99000 equals .999y. and money prizes. Glenville's rep- sured Place; Election Close
a fantastic play, entitled "The Ex- bulletin board the past week. Schol-
y equals $99099.10 Salary, resentative winner is Arthur From-
change," by Althea Thurston, will be arships to six colleges are some of hold, June '30, who won fourth prize.
First Play Of Year Includes presented. x equals $9009.01 Income Tax Paul Bate Elected As Tenth
the prizes to be awarded. The awards will be made at the
Incident In "Les Miserables' This story deals with a poor man, Grade Board Representative
This Prize Essay Contest was in- Cleveland Virgil bimillenary cele-
Abner Markell, Hyman Fine-
a vain woman and a rich citizen who
visit the judge to exchange miseries
and to tell him of their petty defects,
Friendship Club Holds augurated in 1923 by the American bration on October 18, in the Cleve-
Chemical Society under Mr. and Mrs. land College auditorium. Student Council Holds Foot-
berg, Goldie Dworkin, Syl- Mr. Fromhold will be awarded a ball Rally In A u d ; Teachers
via Gold Take Leads which they should like to trade. They
are accommodated but come back
Initiation Of Members Francis P. Garvan.
Its purpose is to provide an op- gold medal.
portunity for students to acquire a Arthur was an honor student.
While at Glenville,
Deliver Addresses
a f t e r a short period to beg for the While a freshman at Case Uni-
"Bishop's Candlesticks," the first return of their own defects. How- For the purpose of initiating its better general appreciation of chem- With the beginning of another
play of the school year to be pre- ever, the judge greets them all with new members, the Friendship Club istry. Three separate contests are versity, George Siegel, June '28, was athletic year, an election was held
sented by the dramatic classes, will meeting will be held October 14, in being conducted by this society with awarded a scholarship for three
a surprise. The characters are: by the Student Council, f o r the pur-
be seen by the entire student body Judge, Gwendolyn Sherman; Imp the social rooms. The members will prizes provided by Mr. and Mrs. years. At Glenville, George was both pose of electing three boys to con-
tomorrow. This drama is based on be initiated by the usual lighting of Garvan. president and valedictorian of his
Ruben Polen; Poor Man, Sam Sas- class. stitute the pupils' Athletic Board.
an incident taken from "Les Miser- lawsky; Vain Woman, Lydia Landin; candles cerfctnony. Each state will conduct separate
ables," a novel written by Victor Miriam Leibe, June '26, is now The complete returns of the elec-
and Rich Citizen, Joe Friedman. Fol- Previous to this, there will be a contests. The submitted essays will tion were not ready for publication
Hugo. lowing the presentation of the play, meeting for instructing new members be judged by state committees, who teaching school, a f t e r having been in this issue of the paper, but Paul
E. C. Davis, instructor, has select- regarding their part in the organiza- will choose the first and second best graduated from Wooster. While at
cocoa and cookies will be served. Bate was assured a place on the
ed the double cast for it. The stu- tion. A regulation uniform, consist- essay on each subject. The selected Glenville, she was an honor student. board representing the tenth grade.
dents who will enact the various These programs will be prepared ing of white skirt, middy and blue essays will be given to the National A scholarship to Rose Polytechnic
In the eleventh and twelfth grades,
roles of "Bishop's Candlesticks" by the entertainment committee un- tie, is worn by members at all club Awards Committee. They will then Institute, Terre Haute, Indiana, was
the race was very close and the two
are: the convict, Hyman Fineberg, der the chairmanship of Lydia Lan meetings. proceed to select the best essay of awarded to Jacob Brent, February winners will be announced later.
Abner Markell; the bishop, Fred The Friendship Club's first meeting each group. Six national prizes will '30. He was also voted president
Shields, Melvin Levy; bishop's sis- Pupils wishing to join the club, was held Tuesday, September 30, in be awarded to the writers of the six of his class. The incomplete returns f o r the
ter, Goldie Dworken, Sylvia Gold; which has both social and literary the social rooms. The meeting was essays. Russell Fox, June '30, is attending twelfth grades are: Nathan Katz,
Marie, Naomi Schwartz, Virginia activities, are invited to attend the an open one and all prospective Denison University, Granville, Ohio. 119 votes; Milton Presser, 114 votes;
Prizes are awarded in both con-
Eisele; Gendarme, Max Zak. meeting. Any 10A or 11B with a members were invited to attend. In the Lindner Company's "Little John Leckie, 105 votes. In the
grade of 88 or above in English is Previous to this, there had been a tests, State and National. For State Gallery" one could find the portrait eleventh grade, Raymond Sharwell
This drama will be followed by Contests, a $20 gold piece, a first has 182 votes and Robert Abramson,
eligible to join. campaign held in all home rooms for prize certificate and entrance of the of Miriam D. Baskin, June '28, one
Booth Tarkington's "Station YYYY." 168 votes. Paul Bate was elected
The cast for this play will include: new members. of the portraits exhibited by Joseph
essay in the National Contest as f o r the tenth grade. The complete
Mrs. Winstead, Marjorie Rubin, Min- Rogozin.
nie Thai; Herbert, Myer Kanter, Al-
bert Scoblow; Anita, Annette Sluts-
Lectures To Cover Friendship Discussed
Ruth Moore, the president, presided
the first prize.
The National Prizes are six four-
at the meeting and introduced the year scholarships in any recognized
returns of the tenth grade are: Paul
Bate, 221 votes; and Jacob Charyn,
ker, Lenore Stouffer;
Kathleen Meyer, Dorothy Robert;
Countries Problems speakers. A gift was presented to college or University in the United
Mrs. J. L. Colonius, nee Miss Edna States. Each scholarship provides
"Chasing Rainbows" To 107 votes. Paul Melnick is chairman
of the election committee.
The Athletic Board is composed of
Mr. Winstead, Richard Smith, Joel
Sutton, former faculty adviser of tuition fees and $500 in cash, an-
This year's annual Monday Night the club. She addressed the club on nually. Be Next Week's Movie three students, one from each grade,
who were first nominated in the
This play and another, entitled, Lectures are to commence November the meaning of the word friendship. home rooms, and then voted for. The
All Students Are Eligible
"Dear Departed" are now in re- 3, at 8:00 p. m., in the Temple at Marjorie Buckholz gave a talk wel- Bessie Love And Charles King members of the board hold their po-
hearsal and will be put on in a East 105 street and Ansel road. They coming the new girls and Miss Flor- Any student of any high school,
Star; School Puts Profits sitions f o r a year, and a f t e r that, a
shjort time. . The entire student are to continue for a definite period ence Shaw, secretary of the Y. W. whether or not he is enrolled in a
body will have the opportunity of and will be given by* well-known C. A., spoke about the club's con- chemistry class, is eligible. All es-
In Fund For Needs new election is held. The duty of an
says must be written under super- Athletic Board member is to collab-
seeing theem free of charge. speakers on two. widely discussed nections with the Y. W. Miss Marie
Continuing the policy of trying to orate with the faculty Athletic
Sehuol Needs Equipment subject. Rucker ' a n d Miss Gertrude Warner vision. Only one essay may be sub-
-o! by a single contestant. show pictures that will please the Board to define the qualifications
"Our crying need in dramatics is In the division of "Social Problems are acting as club advisers. noonday show goers, "Chasing Rain- necessary for a student to be award-
stage equipment," stated Mr. Davis. in America," there will be "Amer- "Just a Wearin' For You," a solo, The subjects, which the essay must bows" will be shown in the auditor- ed a school "G." This board, also,
"There is good dramatic material ica's Industrial Problem," by Dr. was sung by Virginia Fairfax. Get- treat, deal with chemistry in rela- ium beginning Monday. promotes plans f o r raising money
among the pupils but attention must Paul H. Douglas, professor of eco- acquainted games were played, group tion to public health, forestry, en- The picture stars Bessie Love. She for affairs, such as the Alumni
be given to lights, scenery and cur- nomics in the University of Chicago; songs were sung and refreshments, richment of life, national defense, has an assisting cast of Charles Dance, during Christmas vacation.
tains for the stage." "Problem of the Races in America," consisting of cocoa and cookies, were homes and to development of an in- King, Polly Moran, Marie Dressier
dustry or resource of the United Members of last year's Athletic
In order to acquire the necessary by Dr. Melville Herskowitz, professor served. and George K. Arthur. The movie is Board were Carl Denk, Joe Friedman
funds for the replenishing of stage of anthropology at the University of Every girl, provided she is above States.
and John Leckie. The later ran f o r
equipment, two plays for which Wisconsin; "The Changing Family in 10B in classification, can join the All prospective contestants are ad- re-election. The faculty Athletic
they will charge admission, will be American Life," by Dr. William F. club, but she must get recommenda- vised to consult their teachers be- Correction ! Board consists of G. A. Hartinger,
given. One of these is to take place Ogburn, professor of sociology at tions from three teachers. fore writing the essay. In the last issue of the Torch it M. H. Conrad, J. C. Chapin and W.
some time in November, while the the University of Chicago; "Crime was said that J . E. Bahner's room A. Gray.
other will be used exclusively for in the United States," by Dr. Harry
new stage furnishings. Elmer Barnes, professor of econom-
A technical staff, consisting of ics and sociology at Smith College;
Poor Pussy Receives Extremely Cruel had 75 per cent Torch subscrip-
tions. We wish to correct this. A
Glenville-Lincoln Football Rally
rally held Wednesday, October 1,
They had 100 per cent. for the Glenville-Lincoln football
committees to care, for the handling "The Future of American Society,"
of scenery, makeup, costumes and by Dr. Henry Miller Busch, assistant
Treatment From I f e h School Students game was also sponsored by the Stu-
a drama of a road show company's dent Council. Miss Laura V. Ed-
lighting, has been organized. All director at Cleveland College; "Re- players; it has been taken from the (Continued On Page 4)
of these committees will be headed ligion as a Social Farce in American Search For Salmon Causes Cati w o u l d k n o w b e t t e r t h a n t 0 l e t f o o d story by Bess Meredyth.
manager. Life," by Carl Wallace Petty, min-
To Lose Dignity; Gentle , b u r n - Y e s ' 1 c a n sti11 sme11 t h e An average of 225 pupils go to the
The stage crew consists of San ister of the First Baptist Church in
(Continued On Page 4) Pittsburgh. Pupil Puts Her Out 'Ion. Meow! If I don't get show the fourth, f i f t h and sixth
something to eat pretty soon, I'll periods each day. Profits from the
school movies are deposited in a
French Club To Begin
In the division of "The World To

Choral Club Includes

day," there will be "Russia," by Max
"Me-OW! Me-OW! F t - f t !
Eastman; "Italy," by Dr. Bruno a ruffian that human being is! How
What ! starve. How sad Glenville will be general school fund.
to think that such a noble cat had about $600 was added. Money from
Last year, Several Undertakings
Roselli, founder and chairman of the dare he step on my tail! Such hub- starved to death in their school, be- this fund is then used f o r various
Among the new projects which the
Italian Department, at Vassar Col bub! And they call this place Glen- cause no one was considerate enough purposes. Last semester, the pro-
N.E.O.T.A. In Schedule lege; "The British Empire," by Dr. ville. I strolled in here accidentally to
me some
recognize it
by the
grams that were given in the audi-
torium were paid for out of re-
French Club hopes to work out, are
a series of plays, f o r the benefit of
Howard Robinson, professor of his-
this morning. Alas! What an un- and a fish curled on it. Success! ceipts from the school movies. The French students and club members,
Presentations, before the meeting tory at Miami University; "India,"
of the North Eastern Ohio Teachers by Sherwood Eddy, secretary of Y. fortunate occurrance for me! The Daintily I stretch forth my delicate Choral Club was also benefited by French correspondence and a foreign
Association and the Virgil meeting M. C. A.; "China," by Judge John students don't even see me and paw. There's nothing in the can! this fund when they went to Chi- language paper.
given by the Adult Education Asso- C. Wu, former Chief Justice; tread heedlessly on me. How ridiculous to empty all cans so cago. The latter plans are not definite
ciation connected with the new "France and Germany," by Dr. Ber- that none is left f o r a hungry cat! as yet, but it is expecetd that this
"Merciful heavens! What is that Some of the pictures that are to
Cleveland College, figure prominently nadotte E. Schmitte, professor of terrific noise? Me-OW! My poor paw! I have be shown in the auditorium in the paper will contain original contri-
Is it a bell? I'u
in the Choral Club's October Sched- modern history at the University better scat! Here comes a stampede, cut it on the rough edge of the next few weeks are, "Mysterious butions in French, German, Latin
ule. of Chicago; "Central Europe," by Dr. can! and Spanish. Donations can be given
a thundering herd. A mob of mart, Island," "So this is College" and
to Miss Helen M. Knott, adviser of
The Virgil meeting will be held Oscar Jaszi, professor of political boys and girls are rushing down on "Devil May Care."
science at Oberlin College; and "The Oh! For Some Food that club.
Saturday, October 18, in the Cham- "Mysterious Island," is a fantas-
me. Oh! They're coming nearer! "Where can I find some food? I'm The new members, whom the club
ber of Commerce, in the Terminal United States of the World," by Dr.
Abba Hillel Silver. What have I done to deserve such so bewildered! Me-OW! The pangs tic picture of undersea life. "So accepted at their last meeting, are
Tower Building. Medals will be This Is College," pictures college
awarded to the winners of the best awful f a t e ? Good-by, cruel world of hunger grow deeper and deeper. Celia Tulchinsky, Nettie Reuben,
life, and "Devil May Care," is a
translation from Virgil's writings, but no! They trample on me and Oh! There goes a girl carrying a story of a youth in the time of Esther Friedman, Gala Jacobson,
made by students of high school Camera Club To Vote For Girls march forward. They don't even t r a y on which is a salmon salad. Napoleon. Matilda Halper, Lillian Schwartz,
rank. The program will consist of know I'm here! I'm lost in a maze Luck is favoring me again. With a Anna Goldman, Bessie Perris, Irving
music by a selected group of 24 Whether girls should or should of legs. Another sound vibrates mighty bound, I jump down on her Sadugor, Mortimer Lubert, Mildred
students from the Glenville Choral not be admitted is the question be- throughout the building. All the Club Invites Student Visitors Gogolick, Helen Greenhut, Mary Baer
tray. She shrieksthe silly thing and Ruth Jackel. This addition makes
Club, a reading from the translation fore the present members of the students disappear. Ah! Saved by and drops the tray. Me-OW! F t !
of the "Aeneid," by Russell Collins camera club. They are planning to the bell! "Eyes and Their Care," a report the total membership of the club 32.
F t ! I don't like being dropped. A given by Lester Cohen, opened the Initiation To Be Held
of the Play House, an address on vote on the subject at some future A Dog Appears crowd gathers around me pointing meeting of the Naturalists' Club
Virgil, by Finley Poster Oviatt, pro- meeting. An initiation will be held a t the
"Can I believe my eyes? Do I and gesticulating. The silly fools!
fessor of English at the Western Re- I Why don't they give some salmon to Friday, October 3. A committee next meeting, October 13. I t will
Up to the present time, no girls see a dog? F t ! Ft! Esssss!
serve University, and the presenta- have been admitted. But because of think it's a shame that they should consisting of Lester Beeber and Bar- be more formal than those of pre-
tion of the prizes. me, the queen of all Catdom? Sud- nett Segelin, was appointed to pro- ceding years. In addition to the
the large majority of girls interested permit animals in a school building!
denly one boy approaches me. I cure a speaker f o r the next meet- initiation there will be a program
0tober 31, at the Northeastern in photography, they may change What a heroic boy! He is taking called the "Parisian Program."
leap back in self-defense. He reaches ing.
Ohio Teachers' Association meeting, their policy. the dog out of the building. How
out a long arm, and seizes me, but It has been decided that the pic- In the future, every member will
the Choral Club will offer a group At the present time, all boys in- gentlemanly! He probably respects he is very gentle. How nice of him ture for the Annual will be taken be asked to participate in various
of old time ballads. "Now is the terested in photography should re- my feelings. Oh dear, no! He
Month of Maying," "Wassail," "Sing port to room 103 every Thursday, hasn't even seen me. 4 to pet me! Purr-rrr! Where is he showing the club at work on some events held by the club. Life
taking me? He's carrying me to project. and customs in France, including
We and Chant I t " and "Awake at 3:30 p. m. "I'm getting quite hungry. Ah! There will be a hike to the Rocky biographies of great Frenchmen, will
Aeolian Lyre" will be the main fea- Because of shortened meetings, The delicious odor of salmon is the school door. I wonder why? Is River district on Saturday, October be discussed at the meetings. Speak-
tures. The Choral Club has enter- the club has not decided upon which wafted to my nostrils. I must fol- there any salmon there? Horror of
tained the visiting teachers numerous projects they will continue with low it. It leads me down many horrors! My dignity is shocked! 11. Anyone is welcome to come to ers will be engaged to talk to the
the next meeting of the Naturalists' members. These plans are being
times and is the only Cleveland high this semester. W. A. Gray, faculty stairs, past many classrooms, into He has put me out of the building!
Club, which will be held Thursday, formulated by the program commit-
school chorus that has had this op- adviser, hopes to cover many inter- a basement room. Ugh! something What a disgrace to Catdom's queen!
October 9. The club will meet every tee under the direction of the chair-
portunity. esting subjects throughout the year. is burning! I should think they "Yes, it's a cat's life!" other Thursday. man,Rose Brenner.
Glenville Torch October 2, 1930
Page 2 ___

T h e Glenville Torch Letters To The Editor, Contributed By Student Body

Glenville High School
P a r k w o o d Drive, Corner E v e r t o n To The Editor of The Torch: ances. How about the incoming box in care of the Subtleville Slander
C l e v e l a n d , Ohio You ask for criticisms and sug- lOB's? I'm sure they'd be as tick- Column. That you might see your
gestions. Here's one of each. led pink as any senior to see their name in the column any week, is
l'ubllHlied W e e k l y by the S t u d e n t * of
Gleuvllle Hlitli Sehool Ye Criticism: Why clutter up the names glaring forth at them from sure to be an added inducement to
O f f i c e R o o m 114 T e l e p h o n e KDdy 0587 the sheet. Why not do this, editor? r^n-su^scribers to part with a
Torch with a staggering list of
Siil>Mcri|><loii Hilten: E l u l i t j - i l v - f o n t s per erneuter names, such as those of incoming nickle every Thursday. Try it and Revised Rules for Boarding Houses
E n t e r e d a s s e c o n d - c l a s s m a t t e r April G, 1924, a t t h e pupils, when that very same space just watch the subscription list of (Notice To Teachers)
p o s t o f f i c e a t C l e v e l a n d , Ohio, u n d e r t h e A c t of M a r c h 3, Any student in the building
1879. can and should be used for more the Torch shoot up like a meteor to
A c c e p t a n c e of m a i l i n g a t t h e s p e c i a l r a t e of p o s t a g e having a complaint, personal griev- 1. Boarders are requested not to speak to the dumb
articles? No one cares a bit about undreamed of heights.
p r o v i d e d f o r in S e c t i o n 1103 of t h e Act of O c t o b e r 3. ience or criticism may write a waiter.
1917, a u t h o r i z e d April 10, 1924. the names listed except the owners Ye Pat on the Back: I'm glad to 2. Boarders wishing to get up without being called
"Letter To The Editor" and have see that Heller and Schulkin are
Executives themselves. The Torch, I believe, can have self-raising flour for supper.
it published. There is only one back on the job. Their weekly
Editor Isadore Meschan is written for the delectation of the 3. Boarders wishing to do a little driving will find
Associate Editor Morris Rabinowitz necessity. Name and home room articles are good. Theirs is the first
News Editor Marjorie Buckholz whole and not for the individual. a hammer and nails in closet.
Feature Editor Martha Baskin
of the writer must be stated in column I turn to when I get the
What do I, or anyone else, care if 4. If the room gets too warm, open the window and
Sports Editor Ben G u l k o the letter. Strict privacy will be paper.
Head Typist - R u t h Z i m m erman John Jones has entered this school. see the fire escape.
Cartoonist ~ ia5L,Z?k observed and no confidences will
Business Manager Ted M i n k e We just don't. If Johnny must
be disclosed. No letter will be *Sincerely,
* J. S. 5. If you're too fond of athletics and like good jump-
Assistant Business Manager B a r n e t t l< ranK gloat over his printed name, let it ing, lift the mattress and see the bed spring.
Advertising Manager R a , y Rosenberg accepted without the above factor.
Circulation Manager Evelyn Warwick be on a calling-card of his own. To The Editor of The Torch: 6. If your lamp goes out, take a feather out of the
Collection M a n a g e r Leighton Rosenthal I think that it would be a great
Ye Suggestion: I see you have a pillow; that's light enough for any room.
E d i t o r i a l StniT Put a notice in the Torch stating help to the pupils of Glenville High,
column which really interests the 7. Don't worry about paying your bill; the house is
Joe Friedman, George Margulis, Gwendolyn Sherman, that anyone having possession of a if the clock in 221 went at least
students. It is Subtleville Slander. supported by the foundation.
However, I believe that it is written particularly striking bit of gossip part of the time. Max Zak, Esq.
by only one person and, therefore, is and desirous of seeing it in print Thank You * * * * *
ICatz, I r w i n L a g e r , G e o r g e G o l d e n b e r g , J e r o m e B r o n d - Observors
fleld, M i n n i e T h a i , N a n c y Rose, E l e a n o r e S o m m e r s , J e a n limited to only his own acquaint- should please drop it in the Torch ONE: "SAY BROTHER, WHAT'S A GRECIAN
Effland, Dorothy Bleihall, Sylvia Bogar
I l u s i n e s s StnlF URN?"
L e o G a g e , S h e l d o n L e v y , A r t h u r B e r g e r , R o b e r t Opitz,
F l o r a F i s h e r , Alvin A m s t e r , F r e d S h a f e r , C h a u n c e y H i n s -
dale, A l b e r t M e s h m a n Views and Interviews Teacher's Pet Becomes TWO: "OH, ABOUT 15 DOLLARS A DAY, UN-
* * * * *
Adviser F r e d e r i c D. A l d r i c h
Cliff "Ukulele Ike" Edwards-
And Sam His "Hoss"
June 14Flag Day
Of Some Good In World Stage Struck
Here lie the bones of Jimmy Jones,
By Jerome Schwartz An actor by profession.
They met in the hall. Some heartless brute threw rotten fruit
(Charter Q "I fell in love with a horse, once,"finally landed in a Cleveland film "Going into the library?" he asked. And ruined his fine expression.
declared little Cliff Edwards, famed studio, where he was the "stuge"
"Yes," she answered. Max Zak.
movie warbler and perhaps better or man Friday. The film company
ran out of money and so did Cliff. And so they went into the library.
known to you as "Ukulele Ike." I play the organ of my heart,
"His name was Sam and appeared He finally landed in New York via "Y'gotta keep quiet," he decreed,
"because the librarian doesn't want Clavier of muse's knoll,
with me in 'Montana Moon,' and," a freight car. After peddling mag-
Thursday, October 9, 1930 I rouse my glowing inner self
he continued, "I liked him so much azines and waiting on tables, Cliff talking."
And verify my soul.
that I bought him and now ride him got a job singing in a restaurant All at once the dread thought pop-
every morning through Beverlywhere he discovered his trick fal- ped into her mind. Blood drained Concealed within these lines, far from
Test O n School Spirit Hills. He is not," he assured me, setto and learned to play the uke. itself from her lips and her eyes Man's eyes, and ears, and tongue,
'quite as chubby as he appears in "Everybody always said that I now acquired a feverish glint. But You'll hold a message I would send,
Did you ever attend a football game wherein the picture, but he certainly is some ought to go on the stage," said how fortunate that Bob was here
two teams represented two rival schools? A lay, I would have sung.
'hoss'. " Cliff, "because I was always crack- Bob of all people, the very one to Is Messy.
Have you ever seen frantic cheerleaders caper- tell her!
ing around at the foot of the grandstand? Cliff was born in Hannibal, Mis- ing jokes and making everybody * * * * *

How did you feel when your opponent's team souri, two doors from the birth- laugh." She placed a trembling hand upon Editor's note: Turn Sherlock Holmes and solve a
scored the first touchdown? Were you able place of Mark Twain and in the A hard boiled waiter there called his arm. "Listen!" she gasped. mystery. The poem contains a hidden message
to define your thoughts when your team same town that the famous penman him "Ike" and Cliff added "Ukulele"
is buried.
"Sh-h-h! The librarian's looking which follows a definite course in its unraveling. Take
one letter from each line, the first letter, I, from the
equaled the score and later went to add more to it and made it his professional this way. Duck!"
points? Can you explain the cause of the Everybody celebrates my birthday moniker. first line, the second I, from the next and so forth.
"But J"
shiver which bolted up and down your spine and they wave flags and everything," Well, Cliff got a break and got Put them together and you will have solved the crypto-
"Cut it out. D'ya want me to gram.
when cheers over flowed in unison? What said Edwards, "though I did happen on the stage Edward's weekly get thrown outa here?" ifc 3C jS
| )|c 9fe
was the reason for the smile which played up- to be born on June 14, or Flag Day. pay jumped to $250. Now his weekly
on your features when the game was over, no I've been so busy ' lately that I check ends in three naughts. In The girl subsided and with apa- PARADOXIAL AS IT MAY SEEM, IT USUALLY
matter whether your team lost or won? forgot what year." thetic indifference stared out of the IS TRUE NEVERTHELESS THAT RICH RELATIVES
three years he has made 71 phono-
He stopped school after his sec- graph records and he says their window. The moments ticked by WHO ARE CLOSE ARE DISTANT.
It is known that a great many students in and still she remained in that posi H. S.
our school are never present at any of the ond year at St. Charles Military sales have totaled 11,000,000.
Academy in St. Charles, Missouri. tion. Once she roused herself to re * * * * *
games. Now the problem is to get these Well, then came films, featured mark that Bob certainly was a smart Dramatics Teacher: At the beginning of the play,
people to answer the above questions and we "It was a strictly 'bachelor school,'" tours in vaudeville and great suc-
said Cliff, "though we did 'run cess in many departments of the boy to be teacher's pet arid mark you run up the curtain, and at the end, you run down the
doubt very much whether they can. Therefore, test papers. But it took no effect. curtain.
our assignment in home work in order that around' with the girls at Lynden amusement- business. You've just got
College." He wouldn't listen to her. The girl Pupil: Say, what do you think I am, a squirrel?
these students may find the answer is: Go to give a fellow like that a great
S. H.
out to Luna Park Field and watch and cheer When Cliff was 14, he sang il- big hand! wondered how it felt to be so
* * * * *
our team to a Senate victory at its first lustrated slides at a theater in Mis- "smart" and her blue eyes filled
How does it feel to be famous? Lives of imbeciles remind us
night game, and find the replies in your own souri. He received $4 a week and 'Well," said Cliff, "I can't say that with tears.
warbled as many as twenty times a it seems any different than any That the time may come to pass.
reactions! Suddenly the bell rang; the period
When we'll find one looking at us
day. His rendition of "Just Break other way, though I guess one is was over. Everybody jumped up
the News to Mother" was a great conscious of the public eye." and hurried about. But still the girl From our trusty looking glass.
tear-snatcher. Max Zak, Esq.
sat silent.
Columbus' Contributions Within recent times you've seen * * * * *
But things weren't so good for a Bob gathered his books and stuck
while and he drifted off to Waco, Cliff Edwards in comedy roles in Accoording To Hoyle
Christopher Columbus! A singing name "Doughboys," "Good News," "Lord his fountain pen in his pocket. If the plural form of mouse is mice,
Texas, where he sold cider at a
that has come through the ages on wings of carnival. Then he came to Cleve- Byron of Broadway," "Way Out "Well, got to be going," he said. Then the plural form of house must be hice;
immortality. Five centuries have come and land with a stock of humanatones West," "Montana Moon," "So This
"See you in class tomorrow." If one who drinks is called drunkard,
gone; ten times five centuries shall come and and peddled them to department is College," "Marianne" and the Slowly she lifted her head and her Then one who thinks must be called a thunkard;
go, but the name of Columbus will never be stores for the holiday trade. "Hollywood Revue." Cliff left for eyes mutely asked the question. The If a female goose is called a gander,
forgotten or less revered. boy leaned over and reassuringly Then a female moose must be called a mander;
Next he "slung hash" in Thomp- Hollywood where he is now appear-
We Americans, upon whom his benediction patted her hand. If a female duke is called a duchess,
son's Restaurant near Public square, ing in a new h v i e called "The
was chiefly shed, shall certainly never cease Then a female spook must be called a spuchess.
then ran a lathe for the Cleveland Southerners," w i t Lawrence Tib- "That's all right, kid," he called
to wonder at his splendor, for he gave us our Ball Bearing Company, where he bett. back as he was about to leave the
birthland, America! It is not a simple matter started a strike. Later he sold "Tibbett is another guy who can room. "Don't worry. I raised you
to conceive the real greatness of Columbus' papers on downtown Superior, and sing," Cliff said. one point and passed you on 70."
contribution to civilization through the dis-
covery of that new land. Most impressive is
not the fact that the world was made richer
in land, lumber, gold, silver, fisheries and Cracking Safes Is Not All It's Often Cracked Up To Be Quips That Pass in the Nite
As Heard by Lib, and Marge
cattle (although this was a welcome addition FLOWERS BLOOM ONLY IN SPRING, BUT THE
indeed, and, at the time, the only evident The situation was bad and steadily into the Easy Money Bank. His as- and escort the criminals along Park- BUDDING ROMANCE OF VIRGINIA W. AND WAL-
gain) but rather the fact that this New World getting worse. There was nothing sistant, John Gonneff, was with him, wood Drive to the Police Station, TER S. SEEMS TO BLOOM IN ALL SEASONS.
opened glorious possibilities for a new social left to eat but burnt shoe leather In the bank nothing could be heard where they are put into solitary con- *****
ardor. and salted broom sticks. They had except the rhythmic snores of Ai finement with rats. At the police Has Esther F.'s fervent desire to join the English
Complete democracy was first realized in not had a square meal for two Balone Jr., the wide-asleep night station, they are examined and their Club been solely for educational
this America almost three hundred years after weeks and the can opener was get- watchman. * * * * * or romantic purposes.
His gentle snoring fingerprints, earmarks, birthmarks
Christopher Columbus discovered it. How arid flatfeet are taken. Abner M. would like to know if Marian S. is taking
long might it have been had he never found ting rusty. The broiled cat's paws sounded like this: rrrrrrsssshhshs
Some of the rats began to growl her sister Annette's laurelB.
it? In due time, possibly, a new social order they had eaten the other day had swish shish girrrr whu * * * * *
may have been established in Europe. How been so appetizing! But there were whoo! Every two minutes it at leaving Powow in their cell but .1
long and complicated a business reformation no more cats to be found. Oh what reached a crescendo, rocking the the cops quieted them with apple- Anyone wishing to gain further knowledge concern- F
is, however, and how incomplete! Our land, to do, oh to do what! building and echoing and r-echoing butter. Gonneff was very angry at ing the weaker sex, please, refer to Nate T., since a cer-
on the other hand, was a vast laboratory with the police and wished for revenge. tain English teacher considers him quite a connoiseur
unlimited opportunities for experiment, where William Powow and his wife Lotta throughout the vaulted chambers. "Oh, if I were only a king or a on that particular subject.
were founded religious freedom, liberty of Powow had come to Cleveland from Powow: They've got the plunder truck driver," said he. * * * * *
speech, freedom of the press and, in general, Boston several months ago. Powow in a tin safe, John. Pray, hand me IF ANY FEEL THEMSELVES COMPETENT AS
the right for the pursuit of happiness. Powow was a different man and
was what is termed a gentleman the James. AN ARGUER, PLEASE SEE MORRIE R., WHO IS
he started to sing, "Little White
Foremost, then, among Christopher Colum- crook. He had come to Cleveland Gonneff slips him the jimmy and Lice," and the song the crooks LOOKING FOR ONE TO HELP HIM OUT AT THE
bus' contributions to civilization, was his dis- for his health and his wife had pre- Powow proceeds to tamper with the sing to the cops when they're PRINTERS.
covery of America. But that is not his only vailed on him to try to go straight. lock. He tampers, tampers and caught, "I'm Yours." * * * * *

claim to fame. After Columbus made his mo- So f a r he had been unable to land tampers until he loses his temper. Ben G. has become a successful salesman since he
mentous discovery, people began to take heart, a job. To be sure, he had been of- Just then the doors open and the This woke the guard up and he was able to procure subscriptions for the Torch from
and ventured out of their shallow waters; it fered positions in the City Council bulls rush in. They are led by requested Powow to sing "My Future H. R. 219.
was then that their fear was first enlightened and on the police force but as was Chief Battywits of the matricide Just Passed," by Paul Bate's girl *****
Question Box
and their spirits were incited to adventure. said before, he was a gentleman squad. The bulls stamp around the friend.
Magellan, Drake, later Perry and, in our own crook, so he could not accept these bank apparently looking for some- The song acted on the guard like Has Florence K. outgrown her famous saying
times, Colonels Lindbergh and Byrd stand out the smell of fresh mown onions and "How's about you?"
thing. They see Powow and Gonneff he gave Powow the keys. Powow
as eagles of adventure, but the one who gave offers. * * * * *

them courage to perform their glorious deeds "William, my man, why don't you and they see red. Then they charge. felt very sad as he locked up the Is Leslie C. a representative of the sophomore,
was our father of exploit, Christopher Colum- get a job?" asks his bitter half. After a terrific battle Powow and guard. junior or senior class?
bus. Gonneff are caught and are not As usual, nothing was heard of the
"I've tried haven't I my little * * * * *
it. Beg pardon, that's wrong. They
Columbus' contributions to civilization, devil," he answered. "Shears and are now in for it. Time off is matter for a long time. Ten years ARE THE TWO FREQUENT VISITORS AT MAR-
therefore, were: firstly, America and all it Sawbuck, the Neigh Company, The taken for ten minutes while the de- later, they found the guard trying GARET S.'s LOCKER SAM L. AND CARL L?
stands for and; secondly, his influence upon Cleveland Rust Bank, why even the to break out of jail. Gonneff married * * * * *
discovery and adventure. Assassinated Street Cleaners have tectives play with the depositing and all the little Gonneffs were in Edith S. do you still wish to "get-together" with
slips, pens, inkstands and other ar-
In every corner of the earth, we have raised refused me so I guess I'll just have ticles of furniture and amuse them- the city council. Bill W.?
monuments to this man, but what greater to crack a safe and get hold of some Which just goes to show that if * * * * *

selves in various ways.

