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The Anatomy of Banyan Tree (Ficus Benjamina) in Faculty

Science of University Malang

Aisyatir Rodliyah, Awalia Siska, Fahrunnisa, Fitria Maulita,

Maya Azzalia, M. Fajar Dwi Firmansyah
Biology, FMIPA UM

This article is backgrounded by curiosity of

anatomy Banyan tree. Because in Faculty Science of
University Malang, Banyan tree is very useful. We
know that Banyan (ficus benjamina) is a tree that
started life as an epiphyte when its seeds to grow in
cracks or crevices parent tree (or structures such as
buildings and bridges). Usually Banyan is a common
type of Indian origin named Ficus benghalensis, the
national tree of India, then used for all the large
trees that same life cycle and systematically
classified subgenus Urostigma. Banyan seed spread
by fruit-eating birds. The seeds grow roots and
lowered to the ground and can envelop most of the
host tree or building structure with their roots,
giving the impression of a strangler tree. Strangle
growth habit is found in a number of tropical trees,
especially the genus Ficus, that compete for light.
Each species of Ficus that shows these properties
can be called strangler tree.
The methode is doing observation. The steps
are preparing the tools needed, such as stationary,
notebook, ruler and camera. After that, look for
banyan tree which approximately are old enough to
know the complete part. Next, observe parts of the
banyan tree which can be seen directly by eyes. And
then, measure the parts wich allow it to be
measured using a simple ruler. For example
measure the leaf length. The last, recorded parts
banyan tree that has been observed.
The result of the observation are the
characteristics of Banyan tree,it has large tree , for
about 20-25 m tall, roots riding, has its roots breath,
trunked upright, rounded, rough surfaces, branching
simpodial, single leaves, short-stemmed, oblong,
pointed tip, base obtuse, length and width between
3-6 cm and 2-4 cm, single flowers, petals funnel-
shaped, rounded crown, smooth, yellow -green,
seeded spherical, hard and white.

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