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Wuhan Lecture Notes 2016 - Electromagnetic Depth Sounding Using Natural Sources Dr.

Andreas Junge

The principle of Electromagnetic Depth Sounding Using Natural Sources

Electrical Anisotropy in Magnetotellurics

Lecture, April 5-8, 2016

China University of Geosciences Wuhan

Hubei Subsurface Multi-scale Imaging Key Laboratory

Institute of Geophysics and Geomatics

Prof. Dr. Andreas Junge

Wuhan Lecture Notes 2016 - Electromagnetic Depth Sounding Using Natural Sources Dr. Andreas Junge

Mathematical Formalism

Symbol or Description

r Position vector, = (, , ) = (; ; ) = ()

Differential Operator, = ( ; ; )
(, , , )
e(r,t) Small letters: functions of position and time, (, ) = (, , , ) = ( (, , , ))

(, , , )
B(r,) Capital letters: functions of space and angular frequency, i.e. B is the Fourier-
Transform of b, =
( , , , ) Capital letters and ~: function of horizontal wave number, vertical position z and an-
gular frequency, i.e. is the Fourier-Transform of B, = ( + ) ,
for convenience we write B instead of
Gradient of scalar function (), = ( ; ; )
Divergence of vector function: E, = + +

Curl of vector function E, = ( )

2 Laplace Operator: 2 = = + +
Time differentiation in time domain corresponds to multiplication with in frequen-
cy domain
Spatial differentiation in space domain corresponds to multiplication with ik in wave
number domain

Bold letters: Matrix, e.g. = ( )

Wuhan Lecture Notes 2016 - Electromagnetic Depth Sounding Using Natural Sources Dr. Andreas Junge

Physical Quantities, Symbols and Units

Symbol Unit Description

E 1 V/m Electric field, E = (Ex;Ey;Ez)
B 1 nT = 10-9 Vs/m2 Magnetic Field (flux density), B = (Bx;By;Bz)
D 1 As/m2 Displacement Current
H 1 A/m Magnetic Field (field strength)
Q 1 A/m3 Electrical charge density
J 1 A/m2 Electric current density
r 1m Position vector, r = (x,y,z)T
1 m-1 Differential Operator
1 m-1 Nabla Operator
1 m-2 Laplace Operator
r 1m Position vector
k 1 m-1 Horizontal wave number, k = (kx;ky)
T 1s Period
f 1 s-1 Frequency
1 s-1 Angular frequency, = 2
1 m = 1 Vm/A Electrical resistivity (scalar)
1 m = 1 Vm/A
Electrical resistivity tensor; = ( )

1 S/m = 1 A/Vm Electrical conductivity (scalar)
1 S/m = 1 A/Vm
Electrical conductivity tensor; = ( )

or o = 4 10-7 Vs/Am Absolute, relative magnetic permeability; for convenience it
is =
o,r o 8.85 10-12 As/Vm Absolute, relative electric permeability; for convenience it is

Wuhan Lecture Notes 2016 - Electromagnetic Depth Sounding Using Natural Sources Dr. Andreas Junge

Basic Equations

If not stated elsewise the equations apply to the frequency domain with the approach , ~
and they are valid for homogeneous and isotropic media
Material relations
= (1a)
= (1b)
Ohms law
= (2)
Maxwell Equations
= (3a)

= ( + ) (3b)

() = (3c)
=0 (3d)
The following assumptions hold for the period range T>10-3s, resistivity <105m:
= = (4a)
=0 (4b)

Wuhan Lecture Notes 2016 - Electromagnetic Depth Sounding Using Natural Sources Dr. Andreas Junge

The Diffusion Equation and its Solution

Curl of (4a) yields (using (3a) and (4b) (Diffusion Equation)
2 B = (5a)
and similarly

2 E = (5b)
Characterization of the horizontal spatial dependence by Fourier-Transform into wave number do-
main kx and ky gives with = ( ; ) and 2 = || = , and = 2
B = ( 2 ) = 2 (6)
and the solution
(, ) = 0 (7)
with 0 = ( = 0, ) the field at the surface. The same solution applies for E. For a homogeneous
medium only 0 is physically meaningful.
For 2 = || 2 (plane wave approximation) it is = and it follows

(1+) (1+)
(, ) = 0 = 0 2
= 0 (7)
with the skin depth p [m]
= 503 (8)

Fig 1: Homogeneous half space, magnetic field with depth: = 100, (; 10, ),
relative Ampl.