monument could be erected than the one Co- money." you send your children to Yeast OH, NICHA PIA, H.
* *R.,
* PIA?
lumbus himself set up. America, an imperish- That night at the mystic hour of After this refreshing recess, they High they will grow up to soup
able monument to an imperishable man! 12:30 in the morning, Powow crept fall into their respective battalions sniffers. And does Mr. Bahner swing a mighty mallet!
October 9, 1930 Glenville Torch Page 3

Tar-Blood Gridders Swamp Lincoln, 30-0, In Senate Opener

Racquet-Wielders T o
Off-Tackle Smashes, End Runs, Start Practice Soon
Husky Collinwood
Give Locals One-Sided Victory When the librarian asked Jake Shelduvack what part of sex
he wanted a book about, Jake said insects! Team Has Good Chance To Oval-Toters Take
^ M"* % ^ ^ Better Last Year's Record;
Porter Stars, Scoring Four Of Team's Five Touchdowns
Bate, Lang, Tronstien, Grossberg Shine
Jerry Brondfield gets all the "breaks." His last one is a
broken finger.
New Squad Chosen On Local Gridmen
# * * # #
"Big Bill" Porter, sweeping the ends with the speed of a Glenville will have six new ad-
Bennie Silverstein had to write a theme on feelings for ditions to the tennis squad this year. Railroaders Boast Large Squad
frightened deer and hitting tackle in perfect Ernie Nevers style, English, so he wrote one on "How It Feels To Be Ineligible."
led an inspired Glenville eleven to a 30-0 victory over Lincoln These boys are: Courtney Boch, With Four Lettermen In
# * # # #
High, at Thomas Edison Field, Friday, October 3. Ray Breitbart, Irwin Lager, Adolph Line-Up; Hope To Re-
Nate Katz says kids must be pretty smart in Spain. They Kravitz, Marvin Milcoff and Bernard
Porter scored four of his team's five touchdowns to set a can speak Spanish when they are only two years old: Madow. They have not been de- gain Prestige
new individual high point record for local gridders to shoot at. * * * # #
feated throughout the tournament.
However, "Big Bill" was given some fine support by the line Coach told his football team to go out and bring home the Approximately 40 boys were elimin- Opposing the school that produced
and was helped considerably by the other backs. Paul Bate, bacon in the Lincoln game. The reply was "We'll bring you ated in this tournament, which took such football men as Velvick, Daw-
sophomore punter and passer, played a bang-up game at quar- home the whole pig, coach." three weeks to complete. All of the son, Bernardic and Oregone is the
terback while Wein and Eggensperger, half-backs, and Lang, * # # * #
matches were run off at the Gordon task facing our local gridders this
Grossberg, Tronstien and Schuman, linesmen, also contributed The gentlemen said to Pinny Madorsky, "I'm from Mis- Park tennis courts. Saturday night at Luna Park
much to the victory. Little Don Neffinger, who started at end, souri, you have to show me." Pinny said, "I'm from Elgin, Paul Sherrer gave Boch quite a Stadium. Collinwood High School,
made Glenville's fifth touchdown on a pass from Bate. watch me." which enjoyed championship teams
After the first quarter, when Porter tore off three 20-yard * # # # *
scare in their match, but Boch for a long period of years, only to
end runs, the issue was never in I emerged the victor by the close score
Wouldn't Primo Camera, the tumbling tank of Italy, make of 7-5; 6-4. Boch, although handi- drop f a r down the ladder last year,
doubt, Glenville outplaying the Red once more threatens to be among
and White in every department of
the game.
East Tech Gains 7-0 a good football player? He's big, strong, and dumb!
# # # # *
capped by a faulty racket, showed the top-notchers, regardless of the
some fine playing, and had Sherrer
Mr. Chapin has many hopefuls in football, but hopeless in on the defensive throughout the sec- fact that Cleveland Heights dropped
Locals Open Scoring
Early in the second period, Wein Win Over South High history.
# * # # #
ond set.
the five-pointers earlier in the sea-
and Porter carried the oval down Breitbart took Jerry Friedelberg
to the 13-yard line, on some long
And after all, there are other ways of going crazy besides over Coach Yost has a squad of over
in a slow match. Friedelberg 100 boys out for the fall sport and
East High Scores Close 2-0 writing poetry; one of them is writing this column. literally gave Breitbart many points
end runs and plunges, Porter then feels confident of building a threat
hit tackle for his first touchdown. Victory Over West Tech; by continually lofting point after for any school out of that outfit.
' Later on in the same period, Coach
Oliver's proteges tallied again when
Heights Beats Latin Girls' Hockey Teams Faculty Bowling Team point outside. At the same time,
Irv Lager trimmed Jerry Breuer in
The squad, for the most part, is big
and strong, although there are many
Bate passed six yards into the wait- Resume Relay Races another slow match. Both boys
East Tech opened its 1930 Senate
ing arms of Neffinger, who stepped season Saturday, October 4, by de-
over for the score. feating a desperate South High elev-
Gains Initial Triumph played slow, safe tennis in the first
set, but opened up in the second,
inexperienced men in the group.
Four Lettermen Are Leaders
Dribbling, Drives, Lunges Are This year's team centers around
Apparently refreshed by the half en, 7 to 0, at John Adams field.
intermission, the Parkwooders start- The two teams fought on even terms Strokes Practiced With With only four men on their bowl- the four lettermen, Malavasic, cap-
ed a drive down the field which was Newly Formed Squads ing team, the Glenville faculty jour- Ineligibility tain and tackle; Cecere, a guard; and
capped by Porter's end run for a neyed down to the Euclid avenue Football squad! The general Goodrich and Jafelice, back. Mala-
touchdown. Glenville failed to con' Summary Girls' hockey practice was con- Thirteenth street Recreation Rooms idea about Glenville High is that vasic is a demon on defense and his
vert the extra point. tinued at Gordon Park, Thursday, its athletes do not receive enough experience and ability to keep cool
G. L. on Monday, September 29, to beat support from the school. This make him an ideal leader for any
A 15-yard Lincoln penalty for Yds. from scrimmage 340 95 September 25, and Tuesday, Septem-
ber 30. the teachers of Alexander Hamilton year, the school has had rallies team.
roughing brought the oval back to Passes attempted 10 8
the 60-yard line where Glenville held Passes completed 2 4 September's warm temperatures Junior High School in three games. for both games thus f a r and a Cecere is a shrewd, fighting guard
for downs. A 15-yard pass from Passes intercepted 0 1 were not suitable for ideal hockey The score of the first game was new hopeful and spirited feeling on both defense and offense, who
Bate to Porter, who sprinted the re- Yds. gained on passes 35 30 play. The game is very active, the 734 to 647. In this game, R. G. exists among the students and makes up in cleverness what he
players not being able to stop until faculty as well as in the football lacks in size. The backfield centers
mainder of the distance, gave the First downs 16 4 Johnson was high point man with team. Now, however, it is up to
locals their fourth touchdown. Bate's tumbles 0 2 the half is called by the referee. around Goodrich, a former half who
place-kick for the extra point was Yds. lost on fumbles 0 0 Therefore, the brisk days of October 178 pins. The second game was you gridders to carry your part now barks signals, and Jafelice, a
wide. Punts 6 9 and November will be welcomed by won, 801 to 618. J. E. Bahner was of the bargain. There is no need dangerous ball carrier.
Average punts (yds.) 41 30 hockey enthusiasts. high point man in this contest, with for low grades, so keep up in Pasquale, a stocky, driving lad,
Score Final Touchdown Practice was held in the same 179 pins, while he also took honors your work and demand the back- who can carry a pigskin as well as
In the closing stanza, a penalty, a Penalties 5 3
manner as it was last week. Relays in the last fray, bowling 181. J. C. ing as well as respect of the kick it, plays one half-back while
Lincoln fumble and an end run Times out 0 2
for good form, rather than speed, school. Don't forget, no ineligi- Mencini, an excellent interference
brought the pigskin back to Lincoln's were run off. Chapin rolled second in each contest bility! man, fills in at the other half. This
practically the entire game, South
25-yard stripe. Porter then scored The three squads again polished with 170, 175 and 180 for a grand quartet comprises a steady, dan-
gaining eight first downs to Tech's
his fourth and last touchdown. The nine. up on dribbling, the most important total of 1525 which was the highest which Lager won, 6-2. gerous set of backs, that can give
stroke of the game. Goal keepers, score of the evening. The fourth Adolph Kravitz and Bernard Ma- any opposition worry. For reserve
The Carpenters scored their only
stationed at the goal posts, assisted member of the team was W. A. dow won their matches by default material in the backfield, the Yost-
Senate Standing touchdown in the second quarter
in the relay by driving back the on- men have Norince, Gregory and Zek,
Team W. L. Pet. when Liptak took a ten-yard pass Gray who bowled 454 for the three when Ed Hawtman and Ed Simon,
coming balls. whom they were scheduled to play, all capable and reliable performers,
Glenville 1 0 1.000 from quarterback McKenny and ran games.
Each squad leader formed circles failed to show up. who are as dangerous as the men
40 yards to the goal.
East 1 0 1.000 from her respective group and taught As each team is composed of five for whom they substitute.
In another one of the Senate open- the girls drives and tackling. This players, the fifth place was taken Next week, the team will begin
East Tech 1 0 1.000 A Strong Line-Up
ers, East High gained a close 2-0 play has rules similar to those of practising for the coming senate
Central 1 0 1.000 by a blind, which allows 125 pins season, at Miles Standish. The The line, built around Malavasic
West 0 0 .000 victory over West Tech at the Edi- the game, "dodge-ball."
for every f r a y played. Coach Oliver, boys will be under the direction of and Cecere, is one of the most for-
Lincoln 0 1 .000 son Field. The Blue and Gold elev- A splendid opportunity for demon- who was to have been the fifth mem- Coach R. G. Johnson and his two midable forward walls in the district.
West Tech 0 1 .000 en gained its only points when Tan- strating tackling was to be had in
South 0 1 .000 ski blocked Wagner's punt in the the relay, in which the right and ber of the squad, was detained and aides, Bernie Rein and Ben Gulko, Each man from end to end has
John Adams 0 1 .000 second quarter and then tackled him left hand lunge were tried. It is was unable to participate. The last who are the only two returning vet- weight as well as drive and knows
behind the goal line after he had re- permissible for a girl to force the player was missing from the oppo- erans from the Red and Black team how to use either essential to the
covered the ball. of last year, and who will form the best advantage on the gridiron. At
pass for the extra point was in- ball from her opponent by means of sition; so each team had four bowlers. nucleus of next year's varsity. one end, is Klug, a veteran from
complete. Cleveland Heights gained a 9 to 0 the hockey sticks. The lunge is most This week, the team plays West last year's team, although he did
victory over a much heavier Cathed- effective for tackling. All football men will be given
The second stringers, who replaced Tjwh's team A, which is one of the
ral Latin eleven, in another week- tryouts after the football season. not receive a letter. This wingman
the varsity men in the last period, The Tuesday group has been jinxed litfSt teams in the league. Mr. Chap- Probably, two or three gridmen will is big, f a s t and clever, and can snag
played together well, especially so end game. Heights took an early by bad weather. In the course of in, captain and manager of Glen- passes with the best of them. At
when Lincoln plunged to the one- lead when Ippolitto kicked a goal three weeks, Tuesday has been the ville's representatives, said, "We ex- be added to the squad. the other side is Fix, also a danger-
yard stripe but were unable to score. from the 28-yard line. The only only opportunity the group has had pect to beat this team even though ous man on offense, as well as de-
touchdown of the game came in the for outdoor practice. The players they headed the league last season." Girls' Hockey Season Begins fense. Other < ends are Werner and
One of the Tar-Blood team's worst
third quarter when Ryan ran 20 were rewarded, nevertheless, with The league is composed of 26 Exl.
faults, which should be corrected be-
yards around right end for the score. what is termed as ideal hockey teams, of which East Tech has four
fore its nocturnal encounter with Drives, strokes and dribbles were The game will be the first night
By a desperate final half rally, weather. and West Tech, two. practiced by girls who turned out affair for the local team, while Col-
Collinwood, Saturday, is its inability
Central handed John Adams a 20-0 for hockey at Gordon Park, Thurs- linwood has played only once before
to register points after touchdown.
drubbing at the Thomas Edison Field. day, September 17.
Glenville scored five times against under the glaring lights.
Rose, Klein and Bram were the main
Lincoln but failed to convert a single
factors in Central's victory. Room 211 Overcomes 202 To Become The turnout of 24 girls was
in comparison to the large group

Incidentally, the Collinwood gidders

will give the local team a real test.
St. Ignatius took a 19-0 trouncing
from West High and Collinwood was
beaten by the Tiffin Junior Home,
Favorite Of Basketball Tournament who trekked out to the park last
Abrams Hardware Co.
1027 E. 105th St.
They are a stronger and faster team Teams of eight were formed un-
than Lincoln and has some of the 6-0, in other week's games. We specialize in general repairs
finest plunging plays shown this sea-
Miss Henry's Home Room ready ended. der the veterans, Ruth Bartelt, Con- of all kinds. Good plumbers can
Room 212, another 12B home stance Linden and Mildred MacEwen. be furnished with quick service,
son by a scholastic team. Boy Tumbling Team Begins Gains Victory In Initial room, won from 220 by a forfeit in These three girls are also president, catering to small repairs as well
Round Of Play the other game scheduled for Sep- vice-president and secretary, respec- as large.
Work For Coming Season tember 30. Also expert electricians are al-
Glenville30 Lincoln0 tively.
Home room 211 was ruled the fa- ways on hand. Call us for good
Lang L.E Roblick Glenville high school's tumbling On Monday, September 29, 221C Drives and dribbles were demon- quick service.
Tronstien L.T Vetterling team has begun work with only two vorite to win the intra-mural basket- whipped 221B by a score of 16 to strated by means of team relays by For Good Hardware Call
Green L.G Dreher of last year's regulars left. Those ball championship after nosing out seven. Brofman, who entered the the three squads. A large circle
(C) Schuman. C Sozcke who are back are Richard Smith and 202 in one of the games played game in the second half; was high was formed by the girls to enable EDdy 6321 We Deliver
Grossberg R.G Holan Paul Melnick. Tuesday, September 30. The final point man making six points. Siegal, them to improve their form.
who made five of the winner's mark- Tuesday and Thursday are re-
Silverstein R.T Gladrow Last year's team, composed of Ber- score was 15 to 13, the boys from
C. Hoffman
nard West, Howard Westover, Rich- Miss Henry's 12fi
ard Smith and Milton Feher, placed the long end of the score.
home room on ers, also starred while Sisowitz of served on the sport calendar for
221B led his team in scoring, with hockey. Tournaments will be run Glenville College of Music
three points. off in the near future to determine Classical and Popular Music In-
Greenberg L.H Bistricay third in a meet in which all of the Eddie Hill, captain of the winning
The second game, on September the championship team. structions on all Instruments. Pro-
Wein R.H Ziolee 13 high schools in Cleveland were team, spurred his team on to victory gressive Series of Piano lessons
Porter P P. Hoff'n (C) entered; this is a fairly good show- by scoring nine of his room's points. 29, between 216 and 115, 11B home taught. EDdy 7704
Glenville 0 12 12 630 ing. This year, according to R. G. Goldfarb and Katz played best for rooms, was won by 216. The score Patronize The Torch Advertisers 10403 St. Clair .. 11938 Lorain
Lincoln 0 0 0 00 Johnson, coach of the team, a better the losers, the former making two was 35 to five. Levine, captain of
Touchdowns: Porter 4, Neffinger. showing than ever before is ex- baskets, while the latter ran his the winners, and Gurney staged a
pected. A large trophy is given to score up to five markers. With Mutt and Jeff act which brought
SubstitutionsGlenville: Eggens-
the winning team and the individual their team trailing 15 to 13 and them 24 points of which the latter For Estimates Call GArfield 8495
perger for Greenberg, Rivkin for
high point scorers will also receive with one minute to play, the losers made 14 for high point honors.
Green, Leihenseder for Wein, Hoeh- prizes. staged an uphill fight that did not Berkman, captain of the losing
nen for Grossberg, Grossberg for
Hoehnen, Wein for Leihenseder, Sol-
The exercises that are compulsory end until the whistle blew. Home squad, made all of his team's points. S.&S.
in the tumbling and apparatus work room 202 came within two seconds In the games played Friday, Sep-
omon for Silverstein, second team
are those on the horizontal bars, of tying the score at the end of the tember 26, 101 laced home room 9,
for first team. LincolnCholis for parallel bars, side horse and the last period. The winners were try- 13 to ten and 223 trounced 222 by Furniture Co.
Holan, Messier for Soczke, Zipser for rings. For tumbling, four- exercises ing to "freeze" the ball but the pass- a score of 14 to six. Saslawsky, Re-upholstering and Refinishing
Miller, Olmosk for Holan, Blazer for are needed. ing was broken up. There was a Grossman and Stiel each made three
Bistricay. Highest Grade of Living Room
The team practises on Monday and shrill whistle announcing the end of points for 101, while Simon scored
RefereeFairgrave (Hillsdale) Wednesday, the ninth period in the the game when Friedman, 202 guard, four of the loser's points. In the Suites Made to Order
Umpire Byrne (Notre Dame) gymnasium. Boys who are inter- took a fruitless shot at the basket. second game, Nash and Bill of 223 11412 Superior Avenue
Head LinesmanDowler (Ohio ested in this work should see Mr. The ball went through but the goal and Katz of 222 scored four points
Johnson. did not count as the game had al- apiece.
Wesley an)
Page 2 ___ Glenville Torch October 2, 1930
Teacher's Federation To Meet
Give Aid 1
Honors Paper, Drama Classes Give
becomes Reporter A representative body of 4000
Temple To Present
Group Of Lectures
Teachers Journey
First Play Of Year men and women from the Cleveland
To Famous Places
Assisting Faculty Young Student Nonchalantly
Asks To Join Ranks Of (Continued From Page 1)
Teachers' Federation, will meet some
time this month to discuss many Congresswoman And Econo-
mist To Be among Speak-
In Diverse Groups Torch Feature Staff ford Weiss, Seymour Landau and
Raymond Breitbart.
Boys who make up the lighting
subjects of concern to the public
school faculty members.
Each school is allowed one repre-
ers : Others Scheduled In Vacation Tours
Nonchalantly approaching the fea- crew are: Marvin Zell, Ernest Berk- sentative for every ten members. Throughout the months of Novem-
Seniors To Take Charge Of ture editor of this newspaper, an un*- owitz, Joel Marks, Kenneth Masshart Glenville is entitled to six. W. A. ber to March, an extensive lecture Miss Dorothy Taylor, Miss
Distributing Bulletins In dergraduate appeared. With an in- and Ivan Cornman. Gray is chairman of the committee course will be held at the Euclid Lucy Terrell Make Europe,
teresting smile, he addressed the ex- composed of Miss Nellie Henry, Miss avenue Temple auditorium. The dis- California Trips
Building This Term Members of the designing and
Gertrude Campbell, J. M. Jacobs, D.
ecutive. "My teacher said I can making-of-scenery committee are courses will start at 8:30 p. m.; sev-
write," he announced. G. McRae and J. E. Bahner. enty-five cents will be charged for Miss Dorothy Taylor, Glenville art
There are many girls in the school Max Zak, chairman, Jack Tetalman,
"Will my name go in the mast- Evelyn Fein, Martin Lakin, Gertrude L. M. Thomas, teacher of econom- single admission, and $3.50 for the teacher, was another fortunate vaca-
who are busy serving it daily in
ics, has been elected president of course books. tionist from this school, who visited
various ways. This group includes head the next issue?" Polster, Felicia Pakeltis, Dorothy
the bulletin carriers, girls who help "No, certainly not," relied the Robert and Lenore Stouffer. this Federation. He is the second Dr. John Haynes Holmes will be Europe in the past summer.
in the office, girls who aid the li- somewhat flabbergasted editor. "Our Members of the costume commit- Glenville teacher to be elected to the first visitor on November 4, Miss Taylor traveled through most
brarians and those who are appointed board already has its quota of mem- tee are Annette Slutsker, Evelyn Gar- this office. and will talk on "The Raging East." of the great European capitols, Lon-
by Mrs. Willia Brownfield to do bers, and cannot possibly accept any field, Sadie Janowitz, Mildred Pierce "The real purpose of the Federa- The first congresswoman of the don, Paris, Berlin, Vienna and Bud-
stencil works for the English and more. Besides, there are at least and Belle Nathanson. tion," said Mr. Thomas, "is to look South, Ruth Bryan Owen, will speak apest. She sailed, July 3, with a
science departments. five people waiting to fill in when after the professional and social about "This Business of Being a friend, in Cook's Tour, one of the
one of the feature writers falls down growth of the teachers." Congresswoman." In December, a popular trips. The members of the
The bulletin carriers are Virginia Four 12A House Members program of dances will be given by tour stayed in their stopping places
Hepner, the chairman, Lois Jane on his work." To Edit Periodical Circular Yvonne Georgi and Harald Kreuts- for only a few days each week.
Smoot, Nancy Rose, Esther Gutnik, "But, my English teacher said I
Mildred Pirc, Bernice Scott, Fannie can write," he repeated, brushing Using some originality, four sen-
German Students To berg. Two weeks later, Victor Chen- "Every few days, we'had to get up
kin will present a program of char- at six o'clock in the morning, hastily
Lodish, Dorothy Yellen, Mindelle aside with one slight gesture such a iors, members of the 12A house, will
Goldman, Eleanore Sommers, Marie small objection. "When are the meet- put out periodical circulars for the Entertain Convention acter sketches and songs. pack our things and rush to make a
Royer and Nettie Polen. ings of the Torch board?" he went present graduating class. They are A series of three lectures on "The train. We stopped at 13 different
on to ask. Second Industrial Revolution" will hotels in one month!"
The girls that carry the bulletins Ruth Zimmei-man, Max Zak, Milton Members To Participate In
are recommended by the home room He received the answer that the Kess and Virginia Hepner. be held in January. The nationally Miss Taylor also visited Munich
This Folk Song Demonstration;
teachers. From this group, Miss writers met on Thursday. He smiled paper is to be published for the pur- known economist, Dr. William M. and Prague, art centers. The city
Nancy Jenkins To Sing Leisersch, will be the speaker. On she found most enjoyable, she said,
Elsie C. Davies and Miss Vlasta disarmingly, and declared, "Splendid! pose of stirring up spirit among the
Malovsky select as many girls as I will be able to attend the meet- seniors and to acquaint them with February 3, Maurice Hindus will was Budapest. "Budapest seemed to
are needed, and set up special stand- ings! Of course, if it had been on class members and activities. At the annual meeting of the talk on "My Latest Impression of me more untouched, more natural
Northeastern Ohio Teachers' Associa- Russia." "The New Religion With-
ards to which they must adhere. The Tuesday, it would have been im- The class hopes to give about three tion, Friday, October 31, the Glen- out God," with Charles Frances Pot- than any other city that I saw in
12B girls are the ones chosen for this possible for me to be present. I affairs, two dances and class night. Europe. The reason for this is prob-
duty but at the present time the won't have to work after school any, The first affair, a dance, is to take ville High German Club, under the ter as lecturer, will be the topic of ably that not very many tourists
12A girls are taking their place un- will I? Because it would be impos- place October 30, the Thursday be- supervision of Herman Lensner, will the evening, February 17. visit it, thus letting it keep its old
til they are ready for their new po- sible to arrange it." present a medely of folk songs. Russian Quartette To Sing world atmosphere."
fore the N. E. O. T. A. meeting. The
sitions. Suddenly, caring about the kind of entertainment committee, in charge The German Club will appear im- Mordecai W. Johnson, a sponsor "The different types of people and
The girls who help in the office people with whom he associates, he of these affairs, consists of William of the colored race, is scheduled for their life was most interesting to
are mostly chosen from the office inquired, "What kind of people are Weinberger, chairman, Nancy Rose, March. The Kedroff Quartette who me. However, as it was my first
training department. They are di- on the s t a f f ? " Howard Rose, Max Zak, Lenore
Our Book Store ! will give a recital of Russian and trip abroad, everything I saw was
vided into special groups according After receiving an answer fairly Stouffer and Ed Preisler. Programs We need our book store so let's Slavic Folk Songs are to follow on new and filled with the unusual for
to the work they do. During the satisfactory, he was ready for work. for this occasion are already being support it! The supplies are not the 16. me."
hour the secretary is out to lunch, "All right, what shall I do?" planned. being sold in as great quanti- The last of this course is to be a Miss Terrell Sees California
they answer the phone. The girls ties ' as they were last year. The public discussion on "Socialism,"
Condescendingly, the editor said, What can you make of a person,
who work in the office are Evelyn book store is for the benefit of "Capitalism" and "Communism." Nor-
"Write me a 300 word story!" who is near Hollywood, California, is
the pupils only.
Silverman, Annabelle Schock, Dor-
othy Bliehall, June McCarthy, Flora
Fisher and Gertrude Smith.
"Oh, but I never think of writing
anything less than 900 words," he
Student Council Will and these lists have been so-
man Thomas and Orval Watts are able to visit it, even has bought a
The supplies have been listed to be two of the lecturers. ticket to that city, and then, doesn't
Anyone wishing to register should go! Glenville lays its claim on that
The girls working for Mr. Griffith
J. Jones are Nancy Jenkins and May-
"I have no room for such a long Hold Football Rallies licited
read one over
home write Miss Rollie New, treasurer, curious personage in the person of
pat- care of the Euclid Avenue Temple, Miss Lucy A. Terrell. However,
belle Cadwell, who is taking a post- article. It's either a short one or ronize our store in the future. enclosing a self-addressed envelope. this state of affairs is not, after all,
none," ordered the boss. (Continued From Page 1)
graduate course. so strange, because Miss Terrell has
wards and J. C. Chapin gave in- mediately after a talk on the benefits
Edward Davison is Mr. Ralph "Well, I'll write a story 900 words been in that world-famous city, be-
long and you can cut it. It hurts
spiring and amusing speeches. to be derived from the singing of Woodwind Quintet Will Play fore.
Rush's helper. Miss Edwards said, "People who folk songs in modern language clas- At Convention Of N.E.O.T.A
me too much to cut my own work." She spent the entire summer in
Gwendolyn Sherman and Eliza- do not take an interest in school ses. They will demonstrate what
beth Foltz are helping out in the With a casual nod, he sauntered off athletics miss a great deal of their California, leaving Cleveland by train,
leaving the Torch executive open- school life." can be done in folk song singing. Glenville's musicians have received the first week in July, and returning
library. The German Club has a chorus of another opportunity to entertain. The
mouthed and gaping. Other rallies are planned for the 50 voices and will sing under Mr. the same way, the last week of
Senior Girls Are Secretaries woodwind quintet were chosen to August. Miss Terrell resided, most
The 12A girls of Mrs. Brownfield's future. Lensner's direction. play for the music teachers of the of the time, with friends in Burling-
commercial course do stencil work Oberlin Proffers Prize Yell sheets were distributed in the
Nancy Jenkins will sing the solo N. E. O. T. A., Friday, October 31, ham, a suburb of San Francisco.
and act as secretaries for the heads home rooms last Friday, so that
To Chosen Senior Pupils there will be better organized cheer- part of the well-known old German at the Hotel Statler. "San Francisco," she said, "is a very
of the department. This work is done madrigal, "O Schoene Zeit, O, Selige
ing at future football games. Those students who are in the beautiful city. Although it has a
for experience. Mrs. Brownfield Zeit."
First Prize Scholarship examina- The Student Council committee in woodwind ensemble are: Sheldon smaller population than Cleveland,
chooses the girls on two principals:
tions will be given Saturday, October charge of the halls asks the stu- After the N. E. O. T. A. meeting, Hendershott, clarinet; Julius Baker, it seemed to me to be more of a
first, capability; second, interest,
25, at the second annual High School dents to cooperate with them so that the pupils will be the guests of the flute; Fred Klein, French horn; Joe great metropolis."
which the girls show in the parti-
Day at Oberlin. There will be 20 the halls are .kept clean, and that association at a light luncheon. Friedman, oboe; and Stanley Mandel, There were a great many enjoy-
cular subject of the teacher whom
scholarships, valued at $3,000 each, lockers are not opened between bassoon. able features to Miss Terrell's so-
they are helping. It is a part of
offered. periods. Franklin said, "If ever you would A band concert, together with journ in California. One of them,
the 12A course that the girls do any
work outside the class for any de- The entrance requirements for make a friend of an enemy, have solos by individual players, is be- she said, was a visit to the famous
partment or teacher. Oberlin are English, four units; Patronize The Torch Advertisers him oblige you in some slight way." ing planned for some time about Yosemite Valley. "We stayed at the
mathematics, two and one-half units; Thanksgiving. There will be a march- Glacial Point Hotel. From this
The girls chosen for this work are
foreign language, four units; history- Phone CEdar 1145 ing band at every Glenville game place straight down to the bottom
Etta Bernstein, D. G. McRae's sec- Wheeler School of Dancing held in Cleveland for the rest of of the valley, is three-quarters of a
civics, one unit; and additional work For Appointment
retary, Francis Brick for the library,
in any of these subjects, two and Classes In All Types Of Stage this season. Sheldon Hendershott is mile. By machine, the distance is
Helen Klein and Anna Schneider for Dancing. Also Limbering.
one-half units. A. iegatt, W. S. the new drum major. 28 miles."
Herman Lensner, Sara Lebo for Grif- Private Lessons in Latest Ball-
fith J. Jones, Ida Mamburg for Fred- The examination will be given to room Dancing A combined concert given by the Party Sees Bear
eric D. Aldrich, Elsie Richman and seniors in English, history, mathe- Moderate Tuition orchestra and Choral Club is sched- An amusing incident occured while
10014 Euclid GAr. 7861J uled for Thursday, December 11
Nancy Rose for Harry C. Biddle, matics, Latin, German, Spanish, 11010 Superior Avenue Miss Terrell's party were down in
Margaret Schlesinger for the school French, chemistry, biology, botany The numbers which the orchestra the valley. The group noticed a
nurse, Bernice Scott and Dorothy and physics. will play have not definitely been great, brown bear unrolling itself
Arndt both help J. M. Jacobs and These are individual tests and a PROGRESS SHOE chosen as yet. Griffith J. Jones under a tree. One of the camera
G. A. Hartinger, Sylvia Silverstein pupil is allowed to choose only one
for Miss Edith Sattele, Anne Segal in whichever subject he is interested. REPAIR SHOP P A R R O T has announced the numbers which enthusiasts, going up close, in order
the Choral Club will sing. They are: to get a picture, was startled to
for Miss Laura Edwards and Anita The teachers are selecting pupils for Mike Barbieri, Prop "Prelude," by Bach; "Round About find that the bear was moving to-
Weiss for Miss Mary Pickard. Ruth this Oberlin Scholarship. 12326 Arlington Ave. & Eddy Rd. Cleaner - Polisher The Starry Throne," by Handel; wards him. The man began backing
The means of transportation and Ladies And Gents Hats Cleaned "Volga Boatman," the famous Rus away slowly, but finally broke out
Zimmerman is the head typist and And Blocked CLEANS POLISHES AND
also secretary of the 12A stenog- more information about High School WAXES sian folk song; and three dances into a sprint, which enabled him to
raphy class. Zelda Paige is in Day will be announced at a later from the Henry VIII Suite, "Torch reach the automobile in safety. How-
charge of the machine repair. date. Automobile BodiesMetals Dance," "Shepherd's Dance" and ever, he had gotten his picture.
12A's Draw Up School Plan
Class Rings Chromium, Glass and Furniture "Morris Dance."
Miss Terrell also took a five-day
Patronize Our Advertisers Display at Alpha Laboratories
The senior girls of Mrs. Brown- trip up the Redwood Highway. "The
field's stenographic class have drawn Fraternity and Club 18th and Euclid Patronize Our Advertisers trees along this route were 200 to
300 feet tall and their diameters
up a plan of the school and also of
their class. Acme Railway were at least ten feet. Tourists
Pins Rosy-Posy Tea Room
The school plan shows the organi-
zation of the school, how the author-
Supply Co. 10616 Euclid Ave.
were warned not to leave their auto-
mobiles under a tree, lest a falling
75c Luncheon and Suppers
ity directs and supervises the teach-
ers and pupils, through his assistants MAin 2336
and heads of the departments. Teach-
Steel Furniture
1213 W. 3rd St.
Hand Wrought Rings
Glenville Garage Card or Tea Lamp Reading Free
branch from such a great height
Open from 10:00 a. m. to 7:00 rip a hole in the car. I never saw
p. m. one fall, though. The scenery was
ers are trying this system in order Gifts GArfield 8084 simply gorgeous and unbelievable.
to give the girls a practical side to Repairing - Storage We were overwhelmed at the spec-
the theory they are teaching them. SONNHALTER'S BATTERIES

