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J .cnn
Naze32 rev6 manual vl.2
Copyright 2015 Quadquestions LLC. All rights reserved

WARNING Do not use t h is hardware fo r serious business, commercial a e ria l photography, or

anything else where i t s usage could endanger the end user, sp e ctators, inanimate o b je c ts ,
a ir c r a f t f ly in g overhead, e tc.

NOTE While the f l i g h t c o n tr o lle r firm ware and c o n fig u ra tio n software is based on the Mul-
t i w i i system, the processor is not Atmel AVR, and t h is hardware cannot be programmed
through the Arduino development environment or any AVR development to o ls . For more in f o r
mation on STM32 development, see the fo llo w in g lin k : h ttp ://co d e .g o o g le .co m /p 7 a fro d e v ic -

NOTE This hardware is provided a s -is and end-user is expected to have reasonable te c h n i
c a l knowledge to complete set-up and reasonable R/C experience to operate m u lti- r o to r
a ir c r a f t .

S ' P)

Naze32 rev6 manual vl.2
Copyright 2015 Quadquestions LLC. All rights reserved
BnaRn LayniJTS acRn vs. full

C P 2 1 0 X USB to serial
*board colons vary Aero Board

processor 16mbit
o n b oard
Mems memory
MP u 6 5 0 0

Full Board

BMP 280

on board m e m o r y

ms5611 Barometer

+ upgraded
) C77U

M .cnM
Barometer & Memory
Naze32 rev6 manual vl.2
Copyright 2015 Quadquestions LLC. All rights reserved
Provide 5v power to board
FEWER SCHEME e ith e r v ia BEC or step
down voltage re g u la to r.
Many escs have bees i n
cluded and th e re fo re
**main header allo w you to power the
board from your esc.

used to send
voltage to rx
n e g
**The Battery monitor
5v ing connection does
signal not power the board.
* The hardware is 16v To power the board 5v
to le re n t which means must be connected to a
th a t you can power i t 5V connection such as
d ir e c t ly w ith b a tte ry power, via a servo lead to
however t h is voltage w i l l be the main header.
present at a l l 5v lo c a tio n s .
I t is best p ra c tic e to use a
BEC when powering the board.
I f t h is warning is ignored
you w i l l f r y your attached
5v hardware such 5-26v battery
as rece ive rs telemetry 5v monitoring connection
sensors, e tc .'


The I2C bus can be

used fo r a d d itio n
a l sensors or de
bugging. I2C bus
runs a t 3.3V on ly,
do not connect 5V
\M }
sensors here (such .CGM
as I2C sonar, Naze32 rev6 manual vl.2
e tc ).

Copyright 2015 Quadquestions LLC. All rights reserved


The NEG pads are on outen edge of board

Warning: there is noreversevoltage polarity

protection built intothis board, soif youconnect
your power backwardsyouwill instantly destroy

S ' P)

Naze32 rev6 manual vl.2
Copyright 2015 Quadquestions LLC. All rights reserved
ESC/servo Power in d ic a to r LED
Bootloader outputs

Micro USB
R/C in pu ts
motor output
SBUS RC in p u t Board
LED connection O rie n ta tio n
s o fts e r ia l In d ic a to r

* O ptional B a tte ry V o lt TX/RX uart

age M onitor To enable Connected
i n - f l i g h t b a tte ry voltage to USB.
m onitoring and alarm, con
nect t h is header to f l i g h t
b a tte ry or power d is tr o
board. Up to 25V
S a te llite
(6S LiPo) can be measured.
po rt
No reverse p o la r ity pro
te c tio n - connecting b a t
te ry in reverse w i l l in
s ta n tly destroy the hard
ware .

Th e n a z e 3 2 is a st a t i c ---------- s.
/ fi \ s e n s i t i v e device. Use
caution when handling \ p )
and m a k e sure t h a t you / ---------s / 11
i=d L-i
f o l l o w p r o p e r anti
stat i c h a n d l i n g @ m

procedures. .cm
Naze32 rev6 manual vl.2
Copyright 2015 Quadquestions LLC. All rights reserved
The N a z e 3 2 f e a t u r e s 2 d e d i c a t e d h a r d w a r e U A R T
s e r i a l ports. O n e on t x & r x and one at pins 3&4

W h e n f e a t u r e s o f t s e r i a l
is e n a b l e d in t h e s o f t
ware, it w i l l c r e a t e USB Port
s o f t w a r e e m u l a t e d se r i a l
p o r ts on pins 5&6, & 7&8.

5=rx 1 tx&rx
6=tx 1
7=rx 2

T h e USB S e r i a l port s h a r e s t h e same U A R T as tx&rx. pins

If a s e r i a l d e v i c e is c o n n e c t e d to t x / r x it w o n t w o r k w h e n t h e usb is
c o n n e c t e d and v i c e versa, if t h e r e is a d e v i c e c o n n e c t e d to tx & rx
t h e r e w i l l be p r o b l e m s w i t h t h e usb c o n n e c t i o n , so d i s c o n n c t d e v i c e s
a t t a c h e d h ere w h e n c o n n e c t i n g t h e N a z e 3 2 to USB.

Also, F r s k y t e l e m e t r y is c o n n e c t e d to t h i s same UART1, if you w a n t to

use t h e t x & rx pins, y o u w i l l h a v e t o m o v e y o u r t e l m e t r y to a soft
s e r i a l port or U A R T 2 . If t h e r e is no c o n n e c t i o n to tx&rx, t h e t e l e m e
t r y w i l l not w o r k w h e n usb is c o n n e c t e d .

T h e h a r d w a r e w i l l not o u t p u t to t h e
t e l e m t r y pins w h e n c o n n e c t e d via
usb, so if you are u s i n g t h e t e l e m
e t r y pins, you w i l l not see t e l e m e
t r y v a l u e s until t h e b o a r d has been .cnM
armed. Naze32 rev6 manual vl.2
Copyright 2015 Quadquestions LLC. All rights reserved
anniTinNaL fgeitijrgs
3 .3 V -to le ra n t GPIO
connected to PB5
on STM32. Cannot
be connected to 5V
Bootloader pads can be le v e ls as th is
shonted out in the event w i l l in s ta n tly
th a t the board cannot be destory the hard
flashed w ith the boot- ware .
loader fla s h e r. Make
sure "no reboot se
quence'' is checked in
GPIO 3v3
the firm ware fla s h e r i f
10 5v to le ra n t
these pads are shorted.

