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463561Teaching SociologyBook Review


Book Review
Teaching Sociology
41(1) 121127
American Sociological Association 2013

Fred Pyrczak and Randall R. Bruce

Writing Empirical Research Reports: A Basic Guide for
Students of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. 7th ed.
Glendale, CA: Pyrczak Publishing, 2011. 162 pp.
$44.50 (paperback). ISBN-10: 1884585973 | ISBN-
13: 978-1884585975

Jose L. Galvan
Writing Literature Reviews: A Guide for Students of the
Social and Behavioral Sciences. 4th ed. Glendale, CA: examples, and exercises, how to complete the
Pyrczak Publishing, 2009. 170 pp. $49.95. ISBN-10: named task. Pyrczak Publishing has maintained
1884585868 | ISBN-13: 978-1884585869 this format throughout each text, making each of
them a valuable resource for those reentering the
Reviewed by: Pamela Pitman Brown, University of academic climate after years of absence or those
Central Missouri, USA who are new to the academy, including instructors.
DOI: 10.1177/0092055X12463561 Additionally, Writing Empirical Research Reports
(seventh edition) includes an answer key to assist
As more students return to college for their bach- the instructor with the discussion questions at the
elors and graduate degrees after time in the pri- end of each chapter.
vate sector, one of the largest challenges they face Writing Empirical Research Reports is broken
is updating their writing styles and skills. As a down into 15 chapters, which is useful during a
nontraditional graduate student, I was introduced semester-long course. Chapter 1 provides an intro-
to the resources provided by Pyrczak Publishing in duction to the essential elements of a research
the mid-2000s. The fifth edition of Writing Empir- report, setting the stage for the remainder of the
ical Research Reports (2005) impressed me and text. Chapters 2 and 3 cover the often difficult task
provided a wonderful review of research-based of writing a simple research hypothesis. The
paper guidelines. Additionally, my more tradi- authors have broken this task into guidelines that
tional-aged colleagues benefited from the helpful address each element necessary for writing this
guide and introduction to writing of empirical type of hypothesis. The use of the terms independ-
research reports provided by the text. Because of ent variable, dependent variable, and predicted
these positive experiences, I was happy to review relationship are covered in the first three guide-
the seventh edition of Writing Empirical Research lines. Often writing the most basic or simple
Reports and the fourth edition of Writing Litera- hypothesis is difficult as students are often unsure
ture Reviews. as to what components should and should not be
Writing Empirical Research Reports (seventh included within one. Pyrczak and Bruce break the
edition) and Writing Literature Reviews (fourth step into manageable and understandable terms,
edition) are highly structured, well-written texts include examples, and offer improved examples as
that carry the student through the complete process well.
of writing a research article and a literature review, Chapter 4 speaks to writing the research objec-
respectively. The formatting remains unchanged tives or purposes and research questions. The
across the editions, with each chapter addressing concept of qualitative research questions and
one particular task or component of the writing objectives are discussed within this chapter as an
process. The chapter then details, using guidelines, alternative to writing a simple research hypothesis.

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122 Teaching Sociology 41(1)