Cleveland Metal Specialties LIBERTY FUR CO. The teacher saw Monterey, where
All members of the Torch business
staff will be privileged to hear talks 10610 St. Clair Ave. BRAKES - TOWING Two Stores
the great poet, Robert Louis Stev-
enson, stopped while in America.
on the principles of advertising, St. Clair Market Retail Shoppe 2025 E. 14th St. 10305 Superior 10615 Euclid Ave. She visited also the artist colony at
given by the faculty adviser. 750 E. 105th St. GLen. 5595 Carmel-by-the-sea.
Hanna Bldg. Furs Exclusively
It was Miss Terrell's third trip to
California, and that she enjoyed it
DRINK MILLER-BECKER PRODUCTS greatly is proven by this statement
The "thrill" that you can't forget For Your Halloween Party of hers: "I feel fully convinced that
Ace Hy BeveragesVictoria Milk ChocolatePure Fruit Punch for all
Proms and Parties
Why Not Play The Piano Well remember everybody should move to Cali-
Telephone Address
HEnderson 8030 6411 Central Ave. My-T-Fine Patronize Our Advertisers
Bill Miller Will Teach You Fried Cake Co.
Private or Class All Branches. Students Prepared for Specializing in Popular Music, Beginners and Advanced Pupils 11432 Superior 12305 Superior All kinds of keys duplicated and
Teaching, Concert, Symphony, Theater, locks repaired at
Classical or Popular, Dance, Radio. 10014 Euclid Ave. CEdar PIANIST WITH EMERSON GILL'S ORCHESTRA FOR Phone CEdar 3407
6393. Opposite
3U3. Upposite Bailey's East End Store. FIVE YEARS
School Founded 1912 Arlington Key Shop
H ECKMAN uCHOOL OF MUSIC Studio 210 Ten Thousand Euclid Bldg.
Corner E. 100th and Euclid
Everything in do-nuts and
best of sweet cider
12326 Arlington Avenue
OCT 1 7 1930

See Our Gridmen Beat

Tech Saturday

Vol XI, No. 4

The Glenville Torch Glenville High School, Cleveland, Ohio, October 16, 1930
Buy Tickets For The
Torch Bridge-Dance

Price Five Cents

Seniors Take Ohio National Convenes

Scholastic Press Association
For Journalism Discussion
Twelfth Graders Go Camera Club Finally Students To Cheer
Asks Girls To Join
State Psychological Beginning Thursday, December 4
For Olympiad Photos Gridiron Warriors
tor will give an a f t e r dinner speech.
and continuing until Saturday, De- From 9:00 p. m. to 12:00 p. m. a
Designate Committee Of Three
Edith Strauss, Pearl Solomon
ExaminationsAgain cember 6, the N. S. P. A., National
Scholastic Press Association, will
hold a convention in Cleveland, to
During Rally Today
dance will be given for all.
Saturday morning another break-
f a s t will be served. Then the daily
Appointed Club Editors Of
Senior Annual
To Take Care Of Display
Case In Main Hall
discuss high school journalism. round table discussion will be from
Individual Results May Be It will start with registrations at 8:30 a. m. until 10:30 a. m. Another
Girls are invited to join the Cam- Student Council Chooses Lea-
Each week, 12 students of the era Club of Glenville, at their next
Made Known In December the Hollenden Hotel a f t e r which there assembly will take place from 10:30 present senior class are journeying meeting, Thursday, October 16, at ders; Irving Schnabel Will
But Not For Public will be drives and visiting under th a. m. until noon. to Newman's Photographic Studio to 3:30 p. m., in room 103, the decision Be New President
supervision of an appointed com- Banquet Will Be Held have proofs of their graduation pic- having been made at their last meet-
mittee. At 6:00 p. m. dinner will be In the aiternoon, the Play House tures taken to put in the Annual. ing.
Scores Sent To All Colleges In served at the Women's City Club. will present a special matinee for Each senior is taking four poses, of Auditorium Will Be Scene Of
"Training the members to develop
Ohio; Others Require Other Tests Then, at 7:30 p. m., t h e r e will be a all the young visitors, a f t e r which which one will be chosen for the and print pictures and helping them Assembly In Early Afternoon
welcoming program a t John Hay the members will go on drives to actual graduation picture.
High School, headed by Superintend- to take better photographs is the
paper plants and make other visits An attempt is being made this sole purpose of the club," asserted
New Tests For Mechanica ent of Schools, R. G. Jones. There A luncheon will be served to the
Miss Elsie C. Davies, Eugene
year to have all pictures taken as Mr. W. A. Gray, faculty adviser. He
Skill; Artistic Sense, Abil- will also be a guest-speaker and a Ohio advisers at which they will soon as possible. Photographs are also claimed that the trouble with C. Davis Boost Team; Ask
vaudeville program. elect new officers. The general com-
ity In Music To Be Made as usual, under the direction of the amateur photography is that the Help From School
Teachers Hold Breakfast mittee in charge of the event are Annual business staff. . The board students pay too much attention to
At 7:30 a. m. Friday morning, a Miss Margaret Sullivan, chairman itself is now being formed and plans snapshots.
Once again, Glenville seniors have Before Glenville's gridders in-
breakfast will be given f o r the Ad- Myra McCoy, Iva Wilkins and An for this year's annual are being
taken the annual Ohio State Uni After becoming members in the dulge in a battle with East Tech's
viser's Association, under Miss Ga nette Smith. made. Members are being chosen
versity Psychological Test. On Thurs club, the pupils soon learn to con eleven, there will be a rally, which
zella Brikner. The first convocation from students in the senior class.
day, October 9, the 12B's and 12A's The Torch adviser is one of the sider the lighting effects and con- will be directed by the newly-elected
will begin at 8:45 at which Charles Volunteers are being a c c e p t e d ,
were assembled in the auditorium committee in charge of the favors ditions which make good pictures. members of the Student Council.
H. Lake, first assistant superintend- grades, ability and other activities
where they were given the examina and badges. He will also be a host "In other words," stated Mr. Gray, Arthur J a f f e , who will act as mas-
ent of schools, will speak on the being important factors. So far,
tion. The test is state wide and f o r the men delegates. "they profit by their mistakes." ter of ceremonies, will introduce Miss
high school journalism from the ad- Bernard Horr has been appointed
takes the place of an entrance exam Some of Glenville's creative work A committee, consisting of Joe Elsie C. Davies and Eugene C.
ministering view point. Prof. H. P. business manager, and Evelyn War-
nation for all Ohio colleges and uni will be on exhibition. Glenville's Bronsky, 211; Richard Heinrich, 9; Davis, who will address the assembly.
Harrington, of Chicago, author of wick, circulation manager of the
versities except those which require representatives have not been chosen and Henry Wiechler, 118; is in The new council members are:
"Writing For Print," will speak on Annual.
prospective students to be in the as yet. charge of the display case in the Irving Schnabel, president; Nathan
"If I Were Young as You Are
upper third of their class. Lew Sarett, Newton D. Baker and Persing Taking Club Pictures front hall. Pictures connected with Siegal, vice-president; Ada Siegel,
Young." Round table discussions will
Floyd Gibbons are expected to speak K. M. Persing, with the assistance the school and student body are ex- secretary; and Paul Melnik, treasur-
The test was first given to Cleve- start a t 9:30 a. m. and continue until
to the association some time during of the camera class, is busy taking pected to be shown shortly. er.. The entertainment committee
land high school students in 1927 12:30 p. m. Following this and begin-
the meeting. the club pictures that will go in the for the coming year consists of Ar-
Since then, Glenville has been ranked ning at 1:30 a convention will be con- The present eleven members of
Annual. The camera class finds thur J a f f e , chairman, Herbert Gut-
first for five semesters. Only the ducted. This will last until 2:30 p. the club are going to accept the in-
this an instructive as well as a novel tentag, Ruth Kantelborn, Helen Ro-
class of January '30 failed to win m. during which time Clarence Strat-
this honor. But, as there have been
some objections to the listing of
ton and others will lecture.
Round table discussions will be
Public To See Plays and interesting experience. Edith
Strauss's and Pearl Solomon's names
vitation, which they have received,
to join the Independent Basketball
hrheimer and Hyman Fineberg.
Both of the speakers for the rally,
have been appointed to plan and di-
schools according to the grades made
by their pupils, such a list may not
held again from 2:30 p. m. to 3:30
p. m. Then the association of teach-
Hear Talks, Concerts rect all these pictures. The articles
appearing under the photographs will
no doubt, will talk of the school
spirit which boosts a team and is
be published this year.
Test Divided Into Three Parts
ers will give a tea for the visitors.
Banquet To Be Served Peter Witt Will Speak In
be written by club presidents and
corrected^ by club advisers. These
Next Movie To Show often responsible for the victory.
Mr. Davis will probably have some
news concerning Tech's team since he
A dinner banquet will be served at
This year, there are three parts to
the examination. The first consists 6:30 p. m. in the hotel ball room.
"Dusty" Miller, a humorist and edi-
Music Hall; Byrl Rubinstein
To Give Piano Recital
articles are to contain names of
club, officers, purpose and accomp- French Life In War had been at Tech himself and watch-
ed their progress.
of a synonym and antonym test. The lishments. The game will be played Saturday,
second requires students to match This term, H. C. Biddle has charge "This Mad World," starring Basil October 18, at the Thomas Edison
different forms of words such as Lectures, plays, concerts and ex-
cases of nouns and tenses of verbs. Library Presents hibits are going to be presented to
of all business affairs. Miss Lorena
Smith heads the literary group and
Rathbone and Kay Johnson, is the
movie that will be shown in the
Field, which is located at East 79
and Hough.
The third part is a reading test. In the public free of charge this winter
this division, the subject matter is Reading Material by the Adult Education Association
Miss Tina G. Bernstein continues
with the Annual art selection. The
auditorium October 20, 21 and 22. Band To Be At Game
The band and the cheer leaders, Irv
The picture is a tense drama of
varied. There are paragraphs treat- which is affiliated with the Cleveland art committee this year is headed by Schnabel and Henry Dennis, will be
France in the days of the World
ing history, science, facts of cur Fund, Now Being Collected In College. Jack Tetalman and consists of Re- present to help enthuse the players. _
War. The movie is made from the
vent interest and general information. Classes, Makes Possible The first of these lectures will be becca Kadow, Gertrude Krakopsky, Aside from the cheer leaders, the
play "Inhuman Ground," by Fran-
No writing whatsoever is necessary given on Friday, October 17, at 7:30 David Katz, Mildred Wohl and Ruth
Additions Of Books p. m., in the auditorium of Cleveland
cois de Curel. entire team will be present on the
in answering the examination ques- Jackel. stage at the assembly. This will of-
College. Dr. Goodwin B. Watson, of Following "This Mad World," a
tions. A choice of answers is given Many new books have recently f e r the football game goers an op-
Columbia University, will speak on riotous comedy, "Not So Dumb," will
the student and all that is required been added to our library. Miss portunity to see the players when
Parent Education. Hi-Y Club Plans Halloween Fete be presented beginning Thursday,
of him is to check a numbered blank Althea M. Currin states that during not in action.
Gordon J. Laing, of University of October 23, to Monday, October 27.
corresponding to the correct answer. the term, additions will be continual- The preceding plans are tentative,
Chicago, will talk on Vergil and con- In an old remodeled barn at Bain- The cast of this movie is Marion
The test is used to determine what ly made. The purchasing of these Davies, Elliot Nugent, Raymond and consequently, subject to change.
temporary culture at the Museum of bridge, Ohio, the Glenville Hi-Y Club
chance of success a pupil will have new books is made possible by the Hacket and Julia Faye. The Student Council has been in
Art on Saturday, October 18, a t 8:15 will give a Halloween Party on Fri-
in college, or how much time he library fund. A fee is now being charge of the rally programs for
p. m. At the same time on the same day, October 31. "Devil May Care," with Ramon
should expect to put on his regular collected in various classes for this several terms. Arthur J a f f e has
day in the auditorium of the Cleve- The features of the barn are hard- Navarro, is the presentation of the
college work. Those in charge hope purpose. been the master of ceremonies at
land College, there will be a Vergil wood floors for dancing and a steam school movies for October 28, 29 and
to have the individual results of this "Doan's Corners and City Four the majority of these. The new of-
celebration. heating system to assure warmth 30. This picture is about a roman-
year's test ready for publication in Miles West," by Charles Asa Post, ficers will continue the work. "With
During the Cleveland Community for all occupants. tic youth in the war in Gascony.
December. Every college in Ohio is a portrayal of the history of an excellent group of council mem-
Religious Hour, Sunday, October 19, Members of the party committee Ramon Novarro is assisted by the
is interested to know the score on 105 street. This reference book will bers, I feel that we can produce a
at 3:30 p. m Rabbi William H. Fine- will decorate the barn to suit the Rasch Dancer, Dorothy Jordon,
(Continued On Page 4) be enjoyable to many students v> ho most active and successful council
shriber, of Philadelphia, will give an season of the year. The decora- Marion Harris and George Davis.
live in the district. this year," stated Irving Schnabel,
address on "Are We Civilized." tions will consist of many cornstalks As the Jewish holidays of last
An interesting book of poems is the new president.
Rubenstein To Play and pumpkins. week conflicted with M. H. Conrad's
Other Schools Lower 'Our Holidays in Poetry," compile!
by the Committee of the Carnegie
Wednesday, October 22, at 8:15 p. All attending the dance will be bookings, "Chasing Rainbows" was

Glenville's Enrollment Library School Association. It con

tains poems for all the familiar holi-
m., Beryl Rubinstein will give a re- required to wear overalls to complete
cital, "The Piano Sonatas of Bee- the decorations of the barn.
thoven." John C. Tallister will tell
not shown, "Dynamite" was sub-
stituted. College Plans Varied
In a recent issue of the Torch,
Oscar Wilde's Book Bought
A beautifully illustrated copy of
of the adventurous trips of Bramley
in his talk, "With Bramley on the Senior Officers Will Continue Education Program For Visitors
Peary," to be given Sunday, October
an erroneous statement regarding
the school enrollment was made. The
"The Birthday of the Infanta," by 26, at 3:30 p. m., in the Natural After Completing Course At High School Visitors to the second annual High
Oscar Wilde, is also among the History Museum. At the same time, School Day at Oberlin College, on
figure which at present stands at purchases. It contains colorful draw- Father John C. Ryan, of Washing- Both presidents of the senior clas- am sure, will offer even more pleas- October 25, are invited to thoroughly
1626 is 49 less than that of last ings by the artist, Pamela Bianco. ton, will talk on "Social Justice in ses are looking forward to college ant affiliations." inspect the college and college life.
year, instead of 100 less. There are "Stratford-on-Avon" is a series of
various reasons for this condition. the World Today," at the Public careers when they are graduated. Head Of 12B's Likes Sports In the afternoon, visitors can at-
pencil sketches by Joseph Pike. It Music Hall. In the evening of this Each intends to further his educa- tend a football game with the Col-
One of the most important is that "I am greatly interested in ath-
tells of the places frequented by same day, at 8:00 p. m., Peter Witt tion a f t e r receiving a diploma from lege of Wooster, free. An all-col-
there are three schools now drawing letics," said George Goldenberg, 12B
Shakespeare. will speak in the Music Hall. Glenville. lege dance will be held in the even-
students who formerly attended president. "Football and basketball
Ralph D. Paine offers an adven- Monday, October 27, at 8:15 p. m., Louis Duber, the president of the ing.
Glenville High. turous sea story in "The Penfold." It are my favorites, and next best, I
Joseph Schain will open the McBride present 12A class, intends to study like tennis and swimming." The main feature of High School
Five years ago, approximately 2400 deals mostly with the resurrection of Lectures at the Allen Memorial Li- medicine and be a doctor. History Day will be the prize scholarship ex-
pupils were enrolled here, but since a clipper ship. brary, with an address entitled, "Re- and civics are the favorite subjects of "Goldy," as he is called by his aminations. A senior who has been
then Collinwood has been built. The Miss Currin will place orders for duction of Armament." friends, is a member of the Torch nominated by the principal of his
the 12|A leader, although he also
latter school has about 2100 stu- new books as soon as the library board, writing f o r the sport depart- high school, who is a good pupil in
likes to read, spending some of his
dents in its high school department, fund has been completely collected. ment. Journalism is one of his all his subjects and who is a super-
many of whom would probably at- The students of the English classes
11A Class Committee Begins spare time in carrying out this pas- chief interests, and he will probably ior student in the subject in which
tend Glenville if Collinwood had not are contributing twenty-five cents To Take Orders For Rings study it in college. he is to take the examination, is
been built, as the Glenville district each, while those of the history Held Offices In Council The Glenville "G" club claims eligible. Each principal may nomi-
formerly included the territory now classes are giving ten cents, to en- Miss Gertrude Campbell, teacher of The Glenville Student Council George as a member. He won his nate as many students as he chooses.
covered by Collinwood. large the library. Miss Lorena Smith English, has announced the annual elected Louis vice-president in his letter, which permits him to belong After the test, those participating
John Hay Draws Students and L. M. Thomas are in charge of ordering of school rings and pins. 11B semester, and chose him presi- to this organization, in the last foot- in the examination, teachers and
the collection of this fund. Any pupils above 11B rank may buy dent when he was an 11A. He was ball season.
When Longwood High was on high school officers are cordially in-
one through an order. also a member of the Hi-Council in
Woodland avenue, a number of the Will Study Journalism vited to attend a luncheon given by
The jewelry is on the same prinj- the 11B, and served as a member of
commercial students in this vicinity English Coaching Classes Start ciple as the previous ones of last "I am going to try to win a schol- Oberlin College. It is hoped that
the ring committee in the 11A. many students will be interested in
came here, but now it is convenient year, with the big "G" bisected by arship f o r some university where I
for them to attend John Hay High "Louie," which is his nickname, can carry out my ambitions," said this chance to win a scholarship to
Coaching classes in English for a torch. There is a black enamel
School on Carnegie avenue. likes athletics very much. Those George. "I intend to specialize in Oberlin College. Full particulars
those seniors who expect to take background, to bring out the ap-
which he prefers most are football, political science and journalism. Mich- can be obtained in the school office.
Also, since East Technical High entrance examinations of eastern pearance. The rings and pins are
basketball and ice-skating. He has igan University is the college I shall
has become a boy's school exclusively, schools or to t r y for scholarships made of two different metals, gold
gone out for sports at Glenville. probably attend."
a number of the boys desiring the has been opened with Miss Laura and silver. Lunchroom Serves Ice Water
purely technical course, have gone V. Edwards in charge. A down payment is required with "My motto," said Louis, "is to try Autobiographies and biographies
there, instead of coming to Glenville. There are ten students in the each order and the balance is to be o be a help, and not a hindrance. I are the kinds of books he enjoys read- Miss Flora B. Crawford has
This decrease makes it possible f o r class. Its purpose is to provide a paid when the order is filled. The try as much as possible to carry out ing. They appeal to him especially started the new idea of giving the
us to discontinue the use of the old suitable review in English under prices are: gold rings, $5.50, down lihis saying." 1 when they concern famous Ameri- pupils ice water with their meals.
portables. The band and orchestra competent guidance f o r the 12A's payment, $2.50; silver rings, $3.75, This president came here from cans. She will sell paper cups at the lunch
have rooms in the building and room who are interested in entering the payment, $1.75; gold pin, $3.76, pay- Empire Junior High School. "At Glenville I have been very counters and have stands containing
5 has been converted into a social larger educational institutions of the ment, $1.75; silver pin, $2.75, and "I have sincerely enjoyed my past fortunate in making acquaintances the water placed in the lunch rooms.
room. Our school is large enough nation. Other coaching classes in payment, $1.75. The rings and pins associations with the students and with both teachers and students. I Miss Crawford will be more than
and can comfortably accomodate the foreign languages, math and sciences are being made by the Cleveland faculty of Glenville High School," know that these friendships will last glad to have the boys and girls give
present enrollment. will be opened later in the year. Metal Specialty Company. said Louis. "The 12A semester, I long a f t e r I have left this school." her suggestions for her menu.
___ Glenville Torch October 2, 1930
Page 2
Professor Sights Teacher In Botany
The Glenville Torch IPCIElPjf - Finds Class Stupid
Glenville High School Stupefying Vision - CORNER
P a r k w o o d Drive, Corner E v e r t o n
C l e v e l a n d , Ohio
As He Peers Into A Tele- Drift Cell As Living Unit Of Plant
I'ubllxlieil W e e k l y by the S t u d e n t i of scope, He Sees An Appar- When he shall grow older,
Glenville H i g h Sehnol And Animal Structure,
O f f i c e Room 114 T e l e p h o n e E D d y 0587 ition A Martian, He Hopes The winds of Life
Shall blow him Confuses Students
Suboeriptloii Hute. B l g h t y - H v e cent per s e m e s t e r Edited By
E n t e r e d a s s e c o n d - c l a s s m a t t e r April , 1924, a t t n e Professor I. M. Blank gave his From one Room of Trouble to Sam
p o s t o f f i c e a t C l e v e l a n d , Ohio, u n d e r t h e Act of M a r c h A. forehead Hy
a treffic whack and another The tardy bell rang, and unfortun-
1879 What We Need
A c c e p t a n c e of m a i l i n g a t t h e s p e c i a l r a t e of p o s t a g e tumbled off the high stool he had In the endless house of ately, our botany class had to get
p r o v i d e d f o r in Section 1103 of t h e Act of O c t o b e r 3, A glove for the hand of fate;
| | *
1917, a u t h o r i z e d A p r i l 10, 1924. been sitting on. Experience. down to business.
A sheet for the bed of a river;
Executive "Adolph, Gustavus, Iden, Oscar," "What is a cell, Raymond?" asked
Three Weeks On My Back A button for the coat of paint;
Editor I s a d o r e M e s c h a n he shouted, "come here at once." the teacher casting a skeptical eye
Associate Editor M o r r i s R a b i n o w i t z I must learn to walk again A shoe for the foot of a mountain;
_ Marjorle Buckholz His four assistants rushed across toward the back row. Raymond
News Editor M a r t h a B a s k i n the room and assisted him to his feet. Let me see A lock for the trunk of an elephant;
Feature Editor came to life and attempted to appear
Sports Editor Ben G u l k o
The doctor says: A razor to shave the face of the earth;
Head Typist Ruth Zimmerman "The telescope," he cried, "look at intelligent.
Max Zak You place one foot before the A key to lock the door of success;
Cartoonist Ted Mlnke it. . . .tell me what you see!" "Why, a celluh-oh-ah-a cell-um-m
Business Manager _ Barnett Frank other. Scales for the weight of years;
Assistant Business Manager As they had been taught, they took " his voice dwindled off into
Advertising Manager , Ray Rosenberg
So simple, A hinge for the gait of a horse.
E v e l y n W a r w i c k turns peering through the giant tele-
Circulation Manager
C o l l e c t i o n M a n a er ZZZZZZ--ZZ L e i g h t o n scope
R o s e n t hina l the alphabetical order of And silly
the distance. He scratched his head
and smiled a sickly smile. Barnett,
Glenville Hy.
E d i t o r i a l Stan' their names. And yet I dread it. * * * * *
* * *
next to him, was going off into pa-
Joe Friedman, George Margulis, Gwendolyn Sherman, "Professor!" ejaculated Adolph, "I STREET CAR CONDUCTOR: "MADAME, THIS
Sylvia Grossman, R u t h Jackei, Sara Golanty, M y r n a roxysms of laughter and meanwhile
S a c h s D o r o t h y H a r v e y , S a m H e l l e r , H y m a n S c h u l k n, see a man!" Caruso On The Phonograph TRANSFER HAS EXPIRED."
Leah Goldman. Rose Massing, Irwin Friedman, Soldi trying not to look like it.
Dworken, Dorothy Amdur, Leonard Bergsman, Nathan "And, my dear fellow, do you know Her face IRATE LADY: "WELL, YOU CAN'T EXPECT
K a t z I r w i n L a g e r , G e o r g e G o l d e n b e r g , J e r o m e B i o n d - upon what the telescope is trained?" A slim, white oval in the dusk, "Barnett," our pedagogue snapped,
f i e l d ' Minnie T h a i , N a n c y Rose, E l e a n o r e S e m i n a r s , J e a n "What is a cell?" MUCH ELSE WITH THE CARS SO POORLY VEN-
E f f l a n d , D o r o t h y Bleihall, S y l v i a B o g a r "No." Was lifted. TILATED."
IliislnesK Stnlf "Mars!" Pitifully eager, "A cell is a jailwhere they put
* * | *
Leo G a g e S h e l d o n L e v y , A r t h u r B e r g e r . R o b e r t Opitz, The blind girl listened you when you're "
F l o r a F i s h e r , Alvin A m s t e r , F r e d S l i a f e r , C h a u n c e y H i n s - "Incredible, sir, incredible!"
His voice was rich with tears.... The teacher had to count ten be- "Why are the days longer in the summer?"
dale, A l b e r t Mesliman "Nevertheless, it is true! Quick
Adviser F r e d e r i c D. A l d r i c h Gustavusask him his name," I. M. Dorothy Sylvia Amdur fore she again spoke in firm sweet "Because the heat expands them."
* * * * *
Blank commanded. tones.
After a moment, Gustavus turned HINT OF THE WEEK
to the professor and said:
name is Sam, sir."
Four-Minute Interlude
"No, no, Barnett, I mean a cell in
plant and animal life." THE
"Oh," said Barnett, and his fa
"A beautiful name, a beautiful
name, indeed," murmured the scien-
Causes Much Clamor mous smirk froze.
Preparatory to this, I had shot up
* # * * *

tist ecstatically, then: "Ohhis last A timorous student once tried

namehurryhis last name!" You learn a lot going through the my good right hand. However, when
hall. Some people literally unhitch I discovered that mine was the only To cross over a roadway quite wide,
"Brown." one up, I began to withdraw it When his friends asked him "Why?"
Thursday, October 16, 1930 "Melodious! Ask him where he their lower jaw when they smile.
Big boys walk along leisurely, talk- gently; "For," said I, "who am I to He at once made reply,
lives." "To arrive on the opposite side."
ing down, at and to diminutive girls. make the next blunder?"
Seniors Take Intelligence Tests "Professor! He says he lives in
Approximately two hours were spent on New York!" A student chattering frantically, en- Then, the fatal moment came.
Thursday morning testing the intelligence of "Impossible! To think that the in- deavors at the same time to open up Teacher pointed an accusing finger A story is told of a prisoner who was tried and
the Senior Class. It is suspected that there is habitants of Mars would go so far as a complicated combination lock. From at me and spake the words of doom, found guilty of being a pickpocket.
intelligence to be tested. For several years, all appearances, he doesn't succeed. "Come, come. You tell us the "I fine you fifteen dollars and costs," said the
(Continued On Page 4)
Glenville has stood at the top of the list; last Beads of sweat gather. Soon he has answer." police judge.
year it failed to rank as high, and this year, quite a necklace. Then with a shout (Continued On Page 4) "Your Honor, I simply can't pay it, I have only ten
it is anticipated, it will again gain prominence.
Yearly, new tests are being compiled, based
Chemists In Research of triumph he opens it. Meanwhile,
two jubilant males are holding a
There was quite a crowd in the courtroom, as the
on experimentation and research. The results
of these tests bring statistics which ultimately, Find Amazing Results long distance yodeling contest. A
teacher passes along, serene andLack Of "Burning Ring" next case was one of great importance.
The judge announced to those present, "The court
smiling. Automatically a little si-
over a period of several years, are conducive
to improvements in the educational system. As Believe It or Not, two students of lence faljs. Presents Many Thrills will now take a recess of five minutes while the defend-
ant circulates among those present. He will then re-
an outcome of intelligence tests, educators are chemical fame found out what every- Meanwhile, a group of girls whose port to me."
attempting to classify all students. Those of one has not been seeking for. The slogan evidently is "talk, and the "Burning Ring"Burdekin. Sam
higher intelligence quotient are segregated, and cures of centurieslives that did not world talks with you" are exchang- # * * *
How much we unfortunates who
taught in a way that they may assert their matter to anyone, not even the ing reminiscences. Their favorite do not possess a "burning ring" TEACHER: "WHAT DO THEY CALL THE IN-
intelligence and not be impeded by students chemists, well, it has all been re- words are pronouns. must miss! We cannot roam through STRUMENT THE FRENCH USE FOR BEHEADING
whose capacity to comprehend is not so great. discovered! What it isnobody "And so he says, 'You can't go!'
the wilderness of Gaul (when France PEOPLE?"
On the other hand, "slower" students are given knows, but rememberBeware! It So I says, 'Yeah, says you!' " SIDNEY: "THE GILLETTE, I THINK."
special direction and attention. will revolkalutionize the World. Be- People disappear into doorways. was still in such a state), nor can
ware! The hum is growing less. Suddenly we help a noble Roman to escape
Tt. 4$ essential to the success of the tests that a boy appears out of nowhere, yell- from his barbarian captors.
We could tell you some more jokes, but what's the
I liej taken in the proper spirit, mental and They have received a number of
ing "anyone seen my bag?" His The delights of a life in King e? You would only laugh at them.
physK'-^. conditions. A student who is at the requests and questions which are face Charles' court are not for us. Our
* * * *
stai'" Antagonistic, close-minded and sleepy, no hereby printed by Special Permission grim. underneath the freckles, is most fantastic dreams could not What part of speech is a woman ?
matter how great his native intelligence, will from the Copy Write Owners! Somebody drops a brief case. place us there, much less help us to
An indefinite article.
not score so highly as he might. Q. Why is it advisable to in- -G. S.
automobile tires to as high a Twenty people laugh. Papers scat- become favorites of the King.
The markings come out in December. Until flate in Winter as in Sum- ter. One boy and several girls Cupid, who seems to evade some * * * * *
otherwise informed, let us assume that we have temperature mer? pick them up. people, would readily travel with us A Glenville Drama
intelligence, and utilize it to advantage. The brrrrr of the bell. Involun- were we the owners of this remark- 'Twas in an English class,
A. Because one does not wish to
stay up in the air all the time. tarily feet quicken. Doors slam able piece of jewelry. The talk ran smooth and slow,
A New System Q. Do plants really collect free with a bang. The work of educat- But alas, it can nowhere be And soon were sleeping peacefully
Many of you have noticed the new routine nitrogen ? ing the coming generation has Started bought! A wishing ring, with the The students, row on row.
under which our study-halls and also the guard A. No, they steal it the same way again. Silence. power to deliver one into realistic Max Zak, Esq.
system is working. Several complaints have as thieves do. dreams of the past, must be given
been received throughout the school stating Q. What is Chemical Conduct? to us. Thus, not being the recip-
that Glenville's "jail system" has no competi
tor. These complaints have not passed unheed- that
Men Of History
A. It is a certain kind of conduct ients of such a gift, we must con-
tinue to live out commonplace,
has got to be heated with chem-
ed and as a result we have, as aforesaid, a icals. William Crawford Gorbas was twentieth century lives.
new system. Q. Why is Man so cold? born at Mobile, Alabama on Oc- Not so Robert Carling! He soon
Glenville has abolished the restrictive O. D finds himself f a r more interested in By Max Zak, Esq.
A. Because women are so repul- tober 3, 1845. After a thorough
system! We still have guards at the various sive! his dream existence than in his real A Bare-faced Lie:
education in medicine, he entered
exits, but if anyone desires to leave the build- Q. What is the only way out? I the Medical Corps of the United life he makes dearer friends there, Who was the bird that thought that all the jokes
ing during school hours he will not be detained am heartbroken. My Pet Theory States Army in 1880. During the than he has ever before had found in "Subtleville Slander" were timely.
| | ** *
it is
We do not encourage this practice, therefore, in was scattered to the four winds and Spanish American War, Gorgas there that he learns love, despite
view of this fact, the attendance of each pupil has gone to the rocks. served as major at the sanitation his former indifference toward this Cartoonist (from the wooly west)"Well,
will be checked. A. Have patiencetake a visit to department in Havana. Because of art. "So you think you are a cartoonist? What
With this new routine, the designers have the Rocks and find it. his success there, he was sent to the After all, perhaps, it is better qualifications have you?"
endeavor to create a sense of cooperation, Q. Who was General Washington? Panama Canal diggings. Here the for us to remain heresafe. How Cartoonist (from the wooley west)"Well,
responsibility and honor. A. My good manthis is a Chem- two obstacles were yellow-fever easy it is to use a slang word I'm quick on the draw."
Cooperation: ical Bureau, and not an information and malaria, and, because his meth- which would astonish your tempor * | | * *
1. Between pupils and their fellow students. Bureau for Chinese generals. ods were so effective, the diseases ary friends, and thus cast suspicion Annete S.: "But you will admit I have a pretty
2. Between pupils and the facultythat Q. What happens when one tries were eliminated from the canal re- upon you. Another "embarassing face?"
there may be a greater feeling of friendship to ignite hydrogen with a flame gion in two years. moment" would be when you tell the Max Z.: "Even a banner looks good when it's
prevalent among the pupils themselves and heated to a high temperature about In view of the fact that Gorgas king the exact date of his death painted."
with the teachers; so that the students may ac- 800 degrees ? had made the Panama Canal pos- You could plan to assassinate him
quire the habit of working with others. A. Don't ask me, but try the ex- sible and that he risked his life on Enough saidanyone who enjoyed THERE ARE TWO WAYS TO WIN A WOMAN.
Responsibility and Honor: So that we may periment, and by the way remember many occasions in order that others "Connecticut Yankee at King Ar- ONE IS TO SPEND MONEY ON HER. SO IS THE
acquire the knack of being able to stand under to give my regards to my dead might not "be lost, when he died on thur's Court" will be enthusiastic OTHER. HEH! 11 EH! (THANK YOU, ABNER M.,
anything which we may do or say; that the uncle in Heaven! July 3, 1930, he was proclaimed as about "The Burning Ring." FOR THE TIP).
shadow of the "jail system" may become a K and K Inc. a world benefactor. Ruth Birnbaum * * * * *
thing of the past and so that we may inspire What surprises me most is how a high school stu-
a sense of honor among others. dent can wear size 13 shoes?
Letters To The Editor, Contributed By Student Body Any suggestions, Julius S.?
Praise * * * * *