3.3V ADC in pu t
5 V -to le ra n t
GPIO connected
connected to
to PA15 on
ADC12_IN5 on
STM32. Can be
STM32. Not 5V used fo r sonar
t o le r a n t . tr ig g e r or any
oth er 5V I/O .

You can cut th is

tra c e to disa b le the
onboard magnetometer
on the f u l l version .


warning- i f sh o rtin g bootloader

pads., be sure to only sho rt the 2
pads together., be m indful not to
short the pads to the 5v pin or
hardware f a ilu r e w i l l re s u lt. u
Naze32 rev6 manual ul.2
Copyright 2015 Quadquestions LLC. All rights reserved

Echo and t rigger

Sonar pads ----
added for
direct c o n
nection to
5V sonar.
Cortex Debug Connector
10 pin 0.05" debug c o n
nector conn e c t e d to fS W D J
port of STF132.

S' P
L r^

J o ra
.c n n
Naze32 rev6 manual ul.2
Copyright 2015 Quadquestions LLC. All rights reserved
/dev/cu.SLAB_US $ 115200 Connect B Auto-Connect

18:43:37 -- Serial port successfully opened with ID: 2

18:43:40 -- Unique device ID received - 0x66dff515650877067043228
18:43:40 - Running firmware released on: Aug 27 2015
18:44:11 Serial port successfully closed
driver nnwNLnan
Setup Configuration PID Receiver Mode Selection Servos GPS Motor Testing Sensor Data Logging Backups CLI

Welcome to Baseflight - Configurator, utility designed to simplify updating, configuring and tuning of your flight controller.
Demonstration mode can be accessed by selecting "Demo'' in port selection area and connecting.
Application supports complete family of Baseflight hardware (aero naze, naze32, naze32pro and afromini).

Baseflight wiki can be found here

Latest CP210x Drivers can be downloaded from here

News & Changelog

2015.07.24 - 0.68 I Backup & Restore Manager, pa tial restore, bugfixes...

Backup & Restore Manager is the latest feature addit Dn (you can find it inside Backups tab) featuring new experimental partial restore which should help a great deal with
firmware upgrades now and in the future, there is als< new storage area for backups that you can utilize instead of backing up to files,
Updating to latest firmware is currently highly recoir imended so you can reap all the benefits from recently added features,
Note that the minimum restorable API version is v l , f st firmware that supports API versioning was released February 12 2015, older releases are not supported.

Improved RC fake input data from emulator (making le receiver tab look much cooler in demonstration mode),
Added missing ADC (A5) to the list of supported ADC input pins in the Ul (reported through github, thanks dustin).
Added Pitch and Roll values next to the Heading in 3 ) view.
Bugfix for barometer graph not rendering correctly ab )'>ve 500 meters,
Bugfix for emulator bug that caused unexpected beh;ic vior after restoring incompatible backup.
2015.07.20 - 0.67 I Better landing page, demo moc i
The biggest feature in this release is probably the inti:r >duction of demonstration mode, which you enter by selecting "Demo" in port selection area and connecting.
This mode will use an internal MSP emulator for bash MSP transactions, allowing users without a board on hand or new users that are looking to buy a board that runs
baseflight hardware to test the application functionalit' / view supported features before committing to a purchase.

Other changes include revamped interface on thei Ian iiing page to better utilize remaining whitespace and in turn allow more detailed changelogs to be posted,
Several Ul initialization bugfixes (mostly in Receiver nd Servo tabs) and optimizations for Setup tab.
Silent release vO.66.1 contained fix for RC rate not gc mg over 1.0 in Receiver tab (reported through support section on chrome store, thanks Zack C).
2015.07.11 -0.66
- Added Airplane Setup

Project Supporl / Donations Sponsors

This freeware utility is available free )f charge to all baseflight users, AbuseMark (Official Naze Hardware Manufacturer)
If you found the utility useful, please consider supporting its development by donating.
^ D ona

Firmware Flasher
Copyrigh cTn 2015 All rights reserved, Configurator uses open source software

Port utilization: D: 0% U: 0% Packet error: 0 I2C jrror: 0 Cycle Time: 0 0.68.3

D o w n l o a d th e C P 2 1 0 X d r i v e r s by
c l i c k i n g h e r e ___________

W h e n c o n n e c t i n g to B a s e f l i g h t the
f i r s t t h i n g t h a t you need to m a k e
sure to do is d o w n l o a d t h e d r i v e r s
so t h a t y o u r c o m p u t e r can c o m m u n i
cate w i t h th e board. We a l s o r e c o m
m e n d t e s t i n g th e b o a r d b e f o r e s o l
d e r i n g so t h a t a r e t u r n can be m a d e Naze32 rev6 manual vl.2 g m

if needed. Al l N a z e 3 2 s are t e s t e d
f r o m th e f a c t o r y b e f o r e shipping.
Copyright 2015 Quadquestions LLC. All rights reserved
/dev/cu.SLAB_US $ 115200 Connect Qj Auto-Connect Gyro Accel Mag Baro GPS Sonar

18:43:37 -- Serial port successfully opened with ID: 2

18:43:40 - Unique device ID received - 0x66dff515650877067043228 n Ik I T n n r i D M I I H H A ^ I H C L I G D
18:43:40 -- Running firmware released on: Aug 27 2015 1^1 I ^ 1\ | l l x l r L C J S l I L I X
18:44:11 -- Serial port successfully closed

Setup Configuration PID Receiver Mode Selection Servos GPS Motor Testing Sensor Data Logging Backups CLI

Welcome to Baseflight - Configurator, utility designed to simplify updating, configuring and tuning of your flight controller.
Demonstration mode can be accessed by selecting "Demo" in port selection area and connecting.
Application supports complete family of Baseflight hardware (aero naze, naze32, naze32pro and afromini).

Baseflight wiki can be found here

Latest CP210x Drivers can be downloaded from here

News & Changelog

2015.07.24 - 0.68 I Backup & Restore Manager, partial restore, bugfixes ...
Backup & Restore Manager is the latest feature addition (you can find it inside Backups tab) featuring new experimental partial restore which should help a great deal with
firmware upgrades now and in the future, there is also new storage area for backups that you can utilize instead of backing up to files.
Updating to latest firmware is currently highly recommended so you can reap all the benefits from recently added features.
Note that the minimum restorable API version is v l, first firmware that supports API versioning was released February 12 2015, older releases are not supported.