Wuhan Lecture Notes 2016 - Electromagnetic Depth Sounding Using Natural Sources Dr. Andreas Junge

Fig 2: Homogeneous half space, electric field with depth: = 100, (; 10, ), relative Ampl.

Fig 3: Homogeneous half space, magnetic field with period: = 100, (; 10, ), relative Ampl.

Wuhan Lecture Notes 2016 - Electromagnetic Depth Sounding Using Natural Sources Dr. Andreas Junge

Fig 4: Homogeneous half space, electric field with period: = 100, (; 10, ), relative Ampl.

Fig 5: Homogeneous half space, electric current density with depth: = 100, (; 10, ),
relative Ampl.

Wuhan Lecture Notes 2016 - Electromagnetic Depth Sounding Using Natural Sources Dr. Andreas Junge

The magnetotelluric transfer function

Applying solution (7) to (3a) yields
= ( ) = ( ) (9)

Assuming that| |, | | | |, | | (negligble vertical electric currents at the surface), it is
( ) = ( ) ( ) (10)

with = =
= (1 + ) = (1 + ) (11)

as the magnetotelluric transfer function. Z can be written as = || with = 4 = +

It follows that
2 2 2 2
= | | = 0.2| | = | | = 0.2| | (12)
is the resistivity of the homogeneous half space (with Z [mV/km/nT]).
It also follows from (9) that for the plane wave approximation Bz=0!

Fig 6: Homogeneous half space, transfer functions: = 100, ,

Wuhan Lecture Notes 2016 - Electromagnetic Depth Sounding Using Natural Sources Dr. Andreas Junge

The anisotropic halfspace

Azimuthal anisotropy defined by principal axis 1 , 2 in coordinate system ( , , ) rotated by
relative to the coordinate system (, , )
1 0 0
= ( 0 2 0) (13)
0 0 3
With the rotation matrix
cos sin 0
= ( sin cos 0) (14)
0 0 1
it is
= (15)
It follows with Ohms law (2)
= = = =
= (16)

and it is
= ( 0 ) = (17)
0 0 3
The diffusion equation (5) is solved separately in ( , , ) for 1 and 2, and the solutions E are
rotated back to (, , ). Thus the MT transfer functions in (, , ) are coupled by 3 linear equations
which leads to an equation system (cf Kovacikova and Pek, 2002).
3 = (1 , 2 ) is equivalent to vertical parallel sheets with thickness and distance smaller than
the spatial resolution of the EM wave (vertical lamination), whereas 3 = (1 , 2 ) is equivalent
to horizontally elongated isolated anomalies of diameter and distance smaller than the spatial reso-
lution of the EM wave (horizontal tubes).
Dip-Rotation is defined by the rotation around the x -axis by according to
1 0 0
= (0 cos sin ) (18)
0 sin cos
and it is

= ( ) = (19)

Wuhan Lecture Notes 2016 - Electromagnetic Depth Sounding Using Natural Sources Dr. Andreas Junge

Fig 7: Homogeneous half space - anisotropic, transfer functions ,

1 = 1000, 2 = 10, = 0, = 100

Fig 8: Homogeneous half space - anisotropic, transfer functions ,

1 = 1000, 2 = 10, = 30, = 100

Wuhan Lecture Notes 2016 - Electromagnetic Depth Sounding Using Natural Sources Dr. Andreas Junge

Fig 9: Anisotropic homogeneous half space, magnetic field with depth. (; 10, ),
relative Ampl. 1 = 1000, 2 = 10, = 0 (), 30 (), = 100

Wuhan Lecture Notes 2016 - Electromagnetic Depth Sounding Using Natural Sources Dr. Andreas Junge

Fig 10: Anisotropic homogeneous half space, magnetic field with depth. (; 10, ),
relative Ampl. 1 = 1000, 2 = 10, = 0 (), 30 (), = 100

Wuhan Lecture Notes 2016 - Electromagnetic Depth Sounding Using Natural Sources Dr. Andreas Junge

Fig 11: Anisotropic homogeneous half space, electric field with depth. (; 10, ),
relative Ampl. 1 = 1000, 2 = 10, = 0 (), 30 (), = 100

Wuhan Lecture Notes 2016 - Electromagnetic Depth Sounding Using Natural Sources Dr. Andreas Junge

