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The Individual in Small

What is needed to work well in groups?

Survival Activity

u You are stranded on a non functioning ship, in the

middle of the Atlantic Ocean, with your 2-6 fellow
u 15 objects survived the storm

u Rank their importance, and see if you will survive.

Task Roles

Its what you do.

u Directly related to the accomplishment of group goals.
u Seeking, processing, and evaluating information
Task Roles

Initiator-contributor: proposes new Opinion Giver: offers beliefs or Evaluator-critic: judges evidence
ideas or approaches to group opinions and conclusions of group
problem solving

Elaborator: explains ideas, offers Energizer: motivates group

Information seeker: asks for examples to clarify ideas members to greater productivity
information or clarification

Coordinator: shows relationships Procedural technician: performs

Opinion Seeker: asks for opinions among ideas presented logistical tasks- distributing paper,
from others arranging seating, etc.

Orienter: summarizes what has been

Information Giver: provides facts, discussed and keeps group focused Recorder: keeps a record of group
examples, and other relevant activities and progress.
Relational Roles

Its what you say.

u Help establish a groups social atmosphere.
Relational Roles

Encourager: offers praise and acceptance of Expediter: tries to limit lengthy contributions of
others ideas other group members

Harmonizer: mediates disagreement among Standard Setter: helps to set standards and goals
group members for the group

Compromiser: attempts to resolve conflicts by Group observer: keeps records of the groups
trying to find an acceptable solution to process and uses the info that is gathered to
disagreements evaluate the groups procedures

Gatekeeper: encourages less talkative group Follower: goes along with the suggestions and
members to participate ideas of groups members; serves as an audience
in group discussion and decision making
Individual Roles

Who you are.

u Dysfunctional to the group process
u Focuses more on individuals interests and needs rather than that of the
Individual Roles

Aggressor: attacks other group members, tries to take Joker: lacks involvement in the groups process, distracts
credit for someone elses contribution others by telling stories and jokes

Blocker: is generally negative and stubborn for no Dominator: asserts control by manipulating group members
apparent reason or tries to take over group; may use flattery or assertive
behavior to dominate the conversation

Recognition seeker: calls excessive attention to his/her

personal achievements Help Seeker: tries to gain unwarranted sympathy from
group; often expresses insecurity or feelings of low self-worth

Self Confessor: users the group as an audience to report

non-group-related personal feelings Special-interest pleader: works to serve an individual need,
rather than focusing on group interests
SNL Video

Leadership Roles

u Trait Theory: leaders are born, charisma, physical characteristics

u Functional Theory: leadership is learned, not one designated leader, shared
u Style Theory: style of leadership determines success
u Authoritarian, Democratic, Laissez-Faire
u Transformational Leadership Theory: leader has strong vision, challenges the
status quo, recognizes individual strengths
u Servant Leadership Theory: leader ensures that others needs are met in
order to increase teamwork
Which theory is this? Film clips.


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