Improved RC fake input data from emulator (making the receiver tab look much cooler in demonstration mode).
Added missing ADC (A5) to the list of supported ADC input pins in the Ul (reported through github, thanks dustin).
Added Pitch and Roll values next to the Heading in 3D view.
Bugfix for barometer graph not rendering correctly above 500 meters.
Bugfix for emulator bug that caused unexpected behavior after restoring incompatible backup.
2015.07.20 - 0.67 I Better landing page, demo mode ...
The biggest feature in this release is probably the introduction of demonstration mode, which you enter by selecting "Demo" in port selection area and connecting.
This mode will use an internal MSP emulator for basic MSP transactions, allowing users without a board on hand or new users that are looking to buy a board that runs
baseflight hardware to test the application functionality / view supported features before committing to a purchase.

Other changes include revamped interface on the landing page to better utilize remaining whitespace and in turn allow more detailed changelogs to be posted.
Several Ul initialization bugfixes (mostly in Receiver and Servo tabs) and optimizations for Setup tab.
Silent release vO.66.1 contained fix for RC rate not going over 1.0 in Receiver tab (reported through support section on chrome store, thanks Zack C).
2015.07.11 -0.66
- Added Airplane Setup

Project Support/Donations Sponsors

This freeware utility is available free of charge to all baseflight users. AbuseMark (Official Naze Hardware Manufacturer)
If you found the utility useful, please consider supporting its development by donating.

Firmware Flasher

Copyright cTn 2015 All rights reserved, Configurator uses open source software

Port utilization: D: 0% U: 0/ Packet error: 0 I2C error: 0 Cycle Time: 0 0.68.3

C l i c k h ere to o p e n t h e f i r m w a r e
flash er. f i ' J3]

i J ______

Naze32 rev6 manual vl.2
Copyright 2015 Quadquestions LLC. All rights reserved

/dev/cu.SLAB_US $ [ 115200 t Connect Q Auto-Connect

21:41:56 - Running - OS: MacOS, Chrome: 46.0.2490.86, Configurator: 0.68.3 ^

Setup Configuration PID Receiver Mode Selection Servos GPS Motor Testing Sensor Data Logging Backups CLI
| Please load firmware file |

Stable 2015.08.26-21:40 Available online firmware releases

No reboot s c ie n c e Check if you are flashing board with bootloader pins shorted
Do not verify Do not verify uploaded data (saves time when flashing multiple boards)
Q Full Chip Era Wipes all configuration data currently stored on the board
Flash slowly Use 115200 baudrate for flashing (useful for flashing via bluetooth)

Please do not try o flash non-baseflight hardware with this firmware flasher (it wont work),
Do not disconnei t the board or turn off your computer while flashing.

Note: STM32 boc loader is stored in ROM, it cannot be bricked.

Note: Auto-Conn jet is always disabled while you are inside firmware flasher.

3. click flash
1. Click Load Firmware firmware.

2. Select load
f i r m w a r e online

Leave Firmware Flasher Load Firmware [Local]

Load Firmware [Online] Flash Firmware

Port utilization: D: 0% U: 0% Packet error: 0 I2C error: 0 Cycle Time: 0 / 0.68.3

You can load custom f i r m

w a r e by click i n g "load
f i r m w a r e (local)

This will allow you to run

cus t o m varients of base- .cnM
flight (for advanced users) Naze32 rev6 manual vl.2
Copyright 2015 Quadquestions LLC. All rights reserved
/dev/cu.SLAB_US $ p il5 2 0 0 Connect B Auto-Connect
22:00:35 -- 5&^al port successfully opened with ID: 1
22:00:35 - Uniqi^device ID received - 0x66dff515650877067043228
22:00:35 -- Runnin^irmware released on: Aug 27 2015
22:00:40 -- Serial porNtuccessfully closed
\ r
Setup Configuration Receiver Mode Selection Servos GPS Motor Testing Sensor Data Logging Backups CLI

To c onnect for the first time., plug in y our Naz e 3 2 to the

computer, once this is done, the port should be listed in
the dropdown. Look for SiLab port, select it and then
click "connect".

If the d r o p d o w n shows "no ports" then you

havent i n stalled the driv e r p r o p e r l y or need to check your
USB cable. You should see a blue light on the board when
t h e r e is power applied.

C l i c k i n g a u t o c o n n e c t is the e a s iest wa y to find the right

port. If you click a u t o - c o n n e c t and then plug in y o u r
Naze32, it should a u t o m a t i c a l l y c o n nect to the board.

The tabs at the top of the screen will not be clic k a b l e

until you connect to the board. You can also connect
to demo under the port dr o p d o w n to play around with

Naze32 rev6 manual vl.2
Copyright 2015 Quadquestions LLC. All rights reserved
/dev/cu.SLAB_US P | 115200 i | Disconnect Q Auto-Connect P Gyro Accel Mag Baro GPS Sonar 1

22:00:40 - Serial port successfully closed

22:09:56 - Serial port successfully opened with ID: 2
22:09:56 - Unique device ID received - 0x66dff515650877067043228 sensors are working p ro p e rly . GPS and sonar are red
22:09:56 -- Running firmware released on: Aug 27 2015 in th is instance because they are not enabled.
Setup Configuration PID Receiver Mode Selection Servos GPS Motor Testing Sensor Data Logging Backups CLI

Calibrate Accelerometer Place board or frame on leveled surface, proceed with calibration, ensure platform is not moving during calibration period

Calibrate Magnetometer Move multirotor at least 360 degrees on all axis of rotation, you have 30 seconds to perform this task

Reset Settings Reset / Restore settings to default

Author: creyc Heading: -35 deg
Pitch: -30 deg
C a lib ra te Acc C lic k t h is only when the quad is le v e l Roll: 19 deg
Battery voltage: 0V

C a lib ra te Mag. Do t h is in open a ir away from m e ta llic objects Capacity drawn: 0 mAh
Current draw: 0.00 A
Reset S e ttin g s - use th is to reset a l l setings to d e fa u lt.
RSSI: 0%


3D Fix: False
Sats: 0
Latitude: 0.0000 deg
Longitude: 0.0000 deg

The in fo and GPS

boxes give in f o r
mation from the
sensors on the
board. B att v o l t
age is measured
from the VBat pins
and cu rre n t draw
and rs s i
fr o n t o f you fa c in g away from you.,
c lic k rese t z axis to make the 3d
Reset Z axis, offset: 43 deg
rendering match what the model is
-doing. ------------------------------------
Port utilization: D: 4% U: 2% Packet error: 0 I2C error: 0 Cycle Time: 3503 0.68.3

I f you get several e rro rs ,

check your USB cable- these
values are mostly used fo r
bluetooth debugging.