Fig 12: Anisotropic homogeneous half space, electric field with depth. (; 10, ),
relative Ampl. 1 = 1000, 2 = 10, = 0 (), 30 (), = 100

Wuhan Lecture Notes 2016 - Electromagnetic Depth Sounding Using Natural Sources Dr. Andreas Junge

Fig 13: Anisotropic homogeneous half space, current density x with depth. (; 10, ),
relative Ampl. 1 = 1000, 2 = 10, = 0 (), 30 (), = 100

Wuhan Lecture Notes 2016 - Electromagnetic Depth Sounding Using Natural Sources Dr. Andreas Junge

Fig 14: Anisotropic homogeneous half space, current density with depth. (; 10, ),
relative Ampl. 1 = 1000, 2 = 10, = 0 (), 30 (), = 100

Wuhan Lecture Notes 2016 - Electromagnetic Depth Sounding Using Natural Sources Dr. Andreas Junge

The layered half space (1D)

Following (7) the general solution for the electric field for the
homogeneous half space is
(, ) = + + + (20)
and with 0 it follows 0 and (9) becomes
= and using (13) it is

+ +

] = (21a)
and similarily

+ +

+ ]
= (21b)
for each section 1 and 2 in Fig.1.
Again it is +
2 = 0 and we use continuity of Ex,Ey,Bx,By at bounda-
Fig 15: 1D Situationa - schematic ry z=d, e.g. 1 () = 2 (), and thus with (14b) it is
+ 1 1
1 (
) = 2 2


and it follows

+ 2
1 1 = 2 (23a)

1 + 1 = 2 (23b)
1 1
Using sinh = 2 ( ) , cosh = 2 ( + ) it follows that

+ + = ( + ) cosh ( ) sinh and it is for section 1 in Fig.1

1 () = 2
2 [cosh(1 ( )) sinh(1 ( ))] (24a)

and with 1 = 1 it is

1 () = 2

[1 sinh(1 ( )) 2 cosh(1 ( ))] (24b)

For z=0 we calculate the impedance Zxy observed at the surface

1 +2 tanh 1
= tanh +
= 1
1 1 2

xx:c 2islayer
a correction
case factor which shows the difference to the Zxy response for the homogeneous half
space (cf (11)), it depends on 1, 2, and d.
Using (7) and (8), c can be written as

1+ 1 tanh[(1+) ]
2 1
= (26)
tanh[(1+) ]+ 1
1 2

With the approximation tanh for || 1, (19) can be written for 1 as

1+ 1(1+)
2 1
1 (27)
(1+) +
1 2

With (12) applied to (18) we get the apparent resistivitya:., equivalent to that of a homogene-
ous halfspace

Wuhan Lecture Notes 2016 - Electromagnetic Depth Sounding Using Natural Sources Dr. Andreas Junge

Case Studies:
Case 1 Resistive top layer of thickness d ( 2 1 ):
It is

1+ 1(1+) 1
2 1
1 = [2 + + ] (28)
2 1

c is a complex number which can be written as = + = || , = tan1 is the

phase of c. With (11) and (18) it is

= = 1 || = | | (29)
1 1

According to (11) it is 1 = 4
and according to (21) it is > , therefore it is

90 > > 45 (30)

for a conductor beneath a resistor.
If 2 , then 0 which is equivalent to 45 to the long period end. Using (11) and (22)
it is log = log | | = log 1 ||2 = log 1 +2log|| . As || 2 = 2 < 1 , log is shift-
1 1
ed downwards (it will never be = 2 ) which is the so called static shift phenomenon (= fre-
quency independent distortion of ).
Case 2: Conducting thin top layer ( 2 1 ( ) ):
It is
(1+) +
1 1 2
1 (1 + ) + 1 (31)
1+ (1+) 1 2
2 1

It is 1 > 1 and therefore

0 < < 45 (32)
2 2
Similarily to Case 1 it follows for the long period end that 0 and || = > 1, which again
1 1
represents the static shift of log .
Case 3: Multilayers
Expanding the 2 layer case (19) to M layers, the correction factor c is calculated by a recursion formu-
la (Wait, 1952):

+1 + tanh[(1+) ]
= with = 1, = 1, , (33)
c+1 tanh[(1+) ]+

and equivalent to (18) it is

= 1
1 (34)

In (26) index 1 is the index for the top layer, index M is the index for the homogenous subsurface at
the bottom, pm and dm are the skindepth resp. the thickness of layer m (there isnt a thickness dM of
The equation system for calculating the transfer functions for anisotropic layered half space is de-
scribed in Kovacikova and Pek (2002).