Efficiency should be admiredtherefore, we In answer to the letter of J. S. propaganda medium. After all, there and number. Ruth Z.since when* does
acknowledge the efficiency of our band at the I have this to say: * *"Red
Hair" dominate you?
are more students who are not lOB's It is indeed gratifying to know
beginning of the semester. It is essential that a list appear than students who are and conse- that we have in our midst two such DAVE K.: "YE FRENCH CAR, CHEVROLET
It was the first week of school when two in the paper of the names of stu- humorists as Sam Heller and Hyman COUPE." (REALLY A TOURING CAR).
famous French flyers visited our city. Of dents. As an individual, J. S. is Schulkin. I join J. S. in hoping that E. R.: "YEH! A FINE
course there were hurried preparations for not interested in seeing John Jone's having Any student in the building * * * *FOREIGN
* CAR FOR $10."
a complaint, personal griev- they write often. And in the same
receiving these distinguished guests and in this name in dark type, but Johnnie is ience or laughable vein may I suggest that Heard in the lunch room:
hurry Glenville High School's band was invited vitally interested and his interest is "Letter Tocriticism may write a
The Editor" and have the feature page is over-littered with "I found a button in my salad."
to play during the reception. Glenville accepted, it published. There is only one inconsequential writing. In my "Came off in the dressing, I suppose."
and with a very little preparation welcomed the worth as much as J. S.'s. necessity. Name and home room opinion, feature does not imply hu- * * * * *
two flyers with music. Also, the paper is the official or- mor, and at that, not poor humor. It
of the writer must be stated in "Thanks for the compliment, Ruth W., I really do
Stick-to-it-iveness may easily be classified gan of the school. It is through the the letter. Strict privacy will be should not take a literary supple- look better in make-up?"
with efficiency. In view of this fact, let us newspaper that statistical informa- ment to bring out the dormant tal-
observed and no confidences will
think of our football team. One week before tion is brought to the eyes of the be disclosed. No letter will be ent of the school. Hence, I should TED M. (OF YE OLDE TORCH) WHO IS THAT
school started, a squad of 26 fellows reported world. Hence, in the capacity of an accepted without the above factor. advise the feature editor, in the REPRESENTATIVE OF
at football camp. Since then they have con- official report, it is necessary for capacity of an interested subscriber * * *THE
tinued the same hard work that they were the Torch to state the names of all to lend ear to more serious writing In a Local Shop window:
taught at the camp. Hard knocks, hard luck the students entering the school. qu^ntly there are more people who
and not turn the second page, ex "The Best Is None Too GoodWe have the Best."
and bruises seem to have no effect upon our The suggestion which J. S. has will appreciate gossip about upper elusive of editorials, into a joke Submitted by Ray B.
team and that is as it should be. presented is thoughtful and well- classmen. On the other hand, since book. Pitiful humor is not only dis- * * * * *

Since they (the band and football team) worth taking into consideration. The lOB's are an integral part of the tasteful, but aldo uninteresting.
question is, is Subtleville Slander to school and school affairs, I agree Ruth A enjoys blowing the "Beep Beep a Deep" horn
have so faithfully "stuck," so must we "stick" Sincerely on Babe's car. Perhaps if El bought one she would soon
and as a promise we pledge our whole-hearted serve the purpose of being merely a that they should be given attention,
humorous gossip column, or as a proportionate to their importance E. G. .become a professional in that line.
support in everyone of their enterprises.
October 16, 1930 Glenville Torch Page 3

Red And Black Gridders Defeat Collinwood, 6-0, In Night Tussle

Parkwooders Edge Out Victory Over Parkwood Gridders Oppose Senate
Collinwood For Second Straight Win Milt Grossberg comes out with a wise one when he says
Champions In Second League Fray
now he knows why football is called the "Sport of Kinks."
* 'f' # # # East Side Carpenters Boast Experienced Squad Including
Wein Sprints 70 Yards In First Quarter For Touchdown; Oscar C. "Sweed" is so dumb he thinks the Big Ten is Seven Lettermen; McKenny, Lip tack Are Stars
Hoehnen Exhibits Fine Punting, Plunging a pair of policeman's shoes.
# * # * #
With both teams fighting to keep a clean slate in the
In a sensational battle at Luna Stadium, Sat- After all, you needn't be a horse to run around with a Senate ratings, and with one of these teams defending the
Coach. League crown, the East Tech-Glenville fracas should prove a
urday, October 11, Glenville High eked out a , I
# ii # #
6-0 victory over the fighting Collinwood eleven real thriller. The two teams face each other Saturday, October
Scrub: "Coach, is the captain double-jointed?" 18, at Thomas Edison Field in the headline for the scholastic
in the locals' first night game. Coach: "No, why?" grid card.
A thrilling 70-yard run in the first period which Scrub: "Well, I just broke his leg then." This year's Tech aggregation is every bit as formidable as
brought the Red and Black its lone touchdown # # # # *
the squad which won the championship for the Carpenter
made by Lou Wein, saved the day for the G-len- And another thing, it is generally recognized that football school last year. But, if the reader will remember, it was the
| | | |*
villites and was the feature run of the tilt. Wein, starting on is a peppy sport with a lot of kick in it. Tar-Blood squad which gave the Techers their biggest scare,
an off-tackle smash, plowed his way through a mass of line- the Brown and Gold scoring their lone touchdown on a long
men, and emerged from the pile, galloping with the ball safely Hy Fustaris: "Do you know why so many farmer boys pass from Kenny to Papp.
tucked under his arm. Then with the crowd madly cheering make good in baseball?" This year's affair appears to be every bit as good on
him on he eluded the secondary defense, swerved away from Jake Shulduvak: "Yeah, 'cause they've had so much paper. Coach Johnny Behm has a large group of peppy,
the safety man and outsped him to the goal line. Bate's place- practice in the field." scrappy athletes who promise to
kick for extra point was wide. * * * * *
repeat. Seven veterans are back
After this the Red and Black's lead
was never assured. For the remain-
And just think, at the University of Oklahoma, all stu-
dents under eighteen years of age, found on the street after Girls' Sports League from last year's crack eleven and are
practically certain to face the Park-
der of the game the ball seesawed
back and forth, both teams taking
East High Footballers nine o'clock, are locked up. Glenvillites, don't go out until nine
o'clock. Conducts Open Meet wooders this week. They are all-
scholastic Steve Liptack and Papp,
Drub South, 13 To 0 You have
* * * * *
ends; Testa, a tackle; Kozar, center;
turns at threatening the opposing Any college coach: "Get busy, big boy, and play football, and McKenny, Karlovec and LaRiche
line. Hoehnen, of Glenville, plunged a wife and family to think of." Members Participate In Volley in the backfield.
time and again thru the opposing * * * * *
Ball, Soccer, Relay Races Subs Are Good
line for consistent gains. Several East Tech Hands Lincoln 25- Prof: "I'll have to give you zero for this work, young At Group Play Day These boys are all stars at their
times, on two successive plays he 0 Drubbing; John Adams man. positions. Liptack has been respon-
plunged thru for first downs. In Beats West Tech Football Player: "That means nothing in my young life." Speechs, the introduction of Miss sible for many a Tech touchdown by
the second quarter he skirted right Edith Satelle, new club sponsor, and virtue of his pass snaring, while
Glenville To Be Entered In
end for 50 yards, putting the oval
on Collinwood's 20-yard line, but the
By defeating a fighting South
High eleven, 13 to 0, at Thomas Cross-Country Track Meet Room 212 Downs 206 the introduction of the club officers
were among the business matters
McKenny, La Riche and Karlovec are
all demon ball carriers.
enjoyed by girls in the gym at the Besides these lettermen, the East
Railroaders', line held and regained
the ball on downs.
Edison Field, Saturday, October 11,
East High loomed as a strong con- Although Glenville has no track In Home Room Tussle initial meeting of the Girls' Sports
League, Monday, October 6.
55 streeters have a host of valuable
substitutes for every position. Bene,
tender for the Senate crown, held by coach at present, some of the boys
Threaten Twice In order to afford an opportunity former John Adams star, is now
East Tech. Fine passing by Tomb, from last year's squad have organ- With the score 12 to 7 in favor
The final period opened with the Blue and Gold quarterback, resulted ized a cross-country team, which will of home room 206 and one minute for socialization, the remainder of playing with the champs, filling in
ball on Glenville's 10-yard line. Col- in both of East's touchdowns. compete in the inter-scholastic cross to play, 212 staged a rally which the meeting was conducted inform
linwood vainly attempted to put the ally as a Play Day. Last year the
ball over the goal. On the fourth The game was a one-sided tilt country tournament to be held in netted them a touchdown and the girls who attended the Play Day for
November. The winner of this will
Senate Standings
doown when the Railroaders desper from start to finish, the ball being game in an inter-home room clash, Team W. L.
seniors at Heights High School pro- Pet.
ately tried a pass, Bate, in running in South territory most of the time. go to Columbus for the state meet. held at Gordon Park, Monday, Oc- nounced it a success and decided to East 2 0 1.000
to cover a free Collinwood man slip- East's first tally came a short time Vargo, mile relay letterman of last tober 6. experiment the principle at Glen- East Tech 2 0 1.000
ped and fell. Goodrich, quarterback, before the end of the first half when year's team, was elected captain and Sooskin took the kickoff and ad- ville. Glenville 1 0 1.000
Tomb threw a 30-yard pass to Eng- acts as temporary coach, while Sego, vanced the ball 20 yards. A series
immediately hurled the oval to his
lander, who went 16 yards more be- Ginsberg and Kaye were chosen as- of plunges gained a first down for As the girls entered the gym they West 1 0 1.000
waiting teammate who caught the were presented with strips of crepe Central ......1 1 .500
ball in his arms and then let it slip fore being downed on South's four- sistant captain, coach and secretary- the winners. After losing three paper and were divided into six John Adams ... 1 1 .500
through to the ground. The locals yard line. Ed Shannon then treasurer respectively. At meetings yards on a fumble, Soskin passed to South 0 2 .000
quickly punted out of danger. Col- plunged over for the score. A pass, held every Monday, plans for the Schuster for a 20-yard gain and teams, of their respective shades of Lincoln
paper. The teams were red and 0 2 .000
Tomb to Artale, gave East its sec- coming tournament are discussed. the second first down. Two six-yard
linwood's only other scoring chance
ond touchdown. green, blue and yellow, blue, green, West Tech 0 2. .000
came just before the game ended Of the 15 fellows out for the team, plunges by Hodgins put the ball on yellow and red.
when Goodrich passed to Henry, Teachers Drub Lincoln the five representing Glenville are 206's two-yard line. An end run and A soccer game, a volley ball game effectively at a tackle and place-
nlaoing the ball on the Parkwooders' Led by quarterback McKenny, the most likely to be chosen from the a plunge netted 212 one yard. Then
and races were the three events run kicking for his team. Patch, a sub-
ard line. strong East Tech eleven handed Lin- following: Ginsberg, Dollow, Lager, 206 strengthened their line, thinking
off on the floor and track. With the stitute in the backfield, played so
coln a 25-0 drubbing in another Sen- Guttentag, Siegel, Sego and Vargo, a plunge would follow, but they were
Vein and Hoehnen, who sparkled ate tussle at the Thomas Edison whistle of the referee, the teams ro- well for La Riche, when the latter
who are all from last year's squad. outwitted when Soskin took the ball tated to the next event. At the was unable to play, that he may
in the backfield for Glenville, were Field, Friday, October 10. The
Two new men, Bernon and BeVard over the goal line on an end run. conclusion of the Play Day, old mem- cop a regular backfield berth. His
ably assisted by the line, which Carpenters used their second-string-
also show up well. From this group, The other seven points scored by bers were acquainted with new mem- specialty is off-tackle bucks and end
fought admirably as a unit. Out- ers most of the time, with McKenny
a good team is expected' by Captain 212 were made in the second quarter bers. runs mixed with line plunges. The
standing in the forward wall, were and Karlovec, regulars, scoring two
Vargo. The boys work out three when three first downs and a line drive of this short but clever back
Neffinger, who twice sped down the and one touchdowns respectively. The business end of the program
times each week by running to Euc- plunge by Soskin gained a touchdown.
field under punts to nail the Collin- was brief. The treasurer explained is amazing. Another ball carrier
A short passing attack in the sec- lid Beach or by practicing on the The extra point was made by a pass the requisites for obtaining the who has caused opponents to worry
wood safety man before he was
ond quarter aided John Adams in gym track. from Soskin to Schwimmer. League emblem; the secretary dis- is Andrucci. His affective blocking
fairly started, Tronstein who seems
beating West Tech in a Senate game If this team proves to be success- as well as carrying ability has been
to improve with each game and Just after 212 had made its first cussed the stamp system, and the
at th John Adams field. Both ful, the principal stated that Glen- one of Coach Behm's causes for en-
Grossberg, w h o recovered two touchdown, Jaffe ran the kickoff publicity manager spoke on the func-
touchdowns started on passes which ville might have a cross-country joyment. Other subs are Wieczouk,
fumbles. Goodrich and Novince were back 60 yards to 212's 15-yard line tion of the club.
brought the oval close to the goal team every year. All that is needed
Collinwood's luminaries, the former's where he was tackled by Schwimmer. It was announced by Ruth Bartelt, Harkai and Dibickui.
line. Curry, star Adams fullback, now is a coach, the most important The Tech offense is built this
plunging and passing proving one of Two passes by Fein netted a touch- president of the League, that a week-
registered the first tally on a six- factor to a good team.
the features of the game. down. The other six points were end stay at a cabin in Rocky River year as last, on powerful pass plays
yard end run while Kouba, quarter-
In practice this week, a strong back, made the second score on a Lakewood High School boasting a scored when Schwartz, 206 end, in- is being considered as one of the together with fast line plays and es-
passing defense will probably be center plunge. fine array of distance men is also tercepted a pass. Fein then passed outdoor projects to be held in the pecially off-tackle bucks. McKenny,
entered in the cross-country event to Jaffe for a 50-yard gain and a near future. who calls the signals, is an excellent
stressed. The local's next opponent West Trounces Central ball tosser while we have already
will be East Tech, whose McKenny and they are favored to cop. touchdown.
West High, another strong con- mentioned Liptack, the boy on the
to Liptak combination is famed as a tender for the Senate championship, Faculty Bowlers Lose Match receiving end most of the time. Mc-
most dangerous weapon of attack in scored its first triumph of the sea-
high school circles. son by trouncing Central 20 to 0 at
Intramural Teams Advance To Second Kenny also kicks for the Teachers
West Tech's crack bowling squad and is excellent on punts from close
Meet East Tech the Edison Field. found the Parkwood pinmen a tough formation. The Behmmen include a
Against Collinwood, the Parkwood- In other week end games, Lake- Round In Playoffs Of Cage Tourney proposition, but managed to eke out variety of tried plays that keep the
ers looked as if they could stand wood was defeated by Lorain, 12-7, a 3-2 victory on Monday, October 6, opposition on the watch all the time.
much strengthening in that depart- Cleveland Heights lost its first game at the Euclid-Thirteenth Recreation In all, the champs provide a real
ment. The Senate champs will be in over two years to Massillon, 2 to Club Basketeers Enroll Teams room scored all of their team's Hall. thrill in any game and are worth
engaged on Saturday, October 18, at 0. Cathedral Latin swamped Ak- In Independent League points. The Red and Black faculty started the watching.
the Thomas Edison Field. ron St. Vincents, 25-0, and Holy In the second game, 101 downed out strongly and took the first game
Name was beaten by University Which Opens Soon
Night football seems to be a satis- 117 by the score of 14 to 5. The tilt with a total score of 820 to the Car-
factory novelty game attracting large
School, 20-6. penter's 789. W. A. Gray showed
Opening games of the second round was close in the first half, but in some fine bowling, toppling the Don Kayler
crowds from both schools. The white
pigskin can be seen as easily as the Girl Hikers Explore Rocky
of the intramural basketball tourna- pins for a 187 score. This was the Dance Piano Studio
highest individual score for the Glen- With Austin Wylie, Sammy Wat-
brown ball can in the daytime. River Reservation, Airport ment were played Wednesday, Octo- Summary villites, although J. C. Chapin bowled kins, And Merle Jacobs
Summary ber 1, when home room 300 trounced
G. C. over 181 pins, for a close second. 610 Carnegie Hall MAin 9729
Glen.6 Collinwood0 One of the most unusual hikes to 118 by the score of 23 to 8 in the Yds. from scrimmage 260 230
be staged this year was led by Mil- The Carpenters, mainly through
Lang LIS Exl dred MacEwen, at Rocky River, Sun- first game. Room 10 blanked room Passes attempted 4 7 the bowling of Mr. Corwin took the
2 in the second tilt, 8-0. Passes completed 2 4 next two games. Corwin, bowling
Silverstein L.T Malabasic day, October 5.
Morrow, a 10B who formerly played Passes intercepted 1 0 at a 612 clip, literally beat our fac- A Classical Foundation with a
Green L Cecere Since the exploration of the Cha- Yds. gained on passes 33 60 Modern Twang.
ulty single handed. His score was
Schuman -C Smith grin Reservation of the Metropolitan on the Patrick Henry cage team, led First downs 11 12 the highest of the day.
both home rooms in scoring with a Fumbles
Spechek Park system, the girls have en-
deavored to visit the three remaining total of 16 points. Harris and Mil- Yds. lost on fumbles
3 On Monday, October 13, our bowl-
7 ers will face another Carpenter out-
Howard Moran
parks. coff of the losers made most of their Punts Violin
Neffinger RE Werner 11 8 fit, but the prospects for victory are
Following the river bed along a team's markers, each player shoot- Average punts (Yds.)
Bate -Q Goodrich winding creek, the group observed ing a basket and a foul. The second Penalties
37 44 much brighter, according to Captain
2 1 J. C. Chapin. They will meet the John H. Currier
Wein LH Pasquale and commented on the objects of game could not continue after the Times out 4 3 East Tech bowlers at the Euclid- Piano and Harmony
Hoehnen RH Stafford nature. Cutting across the woods, first half, because the boys on the Thirteenth Recreation Hall.
Porter J*
the hikers followed a bridle path
Novince which led them to a riding academy. team from home room 2 left the the second stanza, the shooting of Sam Pattie
6 0 0 06 The girls stopped a moment and en- floor. Assad and McLellam, guard Saslawsky and Silverstein carried 101
0 0 0 00 gaged some horses and enjoyed a bit and center respectively of the win- Glenville College of Music
TouchdownWein. of horseback riding before resuming ning team, scored four markers his team's five points.
to victory. Eisner scored three of
Classical and Popular Music In- Harold Copelin
the jaunt to the airport close by. apiece. structions on all Instruments. Pro- BanjoGuitar
Substitutions Glenville: Rivkin Only four teams have enrolled in gressive Series of Piano lessons
Before entering the airport, a Delayed Games Played taught. EDdy 7704
for Grossberg; Goldenberg for Nef-
few of the group stopped at the On Thursday, October 9, games
the Independent Basketball League, 10403 St. Clair ..
finger. Collinwood: Iafelice for Pas- airport radio station ahd were very that were to have been played in which is also being sponsored by
11938 Lorain Ted Larson
Instrument Service
quale; Henry for Exl, Dawson for obligingly informed, by the attend- the former week but that had been Coach R. G. Johnson. The clubs Moderate Fees
Spechek, Strauss for Cecere, Scaf- ants, about the different electrical postponed because of the holidays, which have entered are the Squad Students Discount Coupon
fite for Spafford. machines. The receiving and broad- were played off, with home room 223 Leaders, who have enrolled two quin-
casting of weather signals was heard lacing room 11 in the initial game,
RefereeShafer (Akron W.) tets, A. and B, managed by Henry 978 E. 123rd. St.
UmpireGreen (Wooster)
from station WWO. 34-3. Nash shot nine goals for 18 This coupon and 20 cents will ad-
At the airport, the girls witnessed points while his teammate, Mintz, ran Becker, the Camera Club, with Joe mit one High School Student to
Head LinesmanFairgrieve (Hills- the arrival of the mail express and up a total of eight markers. Hahn Bronsky at its head, and the Torch Our Sunday Matinee. Good On 2029 E. 102nd St. GAr. 3955
dale). noted the different types of planes. and Sternberg of the losing home Board. Sunday, October 19th Only.
Page 2 ___ Glenville Torch October 2, 1930

Council Of English High Press Hears Seniors Take Annual Authors Autograph Editions Superintendent Will
At Halle Brothers Company Orchestra, Choral
Journalistic Talks Give Vergil Prizes
Teachers To Hold Psychological Exams Club, Band Are To
Book lovers, students and collect-
ors will be given an opportunity to
First Meeting Is Get'Together; meet their favorite authors the week Graduate Of. This School Wins
(Continued From Page 1)
AnnualConvention Members Hear Speaker
Discuss Programs
this test of any pupil who applies
for admission.
of Monday, October 20, at the Halle
Brothers Co.'s annual "Week of
Award In Latin Contest
Held Last Spring Present Programs
Median Score Varies
Each afternoon, at 3:30 p. m., one
Prominent Advisers To Dis- Following the plan laid by a com- The median score varies from year Medals and three cash prizes won Woodwind Quintet To Play
or more of the prominent authors
mittee last year, the Hi-Press held to year according to the length and in the recent Vergil contest will be
cuss Diverse Subjects Dur- its first meeting on September 24,
will be presented. During the in-
presented by Superintendent of For Teachers At Hotel Stat-
difficulty of the test. Also, the formal reception that will follow,
ing Sessions At Statler at the Women's City Club, at which individual scores vary greatly. Last Schools, R. G. Jones, in Cleveland ler Friday, October 31
guests will be introduced to the
Miss Annette Smith, of the Cleve- year, Glenville had three remarkably College auditorium, October 18, at
About 1,000 English teachers from authors by the hospitality committee.
land Board of Education, spoke on high scores. Of 30,000 seniors in 8 p. m. The fourth prize will go Music news has never been scarce
various parts of the country are ex- At this time, the books will be
"Why a High Press Club?" The Ohio, only 30 made scores of over to Alfred Fromhold, a former Glen- in this school, and the present time
pected to attend the annual sessions autographed.
meeting also served as a get-together 275 points. Of these 30, three were ville student. is no exception to the rule. The or-
of the National Council of English affair for the representatives from Glenville students. The examination was held in con- chestra, the Choral Club, the band
Teachers' Convention, to be held at
the Hotel Statler, November 27, 28
the different schools. The psychological or so-called in- Math Puzzle nection with Cleveland's Vergil bi- and the woodwind quintet are all
At f u t u r e meetings, there will be telligence tests show the pupil how There are five letter boxes in millenary celebration this month. Its busy these days preparing special
and 29.
speakers who will discuss various rapidly and how accurately he can a town. In how many ways can purpose was to find the best trans- programs for appearances in the
These meetings are held every topics. "What's Wrong With Our work. Miss Laura V. Edwards, who a person post two letters ? lation of difficult passages from Ver- near future.
Thanksgiving, opening on Thursday Type and Make-up?" is the topic of is in charge of giving the test to Send answers to Lester Cohen, gil. As a result, Francis Silver, of The N. E. O. T. A. has chosen
night with an informal dinner and the meeting of October 22. Miss Glenville seniors, said, "The results home room 221A. Hawken School was chosen winner. Glenville's woodwind ensemble to
followed by a meeting. Clarence Margaret Sullivan will talk on are not to be taken too seriously Others who won prizes are: sec- play f o r the state's music teachers,
Stratton, director of English in Cleve- "What the N. S. P. A. will expect of although, of course, everyone recog- Among the authors who will be ond, Robert Coleman, Central High; Friday, October 31, at the Hotel
land high schools, will offer a word High Press and what High Press nizes the value of quick and accur present, are Blair Miles, writer of third, James Rice, Cleveland Heights Statler. The members of the quin-
of welcome Friday morning, Novem- may get from N. S. P. A." Stu-
ber 28. The meetings, to be held
ate thinking. The test probably "Condemned to Devil's Isle;" Herbert High; fifth, Lorene Tan - , Laurel tet are: Julius Baker, flute; Sheldon
dents will be allowed to offer their shows, also, how well a pupil has S. Duffy, "William H. T a f t ; " John School; sixth, Harry Polts, Shaw Hendershott, clarinet; Stanley Man-
Friday, are largely sectional. The opinions at that meeting which will trained himself to attack problems at Barkcly, "No Hard Feelings;" John High; seventh, Marjorie Fishel, East del, bassoon; Joe Friedman, oboe;
evening dinner and meeting will be held in November. Discussions on a moment's notice. The student who Langdon-Davies, "Man and His Uni- High; eighth, Dorothy Epple, St, and Fred Klein, French horn. They
deal with a discussion of Russia. half-tones, zinc etchings, linoleum has made the best use of his educa- verse;" Major Coulson, "Mata Hari;" Joseph's School; and ninth, Freder- will play: "Scherzo," from "Quintet
To Give Lectures blocks and type will be held at fu- tional opportunities naturally has Walter G. Gibson, "Houdini's Es- ick Leutner, University School. in F", by James Waterson; and
"The Problem of the Department ture assemblies. In May, the old an advantage."
Head" will be the subject on which capes;" Margaret Ay res Barnes, Best Latin Students Compete "Quintet, opus 71", by Beethoven.
and new representatives will con- This test provides good training "Years of Grace;" Emily Newell
C. C. Hanna, of Lakewood High vene socially at John Hay High All public high schools, private The band will present a concert at
School, will speak. Mr. Hanna is for college entrance examinations Blair, of Good Housekeeping Maga- and parochial schools of Greater this school before Thanksgiving. In-
School. and similar tests. It will be im- zine; Princess Der Ling, "Lotus
the chairman of the Departmental Cleveland sent their best Latin stu- dividual soloists will be featured.
Each year, a student is appointed proved in the f u t u r e and will be put Leaves;" Mrs. Boyden, "The New dents when the competitive test was
Organization Committee. Concert To Be Given
by the faculty adviser of the paper in wider use. Tests for mechanical Backgammon;" Honore Willsie Mor- given in June. The examination con-
Another subject of interest is A combined concert, given by both
to represent the school at the Hi- skill, artistic sense and musical abil- row, "The Last Full Meausre;" and sisted of a sight translation from
"Mass Education in Reading", which the orchestra and Choral Club, will
Press. The Torch representative is ity will be devised and employed. W. Maxwell Reed, "Earth for Sam." Vergil's Fourth Book of Georgics.
will be given by Anna Louise Strong be heard Thursday, December 11,
Isadore Meschan, editor.
of Moscow. Alfred Fromhold won the city at either the Music Hall of the Pub-
Miss Hermans, of California, whom
the lOA's know through her gram- Redecorate School Buildings Paper Exchange Shows High Lights medal in the Latin contest held in lic Auditorium or the auditorium of
May. He was then a member of John Hay High School.
mar book, will discuss experiments Miss Mary I. McHannan's 12A Latin A definite program has not yet
with gifted students.
Dr. J. H. Hanford, of Western Re-
When the fall semester began
September 8, there was a noticeable
Of Various High Schools' Activities class. Alfred was graduated from been chosen for the orchestra b j
Glenville in June. Ralph E. Rush, the director. Some
serve, is in charge of the conference dressed-up appearance among the of the numbers, which Mr. Rush
on European methods of teaching various school buildings. It cost ap- Eastern Prep School Boasts Of New Gymnasium With New- says the orchestra will probably play,
composition and literature. proximately $1,300,000 to put the Dispensary To Care For
est Improvements; Faculty Hold Annual Picnic are: the second movement from
All high schools and colleges new mode into effect, which seems All Athletic Examinations "Symphonie Pathtique", by Tschai-
throughout the country have been to accentuate painted walls, new an athletic field and a swimming kowsky; "Allegretto", from the "Sev-
Not only Glenville has a successful
asked to contribute material toward floors and furnaces, metal ceilings tank, makes Poly one of the best Dr. R. A. Warren and Miss A. H. enth Symphony", by Beethoven;
book exchange. Central High School Stute, who are in charge of the dis- "Trepak", from "Nutcracker Suite,"
the exhibit of creative writing. Miss and repaired water pipes. equipped prep schools in the east.
of Syracuse, N. Y., has been breaking pensary, located in the teachers rest by Tschaikowsky; "Valse Triste," by
Laura V. Edwards, head of the Due to the fact that there are no * , *
English department, is chairman of all of its previous sales records, with room on the second floor, are here on Sibelius; and "Rienzi Overture," by
longer any girls at East Technical
the exhibit committee. The rest of a grand toal of $275 having been At the annual Minneapolis South Tuesday, from 1:00 to 2:00 p. m. and Wagner. The orchestra will accom-
High School, it received the most
the committee consists of C. J . change, industrial shops supplant- taken in by its book store. High Teachers' picnic, spectators Wednesday from 8:30 to 11:30 p. pany Griffith J. Jones's Choral Club
Thompson, head of the department ing former cooking and sewing * * * were given a novel treat in the form m. to help the students who need in three songs: "Morris Dance,"
of English at South High School; rooms. of a baseball game participated in physical examinations or care.
Poly Prep Country Day School is "Torch Dance" and "Shepherd's
C. E. Graham, head of the depart- by men and women teachers alike. Girls who desire examinations for Dance," from "Henry VIII Suite," by
Twenty buildings had their inter- boasting a new gymnasium of the
ment of English at West Tech; Miss All the ladies were dressed in unus- the various sport activities are per- Edward German; "Round About the
iors completely repainted. Repaired newest style, if gymnasiums can be
nee Lamphear, of Patrick ual costumes. They cavorted about mitted to visit the dispensary every Starry Throne," by Handel; and
athletic fields made football pros- said to have styles. The latest im-
Junior High School; and Sis- their positions in old fashioned gar- other Wednesday.
pects look brighter at Thomas A. provements have been used. On the "Volga Boatman," a Russian folk
Priscilla, principal of Notre ments, one struggling around the A list of those students wanted song. Mr. Jones's group will also
Edison and West Technical schools. lower floor is a large wrestling
Dame. The exhibit includes original field in a long-tailed coat, another in by the doctor or nurse on the fol- sing "Prelude," by Bach.
The Division of Housing was in room with accommodations for spec-
poetry, plays, stories, sketches and a tramp suit, another in what the lowing day is posted each Tuesday
charge of all repair work. tators, four squash courts of regu-
school newspapers and magazines well-dressed woman of the eighties Glenville tags are being sold in
lation size, and several smaller rooms afternoon on the office bulletin
which contain creative work. wore, and finally, one in a striped the school at two for five cents in
with adjacent showers f o r use as board.
Spanish Club Initiation baseball suit. order to raise money f o r the or-
Meetings on the teaching of gram- dressing rooms for visiting teams. Special cases should be referred
* * * chestra, band and Choral Club.
mar, reading and written composi- Just above and in back of the to Miss Stute on Tuesday morning,
"La Fonda Emperial," Spanish Seeing one of the "big" football by note, so that she may be able to
tion and a conference on the adapt- squash courts is a gallery from which
play, was presented by the club at games of the year was the treat
ing of the course of study to ability
will also be held.
its last meeting, Monday, October 6.
The old members assisted Miss Helen
spectators may look down upon the
courts. The entire top floor is used
given to the band of Elkhart High
School, Elkhardt, Ind. The band re-
make a proper disposal of her time
for Wednesday.
Dr. Warren, whose office is lo-
Class Finds Difficulty
as a regular gym. There is room
Humphreys in singing some old
Spanish folk songs. there for four or five regulation
placed the regular Navy band which cated at Wade Park avenue and 84
In Answering Question
Telescope Visions Are The club has a few new members
although it has not held a campaign
basketball courts. The new gym, plus
was unable to accompany the Navy
Football team to Notre Dame. The
game was held Saturday, October 11.
street, also examines the boys who
go out for football, basketball and
(Continued From Page 2)
Strange To Earth Men as yet. Two alumnae, Miss Betty
Bleich and Miss Eleanor Healy, sang
Special Announcement
Finger Wave 35c
"Tell you w h a t ? " I mumbled to
myself. And for the life of me, I