\ M i

Naze32 rev6 manual ul.2
Copyright 2015 Quadquestions LLC. All rights reserved
Set these to match your battery chemistry (initial values CDNFIGIJRaTinN TEH3 PG 3
are setup for Lipo batteries) ^
Use these values to setup your current sensor, (battery
current monitoring must be enabled)
Battery Voltage Current

3.3 : Minimum Cell Voltage ADC input pin for an external current sensor

3.5 Warning Cell Voltage Scale the output voltage to milliamps [1/10th mV/A]

4.3 : Maximum Cell Voltage Offset in millivolt steps

no : Voltage Scale Enable support for legacy Multiwii MSP current output

Board Alignment Misc

Looptime can be
Roll Adjustment [degrees] 3500 C Looptime [microseconds]
set here. Min
o: Pitch Adjustment [degrees] looptime with ACC 25 : Maximum angle permitted for arming [degrees]
is 1000. Warning
o: Yaw Adjustment [degrees]
This value effects Save
your PIDS

Port utilization: ^ 0% U: 0% Packet error: 1 I2C error: 0 Cycle Time: 3474 0.68.3

To change the board orientation, adjust these settings,

fpr example, to rotate the board counter clockwise 90 This is the maximum angle allowed for arming. If you
degrees in the Yaw axis, you could use either a value have troubles arming your quad in rough terrain, adjust
of -90 or 270. this setting.

It is extremely important to set this up properly.

You can verify that it is setup by making sure that
the model moves according to the actual movements of Make sure to set the board
the quad.
alignment before you try
to fly for the first time.
A uthor: creyc Heading: -60 deg
Pitch: -35 deg
Roll: -6deg

also, calibrate your acc if

the board is realigned.

If you have problems arming on a

level surface, ACC calibration
Is a good place to start.

Naze32 rev6 manual ul.2
Copyright 2015 Quadquestions LLC. All rights reserved
( /dev/CU.SLAB_US $ ') ( 115200 Disconnect Q Auto-Connect Gyro Accel Mag Baro GPS Sonar

22:33:24 -- You need to connect before you can view any of the tabs _ _ _ _ m _ _ __ _ _ _ _
-- Serial port successfully opened with ID: 4
- Unique device ID received - 0x66dff515650877067043228
1 1^ 1 |h 1 1 1
22:33:26 - Running firmware released on: Aug 27 2015

Setup Configuration PID Receiver Mode Selection Servos GPS Motor Testing Sensor Data Logging Backups CLI

Mixer Features

Enable PPM input (and disable PWM input)

Enable Battery voltage monitoring
This is where you make Enable in-flight level calibration
most changes to your setup Enable Serial-based receiver
in c lu d in g changes to your Don't spin the motors when armed
Enable servo gimbal
mix, changes to your
Enable 3rd serial port
general setup. Enable LED ring support
Enable GPS (PPM or 3rd serial port required)
Enable failsafe settings on PPM/PWM signal loss
Enable sonar
Enable FrSky- compatible telemetry output
Enable Battery current monitoring
Enable VARIO
Enable 3D mode (for use with reversible ESCs)
Enable GPS Return to Home for Fixed Wing
C lic k here to change your mix Enable Oneshot (Syncs PWM output with the main loop)
Enable FastPWM (lowers the PWM pulse length to 1/8th)

Throttle Accelerometer & Magnetometer

1150 : Minimum Throttle Accelerometer Roll Trim

1500 Middle Throttle [RC inputs center value] Accelerometer Pitch Trim

1850 : Maximum Throttle Magnetometer Declination [degrees]

1200 : Failsafe Throttle

iooo : Minimum Command

OFF i Brushed Motors

Serial Receiver GPS

Port utilization: D: 0% U: 0% Packet error: 1 I I2C error: 0 I Cycle Time: 3518 0.68.3

Min t h r o t t le - t h is value should be set fo r Brushed M o to rs -s e ttin g to 8000 w i l l use brushed

your escs. BLheli and Kiss escs work w e ll mode a t 8kHz sw itching frequency. Up to 32kHz
w ith a the stock minimum t h r o t t le o f 1150., is supported. Note, th a t in brushed mode,
simonK firm ware should be set at 1064, m in th ro ttle is o ffs e t to zero, -must use e x te r
oth er escs vary- i t s best to s ta r t low and nal fe ts
tu rn t h is value up u n t il your motors s ta r t
r e lia b ly .
middle t h r o t t le - The center value f o r your \ ____ J 2 )
RC in p u t
max th ro ttle -m a x value f o r the escs at f u l l
/ i= d 1 1
i d = J
f a ils a f e t h r o tt le - th e t h r o t t le value set
when f a ils a f e is in it ia t e d .
Naze32 rev6 manual ul.2
MINCOMMAND is the s ig n a l the sent to the ESC
when unarmed.
Copyright 2015 Quadquestions LLC. All rights reserved
GPS Motor Testing Sensor Data Logging Backups CLI C G N P IG U R E lT in N TEH3 PG S
Enable PPM input (and disable PWM input) Enable this for use with ppm receivers.
a Enable Battery voltage monitoring Enable this to allow batt monitoring on vbat pins
Enable in-flight level calibration Enable Level calibration during flight.
Enable Serial-based receiver -
4 Enable for use with sbus receiver- utilizes UART2
Don't spin the motors when armed Stops motors when armed at minthrottle- useful for beginners.
Enable servo gimbal Use this to enable gimbal output-uses servo 1& 2 for gimbal**
Enable 3rd serial port Use this to enable soft serial on pins 5,6 and 7,8
Enable LED ring support Enables LED ring support-output on pin 5.
Enable GPS (PPM or 3rd serial port required) Enables GPS on Pins 3 & 4
Enable failsafe settings on PPM/PWM signal loss . Enables failsave throttle setting on PPM/PWM loss from receiver
Enable sonar Enables Sonar
Enable FrSky- compatible telemetry output Enables Frsky Telemetry output, (inverted on telemetry pins)***
Enable Battery current monitoring Enables Current monitoring****
Enable VARIO ^ Enables vario over telemetry-for audible beeps when altitude changes
Enable 3D mode (for use with reversible ESCs) Enables 3d mode, sets throttle midpoint at 0- use for acrobatic tricks
Enable GPS Return to Home for Fixed Wing . self explanitory
Enable Oneshot (Syncs PWM output with the main loop) set this to enable Oneshot
Enable FastPWM (lowers the PWM pulse length to 1/8th) set this if enabling oneshot
Accelerometer & Magnetometer
Accelerometer Roll Trim set your acc roll trim (acc stick commands change these values)