Wuhan Lecture Notes 2016 - Electromagnetic Depth Sounding Using Natural Sources Dr. Andreas Junge

Fig 16: Transfer functions for 2 layer half space, anisotropic

= 100, ,1,2 = 1000, 10, = 0 (), 30 (, )

Wuhan Lecture Notes 2016 - Electromagnetic Depth Sounding Using Natural Sources Dr. Andreas Junge

Fig 17: Transfer functions for 3 layer half space, anisotropic

, = 100, ,1,2 = 1000, 10, = 0 (), 30 (, )

Wuhan Lecture Notes 2016 - Electromagnetic Depth Sounding Using Natural Sources Dr. Andreas Junge

Fig 18: 3 layer half space, anisotropic, magnetic field for 10s and 100s at depth z=2.5km, 7.5km,
12.5 km for Hx (top) and Hy (bottom) polarizations.
, = 100, ,1,2 = 1000, 10, = 0

Wuhan Lecture Notes 2016 - Electromagnetic Depth Sounding Using Natural Sources Dr. Andreas Junge

Fig 19: 3 layer half space, anisotropic, electric field for 10s and 100s at depth z=2.5km, 7.5km,
12.5 km for Hx (top) and Hy (bottom) polarizations.
, = 100, ,1,2 = 1000, 10, = 0

Wuhan Lecture Notes 2016 - Electromagnetic Depth Sounding Using Natural Sources Dr. Andreas Junge

Fig 20: 3 layer half space, anisotropic, electric current density for 10s and 100s at depth z=2.5km,
7.5km, 12.5 km for Hx (top) and Hy (bottom) polarizations. 2nd and 3rd column top 2row figures
scale reduced by factor 5, bottom 2 row figures scale enhanced by factor 5.
, = 100, ,1,2 = 1000, 10, = 0

Wuhan Lecture Notes 2016 - Electromagnetic Depth Sounding Using Natural Sources Dr. Andreas Junge

Two dimensional conductivity distribution (2D)

0 y

Fig.21: 2D situation schematic view

For the 2D case the conductivity varies in two directions (y,z) as demonstrated in Fig.2. We regard
the distribution for the horizontal layers, i.e. the 1D case, as normal, represented by n(z). Conse-
quently the anomalous conductivity is represented by a(y,z).
Eqs (3a,b) with the plane wave assumption are sorted according to the components Ex and Bx
= 0 (35a)
TE-Mode, E-Polarization = (35b)
= (35c)
= (36a)
TM-Mode, B-Polarization 0 = (36b)
0 = (36c)
Separate solutions are required for
2 = 2
( ) =
with continuity for , and , ( being the derivative normal to the discontinuity)
we write
(, ) = () + (, ) (37a)
2 (, ) = 2 () + 2 (, ) (37b)
(, ) = () + (, ) (37c)
(, ) = () + (, ) (37d)

Wuhan Lecture Notes 2016 - Electromagnetic Depth Sounding Using Natural Sources Dr. Andreas Junge

and with

2 = 2 (38a)
(2 ) = (38b)

2 + 2 = 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 (39)
it follows for the anomalous field

2 = 2 + 2 (40)
Thus the normal field influences the solution of the anomalous field !

Similar equations hold for , but as

0 = ( = 0) = 0 0 = 0 0 = (41)
it follows that
( = 0) = 0 (41a)
Thus the information about the 2D anomaly is in the field components , , for the TE-Mode
and in the field component for the TM-Mode.
Consequently the 2D anomaly can be described by the relations
( ) = ( ) ( ) (42)

with (for the coordinate system defined above) the impedances (transfer functions) (, ) for the
TE-Mode and (, ) for the TM-Mode at profile coordinate y.
With an arbitrary strike direction (strike angle clockwise relative to the x-axis) it is

( ) = ( )( ) (42a)

with = 0 .
Further relations exist between the magnetic field components at locations 1 and 2 along the pro-
file. For arbitrary strike directions it is

( 2 ) = ( ) ( 1 ) (43)
with (, ), defining the transfer functions. In the coordinate
system defined above it is = = = 0.

The matrix( ) is called the perturbation tensor between two locations at 1 and 2 .