(Continued From Page 2)

some popular song hits for the club.
Miss Bleich is a former member of
Manicure 40c
First Rate Work Only
SONNHALTER'S Hikers' Group To Meet Today couldn't remember what the ques-
tion was. I stared straight out of
to borrow the names of our cities. the Spanish Club.
Betty's Beauty Shoppe
Restaurant Under the direction of H. J. Lens- the window, hoping to find inspira-
Hm-mm, quite an honor." The club has no affair planned for ner, the hiking group has formulated tion awaiting me there; but the
1037 E. 105st up EDdy 2335J 10610 St. Clair Ave.
"Hey, professor, what else do you Halloween because it hopes to have plans for the year. All those in harder I stared, the worse I became.
want to know?" came a voice from its initiation party sometime early St. Clair Market terested are urged to attend the Suddenly, memory or my guardian
above. in November. They are planning meetings and to join the group on angel came to my aid. I turned a
Phone CEdar 1145
The five men stared at each other some excellent selections for the oc- their hikes. An open meeting will bright and feverish eye to teacher
For Appointment
wild-eyed; this was beyond even their casion. Among the numbers will be be held today after school in room and replied rapidly though mechan-
greatest expectations! some Spanish songs by those in the
Then came the voice of Iden, "My duet who were present at the open
A. itpgan, W. 0 . Abrams Hardware Co.
1027 E. 105th St.
224 to acquaint the students with ically, "A cell is a living unit of
the organization. plant and animal structure."
dear I. M. Blank, you'll pardon meeting. OPTOMETRIST The club is open to both "Fine!" was all that she com-
me" We specialize in general repairs boys and girls. At the last meeting, mented and went on to the next
They have decided to have three 11010 Superior Avenue of all kinds. Good plumbers can
"I will not!" screamed the scien- publications of their paper through- be furnished with quick service, Thursday, October 9, the election of question.
tist "Here we are, the first terres- out the semester. catering to small repairs as well officers took place. The following My neighbor regarded me with
trians to have an informal conversa- as large. were elected: George Stoye, presi- worshipping eyes and said, "My, but
tion with a citizen of Mars, and you LIBERTY FUR CO. Also expert electricians are al-
ways on hand. Call us for good
dent; Lois Ingram, vice-president; you're brilliant!" The world spun
have the brazen nerve to interrupt!" Patronize The Torch Advertisers quick service. and Zelma Horwitz, secretary. around and then became all right
Two Stores
"But professor " again. "Yes, yes," I said to myself,
"Will you please control yourself? 10305 Superior 10615 Euclid Ave. For Good Hardware Call
" I can see that the girl is right."
Well, what have you to say that is
so important?"
For Your Halloween Party Furs Exclusively EDdy 6321 We Deliver Arlington Beauty "And since you're so smart," my
remember companion continued, "don't you see
"Only that you saw the man we Shoppe that you'll just have to help me out
employed to clean the inside of the
telescope!" My-T-Fine 12405 Arlington Ave.
GLen. 8899 (not listed in phone
on tomorrow's t e s t ? "

A half an hour later the news

came to the world that the dead Fried Cake Co. The Newman Studio book)
Our Combination Specials
Unfortunately f o r the poor girl, I
just couldn't "see" that point.
Shampoo and Finger Wave .50c
bodies of two men had been found 11432 Superior
floating down the Hudson River. A
12305 Superior Photographers Shampoo and Marcel
Permanent Waving
$4.00, $5.00
10B Home Room Elects Officers
card bearing the name of Samuel Phone CEdar 3407 and $6.50
Brown was found in the pocket of Special Price T o Students Home room 111, 10B girls, have
one, while the other was immediately
Everything in do-nuts and the
1706 Euclid Avenue
Fr>ee??? organized. Election of officers was
recognized as Eugene Iden, an as- best of sweet cider Telephone: MAin 2333 ASK US ABOUT IT held, September 15. The executives
sistant to the "world-widely" known are: Matilda Halper, president;
astronomer, I. M. Blank! Nettie Reuben, vice-president; and
Jerome Siegel Wheeler School of Dancing Miriam Guttentag, secretary.
J. R. Holcomb For Estimates Call GArfield 8495 Classes In All Types Of Stage In order to organize the home
room entirely, they have decided to
Canned fruits and vegetables, which Dancing. Also Limbering.
Wholesale School Supplies Private Lessons in Latest Ball- select a housekeeping committee to
have made up the exhibition in the
display case, were preserved by
Mrs. Caroline Wright's cooking
1518 St. Clair Ave. MAin 3732-33
Cleveland, Ohio
s. & s. room Dancing
Moderate Tuition
10014 Euclid
keep the room in order. The elec-
GAr. 7861J tion will take place at some future
Furniture Co.
Re-upholstering and Refinishing
Private or Class All Branches. Students Prepared for
Classical or Popular, Teaching, Concert, Symphony, Theater, Highest Grade of Living Room The James White Motor Service Company
Dance, Radio. 10014 Euclid Ave. CEdar
aya Opposite uauey
Bailey'ss tEast
a s t End btore.
Store. Suites Made to Order Any Automobile Operation Performed

School Founded 1912 n - opposite
11412 Superior Avenue 10312 Wilbur Ave. Cor. E. 105 1 Block South of Carnegie
OCHOOL OF MUSIC Rear of Shell Station CEdar 5508
OCT 2 8 1930

Don't Forget The

Elast High Game

Vol XI, No. 5

The Glenville Torch Glenville High School, Cleveland, Ohio, October 23, 1930
Torch Bridge-Dance
November 7

Price Five Cents

Senior Organization Noted Author Gives

Lecture To Seniors
No Spring Vacation
According to the order issued by
Torch Asks Different Geoffrey Morgan
the board of education, there will Clubs To Give Puzzles To Offer Lecture
Holds Musicale For Mrs. Robert Niles Addresses
be no spring vacation this year.
Instead, school will be closed on
Five Organizations Invited,
SophomoreStudents Seniors, Faculty On Life
In French Guiana
Good Friday, April 3, 1931 and
on Easter Monday, April 6, 1931.
In order to make amends f o r
History, Math, Naturalist
Besides Other Clubs
"What's The Use?"
the discontinuation of spring va-
Chairman Of Sponsors Offers Mrs. Robert Niles, the author of cation, the school calendar will be Hereafter, as a new item, the
Double Assembly Period Given
Address; Griffith Jones "Condemned to Devil's | Isle" 'and the moved up one week; thus having Torch will publish a crossword puz- For Inspiring Lecture By
novel, "Free," two noted books deal- school closed for the second se- zle among the advertisements on Versatile Educator
Leads Song Reunion ing with the life of convicts in the mester on Friday, June 12, 1931, the back page.
penal colony of French Guiana, ad- instead of June 19.
In line with this project the va- School Assembly Association
Make Assignments Of Several dressed a group of the stduent body, rious organizations are invited to
12A's To Individual Home Rooms composed of seniors, in the library Plans Three More Lectures
Monday, October 19, during the
fourth period.
12B's Take Places Of hand in contributions. A different
type of puzzle is asked from each
group; one for grammar from the Humorist To Give Impersona-
Members Will Try To Discover
Gifted 1 OB's For Helpers
The principal introduced
Niles to the audience. In her talk,
12A Bulletin Carriers English Club, one for literature from
Miss E. C. Davies' special English
tions; Televox To Demon-
strate At Assemblies
In Future Affairs the writer told about her trip to the class, one for mathematical terms,
notorious isle. Having completed their term as from the Math Club, one for scientif- On Monday, October 27, Geoffrey
For the purpose of familiarizing bulletin * carriers, the 12A girls ic terms, from the Naturalists' Club
"When I sailed f o r South America, F. Morgan, the favorite assembly
the lOB's with their classmates, a turned over their work to the 12B's and one on historical terms from the
I went not with the intention of speaker of many California high
Sophomore Musicale will be held to- who were selected this term by Miss history department, but this puzzle
condemning any country and its schools will bring from the f a r west
morrow morning. Elsie C. Davies, assistant principal, is to consist of names or facts, but
methods, but to find out what the a new answer to the question,
Songs learned in the regular chorus during the week of October 13. not dates. "What's the use of going to school?"
prisoners' reactions were to civiliza-
classes will be conducted by Grif-
fith I. Jones. Sophie Cooper, of
home room 224, who is chairman of
tion," stated Mrs. Niles.
Mrs. Niles depicted, very vividly,
They are Viola Zorzopian, 112, week and the answers the next, there-
Dorothy Engel, 112, Alexandria Dar fore each organization is asked to con-
Dzinska, 224, Norlene Corbin, 110, each organization is asked to con-
Representative Group There will be a double assembly so
that everyone may have an oppor-
tunity to hear the lecturer.
for the assembled students, the con-
the boy and girl sponsors, will ad-
dress the assembly with a short talk
on the purpose of the organization,
ditions existing in this colony to
which France sent its most iniquitous
Florence Miller, 110, Elizabeth Wahl, tribute two copies, one blank and
110, Ruth Hann, 109, Mabel Mc- one answered.
Choose New Officers Mr. Morgan, versatile in his inter-
ests, can preach a sermon, teach a
criminals. She mentioned statistics Cloud, 209, and Arlene Patmos, 209. These will be accepted as soon as class, or lead an orchestra equally
which is to f u r t h e r and to develop they are ready.
social contact among the sopho- which showed t h a t half of those These girls were selected through Nathan Tucker Voted Presi- well. He has a fine baritone voice
sentenced to Devil's Isle died of the high recommendation from their The executives of the Torch dent Of All Student Coun- and has been known to take the part
mores. Adele Ginsberg, president
of the girl sponsors, will also add a prevailing conditions. She stated that home room teachers. " I have never Board hope that the student body cils In Greater Cleveland
of end man in a minstrel show one
few details. their confinement is in proportion to met any of these girls personally, will become interested in these night, and the next day assume a
Senior Sponsors Will Meet the exile. A f t e r they have gone and because of this, I will be able puzzles and that they will be valu- At the last meeting of the High
position behind the pulpit.
At a meeting of the Girl's Senior through a period of confinement, to see what kind of workers they able mediums of learning. The heads School Council Conference, held at The speaker has had an educa-
they must spend that same amount are," said Miss Davies. of the various departments which tional background which gives him
Sponsors held October 16, points are contributing puzzles are pleased the Cleveland Public Library, on Oc-
of time in exile. an abiding faith in the boys and
were discussed concerning the as- Their duties will be to represent with the plan. tober 14, Nathan Tucker, of home girls of this generation. For a num-
signment of home rooms. It was de- For trying to escape or f o r similar the office in every way possible, and room 212, was elected president. ber of years, he filled the office of
cided that they meet soon with the crimes, these convicts are condemned to carry all bulletins to the home This organization was formerly Superintendent of Schools at Athens,
various sophomore home rooms to to solitary confinement. While in rooms. The chairman's duty is to Members Of English Club known as the Hi-Council. O. He was very successful and a
discover any talented students to this condition, some write, but many supervise the doings of others, see Have Play, Refreshments The other officers elected are: short while later was called to Co-
participate in the entertainment on pitiful creatures lose their minds, and that all material is sorted and to William Real, John Adams High
English Club members were treated lumbia University as Registrar.
"Sophomore Day," December 5. They become raving maniacs. arrange substitutes for absentees. School, vice-president; Mildred Wa- When Mr. Morgan left Columbia
will also give any general informa- A f t e r the address, the principal All absentees will be required to not only to a play at their meeting, sho, John Hay High School, secre-
Thursday, October 16, but also to University he started platform lec-
tion concerning the school and its thanked Mrs. Niles f o r bringing the notify their absence by telephone. tary; Francis Haynes, John Mar-
cocoa and cookies, which were fur- turing.
activities and will t r y to arrange students such an instructive mes- As last term's girls worked into shall High School, treasurer. The
for coaching students who find that nished by the faculty advisers of the Three More Lectures Given
sage. He also thanked the Halle this semester, this set will work faculty adviser has not been named
they are unable to do their assigned club, Miss Mary Pickard and Mrs. These assembly lectures are spon-
Bros. Co., for permitting her to over into next semester. yet.
work. Elizabeth G. Hartinger. sored by the School Assembly As-
come to Glenville while she is at- Fosters School Betterment
Sponsors Assigned Rooms "The play, 'The Exchange,' by sociation in Chicago, and before the
tending their author week. The purpose of the organization is
The people to whom the various Art Classes Display Designs Althea Thurston, was enjoyed by year is over the school is to have
to foster cooperation and partici- the privilege of hearing two more
home rooms were assigned are: Rose the spectators as were, to be sure,
pation of the representatives of va-
Kleger, Sadie Massinger and Pearl
Kahn, Mrs. Caroline Wright's home Torch Board To Hold Many high school students have cookies and cocoa," stated the
been surprised by the sudden out- officers of the club.
Members of the cast were: Gwen-
rious high schools in discussing any
phase of student government on a
speakers. Jess Pugh, a humorist and
philosopher will give a number of
impersonations on November 14, and
room 8; Adele Ginsberg, Fannie
Konisberg, Sylvia Bogar and Dorothy
Sabad, Franklin Patterson's home
Opening Double Event burst of color in our main hall. This
dolyn Sherman, judge; Ruben Polen,
non-comparative basis.
color is reflected by posters which imp; Sam Saslawsky, poor man; School Council Conference is trying
The High on February 24, there will be a
demonstration of T-E-L-E-V-O-X,
room 105; Ruth Wisch, Myrtle were made last spring by pupils in Lydia Landin, vain woman; and Joe to have all the senior high schools the Mechanical Man.
in greater Cleveland represented.
Wright and Dorothy Zizelman, Mr. Journalists To Sponsor Dance, Miss Tina G. Bernstein's 11B and Friedman, rich man. Lydia Landin,
The president, Nathan Tucker,
Biddle's home room 204; Mildred Bridge; Will Use Profits 11A art classes. new chairman of the entertainment Seniors To Hold First Affair
committee, said, "We hope to make makes this statement concerning the
Mac Ewen, Mrs. Willia Brownfield's The designs on these posters can all out meetings as enjoyable and as purpose of the meeting of the
home room 122; Jean Davis, Ruth For Needs Of Paper "Steaming Cauldron," a 12A dance,
be used for surface patterns or wall worthwhile as possible." groups, "The meetings are not for
Hausner, Lillian Goldfarb and Stan- comparing schools, but for taking will be given Thursday, October 30.
islava Novak, Miss Marie Rucker's A f t e r much serious contemplation, paper texture. They are all original It was decided that the club's pic- The music will be furnished by "Ven-
and giving ideas for school better-
home room 120; Virginia Kent, Goldie a few of the Torch executives have and are a part of the creative work ture is to be in the Annual. A etian Serenaders."
Dworken and Lena Chizek, Miss decided to have a Torch Dance and being done in the a r t department. picture of the group was taken At the last meeting held Tuesday, The programs and refreshments,
Gertrude Campbell's home room 111. Bridge. The former will be held in Names of the artists appear on the Wednesday, October 22, the seventh November 28, discussions were held doughnuts and cider, will be made
Edward Schultz, Abner Markell, the gym, and the bridge, in room 5. period. by Nancy Rose and Lenore Stouffer.
bottom of their works. Among the concerning guard systems, honor
Irwin Friedman and George Margu- This double a f f a i r will be held Fri- | For the next meeting, the enter- Max Zak will take care of the deco-
day, November 7, from 3:30 p. m. owners of the posters are Ethel tainment committee has planned that study halls and awarding of scholar-
Robert Herman, Jerome Frankel, Na- rations. Howard Rose will be a t the
lis, Miss Stella Ray's home room 119; to 5:30 p. m. Sanderson, Mildred Wohl, Martin La- tVe members of the club work out ships for distinguished pupils. door and Ed Preisler will constitute
Members of the Council announced
than Siegel, Ely Axelrod, Dan Eisler This dance and bridge will be given kin, Jennie Turk, Martha Mandel- j a: cross word puzzle for the Torch. the clean-up group. William Wein-
that the book store has taken in
(Continued On Page 4) purely for the benefit "of the Torch. ker, Gertrude Kakopfs, Frances | I n e committee intends to put out a $16.85 from their sales. This money berger is chairman of this commit-
The money will be spent in the Smukler, Ruth Bartelt, Gertrude*:i new literary paper written by Eng- tee.
is deposited in the Student Council
bettering of the school paper. The Polster, Helen Greenhut, Rhoda Klein i lish Club students, some time during Scholarship Fund.
Group Plans To Hear tickets will be twenty-five cents f o r
either the bridge or dance.
and Lois J j i g r a n . | tf e semester.
Tickets f o r the first half of theDebaters To Present
About Noted Parisians It has not been definitely decided
which orchestra is to furnisl^ the
New Officers Of Student Council Claim season of concerts presented by the
music f o r the dancing. However,
a good orchestra is promised. The
Popularity In Numerous Other Activities
Cleveland Symphony Orchestra are
on sale in the music room. They are Question Of Vacation
Members of the entertainment offered at the special rate of $2.50
committee of "Le Cercle Francais" price of the admission ticket will be "Resolved that summer vacation
Personality and a smile have put "I have two important ambitions to junior and senior high school stu-
refunded to the person winning the
have formulated plans which they Irving Schnabel, generally called Irv, right now," said Nate, "one is to dents. The concerts will take place be shortened to three weeks," is the
intend to use during the course of prize waltz. subject of the debate to be presented
into the position of president of the graduate and go to Michigan or on Saturday afternoons.
the semester. They intend to have Four students will act as hosts Student Council. He did not take Ohio State and the other is to be a to the entire school some day next
a short history of the lives of promi- and hostesses, while others will be this office without any preliminary worthy successor." week by the Debate Club. The af-
nent French people narrated by dif- ticket takers and dooor guards. 12B House Makes Party Plans firmative will be upheld by Bernard
practice, f o r while at Patrick Henry Home room 217 claims him as a
ferent pupils a t each meeting. 32 People Will Play Bridge Junior High School, he was vice- Rein and Isadore Meschan, with Al-
Only eight bridge tables will be member. Among the plans that were made bert Scablow and Melvin Levy as
These talks will also include ac- president of the student government.
counts of the achievements of Paris- available in room 5, and therefore, Secretary Likes Math a t the meeting of the 12B House their opponents.
only 32 people will be able to join Music also interests Irv and be- ,f Upon asking Ada Segal, the new of Representatives, held Monday, Oc- This debate is one of the few that
ians. Dolls will be dressed to rep-
in the bridge playing. The doors sides being in the Glee Club, of Council Secretary what she was most tober 13, in room 220, were those the group plans to present this term.
resent the men and women.
will be closed immediately a f t e r the which he is now president, he played interested in, she answered, "mathe- for a party.
Rose Brenner, chairman of the The annual parley with South High
room is filled. tuba in the band f o r a semester. matics and English." "I intend to The party is to be held November this year will be on the question,
entertainment committee, will en-
deavor to have speakers address the One boy and one girl student For one year, this ambitious stu- be a statistician and therefore I am 14. Some members of the school "Resolved that the present chain
members of "Le Cercle Francais." will act as host and hostess. A dent has led cheers and as a reward going to Reserve. I find it especially orchestra will furnish the music. The store system has proven detrimental
The new members of the enter- doorman and ticket taker will be he has been chosen head cheer-leader. hard to keep up the reputation set 12B House will do their best to pre- to the best interests of our nation."
tainment committee f o r this semester present also. Besides this office, Irv is assistant here before me by my brother and vent "crashers" from attending the Besides these debates, the program
are Dora Unobsky, Edith Vezekenyi, Three bridge prizes will be given, head-guard. sister." party. f o r this year includes an organ-
Margaret Schwartz and Ruby Cher- one f o r the highest girl's score, one He is interested in a general course This fourteen-year-old prodigy is After some discussions, the amount zed study of debating taken from
toff. for the highest boy's score, and but intends to follow business admin- an I I B in Miss Mary I. McHannan's of f i f t y cents was decided upon to every angle. Briefs, organization,
At the second meeting of the club, one f o r the highest teacher's score. istration at either Michigan Uni- home room. be the class due?. The members enunciation and delivery are included
in this schedule.
held Monday, October 13, Miss Maud General Committees versity or Wharton School. "My She concluded by saying, "I have thought this would be sufficient to
C. Bear assumed her duties as fac- The general student committee is pet philosophy is 'Hope for the best, a great deal of confidence in the cover expenses. Tomorrow night a t the debate
ulty adviser of the organization. composed of Isadore Meschan, who but prepare for the w o r s t ' , " quoted Council this term and I feel it is Members of the House of Repre- meeting, which is held every Friday
Miss Helen M. Knott is unable to is editor of the Torch; Ted Minke, Irv, and he continued by saying, "But made up of an efficient body of sentatives are: George Goldenberg, at 3:30 p. m. in room 200, talks will
continue in t h a t capacity during this business manager; and Max Zak, I certainly have lots of hope f o r the students who should effect many Sophie Cooper, Jerome Brondfield, be given on bibliographies, or refer-
semester due to her appointment cartoonist; Gwendolyn Sherman and council." improvements in the school." Naomi Schwartz, James Jones. ences which are very important for
as 11A claass adviser. Fred Shafer. Gwendolyn Sherman Vice-President Is Sponsor The entertainment committee con- the foundations of a speech. The
and Ted Minke are in charge of N a t h r a Siegel has been elected Music Interests Treasurer sists of Viola Rogers, John Leckie, reports wil be given by Sara Levin,
"Le Cercle Francais," having at-
tained its quota of 40 members, held the bridge and dance respectively. vice-president despite the f a c t that Music, athletics and science all hold Joel Marks, Evelyn Garfield, Jack Barnett Frank and Charles Flame.
its initiation a t the second meeting. Fred Shafer will be responsible f o r this is his f i r s t term in the student interest f o r Paul Melnick, I I A treas- Tetalman, Robert McFarland, Milton The study of briefs, their outline and
All the new members repeated the the printing and distributing of all organization. In addition to this he urer of the student government or- Presser, William Hann, Dan Eisler, consistency will be taken up next
traditional oath of the club. the tickets. is a senior sponsor. ganization. He is in the Glee Club, Nathan Katz, Simon Newmark, Ber- Friday.
Several descriptions of noted places The following pupils are on com- Empire sent him to Glenville in Naturalist Club and tumbling class. nard Rein, Pearl Solomon, Viola Zor- Tryouts for the club will be held
in Paris were given concerning which mittees: Sam Heller, Myrna Sachs, 1928 and since then Nathan served Paul wants to be a dentist and go zopian, Jane Leggit, Sylvia Kauf- next Tuesday, October 29, in room
questions were asked later. The Leighton Rosenthal, Sara Golanty, ji^gjhe Society f o r Savings until he to either Ohio State or Reserve. He man, Martha Baskin, Sylvia Kramer, 200. Anyone is privileged to t r y out.
members made a calendar of future Barnett Frank, Chauncy Hinsdale was made cashier, a position that is captain of the guards and presi- Hortense Schmidt, Alice Hartman, Speeches should be three minutes
meetings. and Melvin Levy. he is still holding. dent of his home room, 221C. Dorothy Bliehall and Ruby Chertoff. long and on any popular subject.
*4 ii

Glenville Torch October 2 , 1930

Page 2 ___

The Glenville Torch Make this your page and fill it

.with your work. The Torch box is
Student Finds Study Many Money Demands
Glenville High School The- Hall No Inspiration
P a r k w o o d Drive, Corner Everton
placed in the hall to contain con-
tributions from the student body. Causes Comical Letter
O f f i c e K o o m 114
C l e v e l a n d , Ohio

P u b l i s h e d W e e k l y by the S t u d e n t of
G l e n v i l l e Hielt School
Telephone EDdy 0587

Blow Torch Short stories, poetry, Subtleville

gossip, Blow Torch humor and
other literature you desire to have
printed, will be appreciated. Place
Unfortunate Person Tries To
Remember Main Events
My dear friend:
I beg to inform you that the pres-
For History Quiz ent shattered condition of my bank
Subscription Hates: E i g h t y - f l v e cents per semester in box or bring the material to
E n t e r e d a s s e c o n d - c l a s s m a t t e r A p r i l 6, 1924, a t t h e Room 114. account makes it impossible for me
p o s t o f f i c e a t C l e v e l a n d , Ohio, u n d e r t h e A c t of M a r c h i, Edited By
These be the thoughts of ye stu- to send you a check in response to
1879. Sam Hy
A c c e p t a n c e of m a i l i n g a t t h e s p e c i a l r a t e of p o s t a g e dent in study hall before the history your request for funds for "The
p r o v i d e d f o r i n S e c t i o n 1103 of t h e A c t of O c t o b e r 3, WHERE'S THE RY-AT?
Aged and Decrepit Army Worms."
1917, a u t h o r i z e d A p r i l 16, 1924.
A Two-hundred pounder named Tyatt
Decided to go on a diet. Slow Scorch Reaches test:
There goes the tardy bell. Well,
The state of my present financial
condition is due to the effects of
Editor Isadore Meschan He fasted each day, well, I guess I'll have to settle down
Associate Editor
News Editor
Feature Editor
Sports Editor
Morris Rabinowitz
Marjorie Buckholz
Martha Baskin
Ben Gulko
Till he wasted away,
Now I ask you, just where did he die-at?
Overwhelming Heights and study for that history test next
period. Now, let me think. What
Federal laws, State laws, Corpora-
tion laws, County laws, by-laws,
brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, and
Head Typist Ruth Zimmerman
***** happened in 1214? Did somebody
Cartoonist ^Mmc Zak outlaws, that have been foisted upon
Business Manager Ted Minke By Sam Heller and Hyman Schulkin do anything important? Or didoh, an unsuspecting public. Thru these
Assistant Business Manager Barnett t r a n x He Relied On The Count now I got it! Somebody was killed
Advertising Manager Ray Renb?rg We can't see why the present un- various laws I have been held down,

Circulation Manager Evelyn Warwick Uncle Rastus was up for chicken stealing. "Have by somebody else. Maybe it was held up, walked on, sat on, sand-
Collection M a n a g e r Leighton Rosenthal employment situation should make
you a lawyer?" asked the judge. "No, suh." "Can you James I? Gee, I don't know. Let's bagged, flattened and squeezed, until
E d i t o r i a l Stall' anybody go up in the air. If they
Joe Friedman, George Margulis, Gwendolyn Sherman, get one?" "No suh." "Do you want me to appoint one see what the book says. Maybe I do not know where I am, what I
can't get a job down here why don't Queen Elizabeth had something to
Sylvia Grossman, R u t h Jackel, Sara Golanty, Myrna to defend you?" "No, suh; I jes to't I'd leab de case to am, who I am, or why I am.
Sachs, D o r o t h y H a r v e y , Sam Heller, H y m a n Schulkin, they take the air? Flying is an- do with itjiminy crickets! Where
L e a h Goldman, R o s e Massing, I r w i n F r i e d m a n , Goldie de ign'rance ob de co't."
Dworken, Dorothy Amdur, Leonard Bergsman, Nathan Glenville Hy other of those businesses at which is my history book? Leaping Lena! These laws compel me to pay a
Katz, Irwin Lager, George Goldenberg, Jerome Brond- most of us would be content to start merchant tax, capital stock tax, ex-
field, Minnie Thai, N a n c y Rose, E l e a n o r e Sommers, J e a n * * * * * I left it home. Now isn't that a
Effland, Dorothy Bleihall, Sylvia B o g a r at the bottomand stay there. But cess porfit tax, income tax, real es-
B u s i n e s s Stall'
dumb stunt to pull 'specially when
Popular Proverbs the field of aviation is bigthere is tate tax, property tax, cigar tax,
L e o G a g e , S h e l d o n L e v y , A r t h u r B e r g e r , R o b e r t Opitz, Ps-s-s, Malcolm; oh Malcolm. Have
F l o r a Fisher, Alvin Amster, F r e d Shafer, Chauncey Hins- NOBODY LOVES A FLAT MAN. plenty of room at the top. If you cigarette tax, street tax, real tax,
you got your history book with you?
dale, Albert M e s h m a n A FOOL AND HIS MONEY ARE SOME PARTY. school tax, surtax, syntax and carpet
break an aviation record or two your You haven't? Well, ask Mary. She
Adviser F r e d e r i c D. A l d r i c h tacks.
* * * * * reputation is securefor a week or doesn't take history? Oh-h-h, thank
so anyway. The fact that planes you. Gee, now what am I going to In addition to paying these taxes,
Apologies to Miss Edna St. Vincent Millay are more easily broken than avia- do? A whole period before me and I am requested and required to con-
My nosey shines at both ends tion records should not trouble one no book. Well, I guess I might as tribute to every society and organi-
It will not last the night well go over what I know; and what zation that the inventive mind of
in the least. One might run a risk
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, I'll know, I'll at least have the com- man may organize. TO THE SO-
in every thing he does. If you ven- CIETY FOR LAME DUCKS, THE
It sheds a lovely light.
Teasm E. I. V. ture out on the street and are for- fort of knowing I know it. Now,
tunate enough to escape being hit where was I? Oh, 1492. Well, well,
* * * * *
well, my old friend Columbus. There LEAGUE, THE CHILDREN'S HOME
by a flivver, you will have to be FUND, THE POLICEMEN'S BEN-
Thursday, October 23, 1930 LOTS OF GIRLS IN GLENVILLE LOOK GOOD extremely fortunate to escape being it shows I know one thing. Lessee,
ENOUGH TO EAT. AND THEY DO EAT. AND hit by a truck. The wise thing to how many years were there between
THE Y. M. Z. A., THE Y. W. Z. A.,
HOW THEY EAT! American Revolution and discovery
do is to get a suit of armor, insure THE MASCULINE SCOUTS, THE
Rallies * * * * * of America? 1776 minus 1492
your life, and then stay home. Even HOME FOR BLIND MICE, THE
leavesGee, I wonder how many
On Thursday, October 16, the Student Coun- We don't like to encroach on Subtleville Slander, then the house might burn. You MONGOLIAN RELIEF, THE FAR
hours until Christmas vacation ? WEST RELIEF, THE GOLD DIG-
cil gave the football team a rally as a send-off butit seems Irving S. wore a helmet in the Torch- know accidents are bound to hap- Well, that won't get me anywhere
to the game with East Technical High School. pen. So after all, riding in an GERS HOME, also, every hospital
Student Council football game to protect his permanent Now, was it 1558 or 1588 that the
Of course, everyone who attended the rally was aeroplane isn't as dangerous as it and every charitable institution in
imbued with enthusiasm. That is as it should * * * * *
might appear at first flight. If the Spanish Armada ? Gosh, why town, THE RED CROSS, THE
be, but, when the cheering overflows, the situ- does history have to have dates ? BLACK CROSS, THE WHITE
wurst comes to the salami, there
ation becomes disgusting and unbearable. Laugh and the world laughs with you; cry and you Just to punish us, it seems. I'm al- CROSS, THE PURPLE CROSS, and
is always the parachute to fall back
Many of the students and teachers who are streak your rouge. most positive that there was some- THE DOUBLE CROSS.
* * * * * upon, or rather to fall down with.
invited to speak at any school affair have many thing bad about King John, but I The government has so governed
It must be quite safe. No one has
other things to do besides making speech^ to can't remember what. Well, any- my business that I do not know who
Football coach (to team): "Football develops indi- ever lived to complain of a para-
an inattentive audience and could easily apply viduality, initiative, leadership. Now get in there and chute not opening.
way, I know that in 1492 Columbus owns it. I am suspected, expected,
their time to something else. In view of thiB do exactly as I tell you."
discHoly Smoke! there's the bell inspected, disrespected, examined, re-
fact, the students should appreciate and re- A La Lindbergh and my history test. Teacher says examined, informed, required, com-
spect those speakers who get up to address Trans-Atlantic and non-stop flights I gotta be cool, calm and collected manded and compelled until all I
them. When we say appreciation, we do not have been quite the thing lately. when it comes to taking a test; but know is that I am supposed to pro-
necessarily mean loud outbursts of rowdyism. Sooner or later some aviator will I ought to remember whengood vide an inexhaustible supply of money
Not only should we consider the speakers, double-cross the ocean. One should be gosh, did I forget that, too? Hurry for every known need, desire, or hope
but also the Student Council and the cheer- quite sure that he can go through up, somebody, tell me when Colum- of the human race, and because I re-
leaders. They have always endeavored to (Buzzing About With Lib and Marge) with it before he attempts a trans- bus discovered America, or was it fuse to donate all I have and go out
make a success of these rallies. They have Atlantic flight. It is better to Greenland. and beg, borrow and steal money to
gone to a great deal of trouble in order to So Gertrude H. goes in for college boys. Tough abandon trans-Atlantic flights on give away, I am cussed, discussed,
create a school spirit and to back the football luck Glenvillites. shore than in mid-ocean. boycotted, talked to, talked about,
If the facts be taken in order, we find that
An aerial taxi company has begun Deduction Proves That lied to, held up, held down and robbed
until I am nearly ruined, so the only
a business in Detroit. Passengers are
Owing to Bennie J.'s remarkable penmanship
the Student Council is our representative,
therefore, we should reenforce their plans at prominent teacher has *branded hoping that there will be no tips.
* * * * him "Bernice."
These will be pullman planes. Pas-
Mankind Never Works reason I am clinging to life is to see
what in the heaven is coming next!
rallies and not tear them down. sengers will have to be mighty care-
SYL L. WAS SOME BOOSTER FOR THE GLEN- ful. It'll be a serious matter if the The Boiler Room Club, in their cal-
Know Yourself
VILLE GAME. THE BOY FRIEND'S FAMILY WAS porter brushes you off. These planes
culations about the famous rule con- BP DIET Jf -
will also be equipped with kitchens. cerning the 24 hours a day, eight for
Self-confidence is one of the most essential * * * * *
When the cook wants to toss a pan- rest, eight for work, and eight for CIRNIEIR
requisites of success. A person who is con- Ruth Z. cake, he will simply stand still and sleep, worked it out in the following
stantly overwhelmed with tremors regarding Art J. ask the pilot to looop the loop.
manner. Storm
his capabilities, can never compete with one 'Nuff said Like Nobody's Business The storm froths at mouth
who knows, and knows he knows. By this we The year has 365 days. If you
do not mean that a lack of humility is admir- * * * * *on our way
We're Aviation is a highly respectable sleep eight hours a day you sleep
business. It is no reproach to a 122 days. That leaves you 243 days. A tankard of beer
able, or that the presence of cock-sureness or Overflowing with white flecked
conceit is desirable; but confidence in our- young man nowadays to be spoken If you rest eight hours a day that
We wonder why Ben S. and Syd Z. are so anxious Foam.
selves to the degree of giving us courage to at- of as flighty. The wife of an aviator leaves another 122 days.
to have October 25 come? ..Perhaps Rose B. and Syl,F. is the only woman who is always D. S. A.
tempt to win that which we desire or need, is Deduct 52 Sundays, you have 69
could tell us. glad to see her husband down and days left. Then comes 52 Saturdays,
a most excellent virtue and quality. * * * * *
Mind Absent
out. half holidays equaling 26 days, leav-
Last semester, a senior attending our school, ing only 43 days. An hour and a Professor: "I forgot my umbrella
entered several contests, and came out with a Bernice C. thinks cousins are O. K. But how about Airplanes are taking the place of
Chauncey H. ? many ways of exterminating people. half for dinner, totals 23 days, leav- this morning, dear."
considerable prize each time. She was a ing you 20 days. Two for New
brilliant girl, but by no means the brightest,
* * * * *
Gangsters now take their victims for Wife: "How did you remember
a fly and murderers are taken up in Years, Decoration Day, Fourth of that you had forgotten i t ? "
or even ranking among the brightest students. We wonder:
July, Laboor Day, Thanksgiving Day,
This girl was aware of her possibilities and em- planes and left hanging in air. Be Prof.: "Well, I missed it when I
1. Why certain P. G.'s wear green sweaters. For and Christmas Day.
ployed them to her advantage when the op- that as it may, time remains the raised my hfind to close it after the
information see Syl. S. So When Are You Going To Work?
portunity presented itself. Other students, champion flyer of them all. rain stopped."
2. Why they put 0. D.'s at the door during 5tb
equally efficient, did not even endeavor to com- period? Page Paul, he must know.
pete with her. 3. Is it loyalty or love for football, Sylvia?
If a person were to take stock of himself,
subject himself to an honest analysis of his
* *