Accelerometer Pitch Trim Set your acc pitch trim (acc stick commands change these values)

Magnetometer Declination [degrees] - set this for your locale (important for accurate GPS Measurements)

*Inflight level calibration procedure

1. You arm the function with a stick combo and take off as usual
2. you either trim the hover mode using the trims on the rx until it is perfectly level and not drifting or you use
the acromode until it is leveled
3. you now hit the "arm" switch (usually auxl/aux2) and turn off the engine. Don't worry the code does not turn off
the engines - there is a failsafe feature.
4. The copter now takes 50 measurements of the current angle and stores them in ram.
5. After landing you have to transfer the new values into the eeprom with a stick combo.
** When gimbal is enabled, motor outputs shift by 2, so motor 1 is on servo3, motor2 is on servo 4 and so on.
*** Telemetry can be output to a soft serial (must be inverted and programmed via CLI)
* * * * r c inputs (assuming you are using PPM) or you can use the ADC on the bottom of the board, this way baseflight
will keep track of the current and send the data via MSP to the OSD.

Serial Receiver GPS

SPEKTRUM1024 NMEA Select the GPS Type here
SBUS Select GPS baudrate (configured in
(J15200 Baud rate
SUMD GPS modules settings)
Select Ground assistance type.
(auto is fine for most circumstances
Select your serial receiver type here.
Not used if "enable serial based receiver"
is unchecked.

* * x x Y n iJ M UST CLICK TUG G 0VG B IJT T G N 3 T

T 3 I3 .CGM
Naze32 rev6 manual vl.2
Copyright 2015 Quadquestions LLC. All rights reserved
/dev/cu.SLAB_US i 115200 Disconnect Q Auto-Connect Gyro Accel Mag Baro GPS Sonar

01:58:44 - Serial port successfully opened with ID: 21

the e s s e n tia l PIDS fo r f l i g h t are
01:58:46 - Unique device ID received - 0x66dff515650877067043228
01:58:46 -- Running firmware released on: Aug 27 2015
01:58:53 -- ASCII scraps: M>IZ

Setup Configuration PID Receiver Mode Selection Servos GPS Motor Testing Sensor Data Logging Backups CLI

Name Proportional Integral Derivative Roll rate Pitch rate Yaw rate TPA
ROLL 4.0 : 0.030 C 23 : o.oo : o.oo : o.oo : o.oo :
PITCH 4.0 : 0.030 : 23 :

YAW 8.5 : 0.045 : o : + + *

These values should be turned up fo r acrobatic
ALT 5.0 : : o :
f ly in g and as you get b e tte r. Keep the rates
VEL 12.0 ; 0.045 : i : down i f you are a beginner We lik e to set
these to around .7 fo r fa s t f l i p s and acrobat


o .ii :
ic quads.



2.0 : 0.045 c

NavR i.4 : o.20 : 0.080 C

TPA or T h ro ttle PID A tte n u a tio n - does ju s t
t h a t. I t attenuates the PIDs at higher t h r o t

9.0 io o

: :

t l e le v e ls , so i f your quad f l i e s n ic e, but
MAG 4.o :
shakes under f u l l t h r o t t le , give i t some TPA

You can set m u ltip le p ro file s in PID tuning is beyond the scope o f th is manual, however, some basics are:
B a s e flig h t. This is nice because S ta rt by tuning aero or gyro ra te mode, auto le v e l should be tuned la s t .
you can have 3 d if fe r e n t sets o f
s e ttin g s . I f the p r o file gets P- adjusts snappiness o f the quad to your in p u t. I f i t is squishy, increase P
changed you wont be able to f l y u n t il you get shakes then back o f f 10-20%
unless you setup th a t new p r o f ile ,
so keep th is in mind. This is the I - How the quad reacts to outside fo rc e s , wind, o ff-b a la n c e weight such as a
f i r s t th in g to check when you are b a tte ry , e tc . I f the quad d r if t s when an angle is s e t, tu rn th is up. The quad
havine arming issues. shouldn't d r i f t . I f I is too high, i t w i l l o s c illa t e a b it more slowly than P.
You can
Profile 1
s e le c t the D- The speed a t which the quad returns to a p o s itio n , so fo r auto le v e l f o r in
p r o f ile w ith stance, i f D is high, i t snaps back to le v e l when you l e t o f f the s tic k . When D
s tic k inputs is turned down, i t slows the response o f the re ac tio n back to le v e l when you l e t
Profile 2
when unarmed o f f o f the s tic k . D can also be used to tune out o s c illa tio n a f t e r movement.
using these
C O - Profile 3
Refresh Save

Port utilization: D: 0% U: 0% Packet error: 1 I2C error: 0 Cycle Time: 3487 0.68.3

T y p ic a lly , i f the stock values d o n 't work or allo w you to

f l y , then you have got some other issues going on th a t
you should look in to a d ju s tin g . The Naze32 works by
looking a t many fa c to rs , sensor in p u ts , user in p u ts , and
a l l o f these fa c to rs are c alc u late d and a motor output is
w ritte n " This happens over and over again a t a high ra te
o f speed, (lo o p -tim e ) The PID gains a djust t h is c a lc u la
tio n and tuning the PIDS is e s s e n tia l to r e a lly d ia lin g
in your quad. Every quad is d if f e r e n t , and a l l re q u ire
s lig h tly d if fe r e n t s e ttin g s . Also, every p ilo t 's opinion
o f how a quad should f l y is also d if f e r e n t . Be sure to
consider th is when tu n in g , i t is su b jective and th e re are
many d if fe r e n t ways to do i t .