Throughout the text, Pyrczak and Bruce point out example. Both the examples and the improved
the subtle differences between qualitative and version examples are highly advantageous when
quantitative research writing. This allows the text teaching students how to identify an adherence to
to be used not only for those who are writing the research report guidelines, particularly under-
research reports that are based on quantitative graduate students who may have never read an
methodology, but also qualitative research. Addi- empirical report, much less written one.
tionally, Pyrczak and Bruce focus solely on writing Moreover, graduate students can benefit from
reports of qualitative research within chapter 14. the examples to remind them of the correct or more
For those normally writing quantitative reports/ scholarly attributes of their writing. In my teach-
articles, this later chapter both alerts and assists in ing, I have often found that graduate students,
the differences in writing style and terminology. while knowing the proper procedure, may be rush-
Titles are another nail-biting issue for many ing to complete a paper in a timely manner and not
students. Chapter five, Writing Titles, makes the pay attention to the details of the report. The texts
process much less painful by presenting what a examples have the ability to highlight their weak-
title should and should not include. For example, a nesses and assist them in corrections prior to sub-
title should not be a complete sentence (p. 35) and mission, whether to a professor, a conference, or a
a title should indicate the findings of the study publication. As a professor, I continue to use the
(p. 37). One guideline states that the title should text with my own work, particularly when trying to
not be clever (p. 42), which for many students is meet publication or conference deadlines, to make
difficult to comprehend when they see others using sure that my writing is more academic in nature.
catchy or cute titles for their presentations or My favorite chapter within Writing Empirical
articles. Research Reports is chapter 13, Writing Abstracts.
When reviewing the remainder of the chapter For an academic who must write abstracts for con-
titles one can see how simply the authors have ference presentations and journal articles, this would
constructed each element or task in the research be a wonderful addition to their toolbox. Through-
report writing process. The chapters titles high- out my academic career, I have never once had
light the task at hand and focus on writing the instruction on how to actually produce or write an
various sections of the research paper (introduction abstract. It appeared to me that abstract writing was
and literature review [Chapter 6], definitions something of an art. But Pyrczak and Bruce have
[Chapter 7], methods [Chapter 9], analysis and succeeded in moving it from an art to an almost fill-
results [Chapter 11], discussion [Chapter 12]). The in-the-blank concept with 12 guidelines. Numerous
breakdown of each research report section allows conferences are now insisting that abstracts contain
the student to focus on the current application and findings or face rejection. The authors address how
not be overwhelmed with the complete process or to write not only the findings within the abstract but
expected outcome. how to summarize the methodology, the theoretical
Additionally, Pyrczak and Bruce include undercurrents, and the uniqueness of the study. This
improvements in the examples when necessary, chapter is worth the purchase price of the text
showing where a guideline was not followed and for those who struggle to complete a satisfactory
how the sentence could be restructured in order to abstract.
follow them. For example, in chapter eight the Often when reviewing or using a continued edi-
guideline says, When stating an assumption, con- tion, limited changes are noted within the review.
sider providing the reason(s) why it was necessary Such is not the case with Writing Empirical
to make the assumption (p. 73). The example Research Reports (seventh edition). Each subse-
shown is it was assumed that the cheerfulness quent edition includes more contemporary research
scale was valid (p. 73). But the authors then issue examples. Additionally, the seventh edition incor-
an improved version of the example, highlighting porated the latest changes of the Publication Man-
the fact that no reason was given as to why the ual of the American Psychological Association
assumption was necessary and including the miss- (American Psychological Association, 2009). This
ing portion of the guideline within the improved is most useful as well when teaching students who

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122 Teaching Sociology 41(1)