Poet's Scorner (continued)

* * *
Views and Interviews Helen Kane
qualifications and disqualifications, he might
arrive at definite conclusions concerning By Jerome Schwartz all the money in the world!" by big English pennies that hit me.
Dorothy G. drives around in a Ford I sang in the same voice that I sing
himself. No person need be appalled or elated "I went to school like every other She stayed with the Marx Bro-
But in her estimation it's as good as a Lord. in now, and everyone wanted to know
by his decisions. All he need do is decide what little girl," declared Helen Kane, the thers for two years and even went
Yet sometimes it stalls in the middle of town, to England to play with them. She what the squeaking thing was that
he can do, and do it. famous blue-eyed, baby-talking song-
And has to be pushed quite a ways down. was under age then, a point which they brought over. It just happens
stress, "and I wasn't stage-struck in
(Bring all your slander to the Torch Room and if the Marx Brothers had overlooked, that now my records are very popu-
school, though I always hated it. I
fit, the goossip will be printed). and had to get a special passport. lar in England.
Fine Work, Boys loved to sing and was in most all of
the school plays but never thought This delay caused her to miss the " 'Boop-Boop-a-do' was born be-
Tar blood, whack thud! Clownish Contributions of going on the stage like most girls boat which the rest of the company cause I wanted to establish a new
Tar blood, whack thud! of 14 or 15 that come to me now do. was on and she had to go on a later type of rhythm," Miss Kane said.
Tar blood, whack thud! When the Letters To The Editor column was ship all alone. Everybody warned "Everyone was dancing and singing
instituted, it was done for a purpose. That pur- "I was born in the Bronx of New
Yeah Glenville! York, on August 4, 19something her not to lose her passport and to the tune of 'Vodeodo' and I wanted
Everyone should join into this yell with such pose was not to give students of this school the that's just what she did. One day to get something different, and boy,
opportunity to use brain energy thinking of just 19something," she teased. "At
enthusiasm as hasn't been heard in our school the age of 15 I quit school and had she carelessly dropped it in a book it certainly is some trade-mark for
for a considerable time. Congratulations are comic letters to send in. There probably is a in the ship's library, not noticing me!"
temptation for some clownish pupils to place to find work. I was employed as a
heartily accorded to our team for the fine stenographer and then as a tele- the name of the book. You may have seen her in the
games it has played in the last two weeks. their remarks unsigned, in the box. They
may think they're "getting away with some- phone operator, but always lost my "I spent the rest of the trip going photoplays: "Nothing But the
Each was a performance of excellent team- job because it was so monotonous through all the books in the library," Truth," "Sweetie," "Pointed Heels,"
work, and alertness. If our boys continue thing," but we fail to see that anything worth-
while is accomplished. The fact that these that I wasn't interested. I wanted said the Boopa girl reminiscently. "Heads Up" and "Dangerous Nan
and finish the season in the manner that they something a little livelier. At that "I was the Patsy of the ship. Luck- McGrew." After her present vaude-
began, Glenville will have a "crack" team to so-called letters are anonymous, is ample
proof that the writers are really ashamed of time I used to go to the theatrical ily I found it before we landed in ville tour, she will return to Holly-
record for the year. booking offices, not merely to seek a Liverpool!" wood to begin work on several dra-
No one doubts that these victories were due, their work. Worthwhile efforts of anyone in
the school are appreciated. We will be very job, because I wasn't experienced, After much wandering around, she mas.
very largely, to our splendid players and their but because I was so fascinated by finally got to the theater where the "Talkies are very fine," said Miss
coach; but we sincerely believe that no little glad to print any letter that carries a genuine
purpose with it. If there is something in the the show people that mingled there. Marx Brothers greeted her: "Well, Kane, "But I believe that the legiti-
praise should be given to the creditable at- One day while I was sitting there, did you have a nice t r i p ? " mate stage is coming back very
tendance at both games, and particularly the school about which a pupil wishes to voice his
opinion, we expect him to place his message Chico Marx, of the four Marx "Just as if it had been a Ferry strong."
latter one. In passing, however, may we sug- Brothers rushed into the agency and boat trip," she exploded, "Why, the Was there any message she would
gest that a little more exertion be made by in the Torch Box. However, if there is a
student who enjoys sending in pieces of sup- came up to me and screamed: 'Do responsible devils! ! !" like to convey to 2000 high school
spectators to give an audible response to the you want a job?' I readily ac- "In England I met the Prince of students ?
efforts of our cheer-leaders? We cannot say posed humor, we advise him to sell his wares
elsewhere. Good humor is enjoyed, but desired cepted it, against my mother's wish- Wales, who enjoyed the Marx Bro- And with a cunning smile, she
that Collinwood even received competition in es, and received $50 a week, and," thers very much," she added, "and in chuckled:
its yells last weekthat would be too strong for other columns. The school does not ap-
preciate poor wit. she exclaimed, "I thought it was London I was razzed off the stage "Boop-Boop-a-do."
a term to apply to our puny whispers.
October 23, 1930 Glenville Torch Page 3

Carpenters Triumph Over Local Gridmen, 18-0, In Senate Battle

Parkwood Eleven Opposes Powerful
East Tech Continues March To Title Sport Spasms East High Team In Season's Classic
By Turning Back Red And Black Bid Sweet Young Thing: "Were you hurt when you were on
the eleven?"
Football Player: "Naw, I was hurt when the eleven was Coach Harmony Has Formidable Squad To Fight For Senate
McKenny's Punting, Passing Pave Way For Tech's Win; on me."
# # # # # Title; Blue And Gold Hope For Victory
Grossberg, Wein And Neffinger Shine
And now comes the story of Milt Grossberg. He thinks
"No Man's Land" is the women's gymnasium. Well, it's here again. Once more local grid fans are look-
Once again the old maxim of "A good big I # * # # ing forward to the biggest tussle on the Tar-Blood schedule,
team can always beat a good little team," has Student Council: You have to admit our players are the annual East High-Glenville fracas to be played at Thomas
been proved true. Outweighed but never out- better losers. Edison Field, Friday, October 24.
fought, a scrappy Tar-Blood team went down Torch: Look at all the practice you've had, you ought The Decker team, as in the past two seasons has high
to a 18 to 0 defeat under the steady driving of to be. hopes of battling to the Senate championship, but again is
a much more experienced eleven. The score, # * # #
faced with the task of defeating the dogged Red and Black
however, does not tell how close the game Wise crack from Joey Collins, (Kalnitzky) "This school school that for two years has blasted its championship aspira-
really was. must be haunted, they're always talking about the school tions. Two years ago, led by Sol Benjamin, the Tar-Blooders
The game was evenly played throughout except for three spirit." held a heavier and stronger Blue and Gold eleven to a 0-0
perfect touchdown plays executed by Tech. The first was on a
* * * * *
tie while last season the locals played the favored East gridders
Visitor: "How many history students are there at off their feet, but were held to another 0-0 deadlock.
delayed buck through center, Patch galloping 22 yards for a Glenville?"
touchdown. The second came when Andrucci, on a cut-back This year however, Coach Humphrey Harmony's men are
through tackle, squirmed 12 yards for the second score. The Teacher: "Oh about one out of every ten." sure nothing can stop them in their march to the title. "As
* * * * *
their grid mentor puts it, "We're
third touchdown was made when McKenny threw a pretty 15 Speaking about history, historians have never mentioned aiming at the top again." The team
yard pass to Karlovec who twisted
his way 10 more yards to the final
the girl who walked home from Paul Eevere's midnight ride. Home Rooms Complete
is a strong and speedy one built
chalk stripe. Lorain High Defeats #

Irv Schuman is so lazy he's going to take a profile pic-

# # # *
around six lettermen who saw plenty
The Glenville offense began to ture for graduation so he'll only have to shave one side of his Fourth Week Of Play of action last year. The six are:
Nardi, all-scholastic guard from last
click in the first period when on the
very first play Porter hurled a 35 Black And Gold, 13-6 face. * * * * *
year, and captain this year; Storey,
center; Artale, half-back; Tomb,
yard pass to Neffinger who after When asked what battle General Custer was killed in, Basketeers Of Room 216 Make quarterback; Tanski, end and Hy-
receiving it, carried it three more West Scores 20-13 Win Over A1 Weiner pulled a fast one and said, "It must have been his Fine Showing In Contests linski, tackle. All of these men are
before he was downed. This was certain to start against the Glen-
followed by a series of plunges by West Tech; South Trims last one." * * * * Against Other Teams villites in the position named, ex-
Wein and Hoehnen giving Glenville John Adams, 13-0 Style hint from Pedunk Junction: There will be little cept Tanski, who has been shifted to
a first down. Bate finally had to As the fourth week of play ended, a tackle.
punt, starting a punting duel which
change in men's pockets this fall.
Not yet recovered from its first
* * * * * room 221B downed 221A in one of Strong Backfield
lasted the entire game. McKenny Shakespeare would have made a good quarterback be- the tilts played Monday, October 13
kicked back on first down and after defeat in over two years at the Coach Harmony has filled in the
hands of Massilon last week, Cleve- cause he had so many long* run plays. by a score of 8-4. The other game
a few plays Liptak recovered a remaining positions with Thompson
* * * * between 216 and 108 was won by
Glenville fumble on Glenville's 40- land Heights took another beating, and Englander, ends, Patica or Fei-
yard line. 13-6, from Lorain in a Lake Erie Tar: "We have an All-American player on our football the former, 26-3. big at the remaining guard and Rose
League tussle at Heights field Sat- team." In the first f r a y Sharwell, who and Valerian in the backfield. The
Try Field Goal urday, October 18. Blood: "Only one? Gee its a shame the way these is on the Glenville seconds last regular backfield together with Shan-
Two kicks by Karlovec and a 15 Shortly before the first period foreigners are overrunning the country." season, was held to a total of two non gives East High one of the
yard pass, McKenny to Andrucci, put ended, Lorain scored its first touch- points, while his teammate, Gal- strongest groups of ball carriers in
the ball on the Red and Black 18- lagher, shot 221A's only basket. the city. On the line there are
yard line, where, after being held
down when Nickolette made 15 yards
on an end'run. Heights came back Torch Gridders Beat Student Council Mates, a 190 pound tackle, Bendo-
twice for no gain, Tech attempted a kus and Sevelle ready for service
in the beginning of the second half Glenville, East
field goal with Bene kicking. Milt
Grossberg ripped through, blocked
when Truman, Tiger fullback, knotted In Second Annual Football Game, 7-6 Tech Summary
if necessary. The squad is a heavy
one, averaging about 165 pounds per
the kick and recovered the ball on G. E.T. man.
Glenville's 30-yard line. Senate Standings Council quarterback, passed to Mil-
Milt Presser, Scribe Fullback, coff who ran 30 yards for their only Yards from scrimmage 210 190 Straight football will probably be
After losing on two plays Bate Team w> L. Pet. Leads Eleven To Victory touchdown. Passes attempted 16 7the keynote of the East attack, with
kicked 30 yards to McKenny. Tech East Tech 3 0 1.000 Over Ancient Rivals Passes completed 7 3Artale and Valerian doing most of
Highlights of the game were the
immediately tore off two first downs East the ball carrying on offense. Tomb
2 0 1.000 work of Jim Jones, who showed up Yards gained on passes 130 55
and then Patch, on a delayed buck West 2 0 1.000 Although the Student Council grid- well both as a punter and lines- Punts 13 12is on the throwing end of some
through center, went over for a Glenville 1 1 .500 men put up a determined fight in man, the defensive and offensive play Average punts (yds.) 36 35 clever pass plays, with Thompson,
touchdown. The kick for extra point Central 1 1 .500 the last quarter, the Torch football- of Rose and Wiener and the fine First downs 9 10Rose and Englander doing the re-
was blocked by Tronstein. South 1 2 .333 ers, under the leadership of Milt showing of the Torch linesmen, Irv Fumbles 3 3ceiving. When Shannon is out,
McKenny Leads Attack John Adams ... 1 2 .333 Presser, gave them their second con- Lager and Frank Kern. For the Yards lost on fumbles 10 10Storey or Tomb does the kicking, but
Glenville received again and made Lincoln 0 2 .000 secutive beating by a score of 7-6. Council, J a f f e and Milcoff starred Times out 2 4the first named is the most effec-
three consecutive first downs with West Tech 0 3 .000 The game, which is an annual affair in the backf ield while Tucker, Abram- Penalties 3 3tive East pigskin-booter.
Porter and Wein alternately carrying between the two organizations, was son and Fineberg played well in the Clean Record
the ball. Unleashing a terrific drive, the score on a 27-yard off-tackle played Wednesday, October 15, at line. Sisowitz and Modlin scored three As in the past, the Deckerites
McKenny, Tech quarterback, soon smash. A long pass in the first Gordon Park. Threaten In Last Period points apiece for the winners. will present a strong off-tackle
had the ball on Glenville's 12-yard quarter from Nickolette to Pincura Presser's outstanding play, in The booksellers threatened to score Eddie Gurney and Sam Levine buck which has aided them greatly
line. For two downs the Parkwood- clinched the victory. smashing the line and running the a few minutes before the final again starred, as home room 216 thus far. It is this play, with Val-
ers held the plunging Brown and West Tech Loses To West ball around the ends for large gains, whistle when Tucker intercepted a trounced 108. The former player erian doing the ball-toting, that has
Gold backs but the Techmen were As a result of a 20-13 triumph over the feature of the tilt. The scribe pass and ran it back 20 yards made ten points and the latter scored been the best ground-gainer for the
not to be denied. In a cut-back through West Tech, Friday, October 17, West scribe fullback made all of his team's to the Torch 30-yard line. J a f f e 12. Winterman and Abrams of Blue and Gold. The Harmony elev-
tackle Andrucci tore off the re- High became a serious contender for points. After Milcoff was tackled then made five yards around end, and rooom 108 made their team's three en has a clean slate, having defeated
maining 12 yards for a touchdown. the Senate championship. At the on the Council 20-yard line where he a pass netted 10 more. The Council- markers. Of the five teams entered West Tech and South in their only
McKenny's attempted pass for the end of the first half, West was on had gone because of a poor pass from lors, in desperation, then tried a long representing 11B home rooms, 216 Senate starts.
extra point was grounded. center, the Torch squad was given pass, but it was intercepted by Wie seems to be the strongest in Virtue
the short end of a 13 to 7 score but
the ball. Presser then went around ner as the game ended. of its two victories.
The third quarter was featured by finally won out in the last quarter Student Council Presents
right end for 20 yards and a touch- Room 212 laced 206 in a 12A
some spectacular plunging by Wein when Kenney Noble broke away for down. Another run by the fullback
and Hoehnen. Bate hurled a 15-yard two spectacular touchdowns. game played Thursday, by a score Rally For East Tech Game
pass to Neffinger putting the ball on
added an extra point which later
For the first time in several years, proved to be the winning margin.
Girls' Board Plans of 40-5. Shier, Soskin and Hodgins
the 18-yard line. East Tech held South High defeated John Adams, made the majority of their team's On October 16, the Student Council
however and got the ball on downs, 13 to 0, at the Adams field Saturday,
With plenty of confidence, the Initiation Gathering points. Heller starred for the los- presented a rally for the football
Councillors came out on the field, de- ing team. team in anticipation of their game
McKenny then kicking 45 yards to October 18. Werstak and Lechner,
termined to avenge their last year's with East Tech, Saturday. Louis
Bate. South's stellar backs scored the two defeat, which the Torch won, 7-0. Girls To Hike In Rocky River Koren and Garson of room 217
made six and five points respec- Duber, 12A class president acted as
Final Touchdown Scored touchdowns. A few minutes after the opening Encampment For Future tively to lead their room to an 18-7 chairman of the program.
East Tech, playing a defensive Latin Beats Collinwood kickoff in the first quarter, Jaffe,
game in the third period, opened up Outdoor Gathering victory over 202, last year's intra- The band opened the ceremony
Cathedral Latin handed the Col-
in the final quarter with another linwood gridders a severe 26 to 0 mural champions, who as a result of with several selections. Following
Emblems, initiations and a Glen- this, Miss Elsie C. Davies was intro-
goalward drive culminating it with
a 15-yard pass, McKenny to Karlo-
vec, the latter traveling 10 more to
drubbing at the Latin field in an
other week-end game. The Rail-
Tracksters Work Out ville "G" girl's club were
business matters discussed by the
among the
their defeat are now eliminated from
further competition in the tourna-
duced as the first speaker. In
talk, Miss Davies urged the students

the goal line for the third touch- roaders were outclassed from start
down. The try for the extra point to finish gaining only four first
Minus Aid Of Mentor Sports League Board last Tuesday
morning at 7:30 a. m.
to attend this game, if possible,
since it is so important that they
was unsuccessful. downs to Latin's 16. The date for the Sports League Faculty Pintopplers Whip back their team, no matter whether
Summary In an independent game, Lincoln Glenville's cross country team is meeting is scheduled for Monday, Rival East Tech Bowlers itwasloses or wins. The second speaker
E. C. Davis, teacher of dramat-
and Holy Name fought to a scoreless continuing its training without the October 27. It is to be an indoor
East Tech18 Glenville0
Halloween initiation party. ics and former member of the East
Liptak LE Lang tie. Bistrickay, President halfback, aid of a track coach. No new mentor The local bowling team toppled Tech faculty. He "confessed" his
has been appointed to replace Coach Saturday, November 22, will be
Testa L.T.. Silverstein was the star of the battle.
J. C. Colonius, who left at the end the first outdoor meeting. Those the East Tech pinmen in fine fashion loyalty to Glenville first, last and
Johnson -LG Green (c)
who go, will leave in the morning for at the Euclid-Thirteenth Recreation always. He also praised the en-
Cornell .C Schuman Girls Play Initial Hockey Game of last year's track season. In spite
R. McClure RG Grossberg of this handicap, the boys have been the Rocky River cabins, in order to Rooms on Monday, October 13. The thusiasm and intelligence of the
Bene ; R.T Tronstein practicing steadily for the last prepare their meals in the open, and Tar-Blood bowlers now have a record students.
Many of the intricacies of field month. They also use the indoor camp for the night. Explorations of two victories and one setback.
Papp RJ3 Neffinger
hockey stumped both teams engaged track three days each week. and hiking around the reservation Glenville's high point man of the Patronize The Torch Advertisers
McKenny Q Bate
The tracksters are rapidly round- surroundings will take place Sunday. fray was J. E. Bahner, who flung
Karlovec LH Wein in their first hockey game at Gor-
Andrucci .RH Hoehnen don Park, Tuesday, October 14. ing into shape, and a strong team is Girls in the past few years, the iron all in interesting style.
expected to represent the Parkwood- after having earned a "G" for par- Close on his heels was R. G. John-
Schravell F Porter The group was divided into two ers in the finals of the cross country ticipation in athletics, have ceased son, who also displayed fine form. Class Rings
East Tech....6 6 6 018
teams of 11 players, one red the meet at Columbus this year. Ac- to take an interest in sports. An- Due to illness, J. C. Chapin was un-
Glenville .0 0 0 00
Touchdowns: Patch, Andrucci, other black, each girl bearing the cording to Captain Vargo, there is
other fact is, the majority of the able to play for the locals. Fraternity and Club
color of her team. the possibility of a practice match girls have won the letters in their On Monday, October 27, the Red
senior year. This year, however,
Substitutions: East TechBaltini After the center "bully" the for- being held with John Adams on the there are a number of "G" girls and Black will meet the Strong Pins
for Cornell, Bulic for Bene, Benner ward line, consisting of the right Presidents' field. Vargo is trying to Lakewood pintopplers and the locals
for Schraufel, Patch for Karlovec. work out a plan whereby the meet who have completed the stamp sys- will be gunning for their second
and left wing, two inners and the tem in one-half or two-thirds of the
GlenvilleGreenberg for Porter, center-forward, in pursuance of the will be run off between the halves of time specified. These girls, in ad- consecutive victory. Hand Wrought Rings
Solomon for Silverstein, Baker for ball, disregarded positions on the the Glenville-Adams grid game.
The Red and Black tracksters are dition, have been reporting regu-
Grossberg, Assad for Green, Gregory field and centered together. Half-
Pour let- larly for sport events. The board will Patronize The Torch Advertisers Gifts
for Lang, Goldenberg for Neffinger, backs behind the forward line erred a veteran aggregation. determine the recompense for such
Eggensperger for Hoehnen, Chizek likewise. This manner of playing termen will probably compete with enthusiasts.
for Schuman, Smith for Tronstein, usually takes place at the trial prac- the squad. They are Siegel, Vargo,
Thiele for Smith, Greenbaum for As- tice, after a few games, mistakes Guttentag and Lager. Guttentag is League pins. The new emblem is to
A change has been made in the GROVER'S Cleveland Metal Specialties
a miler, Siegel a half-miler, while
RefereeRichards (Ohio Wesley-
are realized and rules are observed. Vargo and Lager earned their "G's" have a guard in the form of a Key and Lock Shop
The "blacks" drove two goals stepping the quarter. The other basketball. The basketball has been Auto Keys Made By Number And Retail Shoppe 2025 E. 14th St.
an). through the goal posts; the "reds" boys, Ginsberg, Dollow and Sego adopted since the League sponsors Locks Repaired By Experts
Hanna Bldg.
UmpireWoodling (Butler). scored nothing. This game will not are all holdovers from the last athletics, and since basketball is the CEdar 6933 2044% E. 105th St.
Head Linesman Dowler (Ohio be counted in the tournament. year's squad. group's favorite sport.
___ Glenville Torch October 2 , 1930
Page 2

Woodwork Students Looking Ahead

Thursday, October 23Camera
Members Of Faculty Praise Qualities P.T.A. Aids School
Project With Fund
Cleveland Honors
Make Photo Frames Club in room 103. Naturalists
Club in room 212. Torch Board
in room 114.
Of Pets They Have In Domestic Life
Mothers Plan Card Party For
Memory Of Virgil,
izes in scaring the life out of any

As First Projective
Friday, October 24Sophomore
Musicale at 8:20 a. m.
Monday, October 27Lecture by
Teacher Mourns Death Of
Dog; Another Tells Of
Tricks Pussy Can Perform
stranger whom he doesn't know."
Machine Is His Pet
Telling-Belle Vernon Co.;
Selling Pennants Now Famous Latin Poet
"I have no pets," stated E. C.
Geoffrey F. Morgan at 8:25 a. m.
Girls' Sports League.
Davis, dramatics teacher. "You see, Members of the Parent Teachers "Open Shelf" Recommends * /
Telephone Benches, Book- Glenville teachers prove that they I've never been married. ButI
Tuesday, October 28English Association will hold a card party Plays, Books On Life Of
racks, Ferneries Among are fond of animals by keeping pets believethat after all, I really do Tuesday, November 4, at 2:00 p. m.,
Council room 3. Roman Author
Articles Produced Wednesday, October 29Mathe-
at home. They boast about the fine have one. It's my car." at the Telling Belle Vernon Com-
quality of the pets they have. When Miss Gertrude Campbell was pany, 3825 Cedar avenue. The fee Latin books, manuscripts, and pic-
matics Club in room 119.
Desk picture frames are the pres- "Yes," said Miss Margaret M. a little girl, she lived in the country. is fifty cents. tures figure prominently in the ex-
ent project of the beginners in the Ward, "I once had a dog. I had said One day a little puppy followed her The organization is raising money hibit which is the Cleveland Public
woodwork department. The frames Sponsors Will Hold Musicale good-by to it when I returned to home. She kept it in the barn and for school purposes. The members Library's contribution to the celebra-
are made any size one desires be- college after the Christmas vaca- fed it. "The puppy seemed unhappy," tions given in Cleveland this month
are also selling pennants. The
cause the materials used in all work (Continued From Page 1) tion. Suddenly the sad news arrived. she said. "One day I went to the commemorating the two thousandth
Choral Club, band and orchestra are
taken home, is paid for by the boys and Howard Savitsky, Mr. J. M. My poor doggy had been run over." barn and found he had disappeared. year anniversary of Virgil. This ex-
assisting the club.
themselves. Jacob's home room 100; Dan Adler, She smiled at the memory, and de- I felt sad that he had gone, because hibition is on the third floor of the
clared, "I cried so hard! It was I liked him very much. I haven't The club had an open meeting
"Those pupils who do not care to Sanford Barcus, James Greenbaum Thursday, October 2. The speaker Main Library.
do individual woork, do repair work and Julius Garson, Mr. George the first time I had given way to had any pets since then."
for the occasion was Miss Matilda The "Open Shelf," a magazine pub-
for the school," said Mr. C. R. Car- Davies' home room 118; Dan Wer- tears in many long years." Jack was the name of the bull
C. Buschman. One of the points lished by the library, recommends a
men, the wood-work instructor. theimer, Edwin Lowinger and Milton Miss Mary I. McHannan has a cat terrier once owned by Miss Helen M. list of books to further the study
she stressed was that no pupils may
Among the many things accomplished Rivkind, Miss Grace Martin's home called "Boots." "My, but we're all Knott. "He always used to keep us of Virgil's life. Among these are
have shortened programs. "Such
by the department, was the building room 300; Ralph Frederick, Edward proud of her! She really was a stray in hot water with the police," she "Virgil," a biography by Frank
programs," Miss Buschman emphat-
of the cabinet and the fireplace used Hill and Lester Kaplan, Mr. Curtis cat, adopted by my niece, but now smiled. They no longer have the dog, Tenny; "Classical Studies," by L.
ically stated, "only hinder the pupils
in the production given by the drama Carman's home room 10; and Rich- the whole family adores her. She's because they reside in the city at U. Mackail; "The Tradition of Vir-
class, Friday, October 17. ard Fisher, Mr. Eugene Davis' home very prettily striped, and very clever. present. gil," by J. S. Morgan and others;
The racks, built between the tables room 2. If the door isn't locked, she can "I once had a dog," said Miss Math Puzzle "Two Thousand Years of Virgil," by
climb up on the screen and open it Maud C. Bear. "Alas! He has de- E. T. Sage; and "The Life of Virgil,"
in the chemistry laboratory, were A log nine feet long rolls down
herself. Yes, she certainly is a parted to the great beyond. Now I in "Illustrous Men," by Suetonius.
also built by the students. At pres- a hill 80 feet. As it rolls, a
ent, they are working on music racks
to be used by the band and orchestra.
Friendship Members bright pussy!"
A big police dog called Ted,
guards the home of Miss Alma G.
have no pets, not even a turtle."
Miss Lorena Smith smiled, and
lizard, keeping his balance on
top of the log, moves from one
Plays dealing with the life and
works of Virgil that are listed are:
said, "No, I have never had any ani- "Diminutive Dramas," by Maurice
"The individual work has a large
range," declared Mr. Carmen, point- Plan Initiation Party Gleason. "He doesn't do any unusual
tricks," said she, "but he special-
mal pets. The only pets I ever had
were school children."
end of the log to the other and
back. How f a r did the lizard Bering; "Dido and Aeneas," a pa-
geant drama arranged by Emma
ing out various sized tip-top tables, travel ?
Editor's Note: Please send all Kruckemeyer; "Virgil," by A. C. Tor-
chairs, telephone benches, wicker
Candlelight Service To Be Faculty Club Advisers Meet Dramatic Classes Give Two answers to Lester L. Cohen, 221A. bet; and the "Euripides" translated
ferneries and book racks.
Credit for the numerous repair
Used; New Members Will To Discuss Student Activities Performances In Auditorium The solution of last week's puzzle by A. S. Way under the title, "The
Have Pot-Luck Supper will be published in the next issue. Daughters of Troy."
jobs about the building also goes to
the Manual Training department. Under the direction of Miss Elsie "Bishop's Candlesticks," which was Two thousand years have elapsed
They fixed the cafeteria tables and Thirty-one new members of the C. Davies, a meeting of the faculty scheduled to be presented two weeks work, but also hinder the work of since Virgil wrote his unsurpassed
benches, as well as the swinging Friendship club will have their for- club advisers was held Wednesday, ago, was postponed until Friday, the school. A student has to under- epic of imperial Rome, the "Aeneid,"
gate in the office. mal initiation party, Tuesday, Oc- Octotber 8. The purpose was to dis- October 16, because of various im- go eight different processes before a story admired and studied by every
tober 27. The candlelight service cuss the different phases of club ac- pediments. Two performances were he can be excused from his work. I true Latin student in the world.
In the near future, they are going
will be used by the club as is their tivities and to offer some suggestions given, each lasting 30 minutes. The hope that all parents will arrange Eleven years were devoted to writ-
to build a filing cabinet with glass
custom. The program will also con- for improvement. A committee was first began at 8:30 a. m., at the com- music lessons, dentist appointments, ing this work.
doors for the commercial department,
and shelves for the photography sist of a funny initiation. also appointed by Miss Davies to mencement of the home room period, and shopping terms for after school Virgil was born at the very end of
look after this matter. while the other took place from 9:00 or on Saturday. The phrase, only a Rome's Republican Period and when
class. The girls will also have a pot-
luck supper for those who have just The two general subjects discussed a. m. to 9:30 a. m. study hall, is used entirely too much. he was eleven, Julius Caesar, the
were the need for evaluating the The fire-place which was used in A study hall is the girl or boy's hero of his youth, was organizing
Naturalists Visit Rocky River joined the club.
students' work, and the further con- the play was made by the manual only concentrating period. the first triumvirate and was to set
Has Thirty-one New Members
sideration of limiting two clubs a training classes of Curtis R. Car- about the conquest of Gaul the next
The 31 new members are Ruth "Another thingI wish parents
Members of the Naturalists' Club semester to students. man; Max Zak and Jack Tetalman year. After the death of Caesar,
Amos, Mildred Bjoorkman, Eleanore would come to school and visit the
held an outing in Rocky River dis- H. C. Biddle suggested that the painted the scenery under the sup- years later, Virgil joined the court
Cain, Gretchen Daub, Iszabelle Frisch, teachers of their children. Not only
trict, Saturday, October 11. The group pictures of the various clubs ervision of Miss Dorothy Taylor. of Octavianus where he joined the
Alice Giesel, Ruth Hoar, Louenetta at the end of the term, but im-
boys took an interest in the collect- be taken before November, so as to "Happy-Go-Lucky," a play by Ian society of the great. Before his
Hoff, Eleanor Mattern, Alice Mc- mediately after the first report
ing of clams and snails. The aquar- save money on the engraving ill. Hay, is one that Eugene Davis, death in 19 B. C., he gave to the
Fadden, Margaret Mills, Catheryn card; that is if the card is not satis-
ium of the biology laboratory prof- The members of the committee teacher of dramatics, intends to put world the ten "Eclogues," the
Moore, Jeanette Smith, Dorothy factory. This holds true especially
ited by the trip of the club. It now which Miss Davies appointed are on some time this semester. Mr. "Georgics" and the "Aeneid."
Stevens, Ruth Stickel, Jeanette Mor- for pupils who are in their senior
has many new species of clams. Miss Mary Pickard, chairman; Miss j Davis presented it at the University Under the auspices of the com-
nan, Dorothy Harvey, Maybelle Wen- year.
The next meeting of the club will ner, Ruth Miller, Mary McGuire, Margaret Ward and Mr. J. C. Chap- I of Iowa where it was a great sue mittee of the Adult Education As-
be held Thursday, October 23. Nor- cess. "I wish the mothers and fathers sociation sponsoring the two thous-
Lois Lony, Ruth Wenn, Elizabeth of the pupils would urge their child-
man Epstein will lecture on subjects Dennis, Evelyn Burrough, Genevieve andth birthday celebration, a pro-
of interest. All students wishing to ren to come to Miss Davies and me gram was planned to offer admira-
Quigley, Janet Buckholz, Anna Mal- Phone CEdar 1145
for advice. We are willing anytime
come to the meeting are welcome. lisky, Agnes Leckie, Harriet Kline, Steel's Barber Shop For Appointment
to give them advice about their col-
tion and honor to the famous Ro-
man. Lectures were given October
Olga Bilous and Dorothy Skopin. If You Want Good Service lege credits and their elections for
Hi-Y Plans Future Programs A. Human, 1. li5, 17, and 18, and October 13 a
Nature and her family were payed Go To the year." garden was dedicated to Virgil by
a visit by the club and its new mem- 12406 Arlington Ave. OPTOMETRIST the Italians of Cleveland.
Many new and varied programs are bers on Tuesday, October 14. They 3 Barbers In Attendance
11010 Superior Avenue
being held by the Hi-Y Club of
Glenville High School. A luncheon,
had a fox hunt and a nature walk.
The trees were identified by little
marks on their trunks.
Camera Club Explains Cleveland teachers are being urged
to support the .5-mill tax levy which
at which each member will bring his
mother, will soon be held. On Fri-
day, October 31, a Halloween party
The new members led by Ruth
Moore, chased the old ones who,
RE-ELECT Method Of Developing will reduce the heavy debt of the
city's board of education. Through
the proposed tax, it is believed that
will also be given in the form of a taking the role of foxes, had quite JUDGE by 1940, the debt can be reduced to
barn dance. a time evading capture. Miss Flor- Demonstration on the developing
The officers of the club are: Ken- ence Sharo, adviser from the Y. W. of pictures are being featured today $10,000,000. At present it is about
neth Masshart, president; Richard
Smith, vice-president; Robert Dowd,
C. A., led the old members. The re-
freshments chiefly consisting of
Virgil J. Terrell by the Camera Club in room 103 to $33,000,000.
show the Glenville students some
secretary; and Willard Nelson, chair- marshmallows, were roasted on a Twenty-seven years a lawyer of the work the club has been doing.
bonfire. Miss Shaw told some very These demonstrations can be seen
man of the entertainment committee.