PID tuning videos on you tube, and Google searches should .cnii
help you get your quad d ia le d in . Please discuss a t
quadquestions. com
Naze32rev6 manual vl.2
Copyright 2015 Quadquestions LLC. All rights reserved
/dev/cu.SLABJJS i 115200 i Disconnect O Auto-Connect GPS Sonar

01:59:15 - Serial port successfully closed

02:25:55 -
02:25:57 -
02:25:58 -
Serial port successfully opened with ID: 22
Unique device ID received - 0x66dff515650877067043228
Running firmware released on: Aug 27 2015
Setup Configuration PID Receiver Mode Selection Servos GPS Motor Testing Sensor Data Logging Backups CLI

1 i Profile Roll EEoo

Pitch n oo
0.50 : Throttle MID
Yaw E o
o.oo : Throttle Expo
Throttle [E o o
0.90 : RC Rate
AUX 1 i
0.65 : RC EXpo AUX 2

Channel Map AUX 3

AUX 4 153E
Disabled i RSSI on AUX

Channel Map- AETR1234 I t is very important to set your 50 ms i

stands fo r the 8 channel radio servos so th a t they id le
Inputs 12345678 so th a t a t 1060, center a t 1500 and max
means th a t AETR1234 has a t 2000. The trim s on the radio
a ile ro n s on channel 1, should remain centered when s e t
e le v a to r on channel 2, tin g these up. On the Taranis,
and so on. This is im th is is done on the Servos tab
portant because many
stock rad io mixes d i f f e r Mapping your t x outputs to chan
from one another. The nels should be done in the mixer
Taranis X9D plus f o r ex in your ra d io , so i f you want to
ample has a channel have a s p e c ific switch c o n tro l
output o f AETR but aux 1, you would have to set
others are TAER which th is up in your ra d io .
has t h r o t t le on channel

ill rim
1500a Refresh Save

You should set your radio up w ith no expo and then l e t To make sure your servos aren't reversed, you should see
the f l i g h t c o n tro lle r software setup your expo and rates these values when moving your sticks:
fo r you. This is handy because i t allows you to have p itch up ( r ig h t s tic k up)=2000
d iffe r e n t expos and rates setup on d iffe r e n t p r o file s , R o ll R ig h t(rig h t s tic k rig h t)= 2000
so you could fo r instance have one p r o file setup fo r t h r o t t le fu ll= 2 0 0 0
film in g , which has smooth expo, ra te s , pids, e tc , and yaw right=2000
then have an acrobatic p r o file th a t is aggressive, and
then have a racing p r o file w ith another set o f s e ttin g s .

Set RSSI on Aux i f you port the RSSI in v ia a servo


Be sure to check th is page and th a t your radio is func

tio n in g properly before your f i r s t f l i g h t .
Check th a t a l l channels are properly mapped and th a t
none are reversed. Check fo r videos
on how to do t h is .
Naze32rev6 manual vl.2

Copyright 2015 Quadquestions LLC. All rights reserved

Setup Configuration PID Receiver Mode Selection Servos GPS Motor Testing Sensor Data Logging Backups CLI

Profile: 1 AUX 1 AUX 2 AUX 3 AUX 4



Arm- i f not set to a switch, arming w i l l happen w ith the l e f t s tic k down and to the r ig h t .
I f the arm switch is s e t, arming v ia s tic k command is disab led . Motor Arm

F lig h t modes:
A ngle=autolevel- the quad le v e ls when s tic k is n e u tra l
When setting the
modes, a check box
H orizon=autolevel plus Aero mode a t edges o f s tic k movements, so hard rig h t would cause
sets the mode to a
f l i p s , centering s tic k causes a u to le v e l.
switch. SO, a typical
flight mode selection
no angle or horizon selected=gyro r a te .
switch, with low being
angle mode, mid being
Many people have problems when f i r s t s ta rtin g out because they d o n 't s e le c t le v e l mode.
horizon and high being
rate mode would look
Baro=alt hold
something like this:
v ario = v a rio sent v ia tele m e try
P ro file: 1 i AUX 1

Mag=heading hold Nam e LOW MED H IG H

Headfree ( F u ll board o n ly )- o rie n ts the quad to the user so
no m atter which d ire c tio n the quad is fa c in g , p itch forward
is always away from you and p itch back is always towards you ANGLE O
This works in conjunction w ith HEADADD which allows you to set I ]
the new yaw o rig in . H O R IZ O N

Camstab=Camera S ta b iliz a tio n (works i f gimbal is enabled)
t ^ t \
GPS HOME= GPS retu rn to home (use a t your own r is k ) rn f-- \


Beeper= Sounds buzzer when a ctiva ted

C a lib - W rite in f l i g h t le v e l c a lib to eeprom

OSDSW- Turn o f f OSD ( i f using minimosd)

Copyright 2015 Quadquestions LLC. All rights reserved

/dev/cu.SLAB_US i 115200 Disconnect Q Auto-Connect Gyro Mag o
22:57:53 -- Unique device ID received - 0x66711515650877067051425
22:57:53 -- Running firmware released on: Aug 27 2015
22:58:33 -- Backup saved successfully
22:58:57 -- Backup saved successfully

Setup Configuration PID Receiver Mode Selection Servos GPS Motor Testing Sensor Data Logging Backups CLI


Port utilization: D: 4% U: 1% Packet error: 0 I2C error: 0 Cycle Time: 1202 | 0.68.2

Atypical switch setup, arm on switch 1, alt hold and heading hold on switch 2, flight modes on 3, and heading hold
again /OSDsw on switch 4.

You can see that all switches are in the mid position, so this quad is flying horizon with altitude hold and heading
hold active.

m i

Naze32rev6 manual vl.2
Copyright 2015 Quadquestions LLC. All rights reserved
/dev/cu.SLAB_US t ) f r i5 2 0 0 S ) | Disconnect G Auto-Connect

03:27:25 -- Serial port successfully closed

Serial port successfully opened with ID: 34
Unique device ID received - 0x66dff515650877067043228
Running firmware released on: Aug 27 2015
servos Tara
Setup Configuration PID Receiver Mode Selection Servos GPS Motor Testing Sensor Data Logging Backups CLI

Model: Gimbal / Tilt Servos

Servo 0

Min Max Middle Rate (%)


1500 :

20 00

Direction of movement
Roll Pitch Yaw Throttle AUX 1 AUX 2 AUX 3 AUX 4

Servo 1

Min Max Middle Rate (%)

1020 : 2000 : 1500 : 30 :

Direction of movement
Roll Pitch Yaw Throttle AUX 1 AUX 2 AUX 3 AUX 4

Enable Live Mode: Save

Servos- lets you set your servo movement. You can set it to the throw of your sticks depending on your
check-box, so if aux 1 is checked, you can set the servo to follow the switch when camstab is not enabled.

To reverse the movements, set the rate % to a negative value.

This screen will not be available if Gimbal is not enabled.