Throughout the text, Pyrczak and Bruce point out example. Both the examples and the improved
the subtle differences between qualitative and version examples are highly advantageous when
quantitative research writing. This allows the text teaching students how to identify an adherence to
to be used not only for those who are writing the research report guidelines, particularly under-
research reports that are based on quantitative graduate students who may have never read an
methodology, but also qualitative research. Addi- empirical report, much less written one.
tionally, Pyrczak and Bruce focus solely on writing Moreover, graduate students can benefit from
reports of qualitative research within chapter 14. the examples to remind them of the correct or more
For those normally writing quantitative reports/ scholarly attributes of their writing. In my teach-
articles, this later chapter both alerts and assists in ing, I have often found that graduate students,
the differences in writing style and terminology. while knowing the proper procedure, may be rush-
Titles are another nail-biting issue for many ing to complete a paper in a timely manner and not
students. Chapter five, Writing Titles, makes the pay attention to the details of the report. The texts
process much less painful by presenting what a examples have the ability to highlight their weak-
title should and should not include. For example, a nesses and assist them in corrections prior to sub-
title should not be a complete sentence (p. 35) and mission, whether to a professor, a conference, or a
a title should indicate the findings of the study publication. As a professor, I continue to use the
(p. 37). One guideline states that the title should text with my own work, particularly when trying to
not be clever (p. 42), which for many students is meet publication or conference deadlines, to make
difficult to comprehend when they see others using sure that my writing is more academic in nature.
catchy or cute titles for their presentations or My favorite chapter within Writing Empirical
articles. Research Reports is chapter 13, Writing Abstracts.
When reviewing the remainder of the chapter For an academic who must write abstracts for con-
titles one can see how simply the authors have ference presentations and journal articles, this would
constructed each element or task in the research be a wonderful addition to their toolbox. Through-
report writing process. The chapters titles high- out my academic career, I have never once had
light the task at hand and focus on writing the instruction on how to actually produce or write an
various sections of the research paper (introduction abstract. It appeared to me that abstract writing was
and literature review [Chapter 6], definitions something of an art. But Pyrczak and Bruce have
[Chapter 7], methods [Chapter 9], analysis and succeeded in moving it from an art to an almost fill-
results [Chapter 11], discussion [Chapter 12]). The in-the-blank concept with 12 guidelines. Numerous
breakdown of each research report section allows conferences are now insisting that abstracts contain
the student to focus on the current application and findings or face rejection. The authors address how
not be overwhelmed with the complete process or to write not only the findings within the abstract but
expected outcome. how to summarize the methodology, the theoretical
Additionally, Pyrczak and Bruce include undercurrents, and the uniqueness of the study. This
improvements in the examples when necessary, chapter is worth the purchase price of the text
showing where a guideline was not followed and for those who struggle to complete a satisfactory
how the sentence could be restructured in order to abstract.
follow them. For example, in chapter eight the Often when reviewing or using a continued edi-
guideline says, When stating an assumption, con- tion, limited changes are noted within the review.
sider providing the reason(s) why it was necessary Such is not the case with Writing Empirical
to make the assumption (p. 73). The example Research Reports (seventh edition). Each subse-
shown is it was assumed that the cheerfulness quent edition includes more contemporary research
scale was valid (p. 73). But the authors then issue examples. Additionally, the seventh edition incor-
an improved version of the example, highlighting porated the latest changes of the Publication Man-
the fact that no reason was given as to why the ual of the American Psychological Association
assumption was necessary and including the miss- (American Psychological Association, 2009). This
ing portion of the guideline within the improved is most useful as well when teaching students who

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Book Review 123

may not be familiar with the 2010 APA style confound both readers and reviewers of research
changes or those who are writing across numerous articles. This section of the text may confuse
disciplinary genres. lower-level undergraduates, causing them to pose
Pyrczak and Bruce note that the text is useful the question Why do research if there are always
for both undergraduate and graduate students, par- issues? It is because of the level of attention to
ticularly graduate students who are in the process detail Galvan uses, that would direct me away
of writing theses or dissertations. To further this from using the first five pages of the text with this
assistance, Pyrczak and Bruce intersperse pointers group of students. I would be inclined to move
for these graduate students throughout the text. these five pages to the end of the first chapter or
There is only one suggestion that I have to the even address them as a separate section prior to
authors of Writing Empirical Research Reports chapter five, Analyzing Qualitative Research Lit-
(seventh edition) and to professors/instructors con- erature. However, when using the text with upper-
sidering using the text. In the introduction section level undergraduate or graduate students I would
of the text, the authors suggest using Appendix leave the pages in order as it should simply be a
B as the place to begin. The article, Thinking review or reminder to them on research methodo-
Straight and Writing That Way, presents an over- logical issues.
view of the five fundamental principles toward Chapter two is quite short (four pages) but
effectively composing a research report. If the addresses the specific purposes in which a litera-
authors believe this article should be first in the ture review would be used. Galvan notes the three
presentation of material, I recommend relocating it reasons as a class term paper, a research article,
to the front of the text as the first chapter. and a thesis or dissertation. He notes within each
An accompanying text is Jose Galvans Writing reason how to utilize the timeframe available to
Literature Reviews (fourth edition), which could work within, such as a class term paper where you
be considered an expansion of Writing Empirical are only allotted the semester to complete the task.
Research Reportss chapter six. Additionally, the He offers a timeline for a 15-week semester (p.
text follows the familiar style and organization, 12), breaking the tasks into four stages, from the
using guidelines, examples, and activities, which beginning library search to the final draft. This is
assist the writer through the process of completing most helpful for professors as well as students
the academic literature review. when constructing deadlines for class papers. I
Galvan uses the first chapter to familiarize the have used this timeline within various courses and
reader with the terminology of literature reviews, have been able to modify it for 8- to10-week sprint
including the types of writings found in journal classes quite easily.
articles and explaining what constitutes primary or My favorite chapter within Writing Literature
secondary sources. He goes on to further describe Reviews (fourth edition) is chapter five, Selecting
what primary sources may consist of within a social a Topic & Identifying Literature for Review.
or behavioral sciences, noting that all journal arti- Numerous times, I have heard graduate students
cles are not original research but may be theoretical state that they cannot choose a topic or they cannot
proposals or critiques, literature review articles syn- narrow a topic into a specific path. This chapter
thesizing works, anecdotal reports based on per- walks the reader through this tedious and challeng-
sonal experiences, or professional practices and ing process in 14 steps. Of particular importance is
standard reports. Often as professors, we fail to give the use of the Educational Resource Information
our students this information, particularly toward Center (ERIC) database, highlighting the impor-
upper-level undergraduates or beginning graduate tance of using a disciplined-focus database such as
students. Many students will never attempt to pub- PsychoINFO or Sociological Abstracts. Galvan
lish an excellent class paper simply because they are leads the reader through the concepts of academic
unaware of the various types of articles contained databases by including a how-to guide for nov-
within academic journals. ices (p. 18). This step-by-step guide is a bonus for
Additionally, within the first chapter Galvan readers who have never had a library course on
breaks down the three major issues that may locating resources. Additionally, a sample list is