For Your Halloween Party

appropriate stories.
Alexandria Dardzinki is the newly
Twelve years' service as judge
Judicial record endorsed by
by anyone in the building at 3:30
p. m. at the regular meeting of the
Glenville Garage
elected vice-president of the club. Cleveland Bar Association.
remember Marjorie Buckholz was compelled to
Cuyahoga Bar Association.
At a recent meeting it was de- Repairing - Storage
drop the office because of conflicting cided to permit girls, wishing to
My-T-Fine executive offices. learn photography, to join the group
as well as boys, who were admitted
The club has been trying to col-
Fried Cake Co. lect past dues. They are divided be-
tween the social affairs of the or-
according to the previous policy. B R A K E S - T O W I N G
As a result, the membership has
11432 Superior 12305 Superior ganization and Y. W. C. A. practically doubled and the meeting
Phone CEdar 3407
Why Not Play The Piano Well tonight will be the last open meet-
750 E. 105th St. GLen. 5595
ing this term.
High school students may win
Everything in do-nuts and the themselves a 75-book library by writ- The boys of the group have enter-
best of sweet cider ing and sending to The American Bill Miller Will Teach You ed into the basketball tournament
being held in the gym. Their first
Boy Magazine before November 15,
a 300-word review of any book they game this year was played Tuesday, cJclcd J or q)cIiooI !
Specializing in Popular Music, Beginners and Advanced Pupils October 21, against Squad A, of
have recently read.
Wheeler School of Dancing The first prize will be a library of
the gym leaders. Gutb's
Classes In All Types Of Stage 76 books, worth $125; second prize, SHOE STORE
Dancing. Also Limbering. 50 books, worth $90; third prize, 25 Studio 210 Ten Thousand Euclid Bldg. CEdar
Private Lessons in Latest Ball- Patronize The Torch Advertisers Home for Good Shoes
books, worth $50; next f i f t y prizes, Corner E. 100th and Euclid 4129
room Dancing 12423 Arlington Ave. GLen. 3632
Moderate Tuition one book.
10014 Euclid GAr. 7861J

Rosy-Posy Tea Room The James White Motor Service Company

Arlington Beauty
10616 Euclid Ave. Restaurants
75c Luncheon and Suppers Any Automobile Operation Performed
Card or Tea Lamp Reading Free
Open from 10:00 a. m. to 7:00 10312 Wilbur Ave. Cor. E. 105 1 Block South of Carnegie
10610 St. Clair Ave. Shoppe
1116 Chester 5505 Euclid 12405 Arlington Ave.
Cleaner - Polisher p. m.
GArfield 8084
Rear of Shell Station CEdar 5508 GLen. 8899 (not listed in phone
CLEANS POLISHES AND Our Combination Specials
Commodore Beauty Shoppe
WAXES Shampoo and Finger Wave .50c
Shampoo and Marcel .75c
Automobile BodiesMetals J. R. Holcomb For Estimates Call GArfield 8495
Come in and ask us about the
Permanent Waving $4.00, $5.00
and $6.50
Chromium, Glass and Furniture Wholesale School Supplies
Display at Alpha Laboratories
18th and Euclid
1518 St. Clair Ave. MAin 3732-33
Cleveland, Ohio
s. & s. special prices for school girls
850 Eddy Rd. GLen. 2911
Furniture Co.
Re-upholstering and Refinishing Private or Class All Branches. Students Prepared for
DRINK MILLER-BECKER PRODUCTS Highest Grade of Living Room Classical or Popular, Teaching, Concert, Symphony, Theater,
Dance, Radio. 10014 Euclid Ave. CEdar
The "thrill" that you can't forget
Suites Made to Order 6393.
6393. Opposite
Opposite Bailey's
Bauey s East
uast aEnd
n a Store.

School Founded 1912 1 store.
Ace Hy BeveragesVictoria Milk ChocolatePure Fruit Punch for all
Proms and Parties 11412 Superior Avenue
Telephone Address SCHOOL OF MUSIC
HEndcrson 8030 411 Central Ave.
CIOLOGY m v t s i t o public Lm
CT 31 930

Boost Glenville At
The Adams Game

Vol XI, No. 6 Glenville High School, Cleveland, Ohio, October 30, 1930
T "
1 orch 1 Torch Bridge-Dance
November 7

Price Five Cents

School Musicians Select Two Pupils Council Plans Novel

Senior As Present
Affair For Holiday
Play In N.E.O.T.A. As Hostesses For 'Steaming Cauldron'
Announce Final Athletic Board

Convention Here Visiting Authors

Results, Seniors Re-elect
As Witches' Dance
Same Representative
On the calendar for social events
Students Sing Folk Songs; High School Students Serve of the Student Council is a novel Venetian Serenaders Supply
Choral Club, Madrigals; Book Review Committee "Turkey Dance," to be held on Friday, Music; Cider, Doughnuts
Quintet Entertains At Main Library November 21, from 3:30 p. m. to
5:30 p. m. The entire school is in- Are Refreshments
vited. At the Council's last meeting
Teachers Will Discuss Various Students of the school have been the new officers were installed and Members On Social Committee
Subjects In Two Day Periods chosen to serve on the Book Review the Athletic Board elections were
Committee and to act as hostesses completed. Make Decorations, Programs
for authors at Halle Brothers. A college band, the Reserve Red
Cleveland Symphony To Give Mindelle Goldman, 12A, and Edith Cats, will furnish the music. Tickets Entire Faculty, Officers Of
Concert Of Five Noted Garber, 12B, are the two students for the dance are twenty-five cents. 12B Group To Come To
Orchestral Numbers Miss Lucy Terrell has chosen for Each ticket will be numbered and
Novel Party In Gym
this book review group. some time during the dance a raffle
Glenville's Choral Club and a se- Left to right: Barnett Frank, Jacob Tetalman, Max Zak, Harry Two students have been selected will be held and a prize will be
"Steaming Cauldron," the first
lected woodwind quintet from the Kulkin, Mrs. Sylvia Saul, teacher and Jean Sherwin from each school for this purpose. presented to each of the two win-
dance of the present 12A class, will
orchestra will participate in the mus- The Book Review Committee will ners. be held in the gymnasium today.
ical programs arranged for the North meet for the first time Wednesday, Arthur Jaffe is chairman of the This affair is to be presented as one
Eastern Ohio Teachers' Association Glenville Pupils Study Art
tomorrow and Saturday.
Math Club Selects October 29. This group will help the committee planning the affair. He typical of Halloween.
librarians in choosing books for is assisted by Helen Rohrheimer,
Under Alumnus's Guidance The gymnasium will be decorated
The Choral Club, under the direc-
tion of Griffith J. Jones, will sing One of Glenville's students, Max
Program For Term young people. Miss Jean Ross is the Ruth Candleborn, Herbert Guttentag in orange and black crepe paper
general chairman; she is also the and Hy Fineberg. with novel cats and pumpkins. Max
several pieces. They are: "As The Zak, has one of his etchings hung librarian in charge of the Stevenson The past dances of this kind have Zak has charge of the decorating.
Tide Was Plowing," a folk song ar- in the Cleveland Museum of Art, and
Club Members Will Discuss Room at the Main Library. been a success and the Student
Problems Of Importance "Venetian Serenaders," a five-piece
ranged by R. Vaughan Williams; it is to be sent to the Dayton So- Saturday, October 25, Naomi Council assures everyone who at- orchestra, will provide the music for
"Now is the Month of Maying," by ciety because of a special invita- In New Debate Form Schwartz, Eleanore Sommers, Jane tends the "Turkey Dance" that he the dances.
Thomas Morley, 1557-1600; "Awake tion which the society has extended. Leggot, Edna Hilley and Lois Jane will spend a pleasant afternoon. The programs, which were made
Aeolian Lyre," by Daubes; "Wassail Max, besides his art work at school, This year's program for the Math At the meeting of the Council held by Lenore Stouffer, are in harmony
Song," by R. V. Williams; "Stay studies with the group of students Club is one in which, at each meet- October 21, the new officers of the with the surrounding atmosphere.
Carydon Thou Swain," John Wilbye, pictured above at the Council Edu- ing, different members will speak Calendar Of Events club were installed. Paul Melnick, They consist of orange cards with
composer. cational Alliance. and lead discussions on topics of FridayCamera Clubroom 200. chairman of the Athletic Board black cauldrons on them. In the
Thirty boys and girls were selected This is a group of Glenville stu- practical importance mathematically. 12A Partygym Election Committee, announced the cauldron is a witch with a long nose
to sing instead of the entire organi- dents who take special work at the The club meetings are held in room TomorrowN. E. O. T. A. final results of the election for the and big feet. Under the kettle is a
zation. Council Educational Alliance on East 119 every other Wednesday at 3:30 November 3Spanish Clubroom eleventh and twelfth grades. John wood fire and the cauldron is made
Quintet To Play 105 street. They have been making p. m. The coming session will be 301 Leckie, representing the seniors, was from a stencil and then painted.
The quintet, composed of Julius etchings, paintings, designs, models on November November 4Art Clubroom 110. re-elected and Raymond Sharwell was Ornaments suggestive of Halloween
Baker, flute; Sheldon Hendershott, and all sorts of crafts. Mrs. Sylvia Present officers of the club are: Student Councilroom 115 chosen by the junior class. will be worn by the participants.
clarinet; Joseph Friedman, oboe; Saul, the instructor of the group, is Jack Hochman, president; Lester November 5Dancing Classroom Edwin Preisler is to see that the
Stanley Mandel, bassoon; and Fred a Glenville alumna. Cohen, vice-president; Herschel Cohen, 300 gym is left in good order following
Klein, French horn will play "Scher-
zo" from "Quintet in F," by James
The general topics of the club this Smoot will be hostesses at the Halle
John Hay High School the affair. The refreshments, con-
sisting of cider and doughnuts, will
Waterson and "Quintet, Opus 71" by
Beethoven. They will be presented
Home Room 200 Plans semester deal with the mathematics Brothers Book Shop, Children's Day.
of high school physics, chemistry, The childrens' authors to speak Starts Music Classes be served by Nancy Rose.
Howard Rose will be in charge of
art and practical applications.
in Hotel Statler.
The German Club, after having For Halloween Party that day are Dorothy Aldis, Gertrude
At the first meeting, the speakers Kay, Florence McClurg Everson,
the door to see that only members
Ralph E. Rush, director of this of the 12A organization and their
were Nathan Goldberg and Edward Wanda Gag, Eva Little McElevey, school's orchestra and band, is the guests are admitted.
many special rehearsals, will sing Lederman, who spoke on "Trigo- W. Maxwell Reed, Clarence Stratton, new director of the Saturday Instru-
these songs in German: "Der Winter Wearing costumes and having all Tap Dance To Be Presented
nometry of the Right Triangle and Marie Peary, V. M. Hillyer, Mary mental School at John Hay High
Der Ist Da," "Der Kuckuk Und Der the other accessories that go toward Some Applications" and "Graphical Norman Lessam will give a tap
BMHle Fitter and Sleanor E. Led- School. The first term of instruction dance for the entertainment.
Esel," "Kennst Du Das Land Wo making a Halloween party a suc- Representation of Equations and Ap-
better. begins October 18, and ends January
Die Citronnen Blhen," "Die Kap- cess is what the girls of home room plications of Each" respectively. The entertainment committee has
pelle," "Unterlanders Heimweh," 200 are going to be doing, Thursday 31. There are 12 lessons in each full charge of this affair. Its mem-
"Operations Involving Zero" and term.
"Turnermarsch," "Heiden Roslein," afternoon, October 30, in the social "Number Systems with Different UA Class Will Organize Soon bers are William Weinberger, chair-
" 0 Schone Zeit, O Seli Ge Zeit," "Der rooms. Harp instruction is being given at man, Edwin Preisler, Howard Rose,
Scales" (as the Eskimo system with Glenville to those pupils desiring to
Gute Kamerad" and "Mignon." This party is the third event the Various questions concerning the learn this instrument. The school Nancy Rose, Lenore Stouffer and
a scale of 20 instead of ten, as ours
Will Discuss School Topics girls have had this term. Jane Downs Max Zak. Each member has a cer-
is) were the topics of discussion at organizing of the 11A class were dis- furnishes the harp. Students practice
is in charge of the party. tain phase of the dance over which to
The annual convention this year the second meeting. Lester Cohen cussed at a meeting of the group held daily during their free periods.
Friday, October 17, they held a supervise.
will be the 69th meeting since the and Jack Hochman were the speak- on Monday, October 27. Miss Elsie Woodwind, brass, string and per-
organization was instituted. Here, debate. The question was, "Resolved ers. C. Davies and W. A. Gray addressed Chairman Hopes For Success
that Glenville girls wear middies and cussion players can receive class les- "This is the first of the 12A class
the teachers will discuss such sub- Permission to join the club is the students concerning the duties of sons at John Hay. Ensemble prac-
jects as ancient and modern lan- skirts to school." Dorothy Glassman class officers. Qualities necessary affairs," said William Weinberger,
granted to all Glenville students who tice in reed, brass and string groups
guages, industrial arts, English and upheld the negative while Sara Go- have received a grade of 85 or above for those elected were also mentioned. is open to every student enrolled for chairman of the committee, "and I
lanty spoke for the affirmative. am hoping that the entire class will
many others. in math or who can get recommen- Whether or not scholastic standing
The speaker for the affirmative dations from their teacher. J. M. Would eliminate some candidates for class instruction. support it. As this is our last se-
Beside the musical programs of side explained, "Such an outfit is very A fee of $5.00, payable in advance, mester in school, we will not have
Jacobs, head of the math depart- offices was discussed.
the Glenville organizations, the serviceable besides being economical, will be charged for each term. No
Cleveland Symphony Orchestra has practical and appropriate. I am ment, is the faculty adviser. Mr. Gray announced that the names refunds will be made for lost les- very many occasions at which the
entire class can get together.
agreed to give a concert of five strongly in favor of such an outfit Members of the club have been of the two candidates for each office, sons or for discontinuance of lessons
compositions of famous musicians. submitting puzzles for publication in who receive the highest number of unless notice of withdrawal is given
because I believe school is a place the Torch each week. votes, will appear on the ballots for in advance.
of business, therefore, girls should The names of the students who the final election. This is being done
dress accordingly." She also gave send in correct answers are pub- to avoid the possibility of tie scores. Students applying for entrance Lecturer Enumerates
12B Class To Sponsor various examples and comparisons lished in the paper in following is-
to prove her points.
must be enrolled in some grade be-
Petitions were put out Wednes- tween the seventh and the twelfth, in
Benefits Of Education
sues. day, October 29. Each candidate a school of Greater Cleveland.
"Hard Time" Gathering The negative aimed to show that
dresses are just as serviceable and
Hi-Y Club Plans Halloween Party
must have at least 25 names on his An elementary school band will be
petition to be eligible for the pri- organized at the school. No fee will Geoffrey Morgan Addresses
efficient. "I feel that students mary elections.
Appoint Committee For Pur- should not be told what to wear or be charged for this activity. Student Body On Subject
pose Of Adopting Slogan; what not to wear. They are of age Halloween night will be celebrated "What's The Use"
House Picture Taken to choose their own garments and by the members of the Hi-Y club in
therefore can tell what would be a barn in Bainbridge, O.
Byrd Will Give Clevelanders Own Story "Everyone benefits by a high
correct for school," Dorothy Glass-
"Clothes, old clothes, old rags to man argued.
Members and their guests are
going to attend the dance in overalls,
Of Polar Conquest At Public Hall Soon school education in three distinct
ways," said Geoffrey F. Morgan,
buy," will most probably be the cry The home room members acted as since the party will be in the form who addressed the students Monday,
echoed through the gymnasium Fri- ; udges and gave their verdict in favor of a hard time affair. There will be Richard E. Byrd, the first man to what others have attempted. His October 27 on the topic "What's the
day, November 14, when the 12B of the affirmative side. dancing, refreshments and an enter- reach the poles, will tell his own scientific exploits have to their credit Use." You gain a financial, social
class has its fall party. The entire tainment planned by a committee story of the "Fight from little an immense area. On May 9, 1926, and cultural advantage."
affair is under the direction of James which consists of William Ott, George America to the Mr. Morgan pointed out that it is
Jones, the chairman of the 12B Take Club Photograph Stoye, Carl Law and William Hann. South Pole" at his party reached the North Pole, worthwhile to obtain as much edu-
entertainment committee, and his as- the Public Audi and on November 28, 1929, they were cation as possible because it helps
In Real Spanish Garb Officers of the club are: Kenneth torium, n e x t at the other extremity of the earth. one to get a good position and to
Masshart, president; Richard Smith,
The affair is to be featured as a vice-president; Robert Dowd, treas- Wednesday eve- "The Hero of the Poles" is unaf- receive a good salary.
Ponchos, Spanish sombreros, man-
"Hard Times" party, the members dellas and tambourines were seen urer; Willard Nelson, chairman of ning, November fected. While he was travelling The social advantage of an edu-
of the class of June '31 being re- around the building, Thursday, Oc- the entertainment committee; and 5, at 8:15 p through Pennsylvania towns, a num- cation is that it makes possible as-
quested to wear any old article of tober 23, the sixth period. Have we John Lee, chairman of the member- m. The talk will ber of children stood along the road- sociation with learned people and
clothing that is still in good shape had some visitors from Spain? No! ship committee. \ be illustrated by side to wave flags and cheer their permits one to feel that he is on
over their dresses and suits. At the It was only the Spanish Club pre- Thursday, October 23, at 7:45 p. motion pictures idol. Moved, no doubt, by the simple the same footing as they. "Ignorance
end of the dance the old clothes will paring to have their pictures taken m., the club held Mother's and Son's of the expedi- but sincere gesture, he stopped and is embarrassing," declared the famous
be collected and sent down to the for the Annual. Night at the east end Y. M. C. A. tion. To give school students
greeted the children speaking to them lecturer. "We feel very inferior if
Salvation Army or some charity in- Seorita Helen Humphreys had A regular meeting and a discussion, an opportunity to hear the lecture, we cannot understand the conversa-
stitution. The music for the dance helped to collect the garments. which was led by Richard Smith, there will be a special mati tion of the people we are with.
Pet Accompanied Explorer
will be furnished through the aid A meeting was held in room 301, were held. The meeting was closed nee at 4:00 p. m. on the same day. The third benefit of schooling is
of Ralph Rush, Glenville orchestra Monday, October 20 at 3:00 p. m. after refreshments were served. "I highly recommend that as many Igloo, a fortunate fox terrier, was cultural. "If you hear some musical
instructor. Entertainment given by Seoritas of the student body as possible constantly with Byrd on the trip to composition that you know, you will
At the meeting of the 12B House Ethel Narosny, Sylvia Kramer and should take advantage of the special the poles and he is now accompany- enjoy it more than one you have
Show To Present College Movie matinee offered them at the surpris
of Representatives held October 21, Pearl Kahn consisted of dancing and ing the explorer on his lecturing never heard before. You get ex-
it was decided to take a group pic- the singing of some popular songs. Youth and beauty are echoed in the ingly small sum of twenty-five tour. The pet will be at both actly as much out of life as you put
ture of the members of the House New members of the club have novel collegiate production, "So This <^uts," the principal said. "It will Cleveland performances. into it," he continued. "For this
for the Annual. been advised to prepare some songs, Is College," to be shown as the noon- Ims well worth the time and money." reason, educated people are able to
The Commander is to be the guest
A committee, consisting of Sophie dances and instrumental numbers for day movie, beginning Monday, No- tickets for this performance are of the City Club of Cleveland. He appreciate and understand that which
Cooper, chairman, Simon Newmark the initiation party which will be vember 3. on sale at every Fisher Brothers will be welcomed by a large citizen's an ignorant person cannot."
and Hortense Schmidt was chosen to held Monday, November 3. The actors appearing in the picture store in the county. Any adults committee, but his only public ap- In 1910, Mr. Morgan was grad-
adopt a "class slogan." Billy Hann The members have requested that are Elliot Nugent, Robert Mont- who wish to accompany school stu- pearances will be made at the lec- uated from Stanford University, and
was appointed to investigate the the Spanish title, "Seorita" be sub- gomery, Sally Starr, Max Davidson dents to the afternoon lecture may tures. later from Columbia. In 1920 he
possibilities of the senior B's learning stituted for the title "Miss" in this and the comical Cliff Edwards. obtain tickets for fifty cents. resigned the position of superintend-
to dance from Miss Edith Sattele, article and that policy will be fol- Byrds coming to Cleveland and his ent of schools in that city, and he
The picture will run November 3, Flew Over Immense Area appearances are under the auspices has devoted his time to giving lec-
girl's gym instructor. lowed in future issues of the Torch. 4, 5 and 6. Commander Byrd has accomplished of this club. tures and writing since that time.
Page_2 Glenville Torch October 30, 1930

The Glenville Torch Statue Of TurtleBaby"

Glenville High School
P a r k w o o d Drive, Corner
Cleveland, Ohio
Everton Almost Alive In Beauty
P u b l i s h e d W e e k l y b y t h e S t u d e n t s of
G l e n v i l l e H i g h School
Its little nude body gleaming under
O f f i c e R o o m 114 T e l e p h o n e E D d y 0587 GOTTA DUMP THAT the sofa light, its baby lips parted in
a smile of urchin ecstasy, its little
Subscription liutes! E i g h t y - f i v e cents per semester ASH CAN, AN' PUT
E n t e r e d a s s e c o n d - c l a s s m a t t e r A p r i l 6, 1924, a t t h e Edited By toes curled in childish gleethere
p o s t o f f i c e a t C l e v e l a n d , O h i o , u n d e r t h e A c t of M a r c h 3. stands the turtle baby. Each well-
1879. Sam Hy BROWN'S GATE ON
A c c e p t a n c e of m a i l i n g a t t h e s p e c i a l r a t e of p o s t a g e rounded hand, with muscles strained
p r o v i d e d f o r in S e c t i o n 1103 of t h e A c t of O c t o b e r 3, He sent his son to college,
1917, a u t h o r i z e d A p r i l 18, 1924. A TELEPHONE and taut, grasps a living, squirming
Cause dough he did not lack,
turtleand even they, poor unfor-
Executives He spent ten thousand dollars
POLE, A N ' T H E N , tunate victims, seem to have entered
Editor Isadore Meschan But got a quarterback.
Associate Editor Morris Rabinowitz into the spirit of freedom and fun.
News Editor . Marjorie Buckholz ETC. ETC.
Feature Editor Martha Baskin * * % * * The symmetry of the baby's limbs,
Sports Editor Ben Gulko the smoothness and freshness of the
Head Typist Ruth Zimmerman
Cartoonist Max Zak HISTORY TEACHER: "JOHNNIE, WHAT COMES lips through which one can almost
Business Manager Ted Minke AFTER A 'COUNT' IN NOBILITY?" see the human blood coursing, the
Assistant Business Manager Barnett Frank
Advertising Manager Ray Rosenberg JOHNNIE: "A DISCOUNT." joyous light in the eyes and the
Circulation Manager Evelyn Warwick enchanting almost visible healthy
Collection M a n a g e r Lelghton Rosenthal
* * * * * glow of the little bodyall lend the
E d l t o r l n l StnlT
Joe Friedman, George Margulis, Gwendolyn Sherman, figure vivacity and life. An air of h
Sylvia Grossman, R u t h Jackel, Sara Golanty, Myrna Hit of the Week
Sachs, D o r o t h y H a r v e y , Sam Heller, H y m a n Schulkin, elfin glee and mischievous exultation
L e a h Goldman, Rose Massing, I r w i n F r i e d m a n , Goldle "Biddle by Biddle we are learning more and more is written over the baby features
Dworken, Dorothy Amdur, Leonard Bergsman, Nathan
Katz, Irwin Lager, George Goldenberg, Jerome Brond- each day." which seem to be almost inhuman,
field, Minnie Thai, N a n c y Rose, E l e a n o r e Sommers, J e a n except for an expression of very
Effland, Dorothy Bleihall, Sylvia B o g a r * * * *
Duglness Stair human joy in reveling among Na-
L e o G a g e , S h e l d o n L e v y , A r t h u r B e r g e r , R o b e r t Opitz, ture's creations. It seems prac-
F l o r a Fisher, Alvin Amster, F r e d Shafer, Chauncey Hins- Sam: "Now just listen here, Penelope Brown, tically incredible that anything so
dale, A l b e r t M e s h m a n How comes yo ain't been aroun'?
Adviser F r e d e r i c D. A l d r l c h intensely real, so intensely life-like,
I've been waitin' so long in yo town, has been cast in common, though
What you all tink I am, a clown?" beautiful, bronze.
Pen: "Cut out dat kiddin' Sam,
(Charter I ain't gettin' in no jam Symphony
'Cause you don't undastan' Have you ever seen the fog '
Dat I loves anuda man." Hang thick and damp
Over the lake at Gordon Park?
Sam: "What you mean by dat last crack? Remember how that blackness
Ain't I offahd yo enuf 'jack?' Hung so close you could not
Thursday, October 30, 1930 Get yo trunk and staht to pack, See aught but the nearest waves
Den we'll be off to Mackinac."
Queen Liz Gives Hectic Halloween Affair That fell so dismally against the
rocks ?
A Serious Problem Pen: "Just hold yo hosses, big boy,
I ain't to be handled lak a toy.
For Famous Hysterical, Historical Guests And that lonely pier stretching
Bacon said, "Crafty men condemn studies; Stretching out into the dark that
simple men admire them; and wise men use
Go long 'for I hit you fo a row,
I ain't wantin' none o' yor dough."
Sam Heller Hy Schulkin Queen Liz's Debut seemed Eternity?
Did it not seem as though some
If October 30 comes, can Halloween The first Halloween party on record
Wise students also use their studies; and monster
Sam: "Well Penelope, suit yo self, be f a r behind? Such are the im- is the one that was given by Queen Resurrected from some ancient
those who can put them to the best advantage mortal words of somebody or other. Elizabeth of the Weak Knees. Many
obtain the greatest results. In school we Indeed, it's only ruinin' yo healf, time
'Cause I got all ob de wealf, No it cannot be f a r behind. In notables were present on this sus- Exhausted from a years enduring
judge and show the results by means of a fact it must be quite near, for see picious occasion. The king and queen
grade; not that the grade within itself as a 90 Goodby, I'm going along by marself." swim
the writing on houses, stores, autos
or a 70 makes or mars the person, but that it had invited all the aces of the king- Clutched at the shore?
implies or signifies the amount of work a per- Pen: "Po Sam, ain't neva really been in luv, and where-not, announcing its com-
son has put into his studies, and consequently, No, neva did take de adwantage of ing. To be sure it is not very leg- dom, Jack Dempsey, Jackup Decar The lake, the sky, the pier and I
what he has gained through them. "What- Gawd! I love him! What's wrong wid me? ible writing, but according to the and many others who came by two, forlorn!
ever a man soweth, so shall he reap!" Sam! Sam! Come back to yo'r Penelope." Glenville teachers it bears a close threes, fours, etc. What unity of morbidness this has!
Nancy Rosa resemblance to the writing of Glen- Including Dis-counts
When report cards are issued, there are gen- ville students. This would almost Is it to wonder then
erally speaking, three classes of students: * * * * * At nine-thirty they were still com-
lead us to believe that the Glenvil- ing, dukes, duchesses, counts. First That some men think
those who have worked, and receiving their That they can gain the peace
compensation of high grades, are justly elated: Overheard in a history class: "Mirabeau died of va- lites are doing some announcing, but came Gene Tunna and the long count,
how could we think of such a thing! Which is the lake
those who have worked, but somehow, could rious physical reasons." and Jack Dempsey and the Chicago
By jumping into it?
not make the grade; and lastly, those who have * * * * *
Switchen To Antediluvian count, then Irv Schnabel and his
not worked, and who greet their low marks Way back in the days of w i t c h e s - helmet, the no account, and finally
with nonchalance and indifference. no, farther back than that. It must Professor Einstein with his geometry
SONG OF THE BUTCHER have been in the year 1930 B. G. H. home work.
Dwelling upon each of these classes in turn,
we say this: For the highly exhuberant per MEAT YOU A SUNNY DAY, ETC, ETC. (before Glenville High). You see,
***** Just as in all parties Lizzie gave, "I believe in honesty, sincerity,
son there is sometimes the danger of an over- Glenville was erected in 1931 B. E. they served highballs in low glasses.
and the square deal; in making up
dose of self-assurance; but more frequently he (before East) and it has been ahead Everyone had a masquerade costume one's mind what to doand doing
who can achieve success can bear it and he A ship captain (who had fallen overboard): "Hey, of East ever since. Be that as it on. Gene Tunna wore a fighter's out- it. I believe in leaving God and
who has achieved high grades usually posses- deckhand, give a yell." may, what we meant to say was that fit and nobody knew who he was. taking one's own part. I believe in
ses sufficient moral and mental stamina to Ex-Glenville cheer leader: "Captain rah! Captain rah! Halloween is now only a ghost of its Primo Camera was disguised as a hitting the line hard when you are
stand up under the strain of a well-weighted Rah! Rah! Captain!" former self. small child, but somehow somebody right. I believe in hard work and
card. Halloween Sports And Spurts recognized him. Wally Raleigh came honest sport. I believe in a sane
Back in the pre-Listerine days, the in a bathing suit. The jacket of his mindin a sane body. I believe we
* * * * *
For the person who has tried and failed,
there need be no despair; he is no failure who
12A senior: "I got 50 on that intelligence test." knights did more in the daytime Sunday suit was still at the cleaners. have room for but one loyalty, and
has made an attempt, for he must come out of than our youths do on this night. The king was not masked. The that is loyalty to the American
his struggle somewhat the richerif not in so Senior in 12A: "That makes you a half-wit." blank look on his face served as a people."
***** Turning garbage cans upside down,
many points, in endurance, and in patience, marking up cars, ringing doorbells good enough mask. Such were Theodore Roosevelt's
which, after all, combine to make character. and other such diversions, is tame. Concluding The Finish mottoes and, because of this, it is
For the indifferent people, we can only feel Petty Proverbs In ye olden days, the children from At about two o'clock, after the a very simple matter to connect so V j *
pity. Indifference! that is what usually leads A word to the wise interrupts a monologue. two to four would take a nut crack- last guests arrived, Queen Lizzie extensive a creed with so great a
to failure. The world is a busy place, and in Lots of jack makes all work play. er and crack up a couple of knights started the games. Royalty hob- man.
it, we cannot stand still; the fierce on-rush of * * * * *
in armor. They would hold gladia- nobbed with prize fighters, teachers Theodore Roosevelt was born Oc-
life does not wait for stragglers, but merely torial combats under the flood-lights with pupils, and everything. Rhoda tober 27, 1858. He, as a boy, was
shoves them aside! Doe: "Why would a telephone operator and a
at the city stadium. If things became Horse won the dance marathon and a weaklingpuny, near-sighted and
This is indeed an important problem, and jockey make a good couple?" too tame for the spectators, a couple A1 Balone won all the money in the a chronic sufferer from asthma. To
should reach the heart and mind of every stu- of lions would be shoved into the card game. When he was caught overcome these obstructions a stout
Buck: "Because they both push plugs."
dent. Hard-earned money, time and labor are arena. This almost invariably in- slipping aces up his sleeve they heart was required and "Teddy" was
J. R. M.
expended, and we cannot afford a fruitless re- * * * * *
creased the action. Next would fol- didn't carethey shot him. The capable of this qualification and
sult. The student who has stood still through- low several massacres. If any one shooting of AI Balone was the bright more.
out public school, realizes only too late, upon REAL RIDDLES was fortunate enough to scare up a spot of the party and made everyone Not only did he conquer those hin-
entering college, or upon beginning his work, heretic, or two, (a heretic was a per- feel at homethey kept an eye on drances, but in later life he went
the opportunity he lost. son who did not believe in Santa each other. Better parties may have on to small political positions, to
A COLD? Claus) a burning at the stake would been staged since, but none so ela- governor of New York and still
This is only the beginning of the semester; IT BLOWS, IT SNOWS.
two-thirds of it still remains. Let us not give be included in the celebration. Those borate and lively as this first Hal- later, to president of the United
way to utter despair. After all, admission of * * * * * were the good old days! loween party. States.
defeat is the only real failure. 10A-11B: "That play sure started me thinking."
11A: "Oh, a miracle play."
* * * * * Letters To The Editor, Contributed By Student Body
Saving Horsin' Around To the Editor of The Torch: be "Bud Fisher II." necessary and degrading.
There are several students, under the super- "Wont you walk into my stable," said the spider to A word from a soph is sophicient. C. R. It is the minority that is building
vision of one of our instructors, who are de- the fly. But it was only a stall. I don't suppose I'll ever see this up a reputation for our rallies of
voting their time to become well versed in the in print as this subject has already
To the Editor of The Torch:
boisterousness, uncouthness and con-
fundamentals of banking. In order to acquire been discussed several times. The duct unbecoming of a senior high
an early experience in financial matters, these one thing I'd like to put across, It is surely a pity that the major- school student body. By f a r a great-
Education ity of the school, assembled for the er number present are there for the
students have established a bank to be sup- / however, is just because a certain
ported by the student body. Education frees us from the shackles of ig- gifted student is so fortunate as to true purpose of the rally. This was
The most we could do for ourselves and for norance. It makes us broadminded and cul- be able to draw a few funny faces Any student in the building proven by the manner in which the
them would be to uphold the responsibility tured. It is the bridge between the savage and does not necessarily signify that the having a complaint, personal griev- speeches of Miss Davies and Mr.
placed in us. And why? the intellectual, for, without it, we'd still be "so versatile" Torch can honestly ience or criticism may write a Davis were received. (I am trying
Let us quote the economist: bound to the immoral and barbarous desires perfect him as a humorist. As we "Letter To The Editor" and have to ignore the undesirable minority
"If each individual would manage his own of the uncivilized. all know, the editorial page is the it published. There is only one in saying that).
affairs so as to accumulate a 'fall-back-on' spice of the paper, so why insist necessity. Name and home room Glenvillite
Education means not only freedom, but
fund in the periods of prosperity and ability, he derstanding as well. One doesn't realize what un- upon turning the spice into smelling of the writer must be stated in
would be contracting a noble boon to himself a prized thing the ability to understand is. If salts? the letter. Strict privacy will be To the Editor of The Torch:
and many others. Let us face the facts by we could gain the viewpoint and understand- Every time I look at some of the observed and no confidences will The editorial entitled "Rallies" was
looking ahead. We can see many people un- ing of our neighbors across the borders and attempted bits of humor, I laugh, be disclosed. No letter will be a splendid articlc and I enjoyed it
able to work and dependent upon others for a seas, we should avoid the unnecessary blood- not with the humorist, but at him. accepted without the above factor. very much. It was only by mistake
living. Had they, in earlier life, acquired the shed of war. In a more serious vein, some of these that I happened to read this. I
habit of saving for a time of need, the results "hit-the-spot" jokes have been hand- purpose of arousing enthusiasm, never read the editorials because I
would have never been so tragic as they are. Peter the Great built the city of Petrograd ed down from our Mayflower an- cheering the team and the fine think that they are "dry." That is
Every young person is therefore urged to save as a window through which Russia could ob- cestors! And the original ones can speakers we have had in the past, what the average student thinks
and invest so that he may attain the goal of tain a broader vision of the outer world. Pet- be recognized at once by their non- and generally enjoying themselves about it and therefore never reads
life." rograd was difficult to build, for it was on a humor. All in all, it takes genius at a real Glenville rally, should it. I am very glad I did not miss
In conclusion, let us say that it is not only marshy base, but it resulted in becoming the to combine a joker and a cartoonist, seem to constitute a disorderly mob out on this editorial; but as I said
the results of saving but the habit derived, greatest part of Russia. Education is also a and we disillusioned sophomores pray of ruffians who cheer at the wrong before, the average student misses
that really counts. Save with an intention to window, though difficult to attain, through that the Torch resist the temptation time, and whistle and boo at times all these good articles.
spend wisely. which we gain a broader aspect on life. of encouraging some hopeless, would- when such noises are absolutely un- Anyone
October 30, 1930 Glenville Torch Page 3