Port utilization: D: 0% U: 0% | Packet error: 1 | I2C error: 0 Cycle Time: 3500 0.68.3

Naze32 reu6 manual vl.2
Copyright 2015 Quadquestions LLC. All rights reserved
Setup Configuration PID Receiver Mode Selection Servos GPS Motor Testing Sensor Data Logging Backups CLI

GPS Satellites GPS Deviation Test

3D Fix: False ID Quality Signal Strength

Altitude: 0m 0 Idle 1 " 1
Latitude: 0.0000 deg 0 Idle 1 .. 1
Longitude: 0.0000 deg 0 Idle i 1
Speed: 0 cm/s 0 Idle 1 1
Sats: 0 0 Idle I 1
Dist to Home: 0m 0 Idle 1 1
0 Idle I I
GPS Debug Info
0 Idle i 1
GPS update rate: - ms 0 Idle i 1
SVINFO rate: - ms 0 Idle i I
POS LAT deviation: - 0 Idle i I
POS LON deviation: - 0 Idle 1 ...........1
POS deviation: - cm
0 Idle i _ _ _1
Horizontal accuracy: 0.00 m
0 Idle i I
Vertical accuracy: 0.00 m
0 Idle 1 _J
0 Idle 1
_ _
_ _ _
_ _ _=
GPS SBAS Galileo BeiDou 5m t Area radius Start Deviation Test


Port utilization: D: 3% U: 1% Packet error: 1 I2C error: 0 Cycle Time: 3544 0.68.3

This page can help you to view and tro u b le sh o o t your gps i f in s ta lle d . I f the GPS is
hooked up but the GPS box on the top r ig h t o f B a s e flig h t is red, t r y swapping your TX
and Rx lin e s .

J@@TD@I. c ^mJ nj

Naze32 rev6 manual trl.2

Copyright 2015 Quadquestions LLC. All rights reserved
/dev/cu.SLAB_US 115200 Disconnect | Q Auto-Connect Gyro Accel Mag Baro GPS Sonar

03:47:14 -- You need to connect before you can view any of the tabs
03:51:01 - Serial port successfully opened with ID: 37
03:51:01 - Unique device ID received - 0x66dff515650877067043228
03:51:01 -- Running firmware released on: Aug 27 2015

Setup Configuration PID Receiver Mode Selection Servos GPS Motor Testing Sensor Data Logging Backups CLI

Accelerometer - [Reset]
Refresh: 20 ms t
Scale: 2 t
X: 0.00 (0.03)
Z: -0.01 (0.07)

Motors Servos
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Motor Test Mode Notice:

Moving the sliders will cause the motors to spin up.
In order to prevent injury remove ALL propellers before using this feature.
If you understand these instructions check the box below to enable motor test.

Q Check

1460 1460 1460 1460 1000 1000 1000 1000 Master



Port utilization: D: 8% U: 2% | Packet error: 1 | I2C error: 0 | Cycle Time: 3514

Use This page to test your motors. Make sure to
remove your props. This is the first place you should
go to test your motor rotation. This is also a good
place to visually inspect what your motors and servos
are outputting. The motor value will take into ac
count your mixing, so if the quad is not level, and in
angle mode, these values might not all be the same.
You can use the sliders to spin motors individually, or
you can use the master slider to spin all of the motors
at once.

Naze32 rev6 manual vl.2 'cnM

Copyright 2015 Quadquestions LLC. All rights reserved
Raw sensgr naTa
Setup Configuration PID Receiver Mode Selection Servos GPS Motor Testing Sensor Data Logging Backups CLI

Keep in mind that using fast update periods and rendering multiple graphs at the same time is resource intensive.
We recommend to only render graphs for data that you are interested in while using reasonable update periods.

Q Gyroscope Q Accelerometer Q Magnetometer Q Barometer Q Kinematics Q Debug

Gyroscope - deg/s
Refresh: 40 ms
Scale: 2000 r

X: -0.24
Y: -4.88
Z: 0.49

Barometer - meters
0.3 -
Refresh: 100 ms i

X: 0.05
0 nv/ --------------- A

You should use the raw sensor data page

to check your sensors. When moving the
board, you should see movement on the a c
celerometer, gyro, magnetometer, b a r o m e
ter, etc.

If you have an item that is flat-lined at

0, even with lots of movement of the
board, then that is indicative of an
issue with the sensor. You can see in the J g U3.
above example that there was rapid m o v e
ment of the board showing that the s e n
sors w e r e working, followed by the board
sitting still which is shown by the flat
J@ m l

lines. .cnM
Naze32rev6 manual vl.2
Copyright 2015 Quadquestions LLC. All rights reserved
/dev/cu.SLAB_US i | 115200 Disconnect Q Auto-Connect GPS Sonar

04:23:49 - You need to connect before you can view any of the tabs
04:23:58 -- Serial port successfully opened with ID: 11
04:23:59 - Unique device ID received - 0x66cff505650877067201939
04:23:59 - Running firmware released on: Aug 27 2015

Setup Configuration PID Receiver Mode Selection Servos GPS Motor Testing Sensor Data Logging Backups CLI

Data will be logged in this tab only, leaving the tab will cancel logging and application will return to its normal "configurator" state.
You are free to select the global update period, data will be written into the log file every 1 second for performance reasons.

MSP_RAW_IMU 9 columns (accel[x, y, z], gyro[x, y, z], mag[x, y, z])

MSP_ATTITUDE 3 columns (x, y, z)
MSP_RAWGPS 7 columns
MSP MOTOR Logging tab- useful for logging in Baseflight when
MSP_DEBUG your aircraft is connected to computer via blue tooth
100 ms i

Samples Saved: 0
Log Size: 0 Bytes

Select Log File Start Logging

Port utilization: D: 0% U: 0% Packet error: 2 I2C error: 0 Cycle Time: 3502 0.68.3

Naze32rev6 manual vl.2
Copyright 2015 Quadquestions LLC. All rights reserved
/dev/cu.SLABJJS t J | 115200 i Disconnect Q Auto-Connect Gyro Accel Mag Baro GPS Sonar O
* vx
-------------- .........J - o a - *
04:27:21 -- Serial port successfully closed
04:27:24 - Serial port successfully opened with ID: 12
- Unique device ID received - 0x66cff505650877067201939
-- Running firmware released on: Aug 27 2015
rc a c K ijp s
Setup Configuration PID Receiver Mode Selection Servos GPS Motor Testing Sensor Data Logging Backups CLI

Backup & Restore manager can save your configuration to a file or inside application storage (backups are saved locally). Stored Backups
Manager also comes with improved back-end which can perform partial restore (between incompatible API versions).
Name: sparrow kiss 1960 fu
You can select any of your saved configurations by clicking on them inside the Stored Backups area.
Date: 2015.10.12 - 22:58
Version: 4
You are running firmware with API Version: 4

Backups can be stored and reopened here. Self explanatory

and a great tool if you work with many different setups.