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124 Teaching Sociology 41(1)

included of discipline-specific library databases Additionally, chapter 11 leads the reader through
(pp. 22-23). the process of checking writing style, language
Chapters four through six walk the student usage, and the mechanics of writing, including the
through choosing the appropriate literature and technical aspects of grammar rules, punctuation,
quantitative/qualitative research for the selected and spelling.
topic. Galvan inserts the concept of using note Of major importance within chapter 11 is Gal-
cards while reading articles to make it easier for vans section on plagiarism. While all professors
categorization and grouping of topics/subtopics. and universities usually address plagiarism in their
Additionally he suggests using note cards for defi- syllabi or on the university Web site, most of us do
nitions, important points of the article, quotes, and not address the topic in class. This can lead to egre-
key statistics, as well as methodological strengths gious violations of academic protocol. By Galvan
and weaknesses. For those of us old-school including this section within the text, it allows pro-
types this makes sense. But for the current tradi- fessors to then address this topic from a nonaccusa-
tional-aged students, the concepts of using note- tory standpoint of covering the text material and not
cards and not computer-generated spreadsheets from an adversarial position at a later date when a
may appear to be an old and outdated notion. I still student has committed a violation. Personally, I
suggest to students that they should use notecards, would move chapter 11 ahead of chapters 9 and 10
particularly when writing lengthy papers. when using this textbook so that this section is cov-
Chapter 7 consists of 10 guidelines in building ered prior to the writing of the first draft.
literature summary tables. Galvan notes that you The last three chapters (12-14) are mainly con-
may want to include in your literature review one cerned with what happens after the feedback and
or more of the tables you build, which will also the submittal of the first draft, the final steps in the
help to provide an overview for the readers of your completion of the literature review. I applaud Gal-
review (p. 63). The most useful guidelines in this vans statement of what to do when you get back
chapter are 9 and 10. Galvan includes instructions your paper with feedback, put the manuscript
on how to use Microsoft Word to build and format aside for a period of time, thereby creating some
the table. distance from the manuscript and from your role as
Galvan uses chapter eight as more of a planning the writer (p. 107). No greater advice was ever
and synthesis module. He offers 12 guidelines to given to me during my years as a student, particu-
assist the reader on choosing their voice, creat- larly during the intense process of thesis or dis-
ing an outline, and organizing notes. He also sertation writing. Chapter 14 is actually a checklist
includes a sample outline (p. 73), which is to be to assist the reader, now a writer, in editing,
used to illustrate various points during the remain- redrafting, and overall refinement of the project.
der of chapter eight. At the end of the chapter, he An entirely new chapter to this edition of Writ-
clarifies what is meant by a more detailed outline, ing Literature Reviews is chapter 13, Preparing a
or in his words fleshed-out (p. 78). For readers Reference List. Reference lists can cause many
unfamiliar with the concept of outlining a literature students to go into panic mode for no apparent
review and constructing a detailed outline, this is a reason and I am very glad that Galvan has added
vital piece of information in assisting them in mov- this chapter. I would however address reference
ing toward the next step, writing a first draft. lists and compilation earlier within the text so as to
The writing of the first draft is addressed in alert the student to the careful construction of their
chapter 9 with chapter 10 assisting in the first notecards. Having surveyed where to relocate this
drafts refinement. These two chapters are critical information, I believe that it probably should be
to the success of the final paper. Students will often addressed either just after or during chapter 4,
write their first draft, turn it in to the professor, and along with the guidelines for analyzing literature
consider the project completed. By employing and the suggestion of notecard usage.
Galvans methods of refinement, the student will Supplemental material at the end of the text
be well on their way toward the completion of the contains eight literature review models, which can
project with the possibility of fewer revisions. be used for discussion or evaluation during the

