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Here's what people are saying about

HypnoCounselor and author Gale Glassner Twersky

and the power of the hypnotic guided imagery process
YOU will experience in Reprogram Your Subconscious:
If you are still striving to hit your highest levels of potential and step into your real identity, give up
the struggle and get Gale Glassner Twersky's process on Reprogramming Your Subconscious . Having
diligently worked for years with self-improvement seminars, CDs, books and licensed therapists, I
experienced progress but, at my core, knew that I was not achieving the absolute changes that I
intuitively knew were possible.

After working with Gale's program, I effortlessly started to experience massive changes in my life both
professionally and personally. If I had not done the work myself, I doubt that I would have believed
what was possible. If you are serious about taking your life to the next level, I highly recommend
Reprogram Your Subconscious. If you do the work, you'll get the results. Don't miss out on this: It's
easy, it works and it transforms.
I have tried many programs that promise powerful results, and many of them are fairly good, but after
using the lessons I have learned in Reprogram Your Subconscious, I have finally achieved results that
the other programs just couldn't fulfill. I look fo rward to what other hurdles I can jump over. Thank
you so much, Gale.
- A. J. E.
HypnoCounseling has helped me to begin losing weight, slowly and steadily, without the tension,
anxiety, and guilt that accompanied previous attempts to lose weight. Just as important as shedding
the pounds is the new, positive image I have of myself. HypnoCounseling has helped me accept that
I am important and deserve to take care of myself.
- L.F.

My husband and I were having difficulty in conceiving a baby and were in the process of going
throu gh treatments. I was stressed out and having difficulty relaxing during this time and decided to
attend Hypno-Counseling sessions. I started seeing Gale and immediately felt a difference in my out-
look on conceiving a child and began to relax. Being able to take a recorded tape to use at home was
also very helpful and reinforced what Gale helped me to achieve. I am happy to say that my husband
and I are now currently pregn ant and owe a lot of gratitud e to Gale for helping us to feel more relaxed
and positive as we embarked on our journ ey to become parents.
- Karen
(P.S. Karen now has two childrenl)

After only two months I have los t 15 pounds and have not had another migraine headache. Gale, you
have made a tremendous difference in both my professional and personal life.
- G.R.

I just wanted to let you know how much your hypnosis session and tape have helped my bridge game.
I try to listen to the tape before every game. My incidences of careless mistakes and inattentiveness
have dropped noticeably. My game has definitely improved! Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- Ellen D.
I've had a good night's sleep every night since I saw Gale and started listening to the tape she made
for our session. I used to take one half of a sleeping pill every night because I needed to guarantee a
good night's sleep due to my business, which required an inordinate amount of energy every day. My
mind was overactive with stress from my business, so it was difficult to fall asleep, and then when I
awoke during the night, I couldn't fall back asleep. Now I play the tape to sleep or return to sleep and
I never get past five minutes of listening before I'm in a very restful, sound, and rejuvenating sleep.
- Janet H.

After only two HypnoCounseling sessions with Gale Glassner Twersky, I have trained myself to use
self-hypnosis successfully in treating my mental and medical problems. Using this relaxation tech-
nique has benefited me by effectively reducing my tinnitus symptoms (noise in the ear), improving
my sleep patterns, [helping me in] losing weight, and enhancing my ability to cope with stress.

When I came to [Gale] for help with my aversion to fresh fruits and vegetables , I had no idea how
effective hypnotherapy could be. I hadn't been able to eat these foods for some 30 years. If I tried,
I would just get so nauseous, I couldn't eat any of them. HypnoCounseling turn ed out to be such an
easy method of just switching things around for me. After two sessions, I was able to eat the first
banana I've had in 30 years. Now I can eat all those foods which we worked on. I'm so pleased to eat
normally again, and I really enjoy my fresh fruits and fresh vegetables! Many thanks.

After only two sessions of hypnosis, we dealt with my issues of overeating. I have now lost the weight
I wanted to lose and am keeping it off. Then we worked on my over-spending, and after only one ses-
sion, I was able to get back into following my budget. This has brought joy and so much less stress
into my life. Thank you from my heart. Your help has provided me with a se nse of joy and control
over my life that I felt I had lost.
- Dana B.
My one and only regret regarding HypnoCounseling? I wish I'd found it soo ner! I cannot even begin
to express enough gratitude for the results I have experienced. I'm finally able to sleep at night after
two years of sleep deprivation. The relationships in my life ... continu e to improve more and more
each day, as does my self-confidence and ability to handle anything that is thrown my way. I can say
without a doubt, for the first time in my 23 years of existence, I am truly happy. Thank you for this
wonderful gift.
-K'Dee C.

HypnoCounseling has helped me quit smoking cigarettes after 15 years at a pack and a half a day.
Gale ... made me feel so calm and comfortable ... like I could have done anything. It wasn't like
overcoming a terrible habit; Gale made it so easy.

Suddenly I learned I needed cancer surgery. I panicked and was terrified of every facet of the proce-
dure and all that it implied. No one could alleviate my extreme terror and concerns ... I was alone in
dealing with my feelings. Through HypnoCounseling .. . I actually became calm and serene, sleeping
like a baby every night before the surgery so that I was fully rested going into the operating room. In
addition, my recovery period was pain-free and uneventful. Even my surgeon was amazed. There's
no question that [Gale] played a major role in getting me through this horrible time in my life.
- L.K.

I am writing this because I want to express my gratitude to Gale for helping me get my life in order.
I listen to her hypnotic tape at least twice a day, and it has worked wonders for me. I am a 54-year-
old who is a type 2 diabetic, who was angry for being a diabetic and all the problems that come with
it. Since [listening to] the tape, I am a lot calmer, and when I am listening ... I can actually feel my
body try to heal itself. My feet and legs actually tingle, like they are working harder to heal them-
selves. Through Gale's various techniques I actually became a calmer and more "in tune with the
world around me person." Thank you very much, Gale.
- Dordschi Muschajew

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