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Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan (STIKES) NHM Bangkalan

English for Nursing IV
(Elementary Level)
General Information
Institution : Amanah College for Health Science (STIKES) NHM Bangkalan
Program : S1 Keperawatan
Semester : 4 (Empat)
Course Name : English for Nurse (Mulok)
Lecturers : Drs. M. Zamri, M.Pd.
Course Description:
This course is designed for nurse, who deals with medical services. It is a kind of integrated
skills which combines speaking, listening reading and writing including language aspect
grammar and vocabulary related to medical field. After completing the course, the learners are
expected to have good ability to communicate in English for medical use. In classroom setting,
the learners are required to have pair conversation, group discussion, role-play, games, as well
as individual work. The classroom activities will emphasize more independence and active
participation of the learners.
Course Aim:
English for Nursing 1 is aimed to prepare learners to use a narrow range of English for nursing,
adequate for basic medical communication.
Course Objectives:
The objective of this course to enable the learner to:

familiarize both formal and informal means of communicating in English for nursing

use basic functions and grammar needed to communicate in a professional


extend basic medical vocabulary, especially those used in medical communication;

build basic listening skills;

familiarize learners to basic medical writing.

Course Contents:
After completing this course, learners will be able to
1. Understand the use of basic English structure needed for the following basic language
functions correctly:
Introducing yourself and other people
Finding out about personal information
handling admissions
Giving directions in the hospital
Describing processes
Asking and telling history
Describing people
Medical instrument
2. Use the above basic language functions appropriately;
3. Use basic medical vocabulary related to the above language functions appropriately;
4. Understand basic oral-aural English for nursing related to the above language functions;
5. Able to use some medical document in hospital
Course Design
Meeting Topic Major skill
I Handling admission 1 Introduction and medical
II Handling admission 2 Asking for details
III Handling admission 3 Filling Medical record
IV Handling admission 3 Small talk in medical record
V Handling admission 3 Giving instruction
VI Forceps please.. Giving instruction
VII Mid test
VIII Where is Operation theatre? Telling location and Direction
Receiving visitor
IX How do you feel now? Asking Patient History
X Whats wrong exactly? Asking Patient History
XI Asking medical history Asking Patient History
XII Asking medical social history Understanding past tense
XIII Asking and telling past Understanding perfect tense
XIV Asking and telling past Understanding present
activities continuous tense
XV Understanding Medical Understanding Passive Sentence
XVI Final Examination
The final grade for this course is based on the following aspects:
a. Attendance Score : 10 %
b. Participation Score : 15 %
c. Formative Score : 10 %
d. Mid Test Score : 25 %
e. Final Test Score : 40 %
Note: The minimum attendance is 80% to join Final examination.
1. Ardi, Havid. 2006. English for Nursing: Elementary. Padang: Balai Bahasa UNP.
2. Austin, David & Tim Crosfield. 1989. English for Nurse. Hongkong: Longman.
3. Glendinning. Eric H and Beverly A.S H. 1999. English in Medicine 2 nd. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
2. Jack C. Richard. New Interchange. Hongkong: Cambridge University Press.

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