East's Eleven Thunders Over Tar-Blooders In Annual Fray

Powerful Blue And Gold Gridmen John Adams Pigskin-Toters Oppose
Smash Local Line For 39-0 Win Parkwood Gridders In Senate Clash
Artale, Siebert, Shannon, Tomb, Mancini Score Touchdowns; Coach Kregenow Has Large Squad Including Four Letter-
Hoehnen, Wein, Bate Shine In Backfield men; Team Boasts Strong Line, Fast Backs
A month ago anyone looking over the local schedule would
One of the biggest, strongest grid machines have considered the John Adams game, dated for Saturday,
ever to wear the Blue and Gold of East High Injured Halfback: Don't take me out of the game, doc, I November 1, a breather. Since that time, however, the Presi-
smashed to fragments a four-year Glenville jinx have to make All-American so I can endorse Lucky Strikes. dents have gathered enough steam to be a real threat for any
* * * *
while handing the locals a one-sided 39-0 trim- team, if recent showings mean anything.
ming, at Thomas Edison field, Friday, October you?Harold Green: How did that fullback's plunging strike Coach Eddie Kregenow, who took over the football reins
Bennie Silverstein: Strike me! Man, he pulverized me! when Coach Anthony Fiorette resigned at the end of last sea-
After the opening kickoff the issue was never # * * * * son, has a promising bunch of youngsters who are showing
in doubt, East High ripping off long gains almost at will. Marvin Milcoff had a birthday and all he got was a year real promise for next season.
However, credit for the victory is due, not the East backfield, older. In their opening Senate game, the Corlett avenue boys were
but to the heaviest line in the Cleveland district. East's for- * * * # * defeated by a scrappy Central team. At the end of that game,
ward wall, which outweighed the Tar-Blood line 15 pounds to The lunchroom menu said Harvard Beets. Milt Presser it was generally conceded that the East side Presidents were
the man, used its weight to good advantage and completely wanted to know who it was that Harvard beat. out of the Senate race. The following week an inspired Krege-
outclassed its smaller opponents. # * * * now eleven stepped out to trim the strong West Tech team,
The Blue and Gold started early in the first quarter on "which, in turn, had held East High
Jake Shulduvak, the galloping goober of Glenville doesn't to a 2-0 score.
its scoring rampage. Mike Artale,
diminutive halfback, went through
want to get a pair of kid gloves because he says he's growing
up now. Torch Cagemen Whip Last year Adams had an unsuc-
guard, tackle' and around end to
chalk up six first downs in rapid
East Tech, Cleveland * * * * *

Speaking of famous athletes, "I'm always on the team," Squad Leaders, 22-8
gridiron season. Only four
returned from that team,
and they gained their monograms as
succession and place the oval on the
11-yard stripe. Two line bucks by Heights Fight 7-7 Tie says the horsefly.
* * * * *
Scribes Trounce .Gym Captains
reserves. The four are: Opalka, half-
back; Mikulski, tackle; Kouba, quar-
Artale gave East its first touchdown. The quarterback threw a pass, The halfback said he'd
Artale then walked through for the Central Hands West Tech 20-7 take it. The end said he'd take it. So started a debate on In Initial Game Of New terback; and Drosd, guard.
extra point. Bate's 20-yard pass to "The Freedom of the Seize." Independent League Boasts Strong Line
Greenberg, a little later on, was
Lacing; West Gains 13-0 * * * * * But the Adams coach is cheerful
one of the few bright spots for Victory Over South Gentle readers, do you know that the best prize fighters In the opening game of the new enough, for he has two capable
local fans. are bridge players? ends in Corsi and Tupta, a good
Battling: against a mighty eleven, * * * * *
Independent League, the Torch cagers tackle in Kaplan, a scrappy guard in
Score Second Touchdown the Cleveland Heights Black and
It took the East boys almost the Gold Tigers fought East Tech to a And of course you've heard the one about the 10B who trounced the Squad Leaders' team DeGregarri, a cool center in Madro
entire second period to work the 7-7 tie at the Heights field Satur- sent his pants to the Associated Press. by a score of 22-8, in the gym, and several hard-working backs in-
ball into scoring position, a pair of day, October 25. This was the first Tuesday, October 21. cluding Platz, Doty, Curry, Pirrone
fumbles costing them 20 yards and time the Hilltoppers were scored on and Marek.
Just after the starting tip-off,
a touchdown. Finally, after a short at their field since it was dedicated
punting duel between Ed Shannon, two years ago.
Coach Appointed For Senate Standings Lager, scribe forward, sank a close-
Last week's Senate games ran up shot from under the basket to be-
The flankmen, although not very
big, are experienced and know how
Blue and Gold fullback, and Bate,
Artale broke loose for a 75-yard
run to the ten-yard line. Brilliant A fine
West Tech Loses
passing attack by the Cen-
Cross-Country Team true to the prediction
bucket in every game.
of the dope to handle themselves. Corsi is a
gin the scoring. The squad leaders clever pass receiver as well as a fine
were completely outclassed through- plunger. Kaplan came to Adams
In the outstanding encounter, a
running by Hoehnen, Glenville back, tral gridders enabled them to trounce Glenville's cross-country t r a c k raging East High team smothered out the tilt and only when the Torch after being a member of the Central
prevented Artale from scoring. A West Tech's eleven, 20-7 in a Senate team which has trained without the Glenville, 39-0, to keep up with High squad the year before. He is
cagemen let up in the second half,
five-yard Glenville penalty and tussle, Saturday, October 25. Rose aid of a coach, now has one. The East Tech, which played in an in- a strong defensive player, who should
Tomb's line smash gave East its Red and Black squad will be coached dependent fray. West High, too, could the leaders display any scor- give the Tar-Blooders plenty of
second touchdown. Tanski converted Glenville, East by O. P. Klopsch, a member of the kept a clear record by defeating ing ability. trouble.
from placement. faculty and a former German Olym- South, 13-0. John Adams moved Curry Heads Backfield
Coach Humphrey Harmony's pro-
High Summary pic star. The boys are very en- up to the j500 mark by eking out During Lead 11-2, At Half
the first half, the game
Those Glenvillites who saw last
teges ran wild in the third period, G. E. thusiastic over their new instructor. a 6-0 victory over Lincoln and year's battle between the two schools
Yds. from scrimmage The squad now consists of 20 mem- was very slow, both teams missing may remember a certain Jerry Fisher
scoring three touchdowns and an 80 525 now has two games won and lost.
extra point. Siebert made his first Passes attempted 5 2 bers, half of whom are veterans from The other League tussle of last easy shots from the floor. who bewildered the Parkwooders with
score by carrying the ball over from Passes completed 2 0 last year's team. From these boys, week saw the scrappy Central The squad leaders had very little his long dashes and almost gained a
the six-yard line. Artale failed to Passes intercepted 0 2 seven regulars and three substitutes team drub West Tech, 20-7. Tech chance to shoot, the ball being under victory for the Presidents single-
plunge through for the extra mark- Yds. gained on passes 30 0 will be picked to represent the Park- has yet to win a game. The handed. He has been graduated, but
First downs 4 28 wooders at the annual cross-country standings^ follow. the basket most of the time. Gar- Curry is doing a good job of filling
Shannon Intercepts Pass Fumbles 0 4 meet, to be held November 8, over son, center for the losers, shot his in for the former Adams flash. This
W. L. Pet.
East tallied again when Shannon Yds. lost on fumbles 0 25 a course yet to be selected. team's only basket in the first half boy's performances thus f a r mark
East Tech 3 0 1.000
intercepted a pass and ran 40 yards Punts 8 4 The team has lost several good East him as a possible all-Senate choice.
3 0 1.000 to make the score 11-2 in favor of
through the Glenville team. Tanski Average punt (yds.) 43 34 men because of an age rule which He is a clever runner in the open
West 3 0 1.000 the Scribes at the close of the
failed to convert. The East High Penalties (yds.) 30 20 prevents boys under 16 from compet- Central field and an exceptional passer. Doty,
2 1 .667 second stanza.
line opened a gap big enough for Time outs 5 3 ing. However, the squad still looks John Adams another man with experience, is sure
2 2 .500
a truck to pass through, shortly be- strong and should give a good ac- Five new men were substituted for to be troublesome.
Glenville 1 2 .333
fore the close of the quarter, so and McGinnis were the main threats count of itself. The probable starters South the Torch team with the opening of For reserve material the Prexys
1 3 .250
that Siebert could register his sec- of the Centralites, scoring six and will be Captain Vargo, Dallow, Sego, Lincoln the second half. George Goldenberg, have Everett, Adams, Bobick and
0 3 .000
ond touchdown. A pass, Tomb to 14 points respectively. Ginsberg, Segal, Mazer and Tertlit- West Tech who played varsity ball last season, Bollerbey besides a host of willing,
0 4 .000
Artale, accounted for the extra zky. led the Scribes' attack, scoring three hustling sophs who can give a good
Brilliant line plunges and end runs
point. markers and playing a bang-up game account of themselves if called upon.
by Noble, West quarterback, were
at center.
The final period was dull, the the highlights of the game as West
winners toying with the Glenville defeated South, 13-0. South took to Champs Of Respective Leagues Play Presser Stars Tar-Blood Faculty Bowlers
team until Mancini, a sub halfback, the air at the end of the first half High Point honors for the fray
Engage Audubon Pinmen
plunged over from the two-yard line and shortly before the game ended
for East's last score. but attempts to score were stopped
Games In Home Room Cage Tourney went to Milt Presser, a star guard,
who scored eight tallies in the last
In one of the leading encounters of
by the gun. half. Outstanding among the other
Bate, Tronstein Shine the second half after being held the Teachers' Bowling League, Glen-
The play of Artale and Shannon Collinwood Beats Shaw Quintet From 100 Takes On scoreless in the first, the quintet Torch cagers who broke into the ville's faculty pinmen will engage
Collinwood scored its first win this line-up were Irwin Lager, Howard Audubon, Monday, November 3, at
in the Decker avenue school's back- 119 While Basketeers Of from 117 nosed them out by a score
Rose and Joe Friedman. Garson the Euclid - Thirteenth
field and Tanski, Englander and season when it defeated Shaw, 12-0. of 18-15. The cagers of 117 were Recreation
The Railroaders were aided greatly 101 Engage 223 and Leff were best for the losers. Rooms. The Tar-Blooders have been
Nardi, in its line, helped greatly leading at the opening of the second
towards the victory. Art Tronstein, by Shaw fumbles and fine passwork. stanza, 12-0, when an avalanche of quite successful so f a r and they will
Winners in the first four leagues
although he wasn't at home at Bob Iafelice, Werner and Spafford starred baskets put the room 9 basketeers play hard to add another win to their
Lang's end position, Wein, Bate and for the Five-Pointers. of the Intra-mural Basketball Tourna-
ahead by one point. All-Soph Grid T e a m string of victories.
Hoehnen were best for Glenville. In other games, Cathedral Latin ment met last week for the right to The Audubon bowlers are rated as
Bate's punts averaged well over gained the lead in the Catholic participate in the Late Goal Saves Tilt N o w Being Trained good as the Parkwooders and a stiff
40 yards. league by defeating Holy Name, 7-0, semi-finals. Frank, 117 guard, dribbled the
battle is expected. Although the
and John Adams beat Lincoln, 7-0. The first game length of the floor near the end of
Saturday the locals meet John Two Former Players, Krapohl, Audubon pinmen did not make a
Adams, an eleven that will not be an was scheduled with the last quarter to sink a close-up Grossberg Coach Soph- satisfactory impression when the
overwhelming favorite as East was room 100 meeting shot from under the basket and cinch locals defeated them last year, they
and will not have the heavy line East Girls' Gym Classes 119, champs o f the tilt for the Bahnermen. Gar- omore Footballers have improved greatly and show
had. The newspapermen rate Adams leagues one a n d son, Eisner, Frank and Friedland promise of finishing f a r up in the
on a par with the locals, so a fairly Learn Dance Steps two, respectively, each made four points for the win- It was exactly five years ago that standings this season. One of the
even battle is expected to ensue. while the second ners while Simon and Zelnian carried Glenville had a real all-sophomore Audubon players, Hill, is considered
Summary Advanced Leaders Assist In f r a y of the evening the brunt of the attack for the los- football team that amounted to some- one of the best bowlers in the league.
East High39 Glenville0 Daily Classes; Hockey brought together 223 ers. thinga team that was formed in
The entire Red and Black team,
and 101, leaders in Both of the games scheduled for the sophomore year and played to-
Englander LJS Tronstein Tournament Nears composed of J. C. Chapin, captain,
Fiebig -..JUT Silverstein the third and fourth Thursday, October 23, were forfeits, gether for the next two years. By J. E. Bahner, R. G. Johnson, E. W.
Hylinski XG....L Grossberg "Topsy," the "Trio" and the "News- divisions. room 115 and 221C winning their re- the time these boys were seniors, they Oliver and W. A. Gray, is ready for
were molded into a great team, not a
Storey C. Schuman boy" are among the clog dances be- In the first game listed for Mon- spective contests. championship team, but one that won
the tussle and is expecting favorable
Nardi R.G Rivkin ing taught in the girls' gym classes day, October 20, home room 100 results.
a majority of the games it played.
Seville R.T Green along with the regular routine work. trounced room 2 by a score of 35-2 Posture Stressed In Gym Work On that team were Herb White,
The girls report to their classes to become the second round winners
Commodore Beauty Shoppe
Tanski RE Solomon Bernie Brickman, the Aaron brothers,
Tomb -Q Bate twice each week, one period being of the first group. Friedland and According to R. G. Johnson, gym Tommie Whalen and a host of other
Artale LJL Wein devoted to the ordinary gymnastics, Nobel led 100*8 attack, the former stars. Come in and ask us about the
Siebert R.H Greenberg tumbling and pryamid building, the scoring 12 points and his teammate instructor, posture will be stressed as
This year Coach E. W. Oliver is at- special prices for school girls
Shannon F Hoehnen other to clogging and English country making one marker less. Fingeroff, an important item in gym classes
captain of the losing team, made two tempting to do the same thing. He
East High 7 7 19 039 dances. this semester. For the past two 850 Eddy Rd. GLen. 2911
is taking a number of sophomore
Glenville..., 0 0 0 00 Forward and backward rolls, head- fouls to make his room's only points. terms, the boys have been tested in
boys and has put them under the
Touchdowns: Artale, Tomb, Sie- stands and rope climbing are among WeiBS Leads 119 To Victory this phase of their gym work, and tutelage of Sanford Grossberg and
bert (2), Shannon, Mancini. the exercises practiced in the first Weiss of room 119 amassed a total this fact has resulted in marked im- Bill Krapohl, two of last year's var- Neighborhood Dry Cleaning
Points after touchdown: Artale period. These minor sttmts are of 17 markers to help him team lace
(2), Tanski. merely preliminaries for the more ad- provement, as can well be noticed sity team. Grossberg, a former star And Tailoring
118, 32-19, in the second tilt of the about the school. lineman, is taking the line in hand 1071 Parkwood Drive cor. Primrose
SubstitutionsEast: Fatica for vanced work to be taken up later. evening. The only bright spot in the and is teaching them the fundament- We do dry cleaning, remodeling,
Fiebig, Valerian for Siebert, Bendo- Real pyramid building will be demon- defeat was Milcoff's scoring nine The co-operative interest shown to als of the game. Krapohl coaches relining of Ladies' and Gents'
kus for Storey, Levy for Seville, Man- strated soon by the squads. These Garments
points for 118 in the last minute our instructor, Mr. Johnson, in re- the backs and is trying to develop a
cini for Valerian. squads have been grouped in ac- Res. 1015 Parkwood Drive.
of play. This victory made 119 cent gym practice, has demonstrated good kicker and passer.
Glenville: Neffinger for Green, cordance to individual scoring on the champions of group two.
Leihenseder for Greenberg, Baker for Motor Ability Tests which were givefl the willingness of the majority to This is a good policy because
On Wednesday, October 22, room profit by these worthwhile exercises. while the sophs are learning, they
Rivkin, Weinberger for Tronstein,
Chizek for Schuman, Rush for Wein,
at the
given up to 222 defeated room 11 in a rough and For those not attending gym clas- will also be scrimmaging against Rosy-Posy Tea Room
10616 Euclid Ave.
Gregory for Neffinger, Assad for rhythmical study. "Topsy" and tumble game, 19-12. Katz and Ho- ses, a special description of exer- other first year teams of other 75c Luncheon and Suppers
Grossberg. Newsboy" are two of the novel mar led the scoring of the winners cises to be used in the connection schools. Card or Tea Leaf Reading Free
RefereeTyler (Western Reserve) clog steps on the program. The ob- while Weingart and Sternberg starred Practice started Thursday, October Open from 10:00 a. m. to 7:00
of posture, will be placed on the gym 23, and will last until the end of the p. m.
Head LinesmanRichards (Ohio ject of these dances is to develop on the offense for room 11.
Although room 9 staged a rally in bulletin board. season. GArfield 8084
Wesleyan) rhythm and afford recreation.
Page 2 ___ Glenville Torch October 2, 1930
Would-be Photographers
Guards Assume Duties Director Of Drama Classes
Makes Plans For Semester Math Puzzle Study Film Developments
A poor man about to cross a
For Rest Of Semester Glenville's dramatic classes, under
the supervision of Eugene C. Davis,
bridge met a gypsy who said, "I'll
double your money everytime you
Various methods of developing pic-
tures were explained at the last
have decided to take the name of cross, but you must pay me forty meeting of the Camera Club. Nathan
New O. D.'s Will Act As "Glenville High School Players." cents a f t e r each crossing." Shafran and Harry Linetzky demon-
Guides To Visitors, Pupils This group will soon put on "Sta The poor man accepted, crossed strated the process.
tion YYYY" for which no admission three times, each time having his This demonstration was f o r the
Who Seek Their Help benefit of the students who have just
will be charged. In January Mr. money doubled and each time pay-
Western Reserve University claims of the freshman class. Marjory Davis plans to present "Happy-Go- ing forty cents. After the third joined the club. The membership has
most of the class of '30, including Apple, '30, who won a scholarship to New O. D.'s and members of the been almost doubled in the past few
Lucky," an English comedy in three trip he made just enough to pay
Donald Bendis, Leonard Lewin, that school is using it and makes Host and Hostess Club have begun weeks. The program f o r this term
acts. This play is adopted from Ian the forty cents. How much had
David Eisner, Emanuel Schahet, El- good grades. their work f o r this semester. The includes a general study of all types
Hay's novel of the same name. It he at first ?
liot Tempkin who has made the de- O. D.'s serve as guides in the halls of camera and photography work.
Make Phi Beta Kappa Grades ran for two years in London and for Send all answers to Lester L.
bating squad, Lewis Soloway who for any stranger or any student who
Sanford Sherman, class of '29, a considerable time in New York. Cohen, home room 221A. Pictures of the football team shown
is on the freshman football team, needs help in finding his way around
who is a sophomore at Adelbert Col- the building. Hosts and hostesses This play concerns the love af- in the Camera Club show-case last
Charles Goodman, Wilbur Mosko- Those who sent correct answers
lege is making Phi Beta Kappa will act as guards in the lunch room. fairs of Tilly, the daughter of a week were taken by William Porter.
witz who is a member of the Glee to the "mail box" puzzle are
grades. poor English family residing in the They were developed by Nathan
Club, band and business board of Miss Matilda C. Buschman is in Harold Arsham, 221B and Paul
Bloomsbury section of London, and Shafran, president of the club.
the Reserve Red Cat, Albert Eisen- Saul Goldstein, class of '30, is now charge of the O. D.'s. The Student Melnick, 221C. The correct answer
Richard, the son of an exceedingly
berg, Nathan Wallack former editor studying at Cleveland College to- Council representative who heads the was that there are 25 different
wealthy family living in an aristo-
of the Torch and Alfred Fromhold gether with Jack Samuels, a class- guards is Herbert Guttentag. cratic section of the same city. methods of mailing the two let-
who received a medal for taking mate. The newly-appointed guards for ters.
i d deal J or QJcliool !
fourth place in the Virgil contest. Morris Meschan and David Rein, the first period are Margaret Scott, Sidney Michalovitz, Herschel Cohen,
Four more from the group of '30 who were graduated in '26 are taking captain, Jack Liebling, Marian Sing- P. T. A. Will Have Clothing Drive
are attending Case School of Ap- post graduate work at Wisconsin er, Jack Berger, Lydia Landin, Helen
Roland Schreffler and Nathan Gold-
berg. 0uth'$
plied Science. They are Philip Bor- State University. Greenhut and Charlotte Berger. Guard During Last Hour Old clothes, which girls and boys SHOE STORE
kat, Charles Tripp, Thomas Field Paul Bixler '18, is now teaching For the second period, they are of school age have no use f o r will
Those who guard the ninth period Home for Good Shoes
and Sidney Epstein. The latter has English at Adelbert College. After Bernard Silverstein, captain, Adolph be collected by the Parent Teachers'
are Lester Cohen, captain, Bob Ab- 12423 Arlington Ave. GLen. 363.2
been pledged to Pi Sigma Phi, a receiving his A. B. degree at Ham- Kravitz, Annie Robinson, Goldie Rob- Association. The clothing campaign
ramson, Sidney Roth, Herschel
social fraternity. George Segal '28 | ilton College, Mr. Bixler went to inson, Louis Chizek, Leonard Berk- is planned for the purpose of giving
Cohen, Gwendolyn Sherman and Ray
is a member of the editorial board i Harvard University where he re- man and Reuben Pynhasick. clothes to all pupils who do not
Iceived his M. A. degree. Having Rosenberg.
of the Case Tech. Third period guards are Wilfred have enough to wear to school. For Your Halloween Party
taught at Ohio Wesleyan University Members of the Host and Host-
Oscar Turner Makes Track Team Vargo, captain, Herschel Cohen, Sey- remember
ess Club serve as lunchroom guards The next meeting of this associa-
Oscar Turner, class of '27, has for some time, he transfered his mour Treitelman, Paul Theile, Paul duripg the fourth, f i f t h and sixth tion will be held at the school, Thurs-
made the track team at Ohio Uni- services to Western Reserve Uni-
versity and expects to run in the versity, where he has been an in-
Ginsberg and Leo Gage.
Lester Cohen Is Captain
periods. Their aim is to have the
room cleaner and quieter. They are
day, November 13. My-T-Fine
Cincinnati home-coming meet. structor f o r the past two years.
Marvin Toll and Harold Frank both Harold Leopold and Lawrence Laz-
Those who serve fourth period are
Lestern Cohen, captain, Dorothy
in charge of keeping the lunch line
in order. For the first lunch hour,
Fried Cake Co.
members of the school band last arus, class of June '30, are enrolled
term are now in the University con- in the school of art at Ohio Uni- Yellen, Margaret Scott, Jack Fine- they are Herbert Guttentag, Florence
St. John, Irving Schnabel, Edward
J. R. Holcomb 11432 Superior 12305 Superior

cert band at Ohio State. Maurice versity. berg, Royce Warwick and Sidney Wholesale School Supplies Phone CEdar 3407
Newspaper interested Jo- Schultz and Phil Leff.
Goldstein of the same class is there seph White, class of '28, who is at- Roth.
O. D.'s for the f i f t h period are The f i f t h period lunchroom guards 1518 St. Clair Ave. MAin 3732-33 Everything in do-nuts and the
also. tending the school of journalism at
Paul Melnick, captain, Matthew are Elroy Kirchner, Florence St. Cleveland, Ohio best of sweet cider
At the School of Education, Isabel the same university. John and Sanford Greenberg.
Ellsworth, '30 was elected secretary Grossman, Constance Linden, Jack
Fisher Body Craftsman's Guild of Those who are on duty the last
Berger, Bob Abramson and Paul
the Fisher Body Corporation is hold- lunch period are Herbert Guttentag,
Ginsberg. Halloween Cake Specials
ing a contest for boys.
To Preseni Illustrated Every boy from the age of 12 to
19 inclusive is eligible to participate.
Guards who are on duty during
the sixth period are Earl Simon,
Ruth Scott and Leonard Rosenberg.
2 for 5c
captain, Dorothy Yellen, Gwendolyn
Lectures i Allen Hall Awards will be given on the basis of
the boys' craftsmanship in making a
Sherman, Charlotte Berger, Harold
Fleigel and Sheldon Hendershott.
Masquerade Costumes for all oc-
casions for rentor for sale
N. W. Kritzer Bakery
946 E. 123rd street
model of the Napoleonic coaches.
"Reduction of Armaments" will be O. D.'s of the seventh period are Superior Costume Shoppe
The contest is divided into two
the subject of the first of the series Sylvia Lynn, captain, Albert Levin, 8600 Superior GArfield 5970
groups, seniors from the age of 16 Phone CEdar 1145
of McBride Lectures, to be held in Wilbur Dorfman, Edwin Bach, Wil- Hours 8:30 a. m. to 8:30 p. m.
to 19, and juniors from 12 to 15. For Appointment
the auditorium of the Allen Memorial fred Vargo and Harold Koren.
The jury, headed by Daniel Carter
Library, 2009 Adelbert Road, op- Eighth period O. D.'s are Bob
Beard, president of the Guild, will A. H t ^ a n , <. 0 .
posite Wade Park on Monday, Oc- Abramson, captain, Paul Melnick,
judge the models and present awards.
tober 27, at 8:15 p. m. Miss Jose- A Classical Foundation with a OPTOMETRIST
Boys who wish to join should go to
phine Schain, chairman for the Dep- Modern Twang.
the General Motor Dealers to enroll. 11010 Superior Avenue
utation of Women to the London
Naval Conference, is to be the Two four year university scholar- GROVER'S
speaker. ships will be presented to the senior
Key and Lock Shop Howard Moran
winners and two four year university Violin
An illustrated lecture is to be scholarships to the junior winners.
held on Wednesday, November 5, by In addition, there are 96 state
Miss Claire Leighton, illustrator of awards.
Auto Keys Made By Number And
Locks Repaired By Experts
John H. Currier Abrains Hardware Co.
1027 E. 105th St. Hey! men
CEdar 6933 2044% E. 105th St.
the works of Thomas Hardy. The Piano and Harmony
We specialize in general repairs
talk is called "Thomas Hardy's
Sam Pattie
of all kinds. Good plumbers can The new Fall
Glenville College of Music
Country, by His Illustrator." be furnished with quick service,
Dr. Arthur J. Cramp, director of SONNHALTER'S ClarinetSaxophone
catering to small repairs as well
as large. HART
the Bureau of Investigation f o r the Classical and Popular Music In- Restaurants Also expert electricians are al-
American Medical Association, will structions
be the guest speaker on Wednesday, taught.
on all Instruments. Pro-
gressive Series of Piano lessons 10610 St. Clair Ave.
Harold Copelin ways on hand. Call us for good
quick service. SCHAFFNER
EDdy 7704 BanjoGuitar
November 12, at 8:15 p. m. The 10403 St. Clair .. 11938 Lorain 1116 Chester 5505 Euclid For Good Hardware Call & MARX
subject of his talk is "Pink Pills for
Pale People."
Ted Larson EDdy 6321 We Deliver
Varsity Suits
Instrument Service
On Monday, NovemDer 17, the
director of the Missouri Botanical
This Coupon is good for 10c as
For light lunches and con-
Moderate Fees with
part payment on a 25c or 35c
Garden, Dr. George T. Moore, is to game of 18 holes at the fectionery go to Eddy Rd. Dry Cleaning Co. Two Trousers
New St. Clair-106th Golf Links
give an illustrated lecture on "Mor- 852 Eddy Road
ality in Plants." CHAZANOW'S Fur coats remodeled, cleaned and are only
The above lectures are secured
through the McBride Lecture Fund
by Western Reserve University and
Not redeniable after Nov. 7, 1930 805 E. 105 street. Cor. Englewood
2029 E. 102nd St. GAr. 3955
glazed. Clothes cleaned and
pressed for the whole family
A trial will convince you
GLenville 4774
they are open to the public.
They're real
Correct Dry Cleaning Company values
Arlington Beauty Men's Suits Cleaned and Pressed Correctly For $1.00 Superior-East 110th St. Golf Course
804 East 105th Street. EDdy 6236 10926 Superior Avenue
Shoppe "We Clean Garments To Perfection" Cleveland's most
magnificent indoor course.
tricky and interesting
18 holes fascinating,
12405 Arlington Ave. STUDENT O F F E R : This coupon is worth 10c afternoon or evening
GLen. 8899 (not listed in phone
Our Combination Specials
Shampoo and Finger Wave .50c
Shampoo and Marcel .75c The Newman Studio Ardell Sweet Shoppe
Private or Class All Branches. Students Prepared f o r
Teaching, Concert, Symphony, Theater,
Permanent Waving $4.00, $5.00 Classical or Popular,
and $6.50 Dance, Radio. 10014 Euclid Ave. CEdar
Photographers 6393. Opposite
Opposite Bailey's East End
End Store.

A full line of Halloween School Founded 1912 H "393. Bailey's East
Free??? Special Price T o Students candies and supplies SCHOOL OF MUSIC
ASK US ABOUT IT 12428 Arlington Ave.
-*- --- -*-

xixiyiyiixi/ixiynxixixiy.ixiyixtxixixixiyjxwxixixi; Telephone: MAin 2333 1706 Euclid Avenue

The James White Motor Service Company
Any Automobile Operation Performed
10312 Wilbur Ave. Cor. E. 105 1 Block South of Carnegie
Rear of Shell Station CEdar 5508

Instruments of
Merit and Quality
Everything for your TWO TROUSER PREP SUITS $*9.8i$ HP
Band and Orchestra
Virgil J. T e r r e l l
P R E P O V E R C O A T S $19.85

Twenty-seven years a lawyer
Twelve years' service as judge D U N L A P J R . PREP HATS $5

H . N . W h i t e
5225 Superior Ave.
C o . Judicial record ' endorsed by
Cleveland Bar Association.
Cuyahoga Bar Association.
Cleveland, Ohio VIRGIL J. TERRELL
S u c l i J a l Q t n l l i

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