Wuhan Lecture Notes 2016 - Electromagnetic Depth Sounding Using Natural Sources Dr. Andreas Junge

If 1 = 2 , the relation
= + (44)

defines the tipper vector (induction vector, induction arrow) ( ) which can be divided up into a

real and an imaginary part, that is

= ( ) = ( ) + ( ) = + (45)

If ( ) and ( ) are plotted in an (, ) coordinate system, their direction is perpendicular to

the strike of the 2D anomaly (with the strike in x-direction in the coordinate system above). There are
two different conventions to visualize the tipper vector, either according to Wiese ( , resp. with
pointing towards the resistive zone) or according to Parkinson ( , resp. with pointing
towards the conductive zone.

Fig 22: Transfer functions for 2D / 3 layer case, isotropic,

sites at y = -10km (top), +10km (bottom).
= 100, . = 10,
lateral boundary at y = 0km, anomalous region for y>0km, upper boundary at z = 5km, lower
boundary at z = 10km.

Wuhan Lecture Notes 2016 - Electromagnetic Depth Sounding Using Natural Sources Dr. Andreas Junge

Fig 23: Transfer functions for 2D / 3 layer case, isotropic,

periods 10s/100s/1000s (columns), colors: , (top 2 rows), , (bottom 2 rows),
vectors: tipper (top 2rows), current density at z=7.5km (HxPol. 3rd row, HyPol. 4th row)
= 100, . = 10,
lateral boundary at y = 0km, anomalous region for y>0km, upper boundary at z = 5km, lower
boundary at z = 10km.

Wuhan Lecture Notes 2016 - Electromagnetic Depth Sounding Using Natural Sources Dr. Andreas Junge

Fig 24: Transfer functions for 2D / 3 layer case, anisotropic

sites at y = -10km (top), +10km (bottom).
= 100, . 1,2 = 1000, 10, = 0,
lateral boundary at y = 0km, anomalous region for y>0km, upper boundary at z = 5km, lower
boundary at z = 10km.

Wuhan Lecture Notes 2016 - Electromagnetic Depth Sounding Using Natural Sources Dr. Andreas Junge

Fig 25: Transfer functions for 2D / 3 layer case, anisotropic

periods 10s/100s/1000s (columns), colors: , (top 2 rows), , (bottom 2 rows),
vectors: tipper (top 2rows), current density at z=7.5km (HxPol. 3rd row, HyPol. 4th row)
= 100, . 1,2 = 1000, 10, = 0,
lateral boundary at y = 0km, anomalous region for y>0km, upper boundary at z = 5km, lower
boundary at z = 10km.

Wuhan Lecture Notes 2016 - Electromagnetic Depth Sounding Using Natural Sources Dr. Andreas Junge

Fig 26: Transfer functions for 2D / 3 layer case, anisotropic

sites at y = -10km (top), +10km (bottom).
= 100, . 1,2 = 1000, 10, = 30,
lateral boundary at y = 0km, anomalous region for y>0km, upper boundary at z = 5km, lower
boundary at z = 10km.

Wuhan Lecture Notes 2016 - Electromagnetic Depth Sounding Using Natural Sources Dr. Andreas Junge

Fig 27: Transfer functions for 2D / 3 layer case, anisotropic

periods 10s/100s/1000s (columns), colors: , (top 2 rows), , (bottom 2 rows),
vectors: tipper (top 2rows), current density at z=7.5km (HxPol. 3rd row, HyPol. 4th row)
= 100, . 1,2 = 1000, 10, = 30,
lateral boundary at y = 0km, anomalous region for y>0km, upper boundary at z = 5km, lower
boundary at z = 10km.

Wuhan Lecture Notes 2016 - Electromagnetic Depth Sounding Using Natural Sources Dr. Andreas Junge

Three dimensional conductivity distribution (3D)

0 y

Fig.28: 3D situation schematic view

For the general case it is

( ) = ( )( ) (46)

but there does not exist an angle with = = 0 for arbitrary locations.
As in (43) the relations between the magnetic field components at 2 different locations 1 and 2
are described by

