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Exponents and Logarithms Unit Portfolio

Key Beautiful examples (Your assignment work here! Evidence) Amazing Narratives


Describe how you made sense of the
exponential form y = ab
-I kind of just naturally grappled onto it.
I learned how and where I need to
substitute in the numbers.

Describe how you made sense of

growth and decay rate
b = 1 + r
b = 1 r

I used graphs to learn and understand
how it works. It is also simple if it says
it is going down use the decay and
vise versa.

Describe how you made sense

of compounding interest and
simple interest?
-Well it was once again just
following how the equation is
set up.

Describe how you made sense

of compounding interest and
continuously compounding
-It is just the interest stacked
so if you use the equation and
the prompt it plays out its self.

Describe how e (Eulers

Number) can be found using
the following formula
1 n
(1 + n) (Hint: Start
with n = 1 and keep getting
bigger 10, 100, 1000, etc) What
is happening as n gets bigger?
3) Describe how you made sense
of solving for exponents in
equations when the bases can
be made the same.
-This was fairly easy each
equation had its own set of
rules and you could just add it
in and it started going, and you
can use the same equation to
reverse it.

Describe how you made sense

of solving for exponents in
equations when the bases are
not the same. (Hint: Look at
your definition of a Logarithm
-This is the same as the other it wasnt
challenging once so ever. If the base is
higher use the rule for exponents and
then play out the equation.

Describe how you made sense

4) of converting between the
logarithmic and exponential
form of an equation.
Describe how you made sense
of the Log Properties.
-This was more challenging but
if you use the equation given
and then follow the rules for log
then you will be able to create
the answer.

Part 2: Exponents and Logs Unit Reflection (4 points)

What did you grapple with during this unit?
I feel that I did pretty well. I had trouble at first but I got the hang of it.
What habits of a mathematician did you use?
I feel that I used all of them, it should be second nature at this point.
Having finished the portfolio how prepared do you feel for Fridays test? How can you be
more prepared?
I feel like the test will be easy, and I am more than

Can we go over this I was really confused the questions were dumb a didnt state clearly.


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