Restore [From File] Backup [To File] Backup [To Storage]

Port utilization: D: 0% U: 0% Packet error: 2 I2C error: 0 Cycle Time: 3503 0.68.3

pT n L J


Ik J c

Naze32 rev6 manual vl.2
Copyright 2015 Quadquestions LLC. All rights reserved
/dev/cu.SLABJJS 115200 Disconnect Auto-Connect Mag GPS Sonar

04:30:21 -- You need to connect before you can view any of the tabs
04:30:22 - Serial port successfully opened with ID: 13
04:30:22 -- Unique device ID received - 0x66cff505650877067201939
04:30:22 -- Running firmware released on: Aug 27 2015
Setup Configuration PID Receiver Mode Selection Servos GPS Motor Testing Sensor Data Logging Backups CLI

Note: Leaving CLI tab or pressing Disconnect will automatically send "exit" to the board, which will make the controller save all the changes and restart.

Entering CLI Mode, type 'exit' to return, or 'help'

# dump
Afro32 CLI version 2.3 Aug 27 2015 / 12:37:56Current Configs Copy everything below here...
aux 0 0
aux 1 0
aux 2 0
aux 3 0
aux 4 0
aux 5 0
aux 6 0
aux 7 0
aux 8 0
aux 9 0
aux 10 0
aux 11 0
aux 12 0
aux 13 0
aux 14 0
aux 15 0
aux 16 0
aux 17 0
aux 18 0
aux 19 0
aux 20 0
aux 21 0
aux 22 0
aux 23 0
mixer QUADX
servo 1 1020 1500 2000 30
servo 2 1020 1500 2000 30
servo 3 1020 1500 2000 100
servo 4 1020 1500 2000 100
servo 5 1020 1500 2000 100
servo 6 1020 1500 2000 100
servo 7 1020 1500 2000 100
servo 8 1020 1500 2000 100
feature -PPM
feature -VBAT
feature -INFLIGHT ACC CAL___________________________________________________________________

|/Vrite your command here

Port utilization: D: 0% U: 0% Packet error: 2 I2C error: 0 Cycle Time: 3498 0.68.

The CLI is an excellent tool for power

users, you can quickly load settings, and
configure the quad for your needs. When
w o r k i n g with support, you can go to the
CLI, type "dump" and the copy and paste
all of your settings into an email- this
is also a handy wa y to take notes of your
setup. We recommend that you get familiar
with the CLI and do some searches for Mul-
tiwii CLI commands to find out all of the
neat things that you can do.
Naze32rev6 manual vl.2
Copyright 2015 Quadquestions LLC. All rights reserved
S tic k commands can be used to i n i t i a t e actio ns w ith o u t the need o f a computer., these
actions in clu de th in g s lik e C a lib ra te Accelerometer, Change p r o file s . C a lib ra te mag
and more. In order to use s tic k commands, the quad must be powered and un-armed.

Mode 2 Stick Functions

ARM \ * w In F lig h t Level C a lib ra tio n j ^
Disarm Trim ACC L e ft ^

P r o file 1 j ^ Trim ACC Right ^ ^

P r o file 2 j Trim ACC Forwards ^

P r o file 3 ^ ^ Trim ACC backwards |

C a lib ra te Gyro ^

C a lib ra te ACC ^

When the quad is powered and unarmed, you can
in p u t these commands w ith the tra n s m itte r.
C a lib ra te Compass (mag) ^ | ^ Some o f the fu n c tio n s w i l l be diabled
depending on your c o n fig u ra tio n .

The a u to le v e l mode requires a w e ll c a lib ra te d Acc. I f i t is not c a lib ra te d , the quad

w i l l d r i f t when i t is hovering. You should trim the ACC to make up fo r the d r i f t and
leave your tra n s m itte r trim s cen ter. To trim the quad, hover 2-3 fe e t o f f o f the
ground and then center your s tic k s (use t h r o t t le to m aintain a ltitu d e ) i f the quad is
d r i f t in g r ig h t , land, then disarm, then use t h is s tic k command.

You w i l l need to hold the s tic k command and watch the lig h ts on the Naze32. You w i l l
have to watch the lig h ts fla s h several times before there is any no ticeable change in
the ACC tr im . We u s u a lly go about 5 fla sh e s, then arm and te s t again. Repeat as

Do not move the Naze32 when f i r s t p lu g

ging i t in and during the f i r s t few
seconds o f power up. The GYRO must be
id le or the i n i t i a l c a lib ra tio n w i l l be
o f f . You can watch the lig h ts on the
board during power up, they w i l l fla s h
when the i n i t i a l measurements are taken
and then they w i l l tu rn s o lid when the
J .c m
board is ready to arm. Naze32 rev6 manual vl.2
Copyright 2015 Quadquestions LLC. All rights reserved
CLI commands can be found here:
h t t ps://


The Rev6 hardware is sharing the 5v power from the USB connection and allowing
the ESCs to power up as soon as USB is connected. Please be very careful as this
can lead to a motor spinning at full speed when the flight battery is connected
if you use the old method of calibration. The f ollowing workaround will allow
you to calibrate ESCs properly and safely. Please note that the flight battery
is never connected during this procedure.
1 disconnect all ESCs from the flight control board
2 props off, flight control board plugged into computer, configurator open,
flight battery not connected
3 on the configuration tab, set minimum command to 1050 and save
4 go to motors tab, check motor test mode box at bottom, raise master slider
to full
5 plug just one ESC into any of the motor outputs 1-4, wait a few seconds for
ESC beeps to finish
6 un-check motor test mode box - values should drop back down to 1050
7 wait a few seconds for beeps to finish, unplug ESC from control board
8 repeat steps 4-7 for the remaining ESCs
9 on the configuration tab, set minimum command back to 1000 and save.


This hobby is in its infancy and it is supported and developed by a community of
open source contributors and innovators that are designing the hardware that goes
along with it. PLEASE PURCHASE OFFICIAL HARDWARE--- There is rampant copying
going on right now and the innovation that has made our great hobby what it is
will be lost if the pioneers cannot innovate anymore, so boycott copied hardware,
and please contribute to these projects to help the t e c h n o l o g y continue to d e v e l
op. If you have any questions, please go to Quad q u e s t i o n s . c o m and post a q u e s
tion. We are happy to answer, and will be quick t o respond.

Have fun flying!

A n t h ony & team

Q u a d Q u e s t i o n s .com
4 1 2 - 2 2 9 -QUAD
i@ T O lM ]
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Copyright 2015 Quadquestions LLC. All rights reserved

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