(2 ) = ( ) ( 1 ) (47)
With the specific relations at a single site between and , formulated in (44) and (45).
The following case study presents some fields and transfer functions for an anomalous anisotropic
body at a depth of 5km (upper boundary), thickness 10km, and lateral extensions of 40km resp 20km
in x- resp. y-direction. The body is centered at the (x,y) origin, i.e. the boundaries are at -20km,+20km
in x-direction and -10km,+10km in y-direction. The background resistivity is = 100,
the principal resistivities of the anisotropic anomalous body are 1,2 = 1000, 10

Wuhan Lecture Notes 2016 - Electromagnetic Depth Sounding Using Natural Sources Dr. Andreas Junge

Fig 29: Transfer functions for 3d cube case, anisotropic, dimensions see text.
periods 10s/100s/1000s (columns), colors: , (2 rows), vectors: tipper
= 100, ., 1,2 = 10, 10, (top)
. 1,2 = 1000, 10, = 0 (bottom)

Wuhan Lecture Notes 2016 - Electromagnetic Depth Sounding Using Natural Sources Dr. Andreas Junge

Fig 30: Transfer functions for 3d cube case, anisotropic, dimensions see text.
periods 10s/100s/1000s (columns), colors: , (2 rows), vectors: tipper
= 100, . 1,2 = 1000, 10, = 30, (top)
. 1,2 = 1000, 10, = 45 (bottom)

Wuhan Lecture Notes 2016 - Electromagnetic Depth Sounding Using Natural Sources Dr. Andreas Junge

Fig 31: Transfer functions for 3d cube case, anisotropic, dimensions see text.
periods 10s/100s/1000s (columns), colors: , (2 rows), vectors: tipper
= 100, . 1,2 = 1000, 10, = 600, (top)
. 1,2 = 1000, 10, = 90 (bottom)

Wuhan Lecture Notes 2016 - Electromagnetic Depth Sounding Using Natural Sources Dr. Andreas Junge

Field Study 1: African Rift, Uganda (Huser and Junge, 2011)

Fig 32: Area with site locations

Wuhan Lecture Notes 2016 - Electromagnetic Depth Sounding Using Natural Sources Dr. Andreas Junge

Fig 33: Observed and modelled data (phase tensor bars)

Wuhan Lecture Notes 2016 - Electromagnetic Depth Sounding Using Natural Sources Dr. Andreas Junge

Fig 34: Anistropic model

Wuhan Lecture Notes 2016 - Electromagnetic Depth Sounding Using Natural Sources Dr. Andreas Junge

Field Study 2: Western Junggar, NW China (Ying et al, 2016)

Fig 35: Area with site locations

Wuhan Lecture Notes 2016 - Electromagnetic Depth Sounding Using Natural Sources Dr. Andreas Junge

Fig 36: Observed (top) and modelled (bottom) data (tipper vectors)

Wuhan Lecture Notes 2016 - Electromagnetic Depth Sounding Using Natural Sources Dr. Andreas Junge

Fig 37: Anistropic model

Wuhan Lecture Notes 2016 - Electromagnetic Depth Sounding Using Natural Sources Dr. Andreas Junge

Field Study 3: Pyrenees, Europe (Cembrowski et al, 2016)

Fig 38: Area with site locations

Fig 39: observed and modelled data (phase tensor)

Wuhan Lecture Notes 2016 - Electromagnetic Depth Sounding Using Natural Sources Dr. Andreas Junge

Fig 40: Anistropic model

Wuhan Lecture Notes 2016 - Electromagnetic Depth Sounding Using Natural Sources Dr. Andreas Junge

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a 3D MT Resistivity Modelling Study of the Orogen , 76th Conference of the DGG, Mnster.

Chave, A.D., Jones, A.G. (2012), The Magnetotelluric Method: Theory and Practice. Cambridge University

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model of theRwenzori Region in western Uganda, Geophys. J. Int. 185: 12351242

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anisotropic conductors Part I: Plane wave field model, Earth Plan. Space, 54, 473-482.

Liu, Y., Junge, A., Yang, B., Lwer, A., Cembrowski, M., Xu, Y. (2016), Electrically anisotropic crust and
mantle layers from three-dimensional magnetotelluric modeling in the Western Junggar, NW China,
subm. to GJI.

Mart, A., (2014), The role of electrical anisotropy in magnetotelluric responses: from modelling and di-
mensionality analysis to inversion and interpretation, Surveys in Geophysics, 35(1), 179-218.

Pek, J., & Santos, F.A., (2006), Magnetotelluric inversion for anisotropic conductivities in layered me-
dia, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 158(2), 139-158.


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