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Book Review 125

course. Additionally, these literature review mod- while embracing the struggles and triumphs that
els are used during end-of-chapter activities for happen during the writing process. After reading
several chapters and have been updated with the this book, I view it as a student user manual that
addition of three new models. details different types of sociological writing, using
My bookshelves at home and at the university a variety of illustrations, so that students can learn
hold several texts from Pyrczak Publishing, includ- to write, and write well, in sociology.
ing previous editions of Writing Empirical Edwardss book is well written and clearly
Research Reports and Writing Literature Reviews. organized. It is easy to follow his progression from
I continuously find myself referencing them for brainstorming research ideas to writing up quanti-
classroom instruction, one-on-one conferences on tative and qualitative research. An organizational
term papers, and professional conference abstracts. feature that I find beneficial is that each chapter
After carefully reviewing the newer editions, I am can stand alone or the book can be read in its
incorporating each of them into a graduate profes- entirety. This can be useful for students who need
sional seminar this coming semester, continuing help in specific areas, such as strengthening their
the tradition set forth in my first graduate pro-sem. literature review or writing the results section of a
It is a fitting tribute to the longevity of the texts, to quantitative paper. They can simply locate the
their formatting, and to the texts ability to allay chapter they need to read or reference instead of
writing fears within students and even professors. having to sift through larger bodies of text. In addi-
tion, because Edwardss writing keeps a good pace
and is laced with a bit of humor, the book itself can
be read within a short amount of time; for example,
American Psychological Association. 2009. Publication
Manual of the American Psychological Association. a few hours here and there over a few days.
6th ed. Washington, DC: American Psychological Writing in Sociology is broken down into four
Association. primary sections: an overview of sociological writ-
ing, quantitative writing, qualitative writing, and
other types of writing objectives such as applied
research literature reviews. The first section, con-
Mark Edwards taining chapters one through five, gives students a
Writing in Sociology. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Pub- broad overview of writing in sociology from turn-
lications, Inc., 2012. 160 pp. $22.00 (paperback). ing research ideas into research questions, ground-
ISBN: 978-1-4129-1424-6. ing research in the published literature, to citing
sources. I am appreciative that Edwards starts out
Reviewed by: Kristen M. Budd, Indiana University his book with a short discussion of how personal
South Bend, USA the writing process can be and that, at times, it
DOI: 10.1177/0092055X12463560 takes courage to have someone else read and cri-
tique what we write. This especially holds true for
Learning how to write using the sociological per- students who are just starting to learn how to write
spective is a journey. Sometimes on this journey it from the sociological perspective.
helps to have a guide! Whether undergraduates The remainder of section one focuses on the
taking sociology classes or graduate students pro- nuts and bolts of sociological writing. Novice
gressing through their course work, writing and even seasoned sociology students struggle
becomes a vehicle for students not only to com- with formulating research ideas and then turning
municate their mastery of the discipline but also the them into research questions. To address this,
voice that conveys their research. Having a how Edwards dedicates an entire chapter to this topic
to book on producing well-written sociological (chapter two). He offers many examples to help
work that students can either read and/or reference students move beyond what may appear to them as
has the potential to be a powerful tool. Writing in individualistic questions to sociological questions.
Sociology is a book that aims to do just that: to In chapter three, he provides a good analogy of
teach students how to write in the field of sociology how to construct a research paper by using the

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